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Mine.....All Mine

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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #45 on: September 12, 2024, 02:32:30 AM »
the ultimate fantasy of a married life for us femfight enthusiasts


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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #46 on: September 12, 2024, 05:48:48 AM »
the ultimate fantasy of a married life for us femfight enthusiasts

Indeed it is this exactly.


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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #47 on: September 12, 2024, 02:47:08 PM »
The boxing lessons just made this post an added element to the possibilities of where and how things could play out. How long had Heather been getting lessons? Was she “really” getting lessons.? To keep Joe from being caught or to prove he was really giving Heather lessons would he insist he could prove it by having the 2 spar? Just great stuff.


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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #48 on: September 13, 2024, 08:49:41 PM »
Part XI (Continued):

Putting the finishing touches on my makeup, I stepped back to admire myself in the mirror one last time.  "Never looked hotter Lacey" I told myself.  Catching me by surprise, Joe entered the bathroom, all dressed up in his suit for a fancy night out on the town.  "Wow Lace...look at you" he said, grabbing my waist from behind while he kissed my neck.  My husband took in a deep breath of my intoxicating perfume, "I just want to ravish you babe" he added, biting my shoulder.  "Easy tiger, there will be time for that later tonight, and besides you can't ruin my dress just yet" I smiled seductively at him.

"Excited for your surprise?" I asked Joe as his porsche cruised onto the highway, planting the first seeds of tonight's events in his head. "Honey, what do you think of staying the night at our apartment instead?  It's a long ride home and I want to let loose tonight with you" I asked pouting my lips.  "Let loose babe?  That sounds intriguing" he looked back at me, taking his eyes off the road for a moment as I started rubbing the bulge in his pants.  Joe darted his eyes back and forth from mine to his lap, silently suggesting another round of roadhead.  "Now now now my stud, I told you there will be time for that later, plus you can't ruin my makeup" teasing my patented sloppy blowjob he loved so much, "but I do plan on keeping you hard all night".

Entering the swanky restaurant, I could feel the eyes of patrons glancing in our direction, noticing the head-turning couple who just arrived. The matre de seated us in a private corner booth with a great view of the crowd..."perfectly done Lace" I thought to myself, having requested this spot in advance.  The secluded seating location with dim mood lighting was ideal for some naughty fun. 

After ordering drinks, we perused the menus until I innocently asked, "anything in particular you want for your birthday dear?".  He turned to me with eyebrows raised, his thoughts wandering to whatever sexy fantasy du jour was on tonight's menu in his imagination.  "Should we have invited Heather?" I offered with a sly smile.  My husband was unable to answer just yet, unsure if the question was a trap or not. Was he still dreaming of the gym encounter between Heather and Mackenise...or was it the custom video featuring actresses playing Blondie and myself?

"I have a special game for us to play tonight during dinner....I hope you don't mind babe" I mentioned, changing the subject without going into further detail just yet.  Joe's eyes lit up, unable to concentrate on the menu just yet.  Our drinks arrived, red wine for me and a bourbon old fashion for him.  Joe took a few gulps of the drink down, as if to take the edge off from all the pent up frustration.  Of course, I wasn't exactly helping relieve the tension...not yet at least.     

"Tell me about this game Lace, I'm dying to know" Joe said, already halfway done with his first old fashion.  "Oh don't worry, I will babe....but first, tell is that hard cock doing?" I said slow and seductively, lightly brushing the bulge in his suit pants.  "Hmm...still hard for me I see.  I will check on it again soon" I teased, looking directly into his eyes.  "Lace, what are you trying to do to me?  I won't make it through dinner with all this teasing" my husband laughed.

"Who? Me? Teasing?  I would never tease my dear husband" I replied winking at him. "I will tell you about the game, but first let me go freshen up in the ladies room.  I want to make sure I'm only woman you're looking at here tonight", I parted the table giving him a kiss and adjusting the top of my dress by cupping my tits.  Joe bit into his fist and downed the rest of his bourbon, ordering a second one merely minutes into the dinner.

Watching his lovely wife's hips sway back and forth in the black cocktail dress, he thought to himself "life is good" yet again.  Closing his eyes for a moment, he reopened them just in time for a glimpse of a statuesque asian brunette passing by his table.  Joe locked eyes with the attractive beauty as she flashed a small smirk that revealed dimples on her stunning face. The asian woman did a double take, peeking over her shoulder at his table, again with the faint smile. 

Joe sat up with renewed enthusiasm, his second drink just arriving, intrigued with the sultry vision that just arrived on the scene. The stunning woman sat on a bar stool, appearing to be alone at least for the moment.  She crossed her legs, hiking up her already short revealing dress.  "Good lord" Joe thought to himself, filled with desire from this anonymous woman.  Swiveling her bar stool around, her eyes scanned the crowd, until they landed on my husband's yet again.  Another small smile crossed her face, now for the third time in Joe's direction.  "Perhaps this fox will make an appearance in my next story" he laughed to himself.

Returning to his bourbon for another sip, he gazed over to the bar yet again....this time with the seductress half turned in her chair towards him.  "Was that a small wave she just gave me, or am imagining things?" Joe excitedly thought.  Sure enough it was, as a second wave came from the sultry beauty, her head slightly tilted and mouthing the word "Hi".  Unsure of how to respond, Joe returned a big grin and lifted his bourbon glass as if to say "cheers". 

