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E girl's competition part 1

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Offline Styraxx

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E girl's competition part 1
« on: July 21, 2024, 08:41:36 PM »
Ami strutted through the crowded streets of Tokyo. Her eyes, lined with thick, dark makeup, danced with mischief as she flirted with the local rascals lounging outside the neon-lit arcade.
They ogled her tattooed arms, her slim figure hugged by a tight, leather crop top and a miniskirt that barely contained her curves.
Her doll-like features, complete with a tiny button nose and pouty lips, had earned her a reputation as the it-girl of the neighborhood.

Her laughter tinkled through the night air as she exchanged cheeky banter with the boys, her voice a mix of sweetness and sass that could make even the toughest of them feel like they were in the presence of a goddess.
The whispers grew louder as she passed, a murmur of admiration and envy trailing in her wake.
Ami reveled in the attention, her heart swelling with each hungry gaze. It was a high she couldn't get enough of, a drug that fueled her desire to be adored by men.

The rascals watched her with a mix of awe and lust, their eyes following the sway of her hips as she sailed down the alleyways.
She knew they were thinking about her, dreaming of what it would be like to have her all to themselves.
It was a power trip she never tired of, the kind of power that came from knowing she could have any one of them if she just batted her eyelashes in the right way.
Her tattoos, a canvas of intricate patterns, told a story of a girl who was as fierce as she was fragile. A girl who could handle whatever the world threw at her, all the while looking like a living anime character.

Her apartment was a shrine to her e-girl persona, a testament to the thousands of dollars she had made from her devoted fans.
The walls were plastered with images of herself, her face beaming out from screens and posters, her body in various states of undress. .

Since the day she turned 18, Ami had been meticulously crafting this life. She had moved out of the cramped, grimy apartment she shared with her alcoholic, prostitute mother, eager to escape the stench of despair that clung to every corner.
The memories of her mother's clients, the fights, the screams, and the tears had pushed her to seek refuge in the digital world.
Here, she could control her narrative, could be the center of attention without the fear of being used or discarded.
The online adoration was a balm to her bruised soul, a way to fill the void her mother had left in her heart.

Three years had passed, and Ami had become icon in the e-girl world.
Her Instagram feed was a curated masterpiece of seductive poses and playful teases, each post a carefully calculated bid for more likes, more followers, more money.
Her OnlyFans account had a devoted fanbase that showered her with gifts and cash, eager to see her push the boundaries of what she would do for their entertainment.
She had achieved what she always dreamed of: a life of luxury and worship.

Her apartment, once a sad reminder of her past, had been transformed into a gleaming bastion of her newfound success.

However, the virtual celebrity market was not stable, new faces were constantly appearing and fans were looking for something new.
Like a shark in a sea, Ami had to keep moving forward to survive.
The latest threat to her position was Tala, a fresh-faced beauty with a seductive smile and a figure that could make men weep.
Her popularity rising with alarming speed. Ami felt the ground beneath her feet start to tremble, the first tremors of fear rippling through her.
She had seen other e-girls come and go, their flames burning bright before fizzling out into obscurity.
But Tala was different. She had something... more.

Ami studied Tala's posts with a critical eye, noticing the subtle differences in their content and presentation.
Tala was half filipina, her body was tanned and her many blonde streaks gave her a girlish charm.
Her rival's videos were more playful. Her photos had a soft, innocent touch that made fans want to protect her, to claim her as their own.
It was a stark contrast to Ami's hardened, seductive persona.

The realization stung, but Ami knew what she had to do. She had to adapt or be left behind.

Days turned into weeks as Ami experimented with new looks and content, trying to outdo Tala at every turn. She tried to match her rival's innocence, donning schoolgirl outfits and pouting for the camera.
But it was forced, lacking the genuine spark that Tala had in spades.
Her followers could sense the desperation in her posts, and the numbers began to slip even further.
The comments grew cruel, pointing out her failure to capture the same magic, calling her a tired old hag trying to keep up with the young blood.

The once-booming income dwindled, leaving Ami with a bitter taste in her mouth. She knew that in the cutthroat world of virtual celebritys,  she couldn't afford to lose her edge.
In the quiet moments, as she lay in bed trying to fall asleep, she felt the weight of her mother's shadow looming over her.
The fear of ending up like her, used and forgotten, was a constant motivator.

Ami's jealousy grew into an all-consuming rage.
Her mind raced with dark thoughts, plotting and scheming.
She couldn't let this new girl take what she had worked so hard to achieve. One night, after a particularly nasty comment thread, she decided on a plan.
A plan that would ensure she remained on top, no matter the cost.

