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8 girls fight it out

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8 girls fight it out
« on: July 09, 2024, 12:11:42 AM »
Another story I found on my harddisk:

Each year, CRUISERS, a tony, upscale club in Dallas, held various contests for the benefit of some its upscale clientele. Being summer, it was time for its annual "Battle Babes Bowl". This particular extravaganza would involve a series of combatant exercises by women based on weight classifications. There were 4 different weight classifications for the "Battle Babes Bowl":

Class A: Under 100 Pounds Class B: 101 to '120 Pounds Class C: 121 to 150 Pounds Class D 151 to 180 Pounds
The "Battle Babes Bowl" consisted of three fighting exercise rounds, whoever won two out of three was the winner: The exercise rounds were each 20 minutes and each consisted of:
Round I: Topless Boxing Round 2: Wrestling Round 3: Gladiator Skills (Pugil Sticks„ Padded Clubs, Helmets, Pads)

 Fhus if a woman won the first two rounds, she won the contest. If they split the 1st two rounds between themselves, they went to the Gladiator stage. Decisions would be granted by the referee and two women judges if no clear cut winner was apparent after 20 minutes. If a woman wanted to, she could forfeit if she was injured or rendered completely useless or didn't have the "tits" to finish the battle. If a woman won, she would continue on in an elimination tournament similar to the Final Eight in the NCAA Basketball tournament. There would be a maximum of 8 female contestants in each weight class. The winner of each weight class would receive $3,000 in prize money as well as a one week all expenses paid vacation to Acapulco with a guest.

Steve and his new wife Cassie were frequent patrons of the local club scene. During a visit to "CRUISER'S", Cassie noticed the advertisement for the "Battle Babes Bowl". The prize money and the free trip were most enticing. She felt she may have a shot at this contest as she had won a combat match during the past year with a sexual rival over Steve at another club. She went looking for Steve who was in a conversation with a red head/brunette who looked more than friendly around him. The woman had her arm around his waist and was looking at him with "bedroom" eyes while Steve was talking and laughing with several others. Steve introduced his companion as someone who worked at  his firm. Cassie saw her as someone getting a bit too friendly around her husband and quickly slid in next to him giving the other woman the hint to let loose. In time Cassie showed Steve the advertisement and asked what he thought. Steve knew Cassie could handle herself around a wrestling ring as he had witnessed earlier when Cassie defeated and totally dominated his former beau Bevie in a two fall match to win his heart and eventually his hand in marriage. Worried she might get hurt, Steve  asked her to be sure. Cassie responded with a sensuous kiss and told Steve that she would make him proud. She went over to the Club Manager's desk and signed up for the Class C classification. She would have one month to prepare herself if she was selected. The Club Manager said he was taking nictureq of all entrnntq and wollld let her know in two weekq once the deadline nagged.

During the next two weeks, Cassie took on a workout regimen which included an hour and a half of aerobics in the morning, a two mile jog at lunch, and weights in the evening. During the weekends she would practice her fighting skills with a private woman martial arts instructor. She would then try her repertoire of holds and skills on Steve before bedtime. She was notified by the Club Manager that she had been selected to be one of the eight participants in the "Battle Babes Bowl" for the Class C weight group. He asked her to stop by the next Friday evening to sign a disclaimer waiver so she would not hold the club liable for any serious injury. He also said that the Club was throwing a party for all the contestants and the dress was semi formal to formal as the Club wanted to show off its stable of fighters. The way Cassie felt, she could kick any woman's ass at this time.
The Friday came and Cassie wore the same dress she had worn the night she had picked the fight with Steve's former beau Bevie. It was a violet colored middle thigh length low cut cocktail dress with spaghetti straps covering her shoulders. It accented her ample 40B bosom as well as bringing out the highlights of her flame red curly hair. Cassie was shocked to see her old rival Bevie there with a new beau in tow as well as Steve's coworker Lucette who was with a woman friend. Cassie noticed Bevie must have had a "boob" job as she looked like a 38D. She could feel the electricity in the air as Bevie glared at her, but Cassie felt she had by far won the better man and knew she was the "better" woman physically and sexually.

