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Daddy I'm Fine

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Offline man-of-sea

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  • May be in my younger days
Daddy I'm Fine
« on: August 16, 2024, 07:33:48 AM »
Here  the start of a new story hope you enjoy it  Im working on the second  part stay tuned ...
"Daddy I'm Fine"

Roxy's eyes narrowed in the bathroom mirror, the dim lighting playing tricks on her reflection. At 38, she'd earned her battle scars, each line and bruise a story etched into her skin. Her nose, a bit crooked from the fights she'd been in, she thought it only added to her rough-around-the-edges appeal. The excitement of the impending hunt made her hands quiver as she applied her makeup, smearing a bit of eyeliner. But she liked the edgy look it gave her, a stark contrast to the otherwise meticulously painted face.

Nathalie, emerging from the steamy embrace of the shower, felt the chill of the room against her damp skin. She picked up the sheer top from her bed, the fabric gliding over her body like a lover's caress. The lyrics of Sinéad O'Connor's "Daddy I'm Fine" echoed in her thoughts, the rebellious tune fueling her confidence. She knew she looked good, and that was all that mattered tonight. The outfit was perfect, chosen to leave just enough to the imagination while still making a bold statement.

Her favorite perfume filled the air as she sprayed it on, the floral notes mingling with the faint scent of the shower gel. She stepped into her black leather boots, the sound of them hitting the floor like a declaration of intent. The softness of the leather was a stark contrast to the hardness of the world outside, and she relished the feeling of power they gave her. She knew the night would be long, and she had to be ready for anything.

Her thoughts drifted to Roxy, her partner in crime. They'd been through so much together, each one's strengths balancing the other's weaknesses. They'd seen the darkest parts of life and had come out stronger for it. The anticipation of their upcoming adventure thrummed through her veins, a heady cocktail of adrenaline and excitement. They had a score to settle, and they would do it their way. As Nathalie finished dressing, she took one last look in the mirror, smirking. She knew she was a force to be reckoned with, and tonight, she was dressed to kill. The top clung to her in all the right places, and the short skirt left little to the imagination. She slipped her phone into her pocket, ensuring it was silent. Business first, pleasure later.

The sound of the engine roared to life as Roxy started the car. The vibrations resonated through the night, a prelude to the chaos they were about to unleash. Nathalie's heart raced as she slid into the passenger seat, the leather cool against her bare thighs. Roxy looked over, her eyes gleaming with the same anticipation. They shared a knowing glance, the air crackling with the promise of what would come.

The streets were a blur as they sped through the city, the neon lights casting a rainbow of shadows on their faces. The music’s bass thumped in their chests, setting the pace for their hunt. They had a plan meticulously crafted over weeks of surveillance and intel gathering. The target was a sleazy low-life skimming from the wrong people. He was the kind of guy who thought he was above the law, but Roxy and Nathalie had other ideas.

They pulled up to the dive bar where he was known to frequent, the place that had seen better days and now catered to the desperate and the dangerous. The gravel crunched under their boots as they strutted in, heads held high, their confidence undeniable. The stale smell of cigarette smoke and spilled beer hung in the air, but it was the scent of fear they were after tonight.

The bartender, a grizzled man with a permanent scowl, nodded in their direction, recognizing the look in their eyes. He knew better than to ask questions. They scanned the room, eyes darting from one shadowy corner to the next, searching for their prey. The patrons, a motley crew of thugs and outcasts, watched them with curiosity and wariness. They were used to trouble walking through those doors, but this was a different breed.

Roxy spotted him, leaning against the pool table with a smug grin. She nudged Nathalie, her eyes never leaving the target. His name was Marcus, a small-time crook with a big-time ego. He thought he was untouchable, but they were about to change that. Nathalie nodded, her grip tightening on the stun gun in her pocket. The anticipation grew real as they approached, their heels clicking on the sticky floor like a bomb ticking about to go off.

Marcus looked up, his smile faltering when he recognized them. He tried to play it cool, but the dart of his eyes gave him away. He knew they weren't here for a friendly chat. Roxy leaned in close, her breath hot on his ear. "We've got some unfinished business, don't we, Marcus?" Her voice was low and dangerous, the sweetness of her perfume belying the threat she posed.

He swallowed hard, his hand inching towards the pocket where he kept his piece. But Nathalie was quicker. She stepped in, her hand sliding smoothly over his, pressing the stun gun against his side. "Not so fast," she whispered her voice a siren's call wrapped in velvet. The current surged through him, his body seizing up as he crumpled to the floor.

