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AGW Ring Queen Qualifying Match 8/8: Benoist vs Rothe

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AGW Ring Queen Qualifying Match 8/8: Benoist vs Rothe
« on: July 01, 2024, 08:39:42 PM »
With a sadistic grin, Jessica accepts the hockey stick from a fan in the crowd, her eyes gleaming with evil intent. She grips the stick tightly, taking a few practice swings before she brings it crashing through the ropes. The curved end of the stick smashes into Melissa's face with a sickening "CRACK!" The taller woman is sent sprawling backward, and sweat flies from her nose and mouth. She lands in a heap, her legs splayed out and her arms twitching.

Jessica, her own body ravaged by the effects of the fire extinguisher that was emptied in her face earlier, drags herself back into the ring, her movements slow and difficult. She claws her way across the mat, inch by agonizing inch until she reaches Melissa's motionless form.

With a grunt, she manages to pull Melissa's limp body to the center of the ring, rolling her over onto her back. jessica collapses next to her, draping an arm across her chest for the pin.

The crowd erupts in pandemonium as Melissa, against all odds, manages to kick out just milliseconds before the referee's hand hits the mat for the third time. The arena rings with their cheers, their passion for the match reaching a fever pitch.

jessica, on the other hand, can only stare in disbelief. Her face is a mask of pain and exhaustion, her mouth hanging open as she struggles to comprehend how her opponent could still be standing.

The two women, battered and beaten beyond recognition, lay side by side on the canvas, the ring silent save for their ragged breathing.

jessica forces herself to sit upright, her arms dangling uselessly at her sides. She crawls, inch by agonizing inch, towards Melissa's injured knee. The taller woman, barely conscious, can do little more than whimper as Jessica descends upon her like a vengeful demon.

jessica grabs Melissa's leg, digging her fingers into the tender flesh around the knee. She begins to twist and yank, her movements jerky and vicious. Melissa howls in pain, her body convulsing with each wrenching pull.

jessica, with her hair matted to her forehead and her breath coming in gasps, struggles to position Melissa's body. She manages to hook Melissa's leg under her arm, yanking back viciously to secure the hold.
Jessica, her muscles burning and her body trembling with exhaustion, loses her grip on the Sharpshooter. The hold releases, and she collapses onto the mat with a thud, her chest heaving with each labored breath.

Melissa lies prone, her knee aching and her body bruised and battered. The two women lay side by side, their once-lean, athletic forms now reduced to shadows of their former selves.
The crowd, sensing that the end is near, is hushed, their eyes fixated on the ring.

Like all the ladies who entered the qualifying tournament, they would do whatever it cost their bodies to win and be one of the eight who won the right to enter; and like all the ladies who fought each other in this tournament their competitiveness made them hate one another Their determination had driven them beyond the boundaries of sportsmanship, beyond the confines of civility. They had waged a war of attrition, seeking not only to win but also to utterly annihilate their opponent, to grind them into the dust.

The women's crawl is an agonizing journey, their bodies pushed to the brink of collapse. Their limbs shake with the strain, every movement sending shockwaves of pain through their battered frames.

Jessica reaches the ropes first, her hands grasping the cables like a drowning person grasping a life preserver. She pulls herself upright, propped up by the ropes as she gasps for air; Melissa, a few feet away, falls face-first into the corner of the ring, her body going limp against the unforgiving turnbuckle.

Jessica, her face contorted with rage and desperation, drags herself towards Melissa, her hands sliding along the ropes with a faint, metallic screech.

Melissa, aware of Jessica's approach but drained of all strength, musters a weak swipe in an attempt to stave off the attack. But Jessica is undeterred, batting away Melissa's feeble defense with a single blow.

Jessica reaches around Melissa's waist, her fingers fumbling with the bikini bottoms. Melissa tried to push her away but she gave  up halfway through the push; her bikini bottom fell to the canvas,  her last reserves of strength tapped out, slumped against the ropes as Jessica finally managed to unfasten her bikini bottoms.

