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Miley Cyrus destroys Marina Sirtis at Comic-Con

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Miley Cyrus destroys Marina Sirtis at Comic-Con
« on: May 29, 2024, 12:49:29 AM »


The crowd at Comic-Con was in shock as Miley Cyrus and Marina Siritis tumbled to the ground, their limbs flailing and their bodies colliding with unsuspecting convention-goers. It was bizarre - two celebrities from different worlds rolling around on the floor like logs. Some people tried to intervene, but Miley and Marina were so caught up in their fight that they didn't notice. They just kept rolling and rolling, their bodies crashing into people and knocking over displays and merchandise. The noise level in the convention hall was deafening - people were screaming, shouting, and trying to get out of the way of the rolling, fighting celebrities. It was chaos, and nobody could believe what they were seeing. Miley and Marina rolled into a display of comic books. Miley, in a fit of rage, grabbed one of the comics and, with a primal scream, shoved it into Marina's face. Marina screamed as the comic book's sharp corners dug into her skin. She tried to push Miley away, but Miley was too strong, fueled by adrenaline and anger. The two women continued to struggle, their bodies twisted together in a tangle of limbs and hair. The comic book was still pressed against Marina's face, leaving red marks on her cheeks and forehead. Finally, with a burst of strength, Marina managed to push Miley off of her. She stood up, panting and sweating, her face a mess of blood and ink from the comic book. Miley lay on the ground, breathing hard, her eyes wide with shock and disbelief. Marina knew she was in trouble. She was older than Miley, and the physical exertion of their fight was taking its toll on her body.

She was panting, her chest heaving as she struggled to catch her breath. Miley, on the other hand, was still full of energy. She could sense Marina's weakness. She climbed to her feet, a predatory grin on her face. Marina backed away, her eyes darting around the room, looking for a way out. But Miley was relentless, stalking towards her like a shark sensing blood in the water. "You're fucked old woman," Miley sneered. "I'm going to enjoy this. " Marina knew she had to do something - and fast. She looked around, her eyes landing on a nearby display of sci-fi props. With a burst of adrenaline, she lunged for a phaser rifle and swung it at Miley's head. Miley ducked one swing but caught it with one hand on the way back around. Miley's reflexes were quick, and she easily dodged the first swing of the phaser rifle. But Marina was faster than she looked, and she quickly reversed the direction of the swing, bringing it around Miley's head. Miley saw the second swing coming and reached out, catching the barrel with one hand. The force of the swing nearly knocked her off her feet, but she managed to hold on.

The two women struggled over the weapon, their faces inches apart, their teeth bared in snarls of rage. Marina tried to pull the rifle away, but Miley held on with a death grip, her muscles straining with the effort. "Give it up, old woman," Miley growled. "You're no match for me. " Marina gritted her teeth and pulled harder, using all of her strength to try and pry the rifle away from Miley's grip. But it was useless - Miley was too strong, and Marina was too tired. Miley released her grip on the phaser, letting Marina stumble forward off-balance. The unexpected move caught Marina by surprise, and she fell to the ground, still clutching the rifle. Miley didn't waste any time - she lunged forward and grabbed the rifle from Marina's hands, then aimed it at the older woman's head. Miley hesitated, her finger still poised over the trigger of the phaser rifle. She looked down at Marina, still lying on the ground, breathing heavily. Without another word, Miley pulled the trigger. The phaser rifle fired, sending a burst of water at Marina's head. Marina's eyes widened, and she let out a scream. Marina sat up, wiping the water from her face and hair. She looked around the convention hall, at the crowd of onlookers who were now laughing along with Miley.

"You're cruel," Marina said, her voice shaking. Miley shrugged. "Maybe. But at least I'm not a washed-up old has-been like you. " Miley continued to spray Marina with the water gun as Marina tried to crawl away. Marina's hands and knees slipped on the wet floor. Miley laughed as she watched Marina struggle, taking a sadistic pleasure in her humiliation. "Where do you think you're going? " she taunted. "I'm not done with you yet. " Marina finally managed to stand up, but Miley kept spraying her, soaking her clothes and hair. Marina tried to run away, but the wet floor made it difficult, and she kept slipping and falling. Miley followed her, laughing and spraying her with the water gun. "This is too much fun," she said. "I think I'll keep you around for a little longer.”