The Class C first round would be decided by lottery. Once the pairings were made, the fist round would take place next week. The pairings were listed as follows:

Cassie (5 1 9", 143 lbs 30 yrs 40B) versus Lucette (5' 7" 138 lbs 24 yrs 38C )
Bevie (5'7", 132 lbs 29 yrs 381)) versus Chris (5' 8" 128 lbs 34 yrs 36B)
Jeanne (5 1 6" 140 lbs 35 yrs 40B ) versus Diana (6, 140 lbs 27 yrs 38A)
Nancy (5' 7", 138 lbs 29 yrs 381)) versus Mary Ann    144 lbs, 28 yrs 38 B)

Cassie glared at Lucette. Cassie felt that Lucette was trying to score points with her man by trying to humiliate his wife physically. The other competition looked interesting. A brief rundown on the competition revealed the following:

CASSIE : Married at 30 years of age. Flame red curly hair at shoulder length. On her third marriage. Had one previous fight in which she won handily with a "sleeper hold" over Bevie, one of the other competitors. Described by former beaus as "good in bed" . A social drinker/non-smoker. No children. High School education.

LUCETTE: Recently divorced at 24 years. One son one year old. She had reddish brown hair curled in a 1940ish style. Liked to flirt and all men were fur game. Liked to drink and smoke. Looking at Steve as a prize to be stolen and potentially a husband. Considered by other women she worked with as loose  and a trouble maker. Men found her eyes to very sultry and seductive. Once punched out a female rival in high school and had cut off some of her hair for good measure. An accounts payable clerk.

BEVIE: A raven haired brunette at 29 years of age. Previously a lover of Stevei s before Cassie totally defeated her at a lover's match a year earlier. Recently had a "Boob job" to enhance her womanly assets. Has taken fitness/fighting lessons to bolster her sexuality and to build up her confidence. A social drinker/non-smoker who would love nothing better than to humiliate and shave Cassie's red coiffure as revenge. Would also like to embarrass her former lover Steve. Divorced two years earlier as her husband left her for a blond friend they had known. An accountant.

CHRIS: Never married at 34 years of age. A blond with shoulder length straight hair. A postal carrier who kept fit doing jogging and cycling. A social drinker/non-smoker who was starting to feel that time was passing her by. She wanted to impress a younger man she had been dating recently with her sexual and physical prowess. She had never been in a fight before. Using her boyfriend as a fight instructor.

JEANNE: Never married at 35 years of age. Liked younger "Toy Boys". Very sensual in bed and very responsive to a man's needs. Looking to get married and wanted to really impress her recent "Toy Boy" with her sensuous skills as a fighter. Very flirtatious and sultry. A drinker and light smoker, she had been in one previous catfight with a rival in college. She won handily by using her fists to knock down her opponent and finishing her rival off with a face sitting smother. Currently a nurse.

DIANA: A tall dishwater blond who had been divorced twice at 27 years of age. Very vivacious and appealing. Very athletic as she liked swimming, water skiing, and snow skiing. Took kick boxing lessons. Most men considered Diana an expensive date as he liked fine restaurants and nice trips. Had to be catered to. Had a two year business college degree. Most women felt she was a snob but kept their distance for fear of her athletic prowess. A social drinker/light smoker. No previous fights but several face-offs in high school with opponents backing off over boyfriends. Part time model and receptionist for a large stockbroker.

NANCY: An Hispanic buxom beauty. Very pretty by most women's and men's account. Somewhat shy. Very athletic build kept up by aerobics and weight training. A light drinker/light smoker. Currently single after a divorce two years earlier. One daughter 4 years old. Currently dating a successful businessman who liked strong, athletic women who fought for their man's honor and potential gambling earnings. A high school graduate. Had one previous wrestling match with a sexual rival in high school in which she used a scissors hold around her opponents neck to force a submission during a gym class. To humiliate her further, Nancy stripped her opponent naked. A hair dresser and cosmetologist.

