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Xena vs. Callisto, by Anonymous Author

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Offline Agraf

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Xena vs. Callisto, by Anonymous Author
« on: July 30, 2024, 04:49:33 PM »
This story is not mine. I even do not like celebrity fight stories, but today I found this in my hard disc, and went through it - and liked it, for it's particular (and violent) way of exploring the jealousy between three main characters of "Xena: Warrior Princess" (1995-2001):
- Xena - Lucy Lawless, black hair, born March 29, 1968
- Callisto - Hudson Leick, blonde, born May 9, 1969
- Gabrielle - Renée O'Connor, redhead, born February 15, 1971.
I got this story from Gerardesca, who downloaded from the web as it was posted - somewhere! - on September 9, 1999 in four parts. It makes this a story one century old (LOL) I simply corrected typos, and got rid of the meaningless part dividers, as they do not mean breaks in the action. - Agraf

Xena vs. Callisto, by Anonymous Author

Anyone familiar with the Xena - Warrior Princess show knows about Xena's rivalry with the blonde Callisto, also involving the young Gabrielle. Dispensing with stage names, we find that Lucy Lawless and Hudson Leick really do have a lesbian rivalry situation over Renée O'Connor.

We note Renée is still a little immature, but growing, even so, her bust size is filling a 46 DD and it's obvious there's more to come. Lucy and Hudson have wild fantasies about Renée and her advancing development and both women are already well known in their dairy areas, but this rivalry will involve these female assets as targets during their confrontations.

The action begins during video taping of a sword fight between Xena and Callisto and both women have been at each other with the huge swords that have been fashioned from a light plastic and are completely dulled so that when a actual hit is made, there is no damage. In fact, real swords of the size used by Xena and Callisto would exhaust them both in ten minutes.

The director for this script is a big-busted woman named Roz who is aware of the personal rivalry between Lucy and Hudson, but tries to keep the sword fight on track, having a schedule to make. Personally, she would love to watch a dirty fight between these two bitches, but...

The sword fighting is so realistic and their faces so determined that Roz is beginning to realize that her two busty and beautiful actresses are really angry with each other about their relations with Renée and this scene is probably being enhanced by their real feelings. Roz saw that the grunted curses and dirty looks were not part of the TV script - these two women really hate each other and are really fighting over Renée who is watching this battle from the side, but not really in the script. This doesn't worry Roz too much, it improves the intensity of the fight which really has nothing to do with Renée and Roz instructs the camera people to get every detail of their angry faces and their comments and curses to be added later when the tape is edited.

Finally, Xena catches Callisto's sword with a blow that disarms the blonde and Hudson glares at Lucy while she bends over to pick up her sword and Lucy uses hers to lift up Hudson's armored skirt and discovers the blonde has no underpants, embarrassing her in front of the camera crew.

"Hey bitch, no panties and you really aren't all that blonde!" This is when the real action starts as Hudson's face turns red and she shoves Lucy's sword away with a "Dirty bitch," comment, getting back to her position to continue their sword fight.

Now really angered, even though she really is blonde and knows it, Hudson picks up her sword and quickly thrusts the blade between Lucy's thighs and lifts it up to cut into the brunette's pussy, muttering, "Dirty brunette bitch," when Lucy laughs at Hudson's bare crotch. This should have gotten a scream from Lucy, but she quickly drops her own sword and grasps Hudson's blade with both hands, twisting it so that the blonde
loses her grip on the hilt. Lucy shouts, "Want to fight that way, huh - I can do that too!" Now the dirty fight is starting.

Then, stepping in closer, Lucy shoves the hilt of Hudson's sword upwards up between Hudson's thighs. Lucy screams with excitement as she lifts it up to that cross-handle on the hilt of Hudson's sword jams up into the blonde's bare cxnt, pushing up until the hand-grip hits Hudson's crotch and leaves the cross handle buried deep in Hudson's vagina. Lucy laughs, "That feel good, bitch?" as Hudson's face goes white with the shock of the penetration into her tender cxnt. Fortunately for Hudson, the hilt crosspiece inside her body is only decorated with a small round ball with no sharp points or edges, but the blonde still knows that it's in there and Lucy is twisting and pulling her end of the sword to hurt the blonde's slimy vagina as much as she can.

