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Janet Montgomery vs Sarah Butler

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Janet Montgomery vs Sarah Butler
« on: September 15, 2024, 08:55:43 PM »

An event in Canada had brought out some minor stars and Sarah Butler was one of them. She was a straight to video star of movies like FreeFall and I spit on your grave.  She also had become a bigger star in the underground world. A crowd was around her and they were talking to her but close to Sarah's crowd was another crowd talking to someone else.  She wondered who was receiving just a little more attention than her.  The crowd's disappeared and Janet Montgomery was left there with Sarah a few feet away.  Janet whose career started like her own but went a few steps above hers.  “Hi.”


They looked at each other and both turned to the wall and were a couple feet apart the crowd saying it was hard to tell whose ass looked better in jeans “Congrats on beating Aubrey, she’s a tough bitch.”  Janet said her feud with Aubrey Plaza was well documented

“Most people are more impressed with my beating Teresa Palmer.  After all, how tough can Aubrey be,”

Sarah turned and walked sideways facing Janet and stopped in front of her their breasts slightly touching neither took their eyes off the other to look.  “She lost to you.”

Sarah walked away from Janet who was standing shocked at what was just said, and a few people had noticed the interaction and asked who they thought would win that fight.

Later Sarah saw Janet standing talking to a few people and walked over.  The people dispersed just leaving them side by side “I’m not here to start shit with you, not that I fear you or anything but we’re here for a celebration and get to know people.”

“Lovey, we count as people.  You fought Aubrey and beat her, and we know someone else similar.  I made Lyndsy Fonseca tap out” Janet did the same move as Sarah turned and walked sideways to face the American “She knocked you out didn’t she.”  She walked leaving Sarah biting her lip and nodding her head.

After the night was over and festivities had, Janet got in the elevator and pressed her floor.  There were two other people in at the time.  Sarah Butler suddenly showed up stopping the door and got in she noticed her floor was already picked.  Then she noticed Janet was in there as well the two looked away from each other satisfied with their previous interactions. 

The Elevator went up a floor and it filled with people and Sarah and Janet found themselves shoulder to shoulder.  Tension between them was tighter than the capacity in the elevator.  They were in the middle of the elevator refusing to move their arms in any way whatsoever.  In fact, they wouldn’t even glance at the other. 

The elevator went up two more floors and everyone else left leaving just Janet and Sarah in the back shoulder to shoulder.  They were apparently going to the same floor, which was three floors up, neither would move and would not speak to the other.  This ordeal would be over soon enough why go further, it went up one floor and Sarah’s fingers twitched flicking Janet's so Janet flicked Sarah’s and now they had a sideway glare at the other.

Then the unthinkable happened as the elevator stopped moving between floors “Fuck” Janet let out.

“Do you have a problem with me?”

“I have a problem with getting stuck in elevators yeah so don’t make this about you.”

“No because everything's about Janet isn’t it.  Can’t even admit your bigger issue is being in the same room as me.”

“You come at me get in my face and belittle a woman I’ve had five fights with, and this is about my issues with you.  I think, no I know this is about whatever problem you have with me.”

Still they stood shoulder to shoulder taking turns flicking the other’s fingers.  Five minutes and Sarah spoke again “You wanted my attention and I made a comment, but I made amends.  Are you really going to say it was just you being nice you wanted to be the center of attention?  Even though you claim not to want that its all you truly want”

“Fair enough I didn’t seek you out the first time we just ended up together.  I made friendly conversation you made a statement to get under my skin.  I didn't accept your apology if I was willing to throw in your face how I beat the woman that beat you.… I think I know your real problem with me though.”

Sarah turned and so did Janet so now they were facing each other “Let me tell you why I don’t like you.  There’s no discernable difference between us, we both started in 08 we both went through the Horror genre, but you got starring roles on TV and even though I’m not jealous of that.  It pisses me off that me and Fonseca have a great fight, but word is she only fought me because she couldn’t get you.  I have been kicking ass in every movie in every fight in every guest star.  You get more respect though, in movies in tv and I fight.  Why is that?  Why is it when I win a fight do, I have to hear how I would do against Janet Montgomery?”

The small breasted women found themselves very close to each other’s face.  Both 5’6 of similar weight and physical shape “We did both start up similar, but I moved past it proved I could do more.  I got a star role, but the show failed, I went back and worked my ass off got another show, but they picked a failure over my show.  I earned my successes through taking as many unique roles as possible.  Why have I gotten more than you, you are a decent actress I’m a great one.  Its what bothers you about our careers you can’t blame your tits or your ass because I’m not exactly Lindsay Lohan or Britney Spears.”

"Talent is why you're better than me."

"I hate saying that because its a passive aggressive way of challenging someone."

"So is that it you're challenging me."

"Are you challenging me?"

"You mention talent and ..."

"You think I'd be passive aggressive when challenging you.  No when I challenge someone they damn sure know it."

"So, you're not challenging me, good to know you recognize ..."

"Recognize.  Recognize what exactly, do you believe I fear you and I recognize you would beat me?" Janet's eyebrows raised in disbelief "Now who is passive aggressively challenging the other woman."

"When I challenge another woman to a fight there is nothing passive about it.  If I challenged, you Janet you would either fear the challenge or wish you feared it."

"I truly doubt that very much, I've seen fear in other women when I'm around and I don’t see that look in your eyes and I know the look isn't in my eyes."

"So, you aren't afraid of me?" Sarah said failing to hold back the smile as a smirk especially when Janet had the littlest nod of no.

"You also have no fear of me?"  Sarah nodded no “Do you think you can beat me?" Sarah smiled and nodded yes.

"What about you, think you'd actually beat me."  Janet smiled and neither woman realized it until now, but they were chest vs chest.  "You haven't challenged me to a fight though."

Janet could feel Sarah's breathe on her lips and it felt great.  "Have you challenged me?"

"So, we don't fear each other, we haven't challenged the other I guess there is one question left and my answer is Yeah I think I'd win the fight."

Janet's fingers twitched as she said "I think you will give me trouble but I would end up standing victorious." she felt Sarah's fingers tapping against hers both women were arms down palms out and because of their small chests they had gotten so close that their fingers were already itching to fight.  Little scratches and flicks to the other woman’s hands "You are mistaken though Sarah there is one question left."