MARY ANN: A tall red head with short cropped hair. Almost a spitting image of Molly Ringwald. 28 years of age. Never married. Had had affairs with married men. A light drinker/non-smoker. Kept in physical condition via cycling. No previous fights. Egged on in this contest by several friends who were probably drunk at the time. A geologist.

The fight night came. First up would be Cassie and Lucette. The topless boxing match would begin the festivities. Cassie wore a tiger skin print bikini bottom. Lucette wore a purple bikini bottom. Both women were fitted with oversized gloves. Steve could see that there was betting going on among the patrons and that Cassie was the favorite with 5 to I odds. He placed $100 on his wife Cassie to win the boxing match. Cassie initially tore into Lucette. Flailing way with several blows to Lucette's head, Cassie was decidedly on the offensive. Lucette tried to hit back, but Cassie held her at bay with her longer reach. Using small jabs, she was forcing Lucette back into the ring ropes. Hitting Lucette with a roundhouse right, Cassie had Lucette hanging on the top rope with her arms. This exposed Lucette's boobs to Cassie's concentrated attack. Literally hitting Lucette's mammaries like free hanging punching bags, Cassie knew she was winning this boxing match. Lucette was howling in pain as she soon reached with her arms to cover her exposed mammaries. This forced Lucette to lose her balance and she fell to her padded ass on the ring mat. Cassie then hit Lucette several times in the head. Lucette rolled out of the ring to prevent any further damage. Cassie was forced by the woman referee to a neutral corner while the out of ring count started on Lucette. Cassie taunted Lucette by calling her a "Chicken Shit Little Wimp". Lucette replied by calling Cassie a "Bitch". Lucette climbed back into ring and Cassie immediately started a well planned attack. Attacking high, Lucette covered up her face which allowed Cassie to then shift her blows to Lucette's mid section. Cassie's blows left Lucette scrambling for air and relief. Cassie pursued Lucette into a corner and continued her pummeling. Lucette!s face was turning red as Cassie pounded Lucette who was starting to drop her guard. Lucette soon realized she made a fatal mistake trying to tackle Steve's wife in a love duel. She was soon disoriented and was finished off by a right upper cut by Cassie. Lucette hit the mat hard and was literally "tits up". She was dazed but could make out Cassie placing her right foot on her exposed boobs as the victory bell rang. Cassie was strutting around the ring accepting the accolades of her impressive, lop-sided victory.

