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Dina Meyer vs Victoria Pratt rematch

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Dina Meyer vs Victoria Pratt rematch
« on: July 18, 2024, 03:11:38 PM »
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Something happened or was rumored to have finally happened.  This lifetime event with all its movie actresses there was a lot of conversation that at long last Christina Cox and Victoria Pratt truly fought.  No stopping at a point, no talking themselves out of a true fight. The two finally fought that was the rumor going around and the two were together and walked around.  Whispers whenever they were near a group.

They got together and looked at the room “Do you get the idea…”  “They’re talking about us.”

“So, you still looking for someone to retire you?”

Christina and Victoria looked at each other puzzled “Who are you talking to?”  ali Leibert wlked over and threw a question out there.  Christina was confused and asked her the question

“Everyone is saying you two finaly fought each other so whoever lost is done and I want to retire the winner.”

Victoria and christina realized everyone knew they fought but the winner was between them.  So they wanted to ignore it

“Come on then everyone here is split on who won between you and I don’t care because I can kick both your asses.”

“At the same time”  Christina said “Listen what we did is between.  No I’m not talking about it”

“If the fight happened its our business no one elses.”  Victoria said

“Pratt?  Cox?  I don’t care, I want to know who won your fight? Because That’s who I retire first!  I should retire the both of you, but you know wh…”  Dina Meyer grabbed Ali from behind and choked her unconscious

“What did you do that for?”  Christina said

Dina looked down and said aloud “Ali Liebert could kick all three of our asses in a one on one fight… I have one fight left in me and …”

Dina stopped talking and began to choke up a little.  Dina was able to retain control and Victoria Pratt was nodding her head no.  Dina smiled “Victoria Pratt I challenge you to a rematch!”

“I decline.”  Victoria walked away from all three women. Dina caught up got in front of Victoria

“Because you got a lucky win on me.”

Victoria face was hard, and she obviously wanted to fight “No Dina... we’re legitimately friends and the talk of us fighting each other only started after filming a movie. We fought and I won, you picked the fight then and I beat you.  IT wasn’t cheap it was what I told you it would be.”

Dina slapped her and Victoria still did nothing.  Dina grabbed her shirt and ripped it open “I fought you and you beat me… I know I can beat you and will beat you but in front of more witnesses.  This network has made us a life and now let’s fight and show them who the better investment was.”

Victoria stepped back looked over at Christina who was staring at her tits.  Dina saw that “So she won she beat you that bad you are done.  She remembering what she did to your tits.”

 “Dina, I’m done.   Done with you I beat you and as for us.  Its no ones business who won but if she said we have to do it again but in public.”

“Which I’m not but our fight is between us, it was a hard fight as hard if not harder than it should have been between legit friends.  It ended and we will keep result win lose or draw between us.”

Christina and Victoria shared a staredown there was a tension between them.  They fought to keep eye contact.  For so long they competed for roles and when they did they’d find a secluded place put on hockey jerseys and trade punches until one was able to get the jersey off the other.  Then they finally fought for real a true epic catfight and were not letting anyone know what happened or who won.  The imagination of others could fill in the blanks on what they did but everyone wanted to know who won.

  “Sometimes one fight is enough to know and sometimes it isn’t.  I fought O’Dell how many times and she won that fucking war.”Victoria said that and no one knew if she was talkgint to Christina or Dina.  When it comes to us, I won the fucking fight ok, I won it and there’s no need for me to do it again” Victoria stared at Dina to say that.

Dina slapped Victoria again then stepped back and took her own shirt off “Take a look Vic.  Older than you and in better shape.  I want one more fight in my life and I want that fight to be against you.”

“As far as I’m concerned Christina was my last fight”

“At least you admit she won.  Which is probably the most truthful thing you ever done but in order to ease the burden you also have to tell the truth and admit your win over me was a fluke”

“I know what you are trying to do and it wont work.”

