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Triangle of Lust (Chapters 1 to 6)

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Offline kamafight666

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Triangle of Lust (Chapters 1 to 6)
« on: June 09, 2024, 09:10:11 PM »
Chapter 1 - Orla and Oonagh 

Orla leaned against the white Ford Transit van, parked in the parking lot of the Ohio bus depot. The parking lot was empty except for Orla and her van.

It was around six in the evening. The sky was grey, but it was warm, and the low thunder sounded ominous.

Orla was certain that it would rain in a while. In fact, the air already smelled of rain.

Orla was a tall black woman. Her body was muscular - Orla worked out regularly and ate four pounds of beef steak every day. 

Her confident and nonchalant body language gave her an air of both toughness and cockiness.

Her long wiry coiled hair bestowed a touch of femininity to her otherwise tough demeanor. The wiry hair rustled in the cool early evening wind.

Orla’s powerful dark brown arms were folded across her protruding chest. Her large fingers were inserted in the crevices of her elbows.

Behind her powerful arms, Orla’s nipples were rock hard.

There was a reason for Orla’s sexual excitement as she leaned against her van.

Orla was waiting for Oonagh. 

Oonagh was Orla’s ex-partner in crime. They used to rob banks together. They had also been lovers. Once upon a time.

They used to be known as “The Black Pumas” among the cops across the small towns of Ohio.

They had been two of the most notorious pair of black female robbers in the history of Ohio.

This was before Orla had gotten married to Mona Moorhen. Orla hadn’t robbed banks after she got married to Mona.

Being married to Mona was a chore in itself.

Oonagh also has not robbed banks in a while. She worked in construction, as far as Orla knew.

All this was going to change. Orla and Oonagh were going to hit a bank again. The return of the Black Pumas.

The heist would involve one more person other than Orla and Oonagh.

Mona. Orla’s wife.

Mona was going to drive them.

Mona as the getaway driver and Orla and Oonagh as the robbers.

Orla and Oonagh had not talked to each other since Orla had got hitched with Mona.

Nothing like a fleshy Texan femme fatale like Mona to tear two bank robbers and lovers apart ….. and bring them back together.

Orla gulped as she thought about the situation. Orla was certain that Oonagh would make a move on Mona.

Mona with her beautiful fleshy milky white redneck body.

Orla’s cxnt itched at the thought of pulling a job with Oonagh with Mona as their getaway driver.

It was almost as if Mona was tying the two of them back together.

After the job, the three of them would be cooped up together in some remote hideout.

Orla knew she would not be able to contain herself if Oonagh made a move on Mona.

But another part of Orla longed for this triangular interracial sexual tryst between her, Oonagh and Mona.

The impending sexual competition between her and Oonagh over Mona’s body excited her. Got her nipples hard and her cxnt wet.

In a way, Orla was looking forward to it. The sexual excitement of it. The lusty competition of it.

Orla’s thoughts were interrupted by a trickle of people walking out of the bus depot.

Orla did not have to look too hard for Oonagh.

When Oonagh walked out of the bus terminal, she towered over the rest of the travelers.

She stood out from the squares. There was a cool animalism in the way she walked. She exuded an easy danger.

Oonagh did not carry a bag like all the other suckers.

Oonagh oozed sex and eroticism, the way her large breasts jutted out of her shirt.

Oonagh had taken care of herself. She was fit and slim. Like Orla, her wiry and coiled afro hair bobbed as she walked among the sea of humanity.

Orla thought Oonagh must be in her late thirties, just like her.

Then Oonagh saw Orla and a sly smile appeared across her face. It was the smile of a woman who knew she made people uncomfortable.

Oonagh knew she made Orla uncomfortable.

Orla stood where she was, leaning against the Ford Transit van.

Let Oonagh come to her. She was not about to lay out a red carpet for Oonagh.

Oonagh left behind the sea of humanity with which she walked out of the bus depot and began to walk towards where Orla leaned against the van.
Oonagh shook her hips as she walked towards Orla, putting on a little show. Telling Orla that she still had it.

Orla waited with bated breath. Her own breasts heaved under her folded arms. She could feel her nipples throbbing with lust for Oonagh, her old lover and partner in crime.

Oonagh stopped a couple of steps away from Orla. The heavy smell of Brute perfume emanated off Oonagh. Oonagh always liked to wear that perfume to intimidate her lovers.

Orla had bathed in the musky odor of Brute perfume when she and Oonagh had wild animalistic sex back when they were lovers.

