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Finish Her!

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Offline Jackflash Jump

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #2460 on: May 26, 2024, 01:52:56 AM »
Ariana Grande vs Sabrina Carpenter



The blonde's voice trilled sharply, betraying her agony as her opponent viciously pinched and twisted her nipples.  Both singers had been taking a cruel delight in making the other "sing" in agony during their fight, and Ariana was especially pleased at how many scales she made Sabrina wail through just now.  "Can't wait to hear your encore, sunshine," Grande taunted her adversary.

But the brunette would be denied that, if only for now, as Carpenter swung her arms up and slammed the heels of her palms into her tormentor's temples.  Ariana let out a gasping grunt and, releasing her hold on the blonde' aching nipples, she stumbled backward with a moan, instantly glassy-eyed.

Ignoring her own pain, Sabrina slipped behind her dazed rival and reached around with her hands, until they clutched Ariana's bikini thong.  The blonde then began to savagely yank the garment up, subjecting Grande to a brutal front wedgie, the fabric disappearing up into her womanhood.  The brunette's howl of anguish started low but rapidly rose in both pitch and volume, until she was hitting a piercing note well beyond her normal register.  Tears streaked down Ariana's face as she continued wailing in sheer agony, until finally she began to screech "I GIVE UP!  I GIVE UP!  IIIIII GIIIIIIVE UUUUUUP!!!"

Sabrina kept tugging for a few moments more before releasing her grasp, and Ariana collapsed to the floor in a sobbing, whimpering heap.  Placing a foot on the back of her beaten rival, Carpenter now gleefully sang, "And the winner is...MEEEEEEEEE!"



Offline HumanPerson

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #2461 on: June 18, 2024, 01:48:42 AM »

Patty Guggenheim vs Jameela Jamil

Jameela wasn't used to encountering women in the acting world that were close to her height and had boobs in her league. The disaster of She-Hulk was made deeper by such a woman appearing and portraying a character that gained much more favor with fans of the MCU. Patty was tall, pretty, and busty, and despite only moderate success in Hollywood thus far, this role was shaping up to be her breakout. A party for the cast, with everyone themed out as their character, was the first moment that brought the two tall actresses tit to tit. Jameela was annoyed that the brunette didn't seem intimidated by the bust contact, and downright angry when she got caught staring at Patty's tits while her opposite simply smiled right in her face. The lack of intimidation shown by Patty pushed Jameela to issue the challenge and they slipped away to determine who was better.

The titfight had definitely gone more Jameela's way but she could not get Patty to submit. Growing even more frustrated, she challenged the other woman to a sexfight to finish it off. The British actress struck the first blow, forcing the American down on her back and assaulting her clit to clit and bringing her off fairly quickly. Whatever advantage she thought she'd gained vanished as she looked down and saw Patty smiling back up at her.

"Thanks, I needed that."

Guggenheim then rolled her darker skinned opponent over and began bashing her clit into the now panting woman's love bud. Patty kept smiling as Jameela screamed out in orgasmic pleasure and then kept riding her opponent, quickly brining her to another orgasm. After the third, she shifted to a straddling position and began slamming her tits down into the pair that had been beating them not even an hour before. She then applied a light grapevine to her dusky opponent and whispered into her ear, "You will admit I'm the better woman and worship my body for the rest of the night, or I will not stop fucking your brains out and bashing your tits to goo until I'm satisfied. And THEN I'll still make you admit I'm better and worship me."

Jameela needed no further prompting. Fearing that she was going to be truly, thoroughly dominated by Patty she eeked out, "You're the better womand and I will worshp your body in any way you wish."
« Last Edit: June 18, 2024, 01:49:44 AM by HumanPerson »