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RQT Tag-team Qualifying match 4/4: K. Stewart/ A. Kendrick vs M. Amato/ L. Koshy

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Offline whatever.

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The ref calls for the bell and the match begins. The two circle each other, eyeing their opponent, looking for an opening. Mariah shoots in for a takedown, but Kristen is ready and sprawls, shrugging off the attempt. Mariah’s slap echoes across the arena, causing the crowd to erupt into a frenzy. Kristen Stewart’s cheek is bright red from the impact of the slap, and she grits her teeth in anger.

She retaliates with a furious flurry of punches, connecting with Mariah’s midsection and sending her stumbling backward.  Kristen’s fists rain down on Mariah’s skull with the force of a jackhammer, driving her to her knees. Mariah covers up as best she can, but it’s not enough to stop the onslaught. Kristen reaches back and delivers a brutal slap to Mariah’s face, adding insult to injury. Mariah’s face is contorted and she looks like she’s about to be knocked out. Kristen's foot connects with Mariah's chest, sending her sprawling onto her back. Mariah groans and rolls over, trying to regain her bearings, but the force of the kick has left her winded and disoriented. Kristen, now in the dominant position, looms over her opponent, ready to deliver the finishing blow. Anna and Kristen stomp down on Mariah, turning her into a human trampoline. Mariah is now trapped in a nightmare of flying limbs and crushing feet, her body crumpling under the barrage of blows.
With Mariah now a beaten mess, Anna and Kristen turn their attention to Liza Koshy, who watches in horror from her corner. Anna drags Mariah’s limp body to the center of the ring, treating her like a ragdoll.

 She then plants her foot on Mariah’s back, using her as a stepping stone as she locks eyes with Liza Koshy. With a flick of her hair, Anna sends a clear message: Liza is next. The crowd goes wild, sensing that the tide is turning in favor of Kristen Stewart and Anna Kendrick.
While the ref’s back is turned, Kristen and Anna take full advantage of the situation, delivering a vicious double stomp to Mariah’s pussy. Mariah screams as her pussy is brutally crushed under the weight of her opponent’s feet. The ref finally turns around, but it’s too late. Mariah is left writhing in pain, while Liza Koshy is beside herself with rage.

Mariah is in a world of hurt, her once-toned dancer’s body now a throbbing mass of pain. She looks around desperately for help, but the ref is oblivious to the illegal tactics being used by Kristen and Anna.

Kristen, sensing Mariah’s vulnerability, moves in for the kill, delivering a series of vicious punches to Mariah’s stomach. Mariah collapses to the mat, coughing and gasping for air, as Kristen and Anna high-five each other in triumph.

 Anna pulls Mariah up to her knees by the hair, giving Mariah the perfect opportunity to strike back. Mariah sinks her teeth into the waistband of Anna’s bikini, pulling it down and ripping out a handful of pubic hair. Anna’s scream is cut short as Mariah’s lips meet hers in a twisted kiss, depositing a mouthful of pubic hair into Anna’s mouth. Disgusted, Anna tries to spit out the hair, but it’s too late. Mariah has already driven a knee into Anna’s pussy sending her crashing to the mat.
Mariah is barely conscious, but she hears Liza’s urgent screams. Mustering the last of her strength, she crawls across the mat, her hands and knees scraped and bruised. With the crowd at fever pitch, Mariah reaches out and slaps Liza’s hand, tagging her in. Liza vaults over the top rope and into the ring, ready to unleash her pent-up rage on Kristen Stewart and Anna Kendrick. Liza’s leg snaps out like a whip, connecting with Anna’s chin. The force of the kick lifts Anna off her feet and onto her toes, her head snapping back. But Liza’s not done yet. As Anna comes back down to earth, Liza delivers a brutal roundhouse kick to the side of her head, sending her crashing back to the mat in a daze.

 Liza turns her attention to Kristen Stewart. Liza’s foot slams down on Anna’s ass, grinding her heel into the soft flesh. She then turns to Kristen, a wicked smirk playing across her lips. She blows Kristen a kiss. Liza stomps down hard on Anna’s ass cheeks, using her as a platform to launch herself into the air. As Kristen watches in horror, Liza comes crashing down with a flying elbow drop onto Anna’s back, driving her face-first into the mat. Liza quickly rolls Anna onto her back, straddling her chest and pinning her shoulders to the mat.
The ref slides into position, slapping the mat with his hand.
Anna squirms beneath Liza’s weight, but she can’t escape.

