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RQT TAG FINALS: The Berrys vs M. Cotillard & E. Green

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RQT TAG FINALS: The Berrys vs M. Cotillard & E. Green
« on: October 07, 2024, 04:57:45 PM »
The arena lights dim as four lithe silhouettes descend into the cage. The air is anticipating as the crowd cheers on their favored pair, eagerly awaiting the first move in this chaotic and no-holds-barred tag team match.

The four fighters launch into action. Eva Green breaks for Halle Berry, her fists flying as she unleashes a flurry of blows on her... Marion Cotillard, meanwhile, squares off against Hallie Bailey, a feral gleam in her eye as she aims a crushing kick at her opponent’s midsection.
The crowd’s roars grow deafening as the women clash in the middle of the ring, their bodies entwined in a brutal ballet of kicks, punches, and grappling holds.
As the initial flurry of blows subsides, Halle Berry and Hallie Bailey surge forward., they rain down a barrage of punches and kicks on their adversaries.
Eva Green’s face contorts as she staggers under the weight of Halle Berry’s blows, while Marion Cotillard lets out a cry as a powerful kick from Hallie Bailey knocks her back.

The momentum has shifted, and the tide of the battle seems to be turning in favor of the fierce duo of Berry and Bailey.
In a stunning display of ferocity and skill, Halle Berry and Hallie Bailey proceed to dominate the ring, pummeling their opponents.
Eva Green crumples to the ground, her arms raised in a desperate attempt to block the flurry of blows raining down on her. Marion Cotillard, gasping for air, struggles to defend against the brutal assault, but is quickly overpowered.

The crowd cheers wildly as Berry and Bailey execute a series of vicious grapples, tossing their opponents around the ring like ragdolls.
Halle Berry seizes her opportunity as she hurls Eva Green face-first into the unforgiving steel of the cage wall.
The impact reverberates through the arena as Eva Green collapses to the ground in agony. Halle Berry, unfazed, drags her limp opponent to her feet and brutally smashes her face against the cold, unforgiving metal.

The crowd roars as Eva Green's screams echo through the arena.
In a sudden twist, Marion Cotillard and Eva Green catch their breath long enough to coordinate a counterattack; they reverse the Irish whip, sending Halle Berry and Hallie Bailey hurtling towards each other with devastating force; The two women collide and their bodies crumple to the ground in a tangle of limbs.
As Halle Berry and Hallie Bailey collide, the impact sends Berry careening backward, her body arching in a wild, uncontrolled motion.
She collides violently with Bailey’s humongous tits, the sheer force of the impact causing her to bounce off like a rag doll.

    Eva Green and Marion Cotillard approach the prone form of Hallie Bailey, a gleeful cruelty in their eyes.
"Looks like those tits of yours caused quite the commotion, didn't they?" Eva taunts, her lips curled into a cruel smirk.
"Time to even the playing field, don't you think?" Marion chimes in. Without a moment's hesitation, the two women pounce on Hallie Bailey, their hands gripping the fabric of her bikini top. They shred the flimsy fabric of Hallie Bailey's bikini top, leaving her flopping out. The women begin to stomp on her bare breasts, their feet smashing down with brutal force. Hallie screams in agony, writhing helplessly under the assault.

Halle Berry launches a surprise attack, hurling Marion Cotillard into the unforgiving cage wall with brutal force.  But Eva Green is quick to retaliate, her foot connecting with the back of Berry's knee, sending her crashing to the mat. They seize their opportunity, hoisting the dazed and helpless Halle Berry to her feet.
 They spread her legs wide, exposing her bikini-clad crotch. They drive Halle Berry's bikini-clad crotch into the unforgiving steel of the cage wall, the force of the impact reverberating through the arena. Halle's scream echoes through the air as her body convulses in pain, her legs splaying out at impossible angles.
"How does that feel, bitch?" Eva taunts.

  They hoist Halle Berry's writhing form off the ground once again, spreading her legs wide and exposing her now bruised and battered crotch.
Without hesitation, they ram her into the unforgiving steel of the cage wall once more, the force of the impact causing Halle's body to shudder and convulse . Halle's scream is cut short as her breath is stolen from her lungs, her eyes rolling back in her head as her body sags limply against the cage wall.
Sensing that their opponent is near defeat, Eva Green and Marion Cotillard drag the limp and dazed form of Halle Berry to the center of the ring, her body leaving a trail of sweat in its wake.

They then seize Hallie Bailey, who has been watching the brutal spectacle in horror and force her lips against Halle's, a sick and twisted mockery of a kiss.
"Give your lover a kiss goodbye," Marion sneers, her voice dripping with contempt with a sadistic glint in their eyes, Eva Green and Marion Cotillard continue to toy with their broken opponents, forcing Hallie Bailey's trembling lips against Halle Berry's battered mouth.

Hallie's eyes fill with tears as she is forced to kiss her unconscious partner. the taste of sweat filling her mouth as she struggles to free herself from the two cruel women's grasp.

