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Hi-Rise Chinese Claws,by a 'Red Devil'

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Offline Agraf

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Hi-Rise Chinese Claws,by a 'Red Devil'
« on: July 30, 2024, 11:38:27 AM »
This story was downloaded from the net by Gerardesca, and re-posted in his Lysistrata's Archives on November 22, 2000, in the Sexfight Stories page. It is reminiscent of the brutal sexfights by Aussie G, but it was posted without author's name, and I did not find me in my own Aussie G collection. I re-read it now, and thought it was worth a third life, since both those blogs – Gerardesca's and Aussie G's – disappeared early this 21st century. I tried to correct typos and formatting errors in the various file transfers.

Hi-Rise Chinese Claws
by a 'Red Devil'

We were seated at the ground floor of a garishly colored block of flatted apartments, the same sort of faceless public housing one sees all over Singapore. As I let the smoke from my Marlboro drift off into space, I listened to the excited screams and shouts of children at play in a nearby playground. The man with me, Cheng, was agitated. Swarthy and bespectacled, the Chinese man paced two and fro, muttering quietly to himself in Cantonese: 'Where the fuck is that bitch?'

After nearly 45 minutes of this I was beginning to be a bit sick of waiting too. I am a reporter in search of a very unusual story. With the collapse of financial markets across Asia in 1997 and 1998, most East Asian economies went into a terrible downward spiral. Millions were made homeless or were starving. Singapore, a modestly successful port in South East Asia, had been spared some of the worst ravages of the Asian flu, but still had its fair share of problems. One in 4 workers were employed in factories, and these were the first targets of layoffs. Many of them Chinese, they tend to crowd together in these cheap government-built apartments. Many were desperate to make a living. My editor at Die Stern suggested I do a story finding some unusual ways people make do these days. I found it when I bought Cheng a beer.

Cheng, you see, is a fixer. No, not for numbers or the horses or for cockfights. No, when he told me what it was he did, I could not believe my ears and bought another beer for him. Cheng fixes paid apartment prize fights between women in Singapore. He sources, recruits, sometimes even trains, everything from housewives to schoolgirls to secretaries who then beat each others brains out in small-to-medium stake matches in apartments such as these. Cheng arranges the matches, acts as the banker and bookie during the fight, even the referee if need be. His cut is small but he works to get about four to five matches a week to supplement his income. Of course, all this was illegal but with times so hard, some women were willing to try anything, while the men would pay anything to see some tits and ass and catfighting, and even make a few bucks off their favorite fighters.

A violent exchange in Chinese erupted. The woman, whom we had been waiting for and whom I was to interview, was one of Cheng's regular band of prizefighters. Nancy Poh had obviously seen better times. A property dealer, she lost her chips when the bottom fell through the market. In her mid 40s, as were many of these amateur Chinese catfighters, she had little to lose and lots of free time on her hands with no kids to care for at home, and her husband long gone. She wore the marks of bitterness on her once pretty face, so full of that hard Chinese beauty: bags under her eyebrows, a nasty bruise on the side of one leg. Otherwise, she had kept her figure relatively well for her age. Dressed in khaki Bermuda shorts, and a loud orange singlet, she wore Japanese slippers that showed off a pair of delicious, milky white feet, her toenails tastefully done in candy red nail polish.

If she showed some of her combative nature in the way she carried herself, she showed it even more in the way she was able to drown out Cheng's noisy complaints at her tardiness. He pointed at me, calling me the Red Devil, the Chinese slang for white guys, and said that I was an important person and should not be kept waiting. They babbled on for a bit, and then Nancy held out her palm and refused to budge until
Cheng placed some money in her hand. Then she gestured upwards, she was going to go up to her apartment.

We trooped into the urine-soaked elevator that creaked its way up to one of the floors, and walked into a small, cramped apartment full of cheesy looking Chinese rosewood furniture and statues of various deities. Poh Tong kicked off her slippers, threw down her car keys onto a table, and slipped out of her shorts, singlet and panties in front of us and climbed on her all fours onto the couch.