The bar fell silent, all eyes on the two women standing over the now quivering Marcus. Roxy bent down, her lipstick-stained smile never wavering. "You've been a naughty boy," she cooed, patting his cheek. "It's time to pay up."

With a nod to Nathalie, they dragged him out the back door, ignoring his feeble protests. The alley was damp, the smell of garbage and wet concrete thick. It was the perfect place for a little chat. They slammed him against the brick wall, his body jolting with the impact. The fear in his eyes was unmistakable, and it only made Roxy's smile widen.

"You've been playing a dangerous game," she said, her voice low and menacing. "Stealing from the people we work for is a big no-no." Nathalie stepped closer, her hand still holding the stun gun, ready for action. Marcus tried to talk out of it, his voice trembling as he promised to make it right. But they'd heard it all before.

Roxy reached into her jacket, her hand wrapping around the cold metal of her favorite knife. It had served her well over the years, and she had no intention of letting this snake slither away. "You know the rules," she said, flipping open the knife with a satisfying click. "You break them, you face the consequences."

Marcus's eyes grew wide with terror, his mouth moving in a silent plea. But Roxy wasn't in the mood for mercy. She brought the blade to his throat, the tip pressing just hard enough to draw a bead of blood. "Where's the money?" she demanded, her voice as sharp as the blade.

Nathalie watched, her pulse racing. This was the part she loved most about the job—the moment when the prey realized their time was up. She took a step back, giving Roxy space to work. The alley was their stage, the dingy light from the bar's neon sign casting them in an eerie glow. The music from inside pulsed through the walls, setting the rhythm for the dance of fear and power playing out in the shadows.

Marcus's eyes darted between the two women, desperation etched on his sweaty face. He fumbled in his pocket, finally producing a small, greasy envelope. "Here," he croaked, his hand shaking as he held it out. "It's all there."

Roxy took the envelope with a sneer, her grip on the knife not loosening. She counted the bills, her eyes flicking up to meet his. "Is this all of it?" she asked, her voice cold.

Marcus nodded frantically, his Adam's apple bobbing. "I swear, it's everything," he gasped. "Please, just let me go."

Roxy looked at him, "Good boy, now where can we find Alice?  That bitch needs to settle her score with me". Marcus swallowed hard, knowing he was in over his head. "She's at the old warehouse by the docks," he choked out, hoping it was the correct answer. Nathalie stepped forward, her hand slipping into her jacket to retrieve a pair of handcuffs. "Let's not keep her waiting," she said with a sadistic smile, snapping the cuffs around his wrists.

They marched him through the alley, the cobblestone path sticky with the night's rain. The warehouse loomed ahead, a relic of the city's industrial past. The metal door creaked open, revealing a hollow space lit by flickering bulbs. The sound of distant laughter and clinking glasses echoed through the vast room. It was a place where the lost souls of the city came to play, and Alice was their queen.

The sight of Marcus, handcuffed and terrified, brought a wicked smile to Alice's lips. She lounged on a makeshift throne, a velvet chair perched atop a pile of crates. Her eyes lit up as Roxy and Nathalie approached, dragging their prize behind them. "Ah, the prodigal son returns," she purred, stroking the neck of the bottle in her hand. "And he's brought me a gift."

Alice was a woman who enjoyed the finer things in life despite her surroundings. Her hair was a waterfall of crimson waves, and crimson-painted nails tapped an impatient rhythm on the crate beside her. She was dressed in a leather catsuit that hugged her curves like a second skin, a stark contrast to the grime of the warehouse. "Let's see what you've got for me, Roxy," she said, gesturing to the envelope.

Roxy tossed it at her feet, the sound of the cash landing like a declaration of victory. Alice leaned down to pick it up, her eyes narrowing as she counted the bills. "Is this all?" she asked, her voice a mix of amusement and irritation. "You know the price for failure, Marcus."

Marcus stumbled over his words, trying to explain, but he'd brought them the wrong amount. Nathalie's hand tightened on the stun gun, ready to deliver another jolt if he tried anything stupid. But Alice had other plans. She looked at Roxy, a glint in her eye. "I think it's time for a little demonstration, right?”