"There, isn't that romantic?" Eva taunts as she watches the horrific display.

Eva Green nimbly scales the cage wall, her eyes fixed on the prone figures of Hallie Bailey and Halle Berry.
Without hesitation, she launches herself from the top of the cage. The leg drop connects with the back of Hallie's head, driving her face into Halle's Berry’s with enough force to send shockwaves through the ring. Despite the brutality of Eva Green's aerial attack, Hallie Bailey somehow manages to kick out of a pin at the last moment, breaking the pinfall attempt with a defiant gasp.

On the other side of the ring, Marion Cotillard attempts to pin Halle Berry ---but just as the referee's hand slaps the mat for the second count, Halle musters the strength to kick out, her body twitching and convulsing as she fights to stay in the match.

 Eva Green and Marion Cotillard turn their attention to Hallie Bailey's scantily clad body, their eyes gleaming with sadistic delight.
"Let's strip this bitch," Eva hisses, her hands already grasping the fabric of Hallie's bikini top. The two women tear into Hallie's swimsuit, shredding it to ribbons as they expose her bare tits to the leering crowd.

They attempt to force Halle Berry's face between Hallie Bailey's spread legs, a cruel and twisted attempt to humiliate their opponents.
But Halle Berry, her body battered and bruised, suddenly surges with a renewed strength, fueled by a fierce determination to fight back. She bucks and thrashes against their grip, her arms and legs flailing wildly as she struggles to free herself.

She launches herself at Marion and rains down a brutal flurry of punches and kicks.

Eva rushes to Marion's aid, grabbing handfuls of Halle's hair and trying to yank her off.

 But Halle is a woman possessed, her rage propelling her to continue her savage onslaught, even as Eva's nails dig painfully into her scalp.
As Eva struggles to pull Halle Berry away, seizes the opportunity to sink her fingers into the tattered remains of Marion’s bikini. She tears the fabric away, exposing Marion's naked body to the crowd's leering gaze. Marion attempts to cover herself, but Halle is relentless, her hands roaming over Marion's body in a twisted mockery of a caress.

With her grip still locked tightly in Halle Berry's hair, Eva summons all her strength and drags the writhing woman away from Marion’s prone form. But Halle is not to be defeated so easily. She tears Marion's body off the mat by her tits, her fingers digging deep into the soft flesh as she drags her victim back towards her.
The crowd gasps and cheers at the brutal display, their eyes riveted on the three women as they struggle for dominance in the ring.
As Eva attempts to step over Hallie Bailey, the battered woman suddenly springs to life. She lunges upwards, sinking her teeth into the fabric of Eva's bikini bottom.
Eva screams as her pussy gets bitten into; her grip on Halle Berry's hair loosening as she tries to pull away, but Hallie's teeth are locked tightly into the fabric.
In a tangle of limbs and fabric, the three women crash to the mat in a heap, their bodies writhing and twisting as they struggle to break free from each other. But in the chaos, Halle Berry manages to yank Marion’s bikini bottoms down to her ankles, the fabric bunching around her feet.

The four women lie sprawled across the mat, their bodies heaving and writhing in agony as they struggle to catch their breath. Their bruised and battered flesh glistens with sweat, the air heavy with the scent of pain and humiliation. Eva's hands clutch at her bikini bottoms, her face twisted in agony as she tries to stifle the pain of Hallie Bailey's vicious bite. Halle Berry lies nearby, her body aching and bruised, while Marion Cotillard curls in on herself, trying in vain to cover her nakedness.

Hallie Bailey manages to push herself onto her hands and knees, her body trembling. Across the ring, Eva Green mirrors her movements, her eyes fixed on Hallie with a predatory gleam. Seizing her opportunity, Hallie crawls towards the unconscious Marion Cotillard, her hands scrabbling for purchase as she claws her way across the mat. But before she can reach her target, Eva lunges forward, her fingers closing around Hallie's ankle in a vice-like grip. Hallie Bailey thrashes against Eva Green's grip, her body jerking and twisting as she tries to escape. Eva's grip is firm, but Hallie's strength is not to be underestimated. Her body undulates in a powerful, rhythmic motion as she fights to free herself, the clap of her chocolate-hued ass cheeks resonating through the arena.

As Halle Berry stirs back to consciousness, her eyes flutter open to the sight of Eva Green savagely biting Hallie Bailey's ass cheeks. Despite the vicious assault, Hallie Bailey remains defiant, her screams mixed with growls. Halle Berry, still recovering from her injuries, slowly rises to her feet, her eyes narrowing as she takes in the brutal scene before her.

Halle Berry charges at the entangled duo. She seizes Eva Green by the hips, her fingers digging into the pale flesh of her ass cheeks.  She pulls Eva's ass cheeks apart, her fingernails biting into the tender skin as she spreads them wide.

