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NHB Trixie Vs Eve - Title match

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NHB Trixie Vs Eve - Title match
« on: July 24, 2024, 09:13:18 PM »

Trixie vs Eve
Championship match
                Eve, A tough veteran wrestler makes her way down to the ring. She has fire in her eyes as she rolls in the ring.

Eve: Trixie took this from me last year. I will take it back tonight. She is tough but she won't beat me, twice.
                Eve is jumping up and down as she awaits Trixie, the champ, to make her appearance. The music hits and the lights go out as the strobe lights flash. Trixie, a baby face in this match as well, is excited as she dances around the ramp with the belt around her waist. She smiles and points at the audience as she rushes down the entrance. She high fives fans as they cheer. Happy Halloween and Trixie loves this holiday. The back of her jacket reads, "Trix or Treat".
                People really like her here in Vegas. She will soon be the face of NHB, unless the new comer, Maggie Grace climbs that ladder. Trixie isn't the jealous type. She shares the spotlight well. After the match, she honored Eve with a bow and a handshake. Eve was upset after the loose but stood Trixie up and hugged her. She raised her arm to announce that Trixie won fair and square. She has such great sports-woman ship. Two class acts right there. Trixie climbs the post and jumps over the top rope as she smiles and takes the belt off and hands it over to Eve. She touches the center and smiles.
                Trixie: You want it back? Let's put on a show? Yeah?
                Eve smiles and hands it back and holds her hand out to shake. Trixie smiles and shakes her hand.
                Eve: I do want it back but I will take it fair and square.
                Trixie: Fair enough.
                They stand in front of each other, ready as Jessika calls for the bell. Jessika has only been here a few months but has shown she is determined. The fans love her. Her cute face and smile can light up any room.
                Trixie and Eve lock up as Trixie gets the upper hand in a side head lock. Eve is struggling to get out as Trixie pulls on it, tightening the grip. Eve punches Trixie in the belly a few times and backs her up into the ropes. Eve pushes Trixie off but she maintains that grip as she pulls Eve back into the middle of the ring.
                Eve places both hands behind Trixie's thighs. She grunts and lifts the champion in the air and drops her to her back. The slam caused Trixie to release the hold and arch her back. Eve stands and bounces off the ropes and does a leg drop on Trixie's chest. She goes for a quick pin but barely gets a 2.             
Eve climbs on top and starts punching her a few times before standing. She picks Trixie up by the hair and sends a chop to Trixie's chest. The slap was heard throughout the building as Trixie holds her chest and shuffles to the corner. Eve follows and pushes her head back and chops her again. Trixie holds her chest and shuffles over to the other corner. Eve follows once more. Trixie holds her hands up but Eve sends a kick to the mid section of Trixie. Trixie grunts and bends at the waist. Eve grabs her in a head lock and runs from the corner with a huge bull dog. Trixie's head hits the mat as Eve rolls her over and pins. Jessika drops down for the count but only gets a 2.
                Eve lifts Trixie up to a kneel when Trixie starts to fight back. Trixie sends some punches to Eve's mid section. It is just enough to throw Eve off balance. Trixie stands and punches Eve in the face a few times before bouncing off the ropes. Trixie runs back to Eve where she is stopped in her tracks with a knee lift to the mid section. Trixie flips over the knee and rolls in a ball. The knee looks it hit a little low but knowing Eve, it wasn't intentional. Eve grabs Trixie by her legs and rolls her over. She grabs both legs and spreads them open when Trixie pulls on legs in close and pushes off. Eve goes flying backwards and lands on her back with a thud. Both women quickly kip up to their feet in a face off as they just stare.
                Both women smile as they adjust their elbow pads. They lock up but it is Eve that receives a knee lift to the mid section. Eve grunts and bends at the waist, crossing her arms across her belly. Trixie quickly turns around and hits her with a DDT. Eve flips over to a sit as her eyes are closed. Trixie pulls her down and goes for a pin. Jessika hits the mat 2 times before Eve kicks out. Trixie smiles as she grabs Eve by the head and slowly lifts her to a stand.
                Trixie whips Eve into the ropes where she goes for a clothesline but Eve runs under it. Trixie tries a reverse clotheslines but misses it too. Eve runs off the ropes and hits Trixie with a cross body and pin. She still only gets a 2 count as Trixie kicks out. Eve is a little frustrated now as she straddles Trixie and starts punching her over and over. She gets to her feet and stomps her in head once and then bounces off the ropes. She drops down with a knee strike to the forehead but Trixie moved. Eve's knee hits the mat as she leaps up, holding her knee. Trixie is waiting as Eve turns to receive a super kick under the chin. Eve is knocked down to her back as Trixie pins. Eve was able to kick out before the 3. Trixie just sits there smiling when she stands and grabs Eve by her head and lifts her to a stand. Eve strikes as she places both hands behind Trixie's legs and lifts her in the air. Trixie's eye's go wide as Eve drops her into an atomic drop, crotch first. Trixie yelps and jumps up on her toes with one hand on her butt and the other on her front. Eve steps back with a kick of her own that connects under Trixie's chin. The kick pops as Trixie drops to her back, spread eagle. Eve goes for another quick pin by hooking the leg. Trixie still manages to kick out right before the 3.
                Eve stands over Trixie and bends over and grabs Trixie's legs and lifts them into the air. She is setting her up for the "Queen's Gambit" it appears. She tries to grab the legs but Trixie starts fighting back. She starts shaking her legs as she finally gets them free. Trixie pulls Eve's legs out from under her and puts her in the cross face. Trixie has it locked in as Jessika is asking if Eve wants to submit. Eve looks to be in pain as Trixie is pulling back. Eve keeps saying "NO" as she is closing her eyes. Eve manages to get her knees under her. She grabs Trixie's leg and lifts her over her shoulder and drops down into the fireman's carry. Trixie yells as her back hits the mat. Eve is tired from the submission hold as she just lays there as Jessika starts to count.