Oonagh wore a thin smile as she met Orla’s glare. Orla’s face was impassive. Her nipples were throbbing, and her cxnt was screaming with lust.
Orla hoped Oonagh would not catch the fact that she was trying to hide her sexual arousal. She knew it was a facile endeavor. She and Oonagh had crawled over each other’s bodies once upon a time. They knew each other inside out.

“You gonna give your old friend a hug?”, asked Oonagh, the slight world-weary smile still adorned her face.

Orla unfolded her hands and faced Oonagh.

“I see that you’re traveling lightly”, said Orla in a sarcastic voice, gesturing at Oonagh’s empty hands.

“You know I don’t carry no bags around”, said Oonagh.

Orla tried to stifle a laugh. It was always like that during their thieving days. When they were on the run, Oonagh always depended on Orla for her clothes, undergarments, deodorant and soap.

Orla took a step towards Oonagh. Oonagh took a step towards Orla.

Orla was the first to embrace Oonagh.

She threw her arms around her ex-partner, her ex-lover and soon to be sexual rival.

A second later Oonagh also threw her arms around Orla.

The two women clutched each other tightly. They could smell each other.

They tightened their grips around each other’s bodies.

Breasts pummeled each other and the two women grunted.

Their faces were inches apart. They had not stared into each other’s chocolate brown faces in a long time. Their faces were still young.

They gripped each other’s body tightly.

They danced around a little. Like two drunken lovers in the empty parking lot.

Or like two female warriors trying to physically subdue the other woman.

Their faces were serious but they both knew they were trying to hide barely concealed lust from each other.

Then Oonagh plunged her mouth onto Orla’s mouth.

Orla was ready.

Their mouths locked and fastened together. Both women gasped as their tongues met.

Orla and Oonagh tasted each other after years.

Chapter 2: Mona

“How’s Mona?”, asked Oonagh. She sat in the van’s front seat with Orla.

Oonagh squeezed Orla’s thigh as she asked the question. Orla let out a little gasp at Oonagh’s touch.

Orla drove the car out of the bus depot.

“She is just fucking dandy”, said Orla.

Orla took one hand off the steering and squeezed Oonagh’s thigh. Oonagh let out a little yell.

“Why are you talking like you got ants in your pants?”, asked Oonagh.

Orla took her hand off Oonagh’s thigh and placed it back on the steering wheel. She did not answer Oonagh’s question.

“What happened friend, you and Mona having problems?”, asked Oonagh.

“Don’t get me started, Oonagh”, said Orla. Oonagh sensed resignation in Orla’s tone.

“What happened Orla? What is it? You two having problems in bed?”, asked Oonagh, she continued to rub Orla’s thigh.

Orla squirmed in her seat as Oonagh pleasured her thick thigh.

“Well, what can I say. The woman wants it all the damn time”, said Orla, shaking her head.

There was no point lying to Oonagh. The woman was like a fox and could smell blood even if she was ten miles away.

“Mona is a sexual being. Is that what you’re saying?”, asked Oonagh, adopting a real sleazy tone. 

“A fucking randy slut is what she is. Wants to bump cxnts all the damn time”, said Orla, sighing.

She was getting excited by Oonagh’s hand working on her thigh and the trash talking about Mona. 

“Bump cxnts. Has a nice sound to it Orla”, said Oonagh, in a dreamy and sensual voice.

“Don’t get your hopes up, Oonagh. You best keep your panties on, and your pants zipped. You ain’ t getting into my wife’s underwear”, said Orla feistily, her eyes on the road.

“Now now, Orla. Don’t get all jealous and possessive. You know how it is with us thieves. We share everything. Not just the loot”, said Oonagh in a sly and seductive voice.

She kept pleasuring Orla’s thigh. Orla’s head was swimming in lust and her nipples threatened to burst out of her tight shirt.

“No fucking way Oonagh. Keep your hands off my Mona”, said Orla in a threatening voice.
Oonagh pinched Orla’s breast. Orla let out a little yelp.

“Maybe I should jump into bed with you and Mona, and I could really spruce you and your redneck wife’s sex life”, said Oonagh.

“You’re one sordid bitch, Oonagh”, said Orla.

Her breasts heaved. It wasn’t even ten minutes since she had met Oonagh after years, and they were already fighting over Mona like a couple of bitches in heat.

“Oh, come off it, Orla. You and me, we have shared some fleshy bitches in our time, haven’t we?”, asked Oonagh, cackling a little.

“Mona is my lawfully wedded wife, Oonagh. You ain’t laying a finger on her body. Mona’s body is mine and mine alone”, shouted Orla and she took a hand off the steering wheel and pinched back at Oonagh’s breast.

Oonagh let out a howl of pain.