With a nod from Roxy, Nathalie stepped back, watching as Alice gestured to her enforcers. Two large men emerged from the shadows, their faces as impassive as the concrete walls surrounding them. They grabbed Marcus by the arms, his cries of protest lost in the echoes of the warehouse. Roxy took a step forward, her boots echoing with authority. "You know the drill," she said, her voice a deadly whisper.

Alice's smile grew, a twisted reflection of the neon lights outside. "Indeed," she purred, sauntering over to a metal table laden with an assortment of tools that looked more at home in a butcher's shop than a place of business. She picked up a pair of pliers, the metal glinting in the dim light. "Let's see how much you will pay for your indiscretion."

Marcus's eyes bulged as the enforcers held him down, his body trembling with fear. Roxy's heart pounded in her chest, the anticipation of the confrontation giving way to a cold, calculated rage. Alice was about to show them who was in charge, and she had no intention of letting the man who'd caused her so much trouble escape unscathed.

The first scream pierced the air as Alice pried open his mouth, the cold metal of the pliers biting into his tongue. He thrashed, trying to break free, but the enforcers pinned him like a butterfly to a board. The sight made Nathalie's stomach turn, but she kept calm, watching with a detached interest as the scene unfolded. This was their world, and mercy was a luxury they couldn't afford.

Alice pulled out a gold tooth with a sickening pop, holding it up to the light with a chuckle. "Is this what you're after?" she taunted, waving the tooth in his face. Marcus's eyes rolled back in his head, his screams now muffled by his blood. Roxy felt a twinge of satisfaction—this was what he deserved.

Nathalie, however, had had enough. She stepped forward, placing a hand on Alice's arm. "Let's not get carried away," she said, her voice steady despite the horror show before them. "We have what we came for. The rest is between you and your... associates." She didn't bother to hide the contempt in her tone.

Alice looked at Nathalie. "There is just one thing: I want you to find Jade and finish her. I don't care how. Just get it done and bring me back some evidence that you did finish her."
Roxy nodded, "You got it, Alice." They both knew what that meant; it was time to take the hunt to the next level. They had a history with Jade; she had crossed them once too many times, and now it was time to settle the score.

They exited the warehouse, leaving Marcus to his fate. The cool night air was a welcome relief from the stifling alley and the bar's thick smoke. They climbed back into the car, the engine roaring back to life like a beast waking from a nap. Nathalie's heart was racing as they drove through the city streets, the thrill of the hunt and the horror of the night's events mingling into a heady cocktail.

"We need to find Jade," Roxy said, her eyes on the road as she navigated through the city's underbelly. "Alice isn't let this go until she's dealt with."

Nathalie nodded, her thoughts racing. Jade was a slippery one, always one step ahead. But not this time. They had the upper hand, and they wouldn’t let her escape again. "We'll start at the usual spots," she suggested, checking her phone for any leads. "The last time she was seen, she was hanging around the old amusement park."

Nathalie was studying Roxy. "How do you want to do this? How about a little one-on-one? Think you can handle that Asian Bitch?" Roxy smirked, her eyes flashing with excitement. "You know I can," she said, her voice a mix of confidence and malice. "But let's not underestimate her. She's a sly one."

They parked the car at the edge of the amusement park, the once-vibrant colors of the rides now faded and peeling. The chilling silence contrasted with the laughter and screams that once filled the air. The neon lights of the Ferris wheel cast a garish glow over the abandoned booths and games. It was a ghostly playground, a perfect hiding spot for someone like Jade.

They approached the park with caution, their boots crunching on the gravel. The rusty swings creaked in the wind, the only sound to break the eerie quiet. Roxy pulled out a flashlight, the beam cutting through the darkness like a knife. They moved from shadow to shadow, the adrenaline pumping through their veins with every step. They knew Jade would be challenging to find, but they had no intention of leaving without settling the score.

As they reached the dilapidated carousel, a flicker of movement caught Nathalie's eye. She nodded towards it, and Roxy nodded back, her grip tightening on the flashlight. They approached, the music from a broken speaker playing a macabre tune, setting their nerves on edge. The horses spun slowly, their painted eyes seeming to follow them as they moved.

Jade stepped out from behind a tattered curtain, a smug smile on her face. "Took you long enough," she drawled, her voice a mix of sarcasm and bravado. She was dressed in black, her hair in a tight bun, revealing the tattoos snaking up her neck. Nathalie could see the glint of a knife tucked into her belt.

"Looks like the party's started without us," Roxy said, her tone casual despite the tension. She flicked the flashlight off, plunging them into darkness.

