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Pam The Champion Mother

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Offline DottiD

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Pam The Champion Mother
« on: November 15, 2023, 02:21:57 AM »
Pamela The Champion Mother
Is she out of her league

Chapter 1 This could be Fun

So after Pam defeated two rivals in a row, she made sure to recover before doing anything else. But as she rested her fingers kept running along the matchbook that was left behind.

She was curious for sure, and when Mark came home Pam expressed her desire to visit the club. He asks “are you sure? Cause i have no idea what you would be walking into honey”. Pam thought a minute then smiled, “hey whats the worse that can happen, what we see we don’t like and leave , cmon we have no parties planned anyway “.

Mark looked at her engorged breasts and stiff nipples then her eyes, “as long as your sure i am game , we can go Saturday night ok?”. Pam was elated and agreed, she waited all week for the night out, and was sure some kind of fight was going to be seen or come to her.

Friday Pam was tossing and turning, she rested all day Saturday and finally after dinner took a shower, did her hair up and was st to get dressed. Mark was getting ready as well when Pam asks “ok so which one ? The tight low cut dress or the skin tight jeans and low cut top?”.

Mark barely noticed either as he just focused on her tight veiny swelling breasts barely in her robe, “well if i had to guess either but that dress is hot, but it is an underground club so i can’t a say babe”.

Pam growls “uggg your no help”, she goes into the bathroom and after a while she emerges with the champagne colored dress on that looked like a second skin on her. The front was a over lapping V cut that showed plenty of veiny swelling cleavage and hat she had on a champagne lace cup bra. She wore smoke colored thigh highs and matching heels.

She did her nails in a matching color and her lipstick as well, diamond earrings and bracelets. Mark was a bit taken back, and Pam just smiled “i figured if this club is a waste of time you can take me out for the night , ready to go?”.

Mark smirked and jingled his keys and the couple got in the car, Pam entered the address in the GPS and off they went. They drive down town and finally they see the building, after parking near by the two walk to the front and hand in hand enter the door.

The hall was painted black and down stairs was where they were guided towards, each step they got closer and heard the cheers and screeches and verbal chatter get louder. They pause at the final door , both take a breath and Mark opens the door for Pam.

Pam swaggers in then Mark stands behind her, as Pam lets her eyes look about she sees it is 98% women here a few men. The bar is nearly filled with women both dressed and in robes, all nudge each other as Pam stands looking the place over, confident , busty , sexy and ready to fight if asked.

Those at the bar all get a glimpse and then go back to looking not at one another or the bar, but turned to the wide open floor layout, in the center is a plexiglass glass style ring. Around the ring are women cheering and watching something, Pam tells Mark to grab two seats and drinks.

Pam snakes her way closer tot he ring of plexiglass glass and inside it are two extra large busty women going both tit to tit and using hands on. Their faces red as are their breasts and a few small nail marks, swell  on both women’s breasts.

Sweating and tears streaming as they fight , Pam purses her lips at the action and then sees one of the women pin her rival to a wall and lower her body and thrust up, her round huge tits SMACK up upper cutting the others breasts.

A loud screech then he woman on the wall falls to the rugged floor, her rival pounces on her and pins hr on her back. After a request to give the women pinned shakes her head no, the woman on top drops her head and bites into her rivals breasts chomping , shaking her head and alternating between both breasts.

The pinned woman screams and finally as tears run screams out “I Give i give stop , you win”, there was a loud applause and women were smiling for the winner. Pam stops one woman “hey pardon me but aren’t there any rules to these fights?”.

The woman she stopped looks back then at Pam “first timer?, there are typically but these two hated one another and they wanted to destroy each other’s tits, i doubt the loser there will be in any shape to fight again if at all for a while”.

Pam thanks her and then walks back to Mark, she sits at the bar and they look about as those in robes seem to approach others in robes randomly and challenge each other to fight. As they sit watching a redhead and a women with black hair chat and part their robes, they then stand up and swagger to the ring , they step in and instantly a crowd gathers again.

As they strip their robes and those watching clap, the ref or hostess goes over the rules, they a re what Pam is use to, then she says “you both agree losing mother is milked and then smothered ?”. Both nod and the hostess walks out and rings a bell and the two mothers crush their breasts agains the other. The fight was on, Pam could hear the flesh clopping as the two mothers curse each other and really grind it out.

