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Beau garrett vs Jaimie Alexander

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Beau garrett vs Jaimie Alexander
« on: May 22, 2024, 05:34:14 PM »

Story took place shortly after first fight Blindspot was still on air

Jaimie Alexander was trying to get in the ring to get at Elyse Levesque when Beau Garrett grabbed her and pulled her from under the ropes where she was trying to slide in.

Immediately Beau and Jaimie started trading right hands.  Elyse Levesque saw Jaimie outside and knew she was trying for a cheap shot, so she’d cost Jaimie this win right now.  She went for a baseball slide, but Alexander and Garrett moved, and each turned and hit Elyse with a knee and double suplexed her on the apron.

They got up bloody mouths “in the ring!” Danay said as she rolled out “its your turn.”

They got up on the apron but couldn’t wait.  They went for straight kicks and ended up back on the ropes.  Jaimie looked down at Elyse and turned into a kick in the chest putting Garrett over the top ropes

“I’ve finally let loose, when you wake up, you’ll finally know you should never have crossed me.”

Jaimie turned around and got slapped by Beau Garrett “Bitch this is about our round 2 and finding out who truly is better.”  Beau suplexed Jaimie Alexander in the ring.

“I’m going to beat you worse than Elyse did.”

Beau tried to float over and Jaimie got her feet up and sent Beau back Down.  Beau placed her feet on the rope and when Jaimie tried to float over on top of her she pulled herself outside the ring ropes.  Jaimie got up and Beau slid under her legs and hit an upper cut to the neck that put Jaimie back into the ropes

Alexander was dazed then had her shins kick.  Jaimie fell forward and Beau played into it trying for a triangle choke, but Jaimie fought out of it and left the ring.  Beau got on her hands and knees “Walk out of the gym bitch I think you know I’m the better woman.”

Jaimie just wanted a chance to recover but this damn bitch was in her head as was Elyse.  This was a win she needed more than anything else.  Maybe more than the Olga rematch

She and Beau fought to a legit stand still.  Beau Garrett was now kicking her ass near the woman who truly beat her.  Elyse Levesque humiliated her in front of both their friends and in front of fans.  Then Beau finally steps up “Stop thinking about why its important to beat me and get in the ring so I can show you that you can’t”

Jaimie just stopped and stared up at Beau who was staying in the middle of the ring.  “What bitch you think I don’t know why you’re out there.  Thinking about Elyse thinking about me.  You hate that girl but with me you are here because you don’t like how our first fight ended and neither do I.  Get in here so I can actually end it.”

Jaime got on the apron then went back to the floor worried about Beau.  Beau saw that “I want you in here but I hear you.”  Beau backed up to a corner “You come up to the opposite corner and when you get in give me the signal and we meet in the middle and I end our conversation you started in the elevator”

Jaimie began to get red in the face and got to where she needed to be.  Avoided looking at Elyse and Beau took a deep breath and calmed herself.  This could be a tough fight and she needed to be as prepared mentally as physically.  Beau was her opponent not Elyse and it would be she who had the final word on this conversation.

“Ok I am tired of this and Elyse got up and helped me.  She is bound in this chair.”  Elyse Levesque was awake and dazed but bound to a chair.  One Arm on the outside and the other in the middle and shirts bounding her arms.  “This is between Beau and Jaimie so …”

“So come on in blindspot.”

Jaimie saw that smile of Beau Garrett return.  That smile she kept seeing last time they battled and no matter what she did Beau came back and had that smile.  “She might be your blindspot but it was me you got no excuses for and I have no excuses for you so lets…”  Beau took off her top and threw it away “Like it was last time.”

Jaimie walked to the middle she was topless.  Pale skin ready to meet the surfer tanned skin of Beau Garrett once again. Beau gave that a polite nod walked up and stopped just before breasts touched.  They both smiled and exchanged slaps.

They walked around a circle nodding both had more respect for the other this time, but Beau was watching Jaimie.  “You here with me or…”

Jaimie got in and hit two quick slaps then bounced out “That answer your question.  You get taken…”  Beau stepped in and hit two slaps back then out and they circled again.  A nod from each as they stretched their jaw to take away the slap sting.

“Maybe we earned a draw last time.  Maybe you have  some  what of a earned ego.”  Beau said

“Look at my record and you know I earned this ego and after fighting you I can see why you were such a anticipated fight when you showed up on Chuck.”

“When I walked out to start the fight, I was not acting and they had to cut to explain the scene again.  I haven’t felt like that in so long but I feel more of it now because I know I can beat you.”

Beau got caught in remembering that scene.  Jaimie made a big step threw a long jab and the big step was for the overhand right behind the punch that dropped beau “this is real life no acting.  Now I know what you are you find out who I really am.”

“That for me or her.”  Beau licked her lips looked up at Jaimie then went to kick Jaimies shins.  Jaimie moved back and away.

Beau slid back on her ass then got up “I hope its for me because I don’t want your excuses when I beat you here.  What you two do after means nothing to me what I do to you means everything.”

“Want this about you... It is now lets.”  Jaimie rushed in with punches Beau slipped away used Jaimie s momentum to push her into the corner and hit punches to the stomach.

Jaimie got her leg up tried to block it then Beau went high, and it got caught and Jaimie trapped the arm and began to hit rights to Beau’s face.  She battered Beau back to the center “I know what you are and I wont.” 

Beau ccaught Jaimies arm and threw her head forward.  Jaimie buckled then stopped Beau from pushing her back into the corner and kept Beaus arm trapped not as tight but still enough to throw her own head at Beaus face.  Both women were dazed let go of the arm trap and fell to their asses.

“Enough of this bullshit.”  Beau tried to push up and out for a drop kick from her ass.  Jaimie easily moved the worst attack Beau ever tried.

Jaimie dodged by twisting her torso then untwisted into a elbow right on the belly button then brought her knee up and kicked Beau in the face.  She looked at Elyse and knew to end this quickly would send a message.  Elyse really got a lucky win and Jaimie had to get her win in a fashion befitting Lady Sif

Beau was nearly dead weight.  That missed drop kick was stupid and Jaimies two quick counters basically ended the fight.  Jaimie grabbed Beau leg and twisted it so she had her in a single leg crab.  Jaimie sat  up and got Beau on her hip and kept Beau there leaned back to rip at Beaus leg try and get it to her head.

“She cant tap shes …”  Danay was shouting and Beau screamed then and was awake from the pain.

Jaimie turned her torso and trapped Beaus trapped leg with  her leg and underhooked Beaus arm and now had her in a twister move  “She has enough to tap out.”  Which Beau did.  She made a mistake in the fight she had trained so hard for and Jaimie capitalized.

“Fuck you Beau.. Never forget what happened here.”  Beau passed out from the pain after that but knew what she thought and it was ‘I never will’

Jaimie got up and Elyse was let go “Right now I am not going to do it… Get ready, get trained I want my rematch bitch.”

“I’ll be ready you  be ready it wasn’t a fluke I beat you but she did something she shouldn’t have and you won… I will beat you again.”  A hard staredown between Jaimie alexander and Elyse Levesque who finally agreed to have a rematch.

(Upcoming:  Jessica Biel vs Katherine McPhee; British Fight Pit; Danielle Harris vs Lacey Chabert; Katherine McNamara vs Kathryn Newton; Dina Meyer vs Victoria Pratt)