Victoria tried to walk away but everyone had formed a tight circle “I’ve made these people more money than you.  Choices are one more fight against me and take a chance that you would officially have needled another actress out or admit “

“Admit what” Victoria turned around and let her shirt drop “You and I fought you fucking lost.  I’ve already broken your sorry ass.  Already proved you are not nor will you ever be my match, and nothing will change that fact.  Admit Christina beat me SHE DIDN’T and neither did you but at least she has a chance of doing it.”

Dina’s shirt dropped she walked over to Victoria went to grab her bra only to have her wrists grabbed.  Dina was standing there trying to free her wrists and Victoria was trying to hold them.  The struggle was getting intense as they continue to stare at each other “She didn’t beat you, so you beat her… Bullshit.  She broke you so admit that or fight me.”

Victoria ended up throwing Dina to the ground “Ok Bitch you needled it out of me.  Is that what its going to take to end this then fine but I won’t be as surprised by you this time.”

With that Dina swept Victoria’s legs out then got up “Not surprised by me huh.  Vic you knew then you didn’t want to fight me knew on our set knew during our friendship.  The surprise wasn’t me and how close I came to beating you.”

Dina went to stomp Victoria but Victoria caught the foot tried to push it away but Dina moved her ankle inward and kicked the tit of Victoria then bent down to pick Victoria up.  Victoria kicked her leg up and connected to the ear

Victoria got up rushed at Dina buried her shoulder in was rushing Dina into the crowd when Dina widened her legs.  That stopped Victoria and Dinas body looked amazingly strong especially as she waist locked Victoria and threw her into the crowd.

Dina was pumped her adrenaline hitting red lines she just made Victoria look like a little girl.  She walked back to the middle just shouting her muscles looked absolutely amazing “That’s why she didn’t want another fucking round.”

“I never wanted another round because deep down as much as I appreciate our friendship I want to beat you up… I want to hurt you and now after all that bullshit by you to get me fighting you.  You will finally figure out what we are.”

“I knew you weren’t done… But you will be come on you blonde bitch.”

“Not by the likes of you and if you think it ends with you winning here I wont be ended by the likes of you picking a god damn fight when I told you to fuck off now I’ll fuck you up.”

Two of hollywoods all time hard bodies, reputations of being the tough no nonsense woman. The sexy villain who beats up the men.  Their careers were mirror images their bodies were still awe inducing and they were squared up to have a rematch.

Victoria in a south paw and Dina in a standard but loose on her feet she threw two kicks just above the inside of Victorias knee.  “I’m so ready for you this time.  If she never finished you I will beat whatever fight you have left out of you.”

“I thought it was all gone.”  Victoria went for a leg switched to a kick to the ribs “you brought it back.”

Dina faked a kick, faked a punch then when Victoria went on  her back foot Dina jumped at the hair.  “Fuck the skills I just want to tear you apart.”

Dina was on top of Victoria  hitting the blondes back head into the ground “I will own you bitch… Own your bitch ass.  You will be mine.”

Victoria turned her hips “Fuck the skills is how you beat me you think.  Bitch I live for this you will be put down like the whore you are .  That pussy is finally being shut down.”

“I’m a dancer bitch don’t you think your hips…”  Dina powered up and threw Victoria back down on her back “Your tits.”  Rip the bra off

“I’m a fitness model who is educated and has a martial arts back ground.”  Victoria used that and turned Dina over and ripped her bra off.

Hand over face and a scratch “I’m one of the toughest and best fighters in Hollywood history” Dina said turning Victoria who screeched at her face being clawed at.

Victoria got her hand in Dinas mouth cupped the bottom teeth and hauled Dina off of her and could hear the muffled scream as her nails dug in below the teeth.  “I’m the one in tough shows being the tough.  You are not beating me in any fight ever.”

The fought their way up trading punches  and Dina pushed forward but now it was Victorias turn to throw Dina.  She planted her feet “You got me bitch now…”  Victoria threw her clear over a buffet table “Now you fucking know who the fuck we are.”

“And who are we Victoria?”  Christina Cox was near Victoria fists clenched her biceps ready.  Victoria slowly turned “Do we talk about our fight tell them what happened and …”

Victoria was pulled away by the hair and thrown over another buffet table.  Dina turned sharply at Christina “she belongs to me.  Whatever you two did you did I got her now and there wont be enough for you to flex about when I’m done.”