"What question is that?" Their fingers pressed tightly tighter together.

"Do you want to fight? Not picking the fight just asking do you want this fight."

"Yes, I want to fight.  So, neither of us challenged the other or picked the fight but want to..."  That comment lingered there, and fingers moved slightly and as if that was all they needed the fingers interlocked

Right legs stepped back, and they started to try and push the other woman back and after two minutes of hands down, shoulders tight against the other's they released with no progress made.  They were in the same spot when they had been forced next to each other and it didn't seem either woman wanted to move and give the satisfaction of giving up the spot to the other.

They were breathing heavy both from that little struggle and the not fighting.  "I always knew you were overrated."  Sarah said

"That just proved that unlike others I'm not taking you lightly, so you aren't surprising me."

"You think that's why I've won just about every fight and nearly beat Lyndsy because no one took me serious."

"Do you think I care how I'm rated, if I'm challenged, I just go win."

"Unless its Rose Leslie."

Hands were locked again, and Sarah took a immediate advantage her right pushing Janet's left arm and twisting Janet's body.  "And I'm better than Rose." Sarah said confidently.

Janet's right shook but she brought it inwards and the two women shifted their feet and spun with a bend in the spine so at one point their tits were angled toward the ceiling of the elevator.  When they were back in proper position facing each other, Janet had their hands together and at Sarah's chest and was bending her wrists back.

"I had that bitch beaten but you I'm going to break your slut wrists unless you apologize for thinking you had a shot against me."  Sarah opened her eyes and looked up and powered her way up exploding upwards she put all four arms over head.

The shock of the power shift also caused Janet to lose her footing and she was pushed into the elevator wall.  Sarah was on her tip toes her tits over Janet's she kept trying to force Janet down.  "There are leagues you belong in bitch, mine is not one."

Janet screamed and started to turn Sarah around, but Butler slammed her back getting a groan.  Janet opened her eyes and the look in Sarah's eyes was something she was always told was how she looked when in a fight.

A look described as focused intensity, how a woman of their size can have this look that seems to multiply the fighting skill and strength.  Something clicked in Janet as Sarah's words came through "You are good I'm better."

Her eyes changed and that caused a blink in Sarah.  Janet got on her tip toes and pushed her chest into Sarah's and felt a little bend in Sarah's body and she pushed and twisted and slammed Sarah into the elevator wall to he left.  They went from the middle of the rear panel from the door to the left side middle and Sarah groaned "What league is this you were talking of."


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Re: Janet Montgomery vs Sarah Butler
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2024, 10:30:29 PM »

Janet stepped back and slammed Sarah again "Name a body part and I'm just that slight bit better than you bitch." Janet spread their arms full and pressed her chest tight into Sarah’s.  She was sending a screaming non-verbal cue that her tits were superior.  Neither were blessed with large tits, but Sarah had started this part.  She was going to finish it.

Sarah loosened her left hand and Janet tightened her grip, but Sarah turned her left hip and quickly pulled it back turned her right and powered Janet back then slammed Janet to the right side of the back paneling.

“My arms for one.” 

Janet pushed back and moved Sarah back “My arms.”

Sarah answered Janet’s push “Mine.”

Janet equalled that “Not as good as mine.”

Sarah responded which was answered back by Janet, but Sarah moved to her side and Janet lost balance and started to fall.  Sarah thought of having Janet on the ground arms pinned over her head and the look of acknowledgment that she Sarah Butler was better than her Janet Montgomery

Though falling Janet in turned her hips and crossed her arms and Sarah went over her and now both were on their backs heads next to each other arms crossed over the other noses.  Some deep breaths from both very tired women who were quickly learning something about themselves… How quick they are to fight.

They tightened grips forcing arms down onto the other trying not just to prove stronger but to flatten the other woman’s nose if need be.  Either way one was stronger than the other and in fights with Katie McGrath, Aubrey Plaza, Rose Leslie where she had multiple fights never had Janet had someone prove so defiant. 

In her fights she either proved to be stronger or lasted long enough to earn respect.  Sarah Butler never had a woman truly match her combination of strength, toughness, technique and will.  Fonseca had better technique, Melvin lost at all four, Palmer was stronger had better technique and if it was Ashley Greene, she was tougher, but she never had the will to win.  Plaza was close on each maybe greater on some but to this level it wasn’t like it.

They each tried to roll up and get on top, but their feet hit together, and they tried to push with that but the pain of arms on nose was hurting to much so the legs came down.  They both simultaneously went for it again and they lasted a little longer but again had to come back down.  Janet was in shock and Sarah was pissed.  That move could have helped and there was no way the other could tell when one was going so one should have had the advantage.  Yet here they were in a painful stalemate

They tried again but at the last moment Sarah shifted her legs to her right, but Janet was going to her right and ended up underneath Sarah Butler.  Sarah was quick to put on the pressure and started to stand to apply more pressure “You aren’t good enough Janet.”

Janet had truly never been out technique like that.  She was desperate as she was not about to be weaker than this bitch and as Sarah was standing, she kept her chin ducked in and her forearms went over her head and she adjusted flipping Sarah over.

Sarah landed hard and twisted her body left and right and flipped Janet.  The two were in a twist and got up to their knees and fell through an opening door to the floor they were both staying.  There was no winner and they had to let go, neither wanted to but when the doors opened, they both fell out and it was automatic.

Janet and Sarah both stayed on the ground opening and closing their hand.  Stretching their fingers apart and back in, up and down in a fist.  The pain was excruciating but they were both smiling.  Each felt they had won and now they were next to each other chests going up and down.  Sweat had pretty well soaked through their respective shirts.

Janet started to seat up and was on her shins looking at people and smiling at them.  They were obviously wondering what was going on.

Sarah sat up her ass on the ground and hands on her knees.  She knew Janet was just behind her, but this shit was over at this point.  She had a look to people that said, ‘I did it.’

Janet was feeling an air of invincibility and as she got up one knee and was just nodding now. 

Sarah was up but bent over.  She had never felt anything like that in her life and was glad it was over and gladder that the people knew who she was to be talked about first over Janet always.

Folks began to realize that something amazing had happened in that elevator.  Now both women were standing and acknowledging the growing crowd.  They took a step away from each other and still had not looked at the other.