"Oh hi honey" I had returned from the bathroom, catching my husband in the act.  "Cheers huh?  Did you make a new friend" I said with friendly demeanor....that is until I turned my gaze towards the bar area.  Scanning my vision starting from the floor, a luscious pair of long tanned legs caught my attention.  Then a short black cocktail dress, very similar to mine I might add.  Picturesque silky dark hair flowed over her shoulders with some strands landing out of place in her ample cleavage.  Startled at my return from the ladies room, Joe said "Oh I was just stirring my drink babe" in the most guilty, least plausible excuse possible.  An overwhelming sense of jealousy immediately set in as I panned my eyes upwards, noticing the beautiful asian vixen.

Recognizing that this could be an opportunity, I regained my composure. "Oh Joe...looks like you did make a new friend" I emphasized my words.  Looking back towards the bar, the asian woman swung her long legs around to rotate the barstool again, but not before making eye contact with me.  Having turned her back on us, I had reclaimed my territory...for now.  To lighten the mood, I reached for his lap "Let me check in on that hard cock again, it's been a few minutes after all. Just making sure it's all for me"  But Joe was already rock hard, my hands feeling his thick cock pulsating for his sexy wife....or was it for our new asian friend? 

"Ready to play the game babe" I announced, seizing the moment that presented itself.  "Sure Lace, what did you have in mind?" my husband's voice cracked, having been caught in silent flirtation.  "Well....I ask you a series of questions, and you have to answer truthfully.  Promise it won't hurt my feelings...ok babe"?  "Hurt your feelings Lace?" he asked in confusion.  "Just hear me out Joe" I cut him off.

"See that woman over at the bar?" I gestured at the aforementioned asian fox with her legs crossed sitting alone at the bar. "Where...oh her?" Joe pretended to notice her only now, being the poor poker player he is, so awful at hiding his intentions.  "Yes...her babe" I said condescendingly. "Do you think she's pretty?" I left the question hanging in the balance. Looking her up and down, as if for the first time, Joe stammered his words " don't know, she's kind of far away" he protested.  I gave another rub of his cock, caressing it slowly with both the palm and back of my hand.  "It's ok darling....tell me.  Do you think she's pretty?" I repeated the question.

Looking at me again for approval, Joe replied "Well yes Lace, anyone would agree she's very attractive".  "But I'm not asking just anyone dear, I'm asking you" I cornered him with my response, pressing for his innermost thoughts.   "Yes Lace, she's very pretty....possibly the most attractive woman in the entire restaurant", Joe replied just about putting his foot in his mouth.  A wicked expression crossed my face at his answer, raising my eyebrows as if I was surprised by his response.  I had put him in such a difficult position, of which there was no escape, and my Joe had wandered directly into my trap.

"Prettier than me babe?" I asked pouting my lips and batting my eyes.  "Oh no Lace, that's definitely not what I meant" he backtracked feverishly.  "Well, am I not in this restaurant with her?" I pressed the line of questioning.  Stuttering for the right response, I realized how much I was enjoying this game, striking at the heart of his desire to watch his lovely wife compete over him with another beautiful woman.  "Lace...obviously no one is as pretty as you babe.  That woman is gorgeous, but no one compares to you" he righted himself, already on shaky footing.  I smiled warmly at Joe, always in tune with his wife's emotions, so much so that he had to qualify his answer.  "Oh so she is gorgeous...I only asked if she was pretty" I responded. Despite my cruelty, it was time to ratchet up the pressure in the 'questions game' as I dubbed it.

Slowly turning my eyes back towards the asian minx, I noted, "Hmm...she's wearing a similar black dress to mine also.  Can you tell me babe....who do you think looks better in this dress?" I purred, taking another slow stroke of his hard cock.  Joe sighed and gathered himself by spping his bourbon yet again.  "Answer honestly babe" I looked up at him with sultry big eyes.  Starting to recognize the purpose of this game, Joe boldly responded "Actually Lace....I'd have to see you standing side by side with her....for comparison".  "Rawrrr" I growled at him, "now you're getting the game babe", as we both laughed at me purring like a kitten.

"Maybe you'll get a chance to see just that.....stud" I winked back at my husband.  "But then tell me...if we are both equally attractive in our dresses....then it must come down to our bodies, right? Can tell me who has the hotter body, me or Suki sitting over there?" I pressed him again, pushing my elbows together to highlight my tits.  Sighing in frustration, Joe continued his heavy breathing in disbelief.  "Come on tell me honey" I implored softly, with another light stroke of his cock under the table.

I pushed the interrogation further, "I mean look at her honey.....I'd estimate we are about the same height, she's busty just like yours truly" I paused to look down at my voluptuous tits, "she has an athletic build and long legs like mine. Maybe we'll bump into her at a boxing class.  Would you like that Joe?" Joe guzzled down his second drink, trying to shake the nervous energy of his restless leg.  "Relax honey, this game is supposed to be fun" I assured him with another stroke through his pants to ease his shaking.  "Still hard for me I see" I stated confidently, but quickly feigned shock jealousy by holding my hand to my mouth, "or is it for her babe?" playfully demanding him to reveal the truth.