   Jessika: 1… 2… 3…

   Both women eyes open once they hear Jessika count for 4. They are still slow to get up as Jessika makes it to 8 before both ladies stand. They both scream and run at each other with a double clothesline. Both ladies hit the mat and are down yet again. Jessika starts to count and makes it to 9 before Eve is back up. Trixie is leaning on the ropes as Eve approaches. Trixie quickly attacks as she hits Eve with the same atomic drop that was used on her earlier. Eve yelps as she falls to her back with knees to her chest. Trixie takes the opportunity to hook Eve's legs while they are in the air. Eve manages to kick out before the 3. Trixie sits there wide eyed.  She leans back and hooks the legs again but only a 2. Eve rolls over to her side as Trixie stands. She stumbles over to Eve and grabs her by the hair. Eve is on her knees and sends an elbow to Trixie's mid section. Trixie grunts but sends an elbow into Eve's upper back. Eve grunts and crawls away on her knees. She makes it the ropes and tries to climb up as Trixie bounces off the ropes and goes for a kick but Eve moves and pulls the rope down some. Trixie's leg goes over the top rope as she is now straddling it. Eve giggles a little as she starts bouncing the rope up and down. Trixie screams as she finally falls off the rope, holding herself. Eve shrugs with a sarcastic frown. She walks over to Trixie and lifts her by the hair but Trixie rolls her up in a small package. Trixie almost got the 3 there as Eve kicks out with a shocked look on her face thinking like "She almost had me?" Trixie is up now as Eve turns around and goes for a clothesline but is met with a boot to the midsection. The kick looked really low as Eve yelps and bends at the waist. Trixie covers her mouth, "OPPS". She turns around and hooks Eve's arms and is getting ready to set her up for the "MaTrix when Eve pulls her legs out from under her. Trixie rolls over and is met with a drop kick to the face. Eve quickly walks over and grabs Trixie's legs and lifts her in the air and hits the "Queen's Gambit". Eve rolls her legs and pins. Jessika drops down and as soon as her hand hit for the 3, Trixie kicked out but it was a split second too late. Eve gets to her knees and covers her face as she just took the belt back from the Undefeated Trixie Manzel. Trixie is on her side as she realizes she just lost. She sits up and places her arms on her knees and just stares. Jessika hands Eve the belt as she has teary eyes a little. Eve stands as Jessika holds her hand up as the winner.
                Trixie is still sitting as she is looking down at the mat. Eve is so excited as she is about to leave. She has one leg over the middle rope and notices Trixie still sitting in the ring. She steps back in and puts the belt over her shoulder. She walks over to Trixie and kneels beside her. She whispers something in her ear and then stands. She holds her hand out as Trixie looks up at it. She turns her head and smiles and grabs it. Eve helps her up as Eve turns to leave but Trixie still has her hand. Eve turns around with a raised eyebrow and looks down at the hand and then up at Trixie. Trixie pulls her in for a hug as they hold it for a few. They part as Trixie holds Eve's hand up as the winner.
(It is short match but also a teaser for what happens at NHB. This is a match that had no images to it. It is a good way for you to witness the action that takes place in NHBPW. Most matches have images to go a long with it but not this one. I hope you enjoy it and want more. Just like and comment if you DO want more.)


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Re: NHB Trixie Vs Eve - Title match
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2024, 03:41:22 PM »
This match was fabulous! loved it!