Both were on their feet and Janet’s ass could feel the presence of Sarah’s ass.  She stayed there hand on her t-shirt hauling it out and in trying to get the sweat dried and the uncomforted of the shirt would have been unbearable except the clinginess meant victory.

Sarah was doing the same with her shirt and realized Janet was so close to behind her.  She just schooled the bitch and looked at the people who had a view of both their profiles.  Whose ass were those people looking at more.  Hers obviously, it was the ass of a winner.

It was all over, and people knew who the better woman was so go to the room rather than go any further and cause irreparable damage to the hotel.

Janet was so pleased there was something about Sarah she had to prove a point on.  She had seemed to be pushed toward her for so long now.  To win the push she could go to war and both end up hurt but her victorious there like she was in the test of strength.  She took some steps and then realized something.  She had to go past Sarah to get to her room.

She turned and saw Sarah, sweaty, angry but happy did that bitch think she won.

Janet was smug did she think she won.  “Listen my room is …”

“Mine is…”  They realized only one room separated them

They looked and Rashida Jones walked out of that room then looked back at each other.  Rashida was mad at both for beating up Aubrey Plaza and knew both well enough.  “Sorry Rashida but she already knows.”

“That’s right I know.”  Sarah said

“I don’t’ think you know what you think you know and don’t know how you can think that way.”

“I know what’s true and deep down you know its true.  So …”

“So….”  Both left that word out there maintaining eye contact with the other

Hands started to open and close once again as they refused to budge for the other.  Two women with a reputation for being tougher and stronger than they look.  Unrivalled Viciousness combined with Elite skills and a toughness unheard of, was how both were described

It was a solid three minutes of the two staring at each other hands were closed now.  Fists were made but the arms stayed at their sides.  The crowd around them was growing but they only noticed each other.  Hands opened up and Sarah spoke first.

“So, this is what’s going to happen I’m going to go to my room because we both know what happened here.”

Both had full resting bitch faces.  They were turning the other to stone.  Janet finally spoke “I’m going to walk to my room, and you’ll go to your room knowing we did something special and you can sleep knowing what happened there happens in any form.”

Rashida watched the two of them, though they said they were going to walk to their rooms neither walked yet.  Whoever won what happened in that elevator was unknown to everyone else but she knew it was a draw between the two.  This confidence both showed was amazing did they truly think they had bested the other.
There were times she watched it and thought Sarah was stronger and tougher than Janet.  Then Janet was the stronger and tougher of the two.  Rashida had been around Hollywood catfights as a child she sat on the stairwell watching so many women fight.  She saw so many finger locks and this one between Butler and Montgomery was the greatest.  Strong, Tough and so athletic but most of all so determined to not lose.

Nostrils flared a little and feeling was legitimately back in the hands and Janet walked first and before her foot hit the ground Sarah was matching her stride.  People swore they could hear the floorboards explode with each step they made toward the other.  Staying clearly in the others path, eyes locked neither was going to move for the other. 

The closer they got the harder their eyes got not believing the other bitch wasn’t going to move.  Chests hit and they bounced back “Know your place Sarah.”

“I’m well aware of my place in this hierarchy, Janet.”

“Then move a…side.”

The silence returned and Sarah nodded “No way, you and I both know deep down you need to be the one to move aside.  Only difference in our careers was how quick it took you to open your legs and drop to your knees.  I’m better at fighting, acting, and if you don’t move, I’ll end any legend around you.”

“We have similar records but don’t think you measure close to me on that level or any level.  I didn’t have to open my legs; I didn’t have to get on my knees.  Know what we have in common, neither of us were shy about nudity on screen… People just liked what they saw more with me… Now Sarah you need to move aSIDE or all those wins you’ve had will go away with a beating you take from the premium version.”

They backed up two steps then went forward thinking the other would move aside out of fear of what would be done if they didn’t.  Neither moved and they looked to their right and then back at each other “You are kidding me Sarah.”

“Are you delusional Janet.”

The two stood there staring at the other “In the elevator…”

“I won that and now I’m going to prove it.” Sarah slapped Janet and got slapped back immediately.  Everyone watching knew this could be a brutal fight between two tough women who knew what it took to win fights.

They calmed down and stepped back “One more chance, I’m going to walk to my room and you’re going to move.  Trust me English, you don’t want to fight me.”

“Ok doodle dandy, I have been in wars with great women.  I’ve had my face smashed by the Irish, Scottish, Welsh and Canadian.  I’ve felt how strong you are, I’ve heard how you can fight but I know you can’t knock me out or make me submit and you damn sure can’t outlast me.  So, I’m going to go to my room YOU will move aside, and we won’t go and have the fight to end all fights.  Because Sarah if you don’t move and we fight it will be a war and you’ll find out the difference in fighting a fight with a disinterested Teresa Palmer and going to war with me.”

“Oh, it wouldn’t be a war sweet slutty Janet. It would be a beat down by me delivered onto you until the cops show up and taze me unconscious to stop… So, I’m going to walk forward and you’re going to damn sure fucking move.  If you don’t move, you’ll find out why Aubrey Plaza was eager to rematch and go to hell and back to get a win over you but won’t even think of fighting me again.”


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Re: Janet Montgomery vs Sarah Butler
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2024, 10:33:42 PM »

“I’m going to move forward, do the smart thing for once in your life and move aside.  Lot of people have felt they can challenge me and then when they fight me, they find out the difference and all those women are twice as good as you.  Aubrey Plaza fought you after she gave all she had just to lose to me.  I know for a fact after being in there with her after looking at you here, you’re no Plaza…”

“On that we agree, because unlike Aubrey Plaza… I’d kick your ass and you fucking know it so its time for you to move.”

They stayed there silent knowing there were two dozen people out watching them at this point.  Some producers and screen writers, regular citizens and both knew deep down what was going to happen

Each step was a movement toward a fight no one would ever forget.  Each sweat bead that fell from the other was acknowledgment they shouldn’t fight.  Every breath in was with the knowledge in moments the breathing would be changed.  Mirrors were going to battle

‘She better move’ Sarah thought as she began to get ready for Janet not moving

‘If she don’t move I need to send a message’ Janet thought knowing Sarah wasn’t going to move.