The scrap of fabric flutters to the canvas, She wraps her arms around Melissa's chest, locking her hands together. Melissa, showing brings her leg up in a swift, vicious kick, catching Jessica right between the legs. The smaller woman lets out a high-pitched wail of agony, her grip on Melissa's bikini top slipping as she collapses to her knees.
But she does not relinquish her hold entirely. With a vice-like grip, she clings to the fabric, using it to pull herself back to her feet as Melissa, gritting her teeth against the pain, begins to drag them both towards the ropes.

Jessica, her face twisted in a grimace of pain, plants her feet on the canvas with a thud. Her arms squeeze tighter around Melissa's waist, and she hoists the taller woman off her feet, holding her aloft for a terrifying moment.

Then, in a display of raw strength, Jessica flips Melissa over her head in a German suplex, slamming her back-first onto the unforgiving canvas. Melissa's body contorts as she arches in agony, her arms and legs flailing.

The crowd roars in disbelief as Jessica collapses onto Melissa's supine form, her sweat-soaked hair plastered to her forehead. She drapes an arm across Melissa's chest, her eyes fixed on the referee as she drops to the mat.

"One! Two!" she calls out, her hand hovering above them. But Melissa, her muscles burning, manages to throw her shoulder off the canvas, just barely breaking the pin.

Jessica, her jaw clenched, rolls off of Melissa, exhaustion etched into every line of her face.
She lies face down on the canvas, her arms wrapped around her head in a defensive posture. Her chest rises and falls in shallow, uneven gasps, her body still twitching from the aftershocks of the brutal assault.

Melissa, her eyes half-lidded, lies on her back, her arms splayed out at her sides. Her mouth opens and closes silently, her breath coming in ragged bursts.

The crowd holds its collective breath as both women, their bodies ravaged by the brutal match, struggle to get back to their feet. jessica, unaware of Melissa's movements, focuses solely on pulling herself up. She uses the ropes for support, her fingers digging into the cables as she tries to stand.
But before she can get upright, a deafening "CLANG!" echoes through the arena. Melissa, the chair raised above her head, delivers a devastating blow to the back of Jessica's skull. The smaller woman crumples to the canvas, her body going limp as she collapses in a heap. Fueled by a mixture of rage and desperation, she rains down blow after blow on Jessica's prone form. The chair connects with a sickening thud each time it connects with Jessica's body, the vibrations shuddering up Melissa's arms.

Jessica's body jerks with each strike, but she does not cry out, her arms and legs flopping limply. The chair's metal frame is quickly coated in a slick sheen of  sweat, but Melissa continues her assault. She tears away Jessica's bikini, the flimsy fabric ripping and falling to the canvas in tattered strips. jessica's naked, bruised body is exposed for all to see, but she remains oblivious.
She hoists Jessica to her knees, only to bring the chair crashing down across her back. jessica collapses, her body sagging to the canvas once more. But Melissa, relentless in her cruelty, repeats the process, again and again, dragging Jessica across the canvas, each step punctuated by the violent impact of the chair.

Melissa stands over jessica's broken body, her own form barely recognizable beneath the red welts, scratches, and sweat. She grabs Jessica's head, shoving it between the seat and back of the chair. She ascends the turnbuckle and launches herself off the top rope.  She lands with a thunderous impact, the chair folding in on itself, crushing Jessica's throat beneath its metal frame.

The arena falls silent as the referee drops to the mat and begins the count. "One! Two! Three!"

Melissa, her chest heaving and her hair a wild tangle around her face, releases Jessica's leg and collapses, her eyes closed and her body racked with tremors.

The stunned silence gives way to cheers as the crowd erupts in a frenzy of applause. The adrenaline rush of witnessing such brutal, primal violence washes over them, and they rise to their feet, stomping and clapping with an intensity that rattles the rafters.

Melissa, still lying on the canvas, her eyes closed, barely hears the roar of the crowd over the ringing in her ears. Her body is numb, her mind blank.

The field of fierce, resilient women has been narrowed down to the chosen eight. The roar of the crowd fades, but the anticipation of what's to come is palpable. The next matches will be a no-holds-barred fight to the finish, the stakes higher than ever. Who will withstand the brutality that awaits them in the single-elimination rounds?
