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Michelle vs Denise: "Our daughters fought."

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Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Michelle vs Denise: "Our daughters fought."
« Reply #15 on: September 19, 2024, 10:25:28 PM »
Michelle recognizes that her worst nightmare has just been realized ..... that she has 'lost face' amongst all the women in the neighborhood and the town.  It's impossible to maintain your dignity with ketchup and mustard in your hair.

She and Denise are clearly going to fight over this.  But first she must make a dramatic gesture ... at least one .... that strikes at Denise's dignity.

Michelle steps up to arms-length within her enemy Denise, and whips a backhand slap, right-handed, which cracks across her enemy's face.  She then follows up that backhand with a second, left-handed, but even harder.  Denise head snaps back, and her hair pops from the force of the slaps.  Michelle then tears at her opponent's v-neck blouse, pulling down, until Denise's bra is exposed on her left bust.

The all-female audience gasps at the audacity of Michelle's retaliation.

And eagerly anticipates Denise rejoinder.  Doing nothing would not seem to be an option.

Corinne has not had a chance to consult with Michelle as to whether she should be "standing down" from her wingman duties.  Or if Michelle's preference is to postpone a fully Donnybrook until the 2 women can meet off-site from the public picnic.

Corinne hesitantly stands between the two fighters, awaiting a signal from Michelle.

Denise pounces at Corinne's tactical error.

D:  [shouting loud enough for the whole party to hear]  I knew it, Michelle!!!!!  You and your bitch daughter always get us women 2on1, then y'all ambush us.  You fucking bitch.  I kew you were too pussy to fight me woman to woman.  Just like Kayla was too pussy to fight alone against Meghan!!!  She needed you.

M:  <As much to the crowd of onlookers as to her enemy>  Fuck you, Liar!!!!  Kayla and Meghan was a fair fight.  And I'll fight you fair!  .... But in private!!!

D:  <Corinne takes this as a sign to stay between the enemies.>  Right, braggart!!!!  That's why you're friend here is watching!!!  Ready to hold me down as you kick me.  Like Kayla did to Meghan, as you held Meghan!!!  <The MILF crowd hisses their disapproval.>

M:  THAT ...... NEVER ..... HAPPENED.

D:  I'm leaving.  This is a perfect yard to girlfight .... but you clearly don't want to.  <The crowd cheers her, happy the police don't need to be called, but giving the impression they have declared her the winner of the confrontation.>

Michelle and Corinne stare at each other in disbelief.

Michelle notices Corinne's stain.

M:  My getting humiliated makes you cum???

C:  No ..... Michelle .... no.

M:  And I thought you were my friend.

Corinne guesses .... correctly .... that there will be no kissing tonight.

And no telling of the story of the fight between Kayla and Meghan.

Leading Corinne to wonder: .... was Denise's accusation true?

Would Michelle actually DO that?

Would she hold down Meghan as Kayla kicked her?

Is THAT the way Meghan got beat up?

To be continued....


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Michelle vs Denise: "Our daughters fought."
« Reply #16 on: September 20, 2024, 06:16:28 PM »
The next seven days become Hell on Earth for Corinne.  Because no matter how many times she texts her BFF Michelle (or, at least, she THOUGHT Michelle was her BFF), Michelle ghosts her.

Getting ghosted by Michelle is Corinne's worst nightmare.  She can't figure out:
> Does Michelle blame me for the disastrous confrontation with Denise at the Labor Day picnic?  Does she think I failed as her Wingman for that evening?
> Is Michelle embarrassed by what happened, and is she just laying low?
> Is Michelle trying to arrange 1on1 payback with Denise, and avoiding me so as not to get accused of needing backup?
> Did Michelle notice the stain on my pants, and realize I have a crush on her.

Maybe this whole incident in disguise, Corinne decides.  Maybe it will bring to a head a discussion Michelle and Corinne have been deferring for much too long.

That Corinne prefers women to men.  Men just don't do it for her.  If at 42, intercourse with men hasn't been something she and her body can figure out, then maybe that's because it'll never happen.  And was never meant to happen.