After a 10 minute rest period, it was time for the wrestling phase to begin. Cassie was attired in a tiger print bikini while Lucette was attired in a violet colored bikini. A win could be obtained via a submission or a 10 count pin. Lucette began a wild attack on Cassie. Scratching and gouging with her fingernails, Lucette managed to rip Cassie's top off and managed to scratch one of Cassie's ample   40B's. Cassie let out a shriek as she called Lucette a "Fuckin cxnt". Cassie took several blows to her head while she literally locked one of her arms around Lucette in a headlock. Lucette moaned under  Cassie's ever increasing pressure. Cassie then fell to the floor taking Lucette over in a flip while still maintaining her headlock. Lucette punched Cassie in her tender mound of delight which helped to release the headlock. Lucette then started punching Cassie in the head and then grabbed Cassie's exposed boobs telling her she was going to rip her tits off. Cassie screamed as Lucette's nails dug deep into her ample mammaries. Lucette then reached down and bit Cassie on one of her boobs. Cassie managed to push Lucette away from her vulnerable mammary. Lucette then got up and grabbed Cassie's two legs and applied her foot to Cassie's crotch. Lucette was laughing and taunting Cassie as  Cassie was yelling in pain. Cassie managed to reach up and pulled Lucette down by yanking on her bikini bottom. Cassie rolled on top of Lucette to recover. Cassie then managed to untie Lucette's bikini top thus exposing a well sculpted pair of round mammaries. This infuriated Lucette who managed to roll out from under Cassie and immediately jumped on top of Cassie. Lucette managed a face to face/nipple to nipple straddle of Cassie. The referee started her count as Cassie's shoulders started to  taste mat. Cassie arched out of this hold after a two count while Lucette started grinding her cunny into Cassie's mid-section. Lucette then got up on a higher straddle and managed to grasp one of Cassie's  flailing legs attempting a matchbook pin. Cassie could feel her hamstring stretch and desperately reached up and grasped mercilessly on Lucettets boobs.
Feeling temporarily stunned, Lucette relaxed her grip which allowed Cassie to us both hands as a sledge hammer to smash into Lucette's bosom   knocking her backwards. Cassie then escaped her unfavorable situaäon and wrapped a "sleeper hold" around Lucette's neck. Lucette started to flop and flail as her air and blood flow to the brain were being curtailed. She made it to the ring ropes where she barely managed to escape the deadly "sleeper hold".  Cassie wasn't finished. She yanked Lucette off the mat by both hands pulling her up by the hair. Cassie applied a knee squarely into Lucette's tender mound of delight. Lucette moaned and fell to her knees.  Cassie then applied the same knee into Lucette's chin knocking Lucette to the floor. Cassie then     applied an elbow smash onto Lucette's bosom. Lucette clutched her boobs in pain as Cassie gave  Lucette a "Dutch Rub" with both feet scraping the side of her face. Cassie applied another elbow smash   squarely into Lucette's crotch. Lucette howled and moaned in pain as Cassie yanked her opponent up by her hair. Cassie then threw Lucette into the ring ropes whereupon Lucette rebounded back into a  well placed "clothesline" forearm from Cassie. Lucette went down onto the mat and Cassie again yanked Lucette up by her hair. Cassie then stated a series of well placed boxing blows into Lucette's  exposed boobs and face. Lucette's face and tits were turning red from Cassie's well placed attack. Cassie then applied a face to face/nipple to nipple bear hug. Cassie whispered to Lucette that she was  going to make sure Steve wouldn't look at her. Cassie then head butted Lucette in the face.
Lucette's  nose was broken and instantly started to bleed as she fell over backwards. Cassie noticed that Lucette  was finished but decided on one finishing hold. Cassie rolled Lucette over on her stomach and applied  a camel clutch hold by grabbing Lucette under her chin and yanking upward with one hand while  grabbing a boob with the other and pinching the nipple. Lucette was crying and Cassie instantly reached from under her chin to cover Lucette's mouth to prevent her from giving up in a voice   submission. Cassie kept this up for another minute and then got up with Lucette's head wrapped under her left and right arms. Cassie then spun around with Lucette's chin grasped in both arms. Cassie landed on her padded ass while Lucette's neck landed violently onto the top of Cassie's shoulder. Cassie could feel the consciousness and fight leave Lucette at that moment. Cassie mounted Lucette from the top of her head pinning her shoulders with her knees. Cassie then reached for both of Lucette's lifeless legs and pulled then close to her bosom while her ass settled onto Lucette's red and battered   face. The referee started her 10 count as Cassie knew she was now 25% closer to that prize money as well as knowing she had defeated a budding rival for her husbands affections with this decisive win.  She stood with her arm raised in victory. As a further humiliation, she stripped the bikini bottom from  Lucette and also spotted her bikini top which she also confiscated as a victor's spoil. Lucette soon had a owel draped over her as she was led out of the ring on a stretcher obviously in a lot of pain. Cassie   asked Steve if he thought the worthless bitch would have the tits to show back up at work. Steve  thought she would probably be very humiliated. Cassie just grinned and went to get a shower as the second set of matches was set to begin. Steve watched intently as the second series started out between Bevie and Chris.