The air grew thick with anticipation as the two women squared off, the carousel's haunting melody playing in the background. Nathalie took a step back, watching as Roxy and Jade circled each other like predators. The darkness of the abandoned park only highlighted the tension, the occasional flicker of light from the broken carousel adding to the dramatic tension.

Jade was the first to strike, her leg shooting out in a swift kick aimed at Roxy's stomach. But Roxy had seen it coming, her instincts honed by years of street fights. She sidestepped, her hand darting out to grab Jade's ankle, sending her crashing to the ground. The impact echoed through the silent park, and Nathalie could see the surprise in Jade's eyes. She hadn't expected that.

Roxy didn't waste a second. She pounced on Jade, her fists raining down on the other woman's face. Each blow released pent-up anger and frustration, culminating in every betrayal and setback they'd suffered because of her. Jade was quick, though, managing to get a few hits in before Nathalie could fully appreciate the show.

The fight was brutal, the sound of flesh meeting flesh a grim symphony in the quiet night. The two women rolled on the ground, each trying to gain the upper hand. Nathalie felt a thrill watching them, the raw power and passion a stark reminder of why she'd chosen this life. It was a dance of destruction, a ballet of rage, and she couldn't tear her eyes away.

Jade managed to get to her feet, her lip split and her eye swelling shut. She spits a mouthful of blood at Roxy, the crimson droplets gleaming in the moonlight. "You think you're so tough," she sneered, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "You're just a couple of has-beens."

Roxy's eyes flashed with anger, and she lunged at Jade again. They grappled, their bodies entwined in a brutal embrace, each fighting for dominance. Nathalie watched, her heart pounding in her chest. This was it—the moment they'd been waiting for. The air was thick with the scent of sweat and adrenaline; the only sounds were the grunts of exertion and the occasional clang of metal on metal as their jewelry collided.

Jade managed to break free, her breath coming in ragged gasps. She scrambled to her feet, her knife glinting in the moonlight as she pulled it from her belt. Roxy's smirk grew more expansive, and she cracked her knuckles. "Is that all you've got?" she taunted, her hands empty but equally deadly.

Their eyes locked, and in that moment, Nathalie could see the years of hatred boiling to the surface. The air was electric with tension, the carousel's music a haunting backdrop to their battle. Jade's arm swung back, ready to strike, but Roxy was quicker. She stepped in, her fist connecting with Jade's jaw in a bone-crushing blow. The knife clattered to the ground, forgotten in the chaos.

Jade stumbled back, a look of disbelief crossing her face. Roxy took the opportunity to land another punch, sending her sprawling onto the cracked concrete. Nathalie stepped closer, her eyes gleaming with excitement and trepidation. This was it—the end of a long and twisted chapter.

Roxy straddled Jade, raining down blows with a ferocity that belied her size. The carousel's music grew louder in Nathalie's ears, the discordant melody fueling her desire to see this through. But she knew better than to get involved. This was Roxy's fight, and she had to win it on her terms.

Jade fought back with everything she had, her nails clawing at Roxy's face, leaving deep gouges in her cheek. Roxy howled in pain but didn't relent, her fists a blur of motion. Nathalie could see the desperation in Jade's eyes, the realization that she might not make it out of this night in one piece. It was a sight she'd seen before, but it never failed to excite her.

The two women rolled around on the ground, their grunts and cries of pain mixing with the distant sound of the carousel's music. Each hit was met with a counter, each block a precursor to a new flurry of attacks. They were a whirlwind of motion, a chaotic dance of violence that seemed to have no end.

But Roxy had something to prove, something personal. She had the edge, the hunger, and she wouldn’t let Jade get the better of her again. Her fists pummeled into Jade's body, each blow punctuation to the unspoken words of anger and betrayal. Jade was tough, no doubt about it, but she was also a cheat—always hiding, always running. Not this time.

The fight grew more intense, their movements a blur in the shadowy amusement park. Nathalie watched, heart racing, as Roxy landed a particularly nasty punch to Jade's ribs. Jade gasped, her eyes rolling back, and for a moment, Nathalie thought it was over. But she underestimated Jade's endurance. With a roar, Jade bucked Roxy off and scrambled to her feet, blood streaming from her nose and mouth.