“You can’t stop nature’s way, Orla. You, Mona and Me, we are sexual beings. You cannot prevent the inevitable”, said Oonagh, holding a hand to the breast Orla had pinched on. 

“We’ll see”, huffed Orla.

“We’ll see”, puffed Oonagh.

Chapter 3 – Orla, Mona and Oonagh

The world goes around on the horniness of women, some wise man or woman had once said.

As Orla parked the van into the driveway, the door to the little orange brick house opened and a large white mass of flesh stepped out partially.

It was Mona.

When Orla and Oonagh got out of the van, Mona was hanging out of the door.

Oonagh’s mouth dropped at the sight of Mona.

She was wearing a small cotton pantie that was bunched up against her crotch.

A fleshy white leg hung out of the doorway. The other leg was inside and could not be seen.

Mona wore a sleeveless blouse that left nothing to the imagination.

Her melonlike breasts hung against the blouse with the nipples making a particularly prominent shape.

Mona was clearly not wearing a brassiere.

Oonagh gulped and she and Orla glared at each other as they walked towards Mona.

Mona watched the two black women approach. Mona admired their athletic figures. She liked the large but taut breasts jutting off Oonagh’s chest.

She would have liked Oonagh’s tough breasts jostling against her own soft breasts right that moment.

Mona had been around. She knew there was sexual tension between her wife and her wife’s ex-lover.

“Welcome Oonagh”, said Mona and she looked lustily at the tall and muscular black woman.

Mona’s thick blonde hair was unruly and unwashed.

Mona looked like she had not bathed that day.

Orla looked on with naked jealousy. She felt like Mona and Oonagh had exchanged a knowing glance of a distinctly sexual nature. As if they had slept with each other before.

Mona stepped out of the doorway. She was barefoot. Her feet were large and pink. Mona was one big mass of pink, white fleshiness.

She walked towards Oonagh, threw her arms around Oonagh’s neck and planted a kiss on her lips.

Oonagh placed her hands on Mona’s ample hips.

Orla gulped.

Mona’s breasts rubbed against Oonagh’s breasts.

They let their breasts linger together for a moment before Mona broke away.

Orla seethed as she watched them.

“Damn Mona! You look as fine as you did on your wedding day”, said Oonagh, eyeing Mona up and down, undressing Mona with her eyes.

“And you look damn fine yourself, Oonagh. You don’t miss a day at the gym do ya”, said Mona, admiring Oonagh’s muscular arms.

In the evening light, Mona realized Oonagh and Orla looked like twins. Like doppelgangers. They were two sizzling black beauties.

Mona had always had a secret fetish for muscular and aggressive black women.

“This ain’t no gym body, Mona. What you’re looking at is a chain gang body. I work in construction”, said Oonagh proudly.

Orla looked sharply at Oonagh and Mona and sensed the budding sexual chemistry between them.

The three women eyed each other.

The three women sensed a triangle forming between them already.

A triangle laced with sex, jealousy, lust and longing.

“Why don’t we all go inside. I made some steaks for dinner”, said Mona, acting like she was wife to both Orla and Oonagh.

The trio went inside.

Chapter 4 – The Plan

“I have been tipped off about a bank by an old friend of mine. It is a bank where the mob launders all their dirty money”, said Mona.

The three women sat across each other in the small living room. Oonagh and Mona side by side on the sofa. Orla in a chair facing them.

Orla looked at Mona’s pantie clad groin. She could see the hair under them. The pantie looked a bit wet.

Orla ‘s heart was thumping with excitement.

This whole affair was conjured up by Mona. Inside that redneck brain of hers.

She watched Oonagh and Mona, her breasts heaving with sexual arousal.

Oonagh and Mona could not keep their eyes off each other. Oonagh had her eyes fastened upon Monas breasts.

“When do we do it?”, asked Oonagh.

“8 am tomorrow morning when the bank opens”, said Mona confidently, perking her breasts up in the air for Oonagh to admire.

Oonagh let out a whistle.

Orla watched her ex-lover and her wife. They were acting like she did not exist.

“8 am tomorrow is a bit too soon, don’t you think?”, asked Oonagh.

“The mob drops off bags of cash every Wednesday evening at the bank. Today is Wednesday. We hit the bank first thing tomorrow morning. Or the mob money gets eased into the cash at the bank”, said Mona.

“So, time is not a luxury”, said Oonagh, thoughtfully while also eyeing Mona’s large breasts.

“You can say that again”, said Mona. She was really flirting with Oonagh.

“I have checked the place out already. It should be an easy hit”, said Orla, barging into the conversation.

Oonagh’s face turned to Orla and their eyes met. The two women glared at each other.