Steve thought Bevie was still an enticing catch in her black bikini bottom while Chris  sported a baby blue bikini bottom in their boxing match. Bevie managed several knockdowns of Chris in the first 10 minutes. Chris wasn't finished as she soon started angling her attacks on Bevie with better precision in the last half of the boxing segment. The match expired at the end of twenty minutes     with Bevie awarded a split decision over Chris. Chris was mad and instantly tore into Bevie as she was strutting around the ring exuberant in her victory. Rather than wait for formalities, the crowd egged on both girls as it was decided to begin the wrestling segment. Chris was the dominant wrestler. Grabbing  Bevie's newly enhanced mammaries at any chance she could get gave the blond the momentum she  wanted. Bevie could only mount a superficial defense as Chris applied one hard hitting maneuver after another to Bevie. Some of the holds Chris used on Bevie included a Boston Crab, Camel Clutch,  Rolling Neckbreaker. Chris finally slapped a standing "sleeper hold" on Bevie. The crowd started singing "Rock a Bye Bevie" just as Cassie returned next to Steve. Cassie smirked as Bevie was flailing her arms trying to escape Chris' deadly finishing maneuver. Bevie's body and tits started to sag as her weight started to shift to the mat. Chris maintained the hold and at the same time applied a leg scissors around Bevie's waist. Bevie was pleading and moaning but Chris would show no mercy. Bevie finally started to cough and finally passed out. The referee raised Bevie's lifeless arm 10 times and then told Chris to release the hold. Chris slapped Bevie's boobs to see that she was totally out and to gain the atisfaction of knowing she had beaten this cxnt. Chris stood over Bevie's prone and beaten body and wiped the sweat from her bosom onto her hand and twitched the little beads of sweat into Bevie's face  telling her to „Eat this! , Bitch". Cassie warmed over to Steve's ear and reminded him that he made the  right choice. Steve Chris was readying her pads and helmet for the third and deciding  bout....the gladiator battle. Bevie was given ammonium nitrate to awaken her from her "peaceful  slumber". When asked whether she would continue, she said she would. She was still groggy from Chris' "sleeper hold" as she put on her helmet and pads for the gladiator round. Each combatant was issued one pugil stick and one low voltage cattle prod in this event.
Each woman had her bikini bottom  as well as tops that had padded pads to prevent damage to a woman's mammary attributes. The bell  rang and each woman stalked the other in a kill or be killed mode. The pugil sticks flailed away as  Chris pushed Bevie into the corner of the ring. Applying a knee into Bevie's crotch gave her the right moment of attack as she applied a pugil uppercut to Bevie's chin strap. Bevie's chin and head jerked up  violently. Chris then did a cross stroke across the side of Bevie's helmet which knocked her to the ground. Chris then speared Bevie in the side and used one hands fingernails to viciously scratch Bevie's back. Bevie shrieked in pain. Chris used the pugil stick to knock Bevie's stick away from her and  proceeded to pound Bevie into helplessness. Chris dropped her stick and used the low voltage cattle prod on her opponent. Each tap was like a bee sting to Bevie as she soon went into the fetal position.  Chris then dropped the cattle prod and removed Bevie's helmet. Chris removed hers and immediately told Bevie that she was going out. Chris wrapped her legs around Bevie's waist and reapplied another "sleeper hold" that put Bevie into another "peaceful slumber" in less than 30 seconds. Chris was  awarded the match as Chris told the audience they could put a fork into this bitch...she's done!  Chris's date went over to her as she embraced him with a sensuous kiss while standing over her beaten  opponents body.
The third series was between Jeanne in a black bikini and Diana in a black thong bikini. Diana knew   she had the looks in this match and was seen pursing her lips towards Jeanne's 'Toy Boy" Jeanne's age  was a definite hindrance to this contest as well the athletic prowess of the blond goddess Diana. Diana owned Jeanne in the boxing match, amply applying a large number of hits into Jeanne's lovely boobs. 