Jade turned and charged. Roxy barely had time, but she got her brass knuckle in place in her hard-hitting left hand. She knew this would be brutal, but she had to finish her off. Roxy anticipated the move and met Jade's charge with a kick to the gut that sent her staggering back. The sound of Jade's breath leaving her body was music to Nathalie's ears, but she knew the fight was far from over.

Roxy advanced, her eyes gleaming with the thrill of the chase. Jade was hurt, but she wasn't down yet. The two of them circled each other again, their breaths coming in ragged gasps, their eyes never leaving the other's face. The carousel's tune grew faster, more frantic, as if it, too, knew the climax was approaching.

Jade made the first move, her arm shooting in a wild swing. Roxy ducked her left fist with the brass knuckle connecting with Jade's cheek with a sickening crunch. Jade's head snapped to the side, and momentarily, she wavered on her feet. But she was like a cockroach—always surviving, always coming back for more. She spat out a mouthful of blood and grinned, a twisted mockery of the seductive smile she'd once used to get what she wanted.

The two of them went at it again, their bodies a blur of motion in the dim light of the amusement park. The carousel's music grew faster, the painted horses seeming to leer at them as they fought. Nathalie watched, her hand hovering over her gun, ready to step in if it got too out of hand. But she knew Roxy had this.

Roxy, fighting in close, gave Jade a most brutal punch with her left into Jade's right. Breast, making it shoot up and almost tearing the skin, and then a hard kick caught Jade in her pubic bone, which sent her hard to the ground; the impact knocked the wind out of her. Jade rolled over, clutching her stomach in agony. Nathalie watched the scene with admiration and horror, her heart pounding.

Roxy stood over Jade, panting heavily, her own body bruised and bleeding. She pulled out the brass knuckles, the metal glinting in the moonlight. "You're going to tell me where the rest of the money is," she growled, her voice low and menacing. "Or I'll make sure you wish you'd never crossed Alice."

Jade groaned, her breathing ragged. She knew she was beaten, but she wouldn’t go down without a fight. "Fuck you," she spat out, her voice thick with pain. "You'll never find it all."

Roxy's smile was cold and calculated. "Oh, I think you'll tell me," she said, her boot pressing Jade's hand, crushing her fingers against the concrete. Jade's scream filled the air, piercing the stillness of the abandoned park. Nathalie winced but said nothing, her eyes never leaving the gruesome scene before her.

With a grunt, Roxy brought the brass knuckles down onto Jade's already bruised hand, the impact sending a river of pain through Jade's body. She howled in agony, her eyes welling up with tears. "Where is it?" Roxy demanded, her voice a harsh whisper.

Jade, though broken, had a stubborn streak a mile wide. She gritted her teeth and glared up at Roxy, her eyes filled with defiance. "You'll never get it all," she repeated, her voice barely audible through her clenched teeth.

Roxy's smile never wavered. "Maybe not," she conceded, "but I'll enjoy making you wish you had." With that, she raised the brass knuckles again, ready to deliver another crushing blow. But Nathalie stepped in, placing a hand on her arm.

"We've got what we need," Nathalie said, her voice firm. "Alice gets her money, and we get the satisfaction of watching you bleed. That's enough for now." Roxy looked at her partner, her eyes flashing with anger and understanding. With a grunt, she stepped back, allowing Jade to curl into a ball of pain.

The sound of sirens in the distance grew louder, a reminder that their time was up. Nathalie pulled out her phone, the screencasting a ghostly light on her face as she dialed a number. "It's done," she said into the receiver, her voice cold and efficient. "But we have some cleanup before the cops get here."

Roxy nodded, her breath coming in heavy pants. She leaned down, whispering to Jade, "This isn't over, sweetheart. You’ll wish you'd just told us where Alice's money is." With that, she stood, the brass knuckles slipping back into her pocket with a metallic click.

The sirens grew closer, the wailing a warning that their time was almost up. They had to move fast. Nathalie grabbed a roll of duct tape from their car's glove compartment, ripping off a piece with her teeth. She approached Jade, who was still writhing on the ground, her hand a pulpy mess. "Time to go," Nathalie said, her voice devoid of emotion as she slapped the tape over Jade's mouth, muffling her cries.

They hoisted Jade into the trunk of their car, the metal clanging shut with a finality that sent an electric jolt down Nathalie's spine. The sirens grew louder, the flashing lights of the approaching police cars painting the amusement park in a flashy, strobing pattern. Roxy slammed the trunk shut and jumped into the driver's seat, her adrenaline pumping.

