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Aarti Chabria vs Nadia Comaneci

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Offline SilverGhost

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Aarti Chabria vs Nadia Comaneci
« on: September 12, 2024, 09:43:03 PM »
   A large arena was full of spectators to see an international wrestling bout.  In one corner stood Aarti Chabria, dressed in a gold sports bra and black tights, and in the other Nadia Comaneci, dressed in a tight yellow top and black tights.  Aarti, the former Miss India and named by People magazine the most beautiful woman in the world at one time walked slowly toward the center of the ring.  Nadia, the first gymnastic perfect ten and multi time gold medalist smirked as she walked into the middle of the ring.
   "Yeah, I know I'm giving up a lot of strength and power to a former gymnast, but I'm not exactly a push over." said Aarti as she looked into Nadia's eyes.
   "I know about your martial arts background, but I have also read where someone lacks the discipline to give up her midnight snacks, and she's got the belly to show for it." said Nadia with a little smile.
The bell rang and Nadia kicked toward Aarti's belly.  Aarti side stepped it, grabbed Nadia's calf with her left hand, dropped her right elbow on Nadia's thigh, and snapped a quick punch into Nadia's nose.  Nadia staggered back holding her nose, checking to see if it was broken.  Aarti took a step forward with her left foot, and snapped her right foot up into Nadia's gut.
   "Ooooomphh!" spat Nadia as she bent over.
Aarti put her arm around Nadia's neck, grabbed the top of Nadia's tights and lifted her up off the mat.  Nadia straightened her legs out hoping to minimize the impact.  Aarti tilted Nadia forward and sat down, driving Nadia face first into the mat.  Nadia was in a daze as Aarti turned her over on her back, and lay across her body.  Nadia heard the referee count to two and she raised her hand and rolled over on her side.
   "I've got to start taking this one more seriously." grunted Nadia as Aarti got to her feet.
Aarti dropped her knee down on Nadia's ribs and the former gymnast groaned as she twisted in pain.  Nadia watched as Aarti went to the corner and climbed the ropes.  Aarti carefully balanced herself on the top turnbuckle, then jumped off.  Aarti straigthened her body out to come down across Nadia's body in a splash, but Nadia raised her legs up and kicked up, driving both feet into Aarti's belly.
   "Bwaaahh!" spat Aarti as she was bent over.
Aarti fell over on her side curled up in agony.  Nadia smiled as she stood up and stepped over Aarti.
   "I told you that little jelly belly would be your undoing." said Nadia as she grabbed a handful of Aarti's long brown hair.
When Nadia got Aarti up to her feet, Nadia put her hands on Aarti's shoulders, jumped, curled her legs up, and fell back, pulling Aarti down belly first on Nadia's knees.  Nadia heard the air hiss out of Aarti's mouth and nose and sort of laughed.  Aarti rolled over on to her side desperately trying to catch her breath.  Nadia rolled Aarti over on her back and ran to the corner.  Nadia walked up the inside of the turnbuckle with the grace of a cat, bounced with both legs, then flipped back off the top turnbuckle.
   "Ooohhhh!" screamed Aarti as Nadia's ribs came crashing down across her belly.
Nadia raised up to her knees, but one hand on Aarti's chest and the other on Aarti's belly and pushed down.  Nadia smiled and pressed a little harder into Aarti's belly as the referee counted.  The referee stopped at two and pointed at Aarti's foot, which lay over the ropes.  Nadia smiled as she got up and kicked Aarti's leg away from the bottom rope.  She moved between Aarti's body and the ropes and went down on her knees again, ready for another pin.  Aarti's hand shot up and clamped down across Nadia's belly, driving her fingers into the muscles in a claw hold.
   "Awwwhh!  Gaaahh!" gasped Nadia as she tried to squirm away.
   "You make fun of my soft belly, but the problem with all that muscle is that it cramps so easily." said Aarti as she put her other hand on Nadia's belly and clamped down as well.
Nadia grimaced in pain and was near tears when she fell back into the ropes.  Aarti released the hold and stepped back.  The referee asked Nadia if she wanted to give up, but she shook her head and forced herself back to her feet.  Nadia took a slow step and groaned.
   "It hurts to breathe." gasped Nadia as she lay her hands on her belly.
Aarti slipped around behind Nadia and wrapped the former gymnast up in an abdominal stretch.  Nadia shrieked in pain as Aarti pulled the move tight, stretching her already sore muscles.  Nadia used her powerful legs to pushed Aarti back into the corner.  When Aarti released the hold, Nadia dropped to one knees and drove her elbow back into Aarti's belly just above her navel.
   "Shooooo!" screamed Aarti as she bent over.
Nadia walked out of the corner bent over a little and gasping for air.  Aarti followed her, put her hand on Nadia's shoulder and spun her around.  Aarti kicked Nadia in the gut, when Nadia bent, Aarti put her arm under Nadia's chin, and sat down.  Nadia bounced off of Aarti's arm and rolled under the bottom rope.  Aarti grabbed Nadia's arm and leg and pulled her back into the middle of the ring.  As Aarti bent down to pin Nadia, Nadia put her arm behind Aarti's neck and the other arm behind Aarti's leg and rolled Aarti to the mat.  Aarti screamed and kicked her legs as the referee counted, but she couldn't break free before the three count.  Aarti rolled to her knees and looked up in despair as the referee raised Nadia's hand.  Nadia put her arm over her belly and bent over.
   "Never again underestimate a beauty queen." groaned Nadia as she walked by Aarti.