Renée is standing to one side, not scripted into this scene, and screams in shock at Lucy's attack to the blonde Hudson. "Oh god Lucy, don't hurt her that way, oh please..." her scream only intensifying Lucy's deliberate attack to maul 'This dirty blonde bitch'!! Lucy screams, "Fucking blonde whore, how do you like it?" jamming and twisting the small ball on the end of the hilt's crosspiece around inside of Hudson's vagina.

Roz sees what is happening and steps in to help Hudson remove the sword hilt from her cxnt as Lucy keeps twisting and pulling her end of the weapon to deliver pain to Hudson's cxnt. "C'mon ladies, we've got a shoot to finish," Roz gasps, pushing down on the sword against Lucy's upward tugging. Seeing both women's faces, Roz decides to call it a day and after extracting Hudson's sword handle from where it really didn't belong, she dismissed the crew and began to cool down the two angry women, as Renée tries to console the gasping Hudson.

Hudson doubles over, both hands clutching her groin under the armored skirt as Lucy taunts, "Couldn't have gotten in there if you'd been wearing panties, you stupid blonde twat!" Hudson gasping with pain at the mauling her sex organ had gotten, only glared at Lucy, as Renée held her up. All four women were gazing down at Hudson's thighs, looking for telltale rivulets of blood from her ravaged cxnt, but Lucy hadn't managed to do that much damage to the blonde, the weapon only roiling up the tender lining of Hudson's slippery vagina.

The younger blonde, looked over at the smirking Lucy, "You didn't have to hurt her that badly, Lucy," Renée said sadly as Hudson snarled, "Dirty brunette bitch!" at Lucy who snapped back, "You whore, you tried to slam your sword up into my cxnt, and you only got what you deserved." Then, smirking at the two blondes, "Renée, you can take that piece of blonde shit home, but I'll bet she won't let you fuck her!" her outburst letting them all know of Renée's infatuation with Hudson even though she and Lucy lived together and were assumed to be lovers.

Hudson was hardly able to walk out of the studio and into the parking lot, even with Renée's help. "I'll kill that bitch!" Hudson grated as she slid into Renée's car, then turning to face Renée, "You'll help me with her, won't you?" giving the young blonde a problem that she hadn't foreseen when she offered to help Hudson get home.

Renée was Lucy's little piece and now she was being asked to help beat up her lover for this beautiful blonde whose flashing, radiant smile had completely captivated her. Renée stammered, "Maybe she'll apologize," hardly realizing the other blonde's anger at her brunette lover.

But Hudson was adamant, "I don't care, she tried to hurt my cxnt and I want to kill her!" questioning,"Are you going to help me with that brunette bitch?" her demeanor threatening the younger blonde as Renée realized Hudson was about to attack her in retaliation for Lucy's triumph. So to forestall a catfight in the car, Renée agreed to help Hudson get into the house that night and attack Lucy after Renée had fucked her with a strap-on dildo and she had passed out from the wild sex. "I want to bite her big damn tits!" Hudson growled as she stared down at Renée's breasts, still getting larger day-by-day. This declaration of the blonde's intentions with Lucy's breasts started some clit movement down in Renée's pussy - she and Lucy were always at each others' tits
with their lips and teeth, and now this beautiful blonde...

"You can bite one while I have the other, then when she faints again we'll fuck ourselves silly!" Hudson flashed that captivating smile and Renée was almost with her about biting Lucy's big breasts. Renée was in the biggest and wildest infatuation over Hudson, but still enjoyed Lucy when they tussled in their gym each night. But now, Hudson and that radiant smile... and that hair and those tits!