 Marina finally made it to the door of the convention hall, but Miley was right behind her. Marina tried to open the door, but Miley grabbed her arm and pulled her back. Miley dragged Marina to a nearby table covered in Star Wars memorabilia. She threw Marina onto the table, sending action figures, lightsabers, and other collectibles crashing. Marina tried to scramble away, but Miley grabbed her by the jaw, squeezing it tightly. "You're going to regret ever crossing me," she said, her voice dripping with malice. Marina whimpered in pain as Miley's fingers dug into her jaw. She tried to push Miley away, but Miley was too strong. "Please, Miley," Marina begged. "Stop. You're hurting me. " Miley just laughed and squeezed harder. "You should have thought about that before you attacked me. " Marina's eyes filled with tears as she realized she was at Miley's mercy.

She knew nothing she could do to stop Miley from hurting her. Miley let go of Marina's jaw and looked around the room, a wicked grin on her face. Her eyes landed on a display case containing a replica lightsaber. She could see the price tag - $440 - and she smirked. Without hesitation, Miley ripped open the box, tearing it apart with her bare hands. She yanked the hilt out of the box and examined it, a look of pure malice on her face. The crowd of nerds and collectors around the table gasped in horror. They couldn't believe that Miley was destroying such a valuable collectible. Miley paid them no mind. She just laughed and swung the lightsaber hilt around, testing its weight. "This will do nicely," she said, her voice dripping with malice. Marina tried to scramble off the table, but she was still recovering from the pain in her jaw and the shock of Miley's attack. Miley was faster, reaching out and grabbing Marina by the hair, pulling her back, and holding her in place. Marina cried out in pain as Miley yanked on her hair, twisting and pulling it until Marina was still. Miley did all this while casually searching for the activation button on the lightsaber hilt. Miley grinned as she found the button on the lightsaber. She pretended to be confused, furrowing her brow and muttering, "Hmm, I think it works like this.”

With a quick flick of her wrist, Miley activated the lightsaber, the blue blade springing to life. But instead of just brandishing it, she extended it directly towards Marina's jaw, like a punch. Marina let out a scream of pain as the blade made contact with her face, leaving a searing burn mark on her skin. Miley just laughed, pulling the blade away and then deactivating it with a flick. "Oops, my bad," Miley said with a smirk, looking around at the horrified faces of the onlookers. "I guess I need to practice my lightsaber skills. " Marina clutched her face, tears streaming down her cheeks as she realized the extent of Miley's cruelty. She knew there was no reasoning or begging for mercy. Miley was out for blood, and Marina was her target. Miley's eyes widened in surprise as she felt the heat of the lightsaber blade against Marina's jaw. She hadn't expected the blade to be hot  "Oh, this is perfect," Miley sneered as she read the box and discovered it heated up. "It's like a weaponized curling iron!”

 Marina whimpered in fear as Miley pressed the hot blade against her hair, the smell of burnt hair filling the air. Marina could feel the heat radiating from the blade, searing her scalp and causing her skin to blister. Miley laughed as she pulled the blade away. Despite Marina's screams, Miley continued to torment her. Marina tried to roll off the table to escape. "You can't get away from me, old woman," Miley taunted. "I'm going to make sure you remember this day for the rest of your life. " Marina tried to crawl away, tears streaming down her face as she struggled to escape  Miley's wrath. But Miley was relentless, following her and continuing to taunt her. "Where are you going, Marina? Don't you want to play some more? " Miley asked, her voice dripping with malice. As Marina tried to roll off the table to escape, Miley quickly moved the lightsaber underneath the table to the other side. Marina, not realizing what Miley was up to, rolled off the table and landed directly on the hot blade. As Marina fell, her shirt rode up, exposing her stomach and part of her chest.

When she landed on the lightsaber blade, not only did it burn her arm, but it also scorched her skin near her belly button, leaving a red mark. Marina gasped in pain, trying to pull her shirt down to cover the burn, but Miley was too quick. She grabbed Marina's shirt and pulled it up further, revealing more of her skin to the blade. "Look at that, a matching set of burns," Miley sneered, running the blade along Marina's stomach and chest, leaving a trail of blisters and burns. Marina screamed, begging Miley to stop, but Miley just laughed and continued to taunt her. "You know, I think you look better this way," she said, admiring her handiwork. Miley straddled Marina, pinning her to the ground. Marina struggled to sit up, and Miley allowed her to, watching as Marina fought for breath. Sweat dripped down Marina's face, stinging her eyes and adding more discomfort. As Marina sat up, she continued to lean forward until she collapsed into Miley's arms, her tears mixing with the sweat on her face. Marina tried to apologize, her words coming out in choked sobs, but Miley was unmoved. "The time for apologies has passed," Miley whispered in Marina's ear, her voice dripping with venom. Marina let out a wail of despair as she realized the hopelessness of her situation. She knew that Miley was not done with her, that she would continue to inflict pain and humiliation until she was satisfied. Miley held Marina tightly, almost like a lover. It was a cruel mockery, a reminder of Marina's helplessness. Marina sobbed uncontrollably, her body shaking with fear and despair.