Cheng looked nervously at me and said, 'Sorry ah! Sorry ah!' Dropping his pants around his ankles, he began to take Nancy from behind. While I stood dumbfounded, Cheng began to wheeze with exertion as he tried to bring himself to come. Nancy just lay there like a cow, occassionally murmuring a purr of pleasure, but otherwise looking totally bored. 'AH! AH! AHHHH! AHHHH! UUNNUUUH!' Pulling himself out of her, he moved his cock over to where her mouth was so that she could catch the splash.


Nancy looked at me and said: 'Hey, you want or not? $200. I fight many time already. Now almost 20 time fight.' Nancy said, still talking in stentorian tones that battled with the loud Chinese music blasting over the car radio. The Hyundai was moving through traffic towards another cluster of apartments nearby. She worked the pedals with her bare feet. From where I sat next to her, I could get a look at her ample bosom. She caught me looking and flashed a smile, baring a gold tooth in the corner of her mouth. 'Win ah? Dunno... cannot remember... Lose, yes, sometimes lose, but still got money.'

The prize fights were quite a good deal if you were down and out on your luck. The pot for a match can vary from as little as $300 for a backstreet alley brawl to over $10,000. Cheng said he had personally witnessed a fight between a noted tycoon's wife and a karaoke lounge hostess a few years ago, where the pot totalled over $400,000, about the price of a large flat here. The women tended to get about 10 per cent, for the winner, loser taking home anything from nothing to five per cent. Nancy's match today was one of the more generous ones. Cheng explained that it was because she was a known fighter and drew a small crowd. He added that it also depended who the two fighters were. Her opponent today, a 40-something hawker's wife, and her had fought twice before, with one victory apiece.

'Aiyah that siow char bor (crazy woman)... last time, nearly break my arm!' was Nancy's only observation.

I asked Cheng about the rules. Fights were decided by knockouts or submissions. No draws were allowed. It was not unusual to see two fighters decide beforehand on the outcome of the fight, and then split the money later. Of course, they would have to be convincing and put on a good show, which is what many of the men were there to see. Cheng told me how, at some fights where the girls were less than cooperative, the
betters simply refused to pay up. This was no small business.

The apartment where the match was supposed to take place was packed. There were factory workers, laborers, and even a sprinkling of grannies or two, with some school girls. I wondered if these sullen-looking things were here to fight, too.

'LAI LOH!' (She has come!) the cry went up at the sight of Nancy. Some men, obviously fixers cursed Cheng roundly, pointing at their watches.

Nancy's opponent, Mai Lee, was not in the least pleased. Fatter than Nancy, and about the same age, she wore her hair permed and dyed a maroon red. She was propped up at a dining table overlooking a filthy blood-and-sweat stained mattress that obviously was the 'arena' for the fight. Her bare feet were propped up against the table and she deliberately pointed them at Nancy as she walked over. 'Hey, bitch! What took you so long? Afraid I'm going to beat you up again?'

Nancy flipped her the finger and said something about her mother as she went to sit opposite, propping one foot up on her seat. They began to negotiate the terms of the fight. Mai Lee said cattily, 'So, anything special you want this time?' 'Your wish, bitch!'

Pretending to fan herself, Mai Lee said loudly: 'Ah! today very hot, I think, take off shirt, wear panties only.'

There was a hum of anticipation at this. Topless matches were rare. Obviously, Mai Lee was out for blood or wanted to humiliate Nancy. Wordlessly, they stripped for the fight. Nancy, slightly unexpectedly for me, wore a lacy pair of orange panties with a g-string back that showed off a milky white, but slightly sagging butt. Her breasts too had seen firmer days but at a solid 38D were still inviting.

Then I realized why Mai Lee had wanted a topless fight. As she pulled off her white t-shirt, and began to do stretching movements on the mattress, I could not take my eyes off of her jugs! What were they, a 40 at least. As she strutted her stuff, she walked over to Nancy and put her arms up over her head. Nancy just cursed her. First psychological victory to Mai.

