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The resort

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Offline Ashley2000

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The resort
« on: May 18, 2024, 10:32:39 PM »
Two members are the focus of this fight:;u=61392;u=85053

Dakota lounged on the chaise on the back porch of the villa, obscured from view, completely naked with her bathing suit around her but not on.  She hated tan lines.  She sipped the Pina colada and she turned her head slightly to Melissa and said, "Is this awesome, or what?" Melissa chuckled quietly.

The door opened to the villa and they heard two voices and people walking across the tile floor and then the sliding glass door opened.  Denise and Caroline walked in--with Caroline looking like she had been in prize fight. 

"What the fuck?" asked Melissa.

"Dakota, we need your help." Denise said.  She gestured to her twin.  "Some bitch got into with Caroline and then the girl's friend came out of nowhere and got involved and beat the shit out of Caroline. "

Dakota sighed.  "Okay, fine.  Where are they now?"

"Down at the beach bar."

The sun was getting low anyway, so Dakota retied her bikini and decided she would go down to the bar, make quick work of the bitch and have a happy hour drink afterwards.  The four girls marched down to the bar and Dakota suggested that they other three go find the pair that had attacked Caroline and ask them to meet in the secluded area behind the bar, surrounded by rocks so no one would see what was happening.

Dakota waited, turning her face up to the sun and enjoying the last few rays as it dipped towards the ocean.  She heard the group as the rounded the rocks into the entry way of the cove.  She smirked when she saw the other women, their number had now grown to five, and she saw immediately the woman who had beaten up Caroline, a person she would later come to learn was named Louisa.  She had an Eastern European or Russian accent and was brunette, busty and clearly had confidence.

"You jumped my friend?" Dakota asked.

"She was getting obnoxious with mine..." replied Louisa.

"Please apologize" instructed Dakota.

"Nope. She was a typical obnoxious bitch, not apologizing."

"Please don't force me to MAKE you apologize."

"Oh, hun, that will never happen,  Now why don't take your weak friend and go back to whatever rock you crawled out from before you get yourself hurt."

Dakota stepped forward.  The brunette matched her.  Dakota stepped forward again and now the brunette stepped forward and their massive chests were just barely not touching

"This won't end well for you." hissed Dakota.

The brunette stepped forward smiling.  Her breasts pressed into Dakota's and both sets mushroomed out.  "Let's see who it ends poorly for..."

And suddenly the world exploded.  The two women began swinging punches wildly at each other, both landing blows to the other's face and head as they grabbed at the other's hair and held them steady....the crowd of girls around them started to cheer. 

to be continued....


Offline Ashley2000

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Re: The resort
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2024, 05:39:00 PM »
Dakota was strong and had been in too many fights.  She had a mean streak and knew how to use her size and strength.  She had fought other women close to her size and some bigger, but it was her confidence that always ended up intimidating even the strongest opponents into eventually yielding to her.  It helped that she could also take a punch. 

But Louisa was as big and strong as Dakota and she was equally confident if not moreso.  More importantly, she didn't just have a mean streak, she was downright mean, and she looked to fight.  She loved to fight and she loved to take down other women who thought they were queens. 

The crowd cheered, and while some worried that the bar patrons would hear them, the surrounding rock of the cove actually funneled all of their noise out to sea.  The two fighters were sweaty and slick almost instantly, as their stances widened to get footing in the soft sand and their powerful legs and buttocks tensed and flexed as they tried to gain leverage.  The fight was only 2 minutes old and both women had "drawn first blood".  A nasty welt was developing under Dakota's left eye and Louisa's nose was bleeding.  Both women's powerful arms were either pumping punches furiously or yanking viciously on their opponent's hair.  A brutal roundhouse-uppercut from Louisa smashed into Dakota's gut.  A loud "Ooof" escaped the big woman's lips and her face drained momentarily.  She stumbled back, releasing her grip on Louisa's hair and for some reason Louisa released as well.

It was a devastating punch.  A lesser woman would have dropped to her knees and been battered to a pulp, but Dakota held her stance, wobbly at first and shaken, but still standing.  The color returned to her face just as Louisa, sneering, moved in for the kill.  Dakota's overhand right struck almost like a stealth bomber.  The left hook that followed was devastating as Louisa's head first snapped towards her right side and down only to meet the combination's second blow and snap back in the other direction.  A third punch from Dakota's right hand again smashed into Louisa's face squarely, blood spraying out from her nose now and immediately pouring down around her mouth.  Louisa's face was a macabre picture from a horror flick, her eyes wide as she stumbled backwards from the blows and her friends gasped and cheered her to recover. As she stumbled, Dakota chased her a bit and hit her again, with a glancing blow off the top of her head that seemed to be minor, but somehow was enough to set her off balance the big European fell on her ass.