Marina, in a desperate attempt to appeal to Miley's compassion, reminded her that she was 69 years old. "I'm 69 years old," Marina said, trembling. "Can't you just leave me alone? I'm too old for this. " Miley just laughed. "Age doesn't excuse bad behavior," she retorted, a cruel smile on her lips. "If you're going to be disrespectful, you should expect consequences, no matter how old you are. " Marina shook her head, her tears still falling. "I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I never meant to disrespect you. " Miley's smile turned into a sneer. "It's a little too late for apologies now," she said, her voice cold and unforgiving. "You should have thought about that before you started this whole mess. "

Marina hung her head, defeated. She knew that Miley was right - she had brought this upon herself, and she had no one else to blame. Marina, still wrapped in Miley's cruel embrace, continued to sob and apologize. But her tears were just a smokescreen, a desperate attempt to buy herself some time. Behind Miley's back, Marina's hand fumbled blindly, searching for - anything she could use to defend herself. Her fingers brushed against the hard plastic of a Doctor Who Tardis replica. It was heavy, about 13 inches tall and 8 pounds, with sharp edges that could do damage. Marina wrapped her hand around the Tardis, her grip shaky and unsure. She continued to apologize, her voice trembling with fear and desperation. Then, with a burst of strength born from desperation, Marina swung the Tardis as hard as she could, aiming for the back of Miley's head. But her age, the awkward angle, and the pain radiating through her body conspired against her. The Tardis only managed to hit Miley in the small of her back. The blow from the Tardis sent a sharp pain shooting through Miley's back, like a hot knife slicing through her skin. She gasped and stumbled backward, momentarily stunned by the unexpected attack. But Marina was already on her feet, her adrenaline surging through her veins. She turned to run, hoping to escape Miley's wrath. But she was stopped short by a sudden tug on her shirt.

Miley had grabbed a piece of fabric that had been burned through by the lightsaber, and she held on tight, refusing to let Marina go. "You're not getting away that easily," Miley growled, her eyes burning with rage. Marina struggled, trying to pull free from Miley's grasp. But the fabric was too strong, and Marina was too weak. She knew she was trapped, and she closed her eyes, waiting for the inevitable blow that would surely follow. As Marina fell to her knees, the adrenaline that had been coursing through her veins seemed to evaporate, leaving her feeling weak and drained. She screamed and cursed at Miley, her anger and frustration boiling over. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't escape Miley's grip on her shirt. Miley held on tight, dragging Marina back towards her. "You're not going anywhere," Miley said, her voice calm and measured. "You're going to stay  here and face the consequences of your actions. " Marina continued to struggle, but she knew it was futile. She was at Miley's mercy; she had no idea what kind of punishment the younger woman had in store for her. In a desperate attempt to escape, Marina threw her elbow backward, hitting Miley squarely in the stomach. Miley stumbled backward, momentarily stunned by the blow. Marina took the opportunity to crawl away, hoping to put some distance between herself and her tormentor.

But Miley recovered and lunged forward, grabbing for the hole in Marina's shirt. But the fabric was already torn, and Miley's fingers slipped through. Miley cursed and reached out again, grabbing a handful of the shirt with both hands. She dug her nails into the material, determined to keep Marina from escaping. Marina struggled and squirmed, but Miley's grip was tight. She knew she was trapped once again, and she could feel her strength fading with every passing moment. As Miley continued to hold onto Marina's shirt, the burn holes from the lightsaber began to take their toll. The fabric around the holes started to thin and weaken, stretching under the strain of Miley's grip. Marina could feel the fabric giving way, threatening to rip apart at any moment. She knew she would be at Miley's mercy. But even as the fabric stretched, Miley's grip remained firm. She was determined to keep Marina from escaping, no matter what it took. Marina felt a surge of desperation as she realized just how dire her situation had become. She knew she had to do something to escape from Miley before it was too late. Sensing that Marina had stopped crawling, Miley quickly got to her feet and kicked her onto her back. Marina let out a cry of pain as her body hit the hard floor. Miley loomed over her, a cruel smile playing on her lips.

