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Suzane Revenge end

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Offline Styraxx

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Suzane Revenge end
« on: July 18, 2024, 08:59:29 AM »
Cristal's eyes flashed as she saw the weakness in Suzane's stance and she attacked instantly.

Suzane felt the impact as the blonde's foot slammed into her damaged kneecap, sending another bolt of pain shooting up her leg.
Her leg buckled, and she crumpled to the floor.

Suzane knee screamed in protest, but she ignored it, pushing herself up onto her hands and knees.

Just as she tried to stand she realized too late that Cristal want kicked her in the face.
A sharp pain exploded in her face. She saw a blur of motion and felt something hard connect with her cheek. Her vision swam.

The blow sent her sprawling back onto the cold, hard floor of the cage.

Suzane's head rang from the impact, and she tasted the metallic tang of blood in her mouth. Her cheekbone may have been cracked, and she knew that her face was going to be a mess by the time this was over.

As Cristal reached for the thick metal chain hanging from the cage, Suzane's eyes went wide with horror as she realized what the other girl was planning.

The chain was heavy and rusted, If used as a weapon, it could do serious damage.

With a grunt, Cristal ripped the chain free, the sound of metal scraping against metal echoing through the bar.

Blonde eyes glinted with a deadly intent as she swung it around her, building momentum.
The air whooshed with the force of her swing, and the chain whipped towards Suzane's unprotected head.
Suzane's instincts took over. She threw her arm up, the chain smashing into her forearm instead of her skull.
The impact was like nothing she had ever felt before. The sound of bone snapping was clear even over the din of the bar.

Pain exploded in a white-hot flash through her body, and she felt the sickening give of her wrist as it bent in a way it wasn't meant to. She bit back a scream, her teeth grinding together as she cradled her broken limb against her chest.

Cristal's eyes glinted with triumph, she approached Suzane, with heavy chain in her grip.

Both girls knew that the next swing of the chain would hit Suzane head and end the fight.

But Suzane wasn't going down without a fight.

Her eyes focused on the chain arcing through the air, and she knew she had to act fast.
Just as the chain was about to come down on her, she gathered every ounce of strength left in her broken body and swung her good leg up, aiming for the one spot she knew would make the biggest impact.
Her foot connected with a sickening crunch,with Cristal's the most intimate area and the room went silent for a fraction of a second.
The chain stopped mid-swing, and the look of triumph on Cristal's face morphed into one of shock and agony.

Cristal crumpled to the ground, the wind knocked out of her in a single, brutal blow.

Suzane's vision swam, the pain from her shattered arm making the world tilt around her, but she didn't dare take her eyes off her opponent.

With a grimace, she pushed herself to her feet. She could feel the eyes of the crowd on her, could hear their gasps and cheers, but all that mattered was the blonde bitch at her feet.

Cristal lay there, clutching her crotch, her eyes wide with shock.

Suzane took a shaky step forward.
Despite the agony, she knew she had to press her advantage.
She kicked at the blonde's side. "Get up!" she snarled, the words echoing through the stunned silence of the bar.

Cristal's moan. But she didn't move.

Gritting her teeth against the pain, she kicked again, harder this time.

Her sneaker slammed into the blonde's crotch. Cristal's body convulsed, and she rolled into a fetal position.

Ignoring the protest of her broken arm, Suzane leaned down and yanked at the blonde's skirt, pulling it down to expose most vulnerable spot.

Of course the slut didn't have any underwear on.

With a savage grin, she delivered a brutal kick to the side of Cristal's thigh, forcing her legs apart.

Her eyes were filled with a crazed determination as she stared down at the blonde's bare, exposed pussy.

Her good hand balled into a fist, she aimed for the center of the soft, pink flesh.

Cristal's eyes snapped open, and she let out a blood-curdling scream as the fist slammed into her sex.
Brunette fist hammered into the tender flesh of Cristal's pussy over and over, each hit more punishing than the last.
The sound of wet smacks echoed through the bar, accompanied by the blonde's unintelligible screams of agony.

Suzane's eyes searched the floor of the cage, spotting the biggest bottle among the debris.
Her decision was swift and cold. She was going to ruin  this bitch.

Suzane limped over to the bottle.
She picked it up, feeling its weight in her hand.
Suzane's hand tightened around the neck of the bottle, her heart racing with a mix of anger and determination.