They had two women in common… Sarah beat up Aubrey Plaza who gave Janet to 3 tremendous legendary fights.  Janet tapped out Lyndsy Fonseca who knocked out Sarah.  For a few years now people wondered aloud how they would match up.  The more Sarah fought the more people wanted her to fight Janet. When she beat Teresa Palmer people wondered if this is the woman that would make Janet quit.

Their chests hit again, and they looked away pursing their lips and back at each other.  Both went for a head butt and fore heads cracked sending both down to their asses.

“You want to fight Lets FUCKING FIGHT” Sarah slid back and got up

“I don’t want a fight; I want to fucking destroy you.” Janet replied doing the same

This time there was no more warnings, no more talking.  Now they were fighting and now everyone was going to truly find out who was better, Sarah Butler or Janet Montgomery.

Sarah hands got on Janet’s tits and she slammed Janet back into the wall “You got nothing on me bitch.”

Janet got her hands-on Sarah’s throat and pushed her into the other wall “I can’t believe how much I already hate you.”

Sarah put her arm between Janet’s the hand went on the British face and just pushed and twisted the neck.  It got Janet’s hands away from her throat enough for Sarah slide her hand to the back of Janet’s head pull her in and hit a knee to the stomach.

“This the great Janet Montgomery… I’m going to prove you don’t have any of the skill and toughness they claim you have.”

Sarah slid her hand into Janet’s hair got the side and top of the hair held up looked at the grimacing face of Janet then slapped her to the ground.  “I wonder if all our other fights led to this or we should have done this when we were both on the horror circuit.”

Sarah went to pick Janet up by the shirt but had hers grabbed.  Janet pulled down and Sarah was pulled off her feet.

Sarah rolled and was back on her feet her shirt stretched down between her tits.  Janet was back up as well and both took hard determined strides, and each hit a right hand to the jaw.  Left hands came and the fists of each woman cracked into the cheek bone.  Janet went for the hair of Sarah Butler but got monkey flipped

Sarah kicked back up to her feet turned and looked over at Janet who had rolled onto her stomach after the impact.  “It fucking figures I’ve never been more motivated and ready for a warn only for you to prove you aren’t as good as what your billed as.”

Sarah ran at Janet to kick her in the head which would end a fight that the people watching thought would be a war.  Janet had other plans and stepped forward she kept herself bent at a 90-degree angle and her hands got Sarah’s ribs.  Janet lifted Butler up in the air where Sarah nearly hit the ceiling then dropped Sarah behind her for a unique back body drop.  Janet dropped down to her knees put her head down and flipped onto her feet “You want in the deepest waters, only real sharks swim in… Fine.”

Sarah was getting up and was about to say something when Janet grabbed her around the ribs from behind.  Janet lifted Sarah up and spun then threw Sarah “I’ll throw you around and beat that face of yours”

Janet ran at Sarah and kicked her in the ribs sending her in the air “You’ll be a masterpiece of what I am and why you women should stop fucking with me”

Janet hauled a small table away from the wall “I bet I can break your back with this” Janet cleared off the table but was then bull dogged into the table.  Sarah got up and kicked Janet in the face and off the small table

Sarah picked the table up over her head only to have Janet dive at her stomach.  It wasn’t a full spear, but it was enough to tackle Sarah down and have her throw the table away.   Janet got up on Sarah’s legs and hit a slap then a punch but then Sarah reached up grabbed Janet’s shirt and hauled her down.

Janet had trouble getting away and hit the palm of her hand into Sarah’s ear but was turned over as Sarah twisted at her shirt and got her legs into the move and now Sarah was on top still with the shirt in her hands..  One hand left the shirt and Sarah sat up and brought Janet up and hit a right.

“You think Lyndsy gave you insight on me then you have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into.  I know how to wrestle now”

Sarah lifted Janet up again by the shirt but ended up having her hair grabbed and she was being forced back at an inhumane angle.  Sarah wanted to stay on top of Janet, but her gut was being stretched from this attack and she had to let Janet put her down or a muscle would be torn

Janet tried to get out from between Sarah’s legs but that freed Sarah as well who quickly got her ankles crossed and locked in a body scissors.  Now that got Janet to let her hair go as Sarah’s legs were surprisingly strong

Janet was trying to break the ankle lock when Sarah reached and grabbed a large handful of Janet’s hair and pulled now Janet’s neck was being contorted in a uncomfortable position while her body was being locked in a scissors

People were watching this thinking Sarah had won the fight

Sarah was in a uncomfortable position as well and had to readjust her legs and when she did that was all Janet needed to get out from between her legs but she still had to deal with her hair being yanked but at least she got herself away from the legs. 

Janet pushed forward hoping to pin Sarah down but Sarah flipped Janet over her body by the hair but Janet prepared for that and kept her legs up getting her calves on Sarah’s chest and face she brought them down causing some of her hair to rip out but she was free and had one of Sarah’s arms and was going for the same arm bar she used on Lyndsy Fonseca

Sarah grabbed her wrist and was refusing to allow her arm to be straightened out.  If that happened everything, she worked for would be gone she had to get out of this or she would be back to where she was after losing to Fonseca.

Sarah rolled toward Janet’s leg and started to get up and was considering power lifting Janet up when Janet let go.  Sarah immediately jumped on Janet’ back went for the hair again but Janet rolled out got into side of Sarah, but Sarah spun to face her and took Janet down and was now in Janet Montgomery’s guard.

Janet grabbed Sarah by the back of the head and pulled her in tight but was still getting hit in the ribs but then Janet screamed.  Sarah turned her head and felt her mouth was on the stretched shirt and the bare skin was there, so she dug her upper teeth onto the inside of Janet’s tit

Janet’s legs opened and Sarah pushed one down and stepped out.  Sarah let go of the bite and had one hand on Janet’s throat and looked down at a teary-eyed Janet then hit a punch.  Sarah’s hand then slid down from the throat to under the shirt

Sarah likely meant to go for Janet’s tit, but Janet moved her shoulder and Sarah’s hand went through the arm hole in Janet’s shirt.   Janet never realized it at first and saw an opening and hit a punch to Sarah’s face

Janet tried to get up but then felt it her arm and Sarah’s arm.  They were trapped and both got up to their feet confused as to how this happened and what to do.  They were both looking at the arms and everyone was amazed at this new scenario.