Mona watched the two black beauties glare at each other. She was once again struck by how equally matched they were. Her nipples throbbing as she gazed at the two muscular beauties.

Mona wondered whether the three of them would sleep together tonight.

“Then let’s do it”, said Oonagh, holding the mutual stare down with Orla.

“That’s it then. We hit the bank in the morning. I’ll drive the car. You both go in and get the cash”, said Mona, sitting up on the sofa, her breasts hanging down.

The sleeveless blouse looked like it might tear from the weight of Mona’s breasts.

Oonagh looked towards Orla again. Their eyes met and locked in a mutual glare. Mona smiled.

She knew there was a silent squabble between the two muscular black women over her fleshy milk white body.

“I say we hit the bed. We need to wake up real early”, said Orla in a cold voice and looked towards Mona, as if she was laying her claim on her wife.
Orla’s tone indicated to Mona that there would be no threesome tonight. Orla was not ready to share her with Oonagh.

“So be it. Let’s hit the bed”, said Oonagh. She seemed to have accepted that she would not be able to jump into bed with Mona tonight.

Mona did not want to upset the uneasy truce between Orla and Oonagh. There was a bank to be robbed. She stood up and looked towards Orla, her wife. Then she looked towards Oonagh.

“Good night, Oonagh”, said Mona, swooning in front of Oonagh.

Then she went up to the bedroom she shared with Orla. Oonagh’s lecherous eyes followed her fleshy whiteness as Mona walked up the stairs and disappeared.

Sweaty threesome sex would have to wait for now, thought Oonagh, a bit disappointed.

Chapter 5 – Orla and Oonagh Again

Oonagh looked towards Orla. They glared at each other once again. Lust and sexual jealousy writ large on both their faces.

“You gonna show me to my room?”, asked Oonagh in a serious voice.

“Follow me”, said Orla and she stood up and walked up the stairs.

Oonagh followed her. She admired Orla’s large buttocks as she climbed the stairs behind Orla.

Orla took Oonagh to the room just beside the one she shared with Mona.

Orla turned on the light and on the bed was a fresh bunch of clothes. Beside the clothes was a bar of soap, toothpaste and a brush.

Oonagh laughed.

“Just like old times, Orla”, said Oonagh, touched that Orla had been considerate enough to remember that she always depended on Orla for clothes and toiletries.

The two women smiled at each other.

“I will let you take a bath and rest. I’ll wake you up early in the morning”, said Orla in a formal tone.

Then she turned around and was about to leave the room, without so much as a glance at Oonagh.

Oonagh stepped forward and grabbed Orla’s arm and pulled her towards her.

Oonagh threw her arms around Orla and embraced her.

Orla did not respond for a few moments.

What a cold bitch, thought Oonagh as she pummeled her jutting breasts into Orla’s jutting breasts.

Oonagh hadn’t gotten laid in a while, and she was desperate to fuck somebody or something.

Oonagh’s intense embracing and the jostling between their breasts aroused Orla and she also began to embrace Oonagh.

Their mouths locked together in a kiss for the second time that day. They kissed hungrily just like they had kissed in the parking lot of the bus depot.

Tongues fought and ran hungrily over one another as the two ex-lovers could not get enough of each other’s spittle.

Oonagh grabbed Orla’s face and spat into her mouth. Orla gulped down Oonagh’s spittle without a second thought.

Then Orla grabbed Oonagh’s face and spat into her mouth. Oonagh also gulped down Orla’s spittle as if she was desperate to taste her ex-lover.

They glared lustily into each other’s brown faces.

Oonagh tried to pull Orla towards the bed. She wanted to fuck Orla right then and there. Show Orla that she still had it and that she could still dominate her sexually.

But Orla disentangled herself from Oonagh.

“Mona is waiting for me next door”, said Orla in a serious voice.

But a sly and wanton smile adorned Orla’s face indicating that she was hell bent on tantalizing Oonagh. Orla turned around and huffed out of the room.

Oonagh watched Orla walk out of the room. This time she did not pull her back.

Oonagh had too much self-respect to beg for Orla to stay. Or beg to be allowed to jump into bed with Orla and Mona.

Oonagh knew her time would come.

Oonagh undressed and looked at herself in the mirror by the cupboard. Her nipples were erect, and her breasts jutted out. She looked good. All the hard work in the chain gang had paid off.   

Oonagh took a bath and lay in bed naked. Her nipples refused to calm down.

A few moments later, she began to hear moans from the next room, occupied by Orla and Mona.

Chapter 6 – Mona’s Jealousy

As Orla entered the bedroom she shared with Mona, she saw Mona lying naked on the bed with her legs spread out.

Mona raised her head and smiled wantonly at Orla, inviting her into the bed.