Brunette sat astride her rival, pinning blonde's hands to the ground with her knees.
She didn't hesitate, pushing the bottle's tip against the already swollen and bruised flesh of her enemy's sex.

The Cristal's eyes went wide with horror as she felt the cold, hard glass pressing against her. "No, please," she whimpered, her voice barely audible.
With a vicious twist, brunette pushed the bottle into Cristal's pussy.
The blonde's screams grew louder. Suzane felt a twisted sense of satisfaction as she watched the bottle disappear, inch by inch, into her rival's most private space.
The crowd was a mix of shock and excitement, some cheering, others looking away in horror.
Cristal's screams grew more frantic as the bottle invaded her, each inch causing her to convulse.
The blonde's legs kicked out wildly, trying to dislodge the intrusion, but Suzane's weight kept her pinned down. She could feel the warmth of her rival's blood on her thighs, mixing with the sticky wetness of her own.

The bottle was halfway in now, and Cristal's eyes had gone wild with fear.
"Please," she begged, her voice a broken whisper. "Please, no more."

But the pleas fell on deaf ears. Suzane was lost in her vengeance. Her hand gripped the bottle tighter, and she pushed it in deeper.

The crowd was a blur of faces around them, a chorus of gasps and shouts. Yet all she heard was the pulsing beat of her own heart,and the desperate cries of the girl beneath her.

The bottle was almost fully embedded now, and with a final, savage thrust, Suzane pushed it in to the hilt. Cristal's eyes rolled back in her head, and her body went limp.

The crowd's noise grew to a crescendo.

But Suzane didn't stop there.

She stood up, her legs straddling the defeated blonde. She placed her left foot, over the crotch of her enemy.

Room fell silent as she took a deep breath, savoring the moment.

Then, with a twisted smile, she pushed down with all her weight.

The sound of the bottle shattering inside of Cristal was like music to her ears, a symphony of retribution.
The blonde's body arched off the ground, her mouth open in a silent scream.

The crowd watched in horror and fascination, unable to look away from the gruesome spectacle.

Suzane's left foot came down again with a sickening crunch, causing the jagged edges of glass pierce through the soft flesh inside the rival's body.

She didn't care. Just watch with the satisfaction as the blood spurt out from between Cristal's legs, soaking the floor of the cage.

The crowd's shocked silence was broken by a collective gasp.

The blonde's body convulsed beneath her, her hands clutching at her ruined crotch. Suzane's heart hammered in her chest, the taste of victory so sweet it was almost tangible.

With the broken bottle buried deep within her, Cristal's whimpers grew softer, her body soon go still except for the occasional spasm.
Only a slight movement of the chest shows that she is still alive

The silence in the bar was palpable.

A twisted smile curled on Suzane's lips as she took a step back, her left foot coming away with a sickening sound.

She watched as the blood pooled around the blonde's hips, her mind racing with a mix of elation and disbelief.

Suzane took a moment to catch her breath, her chest rising and falling heavily.

The adrenaline was starting to wear off, and the pain from her own injuries began to set in.

Two bikers rushed into the cage, their faces a mix of shock and concern.
They had seen plenty of fights at The Rusty Chain, but nothing quite like this.
" We have to get both  you out of here." one of them said, his voice gruff but surprisingly gentle.

Suzane nodded, her breathing ragged.

As they led her out of the cage, the crowd parted, their eyes filled with a mix of awe and revulsion.

Suzane couldn't help but feel a twisted sense of pride.

Brad was in the back, watching with a look of horror. She spat at his feet, "You're not worth it," she snarled, before turning away.

Her legs threatened to give out under her, but she refused to let them.
She had won, and she would walk out of here on her own two feet.

The bar's door swung open, and a blast of cool night air hit her, sending a shiver down her spine.
As she stepped out into the parking lot, the reality of what had just transpired began to set in.

Suzane's eyes searched the sea of motorcycles and cars, looking for a familiar face.
Laura was there, her expression a mix of shock and concern.

She rushed over, taking in the state of her friend. "Oh my God, Suzane," she breathed, her eyes wide with horror.

Suzane leaned heavily on Laura, the pain in her suddenly overwhelming.

Laura's eyes filled with tears as she looked at her friend. "What have you don" she whispered, her voice shaking.
Laura's grip tightened around her, the gravity of the situation setting in.

"We need to get you to a hospital," she said, her voice laced with fear. "Both of you."