Pam’s nipples were stiff as steel pegs, and she even traced her own as she watched, licking her lips as she loved seeing the action but so wanted to be in the action. Her breasts were full, firm, round and tight. They swelled more at the  arousing action.

That’s when Mark leans to her and whispers, “don’t look to fas but there are 3 women at the end of the bar looking you over , like i mean really watching you “. Pam smirks a bit then slowly lets her eyes scan that way, she can see two are dressed as nicely and one is in a robe .

Pam licks her lips then ignores the women, as she watches the fight go on she can see they are talking and start to shift in their seats. Mark looks at his wife , “so babe you wanna hang or get out of here ?”. Just then before Pam can answer, a busty redhead steps between Mark and Pam, she and Pam eye each other up and down without a word spoken.

After a minute the red head softly but with jealousy to Pam says “your new here, so i guess its fair you have no idea what or rather how tings work, names Mary, and for your information, you step in here, you have to either find a fight or accept one, we don’t allow by standers or those wanting to see two women fight “.

Pam inhales, “oh i can accept the house rules, but like you said i wasn’t aware of them up till now, so which of these cow wants to fight my tits?”. Mary breathes in her nipples start to tent as she can see there is a seasoned fighter in front of her.

Mary a 36 yo. Mom stands 5’9” 148 and is a 36F-26-36, with red hair to shoulders, a mom of 2, whose breasts are round veiny and very laden. Dressed in a light blue mini dress and blue bra under , nude thigh high and matched heels.  Mary and Pam’s eyes continue to scan each other’s cleavages.

Mary then breaths out as she replies “how about me?, tit to tit till one of us gives”. Pam interrupts her , “and loser gives up her bra and is milked then tit smothered “. Mary tilts her chin up at Pam, “sounds like you may have danced before”. Pam eases off her stool and as she stands their covered breasts gently graze each other’s. Both mothers feel others firm heavy globes.

Pam then tilts her chin at Mary, “where do we fight then honey?, seems the rings occupied for a while.” Mary oops back and sees the two women are smearing hard but neither is backing down. She looks back at Pam, “well we can wait, or we can compare a bit maybe warm up with hands over there alone?”.

Pam looks to Mark who nods, Pam then hands on hips, “lead the way , love getting warmed up”. Mary licks her lips , “yeah we will see how much you enjoy this,follow me”.

Mary swaggers her way to far end of the bar, she waves the women there to take a walk, they all bump her shoulder walking away. Pam slowly swaggers to where Mary stands, one hand on the bar other on her hip. As she passes the women who were there she hears them “good luck newbie you picked the wrong mother”.

Pam reaches Mary, they stare a moment, then Mary reaches up for her dress top and slowly parts the V opening wider, till her bra cups swell free of it. Pam follows suit then as they stare both women ease their bra cups up till their breasts drop free.

The two women look each other over again , then Mary says, “its simple honey, we compare and we do it deeply and hard, then nipple duel, if the ring opens we go fight mother to mother got it?”.

Pam inhales a breath as her proud breasts stand free nipples stiff,, “well ready when you are, and i so hope that fight in there is almost done , so we can get at it”. With that both women ease hands up and slowly they cup others breasts, they stare as they lift and lower their hands weighing the others breasts slowly.

Mary would never fully admit it but inside she can feel Pam was very heavy, but Pam feels the same in Mary. As they then caress around each other’s mass they feel the fullness then both squeeze deeply.

Neither grunts, instead they groan as they refuse to let fully go, instead they squeeze and grope slow but deeply. Both women stare as this go on, then Mary huffs “wanna go harder or not ?”. Pam smirks as she squeezes again “I’ll go as hard as you can honey”. Both continue to grope and they use each other’s breasts like pulling and kneading thick dough .

All though their nipples are stiff each woman uses her thumbs to rub and tease the others nipples stiffer. Their aureolas swell and become bumpy soon they line their nipples at the tips as they still knead and hope and squeeze at others large breasts.

Mary blows out a hot breath, “my nipples are strong and stiff honey, sure you wanna tangle with me?”. Pam licks her lips, “your the one who challenged me, you sure you wanna go on?, cause my nipples are stiff and strong as well, might be a tough night for you “.

They both give the others breasts a deep squeeze causing the aureolas to protrude forward then they slowly swipe and flick nipples as they keep hold of the others breast meat.