Maybe Corinne was meant to end up partnered with a woman.

A woman like Michelle.

Corinne had begun kissing Michelle on the lips about three years ago.  Michelle began enthusiastically reciprocating about two years ago.  Corinne noticed the change.  Michelle's kisses weren't just polite or friendly anymore--they were downright passionate.

Corinne wanted to take the kissing to the next step, to touching and getting naked.  Or topless.

But the timing was never right.  Michelle was always "seeing someone" on Tinder.  Had just become exclusive.

Exclusive after the first date?, wondered Corinne.  Corinne knew that was just Michelle's way of not facing the fact that Michelle was a slut.  Had been ever since her 5 years of complete lack of sex leading up to her divorce.

If only Corinne had know THEN, from 2014 to 2019, that Corinne wanted a woman.  She would have pounced at the chance to start something with Michelle then.

But from 2014 to 2019, Corinne assumed she was straight, and was tolerating mediocre sex with men.  Waiting for the good fuck which never came.

What DID turn her on those years (besides talking with her friend Michelle) was fighting other women.  Usually ex's of the men she was dating.  If only knew how lame the sex was between Corinne and the man being fought over, the ex wouldn't have bothered.  The catfight wouldn't have been worth the price.

Because, even when a woman is the winner in a catfight, there's always a price to be paid.  Always.
> lost chunks of hair (and an expensive trip to the hairdressers)
> face scratches
> busted nails, which never really grew back right
> hyperextended ligaments and muscles
> sprained fingers and wrists
> ruined clothes
I must really love catfighting to put myself thru this, Corinne would tell Michelle after assessing the damage from every fight.

Michelle would listen patiently, taking notes and applying her knowledge after Tinder dates.  Because her Tinder dates usually had ex's.  Who didn't like how quickly Michelle would push the for exclusivity.

Ex's always regret being an ex some time in the first 12 months, and always want to reunite.  At least physically--in bed.  They see the grass isn't any greener out there--a surprisingly low percent of men are good in bed.  Most women learn this the hard way.

Michelle began to be the one getting into catfights.  And would tell Corinne about them.

And when Michelle left, Corinne would masturbate to them.

She wished she had the balls to masturbate to Michelle's catfights in front of Michelle.

And to tell Michelle she had a crush on her.

Now that might never happen.

Because Michelle was ghosting her.

It made Corinne so mad.

Mad enough to want to get into a catfight with someone.

With Denise.
Or maybe with Denise's daughter Meghan.

To be continued....


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Michelle vs Denise: "Our daughters fought."
« Reply #17 on: September 29, 2024, 06:30:54 PM »
By mid-September, Corinne was forced to admit to herself that she was being ghosted by her friend Michelle.  Corinne recognized the signs, because she was a master-ghoster herself.  Ghosting was her primary reaction to mediocre sex with men she dated.  It was easier than admitting to the guy that the sex with him hadn't gotten her over to top.  Or even to the top.

Corinne ghosted in other situations.  When single women in the area would try to befriend her, she would get anxious at the competition for her time--that the other women would want Corinne to spend time with them, whereas Corinne only wanted to spend time with Michelle.

To talk to Michelle.  To share stories with Michelle. 

To kiss with Michelle.  To kiss her on the lips when they greeted each other.  To randomly kiss in the middle of stories. 

Corinne had already progressed THAT far with her friend Michelle:  intra-conversation kissing.

Corinne craved the next logical step:  kissing after conversations with Michelle.  Kissing for the fun and excitement of kissing.  For the arousal it would provide both of them.

Arousal which would lead to touching.  Which Corinne knew she would enjoy much more than straight sex with men.

So much more.

All this thought of sex made Corinne feisty.  It made her want to get into a catfight.  It had since she was in her 20s.  Going clubbing in bars in Milwaukee and Madison always made her want to fight other girls there.  Right out on the dance floor.  Or in the parking lot.

She wanted to fight Denise or Meghan.  Then tell Michelle about it.

