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Suzane Revenge part 2

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Offline Styraxx

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Suzane Revenge part 2
« on: July 17, 2024, 09:52:45 AM »
Suzane's eyes darted around the cage, searching for anything that could give her an advantage. Her heart was racing, but she knew she had to stay calm.

There was a chair in one corner, a few bottles scattered on the floor, cans, lots of other rubbish and what looked like a length of chain hanging from the ceiling. She took a deep breath, trying to ignore the catcalls and whistles that filled the air.

Cristal, on the other hand, seemed to thrive on the attention. She strutted around the cage, flipping her hair and blowing kisses to the crowd. "You all know who's going to win this," she called out, her voice smug. "And after I'm done with her, maybe one of you will be lucky to spend the night with me!"

The crowd roared with excitement, and Suzane felt a surge of anger. She was going to wipe that smug look off Cristal face.

The first blow came quickly, as Cristal lunged at Suzane, her long nails aiming for Suzane's eyes. But Suzane was ready, ducking and weaving. Her fist connected with something soft and yielding, and she heard a gasp of pain.

Looking down, she realized she had hit one of the orbs that jiggled on Cristal's chest. The blonde's eyes went wide with shock, and she stumbled back, clutching her chest. "You bitch!" she screeched, her voice high and shrill. "You're going to pay for that!"

Cristal's rage was palpable, and she launched herself at Suzane again, her nails now aimed at her rival's face. Suzane felt the sharp sting as the claws raked across her cheek leaving a long deep scratch.
She stumbled back but she took a page from the other girl's playbook and went for the one thing she knew would really get under her skin: her tits.

With a snarl, she dove for Cristal's chest, her fists connecting with the firm, silicone-filled orbs. The sound of impact was sickeningly satisfying.

Cristal screeched, her eyes watering with pain as she stumbled back, her hands flying to cover her breasts. "You little whore!" she spat. Her eyes searched the floor of the cage, landing on a shard of broken bottle.
With a cunning glint in her eye, she bent down and picked it up. Suzane's stomach clenched as she saw the jagged edge glint in the neon lights.

Cristal's smile as she lunged, the glass shard aimed for Suzane's chest. But Suzane was quicker. She sidestepped the attack, her heart racing.

"You're going to need more than that to take me down," Suzane taunted, her voice steady despite the fear that clawed at her insides.

Cristal's eyes narrowed, and she lunged again. This time, she aimed for Suzane's belly, Suzane tried to dodge, but she wasn't fast enough. The glass sliced through the fabric of her tank top and bit into her soft flesh.
She let out a sharp cry, the pain searing like a hot knife.

Blood began to trickle down her stomach. Suzane's hand flew to her wound, but she didn't back down. Instead, the pain fueled her fury, and she charged at Cristal

Suzane collided with Cristal in a flurry of fists and nails forcing Cristal too drop glass shard.
Suzane's mind was a whirlwind of rage and pain. She could feel the warmth of her own blood, but she didn't care. All that mattered was making Cristal hurt as much as she cud. They grappled, their bodies tangling together in a mess of limbs and hair.

Cristal's nails dug into Suzane's back, but she ignored the pain, focusing instead on the feel of her hands wrapping around the other girl's throat. She squeezed, her thumbs pressing into the soft flesh.

Cristal's eyes bulged, and she choked, her face turning a deep shade of red.

When the blonde started fainting Suzane with a surge of strength fueled by adrenaline, flung Cristal to the ground.

The crowd roaring with excitement.

The blonde gasped for air, her chest heaving as she tried to recover.

Suzane too took a moment to catch her breath, the pain from her stomach wound pulsing with every beat of her heart.

Cristal lay sprawled on the cage floor, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she struggled to regain her composure.

When Suzane moved in to capitalize on her momentary victory, she was met with a swift kick to the knee. The unexpected pain shot through her like lightning, buckling her leg and sending her crashing to the ground beside her rival.

Cristal was quick to recover.

She straddled Suzane, raining down blows on her face and chest.

Suzane felt the burning in her knee as she desperately tried to shove the blonde off her, but she couldn't summon the strength to push back.
The world swam around her, and she could feel her grip on consciousness slipping.

But she wasn't going to go down without a fight.

Suzane's hand closed around something cold and metal—a beer can. With a growl, she swung it up, catching Cristal across the face. The can crumpled with a satisfying crunch, and the other girl's grip loosened.

Suzane took advantage of the moment, rolling them over so that she was the one on top. She straddled Cristal, her own fists flying now. She hit her in the face, her knuckles colliding with the bone of her cheek and nose. Blood spurted, and the crowd's excitement grew louder.

Suzane grabbed top that barely contained the blonde's assets. The fabric tore easily, and she ripped it off in one swift motion.

Cristal's  tits bounced free, her pierced nipples standing erect in the cold air.