Janet reacted to this new scenario quicker hitting a punch to the stomach and then the tit when she tried to go upstairs to the head Sarah pulled their arms down got Janet off balance and hit a in tight upper cut but then went for a knee which put both women down as there was no way to get balance for that.

They got up still trying to get their arm free but only making it worst.  Janet hit a elbow upper cut that got Sarah on the point of the jaw and then went for another punch but Sarah grabbed the bicep then let go and hit a short hammer fist to the ribs of Janet and a head butt.

That got Janet to drop to a knee which pulled Sarah down but she started to lift Janet up and prepared to hit a knee strike when Janet hit a punch to the stomach then moved her arm to the outside pulling Sarah away from where she wanted to be.  Janet then got up and hit two punches to Sarah’s face.

Sarah moved her arm to the inside and hit an elbow to Janet’s shoulder and went for a knee to the face but Janet pushed forward and slammed Sarah into the wall.  It looked weirder now with Sarah’s body contorted and Janet unable to move.  Janet hit punches to Sarah’s thigh while Sarah slapped at Janet’s back then finally the shirt ripped apart.

Janet fell onto her stomach and Sarah fell down so now Sarah’s back was on Janet’s back.  Sarah quickly rolled onto Janet’s side.  Janet pushed off the wall and slid away and got up removed her shirt.  Sarah got up and smiled then took off her own shirt.

“Take a look Janet this is why you aren’t having your way because I’m fitter than you.”

“Am I fighting a man… Where’s your tits?”

“You fucking “Sarah threw wild punches and Janet was blocking and dodging them then ducked under a left and hit a hard punch to Sarah’s ribs got behind Sarah and slammed Sarah hard into the sanitation rooms door.

Janet kneed Sarah in the ass twice then grabbed her by the back of the hair.  Janet pulled Sarah’s face away from the door and tried to slam it into the door when Sarah got her hands up blocked it then stepped one leg back and tripped Janet up

Sarah turned and started kicking at Janet hoping to get her between the legs.  Janet kept sliding back avoiding that dangerous kick and blocking the kicks then when she saw the chance she kicked at Sarah’s shin and Sarah ended up falling face first and Janet went for a head scissors.

Sarah got her elbows at Janet’s knees blocking the scissors then brought her arms up and they were at Janet’s calves she flipped Janet onto her stomach.  Janet tried to get up, but Sarah jumped atop Janet’s back got her arms around Janet’s waist took some deep breaths and stood up lifting Janet off the ground


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Re: Janet Montgomery vs Sarah Butler
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2024, 10:38:37 PM »

Janet was above Sarah’s waist feet off the ground “I’ll spike you” Sarah shouted, “Just quit I’m the better and stronger woman.”

“Prove it” The onlookers said.  Sarah took some deep breaths and tried three times but finally jerked Janet from her hip in the gut wrench position up to her shoulder, but Janet slid off and pushed Sarah away

Sarah dropped to a knee and spun the two brunettes faced each other and Sarah smiled “You know this ends one way.”

“You unconscious”

Sarah smiled and faked two punches, but Janet didn’t bite. Janet faked a jab then tried for a body blow but got hit with an uppercut that put her back to the wall.  Sarah stepped forward in perfect hit heavy range and threw some punches.  Janet was moving her arms up and down taking away the impact of the punches for the most part

Janet completely parried a big right punch aimed for her cheek and cracked Sarah. Then hit a leaping left hook and Sarah was covering up.  Janet could see that Sarah was ready to block just about any punch, so she hit a leg kick instead then the guard came down slightly, so Janet hit a left uppercut that snapped Sarah’s head back

Sarah leaped for Janet only to have Janet get her hands up move her hips and parry Sarah back toward the Sanitation door.  Janet went for another leg kick but this one was blocked, and Sarah hit a quick jab that made Janet reset. Foot on the door Sarah pushed off and hit a superman punch

They both stumbled after that and Sarah was recovered enough to throw short and quick hooks to the ears of Janet.  Janet pushed forward to either push Sarah into the wall or take her down but had her momentum used against her like a tai chi move and it was Janet put into the wall

Sarah immediately got her footing and hit an upper cut to the stomach then a hook to the ribs and then an uppercut to the face that whipped Janet back.  Sarah was set and looked at Janet hit two jabs to the face then stepped into right cross between the tits pulled it back and a right upper cut.  Sarah then stepped back watched Janet fall forward and picked Janet up for a body slam

Sarah stumbled back and then regained her footing and balanced Janet up. Sarah turned to her right “Look at the great Montgomery” Turn to the right again to see if anyone was there then another turn to her right where more onlookers were “She finally bit off more than she could chew.”

Finally, Sarah was back in the first position.  She looked at the janitor’s door “I’m stronger than her and better than her. Give me more.”  Sarah had planned to throw headfirst like a javelin into that door.

“Fuck” Janet was embarrassed at how she had been made to look in the last two minutes but that was not as important as avoiding what Sarah had planned

Sarah was trying to make sure Janet was straight as an arrow when Janet tried fighting out. The struggle was to much for Sarah who couldn’t keep Janet up.  Janet fell to her feet falling behind the shoulder of Sarah who twisted at that and when Sarah tried to untwist Janet shoved her face first into the door.

Sarah bounced back so Janet shoved her into the door again.  Janet then looked around at the crowd who had gotten larger and was a mix of actresses, actors and producers.  She had left this sci fi convention world but still liked making some appearances.  She wondered if someone had set her up for this fight and to be embarrassed as she just was while on Sarah’s shoulder.  There was Rashida jones…. Was this Aubrey did Aubrey cause this and use her powerful friend to help it happen.

“You want to see power.”  Janet grabbed Sarah by the hair turned so they were back to back then jackknifed her body downward flipping Sarah Butler.

When Janet spun Sarah had an idea what was coming.  Sarah got her knees up to her chest, so it took the impact vs her body taking it and likely spelling the end for her.  Sarah landed and it hurt but she was safe.  Push forward to lift Janet up but Janet widened her stance grabbed Sarah around the waist and swung her at the janitor’s door.

