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Womens Pro Wrestling

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Offline Denim Fritz

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Womens Pro Wrestling
« on: January 21, 2011, 06:14:57 AM »
Our first match is Jessica who weighs in at 124 and is wearing a black two piece. She is facing Dena who weighs in at 146 and is wearing a pink two piece. Jessica promised two weeks ago that she would take the top off of any girl she fought. Dena remembered that and she jumped Jessica and started to pound away on her. Then she whiped Jessica into the ropes and hit her with a big dropkick. Dena then went to give Jessica a knee drop but Jessica moved out of they way making making Dena her knee on the mat hard. That gave Jessica the opening she needed as started to kick Dena's knee several times over. She then told Dena that it was over for her as applied the figure four leglock. Dena screamed she didnt want to give up but finally after a couple of minutes she had no choice but to tap out. Jessica then let go of the hold and stood up and looked as Dena layed on the mat in pain. She then told Dena it was time for her to collect Jessica then reached down trying to untie Dena's top but Dena tried to fight her off but she was in to much pain. Jessica was able to get the top and to add insult to injury she picked Dena up and kicked Dena in her bad knee. Jessica then paraded aroung the ring holding Dena's top in her hands while Dena laid there in pain. Your winner of the match is Jessica.

Our second match is Malinda who weighs in 170 and is wearing a white one piece. She is taking on Ashley who weighs in at 124 and is wearing a blue and green two piece. This match didnt last long as Malinda was able to handle the rookie Ashley in about 5 minutes. Malinda got the win after hitting Ashley with a big leg drop and thats all it took for her to get the win. Your winner of the match is Malinda.