Nathalie took one last look around the carnage, her eyes lingering on the discarded knife and the pool of blood slowly spreading from Jade's crumpled form. Then she climbed into the passenger seat, her heart racing. They had to get out of here, fast.

Roxy gunned the engine, the tires squealing as they peeled out of the parking lot. The sirens grew louder; the flashing lights contrasted with the dark streets. They drove in silence, the only sound the thump of Jade's muffled protests from the trunk.

"Where are we taking her?" Nathalie asked, her eyes on the road ahead, searching for any signs of pursuit.

Roxy's grip on the steering wheel tightened. "Somewhere quiet," she said, her voice tight with anger. "Somewhere we can... talk."

Nathalie nodded, understanding all too well what Roxy meant by "talk." They needed to make Jade understand the gravity of her situation, and the quiet solitude of a deserted alleyway was the perfect place for that kind of conversation. They drove through the city, the sirens fading into the distance as they put more blocks between themselves and the chaos of the amusement park.

Finally, Roxy pulled the car into a narrow alley, the walls closing around them like the jaws of a trap. She killed the engine, and the sudden silence was eerie. They both got out, the cold night air a stark contrast to the heat of the car's interior. Nathalie reached into the trunk, her hand closing around the handle of the knife they'd taken from Jade. She slammed the trunk shut, the sound echoing through the alley like a gunshot.

They dragged Jade out, her body limp with pain and defeat. The tape over her mouth made it difficult to breathe, her eyes wide with fear. Roxy pulled out the duct tape, tearing it from Jade's face with a vicious jerk. "You want to say something?" she sneered, holding the bloody mess of a hand up to the moon. "Tell us where the rest of the money is."

Jade's breaths were shallow and rapid, her eyes darting between the two women. "You... you don't understand," she gasped, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's not just about the money."

Roxy leaned in, her face a mask of cold determination. "Then what is it about?" she demanded, her grip on Jade's arm tightening. "What could be worth all this?"

Jade's eyes darted around the alley, searching for an escape that didn't exist. "It's... it's about power," she choked out. "Alice... she's not the only one who wants it."

Nathalie's eyes narrowed. "So you're playing both sides?"

Jade coughed, blood spattering from her mouth. "It's... it's not like that," she rasped, her voice barely audible. "There's someone... else. Someone who... who's been watching us all."

Roxy looked at Nathalie and then back to Jade. " Who in the hell are you talking about, sister? It better be the truth, or so help me god ." Jade coughed out more blood, her eyes desperate. "It's the shadow... the one who... who's been pulling the strings."

Nathalie's brow furrowed, the name sending a shiver down her spine. "The Shadow?" she murmured, almost to herself. "That's just a rumor."

But Roxy's expression was grim. "Not anymore," she said, her eyes never leaving Jade's. "Tell us everything you know."

Jade's chest heaved with the effort to speak. "He... he's got more power than Alice... more than anyone." Her voice was weak, and she coughed again, spattering the pavement with crimson. "He's the one who... who set up the deal. He wanted... wanted Alice to take the fall."

Again, Roxy looked at Nathalie with a puzzling look, "Ok, Jade, if this is true, where do we find this shadow character?" Jade chuckled in pain, "You think I'm stupid enough to tell you that? I'm dead either way." Nathalie smirks. "Not necessarily; tell us, and we can ensure you don't suffer much." Jade's eyes grew wide in terror as she realized she was not just dealing with a couple of angry bounty hunters but something much more sinister.

The Shadow, a name that had been whispered in the darkest corners of the underworld, a name that even the toughest of men feared. Roxy's grip on Jade's arm tightened, her nails digging into the flesh. "Where is he?" she demanded, her voice a low growl.

Jade's eyes searched theirs, desperation and fear swirling together. "I... I don't know," she gasped, her breaths coming in short, painful bursts. "But... but I know someone who does."

Roxy's eyes narrowed, the muscles in her jaw clenching. "And who might that be?"

Jade's breathing was labored, her voice barely above a whisper. "His... his right hand. A man named... Vincent."

Roxy and Nathalie exchanged a look. Vincent was a name they'd heard before, a player in the city's underbelly with a reputation for being slippery like an eel. "Where can we find him?" Nathalie asked, her grip on the knife tightening.

Jade coughed, blood bubbling at the corners of her mouth. "The... the Blue Dragon," she managed to say, her eyes glazing over. "But... he's... he's not easy to get to."