Behind me, the bookies started their work. Cheng whispered that the pot would be good today, at least $8,000 to $10,000, so the winner got anything from $800 to $1,000. He invited me to place a bet. Perhaps unwisely, I blew $200 on Nancy. Mai would take this one easy. In fact, I wanted to interview her personally.

Mai circled Nancy, who chose to stay in center of the ring, looking for all the world like she was going to nod off to sleep. But when the slap of breasts and bodies and arms colliding woke everyone up, she became a spitfire.

Down they went onto the mat, threshing and kicking and screaming and tearing at hair. But this would not be the norm for the match. Both women would employ some devastating and sexy submission holds.

Mai Lin, not surprisingly, took control early. Pinning Nancy onto her back, she dragged her opponents left arm, back and upwards into the painful hammerlock. 'Hui pu hui?' she repeated, badgering Nancy by screaming in her ear. Both women would use the expression, which meant, 'Have you had enough or not?' repeatedly throughout their bout. Somehow, Nancy managed to reach back and grab a fistful of Mai's hair with her free hand.

The tug of war reached its stalemate and both women separated. Mai then punished Nancy again for her slowness in recovering when she slid in behind her opponent, snaked both legs around Nancy's waist and squeezed, even as she wrapped a meaty arm around Nancy's neck. A double choke and scissors... Nancy was too constricted to even answer Mai's orders to submit, but after about three minutes of painful squeezing, a panting and fast tiring Mai decided she'd better cut her losses and let Nancy go.

Dragging the property agent to her knees facing her, Mai lashed out a foot and kicked Nancy to the mat. The momentum of the kick pushed her off the mattress and onto the cheap dusty linoleum floor, forcing some of the raucous crowd of onlookers to move out of the way. Reaching down, Mai planted her left foot in the small of Nancy's back as she yanked back on both her arms...

'HUI BUUUI!!' the hawker screamed at her rival. But Nancy just shook her head resiliently, twisting this way and that before upending Mai on the mattress.

For the first time in the bout, Nancy took the initiative. Dragging Mai to her groggy feet, she lifted her by the waist, then dropped to one knee, bringing Mai down with her and splitting her cxnt and sending her wailing to the mat in pain.

'ANUUUHRRRHHH!' Mai writhed, clutching her clit, dazed with pain. Sensing blood, Nancy rolled over on top of her and pulled one of Mai's ankles to her, twisting it this way and that, as Mai, pinned underneath her, squirmed and screamed. But Nancy was not finished with her opponent yet. She pulled the foot nearer and began to bite at Mai's toes, nibbling at first, and then chomping, her lips coming away bloody.

'AWWWOOOOORRRR!' Mai screamed, livid with pain and rage. Somehow, just somehow, she managed to get a hand back and wrapped it around Nancy's neck, yanking her back down onto the mat. After a flurry of a struggle, Mai rolled on top, pinning Nancy's face between her huge tits. Cradling Nancy's head in both her hands, she pressed and squeezed so that neither Nancy's mouth nor nostrils could get air. Men in the audience began to masturbate openly by this point, enjoying the sexy spectacle of the bosom smother.

Nancy threshed, fighting the pain and suffocation. Above her she could dimly hear Mai Lee barking for a referee. Nancy felt her hand being lifted off the mat.... someone let her hand go... it fell limply to the mat... twice more and it would be over... again... I'm so tired... Nancy thought... Up her hand went, and there it stayed.

Lights, screaming voices. Mai Lee was being dragged away by the referee. The match was still very much on.

Screeching her curses, Mai Lin straddled Nancy and began tugging her nipples with razor sharp finger nails. Nancy responded by going for Mai's throat. Who would give first, I wondered... these were not young women any more. Every tactic took more and more out of them. Surely the battle could not go on much longer.