With a smirk, she slithered out of her bed, her eyes glinting with malice. Her heart thudded in her chest as she pulled out her phone and sent a DM to Tala.
"Hey, wanna collab?" she typed, her thumb hovering over the send button for a moment before she tapped it. The message sent with a whoosh, and she waited, watching the screen like a hawk, for the tell-tale bubble of a response.

When it came, she grinned, feeling the thrill of victory already. "That would be amazing! Let's do it!" Tala replied.

Ami's smile grew wider as she thought of the trap she had set. She knew that a joint show would be the perfect opportunity to eliminate her competition.

"Make sure not to tell anyone," she cooed into the phone. "We want it to be a surprise for our fans, right?"
Tala's excitement was palpable through the screen. "Of course, Ami-chan! This is going to be so epic!"

The stage was set for the ultimate betrayal.

Ami still  had friends from her youth who were now members of Tokyo's gangs, and her plan was to use these connections to ensure Tala's disappearance was swift and permanent.

They helped her get in touch with human traffickers whom she quickly convinced to her idea as she  hinting at the potential goldmine that was the innocent-looking e-girl.

The human traffickers had perked up at the mention of Tala's beauty and her growing online presence.
They knew that in the right market, a girl like her could fetch a high price.

Ami laid out her tools with meticulous care. The ropes that would bind Tala's wrists and ankles, the duct tape to keep her mouth shut, and the collection of sex toys she had gathered from her own kinky shoots.

Her heart raced as she imagined the terror in Tala's eyes when she woke up to find herself in a world of pain and degradation. The thought brought a sadistic glint to Ami's eyes.

Before she handed her rival over to the human traffickers she intended to have some fun with her first.

The night of the "collaboration" arrived, and Tala knocked on Ami's apartment door with a bounce in her step.
Ami's heart hammered in her chest as she opened the door, her smile a mask of sweetness that barely concealed her true emotions. "Welcome, Tala".
Tala's eyes widened as she took in the space, her excitement growing as she saw the various props and costumes laid out on the bed. "This is going to be so much fun!" she exclaimed, her voice full of genuine enthusiasm.
Ami led her through the apartment, her thoughts racing as she sized up her rival.

Tala's youthful beauty and innocent charm were infectious, and Ami felt a twinge of doubt. Could she really go through with this?
But as they settled down to plan their show, the doubt vanished, replaced by cold determination.
She offered Tala a drink, lacing it with a sedative she had picked up from a shady online pharmacy.

Tala sipped the sweet concoction, her eyes growing heavy. Ami watched with a smug satisfaction as her rival's eyelids drooped. "What's... what's happening?" Tala slurred, her voice a faint whisper.
"It's just a little something to help you relax," Ami said."After all, we're going to make history tonight."

Before Tala could protest further, her body went limp, and she collapsed onto the bed.
Ami caught her, her heart racing with excitement. She had done it. The bitch was finally in her clutches.
Her hands moved swiftly, tying Tala's ankles to the bedposts. It was surprisingly easy, like restraining a doll. Ami felt a thrill run through her as she stepped back to admire her handiwork.
Her eyes took in every detail of Tala's unconscious form, the way her chest rose and fell with each breath, the way her hair fanned out across the pillow. She couldn't wait to start playing with her new toy.
But first, she had to get her dressed for the part.

Ami rummaged through her closet, pulling out a series of degrading outfits she had picked out specifically for this moment. Each one was dignified than the last, a stark contrast to the sweet, innocent  persona that Tala had so effectively cultivated.

As she began to undressed  Tala to change her into new clothes, her mind raced with the possibilities of what she could do to her.
The sex toys laid out on the floor gleamed in the dim light, a twisted arsenal ready for use. 
She looked on dildo, one that was larger than any she had ever used on herself and a smile appeared on her lips

As she undress Tala, a wicked smile played on her lips. She took her time, enjoying the feeling of power that surged through her as she defiled her rival's body.
Each clothing she removed revealed more of Tala's flawless skin, her toned abs, and the perky breasts that had earned her so much adoration online.
Ami felt a twinge of jealousy, but she pushed it aside, focusing on the task at hand.

But as she bent over to slide the last piece of clothing onto Tala's unresisting form, she heard a sudden gasp. Tala's eyes snapped open, wild with fear and confusion. "What the fuck are you doing?" she spat, her voice filled with rage.

Ami froze,. "Shh," she cooed, trying to keep the situation under control. "It's all part of the show, darling."