Roxy's eyes lit up with a predatory gleam. "The Blue Dragon, huh?" she said, her mind racing. "We've heard of that place. It's a tough nut to crack, but not impossible."

Nathalie nodded, her mind already racing with plans. "We'll find him," she assured Jade, her voice cold and detached. "And when we do, you'll wish you'd just told us everything."

They left Jade in the alley, her muffled cries for mercy fading into the night as they drove away. The car's tires squealed as they rounded the corner, a grim echo of the battle they'd just left behind. Roxy's eyes never left the rearview mirror, watching the alley shrink until it was a memory.

Upon returning to Roxy’s flat, they quickly locked lips in a passionate embrace, fueled by the adrenaline of their recent fight and victory. Roxy’s hand slid down Nathalie’s back, while Nathalie’s hands roamed over Roxy’s body. Despite obtaining the money and information they needed, their victory felt bittersweet due to the revelation of The Shadow.

They broke apart, both panting slightly, their eyes locked in a silent understanding. The hunt wasn't over; it had only just begun. They had a new target, a new challenge to face. The air was thick with the scent of victory and desire, a heady mix that made Nathalie's heart race.

Nathalie, slowly licking her lips, murmured, "Let's deal with that in the morning as I want to deal with you now, Roxy." Her voice was low and seductive, starkly contrasting the harshness of their earlier exchange. Roxy smirks, the adrenaline of the fight still pumping through her veins. She knew what Nathalie meant, and she was more than ready for it.

They stumbled into the bedroom, their bruised and bloodied bodies colliding with a fierce passion that could only come from the heat of battle. Roxy's hands were everywhere, ripping at Nathalie's clothes, exposing her soft, wet skin. Nathalie's hands were equally insistent, her nails digging into Roxy's back as they kissed, their tongues dancing together in a wild, unbridled frenzy.

Roxy moaned for Nathalie to massage her breasts as she feverishly started working Nathalie’s panties down her hips. Their clothes were quickly discarded, a tangled mess on the floor, forgotten as their bodies collided in a dance of passion. Nathalie's skin was slick with sweat, her breaths coming in gasps as Roxy's mouth found her neck, her teeth grazing the sensitive flesh.

Nathalie pushed Roxy onto the bed, her strength surprising her. Straddling her, she leaned down, her breasts brushing against Roxy's chest, and whispered, "You're mine." Roxy's eyes flashed with desire, her hands gripping Nathalie's hips tightly. "Always," she murmured, her voice thick with need.

Roxy, gazing into Nathalie's eyes, "Get my toy. It's right under the bed." Nathalie fumbles a bit and then brings up a black ebony dildo with two giant bulbous cock heads, one on each end and a handle in the middle. Nathalie takes it with a smirk, the weight feeling good in her hand. She's had this thing since her early days, a silent companion in moments of victory and defeat.

Roxy, watching her with hunger in her eyes, licks her lips as Nathalie runs the dildo over her bruised breasts and down her stomach, leaving a trail of coldness on her heated skin. Nathalie's touch was firm, almost rough, a stark contrast to the tenderness of their earlier moments. But Roxy craved it, her body responding with huge anticipation.

Nathalie slammed the dildo into Roxy's pussy, the impact making her buck. Nathalie, now pushing the end of the dildo into her wet  pussy arched her back, a cry of pleasure tearing from her throat. The pain from their earlier fight melded with the newfound pleasure, creating a symphony of sensations that had her trembling. Nathalie's rhythm was relentless, each thrust pushing Roxy closer and closer to the edge.

Their eyes locked, and Nathalie could see the mix of pain and ecstasy in Roxy's gaze. She knew this was what they needed—this raw, animalistic connection that transcended words. Their bodies moved together, the dildo a silent conduit for their shared power and passion.

Roxy's hips rose to meet Nathalie's, her moans growing louder with each thrust. The bed frame creaked under their combined weight, the sound a testament to their unbridled desire. Nathalie felt herself getting closer, her orgasm building like a storm in her core.

But before the storm could break, the door to the flat slammed open. They both froze, the dildo still buried deep inside Roxy. Heavy footsteps grew louder, and a shadow fell across the bedroom threshold.

"Well, well, well," a gruff male voice said, “Looks like I've found the little birds I've been looking for."

Roxy and Nathalie's eyes snapped to the doorway, where a large, burly man with a scar running down his cheek blocked the exit. He was flanked by two equally menacing figures, each holding a gun that gleamed in the dim light.