"Tonight we get that bitch," Hudson decreeted and Renée arranged to leave a door open for when she and Lucy fought. "I'll use a strap-on dildo on her tonight and you can get her when she cums," the little blonde bitch agreed, even though her oversexed mind was telling her a few other things. Renée knew that Lucy was jealous of her infatuation with the other blonde and she really wanted to see the two of them in a fight lover her, and not just a hair pull, but a dirty tit and cxnt mauling with screams and shrieks. Renée was a dirty little bitch, one of the reasons the other two women wanted to fight and have her for orgasms.

Now, with Hudson leaping on Lucy while she was still cumming from a fucking by Renée was just the thing for this little bitch! And in the younger blonde's crazed, oversexed mind, Lucy's attack to Hudson's cxnt would bring on much pleasure that would enhance her own orgasms. Hudson biting Lucy's tits while Lucy's hand was deep in Hudson's cxnt. Renée almost came in the car as those thoughts crossed her mind. But now getting Hudson to her house was the goal - and then getting back to get ready for whatever would happen when the three of them got together later.

Renée got back to find Lucy out of her armor and having a drink with Marta, the video shop's 'armorer'. Marta built and maintained the armor that Lucy and Hudson wore in their videos and Marta was describing how Hudson's breast and groin protection was secured. The tiny brunette was now on her third drink and was telling Lucy how to undo Hudson's leather breast coverings, after having divulged the complicated attachments for the blonde's groin armor. Lucy was intent on this tutorial and Renée realized that her brunette lover was getting ready for a real fight with her blonde lover. Not really horrified, Renée was nearly in ecstacy over these two attractive women fighting over her.

Renée was a dish, she was still young and her breasts were still developing, and not like those of women whose breasts grew earlier and then became  pendulous as the glands inside grew. Renée's tits were wide and the lower edges further down on her chest, thrusting out and up to end in thick, pointed nipples that jutted out and oozed her creamy milk and that Lucy would continually stimulate during their nightly forays. Lucy would begin a fight and pin the little blonde and then suck hard on each jutting nipple. All of this sucking was getting Renée's development even more active than it would have been normally and both Lucy and Hudson were wild about the already large glands that were now overflowing Renée's DD bra cups.

Both Lucy and Hudson's breasts were DD's, but somewhat pendulous – not as solid as the young blonde's, although during the mutual sucking Renée had with both women, she would spasm many times over the milk she drained from both Lucy and Hudson. All three women were wild over tits in their mouths, both for biting and sucking!

"Bet she didn't fuck you," Lucy laughed as Renée came in and made herself a drink to join the other two. Lucy's dirty grin angered Renée, "You bitch, you didn't have to hurt her that badly!" Renée snapped as Marta decided it was time to leave and excused herself. "Did her twat bleed very long?" Lucy smirked as Renée glared at her. "I really reamed her out with that sword handle - I can still hear her screams!"

The sniping finally ended as Renée turned on a wrestling tape and they both began to push the vibrators into themselves as the two women in the video rolled around kneeing each other as they pulled hair and screamed, the breast mauling going on between hair pulls. The blonde finally won, her brunette opponent fainting as Renée turned to her roommate and asked, "Want to revenge her?" - an invitation to Lucy for a dirty fight in their small, matted gym.

"I'll lock up first," Lucy smiled at her opponent, Renée offering, "I already did," but Lucy wanted a drink anyway and as Renée went upstairs, Lucy found that Renée had fixed up the back door so that it was unlocked.

"That little bitch," Lucy thought, "She's setting me up for that blonde whore to sneak in and get me while we're fighting!" completely understanding Renée's motive for the lock-jamming. Fixing them both drinks, Lucy went back up to their fight-room and found Renée wearing the strapon dildo. Both women drank up fast as Lucy agreed to let Renée try to rape her, realizing that the dildo was detachable and that she could get it off and dig it up into Renée when she had her pinned. "You little bitch, you want to give it to me good, don't you?" Lucy glared as they got to their knees for a dirty fight.