The waiter interrupted momentarily, delivering Joe's third bourbon and giving him reprieve from answering the line of questioning.  The awkward silence lingered as I made eye contact with our new asian friend yet again. "Honey, you know it's only for you, I'm yours....all yours" Joe replied with a play on words of our favorite phrase.  "Hmmm it is your birthday after all, maybe it's for both Lacey and Suki over there?" I teased him further.  "Lace, what exactly are you implying" Joe eagerly asked, wondering if his wife was insinuating a threesome.

"Easy there tiger" I said, with another stroke of his bulge, "I wasn't suggesting the three of us having fun together.  I was only implying that...maybe....", I paused for a sip of wine, "you're hard imagining your lovely wife and that stunning woman standing next to each other, I mean since I asked you about comparing our bodies" I batted my eyelashes yet again.  "Truth be told Lace, that's exactly what crossed my mind", Joe said relieved I expressed his thoughts for him. 

"Perfect honey, now when we're standing next to each'd agree that I have the hotter body, right?" I stated confidently, but cut him off before he spoke, "Or...maybe her body is superior to mine?" I asked defiantly with hands on my hips and a hint of playful outrage.  Joe was still beside himself, shifting his cock with his own hand to alleviate the throbbing in his pants.  "Lace...." he protested, unsure of how to play the game properly.

"You can't decide....that's ok babe, I know it's not easy since our bodies are so equally matched" I suggested, making my husband perk up.  "Perhaps the only way to decide is to test our bodies against each other?" I asked, gesturing towards my new asian rival across the room.  Choking on a sip of his drink ,"Test how?" Joe's eye lit up.  "Hmm..." I teased pretending to think, "Oh maybe we box each other babe?  No, wait....maybe we'll wrestle", I said the last word slowly and seductively.  Joe just stared silently at me, listening intently, taking a second to check on the asian vixen again and then turned back to me.  "You mean mud wrestling like the story Mackensie told us?" he eagerly suggested.
I laughed at the fabled sorority mud wrestling championship, clearly Mackensie's tall tale had struck a nerve with him.  "Actually babe, what if Suki and I oil up our bodies and wrestle for you in bikinis instead?  Perhaps by our pool in the backyard?  Would that prove to you who has the better body?"  I came ever so close to exposing myself, tip-toeing a fine line and only hinting at having discovered his custom video in the same scenic setting. 

Catching our attention from across the room, the asian woman now stood while grooming her long silky dark hair, arching her back as she stretched her long legs.  Clearly aware of being watched, she accentuated the curves of her body as if to give us a full length view of my hypothetical rival.  "Oh...have a better look now babe?  Does that help you decide?"  Joe suddenly stood from the table, unable to withstand the interrogation any longer.  "My turn to use the restroom, I'll be right back hun, save that thought" he grunted.  "I wonder if he's going to rub one out in the bathroom" I laughed to myself, almost feeling sorry for inflicting this level of torture on my husband....almost.

"Tonight couldn't be going any better" I chuckled to myself, dumbfounded with the woman perfectly situated to help with tonight's festivities.  Sudden inspiration struck me, perhaps it was the romantic evening or my third glass of wine.  Grabbing my purse, I headed over to the bar area to potentially stir up a little Mackensie-style mischief.  A patron seated next to my target perfectly timed his exit, as I slithered in just behind him to claim the vacant barstool.  "I'll be with you one moment miss" the bartender directed his attention towards me, with his words catching the asian woman's attention. Realizing a new neighbor had settled in, the asian vixen swung around on her stool to greet with me with a friendly smile. 

I returned the warm smile, although we didn't immediately exchange pleasantries.  "Glass of bourdeaux please" I asked of the bartender, still sitting in awkward silence next my physical equal.  "I love your dress", the words lingered in the air as I sipped the red wine. "Oh why thank you" I responded, now looking the asian woman up and down, "I just love yours also, they look so similar.  Where did you get it?". 

After feeling each other out with some small talk between us girls, we laughed at the coincidence of sharing the same favorite boutique dress shop, although she favored Manhattan location.  "They have the most elegant attire, and the spiciest lingerie" the woman whispered the latter with a sly smile.  "I might have purchased some of that lingerie for my husband's birthday tonight" I remarked, both of us sharing a laugh.

Ironically, I felt a kinship with this stranger I'd only just met.  She had a lovely personality, so warm and inviting, the polar opposite of Mackensie actually....ironically I could be friends with this woman.  "I'm Hiromi" she offered her hand to me, still sweet with her disposition.  "Lacey" I responded, gently taking her hand in mine, " that Japanese?" I asked of her.  "Yes actually, it means 'beautiful' or....ah I shouldn't say" she cut off her sentence with shyness.  "No no...tell me" I implored her.  "Delicious" she blurted out, making us both crack up as if we were old friends reuniting.  The poor thing was completely unaware of her role as a pawn in tonight's little game.....if she only knew. 