Michelle would get so turned on by the story Corinne was telling her, that Michelle and Corinne would finally have sex.

Corinne gets in her car.

She drives to Denise's house.

She knocks on the door.

Denise answers.

> What?  You're Michelle's friend.

> I am.  Wanna fight?

To be continued....


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Michelle vs Denise: "Our daughters fought."
« Reply #18 on: October 05, 2024, 03:20:08 PM »
Standing at Denise's front door, Corinne had a flashback to gowing up in the late mid 1990s in small town Wisconsin.  The high school and community college girls who were having sex in cars far outnumbered the boys, and the boys were well aware of this, not even pretending to attempt loyalty, .... to "go steady with" and particular individual girl.

So the girls were on their own to sort out status and pecking order between them.  They learned who their competition was via gossip, via direct observation at the shopping mall, via who made out with who at parties.

Via the guy you had been seeing a lot of being hard to get ahold of.

Or even outright standing you up for a date.

The only way to save face from being stood ylup for a date was to drive direct to the house of your likely rival.  To possibly catch them red-handed.  In the act.

Which rarely happened.

Instead, your rival would answer the door. 

With a "Can I help you?" smirk on her face.

The only face-saving response to that would be, "Wanna fight?". 

And your rival would ALWAYS accept.

How can you say "No" to an outright fight challenge?

Corinne wondered did that work in September 2024?  Between two 40+ adults?

Denise considered her response.  Then enthusiastically stated,

"I'd love to.  Bitch."

"Good.  Can I come in?."

"Yes.  Let's do this."

To be continued....


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Michelle vs Denise: "Our daughters fought."
« Reply #19 on: October 05, 2024, 07:01:23 PM »
Once inside Denise's house, Corinne remembers that most of her 1990s rural Wisconsin "Wanna fight?" chickfights happened OUTSIDE the rival's house, not INSIDE.

For understandable reasons.

If you were the girl being challenged .... why would you fight your rival INSIDE your house?

The two of you might break stuff during the fight.  Your own stuff.

If you lost the fight, your rival might rob you.

If you won the fight .... her gross body would be inside your house.

If the fight was a draw, she'ld see private stuff inside your house.

The two women would usually settle things outside, wherever the lawn was the flattest and clearest.

But, today.......

Denise, who Corinne barely knew, had invited Corinne into Denise's house.  Corinne hadn't really planned this all out.

Corinne wondered if Meaghan lived at Denise's place.  Meaghan lived at a commuting school--she must have a place in Milwaukee by now.  That she shared with roommates.  But ... she must also come back to her mom Denise's place frequently.

Corinne wondered if Denise and Meaghan were as candid with each other about fighting as Michelle and Kayla were. 

When Corinne was growing up, daughter's and mom's didn't talk much about fights.  Other than to make sure they didn't happen on school property, which could get you expelled.

And which would make the Mom seem like Trailer Trash.  The worst thing a daughter could do to her mom.

Corinne would get a knowing "atta girl" from her Mom when she'd come home from a fight, face and arms all scratched, but the fight hadn't happened any where near a school.

But they'd never talk about it.  Then or later.

Corinne and Denise walk past the bedroom that must be Meaghan's.  Half-lived in, like Corinne had guessed.

Denise leads Corinne in.  Denise takes off her halter top and her bra.

Corinne stares.  Denise is hotter than Corinne remembers from the cookout.

Denise speaks up, "Let's fight in here.  Take off any clothes you don't want getting ruined."

Corinne takes of her t-shirt and bra.  She puts them on Meaghan's bed.  She wonders if Meaghan masturbated on this bed after fighting Kayla.

Corinne and Denise come together in the center of the bedroom.  Their hands are in each others' hair.  But caressing the hair, not pulling it, as Corinne was bracing for.



Corinne knows what's coming next.

Denise tongue kisses Corinne hard.  Corinne kisses back.

The two women fall onto to bed.

They tear their own pants off quickly.

Denise reverse mounts Corinne.  The two women mutually start 69ing.

Corinne cums first.