"Vincent," Roxy spat, her eyes narrowing in recognition. She'd seen this man before—he was one of The Shadow's top dogs. "What do you want?"

The scar-faced man, a sadistic smile playing on his lips, took a step closer. "My boss has a message for Alice," he said, his voice a low rumble. "He's not pleased with the little stunt you two pulled tonight."

Nathalie's grip tightened on the dildo, her eyes narrowing. "Let's hear it," she said, her voice a dangerous purr.

Vincent's smile widened, revealing a set of crooked teeth. "He wants his money," he said, his eyes raking over the two of them, his gaze lingering on their entwined, naked bodies. "And he wants you to know you're playing a game you can't win."

Roxy pushed Nathalie aside, the dildo slipping out of her with an obscene squelch. She rolled off the bed, her body taut and ready for battle. "We're not playing games," she said, her voice low and menacing. "We're just collecting what's owed."

Vincent chuckled, his eyes glinting with malice. "Is that so?" He took another step closer, his goons following his lead. "Tell me, Roxy, how does it feel to be the hunted instead of the hunter?"

Roxy's body was a canvas of bruises and scrapes from the fight with Jade, but she didn't let it show. Instead, she stood tall, her nakedness a declaration of power. "You know where to find us," she said, her voice dripping with challenge. "Come and get it."

Vincent's smile grew colder, his eyes flicking to the bloody knuckles and the discarded knife on the floor. "I think we'll do just that," he said, his tone mocking. He nodded to his goons, who moved forward, guns trained on the two women.

Roxy's mind raced, her body still humming with the energy of the interrupted climax. She knew they were in a tight spot, but she wasn't about to go down without a fight. She grabbed the knife from the floor, the blade slick with Jade's blood. "You're not taking us anywhere," she snarled her voice a mix of rage and arousal.

Nathalie, equally unfazed by their sudden visitors, slid off the bed and reached for her weapon—a sleek, black pistol she kept hidden under her pillow. She checked the chamber, her movements swift and precise. "You're out of your league, Vincent," she warned, her eyes never leaving the scar-faced man.

Vincent's smile didn't waver. "Oh, I don't think so," he said, his voice filled with a chilling confidence. "My boss has been watching you for a long time, Nathalie. He knows all about your little... preferences." His eyes roved over her body, and Nathalie felt a surge of anger.

Roxy stepped in front of Nathalie, brandishing the knife. "We're not going anywhere with you," she said, her voice steady despite the fear clawing at her gut. "Not without a fight."

Vincent chuckled, the sound echoing off the walls of the small room. "I was hoping you'd say that," he said, gesturing to his goons. "Take them alive. The Shadow wants to have a little chat."

The two thugs moved forward, their eyes hungry with the promise of violence. Roxy and Nathalie stood their ground, their weapons at the ready. The air was tense, a silent battle of wills playing out before the first shot was fired.

Roxy saw the flicker of doubt in the nearest goon's eyes and pounced, using her agility to dodge the bullets that peppered the air. She sank the knife into his throat, a spray of blood painting the wall behind him as he fell to the ground, gurgling and twitching. Nathalie took advantage of the distraction, firing off two shots quickly, dropping the second goon before he could even get a shot off.

The sound of the gunfire was deafening in the small space, the smell of gunpowder and copper filling the air. Vincent's smile had disappeared, replaced by a snarl of pure anger. He pulled out his gun, pointing it at Nathalie. "You bitch," he spat.

But Nathalie was ready for him. She'd seen the rage in his eyes, the promise of violence. She squeezed the trigger, her shot hitting him square in the chest. He staggered back, his gun firing wildly before dropping to the floor with a thud. Roxy watched him fall, the reality of the situation crashing down on her. They'd just killed two of The Shadow's men.

"We need to go," Nathalie said, her voice sharp with urgency. She tossed Roxy a set of keys. "Take my car. I'll clean up here."

Roxy nodded, pulling on her clothes, her mind racing. They had to move fast. The Shadow wouldn't take this lightly. She grabbed the bag with the money and her gun, her eyes scanning the room for any evidence of their encounter. The adrenaline from the fight was wearing off, leaving her with a cold, sobering clarity.

They couldn't go back to Alice like this only when they had more information, more leverage. They had to find The Shadow before he saw them.
retired and self exploring daring to leave one's comfort zone.