"Am I actually enjoying the company of my imaginary rival?" I thought to myself, "I'll have to find a way to redirect the conversation" my inner monologue went on.  "I'm sure a man or two has called you 'Delicious'" I smiled back.  "Cheers" I offered as we clinked glasses.  "Joe must be returning to our table soon, I should get back" I thought to myself, looking over my shoulder.  "So that was your husband?  Have any special plans for his birthday tonight?" Hiromi prodded.  So she had noticed Joe after all, a Freudian slip on her part...or was it an intentional intrusion on my territory?  "Well....a surprise birthday party back at our penthouse loft.  He has no idea, so oblivious" I told Hiromi, grabbing her forearm with excitement. 

"Oh I love surprises....make sure to put that new lingerie to use" Hiromi added.  I didn't respond immediately to her insinuation of a steamy night with my husband, after all, I didn't want to give away too many intimate detail to this stranger and apparent new friend. I sipped my wine again, "You know it's lovely lingerie when it doesn't stay on for too long" I purred at her to which we both laughed.  "Hey Lace" Joe ambushed me from behind, grabbing me by the waist.  I was caught completely off guard, not sensing him behind me whatsoever.  My attention was surveying our private booth for his return instead. "Make a new friend?" my husband asked raising his eyebrows and gesturing towards Hiromi.

"This is Hiromi, us girls have been getting acquainted while I waited for you dear.  Hiromi, this is MY husband Joe" I announced, accenting the word "My" while looking at Joe, making sure she understood clearly who he belonged to.  My hand caressed his chest and remained there, as if to hold him back as Joe reached his hand out to greet Hiromi.  "Pleasure to meet you Joe" she smiled and held her gaze just a tad bit too long. "Likewise Hiromi" he politely responded.

"I hear it's your birthday and your wife here is treating you tonight, what a lucky man you are" Hiromi liberally suggested.  Something about her tone in that last remark seemed intrusive.  The words triggered my competitive streak in that very moment.  Had Hiromi waited for the right moment to seduce my husband in front of me?  Two can play at that game however.  "Joe, did you know we shop at the same boutique clothing store?  Look at our dresses" I gestured towards our outfits.  My husband's eyes started to widen, making eye contact with me upon realizing my intentions to continue playing the 'questions game'.

"Mind taking a picture of us?" I handed my cell phone to Hiromi who happily agreed.  Joe swung his hulking arm around me, pulling me firmly into his side.  I took the opportunity for a warm soft whisper into my husband's ear "Tell me babe....who would win?" I pulled away with a devious smile and batting my eyelashes yet again.  Joe raised his eyebrows as the camera flash captured an impromptu picture of us.  "Such a hot couple" Hiromi announced as she snapped additional photos, again raising my ire by indirectly suggesting my husband was attractive.  Of course, he was gorgeous but I didn't quite need her validation.  Perhaps she was slithering her way closer to him...or better yet, between us?

"Mind taking some pics of me and my new friend here Joe" I put my plan into action.  Hiromi enthusiastically put her arm around my waist as I did to her's.  Our heads tilted slightly with wide smiles across our faces, our free hand rested confidently on our hips.  Hiromi and I stood proudly, our shoulders back and thrusting our chests in magnificent posturing, all while the bar patrons exchanged glances, acknowledging the two beautiful women standing side by side.  Reclaiming the camera from Joe, I browsed the pictures with Hiromi to find our favorite, as women naturally do.

"Wow Hiromi...this looks like one of those Hollywood tabloids, you know the 'Who Wore it Better?' section of those magazines" I pointed out to her.  "Haha oh my god Lacey, yes...the similar dresses" she laughed innocently, merely a pawn in our fantasy game.  Joe darted his eyes over to me, again recognizing my devious plan unfolding before him.  "Joe dear....tell us....who wore it better?" I asked seductively, tilting my hip to accentuate the curves contained in my dress, my arm still around the waist of my new rival.

Hiromi followed suit by playing along, mimicking my posture in the opposite direction and pursing her lips, "Tell us Joe", she purred, blissfully unaware of the rising desire stirring inside him.  But who could expect Hiromi to react any differently? Any beautiful woman in her position would deny the idea of this as a competition, but instead friendly banter between friends. "Actually...don't answer that" Hiromi quickly squashed any real closure to the question posed.  The three of us enjoyed a laugh at the proposed showdown, but I continued to stare down my husband, winking at him in acknowledgement. 

"We should be getting back to our table Hiromi, but it was a pleasure meeting you" Joe offered his hand to her.  "Likewise...a pleasure" Hiromi emphasized her words, immediately catching my attention.  As we walked back to our booth I exclaimed "Babe...I exchanged numbers with her, maybe we'll see more of Hiromi in the near future". Joe just shook his head as he sat down again, grasping for another bourbon to take the edge off. 

Mere minutes later, Hiromi pranced by our booth, wearing a coat with a purse around her shoulder, on her way out of the restaurant.  She gave a friendly wave and smile as she exited.  "I hope that little wave goodbye was for me babe, and not you" I playfully remarked to him.  "I'm having the best birthday ever babe" Joe finally answered.  "Oh...but it's about to get better dear" I announced , intriguing him as our dinner simultaneously arrived at the table. 