Using the clock to her advantage, Diana pummeled Jeanne in the body and boobs up till 16 minutes.Then Diana started to flail unmercifully into Jeanne's face. By,18:30 minutes, Jeanne literally stiffened up like a board and fell face first into the mat. Diana had her armed raised in victory while she placed her right foot onto Jeanne's ass. Diana yelled to Jeanne's younger male companion that Jeanne's ass was  hers. The wrestling match was pretty even at first. Jeanne tried using her boobs to initially smother Diana but she escaped from Jeanne's temporary advantage . Jeanne also tried to twist Diana's neck off.  Diana strained under the pressure as Jeanne said she was going to rip her fuckin head off. Diana managed to get up grasping one of Jeanne's knees and then fell to the mat hard slamming Jeanne's knee into the mat. Jeanne was temporarily crippled and had to fight on her knees as Diana stalked her "victim" for the kill. Diana rushed Jeanne and tackled her. Diana then applied a "Bear Claw" tit twister  onto Jeanne's rather abundant mammaries. Jeanne howled in pain as tears began to stream down her cheeks. In lighting quick manner, Diana got over the top of Jeanne and wrapped her left leg around Jeanne's neck while her right leg "cinched" the left leg into a figure four neck lock. Jeanne soon began  to squirm and flail like a dying chicken as her air supply was beginning to deteriorate. Jeanne had no leg support to get up and soon was wilting under Diana's final death stroke. Within one minute Jeanne was history as she passed out with her head locked in tightly in Diana's crotch. Diana, seeing Cassie's earlier triumph, also stripped Jeanne of her bikini bottom and found her top as trophies for her victory. Diana glanced over to Jeanne's "Toy Boy" and blew him a kiss. As he entered the ring to assist Jeanne,  Diana wrapped her lithe arms around him and smothered his face into her bosom and gave him a love  peck as Jeanne was gaining consciousness. Diana grabbed his hand and led him out as another trophy into her dressing room.
The final series was between the Hispanic goddess Nancy and the girl next door Mary Ann. Nancy was wearing a red thong bikini while Mary Ann was "Pretty in Pink". Knowing several boxers from her  brother's stable of friends helped Nancy concentrate on inside body shots and boob hits. Mary Ann could not reply in kind as she was tall and lanky and could only hit Nancy ineffectively on the back or  back of the head. Nancy gradually hit low in the crotch area while the referee could not see while they were locked up in the corner. Mary Ann started to sag as Nancy placed several round house left and rights into the face of Mary Ann. After 8 minutes it was over with Nancy standing on Mary Ann's laid out tits in a victory pose. Rernembcring a Latin boxer she heard about, she spit derisively onto the face of the prone and beaten Mary Ann. The wresting match was closer. Mary Ann applied several full nelson's and headlocks onto Nancy. However, over time, Nancy had the advantage in close wresting  maneuvers. She used more muscle holds such as Abdominal Stretches, Bow and Arrows, Body  Presses, and back breakers to wear down her taller opponent. There wasn't the boob grabbing evident  in the other matches. Nancy finally had Mary Ann reeling. Nancy smashed Mary Ann's face into the mat using a backwards DDT hold her boyfriend showed her. Nancy would wrap her left arm around Mary Ann's head and drop to a dead fall into the mat while simultaneously slamming poor Mary Ann's  head and face into the mat via the force of gravity and Nancy's dead weight. Mary Ann went totally "unconcho" as Nancy straddled her victim in a schoolboy pin position but reached back for both of    Mary Ann's legs. Nancy grasped them in a "matchbook pin" and arched them up while straddling and     looking down at the face of her opponent. Nancy looked up as the crowd cheered on and Mary Ann  started to scream as Nancy placed more pressure on her extended hamstrings. The 10 count went down and Nancy released the legs. Nancy then bent over her victims face and started to slap Mary Ann's face with her ample boobs. The crowd cheered and laughed. Mary Ann could only lie on the mat as her entire body was hurting. Nancy hugged and kissed her boyfriend while standing over the beaten body  of Mary Ann.