It didn't. Mai Lee easily pulled herself out of Nancy's grasp as they backed away and circled. Nancy, having endured the breast torture and smother, could barely stay on her toes. Mai however was full of fight. Pulling one of Nancy's legs off of the ground,and cradled it under her arm. Turning around, she hooked her right leg around Nancy's up stretched limb, and threw herself backwards to the mat to lie beside Nancy.

Mai's momentum was forcing the leg into an unnatural angle which tore at Nancy's hip socket. 'HUI BU HUIIIIIIII!' Mai Lee barked, face to face with Nancy. Do you give or not? Nancy searched in vain for a way out. Men had already begun approaching the mat, sensing the scream of submission, their dicks out, working up and down their shafts feverishly.

Nancy's spirit was broken... defeat, loss, pain , the pain... the thought of Mai's foot planted on her breasts like the last time. She could not take it.
'Uunnnuuuuhhh... UNNNUUHHHH... w-w-woooo... '

'Quai dian!' (Quickly, say it!) Mai Lee ordered, giving Nancy's ankle a final twist in her hands. Nancy's pride was the only thing standing between her and the submission. She shook her head valiantly.... no, no, no submission.'

I began to wonder how long she could keep this up with her leg at such a vicious angle.

Mai's face, reddened with exhaustion and battle, staring at her goading her. Again another twist on the bare ankle, and Nancy could feel the pop as the tendons gave way. Then Nancy’s blood-curdling scream: 'WOOOO PUUUUUU  UUUUUUUUAAAAY!'

The men who had been masturbating surged forward and splashed their come on both women's faces and breasts, shrieking their pathetic orgasms.

Greedily, Mai Lee straddled Nancy's face with her crotch and rubbed herself against it as she lapped at one dick after another, taking each proffered cock greedily in her mouth.

So, a disappointing take of $400 for Nancy, who skulked off to change and wash off the come.

Well, maybe not so disappointing after all... later that evening she, and Mai Lee would make another $400 each courtesy of Die Stern entertainment account.


'ANUUUUHH!!!!!' It was Nancy's voice. We were back at her apartment. Cheng had her, naked in doggie style position, as did I with Mai Lee. Another fight, this time to see who would come first.


Offline Rocko23

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Re: Hi-Rise Chinese Claws,by a 'Red Devil'
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2024, 08:43:06 PM »
Thanks again  for posting this. I don't think its aussiegreg- not quite as brutal as his stuff and his asian fights tended to be Filipino / Vietnamese gals more than Chinese.

Good little story!


Offline tr0tz

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Re: Hi-Rise Chinese Claws,by a 'Red Devil'
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2024, 09:04:00 PM »
Agraf, thank you so much for posting these old gems! More please! I even remember the sites you mentioned, but I do not remember this particular story. I wasn't so much into that old Sexfights forum.

In case you don't know it, here's a huge collection of Aussie Greg's stories:


Offline Agraf

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Re: Hi-Rise Chinese Claws,by a 'Red Devil'
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2024, 09:05:21 AM »
Agraf, thank you so much for posting these old gems! More please! I even remember the sites you mentioned, but I do not remember this particular story. I wasn't so much into that old Sexfights forum.

In case you don't know it, here's a huge collection of Aussie Greg's stories:

Thank you for the link. I knew it in its two or three «lives», including this one - but newer members of Hostboard may not know it, and it will be an «education» for them.

In it's current status, and even the one before, all characters are 18 years or older. Several stories, written in the 1970s and 1980s - namely by the «four legendary authors» collected in Aussie Greg's site - when you could post in Adult Sites stories with characters of any age, many dealt with underage persons watching or involved in fights. Suddenly, their age appears as 18, and it breaks the realistic relations between elder and younger sisters, daughters growing up during a series, and so on. Having read both versions, I believe the original was superior - but the current Internet does not allow Adults to chose their reading material.

I wonder if that is part of the causes that so much violence is being directed against real people in real life, without apparent reason...