"Are you sure you're fine to drive honey?" I asked my husband who had finished at least four old fashions by the end of dinner.  Retrieving our jackets from the coat check, the thought occurred to me "I wonder how quickly the Hiromi pics will be added to his collection?", and made a note to check his laptop tomorrow at some point. "Remember babe, let's head to the apartment tonight. I'm having too much fun in the city" I added as we waited for valet parking. 

Climbing into his beloved Porsche, Joe finally offered "For the record have the better body", only now willing to play the game.  I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him deeply, content on being the victor. "Having a good birthday so far honey?" I asked, rubbing his cock again to make sure it was still hard for me.  Joe smirked, "However......Hiromi would win the oil wrestling" Joe stated with certainty as he smirked at me, now playing the game with expertise. 

Gasping at his answer, I smacked him playfully across the chest and folded my arms, pretending to pout over him favoring Hiromi. "What babe?  I thought you wanted to play" he pleaded, fearing he had gone too far. Unhappy with his prediction, my pout slowly subsided into a mischievous glare, forcing Joe's eyes off the road for a moment. I slid down the driver's seat for yet another session of roadhead, but stopped short. "Shut up're lucky it's your birthday".


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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #49 on: September 13, 2024, 10:39:31 PM »
   This story is so hot!! It’s killing me!! I’ll be anxiously awaiting the next part.


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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #50 on: September 13, 2024, 10:57:04 PM »
So far there has been a lot of build-up (pages and pages in fact) but no action. Kinda starting to lose interest.


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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #51 on: September 14, 2024, 02:40:18 AM »
11 parts and only 1 felt like it was dragging at all. You should change your profile name to blue balls because you're expertly teasing the fuck out of us.


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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #52 on: September 14, 2024, 03:33:02 AM »
or. . . he started writing the story and has no idea where to take it so he keeps dragging it out. . .  ;D :D


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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #53 on: September 14, 2024, 04:58:22 AM »
As I have said the build up is really good. I especially like the arm wrestling between Lace and Kensie.  Arm Wrestling is the type of contest where both women compete and have a chance to banter back and forth. Trash talk to me is what adds  an encounter with a rival with very little consequence. It gives them a chance to claim a win over the other without things blowing up.  It  also shows those watching  who is stronger. A chance to comment afterwards the winner has something to taunt her rival while watching the man’s reaction to what he has seen. If she feels embarrassed, from losing and will most times try to regain her even status. It can graduate to another competition a bit more involved. Two hot women “competing “ so to speak can use it as a chance to compare her body to the other’s which adds another element. Especially if the girl who won isn’t his significant other. It can create doubt in her mind. Pushing the buttons of her rival . The winner can push to the point it’s obviously flirting. Comparing her muscles by flexing her biceps to see why she beat his girl. Wondering if he thinks she’s better than her? I think it’s very hot to hear one girl taunt the other for the sole purpose of making the other seem inferior. Could she win a fight, wrestling match, she asks herself.


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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #54 on: September 16, 2024, 10:00:51 PM »
Part XII (continued):

Checking myself out in the rearview mirror, I carefully reapplied my makeup, appearing only slightly disheveled after inhaling Joe's cock on the ride over.  "Good thing your wife swallows babe" I stated, "although I love it covering me too".  With his balls drained and still managing a buzz, Joe resigned himself to retiring early for the night.

After all, how much better could his birthday be?  Thoughts of the potential Hiromi versus Lacey showdown would inspire tonight's lucid dreams.  Entering the lavish lobby to our building for the first time in many weeks, our favorite doorman greeted us.  "Everything is going according to plan" I thought to myself, pressing the button for the 22nd floor and catching my sexy reflection in the mirrored elevator.

Anticipation stirred inside me as the elevator doors slowly inched towards a close, then suddenly a chime rang out, the doors slowly receding again.  I couldn't recall anyone else standing in close proximity of the elevator bank however.  As the doors parted open, I found myself drawn to the ground level where a stylish pair of heels highlighted a long pair of shapely glistening legs.  A long trench coat flowed with each step, as the clicking heels sounded against the marble floor.  My eyes continued upward, revealing a short-cropped dress with a familiar style and dark red color I recognized from somewhere. 

"Lacey? Joe?" the familiar voice asked.  "Oh my god, I haven't seen you two in so long" the stunning blonde Rebecca cried out, our Manhattan neighbor infamously featured in Joe's side by side picture collection.  "Rebecca" I announced trying to match her exuberance.  The truth is I was less than inspired by our reacquaintance but very excited with her timely emergence....on tonight of all nights as chance would have it.  What were the odds? Then again, she did live on our floor. Perhaps I should have invited Leilani and Alina as well, that would have really blown his mind" I ironically chuckled to myself.

Rebecca and I shared an embrace, sealed with a kiss on both cheeks, then the blonde turned to Joe for a similar greeting.  "How is Manhattan's power couple doing?" she asked in jest, grabbing both of Joe's shoulders. "Are you in town for just the night?" Rebecca wondered.  "Actually, we had a lovely dinner downtown and decided to stay here instead of going all the way home" I replied. "Oh and I recognize that red dress Rebecca, didn't you wear that one New Year's Eve party? I remember wearing a similar one" I announced looking at Joe, deviously hinting at his scandalous collection on the laptop.  "Why yes Lace, what a memory you have" Rebecca innocently remarked as we all shared a laugh.