Suzane nodded, her body feeling like it was made of lead.
The adrenaline had drained away, leaving her with nothing but the pain of her injuries and the cold reality of what she had just done.
"Take care of her," she murmured, her eyes closing briefly. "Make sure she doesn't..."

Suzane limped to Laura's car, her mind reeling from the carnage she had just unleashed.

The bikers had moved to lift the unconscious Cristal, her limp body a stark contrast to the vibrant sexuality she had once exuded.

Laura's eyes followed them, her gaze lingering on the crimson pool spreading from between the blonde's legs. She swallowed hard, trying to push down the bile rising in her throat.

"Come on," Laura said, her voice trembling as she turned to the bikers. "I'll take her to the hospital. I've got a car."

They carefully maneuvered the unconscious form of Cristal onto the backseat, her body limp and lifeless.

Suzane sat in the passenger seat, her mind racing with the events of the night.

The pain constant reminder of her fight and victory, but she couldn't ignore the niggling doubt that crept in.

Had she gone too far?


Offline Rocko23

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Re: Suzane Revenge end
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2024, 09:40:06 AM »
Wow that was brutal. Hot though. Thanks.


Offline Styraxx

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Re: Suzane Revenge end
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2024, 11:25:53 AM »
Wow.   Not sure how I feel about that ending

The end of the fight or epilogue after the fight ?
I would love to hear your opinions to improve in the future

Fight ending may be a bit too gore for some but that was the plan.

When it comes to the epilogueI I was had a bit of a problem with where to end the story (I even have a version that goes on much further about what happened next, but I figured this is a forum about girl fighting, so I decided not to drag it out with afterstory).


Offline bobf

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Re: Suzane Revenge end
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2024, 06:00:14 AM »
I loved it. The violence was extreme but also very erotic. I hope you can make a trilogy out of this. I would love to see Cristal get revenge and then a finale with the ultimate winner. I loved the pics. AI generated?


Offline Styraxx

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Re: Suzane Revenge end
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2024, 08:43:46 AM »
I loved it. The violence was extreme but also very erotic. I hope you can make a trilogy out of this. I would love to see Cristal get revenge and then a finale with the ultimate winner. I loved the pics. AI generated?

Yes, the images are AI generated. As for the next parts, I have no plans for now, but we'll see


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Re: Suzane Revenge end
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2024, 08:53:05 AM »
Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t hate it.    It was gorier than I’m used to but it was different and very extreme.    My actual problem honestly was Suzanne and her friend taking the loser to the hospital.     Instant prison.    I was thinking more along the lines of the bikers taking care of cleanup.    That being said, I still honestly enjoyed it.

Alternative epilogue fot Throuple59 

Laura's eyes filled with tears as she looked at her friend. "What have you don" she whispered, her voice shaking.

Laura's grip tightened around her, the gravity of the situation setting in.

"We need to get you to a hospital," she said, her voice laced with fear. "Both of you."

"No. Snarl Suzane Let the bikers deal with her." She spat the words out, her contempt for the blonde still burning hot. "She's not my problem anymore."

Laura looked torn, glancing back at the cage where a few bikers had gathered around the unconscious form of Cristal. "But, she's hurt," she protested weakly.

Suzane's voice was cold steel. "Not my problem," she repeated, each word a bullet. "She brought this on herself."

Laura nodded, her eyes flicking back to the cage, where one of bikers had hoisted the unconscious blonde over his shoulder. They didn't look like they were taking her to the hospital.

Suzane's eyes remained on the cage, where the bikers had carried off the unconscious form of her enemy. "Let them have their fun," she murmured. "Cristal always did have a thing for the rough stuff."

Laura shot her a look of concern. "What do you mean by that?"

Suzane smirked, wincing as the movement sent a bolt of pain through her broken nose. "You heard her. She promised them a night to remember. And now she's going to give it to them, just not in the way she thought."

The bikers, noticing her words, exchanged knowing smirks. They had been eagerly watching the fight, and the thought of having the defeated beauty to themselves had only added to the excitement.

"Come on," Laura said, guiding Suzane towards her car. "We'll get you patched up."

As Laura helped her into the car, Suzane couldn't help but feel a twinge of satisfaction at the thought of what still awaited Cristal.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2024, 08:54:52 AM by Styraxx »


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Re: Suzane Revenge end
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2024, 06:19:58 PM »
Oooh brutally ... good!  8) ;)
Proudly butch and living as a 'man'. In this catfight fantasy there are no losers, and in the end all should be winners!