The crowd hooted and hollered.

Suzane's eyes fell on the silver hoops that adorned the blonde's nipples.

The glint of metal  caught her attention. Without a second thought, she grabbed one of the hoops between her thumb and forefinger and yanked it out with a vicious twist.

Cristal's scream pierced the air. The hoop came free with a spurt of blood, and the blonde's face contorted in agony.

Suzane threw the torn piercing to the ground, the crowd's chanting now reaching a fever pitch.

She leaned down, and whispered into her opponent's ear, "You like it rough, huh? Let's see how much you can really take."

With a grim determination, she reached for the second hoop. She gripped the metal. The blonde's eyes were wide open, her mouth a silent 'O'.

Suzane pulled, the ornament resisting for a moment before giving way. A fresh scream ripped from Cristal's throat as the hoop was torn from her flesh, blood spattering the grimy floor of the cage.

The crowd's cheers grew louder, feeding off the raw emotion of the battle before them.

As second piercing came out with a wet pop, Suzane felt a twisted sense of satisfaction as she threw it aside. Cristal's body writhed beneath her

Cristal's eyes rolled back in her head for a moment, Suzane thought she had won.

But the seductress was far from defeated.

She bucked her hips, tossing Suzane off of her and rolling away.

Despite her agony, she managed to get to her feet, her breasts hanging exposed and her nipples a bloody mess.

Suzane also climbed to her feet, her breath coming in ragged gasps. She could feel the blood from her stomach wound sticking to her shirt, making it cling to her skin.

She wiped the sweat and blood from her eyes.

The fight was far from over.

Cristal's breath came in ragged gasps as she felt the panic rising in her chest. She had never been in such a brutal fight, and she had certainly never felt so much pain.

The pain from her injured nipples was unbearable, and she knew she had to end this fast.

With a burst of energy fueled by anger, she swung a wild punch at Suzane's face.
Suzane anticipated the move and tried  ducked, but not fast enough.
The blow hit her straight into the nose,  sending a shockwave of pain through her skull.
Her vision swam for a moment, but she didn't fall. Instead, she used the momentum to drive her knee up into Cristal's guts. Impact was solid, and Cristal doubled over with a guttural groan.

Suzane took advantage of the opening and attacked Cristal from behind  wrapping her arms around her rival's neck, squeezing with everything she had.
Cristal's eyes bulged, and her face turned a deep shade of purple as she desperately clawed at Suzane's forearms.

With desperation, Cristal threw her head back, smashing it into Suzane's nose this time breaking it with an loud crunch. Blood spurted out, and stars danced in front of Suzana eyes
Suzane stumbled back, releasing her hold on Cristal's neck. She had to lean against the cage to avoid falling to her knees.
The metallic taste of blood filled her mouth, and she felt a warm trickle run down her chin. She wiped it away with the back of her hand.

Cristal staggered, trying to catch her breath, but she didn't go down.
Her eyes narrowed into slits, and she lunged at Suzane again. This time, her hands attacked Suzane's top, tearing off her in the process.

The crowd grew louder, a mix of cheers and gasps as the two girls grappled half naked against the iron bars.

With surprising speed, Cristal yanked one of the beer bottles from the floor, smashing it against cage. Before Suzane could react, Cristal had the jagged edge bottel in her hand, and  twisted smile on her face.
Her eyes focused solely on Suzane's chest. She wanted revenge for her nipple, she wanted to scar, to maim, to leave a scar that will never disappear.

Suzane  wanted to step back but she felt the metal bars behind her back, instinctively she raised her arm to block the attack, but  Cristal was too fast. glass bit into her flesh, leaving a deep gash across her left breast.

Suzane screamed, pain was like nothing she had ever felt before—white-hot and searing

Cristal took a step back, the glass bottle still in her hand, a look of victory flashing in her eyes.
Her grin widen as she saw the crimson stain spreading over Suzane's chest. She lunged again, aiming for the untouched mound of flesh.

But this time, Suzane's instincts were sharper. She had felt the bite of the glass once, and she wasn't going to let it happen again. As the glass sliced through the air, she twisted her body, moving just enough to avoid the second attack.

Cristal's hand, still clutching the bottle, slammed into the metal cage with a sickening crunch. The glass shattered in her grasp, sending shards flying in every direction. Some fell to the floor of the cage, others embedded themselves  in her palm, drawing blood.

Ignoring her own pain, Suzane took the opportunity to move to the middle of the cage, putting some distance between them. She knew she had to be smart now, to capitalize on the momentary advantage. She couldn't let rage consume her; she had to be strategic. Her eyes searched the floor of the cage, looking for anything she could use.

However she underestimated Cristal, who, despite her injuries, was ready to attack

Both girls understood  that this was a fight to the very end, with no rules and no mercy.