Reaching for hair, they crashed together, Lucy letting the long tool slide between her thighs as she wrestled the smaller blonde to the mats and went down to suck in a tit as she yanked Renée's long hair viciously. "Get away from my tits, you whore!" Renée screamed as Lucy's teeth seized the thick, ponted nipple and her mouth closed over the rest of the breast to both suck and lightly bite the big gland.

The fight went on this way for some time, but in between screams Lucy heard Hudson downstairs. Quickly she detached the dildo and pushed it up into Renée's slippery vagina and they both began to scream and shriek, Lucy knowing that Renée would have a huge spasm and faint in a minute or so.

It happened as Lucy planned, but the big brunette kept up her own shrieks and screams of "Oh god Renée, stop,STOP, you're killing me," for Hudson's benefit as she crept up the stairs. Lucy hid behind the door, still screaming as Hudson slipped into the room and gasped when she saw Renée unconscious on the mats. Lucy jumped her from behind and using Marta's instructions, got Hudson's breast armor loose and off the blonde's ample bosom for some violent breast mauling.

Hudson screamed and fell backwards as they both fell backwards to the mats, Lucy under Hudson, one arm around the blonde's throat and the other hand tearing at her tits. Hudson was locked between Lucy's thighs and realized she was in trouble! Lucy gasped into Hudson's ear, "Thought you could jump me while I was cumming, didn't you?" as Hudson's gagged reply was only about being choked by Lucy's forearm across her throat,

"You dirty bitch!" Hudson screamed as Lucy clawed the breast in her hand as her other arm began to choke the blonde while her strong legs encircled Hudson's waist and began to crush her. The blonde realized that she'd been ambushed, but having seen Renée unconscious on the floor realized that Lucy had found out about the planned attack and probably had ripped it out of their 'mutual friend'.

Hudson struggled against Lucy's strangle hold and the breast clawing that the brunette was doing, but then Lucy let go one soft, mauled gland and her now-free hand went down and slipped off the complex clip that held Hudson's armored skirt and in one thrust got her claws down into the blonde's groin.

"Ah ah, still no panties, you stupid bitch," Lucy growled as she dug several fingers deep into the shrieking Hudson's womanhood.

"Renée, help me - HELP ME - the bitch is in my cxnt!!" But Renée was still in dreamland
although Hudson's screams registered in her subconscious and started a train of activity in her lower belly and her swelling nipples - the young blonde bitch wanted the other two to fight over her, and now it was happening even though she could only 'hear' it and wasn't really aware of what was really happening.

Lucy really had her opponent now, Hudson was weakening from the strangle hold and she was wasting what air she could get by screaming from what the brunette was doing to her pussy. And Lucy wasn't into any wimpy cxnt-hair pulling! The big brunette bitch was digging into Hudson's outer cxnt, clawing her clit and sliding fingers further into Hudson's slippery vagina.

Hudson dropped one hand down to get Lucy's fingers out of her body, but the brunette's arm tightened around her throat and she had to go back to holding Lucy's stranglehold with both hands to keep 'her lights on'.

"She's not going to be able to get you off for a long time, bitch!" Lucy snarled in Hudson's ear, her fingers clawing their way out of the blonde's vagina and going back to 'service' the swollen clitoris that was now more than an inch long and more sensitive than it had ever been.

Hudson's siuation was getting desparate, if she tried to protect her sex from Lucy, the 'lights would dim' and the brunette bitch would then have her limp body for clawing and biting. She elected to keep awake and rolled back and forth in Lucy's tight grips until she realized that the brunette's breath was coming in shorter gasps - Lucy was getting near an orgasm over the mauling she was giving Hudson.

Hudson thought, "I'll scream a lot and then maybe she'll cum and I can get loose," knowing about Lucy's vulnerability.

It only took less than a minute and Hudson felt Lucy pressing her spasming groin against her buttocks and knew that she had the advantage. Lucy still had a grip on her clit, but it slipped away as Hudson broke loose and she got to her knees while Lucy clamped her own cxnt with both hands and continued the wild spasm that was now going to cost her.

