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Big Momma joanie VS Katterina in a Tit Squeeze battle

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Big Momma joanie VS Katterina in a Tit Squeeze battle
« on: January 16, 2011, 12:21:33 AM »
Below is the URl for the voting from the 3rd Round of my Tit Squeeze Tournament;,11885.0.html

Here is the short story detailing the first battle between Joanie and Katterina. The winner goes onto the Championship fight, already in progress at:,12207.0.html

Big Momma Joanie;u=10896

Thunder rattled the windows as I finished my preparations for the upcoming battles. All 4 women were waiting in the rooms downstairs. I was so excited I was almost shaking. Both Katterina and Joanie were favorites to win the tournament and were up first. This promised to be a vicious battle between the 2 beauties as they both wanted nothing more then too make the other cry her surrender. Joanie strutted into the room first, her breasts already on display for all to admire. Her dark hair was hanging around her head  just slightly past her shoulders, framing her pretty face. She wore black warm-up pants and black opera gloves.
                              "Where is that dumb blonde? I can't wait to dig my fingers into those pathetic flesh bags of hers and make her scream my name!" The door closed shut loudly as Katterina flew into the room, her tits moving sexily up and down as she did. She wore pink warm-up pants and pink opera gloves. "The only name that's going to be yelled in this room is mine when I make you cry it out. Those fat cow udders of yours are ripe for the picking and I am the best picker around!" Joanie stormed forward and meet Katterina in the center of the room, cupping her huge breast and shaking them at the blonde. "These babies can take whatever you dish out!" Katterina cupped her own large tits and shook them right back at her opponent!
                           " Oh, don't worry.. I will squeeze them till the milk flows out of them and laugh as you try to out squeeze my beauties!" I quickly rang the first bell and both fighters smiled as they dropped their own tits and grabbed a hold on each others! As soon as they had a grip I rang the 2nd bell to start the battle! Gloved fingers dug deeply into breasts and the 2 women glared at each other as they squeezed each other. Neither lady said anything for the first 2 minutes, they just glared at each other as fingers oozed with titflesh. This was too be a battle of wills as the 2 fighters stared intently into each others eyes, each looking for any sign of weakness from the other as strong fingers squeezed and crushed tender titflesh, each one's fingers probing around the breasts of the other for her Achilles’ heel. As the last seconds winded down each lady had started crushing the front's of each boob crushing the others nipples. Both women had silent snarls on their lips and must have been in pain by now! The bell rang ending the round and they each hang on a few seconds longer before pushing away, a move that dug each one's fingers into the others tits one last time!
                                       "Bitch your going down next round, I could feel those bags giving!" snarled Katterina. "The only thing giving is those little tits of yours when I get my fingers in them again" This time I'll twist them like taffy till your screaming!" The blonde stepped forward again and got in the dark haired fighters face. "If your so fucking tough then lets skip the rest period and you can show me how your going to make me scream!" "You got it, shithead!" Joanie looked up at the nearest camera and shouted,"Ring the fucking bell AJ, or I'll come in there and use your dick too ring it." I shuddered as I imagined how that would feel and rang the bell as quickly as I could. Both women were nose to nose as they each latched onto each other's large breasts, Katterina digging her fingers deeply into the outsides of her foes and pushing the heavy breasts upwards as she crushed the areola's of each in her palms and dug the thumb of each hand deeply into the cleavage side of each boob! Joanie just grabbed the front's of each tit digging her fingers deeply into the flesh above each areola and sank her thumbs deep into the underside of each tit.
                                   As the time went by they both starting to sweat and turn lightly red-faced and it was the blonde who changed tactics first, pulling each tit outwards and then giving them each a twist back and forth! Joanie responded immediately by ripping each boob up, then jerking them down. Both women were starting to look like they were in pain as eyes narrowed and lips started to quiver around the edges as the 2nd minute ended and the 3rd started. Sweat was pouring down each ladies face now as they each tried to out do one another. Katterina's fingers seemed to sink a little deeper as the last 20 seconds of the 2nd round approached and Joanie's mouth twisted in pain as the blonde began slamming the huge tits together and then tugging them apart! Joanie twisted and tugged at the blonde's tits as the last seconds counted down, but the blonde was showing no further signs of distress. As the last few seconds ticked by Joanie was in visible pain and her mouth opened in a silent cry as Katterina mashed her tits together and drove her fingers in even deeper!