"Come inside for a drink, we can catch, we're celebrating Joe's birthday" I implored as the elevator began its journey.  "I would love that actually, I'm still flying high from a wonderful first date tonight.  So much to tell you Lace" Rebecca leaned in and whispered the last part.  "Here we go" I thought silently, hearing the chime as the elevator reached the 22nd floor.   

Walking ahead of Joe and Rebecca, I reached our front door first to listen for the murmuring crowd inside, waiting in ambush.  Hearing a faint hush from a familiar voice and ensuing silence, it was finally showtime. "Let the afterparty begin" I told the pair just behind me, swinging open the door but deferring to Joe who entered first.

"SURRRRRRRPRISE!!!" the hidden patrons announced in an uproar, freezing my husband in his tracks.  Unsure of how to react, other than gaping his mouth wide open, Joe simply turned around to retreat through the front door, to the delight of the crowd bellowing in laughter.  Joe reappeared for a second time, still with eyes widened, running his fingers through his hair.  "Is this for me?  All for me Lace?" he turned to look at his wife.  "Yes, all for you babe" I purred seductively at him, giving him a big kiss.

Just inside the foyer and first to greet us was Mackensie in all her intoxicating beauty, decked out in her black form-fitting cocktail dress as planned.  We made eyes at each other as if to say "all going according to plan".  Around forty of our closest friends and acquaintances had silently shuffled into the penthouse, with Mackensie serving as the hostess, ensuring the surprise went smoothly. Naturally, Mackensie loved being in charge of such an influential group, the most important person in the room for a time.

Joe made his way through the crowd, hugging local friends, coworkers old and new, and of course his college buddies.  Catching a second wind, my husband's buzz and sluggishness apparently vanished in place of renewed enthusiasm. Noticing the awkward silence in my vicinity, I introduced Mackensie and Rebecca, both quietly standing on either side of me. "Rebecca, this is my dearest friend from college Mackensie" as the two vixens exchanged polite greetings.  Our guests in the meantime, were still enjoying the euphoria of a good surprise birthday party entrance, as the spirits, cocktails and music resumed flowing.

"A pleasure to meet you Rebecca" Mackensie announced earnestly, which genuinely caught me off guard.  In my experience, Kensie usually adorned her catty standoffish persona when confronted with another beautiful woman she deemed the competition.  "Perhaps she was turning a corner?" I wondered to myself, "or perhaps one rival is enough for tonight?" I wondered, amusing myself at the thought of our imminent acting debut. 

"And a pleasure to meet you as well Mackensie, you are so stunning" Rebecca replied, touching Kensie's arm and endearing herself with flattery. In her own right, Rebecca was the polar opposite of Mackensie in every respect....sweet, genuine and most importantly, very supportive of other women.  At the same time, she was accustomed to being the center of attention in any room, her beauty and grace rivaled by very few.  In Rebecca's mind, tonight would be no different despite the attractive high-society crowd in attendance.
"Girls, let's break out the champagne" I suggested to them, interlocking their arms with mine as our newly formed sexy trio walked in lockstep towards the opulent kitchen. In the meantime, Joe reminisced on tales of his glory days with the college buddies, no doubt sharing exaggerated stories as truthful as Mackensie's college adventures in mud wrestling.

Worlds collided as Joe held court with his current bosses and closest fraternity brother, affectionately named "Hellhound". "I wonder what 'big swinging dick' story the finance guys were howling about?" I rolled my eyes, resigned to the fact that boys will be boys. Joe waved me over to join the conversation, "I'll leave you two hot single babes to get acquainted.  But you should really get to mingling.  Behave yourselves though" I smiled in jest to Mackensie and Rebecca.

Hellhound didn't disappoint, regaling us with college stories of my Joe that my husband never dared to share with me, perhaps with good reason.  "Hey Joe, remember those two hot exchange students?" Mr. Hound said after one too many drinks.  "Oh I want to hear this one" I immediately chimed in, wondering if I could find evidence somewhere on his laptop. After getting lost in the tall tales for a few minutes, I looked over towards the kitchen to find Mackensie and Rebecca in deep animated conversation. "So far so good" I sighed in relief. I watched them clink glasses in a cheers....was it possible they were building a rapport? 

In all honesty, to know Rebecca was to love her.  She had a way of making anyone feel comfortable in her presence.  When the foxy pair noticed yours truly staring from across the room, they raised glasses towards me in yet another toast.  I happily reciprocated, "Hmm, why do I get the impression that Mackensie up to something?" my intuition told me. Alcohol made for a good social lubricant, as the hot duo shared laughs while getting along famously. 

That is....until I noticed a scowl across Mackensie's face.  Her body language reverted back to standoffish, like the Mackensie I've come to know well.  She was no longer facing Rebecca and stood unenthusiastically with her arms crossed.  Rebecca was either blissfully unaware or completely unbothered by this turn of events, the blonde animatedly went on gesturing with her hands, lost in the moment. Sensing an intervention was required, I broke away from the 'men's locker room' conversation circle I found myself pulled into, coming to Rebecca's rescue. 