This was something Hudson had been told by Renée - that Lucy was highly orgasmic and came very quickly under the right conditions. "I can always win a fight with her by screaming and shrieking and calling her dirty names," the blonde confided in Hudson. "Then she'll pop off and can hardly move and I can get her then while she's frozen!" Hudson had put this away in her memory for when she and Lucy would have it out over Renée. And it was really working!

Grasping the tit that Lucy had been clawing, Hudson was able to determine that it wasn't badly injured, only bruised from Lucy's fingers that had buried themselves in the soft gland. And her pussy wasn't badly damaged either, but she wanted a piece of the brunette now and straddled Lucy's body, clamping the brunette's arms alongside her body as she finished her very violent orgasm.

"Have a good one, bitch?" Hudson gritted through her clenched teeth behind that radiant smile, continuing "Thinking about that hilt up in my cxnt, weren't you? You fucking brunette whore!" Then to emphasize her point, both hands gave Lucy's reddened face a good slapping as Hudson screamed about what a bitch Lucy was.

Then squirming up to where her groin was up against Lucy's chin, Hudson reached under her buttocks with both hands and clamped her fingers onto Lucy's flattened breasts, "Now bitch, you can start screaming as I tear up these floppy bags!" Hudson gasped while her fingers clawed deep into Lucy's soft glands, twisting and pulling as Hudson got to her knees over her 'victim' and thrust her cxnt down against Lucy's screaming mouth.

"C'mon bitch, scream louder, I love it!" Hudson was getting wild over this almost one-sided session with her rival. Then, "She's not going to want to suck these mangled boobs anymore - she's all mine," Hudson's mind now occupied with the barely conscious Renée who was groggily watching the battle from across the fetid room. Her eyes focused on Hudson's hand clawing Lucy's breast under her buttocks - Renée could see the reddened flesh oozing from between the blonde's fingers, Lucy's nipple popping out and spurting small streams of her milk from the pressure of Hudson's clawing action. Lucy was getting it good and Renée could hear her screams of, "You dirty bitch, get away from my tits ---- owww," as Hudson dug in deeper and screamed, "Now I've got you, you whore!!" then Lucy's screams becoming muffled as Hudson clamped her crotch hard over Lucy's shrieking mouth.

But Hudson was getting careless, she had pinned Lucy's arms against her waist and when she squirmed up closer to the brunette's face, Lucy's forearms got free and she was clawing Hudson's thighs as her own tits were getting it - but she was working loose and when one hand got into the mass of blonde hair and Lucy yanked Hudson's head down to smash it with her own forehead, Hudson was knocked out and fell to one side near the gasping Renée who was partly sitting up watching Lucy's breasts getting mauled. Lucy had never used a head-butt before and was really quite surprised about its effectiveness, she had really stopped the blonde in her tracks, and got up on one elbow to inspect her limp opponent.

Hudson was out of it and Lucy was on the attack now. First targets were Hudson's big breasts and Lucy fell over the blonde and sank her teeth in the nearest tit. Renée saw this from only a few feet and rushed to protect the blonde's beautiful glands. "Let her go Lucy," Renée screamed as she grabbed handfuls of black hair to get the teeth out of Hudson's breast. She managed to get the brunette's face away from the blonde's limp body as Lucy, glared at her new opponent.

"You little bitch, you let her in to get me, didn't you?" and Renée, now realizing that she couldn't get any help from Hudson, began to retreat. "Honest Lucy, I didn't think she really wanted to hurt you, she just wanted to get even," Renée's eyes wide with some trepidation as Lucy crawled over, obviously ready for a fight with the smaller blonde.

Renée attacked first, her hands locked into Lucy's black hair as the brunette's fingers locked into both of her big breasts. Lucy was after those tits and squeezed them together as they fell sideways next to the limp Hudson, feeding both of Renée's nipples into her gaping mouth for frenzied biting and sucking. Lucy's mind was telling her, "Get this little bitch, she wanted to help that other blonde cxnt hurt me, now you've got them both - GIVE IT TO THEM GOOD!' Lucy's mind screaming to itself.