She reached down and grabbed the bottom of Marina's shirt, pulling it up to expose the burn across her stomach. Marina whimpered in pain as the air hit the raw, exposed skin. Miley laughed and stepped down hard on the burn, pressing her foot into the wound. Marina screamed in agony, her body writhing on the floor. She felt as though her skin was on fire; the pain was so intense. Miley watched her with a satisfied smirk, enjoying the sight of Marina's suffering. "You should have thought twice before messing with me," she said, her voice dripping with malice. Miley grabbed a replica Lasso of Truth from the DC exhibit, the rope coiling in her hands as she approached Marina. She looped the lasso around Marina's body, pulling it tight across the burn on her stomach. Marina cried out as the rope tightened around her, the rough fibers scraping against her burned skin. Miley pulled harder, tightening the lasso until Marina was gasping for breath. "This will teach you to mess with me," Miley snarled, yanking on the rope with all her strength. Marina writhed in agony as the rope dug into her flesh, the pain in her stomach intensifying with every pull. She could feel the lasso cutting into her skin, and she knew that if Miley didn't stop, she would be seriously injured. But Miley showed no sign of stopping. She continued to pull on the rope, her face twisted into a grimace of hatred. Miley was ready for some more fun.

She told everybody to watch as she yanked Marina to her knees. Miley positioned herself in front of the crowd, a wicked gleam in her eye as she yanked Marina to her knees. She looked down at the older woman, her lips twisted into a cruel smile. "I have some questions for Marina," Miley announced, her voice dripping with malice. "And I expect honest answers in the Lasso of Truth. " "First question," Miley began, her eyes boring into Marina's. "Are you sorry for what you said about me earlier? " Marina looked up at Miley, tears streaming down her face. "Yes, I'm sorry," she sobbed. "I shouldn't have said those things. " Miley laughed, a cruel sound that echoed through the room. "There you have it, folks. The Lasso of Truth never lies. "

Miley looked down at Marina, a smirk on her face. "Next question," she said. "Why do you think it's your business how I dress and act during my shows? " Marina looked up at Miley, her eyes filled with fear and pain. "I. . . I don't know," she stuttered. "I just thought. . . I thought someone should say something. " Miley laughed again, her voice dripping with contempt. "Someone should say something? " she repeated.

"And you thought that someone should be you? Who are you to judge me? " Marina hung her head, unable to meet Miley's gaze. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "I didn't mean to offend you. " Miley snorted. "Offend me? You did more than offend me, Marina; You attacked me. And now you're going to pay for it. " Despite Marina's arms being free, Miley knew she was no longer a threat. The fight had gone out of her, replaced by fear and resignation. Marina's appearance only added to her pathetic state - her hair burned and sticking out in all directions, her skin blistered and burned, and her clothes torn and tattered. Miley looked down at Marina with a mix of disgust and pity. She was like a wounded animal begging for mercy.

But Miley wasn't in a merciful mood. "What should I do with you now, Marina? " Miley asked, her voice dripping with malice. "Should I let you go, or should I give you another taste of the Lasso of Truth? " Marina whimpered and shook her head, her eyes pleading with Miley to let her go. But Miley just smiled and tightened the Lasso around Marina's body, relishing the power over the older woman. Miley released the Lasso of Truth, letting the rope fall to the ground. She walked over to Marina, her boots clicking against the floor. "Your shirt," she said, eyeing the tattered fabric. "Let's get it off you. " Marina didn't resist as Miley grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head. The movement was painful, the fabric scraping against her burned skin. Miley tossed the shirt aside and looked down at Marina, now clad only in her bra and pants. She smirked and ran a hand over Marina's bare shoulder, the touch causing Marina to flinch. "Much better," Miley said, her voice dripping with satisfaction.

"Now we can get down to business. " The humiliation of being stripped down publicly was too much for Marina to bear. She broke down completely, sobbing and begging for mercy. "Please, Miley, please stop," she cried, her voice hoarse with emotion. "I'll do anything-- just don't hurt me anymore. " Miley looked down at Marina with a smirk. "Anything? " she asked, raising an eyebrow. Marina nodded frantically, her body shaking with fear. "Yes, anything," she whimpered. "Just please let me go. " Miley pretended to consider her request, her expression thoughtful. But then she shook her head and laughed. "No, I don't think so," she said.