“Hey me and Victoria had our fight so you can have this rematch I hav… DINA!”  Christina pointed behind and Dina turned she took to much time away from Victoria. 

Victoria threw some pasta salad at Dinas chest.  Got a foot on the table and launched herself  back over.  Dina crouched down and jumped herself and the two collided hard and hit the floor and were a headlock on hitting punches to the others ear.  “Youre nothing.”  “More than you.”

Up on their feet, hand under a chin they pushed the other off their feet and onto the buffet table.  The crowd was going wild as they wrestled on the food grabbing some and smashing it in the others face.

“You are nothing Victoria… Nothing.”  Dina hit the head into the table turned over got her head hit into the table

“Ive been better than you from day one to today to tomorrow.” 

Dinas hands went into Victorias nose when she wanted it on the face. This was better as she pulled outward getting a scream “You got lucky one night.”  Dina was able to sit on Victorias waist “One fucking night.”  Still pulling out on the nose she hit a right hand and that got her fingers out

“One fucking night you were better than me… One fucking night one fucking time.”  Another hard right hand.  “I’ll watch your lights go out bitch.”

Dina got her hands on Victorias throat, Victoria got her calf on the bottom of the table and pushed upward and sent both off the table.  They got up and Victoria hit a hard punch that got Dina between the tits.  “Last thing you’re going to see is me victorious again.”

Vic slammed Dinas face into the table “Victorias.”  Again “Victorious.” Again “Victoria” Again “Beat” Again “Dina.”  She grabbed some of the ruined food that was left on the table so much on boths bodies then aggressively grinded it in Dinas face with her hand “Again and always no matter the year.”

Victoria pulled the head back.  Got her forearm around the throat and Dina pushed back with her heels slammed Victorias back into a wall.  She reached up grabbed the blonde hair of Victoria and brought the blonde on her shoulder and jumped for a power slam through the table.

Dina pushed up on her hands and looked at everyone.  Her hair and face and body caked with so much food and some blood.  That was some short violent bursts but she heard a crack when she put Victoria through the table she began to nod and crawl away her ass got over Victorias face and Dina couldn’t resist.

Dina was really pumping her ass into Victorias face “If she forgets the fight she will remember that.”

Dina crawled away “She remember always I am better and I end it with .”  Victoria kicked Dinas arms.

Vic got her legs under the arms and shifted her as down to lock this in.  A full nelson with her legs locking ankles at Dinas neck “You should have left.”  Vic was still in pain from the table and knew she wasn’t using full leg power so she turned her hips to turn both and push up to get that extra leg power and end this fight.

Dina swayed her hips left and right her core working overtime.  All her flexibility all of Dinas dancing, all of everything in her career went into sliding her way out of this before Victoria Pratt added the pressure.  She felt it slip and heard something from Victoria and Dina was out tried to get at fighting position.


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Re: Dina Meyer vs Victoria Pratt rematch
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2024, 03:14:05 PM »

“I won you bitch.”

“Its not over you bitch.”

They each grabbed a part of the broken table and swung it at each oter. It broke even further on the other womans body.  They fell down in their younger days they had stamina for days but this was a fast and furious fight with a woman going through a table.  They were tired

Some deep breaths and they slowly began to get up.  Up on their feet the stumbled back then Victoria was first and threw a right and a left “You couldn’t finish.  Stay down.”  Victoria went for another left the south paw was coming down with the punch.

Dina hit a short right to Victorias stomach that stopped the punch from Victoria.  Then grabbed Victorias tit with her left stood up and drilled three rights to Victorias face.  “It was over bitch and you will stay the fuck down.”

Victoria never went down and threw a punch to the leg.  “Not going down”  Dina hit a knee wit that leg that was punched as she let go of the tit.  Knee  hit into the stomach “Maybe you need to go through another table.”

Dina lifted Victoria up onto her shoulder and strained then began to turn.  Victoria said “Not yet.”  She powered and leveraged down to Dinas side

Victoria got her arms around Dinas side, dropped her hips below Dina’s and snapped a saito suplex.  Dinas shoulders and head bounced off the table but she never went through the table.  She was groaning and Victoria stood up and hit three elbows down on Dinas stomach “I need you to quit bitch.. Then we are done forever all you have to do is QUIT!!!”