Then with Renée's screams in her ears, Lucy thought of a marvelous way to revenge her sore tits and get both of the blondes angry with each other and help her own 'cause.' Renée was now wildly afraid of Lucy's intentions with her soft, young glands and was screaming for Lucy not to bite her, "Oh god, please Lucy, let me go - oooww," as Lucy gave a short nip at the two nipples in her mouth. Her plan was now underway and she rolled Renée on her back and straddled her, still holding the big glands in her teeth, but not biting hard. Finally letting go, she leaned over and pinned the young blonde with both hands on her shoulders as Renée reached up and seized Lucy's hanging breasts.

"I won't bite you any more if you go over and get that blonde bitch for me!" Lucy smirked at Renée. "I want you to bite her tits while I watch and then get your fist up into her snatch and fist-fuck her after you're done with her tits."

"Oh Lucy, I can't do that to her, she's so beautiful," Renée's plea ending in a scream as Lucy's mouth dropped down and sucked in one of her breasts for a bite. Several seconds later, Lucy released the bite and growled, "Now I'm going to tie her up and make you do as I said while she's awake and knows it's you!" adding ominously, "Unless you want another biting?"

Renée was weeping as she pleaded, "I can't hurt her that way, Lucy, please don't make me do that to her, she's so pretty," and Lucy, seeing the tears, relented slightly. "You little bitch - OK, but I want you to straddle her and slap her face around and pull her hair good - I'll take care of those big tits myself!!"

(Author's Note: We realize this is not a torture site and that some readers could be offended by what Renée and Lucy do to the bound Hudson - so we're skipping those details and 'cleaning up this mess'! The tougher readers will undoubtedly fill in their own details.)

Hudson was the first to awaken and tried to loosen her bonds, then called softly to the limp Renée to help her, only to find the younger blonde's hands tied up, like hers - Lucy had really had a blonde 'massacre' and was still unconscious from her wild orgiastic excesses over her two blonde victims.

Renée heard Hudson and the two squirmed together, back-to-back and Renée was able to get Hudson's ties loose. Getting to her knees, Hudson rubbed her wrists and then inspected the scratch and bite marks on her breasts as Renée asked to be untied also.

"Are these your teeth marks on my tits?" Hudson glared at Renée, having been semi-conscious during the earlier doings with Renée and Lucy. "She made me do it to you," Renée offered quite frankly and then screamed as Hudson's gaping mouth descended on one tit for some retaliation.

"Leave her alone, you dirty blonde bitch!" Lucy growled as she got to her knees. "I'll fight you again for her, that is, if you still want her that badly!"

Hudson stared at her brunette enemy and found herself really confessing to Lucy, "I still want her, but now it's you I get off really hard over, and I want to fight you and have those wild spasms over your big tits and that lovely cxnt while we roll around sucking, biting and screaming at each other!"

Lucy stared wide-eyed at the blonde and within ten seconds they were both rolling around on the mats in a wild sex-fight, their thrusting groins splattering their juices all over each other, Renée, and the slippery floor mats. Hudson finally fainted and Lucy crawled over to Renée and untied her hands and another blonde=brunette series of spasms and screams filled the little fight-room.

The three actresses were now in a position to add realism to the Xena - Warrior Princess series whenever a fight was to be acted out – making this show one having one of the highest ratings on all the networks.


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Re: Xena vs. Callisto, by Anonymous Author
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2024, 11:20:26 PM »
Hey, there. I think this is owned by my husband as I found it on his hard drive, too. Funny coincidence, huh.


Offline Agraf

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Re: Xena vs. Callisto, by Anonymous Author
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2024, 09:16:39 AM »
Hey, there. I think this is owned by my husband as I found it on his hard drive, too. Funny coincidence, huh.

I don't know you... or your husband. I do not take credit for the story, only wish other people could read it and like it, as I did when I kept it.