But Tala was not to be soothed. She bucked her body upward, knocking Ami off balance and sending her sprawling onto the floor. The two girls locked eyes, the air in the room thick with tension. Tala's pupils were wide with terror, but there was something else there too, something Ami hadn't anticipated: a fiery determination that matched her own.

Before Ami could react, Tala had torn free from her restraints.
She lunged at Ami, her nails scratching at her face like the claws of a wild animal. Ami screamed, her own surprise turning to panic as she realized she had underestimated her rival.

The sedative apparently  stopped working definitely too fast, and now she was facing a girl who was not only aware of her situation but fighting back with everything she had.

The two rolled on the floor, their bodies entangled in a frenzied dance of anger and fear. The sound of ripping fabric filled the air as Tala tore Ami clothing, revealing her tattoos. Ami's heart raced as she felt Tala's hands around her throat, her fingers digging into her flesh. .

Tala's grip tightened, her eyes alight with the promise of vengeance. Ami clawed at her attacker's arms, her nails leaving deep gouges in the soft skin. Her breath grew ragged, and she knew she had to act fast . With a final burst of strength, she managed to push Tala off, sending her crashing into a nearby chair.

Ami scrambled to her feet, her eyes darting around the room for anything she could use as a weapon. Her hand closed around a heavy vibrator, one that had brought her countless hours of pleasure in the past. Now, it would serve a much darker purpose.

With a snarl, she turned to face Tala, who was quickly recovering from the impact with the chair. The sedative was wearing off, and the new e-girl's strength was returning.

"You bitch," Ami hissed, raising the vibrator like a club.

Tala's eyes narrowed, and she lunged again, but this time, Ami was ready. She swung the vibrator with all her might, catching Tala across the cheek.
The sound of skin meeting plastic echoed through the room, and Tala stumbled back, a look of shock on her face.

Ami didn't hesitate. She knew that if she didn't end this now, she might not get another chance.
She advanced on Tala, who had managed to get to her feet. The two girls circled each other like wild animals, each waiting for the other to make the first move.

Tala's cheek was already swelling from the blow. But she was not one to back down. She lunged again, her hands outstretched like claws. Ami ducked and swung the vibrator, catching Tala in the stomach.
Tala grunted, but she didn't fall.
Instead, she grabbed the makeshift weapon and the two of them tugged and pulled, their breath coming in ragged gasps.

Ami felt the vibrator slipped from her grasp, and she knew she had to do something.
With a snarl, she headbutted Tala in the forehead with all her strength, the impact making stars explode in Ami  vision.
But Tala's grip loosened, and the vibrator clattered to the floor.

Both girls were now unarmed and very dizzy, but the fight was far from over.

Tala's eyes watered from the pain in her head, but she found a new surge of strength, fueled by anger and survival instinct.
She threw a wild punch, catching Ami off guard and sending her reeling into the wall.
The impact shook the room, knocking down several of Ami's framed photos and sending shards of glass flying.

Ami's mind raced as she tried to regain her footing.

Her head was still spinning from the headbutt, and she could feel a trickle of blood running down her forehead.
Tala was on her in an instant, fists flying. Ami managed to block some of the punches, but a few landed, sending shockwaves of pain through her body.

The room spun around her, and she knew she was losing.
But she couldn't go down, not now, not like this. She threw herself at Tala, tackling her to the ground.

They rolled across the floor, each trying to get the better of the other.

Ami's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, trying to figure out how to regain control.

Her hands shot out, aiming for Tala's throat, but the younger girl was too quick.

With a grunt of effort, Tala's fist connected with Ami's jaw, the impact sending a shockwave through her body.
 Ami's teeth rattled, and she felt something give way. The metallic taste of blood filled her mouth as she realized she had just lost a tooth.

Taking advantage of the momentary stumble, Tala shoved Ami away, sending her sprawling onto the cold, hard floor. They both lay there, panting and bruised, their once pristine bodies now marred with scratches and bruises.

Tala's eyes searched the room. Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, but one thing was clear: she had to get out of this apartment.

Ami lay on the floor, groaning and clutching her face.

Tala saw her chance and took it, jumping to her feet.
She dashed to the door, adrenaline pumping through her veins.

But as she reached for the doorknob, she felt a jolt of pain shoot through her body.
Ami had grabbed her ankle, her nails digging into Tala's skin. "You're not going anywhere".
« Last Edit: July 21, 2024, 08:45:02 PM by Styraxx »


Offline Rocko23

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Re: E girl's competition part 1
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2024, 01:51:38 AM »
Hot battle and scenario. Hope that Tala wins a close fight and then uses and fucks Ami!