Dakota was quick to move towards her, but was caught with a wicked kick to her pussy.  The blow caused her to wince and yelp and one of her friends to yell, "Low blow!" but one of Louisa's countered with "Fuck you, it's a fight, there are no rules!"

The blow to the flimsy bathing suit bottom pulled one of the ties on her hip out so the suit fell to one side, exposing her shaved pussy.  No one cared, not even Dakota and she didn't even seem to notice.  She wanted to beat the shit out of this bitch, who scrambled back to her feet quickly with the opportunity afforded her by the kick.  Dakota was raging now and moved in quick.  She swung a punch that had it connected, might have knocked Louisa out but the Russian blocked and twisted, and countered with series that punches that hit like pistons, left tit, gut, left tit, face, left tit, and face again.  Dakota's lip started to bleed, her breasts, both of them, were driven out of her flimsy top and now she was essentially. naked.  She didn't care though and ironically, the wild swings that Louisa threw caused her bikini top to break free as her big breasts swung with the momentum of her body.

The punches had hurt Dakota and she was stunned, Louisa seemed reinvigorated and her face was a mask of intensity.  Dakota tried to counter, but the punch was glancing at best, and Louisa began to pound Dakota's face, breasts and body as her foe tried in vain to defend herself.  The punches were brutal and Dakota was hurt.  Her nose was now bleeding and her left eye, which had been just a welt, was starting to swell.  For some reason, the big bitch was targeting her breasts and they were bruising and swelling.   The world was beginning to spin so she charged forward and wrapped up with Louisa.  Their big breasts pressed together and the sweaty flesh slid easily across one another.  Louisa's breasts compressed hers, to her disappointment, and hers were bruising so it hurt more than it should, but her ego was also injured by that. She grabbed Louisa's bathing suit bottom and instinctively yanked up, the flimsy fabric momentarily dug into Louisa's crotch, but then tore free, leaving both women naked.  The double bearhug an immediate battle of strength and will.  Their bodies were pressed together and their powerful arms cinched pressure onto their foe.  Their chests were compressed and their breathing was made more difficult.  Their legs and buttocks strained against one another.  Louisa's hot breath was in Dakota's ear "I'm gonna beat you and then face fuck you bitch..."  and she punctuated that with an incredibly powerful squeeze that caused Dakota to yelp in pain. 

Dakota retaliated by squeezing back.  Her face tightened up into a twist of pain and exertion as she crushed Lousia's lower back and lifted her off the ground.  Louisa's legs flailed and arms release as she threw her head back in a yelp of pain and Dakota tried to throw her down but the other woman was able to grab her again, thwart the effort and the two returned to a mutual bearhug, struggling with one another.  Louisa's legs proved stronger and eventually she drove Dakota backwards, slamming her into the jagged rocks.  Her naked back crashed into the rock and Louisa slammed her heavy weight into her again. Dakota moaned and winced in pain.  Dakota growled and dug her sharp claws into Louisa's full, taut, buttocks.  She left long deep welts and trails of blood.  Louisa growled in pain, leaned in, and sunk her teeth into Dakota's shoulder causing the other woman to scream in agony.  Dakota took her claws and raked Louisa's face and eyes causing the olive skinned woman to shriek and stumble back as the two broke their grip on one another, gasping for breath.

Dakota momentarily leaned on her knees as Louisa put her hands on her hips.  They waited a moment, both in pain.   They both started to step towards each other, Dakota swinging first.  Louisa dodged it and the blow carried Dakota a little off balance.  It was sluggish and weak anyway.  Both girls cheering sections screamed for them to finish the other woman.  Louisa countered with a series of punches, all to Dakota's head and face.  Her head snapped side to side as she was unable to defend herself well, her hands up defensively and flailing but Louisa's powerful punches left her punch drunk and she dropped to her knees.  The big dark woman moved in quick, grabbed her hair with her right hand, widened her stance and swung big left hooks into Dakota's face.  The thud of the blows echoed through the cove as Dakota's head bounced from the punches.

Her friends screamed for her to get up and attack Louisa.  Louisa wasn't giving her a chance, she grabbed Dakota's head with both hands and kneed her in her face and chest wildly.  The blows were brutal.  Dakota was desperate, but wasn't quitting, she wrapped her arms around Louisa's thighs and tried to bring her down.  At first she failed but then she found her mouth dangerously close to the big woman's labia and she did what she had to, she bit down.  The screech from Louisa was ear splitting, she went down and Dakota sluggishly tried to scramble on top of her.  Both women were covered in sand now, sticking to their bodies from the sweat that they were drenched in.  The sand was gritty and caused them both pain as their flesh now did damage simply by rubbing across one another.  They were in a desperate catball now, a test of which woman was stronger, which was better, who was the true alpha.  Their breasts crushed each other and rubbed viciously the sand causing their nipples to bleed and become raw.  The bite to Louisa's pussy had brought tears to her eyes but she wasn't crying.  They rolled about, first one on top and then the other, all the while their friends cheering them on.  It was a true test of powerful woman versus powerful woman but only one would prove to be the better, stronger and ultimate victor. 