Janet went for an upper cut which landed but Sarah was rolling up so it didn’t land flush.  Butler hit a left hook that did hit flush.  Sarah went for an uppercut but that got cut off by a jab.  Janet then ducked in for a right hook to the oblique only to be clipped in the ear.

Sarah came up for a knee to the nose but ended up in the air and thrown down.  Janet caught the leg and immediately jerked Sarah up then down.  Janet fell back against the janitor’s door took a deep breath then went to leap down on Sarah who got her feet up and kicked Janet back at the door.
Sarah quickly got up to her feet and as she straightened up Janet finally connected with an uppercut and it snapped Sarah’s’ head back.  How Sarah kept standing after that no one knew but she was able to get her footing and tried to throw a backhanded uppercut with her left but it opened up a avenue for Janet to get to Sarah’s jaw with a right haymaker

Sarah was on spaghetti legs now.  No one was shocked at Janet’s ability to throw punches and counter.  It along with her ability to come back after taking hits was what she had been getting known for.  Only a few had the same reputation and Sarah wasn’t known enough by many to have it but those that knew her knew she had that as well

The thing was what Janet learned from the Plaza war was to mix it up as much as possible.  You need to find the area you are better than the opponent and use it.  Sarah wasn’t down so she was tough which meant Janet had to keep switching things up until Sarah Butler learned the lesson of not to fuck with bigger stars that will fight back

Janet grabbed the back of the neck and shoved Sarah face first into the door.  “I hit you that hard and you stay up.  That was a mistake.”  Janet hand disappeared in the back of the black hair then pulled the head forward and slammed it back into the door.  “Story over.”  Janet hit the head into the door again

Janet hauled away “I’d prefer you say it because quite frankly I’m getting tired of this so say… The Story is over.”

Sarah eyes got angrier “Well then you need to learn more.”

Janet went to slam Sarah’s face into the door one more time, but Sarah opened it and they both went tumbling into it.  Janet was confused as it should need some kind of key to open but she had to get over that quickly

Sarah pulled away from Janet turned and when Janet went for her Sarah put a foot in Janets face.  When Janet pushed that foot away Sarah came up and kicked Janet in the face with the inside of her foot.  Sarah then saw the crowd outside the door and Rashida jones stood there arms crossed and everyone else was behind her

Sarah was unsure of herself but realized Rashida was connected to Aubrey so this was payback.   Sarah got up grabbed Janet by the hair “Don’t interfere.”  Sarah said then ate three body punches from Janet who then stood up pushed Sarah back and hit a straight kick

Janet then turned and saw Rashida who was ever so gleeful “Is this you and Aub…”  She never got to finish as Sarah Butler grabbed by the hair and threw her into the wall then over toward the beds

“Fuck her… fuck Aubrey Plaza who I dominated… And Janet when this is done I’m going to make you fuck me.”

It wasn’t quick enough as Sarah slapped Janet then stood her up.  “I got nothing to lose here bitch.  Absolutely nothing so you are fucked.”  Sarah slammed Janet into one shelves

Shift hips and slam Janet into the opposite shelves then feeling the muscles in her legs and stomach really working now.  Over and over Sarah slammed Janet into shelves.  Those watching were amazed at how strong Sarah’s body looked and how vicious her face looked as she overpowered and beat up Janet Montgomery

Sarah slammed Janet once more then stopped and turned into a stomach punch.  The impact of the punch put Janet’s ass between two shelves.  Sarah stood in front of Janet and combed the hair on the sides back into a ponytail then hauled back.

Rashida Jones took a picture of the hair being hauled back by Sarah.  She sent the photo to Aubrey Plaza ‘You were right she is giving Janet trouble

Holding Janet’s hair into a ponytail and pulling it tight Sarah stared at her trying to think of what to say.  Once again, she was given the opportunity to fight someone more famous than her and this time it was more of a fight than the others. That was why all she could do was stare she was in pain and was also filled with rage.

“You were supposed to be the challenge… YOU?  Teresa wanted you not me.  YOU?  You had the most epic fights in Hollywood and I fucking knew you were a fucking fraud.”

Sarah looked out the door “Just because she gave me a bigger challenge than Plaza doesn’t mean shit… She’s a f.”

Janet grabbed a box off the shelf and hit Sarah in the back of the head.

Janet then got her feet up and kicked Sarah away.  The lower part of Sarah’s back hit hard against a shelf

Sarah groaned and fell forward.  Janet pushed herself off the shelf and came up with a knee to Sarah’s stomach then shoved Sarah face first into the shelving and hit a punch to Sarah’s kidneys.  Grabbing Sarah by the back of the hair Janet hauled the head back and screamed in Sarah’s ear “You are a nobody who I shouldn’t bother fighting.”

Janet kept staring at Sarah “This is done I’m on a hit show and shouldn’t be bothering with the likes of you any longer.”

Janet let Sarah go and took a deep breath “No war today”  She had to relax because every instinct was to keep going until the winner was found but she knew she was right and that she was a TV star right now fighting someone who many had not heard of.

Sarah turned and clotheslined Janet as she was trying to walk past her ending the fight “You finally realized you are more famous than me after I beat the hell out of you in this room.  This goes until you quit, or I put you out.”

Sarah went to pick Janet up and ended up tossed over Janet’s back and just missed a sink.  “You want the as kicking then fine I’ll lower myself to you.”

“You had an out, but this is the only thing keeping you famous… Guess I need to take that from you.”  Janet was not having luck in this room, so she grabbed Sarah by the hair and dragged her out

Sarah widened her legs when her body was brought out the door and that stop was enough to make Janet lose her grip on the hair and fall back but quickly get back up and fake going after Sarah who threw her knee up when she was slowly getting up.   “Not happening.”  Janet said

They circled each other the sheen of sweat on their bodies soaked through the bra so those were likely to be ripped off soon.  Sarah snarled and came forward and got stopped with a jab then escaped to her right was just out of range and when Sarah tried to reset Janet hit another jab then a jab to the ribs.

Janet was getting comfortable and had her hands down and put her face forward.  Sarah threw a punch Janet pulled back watched the punch go by then countered over the top of the shoulder of Sarah and hit her on the cheek then moved to the left.  Sarah reset and was hit with two jabs and right to the stomach.