As the two mothers compare and nipple duel, inside the clear walled ring has the two mothers grinding hard and slowly one is forcing the others knees to buckle. When suddenly the woman growing weak cries out , “oh i am done i give i give you win”.

Mary then still looking into Pams eyes moans, “looks like the ring has an opening , still up for this rookie?”. Pam smiles “oh honey I’ll gladly fight you, but you are underestimating me, but not for long, tell whoever you have to we are gonna fight “.

Pam releases Mary’s breasts and steps back, she fixes her bra and then dress, then swaggers away to Mark, she leans to him, whispering, “i am gonna fight her now”. Mark kisses her and then Pam swaggers to where Mary is talking to the hostess .

The hostess looks Pam over then back to Mary, she tilts her head “if your sure , the rings yours and hers”. The ring gets emptied and then wiped down quick of the losers milk, then the hostess steps in and with her mic, “ladies , ladies attention please, i know you all thought there were two other moms to fight tonight but we have a special request. our own Mary, has decided to challenge a new comer to our club Pam.

Mary proudly and over confidently struts into the ring, she circles it then stops in one corner. Pam then slowly struts in and circles as well, she chooses the opposite side . The two mothers glare each a hand on her hip, the hostess announces the stakes and that it is strictly a no hands on titfight, loser milked, smothered and bra handed over.

Nearly every woman stands and steps to the rings walls to se this fight, the hostess looks at each mother and nods as if to ask if each is ready. Each woman nods back accepting they are, then the hostess tells each, “ladies strip and prepare to fight “.

As the hostess steps out she stands by the open ring door, inside both Mary and Pam slowly strip off their dresses.  Then they remove their bras, the women watching all raise their brow as they see these two are equally matched, not rare here at this club but not often enough.

They drop the bras behind them, each are sees her breasts then hands go on their hair, Mary then Pam give each other a slow heavy shimmy.  The hostess as she shuts the door to the ring so neither can get free, “ladies, Fight”.

Mary and Pam inhale then slowly with a sexy swagger of hips walk straight forward to the center, they stop inches apart, then just stare. Mary softly says, “just so you and i are clear honey, after you give i am gonna drain you dry then crush your pathetic tits as they all watch, you will regret the day you came into my club”.

Pam smirking, “ your club?  Well honey, i hope you can beat me, cause if you can’t, i will hurt you and your weak tits, and make you pass out under my tits as they all watch.

Marry smiles an evil grin, “not physically mine, but i am the champ here s you might say it is mine, and your trespassing “. Pam scoffs, “well if thats true by all means kick me out, if you can.”

They stare another minute then Mary inhales as does Pam and finally the bar silent the two mothers come together. A loud audible CLOP brings the crowd alive as the two mothers once again thrust head on a second then a third and then fourth CLOP rings out.
The two mothers grunt low but continue to go head on, Mary huffs , “cmon harder i want a fight “. Pam delivers her 5th solid CLOP, “i was waiting on you honey, i you can”.  The head on thrusts go on as the crowd of women watch and cheer the fight on. All of which are routing Mary on.

As Mary suddenly thrusts into Pam, from at first a left angle then right into Pam’s breasts, Pam loses a step and her heels scrape the rug. Mary goes right after her, “cmon bitch i told you i am gonna hurt you”. Pam grunts as the angled thrusts quake her tits , “uuhnn uhnn bitch”. The women looking on are hopping on their toes and smiling as their fighter is doing exactly what she has been for a while, beating another mom in the ring.

Pam is feeling her rivals tits now and is in retreat a bit faster, she knows if she can not get Mary with a good move this fight is going to be over quick and Mary will devour her tits as all watch.

Pam is huffing as the CLOPS,SLPAS AND CLAPS ring out and the women looking on cheer Mary on. Mary as she continues the assault , “uhnn uhnn uhnn cmon cow, i only wish we met privately and your baby was here so i could nurse her after bitch. It’s ok your gonna nurse on my tits cmon fight bitch”.

Mary is tired of chasing Pam she side steps cutting off Pam’s turning retreat, making Pam walk straight back, as she does her bare back slaps the clear wall,Mary grinds tit to tit with Pam and then dips and delivers a 3 count of punishing upper cuts to Pam’s undersides.