"You've caused me too much trouble already. I think you need a little more punishment. " Marina let out a wail of despair and collapsed onto the floor, her tears mixing with the sweat on her face. She knew that Miley was unstoppable, that there was no escaping the pain and humiliation that awaited her. Miley grabbed the Lasso of Truth and yanked Marina to her knees, pulling hard on the rope to secure it. "Come on, let's go," Miley said, her voice harsh and impatient. "We're leaving. " Marina whimpered in protest, but she knew better than to resist. She struggled to her feet, her body aching and sore. Miley led Marina out of the convention center, the rope tight around Marina's wrists. People stared as they passed by, their expressions a mix of horror and curiosity. Marina hung her head, shame and humiliation washing over her. She didn't know where Miley was taking her, but whatever awaited her would be worse than anything she had experienced. Miley walked briskly, her boots clicking against the pavement. She didn't speak, focused solely on getting Marina to her destination.

Marina stumbled and tripped, but Miley didn't slow down. As Miley dragged Marina through the streets, the reality of her situation began to sink in. She knew that her career, dignity, and respect were all gone. She was a plaything for Miley's amusement, a punching bag to release her frustrations. Tears streamed down Marina's face as she thought of all she had lost. Her years of hard work and reputation are all gone in an instant. And for what? Because she had dared to speak out against Miley? Marina knew that she would never recover from this. She would be a laughingstock, a cautionary tale for others who might dare to cross Miley. She would be lucky to find work as a janitor or a dishwasher, let alone in the entertainment industry. As they reached their destination, Marina looked up at the building in front of her with dread. She knew whatever awaited her inside would be worse than anything she had experienced. Miley stopped at the bottom of the stairs, her hand still tight around the rope. She looked down at Marina and smirked. "You're going to crawl up these stairs," she said. "And I'm going to ride on your back.

" Marina stared up at Miley in horror, her eyes wide with fear. "Please, Miley," she begged. "Please don't make me do this. " But Miley just laughed and climbed onto Marina's back, her boots digging into Marina's flesh. Marina whimpered in pain as she began to crawl up the stairs, her knees scraping against the rough carpet. Miley sat on Marina's back, her weight crushing the older woman's already sore and battered body. She laughed and jeered as Marina struggled to make her way up the stairs, occasionally kicking Marina in the ribs or pulling on the rope to make her move faster. Finally, they reached the top of the stairs, and Miley climbed off Marina's back. Marina collapsed to the floor, gasping for breath. She looked up at Miley with pleading eyes, hoping for some mercy. Marina, desperate for any way to appease Miley, decided to try a different tactic. She clung to Miley's leg, her hands trembling as she tried to show obedience and hopefully lessen the consequences of her situation. Miley looked down at Marina, her expression unreadable. "What are you doing? " she asked, her voice cold and flat.

"I. . . I  want to show that I'm sorry," Marina stammered, her words coming out in a rush. "I'm willing to do whatever you want.  I just. . . I don't want you to hurt me anymore. " Miley considered Marina's words, her expression still inscrutable. "Is that so? " she said finally. "Well, that's something, I suppose. " Marina felt a glimmer of hope, but she knew it was foolish to trust Miley. The younger woman had already proven that she would go to extreme lengths to punish Marina.

But still, Marina clung to Miley's leg, hoping against hope that she might find some way to ease her suffering. As Miley unlocked the door to the room, she turned to Marina and said, "Dogs don't wear people's clothes. " Marina's heart sank as she realized what Miley was implying. She knew she was about to be stripped of the few remaining shreds of dignity she had left. "Take them off," Miley ordered, her voice hard and cold. Marina hesitated, but she knew resistance would only make things worse. With trembling hands, she removed the tattered remains of her clothing, leaving her completely naked and exposed. Miley looked Marina up and down, her eyes lingering on her breasts and hips. "Much better," she said, a cruel smile on her lips. Marina felt humiliated, her body trembling with fear and shame. She knew that whatever Miley had planned for her next would be even worse than she had already experienced. As Miley prepared for bed, she decided that Marina still hadn't been punished enough. She dragged the older woman into the bathroom, her arms still bound by the Lasso of Truth. Miley tied Marina's wrists to the steel washcloth bar in the tub, leaving her at Miley's mercy. Without a word, Miley turned on the shower, setting it to the coldest possible temperature. Marina shivered as the icy water began to pour down on her naked body.

She tried to twist away, but the rope around her wrists held her firmly in place. Miley smiled cruelly and left the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. Marina could hear Miley getting into bed as she was alone in the freezing shower. The cold water continued to pummel Marina's body all night, leaving her shivering and miserable. She knew that Miley was enjoying her suffering, that she was relishing the power she had over her. Marina knew that she was in for a long, painful night.


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Re: Miley Cyrus destroys Marina Sirtis at Comic-Con
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2024, 12:58:38 AM »