"Hey ladies" I began to lighten the mood, "have you checked out the men here?  Let me know if Joe can introduce you.  Anyone catch your eye yet?" I went on, trying to appease Mackensie with her favorite pastime.  "Actually Lace, I need to use the restroom first, but I'll take you up on that offer when I get back" the blonde announced cheerfully.  Rebecca slithered away in her exquisite dark red cocktail dress, her hips swaying back and forth, accentuating her stride with every step, all while Mackensie rolled her eyes.

"Ok Mackensie...spill it" I skipped the small talk, confronting her directly.  "Well...I don't want to ruin our special night....well Joe's special night....but" Mackensie pouted, "I started chatting with Rebecca here, she's lovely really, but.....". 

"Kensie...." I stated sternly, "But what?" I shook my head at her.  "She started telling me about her date tonight, a first date with a guy she is really into" Mackensie continued. "Rebecca went on and on, this man is tall, handsome, kind, cultured, blah blah which I jokingly asked oh does he have any friends?" Kensie explained. 

"Oh and he's super successful too, some sort of Managing Director in Private Equity" she went on, now mocking Rebecca's voice in disgust.  "So Lace, I thought to myself....oh that title and line of work sound oddly familiar, but thought nothing of it at first" Mackensie rambled. I simply lifted my eyebrows at Mackensie as if to say 'ok so what's the problem'?

"But then Rebecca went on....he's an athlete, played lacrosse at Princeton, and was recently featured in an industry publication for real estate private equity funds, which piqued my interest Lace" Mackensie stopped her thoughts.  "And why did these facts catch your attention Kensie" I had to drag it out of her. 

Mackensie replied, "Well, I wasn't sure at first but Rebecca said he's the Global Head of Acquisitions at Blackstone, another specific clue. "Oh Mackensie" I groaned, fully aware of what trouble my friend had found....or had trouble found her? 

"You see...just two nights ago, I went out with a man fitting that exact same description....I mean what are the odds Lacey?" Mackensie stated incredulously.  "Then Rebecca showed me his picture, saying 'isn't he just the most gorgeous stud you've ever seen'?". 

I put my hand over my mouth feigning shock, "You and Rebecca each went on a first date with the same man?  Oh how scandalous" I smirked devilishly at Mackensie, as she would have done to me.  "Kensie, I could tell something went sour between you and Rebecca.  I saw your body language morph back into the mischievous Mackensie I know and love." I explained. 

"Maybe this incident puts you in the mood for tonight's feature performance", I suggested which made Mackensie laugh, almost forgetting the fantasy showdown commencing shortly.  "Just don't take it out on me tonight Kensie" which made her chuckle, lightening the mood again.  "So...what will you do Mackensie" I asked instinctively, knowing trouble was brewing from the look in her eye.  "Actually, Conrad and I have our second date tomorrow night", Mackensie proudly boasted as if she had the upper hand on Rebecca. 

"Conrad?" I asked in disgust, "let me guess, he summers in the Hamptons" I laid on the sarcasm to the delight of Mackensie.  "You're only in town for a little over a week but going on multiple dates with Conrad?" I mocked his name in a British accent.  God forbid she goes a few days without men spoiling her in the form of fancy dinners.  "What?  Can't a girl have a little fun?" Mackensie responded with her familiar motto.

"There you are Lace, I've been looking for you honey" Joe came up from behind me with a light spank on my bottom, the smell of bourbon on his breath.  By chance, Rebecca had returned from the restroom only moments later, wedging her way back into our inner circle. "All you ladies look lovely tonight" Joe complimented the trio of gorgeous women surrounding him. 

Rebecca then chimed in, "Oh I didn't realize until just now Lace, but aren't you and Mackensie wearing nearly identical dresses"?  Mackensie and I took the verbal cue, turning to face one another, looking up and down in our first performance of the night.  "Why Rebecca, you're right.  Best friends tend to have the same taste though" Mackensie smugly responded, still simmering over the revelation from her dating rival.   

"Indeed they do" Rebecca agreed, "You know, one New Year's Eve, Lacey and I wore just about the same dark red dress.  Remember that one Lace"?  "Come to think of it, I do remember that New Year's Eve, don't you Joe?" I purred at my husband.  "Somehow I knew that as well" Mackensie added, making everyone laugh, but raising Joe's suspicions yet again. Bless Rebecca's innocent heart, she had unknowingly walked right into Joe's fantasies, as well as Mackensie's trap.  The blonde even masterfully introduced a preview of tonight's competitive fun, although blissfully unaware.

"Quick Joe....tell us who looks better in this dress?" Mackensie asked seductively, slightly hiking up the hem to show off her legs....just as she had done to our poor waiter at the restaurant.  Mackensie ran her hands down her body in a sultry dance, drawing attention to her voluptuous curves hugged tightly by the dress.  Rebecca raised her eyes in shock, and possibly discomfort, at the question posed between Joe's sultry wife and another stunning woman.

Joe however, now at least five old fashions into his night, was a veteran of the questions game by this point.  My husband held his chin in deep thought, visually devouring our bodies and pretending to hold a monocle to his eye.  I followed suit, stepping in front of Mackensie, with my hands on hips, as if to block the judge's view.  Mackensie playfully responded in turn, we ended up back to back with our arms crossed, awaiting Joe's decision.  The comedic relief broke the built-up tension, while Rebecca breathed a sigh of relief realizing it wasn't a serious competition.