Pam shakes her head no and her head tosses back as she feels the heavy powerful laden tits crush her undersides. Pam arches in pain and as Mary steps away Pam falls to her knees, Mark stands up looking over and his face is pale, as he sees Pam looking broken not 230 minutes into the fight.

He feels this is a repeat of the fight that lost her club and grill, that loss nearly made Pam a introvert, and nearly stopped her from fighting . But as Mary smiles at the  other women and shimmy’s her tits arrogantly assuming the fights over, Pam slowly gets up and then says “turn around you fucking cow, i am another and i am not done fighting you”.

Mary with a cocky smirk turns and looks Pam over then places hands on her hair again and starts toward Pam hoping to keep her pinned on the wall. But Pam was waiting for that and just before their tits crush together again Pam steps from the wall and Mary thrusts her tits out as they slam head on into the wall.

She shakes her head and yells “ohhh owww you bitch”, Pam steps to the center and waits to fight this so called champ. Pam a sneer “cmon bitch bring your tits out to fight mine”.

The women watching all pause in their cheers, they have never seen another woman take on Mary and get back up wanting more. Mary turns two red blotches on her breasts where she hit the wall with them.

Mary hisses as she slowly steps to meet Pam again, “ok you smart mouth bitch , you wanna titfight me lets get it on”. This time they circle slow as they glare, they firmly joust tits side to side, both now getting a good feel of the others round heavy firm laden mass .

Mary squares to Pam and shoves her tits into Pam’s “nmm cmon”, Pam squares up as well and as she firmly bumps from side to side into Mary the two mothers stand face to face and start to smear their tits then firmly begin to drag across the others side to side.

Pam feels her rivals power and weighted mass, but instead of fear or doubt , Pam enjoys the feel and then with a slow motion drag across Mary’s breasts , Pam arches her back and tries to force her tits between Mary’s looking to spread her rivals cleavage .

Shoving to part Mary’s breasts, “uuhnn mmff mff bitch cmon , my tits will crush yours”. Mary at the first feeling just rows her tits at Pam’s and smirks as if she easily thwarted the assault. But as Pam really tries to get at her cleavage Mary loses the smirk and is now using her tits to try and fend off Pams from accomplishing the attack.

Mary shakes her head and pants “uuhhhnn uhnn oh you bitch “. Pam is breathing heavier but not as heavy as her rival, she starts to press her tits to Mary’s at the cleavage and is slowly separating  her rivals breasts.

The women of the bar who know and have seen the “champ” crush most including newcomers, is being worked as if she is the new fighter. Pam is walking her backwards as she refuses to let up on Mary’s cleavage .

As Mary is panting trying to avoid Pam’s assault, she runs out of retreating room, it is not her back that hits a wall, and Pam is ready to teach this champ who is the better fighting mother.
Pam drives Mary against the far wall and her round veiny firm laden tits press into Mary’s as she slowly starts to shimmy and prod them at the tight cleavage .

Mary rolling her shoulders is worried as she squirms hoping to her own tits to out push Pam’s, Mary grunts as she does a good job so far, “uuuhnnnn ohhh cmon bitch , your no fighter you can’t even part my tits”. Pam just smirks as she stares into Mary’s red face as the fight slows but never eases up, “stop avoiding my tits then bitch , show me and them your cleavage is strong and your tits are firmer.”

Mary looks about to the quiet audience and how they all look as stunned as she feels. Scared but wanting to tame this new comer, Mary starts to buck her shoulders and chest and tries to use her tits still together to punish Pam’s and press them to either side and once she can destroy the big mouth mother.

The two battle tightly against the wall, women hoard to see this duel from behind the plastic rings wall. They see the huge mass of breasts wrestling for room, and bulging together as a press or push causes the bulging to swell to any open side.

Thick stiff nipples buried deep in the flesh as aureolas rub and tug skin, both are breathing deeper as trying to move the other is a chore , but as this goes on, the two powerful mothers are not feeling the deep ache this is causing in their mountainous breasts, which are already strained to limits by the milk they contain.

As Mary seems like she is starting to out press Pam, the women of the club watch with a slow new eagerness building, they call out, “thats it Mary get that bitch, show her why your the champ Mary , cmon girl get her off your tits and crush hers cmon”.

But as Pam huffs working to hold Mary still, her tits are still head on at her rivals cleavage, now hearing the new cheers for the champ, Pam inhales and decides it is time to break this crowds will, and her rivals confidence.