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Re: Janet Montgomery vs Sarah Butler
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2024, 10:44:39 PM »

“Come on nobody you should have more skills.”

Janet faked two jabs seeing if Sarah would bite then stepped back.  Sarah was hoping for that and when Janet dropped her hands to step back out of range Sarah put her foot o the wall and pushed off.  Janet tried to dodge but the punch grazed

Sarah went to the other wall and just got her foot on it but faked the attack and watched Janet duck and try to escape so Sarah hit a round house kick to Janet’s ass.  Then as Janet stumbled from that Sarah closed the distance and hit a switch kick to Janet’s side.

Sarah came in hit a knee to the side then the other knee to Janet’s other side then pushed Janet into a door.  “Got something to say now.  You want to feel what Aubrey felt then that fear is coming.”

Sarah got her hand on the back of Janet’s head for a jerk snap down and instead of bringing Janet to the ground she jerked the head back up and into the door by having her other hand on Janet’s face.

Janet pushed the hand on her face away then hit a punch to the stomach.  It landed but she didn’t turn her hip into it as much as shed like.  The arm she used to push Sarah’s hand away from her face she had in better position and turned her hips into four punches to the ribs and then pushed Sarah away

Janet spun for a back kick which Sarah saw coming.  Sarah countered spinning to the outside of the kick and hitting a spinning backfist which put Janet down.  Sarah Butler was standing over Janet like a goddess showing herself to a mere mortal.  The light over Sarah making her look even greater to those lucky enough to have seen this.

“So, I think they saw you are outclassed this time.  Just in case though I’ll get the …”  Sarah went for an uppercut to a downed on her knee Janet, but Janet fell back and flipped Sarah getting a arm bar

Sarah fought out and they rolled into some counter submissions before getting up where Janet faked a spin back this time.  Sarah went for the same counter and this time Janet ducked it and hit a punch to Sarah’s stomach then a knee to her face putting Butler down

Janet picked Sarah up by the hair and got pushed away.  Janet then came back and hit a straight kick which put Sarah into the door “I don’t get outclassed.”

Sarah tried to push back but Janet caught her by the wrists and swung Sarah face first into the door.  Janet quickly got her forearm on the back of Sarah’s head and grinded the forearm “You are good bitch… You really are but you should not have.”

Sarah’s realized what door it was and got her key out and swiped it to get the door open

They stumbled through the door and Sarah was able to flip Janet over her back and was quickly on top of Janet hitting slaps.  Sarah could hear the crowd wanting to get in she got out of a impossible predicament and now slammed Janet Montgomery’s head to the floor.  She looked up and saw it… Rashida Jones was in the room. 

That perplexed Sarah and that was her time on Janet.  Janet was in so many fights it was a big reason she kept her core so amazing.  Not just for looks but she and Aubrey in their wars always found a way to use that strong stomach and active hips to lift and throw off

“Why are you here?”  Then Sarah before she got the answer, she felt that strong core of Janet who lifted her body and turned to the side sending Sarah into a table.

Sarah dragged herself up on the table looked between her legs Janet was up used the bed.  Then she heard “Is she here?”  Janet was thinking about Aubrey.

Aubrey is she thinking about Aubrey… I beat Aubrey “Aubrey Plaza has nothing to do with this you picked this fight.”

Sarah gripped the table and her arms were on fire “You picked a fight with me and its not aubrey Plaza here, I beat her.”

Sarah pushed away and went for the biggest punch of her life.  She was going to beat Janet like she beat Aubrey and then finally have a major career.  Janet ducked through and got her arms on Sarahs body and lifted her using Sarah’s momentum a DAMN was heard as Janet Montgomery hit a tilt a whirl slam.  Unfortunately, the impact was slighted by hitting the corner of the bed.

Janet went to mount Sarah “End game.”  Sarah wasn’t out and got her legs up under Janets arm and brought her down.  Sarah tried to jack knife pin Janet “You cant beat me I’m the best woman you ever fought.”

Janet turned her hips oe way then the other and sent Sarah onto one of the beds.  Janet got up and was seeing a flying Sarah Butler.  Janet caught her and jumped and hit a snap power slam on the other bed “We started same time and yeah I admit you got skill and toughness, but Aubrey will tell you who the fuck I am.”

Janet grinded her elbow into Sarah’s stomach liked how that felt and liked seeing the pain on Sarah so she used the other elbow against Sarahs tits.  “I will protect my reputation for fighting bitch… You’re an actress who needs to know your god damn place.”

Janet went to bring her elbow lower and into or onto Sarahs pussy gut got hit with Sararhs forearm elbow into the ear.  Janet still grinded the other elbow into the tits but Sarah was able to twist her hips and start to escape
Once Sarah got out enough she was able to kick Janet in the under arm thn got out completely and pushed her body into Janets getting Janet flat on her back on the bed.  Sarah hand went between their bodies to Janets pants undid them and got a hand in the panties.  Before she could do anything Janet grabbed the bra yanked to her right ripping the bra off and sending both to the ground

Janet struggled then went for Sarah’s pants so she got them off as hers were off on the fall and Sarah ripped Janets bra off.  They struggled up to their knees and shoved the other away and backs hit beds.

“Why wont you just lose?  You  don’t belong in this world.”  Janet said as elitist as it could sound

“Because I’m a winner.”

Sarah was able to push away from the bed and so did Janet.  Sarah threw a right haymaker that cracked across Janets cheek.  “A god damn winner.”

Janets arm swung back fist cracked hard against Sarah’s cheek “A god damn nobody.”

They fell back and held back the tears.  “I’m a somebody.”  Sarah said pushed off and tried to choke Janet.  “People know of me.”

Janet got her feet up and sent Sarah back across and on that bed she slid down “I will not lose to some  Z list nobody actress jealous of my success.”

Janet went across and Sarah couldn’t get her legs up in time but did catch the hands “I beat Aubrey who said I cant beat you and I will… I god damn will.”


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Re: Janet Montgomery vs Sarah Butler
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2024, 10:52:02 PM »

Sarah caught the wrists aat the final moment and flt the fingers flicking her hair.  Trying to get in on on the hair to rip away some more.  Sarah struggled but she sent Janet down to the floor and tried to pin her.

“I will beat you I will.” Rashida was watching Sarah try to pin Janet arms down and press her body down on it get the win that way.