Dina kicked Victoria away “We will never be done… NEVER”

She got off the table and Victoria dove at her and both crashed onto the table which this time broke.  They were hitting knees to the other between the leg and scratching at the face of the
Other woman Victoria screaming “I won leave me alone.”  Dina shouting “I win and never until its done.”

Victoria had her left on the inside and Dinas right was on top of the wrist, and they were pumping uppercuts and began rolling around.  Weak hand in hair pulling away, strong fist pumping uppercuts into chin under ear.  Bodies went over the broken table and destroyed food and those that watched both said that this fight was taking more out of Victoria then the final O’Connor battle

As they battled back and forth on the ground there was something hard they were hitting.  It dug in and crunched spin when they were on it.  One of the broken metal table legs.  That was adding the pain but could also be a solution because wit was clear they weren’t ending unless a weapon was involved at this point both wanted the win to much.

Dina began slinking out more and was opening her eyes to look for the chair leg.  She bit on Victorias cheek pulled her head back then let go snuck out from the bottom was on her chest going for a chair leg to turn and smash Victoria pratt and end the fight.  End this part of her acting career better than Victoria and with a win.

Dina swung it at Victorias head and Victoria stayed low.  She missed and Victoria grabbed a leg and hit Dina in the lower back.  Dina arched and Victoria got behind Dina got the leg around the throat and fell back choking Dina Meyer with the table leg.  “Tap bitch I will wreck you and..”  Victoria had to dodge Dina swinging her   chair leg upwards and then Dina tried to roll out

Victoria held on and now was in a position to have Dina on her chest.  Vicotira got her knee on Dina’s back and the chair leg was across Dina’s mouth.  Victoria leaned back and her strength was in focus.  The chest muscles leading to the shoulder muscles down to the biceps and triceps and forearm veins popping out.

“Tap out bit… That the fuck out and acknowledge you cant beat me.”  She tried to call her a bitch but Dina wanted this more than her she needed it to end and it ends with a tap out.  You cant get away from a tap out.  “I got you Dina …Again I got you its over you just don’t …”  Christina Cox stood in front of them

“Shes out.”

Victoria held on and Christina raised her voice “Victoria she is OUT!”  Hands on arms and eye contact “Let go or we show the conversation of who wins between us.”

Victoria did let go and looked at Christina and both knew.  They left the party and got into a elevator and Victoria was being held up “I had to get out she isn’t done with me shes serious and I beat her I so beat her.  I don’t have many of those left at the end I felt twenty years younger but now… she hurt me bad.”

“That your last one.  Do you give her that I think she…”

“Fuck her she won’t be my last round I got rounds left but others need… I’m going to talk to Jodi and if at the end on a civil conversation I’m done then I’m done but its not because of that bitch or because I fear a rematch with you or I’m scared Jennifer will show up and say one more.”

Those three were most likely and Christina just watched her friend fight like she used to. It still existed and though they’d never talk about their one true real fight they had months ago she knew it should be her that’s last.  But she also had to listen to what Vic had to say after she healed and thought on it.  Maybe she needed a path to earn the right for them to be each others last fight.

Dina had to be removed and Ali Liebert knew neither would fight her.  Dina though got a text from a strange number ‘I suggest for  your future you forget Victoria.  I will be the one to end her and end anyone who gets in my way.  She has avoided me to long.  I hate her more than you and everyone else combined.  I don’t care what others plans are I will  be Victorias end!’

“Who the hell is that?”  Dina asked then passed out again.   

(Upcoming:  Janet Montgomery vs Sarah Butler; British Fight Pit; Katherine McNamara vs Kathryn Newton; Kelly Monaco vs Lindsay Hartley; Katie Cassidy vs Serinda Swan.)


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Re: Dina Meyer vs Victoria Pratt rematch
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2024, 05:30:54 PM »
 Splitting the story into more than one post? It's so simple it's genius!