                                                   I rang the bell and watched as Joanie quickly released her hold on the blondes boobs and pulled her foe's fingers off  her own chest, her face filling with relief at being freed from the blonde's clutches. "What's wrong, is the little biker girl having a problem now?" "Fuck you, cxnt! I know your tits hurt even more then mine by now after the squashing I just gave them, I crushed the shit out of them!" Katterina smiled wickedly at her dark haired opponent and said," Well biker boob, if
that is the case then let's just continue shall we?" Joanie looked at her rival intently, her eyes blazing with hate at this blonde who had just given her a severe tit crushing and made a very bad decision in hindsight. "Let's go you fucking asshole. I will utterly out crush you this time and can't wait to hear you begging to be let free!" Without even waiting for the bell to ring they reached out and grabbed each other's sweat covered tits, each still showing the finger marks of the previous battle and some bruising and went right at it! Katterina's gloved fingers once again sank deeply into the outsides of each tit, her thumbs probing deeply into the cleavage side of each areola while Joanie decided to go for a nipple twist on the right tit and gouged her fingers into the underside of the blonde's left tit and gave it a twist! Katterina was taken by surprise and Joanie smiled in triumph, thinking she had her now! Suddenly the blonde started twisting and then smacking each tit with all she had and after the 3rd loud smack of flesh against flesh filled the room Joanie's face was filled with pain!
                                          "Ohhh.. you fucking bitch..!!!!", she wailed as another and then another smack filled the room! Katterina's fingers were now twice as deep p into each huge tit as before, her face reflecting the huge amount of her strength it was taking to do this to the extremely heavy tits of her dark haired opponent! "Give up biker boob, your fucking FINISHED! Let me hear you CRY...!!" she bellowed out as she pushed the huge tits upwards and gave the dark haired beauty a smack in the face with each tit! Joanie was taken by complete surprise at the vicious move and staggered back a step! "Get back here, you big tatted biker BITCH!", screamed out the blonde as she tugged at each tit with everything she had and all but dragged Joanie across the room by her extremely aching tits! "You tits must be aching by now! Well lets see how much more they can take!" she yelled at her red-faced opponent as she stabbed her fingers into each tit deeply and forced her backwards till she slammed against the wall, trapped! Joanie screamed as the blonde latched onto each nipple and started twisting and pulling them hard enough to lose her grip with every savage pull on them and she was close to tears from the pain!
                                      "Come on..., you cxnt, start crying so I can
make a liar out of you!" Joanie had lost her grip on the blonde's tits almost 10 seconds ago and was now grabbing at her wrist s to keep her away from her ravaged tits! Close to being forced to start crying she had no choice and finally screamed her surrender out just as she managed to grab each wrist and pull the blonde's hands away from her nipples and further attack. " Fucking cxnt....!! Let go of my hands and
let me make you cry!!" screamed out Katterina, her face twisted in fury. I got on the mike right away and warned her, "She gave up Katt, you attack her now and she wins!" The blonde still struggled for another second or 2 till my words sank in, so intent was she on making Joanie cry and being frustrated at being denied humiliating her that way!
                                     "FUCCKKKKKK...!! she screamed as she pulled away from her defeated foe so upset that she had been denied her pleasure, and Joanie quickly turned around and headed for the door, her bruised and swollen tits cupped gingerly in her arms as she staggered from the room in defeat and to her room where bags and bags of ice awaited as well as her husband to administer them! The blonde strutted around the room, but was cupping her own tits very gingerly herself, and they were very bruised where Joanie's fingers had been crushing them, her eyes were soon watery and I realized Joanie had done some damage to her tits, but the blonde had hidden it very well from her opponent. Her gambit of not giving Joanie any time to recover from the rounds had also worked for her, but must have taken quite a toll on her own breasts as well. "Well AJ I can't wait to win this thing and claim the prize, it had better be good or I am going to just take whatever I want from you!" With that she strutted triumphantly out the door and I got ready for the next fight to see who would be taking her on for the Championship!