Their sex life hadn’t been that great lately.

“I thought both of you would walk in together and take turns fucking me”, oozed Mona, teasing Orla with the suggestion of a threesome.

“You would like that wouldn’t ya?”, asked Orla, a hint of anger in her voice.

Mona rubbed one fleshy white leg over the other.

Orla knew what Mona wanted. She wanted to bump cxnts. The redneck bitch wanted to fuck all day, thought Orla.

When Orla got naked, Mona saw that her wife’s cxnt was wet.

Orla climbed into bed and mounted Mona, rubbing Mona’s cxnt sensually with her own.

“You are wet already”, said Mona.

Orla did not respond but merely raised her hands towards Mona.

Mona interlocked her fingers with Orla. Orla liked to interlock fingers like they were wrestlers when they bumped cxnts.

Mona liked to look at her thick white fingers interlock with Orla’s barbell callused dark brown fingers.

As Orla mounted her, Mona was enveloped by Orla’s aroma.

It was not her usual body aroma. There was somebody else’s aroma mixed with Orla’s aroma.

Orla began to hump her. Mona began to moan.

“Have you and Oonagh been groping each other?”, asked Mona, a little angry.

Orla humped Mona’s cxnt without replying. Their fingers were tightly interlocked, nails digging into each other’s skin, hands clasped tightly together.

Mona and Orla glared at each other.

Mona entwined her milk white fleshy legs with Orla’s dark brown muscular legs.

She pulled Orla towards her and kissed her.

Orla kissed her back after a second’s hesitation and the two women began to run their tongues over each other.

Mona realized immediately that Orla smelled and tasted different tonight.

Mona let Orla hump her, but she disentangled her mouth from their kissing.

“Tell the truth. You and Oonagh been getting it on?”, asked Mona furiously.

Mona began to hump right back at Orla’s wet cxnt.

Orla let out a little cry, surprised by Mona’s sudden savagery.

Orla humped back with equal fervor and the inter-racial couple were now involved in a furious sexfight.

Feisty smiles appeared on both their faces.

They had not had this sort of animalistic sex in a long time.

Interlocked fingers clasped together even tighter than ever as they humped each other with a rare sexual anger and jealousy.

They were moaning like wild animals as they humped.

“I ask again. Have you and Oonagh been groping each other?”, asked Mona, passionately.

“What if we have?”, asked Orla, equally passionate.

“How dare you”, Mona almost screamed and caught a hold of Orla’s wiry hair.

Orla also grabbed a clump of Mona’s blonde hair.

They were pulling at each other’s hair as they humped.

Their cxnts were unbearably engorged and wet with lust and sexual jealousy now.

“So, you been cheating on me with your ex-girlfriend, huh?”, asked Mona.

“So what if I have? Doesn’t it make your nipples hard and your cxnt wet?”, asked Orla.

Mona was taken aback for a moment.

It was true. She had been fantasizing about the two black beauties making love to each other ever since she had started planning the bank robbery.

No more words needed to be exchanged between the two sexfighting women.

The truth had been laid bare.

The terrible bare truth about the lusty fantasies and sexual grouses that both women held deep in their hearts.

Oonagh might not be in bed with them, but she had certainly added a certain spice to the love making between Mona and Orla with her arrival.

The two lesbian wives seethed and snarled at each other even as they kissed violently and bump cxnts vigorously.

They could sense the rising orgasms in each other’s cxnts as their dripping sexual organs mated.

They nibbled and bit down on each other’s engorged nipples.

They hissed and cursed like two jezebels.

When they orgasmed at the same time, both Mona and Orla let out the most primal of screams.

In the room next door, Oonagh who had heard the lusty cries and moans from Mona and Orla, also fingered herself to a tremendous orgasm.

« Last Edit: June 09, 2024, 09:10:46 PM by kamafight666 »
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Re: Triangle of Lust (Chapters 1 to 6)
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2024, 09:13:46 PM »
If you liked the first 6 chapters of Triangle of Lust do consider buying the book on Amazon:

Orla and Oonagh used to be known as the "Black Pumas" among the cops. Once a notorious bank robbing duo who were also lovers, the two black women are forced to break up when Orla marries Mona, a sultry redneck woman with a voracious sexual appetite.

But the amorous Mona pulls the warring Orla and Oonagh back together when she plans a bank heist that involves all three of them.

The raging lust between the three sexually vigorous women is almost like a tinderbox and all they can do is surrender to the triangular mating dance that is laced with sex, lust, longing and jealousy.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2024, 09:19:27 PM by kamafight666 »
Buy my sexy, sweaty and erotic lesbian stories at this link:

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