Janet fought against the pin pushing her arms up pull and push to either side.  Twisting her core and hips and shouting “I’m not losing this.”  Finally, Janet was able to turn Sarah over.  “You will not beat me.”

“I beat Aubrey with ease.  Just because this is harder.”  Rashida Jones was watching this and with the crowd who could get in .  Sarah did beat Aubrey with ease and Janet was fighting to not lose so it was a struggle

They struggled back and forth a grueling battle on both. They came here for fans which Janet had more of, they came here for a escape.  Somehow they ended up in each others orbit.  “Aubrey was broken by me.  I burned our feud in front of her at her house.”

“Stop talking about Aubrey.”  They worked their way up to the feet and Sarah push Janet into the wall “I’m the one who is beating your ass.”

Sarah hit a left hook was twisting back for a right haymaker.  Released the right and Janet caught it with a left arm block then threw her left forward for a stiff jab then up for a right uppercut.   “Your not getting a win on me.”

Janet grabbed a front headlock and wanted to suplex Sarah into the wall.  Sarah pushed Janet and slammed her into the wall and hit three stomach punches.  Janet grabbed the hair turned Sarah and slammed her into the wall

“I’ve had my stomach hit by the best.”  Janets punches really dug in on Sarah as she gave a Aubrey Plaza style technique “Did you even fight Aubrey?  If you did you wouldn’t be wanting stomach punches.”

The air leaving Sarah Butler caused a face that Janet knew to well “Now she still does it… Slightly better and you never …”  Janet stopped “You never felt that fighting her?”

Sarah hit short left hooks sending Janet sideways “No I dominated her.  I destroyed her and she said I’d never do it to you…”  Janet was falling back into the hallway.

“you fought harder but it will make beating you even better.  I want it all after this I want the respect in this world and I want my name more know for big roles.”

Janet side stepped and pushed sarah into a wall then grabbed her by the back of the hair and slammed her face first into a wall then by the back of the hair threw her at the other wall then face first again.  “You dominated her and she said to come for me.”  Janet looked around knowing somewhere was Rashida Jones.

“Rashida where are you I know I saw you.  She dominated Aubrey you have to …”  Sarah grabbed Janet by the back of the hair and swung her into the wall

“Don’t get thinking you can use Aubrey as an excuse as to why I beat you.  I never went through all this to lose or have my win tainted.”

Sarah hit a knee from the side then got her leg on top of Janets head.  Sarah other leg left and she wanted to spike Janet who turned in ward and had Sarah up on her shoulders in a power bomb position.  Janet wanted to throw her into a door but She was tired and really not filled with the hate needed to pull this off at this point in a fight.

Sarah tried to hit a hunacunrana but Janet blocked it then swung Sarah into the bottom part of a wall.  She held onto sarah took a deep  breath and swung the other way slamming her again “That’s it.  We’re done here and you need to tell me what this was really about.”

Rashida stepped forward “Right now you two are between both your rooms and mine the suite on the floor is right here.”Rashida unlocked the door “If you want to know then lets talk”

Janet made a move then stopped “She better not be waiting for me in there.  Our war ended, I won it.  She walked naked through her street bloody and beaten and a loser.”

“No shes not.”  Rashida was in watched Janet acknowledged and trusted Rashida telling her Aubrey wasn’t waiting for her.

“Not over yet, I’m not losing this opportunity.”  Sarah shouted and tackled Janet into Rashidas room.

“You dumb bitch, you fucking bitch.  What are you doing?  This is over you impressed enough to not be a nobody no more but you fucking idiot bitch want to do more.”  Janet was bouncing off the ground and trying to get back on top.  She was mad the fight was still going on.

“I wont end … I end you you don’t end me.  This fight belongs to me.”

Rashida Jones shut her door after allowing a little security in.  “Now you two are only here to get them out of this room after the fights over but the fight ends in this room.”

Janet and Sarah were exhausted but kept fighting and fighting.  They were near a desk and Sarah grabbed a phone and smashed it on Janet’s head.  Sarah then slammed Janets face into the desk and hit a knee to the stomach “She is finished.”

“End me bitch, you want tot talk and get upset that you cant end me well whose fucking ended now.  Who does this god damn fight belong to  huh Janet?”

Janet wasn’t moving so Sarah stopped.  Bloody and beaten Sarah stopped fighting.  She grimaced but slicked her hair back “Always knew I was better.”  Then it was Sarah who got hit with the phone

Janet then hit a side kick to Sarah’s stomach which sent her onto the bed. “Is this what Aubrey wanted.”  Janet asked of Rashida

“Yes she wanted someone to destroy you.”

Janet’s bloodied face scowled and dove at Sarahs stomach and slammed both fist to Butlers stomach “Tell Aubrey I’m sending this idiot to Hell.”

Janet raised both fists to slam another ax handle to Sarahs stomach.  There was no way she would be destroyed she was a destroyer.  The hit never landed as Sarah got her feet on Janet’s chest and just pushed her away.

Sarah would not be another victim of Janet Montgomery.  Aubrey Plaza may have set her up but she had to win this.

“I just need to win and I’ll settle up with Aubrey.”  Sarah said grabbing a long lamp.

“I need you  to tell Aubrey this is bullshit.”  Janet grabbed a alarm clock and was talking to  Rashida Not Sarah.

Just above the base of the lamp connected above Janets ear and the alarm clock swung by the chord broke over the top of Sarahs head.  The impact and aftermath looking at both women completely knocked out.  It made Rashida smile.

Aubrey took a picture and sent it to Aubrey with the message “You were right, but Janet knows it was you who set her up.”

Rashida opened the door “It’s a draw, someone get them out…”  She looked and there was a video call from Aubrey who was smiling.  Aubreys plan worked out she knew Janet would have a ego to stop a defeat but get distracted enough even though their war was over she was still on Janets mind.  Now she had to deal with Sarah Butler who she would never normally fight or have anything to do with.

(Upcoming: Chyler Leigh vs Katie McGrath; Elyse Levesque vs Jaimie Alexander; Jessica Lowndes vs Vanessa Hudgens; Anya Taylor Joy vs Hailee Steinfeld; Emma Watson vs Miley Cyrus 4)