Pam looks into Mary’s eyes and is slowly gyrating her tits into Mary’s, Mary is staring back and it trying to slowly press and smear side to side. But as Pam is nestling in it becomes harder for Mary  to control her breasts movements.

After 45 minutes of fighting in a tight tit to tit war, the two mothers are in what looks to be a stalemate. But looks are deceiving, Pam feeling her rivals breasts are getting looser , curls her lip, “i hope you rehearsed your submission plea bitch”.

Mary with eyebrows up looks at Pam as if she lost her mind, Pam is no closer to parting her cleavage then when this tight war started. That’s when Pam now unleashed her tits on Mary’s, Pam does a very hard side to side thrusts at Mary’s breasts each angled in at her rivals cleavage.

Mary starts to pant heavier now as she refuses to admit it , but she can feel Pam’s tits slowly not just beating hers looser with the constant barrage but her cleavage is starting to part. Pam sneers “feel it don’ you bitch?”. All the women looking on now look at each other as if Pam is crazy, from their view Mary is holding Pam off with her power tits and they know is ready to turn the tables.

But they can’t see cause of the mutual bulging as they work their tits so firmly and with drive, Pam’s breasts have pushed Mary’s wider. Now every thrust of Pam’s breasts, are pummeling Mary’s inner walls of her breasts and hurting her chest more. The short but solid fleshy jabs are like two hard sandbags constantly hitting another pair in one spot till the contents starts to weaken and shift.

Mary strains but when Pam nestles firm between Mary’s tits she starts to thrust hard and firmer, causing CLOPS, CLAPS and fleshy SLAPS. The women look on in awe as Mary instead of growling and hurting her rival is being worked and hurt.

Her head shakes no as her mouth drops open , “uuughhh ugghhh ohhh my tits you bitch get off me”. Pam just presses in more and now its clear to those looking on, Mary’s powerful twins have been spread apart and the more sensitive inner walls are taking short distinct blows and now added, an ironing effect.

Pam a smirk but a look of real champ ready to devour her rival, starts to plow her tits along the inside cleavage of Mary and as she does , uses her tits to press Mary’s out and flat as she grinds and irons them flatter with her own powerful twin globes.

Mary pants out the effect and it makes Pam look up and hiss with a sinister delight, “ohhh uuhnn uhnn uhnn mmm yess problems bitch hmm/, if i didn’t know better I’d say it looks like your feeling my tits now, does it hurt or you ok to fight on?”.

Mary now squirming in pain as her tits are turned red and swelling from the attack,”Uhhh ohhh Fuck you Bitch”. Desperate Mary drops her hands from her own hair and pushes at Pam’s shoulders , “uumfff get off my ttis cxnt”.

But Pam is a mother and a fighter, she quickly grabs Mary’s wrists and with her upper body strength pins them back on the wall as well. It allows Pam to step into Mary tighter now as the pin forces Mary, to arch on the wall and push her tits out.

Pam licks her lips, “have it your way cxnt”. Pam tightens her chest muscles and now is freely with no defense drag, pound, thrust, press, and grind the weaker inner walls of Mary’s breasts, with each one Pam grunts , “yes cmon bitch feel my tits , cmon fight back you weak cow”.

Mary pinned and her tits now looser sway and jostle from each effective assault, “uuhh uhh ohhh oh you bitch fuck my tits get off my tits , owwww god damn it she is crushing my tits”.

Mary has had her share of losses but she has never been handled in this way so completely . Her body is sweaty and tacky , her tits turning from red to a purple red. Her lips dry as her mouth as she shakes her head no on the plexiglass.

Her upper chest being undulated back and forth by force from Pam’s. The sharp clops, claps , slaps are becoming duller as Mary’s breasts are loosening up more and more .  Her breasts on fire and her chest feeling hyper stretched out, Mary can only suck in deep breathes to stay up right.

Pam when she sees her rival strain to stay standing tightens her breasts up and side to side roughly jabs her tits against the inner walls of Mary’s breasts. The painful move makes MAry arch on the glass and wince as she gasps, “aaaughhh my tits oh god stop”.

Pam pins her breasts inside Mary’s cleavage and lets her heavy breathing work the fleshy orbs her own tits have in peril, “you give bitch hmm ? Say it “.  Everyone is stunned and almost totally silent as this dismantling of their champ is going on in front of them .

