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Ladies Pro Wrestling 117

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Offline The Midnight Rider

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  • *****
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Ladies Pro Wrestling 117
« on: July 08, 2024, 05:44:49 AM »
Our opening match is Lillian who weighs in at 145 and is wearing a blue and red one piece. Her opponent is Chelsea who weighs in at 195 and is wearing a burgundy and black one piece. Chelsea would show a new level of aggression. As she would use her size to dominate Lillian from the word go. First she put Lillian in the corner and repeatedly drive her elbow into Lillian’s midsection. Then Chelsea would snapmare Lillian over and lock on a headlock while also verbally berating her opponent. Next for Chelsea would be to whip Lillian back into the corner and then she would get a running start and splash Lillian so hard that she just collapsed in a heap to the mat. Chelsea would then tell the crowd that she was bored. With that comment she would stick Lillian’s head between her thick legs. From there Chelsea would hoist Lillian up into the air and drive her down with force with a viscous powerbomb. At that point it was academic as Chelsea simply placed one foot on Lillian’s chest as the referee counted to three. After the match Chelsea would pose for the crowd as the referee and trainer would check on Lillian who was completely knocked out. Your winner of the match is Chelsea.

Our next match is Mitzi who weighs in at 165 and is wearing a yellow and black two piece. Her opponent is Emily who weighs in at 145 and is wearing a red and white two piece. Despite being a rookie Emily would show no fear against Mitzi who is well known for her viciousness. For nearly ten minutes Emily would frustrate Mitzi with constant reversals. Then after Mitzi would attempt a swinging neck breaker. Emily would break free and nail Mitzi with a DDT she would then go for a cover. But Mitzi being the vet that she is was able to put her foot on the bottom rope right before the count of the three. Emily wouldn’t be deterred though as she would pick Mitzi and whip her into the ropes and attempt a back body drop. However Mitzi would have it scouted out and blast Emily in the face with a big knee. From there Mitzi would successfully nail Emily with a swinging neck breaker. Then she would sit Emily up and apply the oriental spike. Immediately Emily would begin to flail her arms and foam at the mouth. Finally after a few more moments the referee would call for the bell as Emily simply couldn’t defend herself. After the match Mitzi would look down as Emily’s body was twitching and she would wipe the foam from Emily’s mouth and rub it across her chest. Then she would strut around the ring and laugh maniacally at the damage she had done. Your winner of the match is Mitzi.

Our next match is Rachel who weighs in at 155 and is wearing an orange two piece. Her opponent is Andrea who weighs in at 145 and is wearing a grey and pink two piece. A lock up would start the match with Rachel gaining the upper hand with a wrist lock. From there Rachel would trap Andrea in a headlock. But Andrea would use her strength to reverse it into a head scissors. Eventually Rachel would maneuver her way over to the ropes and break the hold. Andrea however would only give a Rachel a moment to get her feet as she started hammering blows directly to Rachel’s back. From there Andrea would scoop Rachel and deliver a big back breaker leaving Rachel crying out in pain. But despite that Rachel was able to kick out. Andrea would then argue with the referee about a slow count. That momentary distraction would give Rachel the opportunity to get back to her feet. And when Andrea turned around she was met with a clothesline. From there Rachel would connect with a several chops to Andrea’s chest. Rachel would then whip Andrea hard into the corner. After signaling to the crowd that it was over Rachel would set Andrea up for the bulldog. However Andrea would have a different idea as once Rachel got a running start. Andrea would grab a handful of Rachel’s bottoms and hoist her up for a massive back body drop. From there with her opponent on the ground Andrea would roll Rachel over on her stomach and slap in the camel clutch. Rachel would scream out in pain and try to break free. But once Andrea was able to completely dig her feet into the mat Rachel had no other option but to tap out. After the match Andrea would drop Rachel to the mat and arrogantly stand over her broken opponent for a few moments. Your winner of the match is Andrea.

Our final match of the evening Megan who weighs in at 130 and is wearing a zebra striped two piece. Her opponent is Hailey who weighs in at 175 and is wearing a pink two piece. Knowing that she would be giving up size. Megan would use her speed to throw Hailey off for the first few minutes of the match. Eventually Hailey would catch Megan and throw her around and eventually into the turnbuckles. From there Hailey would unload with three huge chops with last one bringing Megan to her knees. Then with Megan on the ground Hailey would tell her that it was time for some fun. As she would pick Megan and whip her into the turnbuckles and attempt a clothesline. But Megan would duck it and come back if the ropes and land a big dropkick that would send Hailey sailing out of the ring. The referee would begin the ten count while Hailey would get her feet and recompose herself. Hailey would then reenter the ring at the eight count. Megan would quickly jump back on Hailey with a barrage of punches and kicks. But Hailey would regain the upper hand when she landed a stiff shot to Megan’s stomach. Hailey would then take Megan by the hair and drive her head into the top turnbuckle repeatedly. With her opponent now dazed Hailey would then set Megan up for a big suplex. But Megan would stop Hailey by driving her leg into Hailey’s gut. Then Megan would whip Hailey into the turnbuckles. From them she would sit Hailey up on the top rope and land a beautiful suplex. With Hailey on the ropes Megan would see her opening and quickly apply the cross face. Hailey would immediately begin to scream out in pain. As Megan would scream at her to tap out. But somehow Hailey would find the strength while still in the cross face to pick Megan and drive her back into the corner. Both girls were completely exhausted and dripping with sweat as they would lay on the mat while the ref counted to ten. Finally at the nine count both girls made it to their knees. From there they would exchange chops until they both got to their feet. Megan would try to strike again as she would whip Hailey into the ropes. She would then try to land another hurcanrana. But once she was in position for it. Hailey was able to stop her momentum and quickly out Megan in place and spike her head first with a thunderous piledriver. At that point it was academic as Hailey would hook Megan’s legs as the ref counted to three. After the match Hailey would sit in the corner and try to get the pain out of her shoulder. While Megan would lay on her stomach and clutch her neck. Eventually Hailey would walk over and help Megan up to her feet. Then both girls would embrace in a hug. Megan would then tell Hailey that she would like to run this back one day. Hailey would simply nod her head and walk over and climb the second rope and acknowledge the crowd. The winner of the match is Hailey.