Their muscles strained as their shaved pussies rubbed together and the grit of the sand made the weapons unto themselves.  Their arms burned with exhaustion as they clawed and tore at each other's bodies.  Louisa was stronger though, and ultimately she ended up on top.  She overpowered Dakota and maneuvered into a straddling position.

"Dakota, don't let her get you there!"


"Dakota, GET UP!" yelled her friends. 

"I'm TRYING!" yelled the big woman, pinned beneath her foe.

"Finish her, LOU!"

"You got her now Louisa"

"Beat the cow bitch, Louisa!"  yelled Louisa's friends.

And she did.  Louisa rained punches down onto Dakota' s face and tits as Dakota struggled to defend herself and tried to grab at Louisa's big breasts and wrists, and tried to buck her off unsuccessfully.  At one point, Dakota grabbed Louisa's nipples and twisted fiercely, causing Louisa to pause and growl in pain, but then she retaliated by doing the same and in the test of wills, Dakota yielded, first, her nipples already more raw and blood from the damage they had suffered.

While Louisa tired slowly, she did not stop punching Dakota.  Dakota's struggles slowed as well and she knew that she had been beaten.  As her face swelled even worse, her tits bruised and battered, she mumbled, "Fuck you bitch, you win....get off me..."

Louisa stopped and sighed.  She got up and looked at her friends and raised her arms in victory, though she didn't look very victorious.  She stomped on Dakota's pussy once for good measure, causing the supine bitch, tits up, to convulse. 

As she started to walk away, she suddenly stopped and said, "wait..." she turned back to Dakota, who hadn't moved yet.  "I promised you something else!" and she maneuvered quickly over Dakota's face, squatted, grabbed Dakota's hair and rubbed it aggressively into her pussy as she gyrated her hips.

The crowd of Dakota's supporters quickly moved in to stop it and things got a little rowdy as Louisa was pulled off, but nothing more transpired.  Her friends helped her to her feet, battered and defeated.

"Holy shit...holy fucking shit...." Dakota mumlbed...

"I'm sorry" Caroline said, "It's my fault... I'm sorry..."

Dakota leaned against one of her friends, "Holy shit...that bitch got me good...mother fucker....." 


Offline Ashley2000

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Re: The resort
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2024, 06:48:22 PM »

Dakota took the week to physically recover, though it would take weeks to fully recover.  She couldn't get over the loss, her first, and she thought that had things been slightly different, she would have come out the winner.  She and Louisa and both friend groups avoided one another until the last night, when both groups were in the dance club enjoying their last hurrah.  Both Dakota and Louisa were in skimpy outfits, heavily made up and were drinking, so they both steered clear of one another. 

At one point, Dakota was taking a break sitting at a table with Caroline.  "You had that bitch." Caroline said, looking at the very darkly tanned olive-skinned brunette dancing on the floor.  "You had that bitch, I can't believe she got you."

"Me neither," mused Dakota, her ego more bruised than her body this time.  She stared at Louisa, who caught her eye, and neither looked away.   After several seconds of a stare down, Louisa flipped her off and smiled, knowing she was the alpha.

Dakota's entire body tensed.  She almost got up and charged the bitch again. 

At 3 am, the club had cleared and Dakota and her friends were leaving.  As they walked on the veranda towards their villa, they heard a group of people out at the beach head by a fire pit... "....yeah, you got that bitch good!  All arrogant and shit, and then you face-fucked her!  You fucking rocked her world, Lou!"

Dakota snapped and walked briskly towards the voices.  Her friends followed.  Louisa and her friends saw them coming, Louisa put her drink down and began walking towards Dakota.

It's all about the confidence. 

The fight was over in less than 2 minutes.  Louisa pounded Dakota like she had never been beaten in her life.  Fists, knees, hair yanking.  She woman-handled Dakota in a way that left her friends stunned into silence.  If Dakota got in two good punches it was a lot.  Louisa, grabbed her by her hair and dog-walked her away from the fire and the resort and a little onto the beach, where she rolled her onto her back, moaning. 

"Now I'm really gonna face fuck you..." she hissed, reaching under her skirt and pulling off her black lace thong panties.  Dakota moaned, but put up no resistance.  She had been beaten too soundly.  Louisa placed her pussy over Dakota's mouth and instructed, "Pleasure me, bitch..."  and Dakota reluctantly began to lick and tantalize Louisa, who shortly thereafter exploded in an orgasm all over Dakota's face.

It's all about the confidence, and once you've beaten someone, you've alway got the advantage....


Offline BadBitchDana

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Re: The resort
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2024, 05:39:41 PM »
This was so Hott. I would love some follow up. Such as what Dakotas friends were thinking and how Dakota changed after this humiliating beat down. How her life was after etc. Wow, very well done. Thank you.