But just as the ref’s hand is about to hit the mat for the three-count, Kristen Stewart comes out of nowhere and breaks up the pin. Mariah hurtles into the ring like a human missile, leveling Kristen with a brutal spear that sends them both careening out of the ring.  Both women crash through the ropes and onto the hard concrete floor below. Meanwhile, Anna and Liza remain motionless on the mat, their bodies limp and exhausted from the brutal beatdown they’ve just endured.

The crowd is on their feet, screaming their lungs out. As the dust settles, Anna and Liza stir, slowly regaining consciousness. But before Liza can get to her feet, Anna spots Kristen and Mariah lying motionless outside the ring. She whips her leg around, driving a superkick into Liza’s chest. The force of the kick snaps the strings of Liza’s bikini top. Liza crumples to the mat as the crowd goes wild. Anna pounces on Liza pressing her body against Liza’s as she hooks the leg for the pin.

The ref slides into position, his hand hitting the mat.

But Liza isn’t ready to give up yet. She kicks out breaking the pin just before the ref’s hand can hit the mat for the second time. Anna glares down at Liza. She’s not done with her yet. With Liza still reeling from the superkick, Kristen and Anna move in for the kill. Kristen grabs Liza by the arms, locking her in a full nelson and forcing her to her knees.

Liza’s arms are wrenched behind her back, leaving her tits exposed and vulnerable.

Anna continues to rain down slaps on Liza’s face, the sound of flesh on flesh echoing throughout the arena. Liza’s mouth hangs open, drool dripping from her lips. Suddenly, Kristen’s grip on Liza loosens as she gasps in pain.

“What the—” she manages to say, before a steel chair comes crashing down on her back.

The chair ricochets off of Anna’s face with a sickening THUD, sending her stumbling backward into the ropes. Liza drops to the mat, her arms and shoulders burning from being stretched in the full nelson. And Mariah stands triumphant, the steel chair in her hand.  Mariah snatches Kristen by the hair and tosses her out of the ring like a ragdoll.

 She hoists Liza up and dumps her over the ropes, tagging her back into the match. Liza collapses against the ropes, struggling to catch her breath. Meanwhile, Mariah ascends the turnbuckle, the steel chair clutched tightly in her hands. Anna is still dazed from the first chair shot, and she never sees Mariah coming. The chair goes flying through the air, slamming into Anna’s body.  Anna lies motionless on the mat, her chest heaving as she struggles to breathe.

Meanwhile, Liza grits her teeth and pushes through the pain, climbing the turnbuckle with shaky legs. She launches herself off the top rope, landing on Anna’s prone form. The crowd erupts, their screams deafening as Liza hooks Anna’s leg and pins her to the mat.
Kristen Stewart staggers to her feet as the ref’s hand hits the mat for the third time. The bell rings, signaling the end of the match.

 Outside the ring, Kristen’s eyes are saucers.

Mariah blows Kristen a kiss.

« Last Edit: September 13, 2024, 04:49:39 PM by whatever. »


Offline tr0tz

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The underdogs won! Another intense match, a very interesting pairing! Didn't know Amato/Koshy before, but a very nice finding!

Super curious: with the qualifying matches over, who fights whom in the tag team tournament? Will it all be on one day/weekend? Will Hope Solo and Jillian Michaels simply crush their opponents with their strength and fitness or will we see another surprise? We will hopefully find out soon!


Offline whatever.

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I half-assed this one.

I haven't got the pairings yet; one day; injuries carry over; alternating tag, single, tag, single; single's final first and then tag finals; all tag team matches in this are "tornado style"


Offline tr0tz

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I half-assed this one.

You delivered well! It was nice story telling!

I haven't got the pairings yet; one day; injuries carry over; alternating tag, single, tag, single; single's final first and then tag finals; all tag team matches in this are "tornado style"

Oh cool, both the singles and tag tournament on one day!!! Didn't expect it, but I like that!