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Return of the X

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Offline koolswan

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Return of the X
« on: January 29, 2011, 01:22:10 PM »
Jane was my first girlfriend. We dated for more than a decade. Yeah i know that sounds unbelievable. It was like almost getting married  ;). Jane was just gorgeous at 5.5 feet, with silky shoulder long blonde hair, blue eyes, round pretty face, a curvaceous fair body with big 36 Cs. Well after almost 12 years, we broke off because I changed cities due to a new high paying job. With new job comes new responsibilities and new girlfriends. (Just for the record I heard from my friends that Jane had also moved on and was dating other guys).
Had settled well in the new city and since the last 3 months had started going steady with the hottest girl in our office - Sarah. Sarah was vision of beauty, long thick black hair, brown eyes, high cheek bones, a slightly flat nose, pretty smile. She was very fair was 5.4 feet tall and had big 36 Cs. A lot of guys were after her and at the risk of sounding chauvinist, she was quite a conquest.
On a stormy Friday night I heard frenetic banging on my door step. It was 1 am. I pulled myself out of the bed and when I opened the door. After seeing who it was, all sleep vanished from me. It was Jane, looking beautiful and wet in a tight white T-shirt which showed those big beautiful orbs. She informed me that things were not going great in our town (she worked for a small accounts firm with zero growth prospects) and she had decided to now move in this new city and she would stay with me. She wanted to get back together. Well, how do you refuse such a sexy creature in the middle of the night.
I made her some hot chocolate and we talked and then well one thing led to another and to another and we made out.
The next day in office when I met my girlfriend Sarah and made some excuse about canceling our weekend trip to the mountains, she got suspicious. Over the coarse of the day she figured something was amiss.
Now see, I liked em both and honestly was confused. Hell, Sarah was fantastic and so was Jane. I couldn't decide who I preferred over the other. I wanted to be with Sarah and at the same time wanted to spend time with Jane too. Usually in scenarios like these fate helps out.

That night, I went home early. Jane had prepared food so before dinner I decided to take a quick shower. When I was in the shower the doorbell rings. Jane opens the door. Standing there is my current girlfriend Sarah with her hands folded and angry look on her face. Before Jane could react, Sarah storms into the room and asks her angrily "where is Ray?" Jane replies "who wants to know?"
There was a definite tension in the air. Sarah looked Jane over from head to toe as if sizing her up and says  "I am his girlfriend"
Jane gives a wry smile and says "you mean his EX-girlfriend."
"No. I am his girlfriend....You are his ex" Says Sarah recollecting seeing Jane's snaps on my facebook.
"Not anymore sweety. You see I am back in his life and that means you are out and that makes YOU his ex girlfriend" Jane says cockily.
Sarah is taken aback at the blonde's confidence and is getting angrier by the second, she replies "I don't think so bitch. I am his girl and you are history."
"Whom did you just call a bitch! Get out now!" snaps Jane.
"F**K YOU" shouts Sarah.
Just then I step in the room. Both the women look at me and I shrug my shoulders "guess you guys have met."
After a lot of shouting and name calling it is decided that the matter will be solved between the girls themselves.
A catfight with no rules. The winner stays and loser goes out of my life forever.

They square off, Jane is wearing a purple t-shirt and denims. She ties her hair into pony and removes her earrings.
Sarah is wearing a sleeveless khaki t-shirt and denim tight jeans. She removes her watch and both the girls start circling each other. They put up their fists like prized boxers. Sarah weighs around 110 pounds and Jane 115 pounds. Both are petite and in good shape.

Sarah throws the first punch, Jane moves back and avoids it. Sarah moves forward and throws 3-4 wild punches all directed at Jane's face. Jane nimbly steps back so the punches only hit her wrists and hand which she is using to defend herself from the blows. "C'mon!" shouts Sarah in exasperation.
Jane lands a straight jab towards Sarah's face catching her bang in the nose. Sarah stumbles back and Jane flings a wild right hook to which Sarah raises her hand and defends it. Sarah lets out a deep growl and flings herself on Jane. Both catch each others hair and start pulling wildly. Amidst shouts of pain and abuses, Jane is able to pull Sarah down. Sarah's hold of Jane's hair is very strong and she does not let go. So along with Sarah, Jane is also dragged down. But Jane is on top of her rival. Sarah is able to pull her down but jane also rolls over Sarah. Now both start rolling over trying to gain an upper hand. Both their clothes are getting torn in the process as the girls are wildly ripping at each other. It goes back and forth for some time then Sarah at last triumphantly comes on top. She has pinned both of Jane's hands on the floor and is sitting on top of Jane's breasts. Jane is struggling wildly to free herself from Sarah's grasp, she tries to kick her opponent but her kicks barely reaches Sarah's back. Sarah has got Jane pinned but is at a loss as what to do next since she cannot let go off Jane's hands. Jane is breathing hard and uses her legs to lift her body up and dislodge Sarah. Sarah's grip on Jane's pinned arms is amazingly strong as her fair toned bisceps strain to keep Jane down. Sarah even though stumbles down she quickly moves and again comes on top of Jane and this time she is sitting on Jane's neck and  face and her hands are still pinning down Jane's. Jane tries to push Sarah away but is unsuccessful. Sarah looks at me and says "Its time to put the blonde out." Sarah pulls both of Jane's hands together and tries to pinn them down with her one hand. Which turns out to be mistake on her part as Jane is quick in her movements and frees both her hands from Sarah's grip and grab's Sarah's hair in a strong grip. She pulls down Sarah with all her might. Jane starts wildly kicking away at Sarah who falls to her side and before she can collect her thoughts receives two to three strong kicks in her stomach. Jane is the first one to get up and examines her wrists and hands which are red with pain. Sarah gets up rubbing her stomach.

