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fcf wrestling league

  • 61 Replies

Offline sheena24

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Re: fcf wrestling league
« Reply #60 on: June 15, 2024, 08:09:55 AM »
sheena24 challenged me  for the foxy boxing title

it was  a tough fight,our  rivalry started to  boil over

but i cloped the witch upside her head,

stoping her in the 4th round  to keep the title, :)
You got lucky bitch
You had the ref on your side.
I want a rematch bitch
I’m the hottest sexiest bitch on fcf.
No bitch comes close period.
If you think you are hit me up. I won’t bite I just hit back.
Be prepared for a fight that you can’t win.


Offline Mistress_Kira

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Re: fcf wrestling league
« Reply #61 on: September 07, 2024, 04:31:50 PM »
Hi Lexi. I would like to challenge StephsStacked for her league championship title. Please set up the match should she accept. Thank you.