The first non-disappointing sexual encounter in her life.

She thinks to herself:

Wait a minute.

When Denise answered the door, did I say, Wanna fight?

Or, Wanna fuck?

To be continued....


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Michelle vs Denise: "Our daughters fought."
« Reply #20 on: October 06, 2024, 07:18:04 PM »
Corinne has just finished positioning herself into the "little spoon" position with her new lover Denise when the small-ish house is rattled by the sound of someone entering?  Denise shoves Corinne away abruptly, causing Corinne to wonder if Denise's male partner [whoever he is--Corinne realizes how little she knows about Denise] has seen Corinne's car in the driveway and is rushing in to confront the perpetrator.  Denise whips her top and pants back on (sort of--she's still quite dishevelled, including her hair).

Corinne is relieved to here a female voice.  And a young one at that.

> Hey, Mom.  Everything ok?  Who's car is out front?  [Corinne recognizes this must be Denise's daughter Meghan.]

> Hey, babe.  Ummm, .... ya .... about that ..... meet Corinne.....

> Hello, Corinne.  I'm Meghan.  [Corinne nods to the young beauty.]

> Darlin' daughter.....have I got a surprise for you.....You'll never guess why Corinne drove over here.

> Ummmm,.... why did she drive here, Mom?

> Meghan.... Corinne drove here to FIGHT me.....woman to woman.

> [Meghan sits on a nearby chair.] No shit.  [Meghan and Corinne size each other up more carefully.]

> Yes, sweetie.  And you know what that means, right?  [Denise is smirking.]  Remember that mother-daughter chat you and I had me needing to show you how WOMEN fight.  It means .... Corinne and I are going to SHOW YOU.  Right now.

> Well, let's go then......Kick her ass, Mom.

To be continued.....


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Michelle vs Denise: "Our daughters fought."
« Reply #21 on: October 13, 2024, 08:34:33 PM »
Corinne was mystified by Denise's crytic comment about "how women fight".  Corinne knew first-hand that women fight MANY ways, not just one:

<> Women sometimes pulled hair and little else, using hair tugs control their opponent, and spending the entire fight fearful of letting go with even a single hand, for fear of getting tossed like a rag doll under her opponents legs and being mounted.

<> Women sometimes put each other in headlocks and hip-tossed each other to the ground, self-defense style as if their enemy was trying to assault them.  But since this was a catfight, not an assault, the women's headlock would mutually enforce each other, and the result would be a stereotypical roll-around on the floor or grass or pavement, with a significant advantage going to the larger girl putting her weight on her enemy's body.

<> The third type of chickfight was with nails and feet as the weapons of choice, ripping and tearing at exposed soft spots on her enemy's body:  rippable clothes, face, eyes, breasts if the top came off, haunches if the skirt did, shins and heels.  This was true catfighting--no man would caught in such a style of fight.  This type of  fight was the most embarrassing to come home from--even in victory.  Nothing like a three-row face rake to announce to the world, "There's a bitch out there who has a problem with me.  And who I ran into today / yesterday / this weekend / last week."  Yes, last week.  A true scratchy chickfight would take over a week to heal from.

<> Finally was the straight up fist fight.  Corinne was fielding that the older she got, the more common this type of fight was.  Women gradually learned how to make a fist.  And where the hit an adversary.  Not the side of the head.  Not the forehead.  Either the nose (which broke surprisingly easy).  Or the mouth (which bled surprisingly easy--and once blood was flowing, the fight was USUALLY over, regardless of who was winning up to that point).

Coriine waited patiently to see which type of fight Denise wanted to  give her daughter Meghan the opportunity to witness.

Denise squared up to Corinne with two fists.

She double-jabbed Corinne with a pair of lefts to the mouth.

Corinne responded with a hard right hook to Denise's chin.  The flesh on flesh sound crackled thru the room.

> Hit her back, Mom...... Fuck up her ugly face.

Corinne thought to herself....what a bratty bitch Meghan is. 

And.....I guess Door Number Four is the way we're gonna fight.

To be continued.....