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Over a guy, what a cliché

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Offline Charlene

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Over a guy, what a cliché
« on: June 06, 2024, 12:23:23 PM »
Two Black women, formally friends, have been squabbling over a guy they're both seeing, and since they both began sleeping with him, it's gotten a lot worse.  Finally, they decide they have to meet to 'talk it out', even though they both know what that really means.


Offline Dicey_Kate

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Re: Over a guy, what a cliché
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2024, 12:56:40 PM »
Two Black women, formally friends, have been squabbling over a guy they're both seeing, and since they both began sleeping with him, it's gotten a lot worse.  Finally, they decide they have to meet to 'talk it out', even though they both know what that really means.

I hate fighting over guys. If you ever do it once; they will expect you to do it again and again. That being said I’ve cast my vote :)


Offline JT Edson

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Re: Over a guy, what a cliché
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2024, 03:10:39 PM »
I like cliche.  Lol.
To me, this is sexy.