"Actually, don't answer that Joe" I intervened as rehearsed, pretending to chide my inebriated husband.  "Time to sing happy birthday and cut the cake, turn down those lights and everyone gather round!" I raised my voice to the affluent crowd.  Rebecca pulled me aside, "Lace, at first I didn't understand the dark sense of humor in your little group here, but you guys are so much fun".  Poor Rebecca, if she only knew.......

With the hour getting late, and satisfied guests trickling out, I thought to myself "almost showtime".  Naturally, Hellhound and the cavalcade of finance guys attempted to drag Joe out, refusing to call it a night.  "I have other plans for him" I purred, grabbing him by the chest and tearing him away from the wandering herd gathered in the foyer.  The territorial act drew howls at the insinuation of yours truly taking care of the birthday boy tonight.  Rebecca retrieved her trench coat and joined the group, "Hey, I'll tag along" not wanting to retire for the night just yet. 

Mackensie wandered over to say her goodbyes, forcing herself into an elongated hug with Rebecca, who squeezed her earnestly.  Of course, unbeknownst to the blonde, Mackensie rolled her eyes at me as they embraced.  "Oh Mackensie" I chuckled to myself, "nothing ever changes"

"Well you have my number Rebecca, let's do a girls night with the three of us while I'm still in town" Mackensie adopted her sweetest voice, knowing full well it wouldn't happen.  Besides, her social calendar was full with the most eligible bachelors of Manhattan lining up to court her. As Rebecca followed the group of men down the hallway, I turned back to my friend, "Mackensie.....", using her name to call out whatever mischief may lay ahead.

"Yes Lace?" she protested with innocence, simultaneously checking her phone. "Let me see your phone" I grabbed it out of Kensie's hands.  Instead of protesting, Mackensie raised her chin with a small smirk on her face, incredibly pleased with herself. 

The phone's most recent text message was guessed it...Conrad, the old chap.  "Mackensie" I spewed condescendingly by using her first name only. Scrolling down the conversation history, there was a text sent not three minutes ago.  My eyes widened, viewing a picture of a bronzed Mackensie climbing out of a pool with the tiniest bikini, her voluptuous tits glistening in the sun. No words were necessary, the message's intent implicitly stated in no uncertain terms. 

"Oh my god Mackensie!" I said a bit too loud, fighting the urge to call her a homewrecker yet again.  Kensie shushed me, trying not to draw attention from the few remaining guests exiting the front door. "What? Blondie had her chance tonight but was too prude to follow through" she explained in her defense. "I'm just making sure he's thinking of me....I simply beat Rebecca to the punch", she admitted, her ego rearing its needy head. A punch...ironic coming from a woman about to perform a staged catfight.

Looking back down at conversation history, "Conrad is typing...." I showed Kensie the phone. Mackensie silently celebrated, triumphantly bouncing up and down, making her double D tits jiggle.  "Wow Mackensie, I just fell off my chair.  Was this from the Miss Florida beauty pageant you mentioned winning?" Conrad typed.  I raised my eyebrows at Mackensie, guessed it...never lived in Florida, nor competed in a beauty pageant.  "Not that you wouldn't have won babe" I assured her, "I mean look at the tits and ass on this one" I playfully spanked her. 

Joe wandered over having noticed us two girls giggling and his wife smacking a handful of Mackensie's luscious ass.  "Showtime babe....go now" I whispered to Kensie, who excused herself to grab her coat.  "Lace...can't thank you enough, I am still in complete shock.  This might have been one of the best nights of my life" Joe exclaimed.  "Who said your night is over stud?" I led this thoughts astray, "But hold that thought for now, I need to use the restroom" I whispered in his ear with my warm breath. 

Joe took in the aftermath of the surprise party, peering at the city skyline illuminating his now empty penthouse apartment.  Pouring himself another drink, my husband replayed the recent events in his mind.  Joe had everything in life, although his ultimate fantasy had escaped his grasp.....for now.  There had possible confrontations of note, most featuring yours truly, whether it be with Heather, Hiromi or....Mackensie.  "Hmm Mackensie...she was a stone cold fox" he took a deep inhale, feeling the arousal stirring within. 

"Life is good...isn't it" Joe raised his glass in a cheers to himself.  It was about to get better....if he only knew.


Offline emmaduncxn

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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #55 on: September 17, 2024, 12:52:12 PM »
add Hiromi and Heather to that idea of a girls night for Kensie, Lace and Rebecca, and phew, some potential catfight war and heaven right there


Online adventerer2003

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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #56 on: September 17, 2024, 01:51:07 PM »
You are a master of suspense! Your ability to pull the reader into Lacey's world is impeccable!
Life is boring without adventure.


Offline TinaR

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Re: Mine.....All Mine
« Reply #57 on: Today at 01:00:44 AM »
I am enjoying this post.  I live a good build up.  Take as much time as you’d like.  As someone who has tried to write, I understand how much time and effort each chapter must take.  We appreciate it.