Sarah lets out a guttural yell and runs towards Jane. As soon as she comes near, Jane moves aside and trips her rival. Sarah who has generated too much momentum not only misses her rival but also stumbles hard into the opposite wall. Jane turns around and strikes a victory pose with hands on her hips on cocks her head high. She looks her fallen opponent and then at me and blows me a kiss. I am getting all turned on seeing this catfight.
Sarah gets up rubbing her head. Jane realises that this is her chance to gain advantage in the fight and runs towards her. Sarah also runs towards Jane and she puts her head down and gores into Jane's abdomen. Both of them fall hard on the floor. Sarah is on top and she slams a strong backhanded slap into Jane's face. Jane lets out a shriek of pain. Sarah gets up and lifts Jane by her torn t-shirt and slams a punch into her gut. Jane doubles over. Sarah holds Jane by her hair and lands a crisp uppercut. The blow knocks down Jane on the floor. Sarah jumps on her rival but Jane is far from out as she takes Sarah on her legs and flings her over. Sarah lands squarely on her back with the wind knocked out of her. Jane gets up and walks towards Sarah. Sarah gets up groggily. Jane in a surprise move kicks her right leg into Sarah's breasts. Sarah slams back into the wall and slides down slowly. Jane comes near her and sees that Sarah is holding her breasts and moaning, she brings her knee hard into Sarah's face. It produces a sickening sound and Sarah curls up on the floor holding her face. Jane rips away Sarah's t-shirt and bra exposing the brunettes milky white breasts. Sarah's nose is bleeding and she is crying now. Jane lifts up the pretty brunette and slowly with all her might swings a hard right. Sarah who is still between sobs and looks like she has had enough is surprising able to duck the punch and grabs Jane around her waist and pushes her into the wall. Jane bangs her head in the wall and is completely taken aback by Sarah's vigor. Sarah slams a powerful backhanded slap across Jane's face followed by another tight fisted shot into her face. Sarah then grabs Jane's long blonde hair with both her hands and starts slamming her head on the wall. After a minute of pounding she lets go. Jane's eyes are already closed and it seems she is knocked unconscious. Her limp body falls to the floor in a heap.
Sarah is not done yet she kicks Jane's body 3-4 times but Jane is out cold. She then rips out the blonde's t-shirt and bra exposing her big lovely breasts. She stamps on them and then puts her right foot on top of her rival's breasts and gives a victory pose by flexing her bisceps. She beckons me towards her. I go to her, turned on like never before. She notices the bulge in my pants and presses herself towards me and we kiss hard. Then she takes my manhood in her hands and is licking it when Jane stirs and groans. Sarah stops in between and says "honey, i need to take out the trash. Be right back." She walks towards Jane and sits on her stomach and digs her nails in both of Jane's soft breasts. Jane's eyes open wide in pain as she shouts in agony. she has tears running down her eyes and she looks at me pleadingly and says "Ray, ask her to stop...awwww....please......" Sarah is sitting on her and smiles her pretty smile and says "Who's the better woman now? Say it."
Jane shrieks in pain as Sarah keeps mauling her breasts. "C'mon say it!"
Jane sputters out "you please let me go."
"I want you to get out of this city and never come back. You hear" Sarah tells her fallen rival while still mauling her breast. Sarah seems to be enjoying meting out punishment and she knows that I am getting turned on too.
Jane's once beautiful big breasts are now completely covered in bloodied scratches and bruises and she is desperate to get out of her predicament. "yes...yes.. I will (sob) just stop hurting me"
Sarah smiles a little and gets up. She drags Jane by her hair all over the floor then she takes her to the door and opens it and pushes her out. Jane falls down on the wet porch. Sarah tells her "Start running bitch or I will tear you down." Jane stammers back "my clothes.." Sarah interrupts her " Just start running bitch before I change my mind and...". Jane is just too scared to wait and she runs like crazy into the night to the parking lot. (Fortunately she had her car key).

Well, that was the last of Jane that I saw but after that cat-fight Sarah had developed a liking for it resulting in many other juicy adventures.


Offline harpua13

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Re: Return of the X
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2011, 10:40:18 PM »
I liked that! enjoyable read!
Free your mind.
And your ass will follow.


Offline howardcosell

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Re: Return of the X
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2011, 11:58:24 PM »
I read this when it was first posted, and it screams "SEQUEL!!" I look forward to more of Sarah's adventures. :)
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


Offline sleepycat

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Re: Return of the X
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2011, 04:36:13 PM »
great fight, brunett always beats blonde anyway


Offline koolswan

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Re: Return of the X
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2012, 04:58:08 PM »


Offline yakut

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Re: Return of the X
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2012, 09:36:47 PM »
 :) i like it .


Offline JT Edson

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Re: Return of the X
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2012, 12:27:40 PM »

Great story. Keep up the good work. I love these kind of stories and you did this one well.



Offline nova1274

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Re: Return of the X
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2015, 03:49:29 AM »
Omg part two please lol


Offline skunk2

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Re: Return of the X
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2024, 05:25:02 AM »
Rematch or part 2 please


Offline cfight

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Re: Return of the X
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2024, 05:00:15 PM »
Great story. Finally a realistic fight where both women start fighting with clothes on. Yes, shirts and bras do get pulled off.
Can't wait for another story like this.


Offline tr0tz

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Re: Return of the X
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2024, 05:59:20 PM »
Love this story as well, but take care that it is from 2011. Doesn't look like a sequel is around the corner.