Mary hears a few women call out “cmon Mary fight back , get her Mary she is nothing fight her”. But as much as Mary wants to and tries by squirming her head shakes side to side as her face cohorts in pain, finally as she feels her chest muscles tear and tendons stretch Mary can no longer fight. Even she some how broke free,  her breasts are so loose and weakened the attack would have little to no effect against a solid laden firm pair like Pam’s.

Pam now with a devils glare and grin adds to the pain by working her tits into Mary’s in a deep tight circular motion. “Yeah cmon bitch feel my tits , nmmm i am crushing your tits , you know it i am the better mother say it, say you give , or fight my tits “.

Tears run from her eyes , her body starts to defy her will, her shoulders drop as if there is no support. Finally to everyone’s shock, Mary looks up “OK OK I GIVE I GIVE YOU WIN GET OF MY TITS i give”.

Pam holds her rival there a good minute longer really making sure Mary will be reminded she is the better mother, she leans into Mary and hisses at her face, “i am going to let you go, your going to get to all fours and i am gonna milk your pathetic tits, then your going to worship my tits. If at any point you try to get of it, I’ll use my tits to crush yours so you never fight again or nurse got it?”.

Mary weakly nods, then Pam peels her tits from Mary’s and she watches Mary slump to her knees from the wall. Pam smiles at the crowd of busty mothers and shimmies slow for them, then she gets behind Mary , pushes her onto her hands ands knees, then mounts her bare back.

Mary as tears streak her face huffs “no no not my milk”, Pam lays her tits on Mary’s back h then her hands caress Mary’s hanging paint, teasing them side to side as if juggling them. Then Pam moans “nmm here is your champ mother bitches”. And her hands slap onto Mary’s breasts and the torturous effect begins.

Her round breasts being kneaded like dough and stretched like taffy , deep twisting and squeezing downward over and over to the tender nipples , till finally Mary’s breasts explode in twin sprays at the hands of Pam.

Pam smiles now as her hands become coated as she doesn’t let up an inch, despite Mary’s groans and pain frilled weeping , Pam tugs her breasts till little to nothing is force out.

Mary whimpers “Please STOP my TITS are done”. Pam arches up fully on her rivals back hands up over head and her breasts firmly jostling out on front of her. She stands up and using Mary’s hair pulls her on the rug floor on her back, she straddles Mary and then lowers her mighty breasts down on her face.

As Mary tries to shake her head Pam pulls her arms in to limit any shift, she hisses to Mary, “worship my tits or I’ll smother you out bitch “.

Mary pinned and gasping for fresh air , nods and then Pam lips just enough making her thick nipples dip into Mary’s mouth. Mary sucks and licks freely at the hanging breasts and Pam moans “nmmm thats a good bitch , yess “.

Content she has broken Mary Pam sits up on her pinned body and says to the hostess , “those bras are mine bring me them”. The hostess opens the door hands Pam both bras and she then slides up Mary and her ass sits on Mary’s hurt tits as she grinds her crotch at her face.

Pam then eases her thong aside and grabs Mary’s bangs and yanks her face into her wet pussy, “pleasure me bitch now”. Mary willingly licks and sucks at the wet motherly womanhood , slowly Pam gyrates and cups her tits as she is brought to an orgasm, she smears her juices on Mary’s face then stands up,

Before leaving the walled ring am eases her thin figure hugging dress with both bras in hand she smiles and struts to the bar, orders a drink and sits with her husband. Swollen but the winner Pam watches as Mary is assisted to a locker room to get changed and leave.

As she does Pam smiles “thanks for the warm up bitch, i look forward to being the top mom here “. Mary to hurt and sore to go on and with her head down storms out of the club. Every other woman there is stunned and makes Pam the subject of the week.


Offline DavidG

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Re: Pam The Champion Mother
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2023, 02:56:42 PM »
Been waiting for another chapter in this and it was definitely worth waiting for
Thank you for continuing to entertain us so well and generously Dotti


Offline DottiD

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Re: Pam The Champion Mother
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2023, 09:24:25 PM »
Your more than welcome and thank you for the kind review , chapter will be posted soon


Offline YH5050

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Re: Pam The Champion Mother
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2024, 03:31:18 AM »
Absolutely Awesome!