Eva's eyes widen in shock and pain as Halle Berry's assault intensifies, her screams mingling with Hallie Bailey's cries of agony.  Eva  is forced to release her grip on Hallie Bailey's ass, the pain of Halle Berry's assault too much to bear.

Hallie, freed from Eva's bite, hisses in anger, her cheeks still stinging from the vicious assault.

As the crowd erupts in a frenzy of anticipation, Halle Berry and Hallie Bailey drag the weakened Eva to the unforgiving steel of the cage wall. Halle Berry begins to scale the cage wall, her body lithe and agile as she climbs higher and higher. Meanwhile, Hallie Bailey hoists Eva Green onto her shoulders, her powerful muscles flexing as she carries her foe towards the top of the cage. Eva’s screams echo throughout the arena, her voice high-pitched and hysterical as she fights against the two-pronged assault.

Her body is battered and broken, her skin marred by a constellation of bruises and scratches. She thrashes and struggles against the grip of Halle Berry and Hallie Bailey, her eyes wild and desperate as she searches the mat for any sign of her partner, Marion. But Marion remains motionless, her body sprawled across the mat.
As the crowd holds its collective breath, Halle Berry reaches the top of the cage, her muscles straining as she hoists the exhausted and battered Eva Green onto her shoulders. She powerbombs Eva off the top of the cage, the impact of her body against the unforgiving floor echoing throughout the arena.
Eva's naked form is a twisted, broken mess, her limbs splayed at unnatural angles as she lies motionless, the force of the impact knocking her unconscious.
With their remaining opponent lying unconscious and helpless, Halle Berry and Hallie Bailey turn their attention to Marion Cotillard.

The dazed and battered French actress stirs, her eyes fluttering open as she tries to make sense of the chaos surrounding her. But before she can even comprehend her dire situation, Hallie Bailey straddles her face, her thighs locking around Marion's head in vicious head scissors. She climaxes on Marion's face, dripping down Marion's skin as she gasps and struggles in vain. Halle Berry descends on Marion, her body glistening with sweat as she straddles the French actress's chest. Marion's eyes widen in horror as she realizes Halle's intentions, but she is powerless to stop the inevitable.

Halle grinds her hips against Marion's face, moaning in pleasure as she uses the defeated actress as her toy.  She reaches her climax, her scream of ecstasy echoing through the arena. Hallie Bailey rises from Marion Cotillard's defeated form, her expression triumphant as she wipes the wetness from her pussy. Halle Berry takes Marion's legs and folds them over her head, trapping the French actress in a vulnerable position.

Marion's eyes fill with tears as she realizes her fate, her body twitching and spasming as she tries in vain to free herself. With a gleeful cackle, Hallie Bailey approaches Marion Cotillard's trapped form, her hand still slick with her juices. She smears the sticky fluid across Marion's face, the French actress whimpering as she tries to turn away in disgust.

With a sadistic grin, Hallie lowers herself onto Marion's pinned legs, her weight crushing the actress's thighs beneath her as she grinds her hips against Marion's face.
Hallie Bailey's fingers force their way into Marion’s mouth, the French actress gagging as Hallie pushes them down her throat.
Halle Berry, not to be outdone, slides her fingers into Marion's pussy, her nails raking against the sensitive flesh as she finger fucks her rival. Hallie matches Halle's rhythm, her fingers forcing Marion's jaw open as they plunge deep into her throat.

As the audience watches in stunned silence, Marion’s  body goes limp, her arms and legs falling to the mat in a lifeless heap. The referee, sensing the end of the
match, takes Marion's hand in her own, raising it high into the air before releasing it. It falls to the mat like a dead weight, a sign of Marion's complete and utter defeat.
Halle Berry and Hallie Bailey stand over their vanquished opponent, their hands raised in victory as the crowd erupts into a thunderous roar.
In the aftermath of the brutal match, Halle Berry and Hallie Bailey stand triumphant, their naked bodies glistening with sweat and coated in the fluids of their defeated opponents. The crowd cheers wildly, the deafening roar of the arena a testament to their status as new Ring Queen Tag Team Champions. As the two women embrace, their eyes meet in a shared moment of triumph, a silent acknowledgment of their unparalleled skill and ruthless determination.

A hush falls over the arena as two royal attendants, clad in shimmering gold robes, step into the ring.
They approach Halle Berry and Hallie Bailey, bowing low as they present the two women with their prize: the Ring Queen Tag Team Championship crowns and robes. With a regal air, Halle and Hallie accept their royal garments, donning the heavy crowns with smug satisfaction. They stand before the crowd, the regal symbols of their victory glinting in the arena lights as the audience erupts into a frenzy of applause. As the crowd's roar reaches a deafening crescendo, a cascade of golden ribbons descends from the ceiling, shimmering in the arena lights like a golden rain. The spotlights sweep across the ring, their golden beams casting the two champions in a godlike glow as the triumphant strains of regal music fill the air.

Halle Berry and Hallie Bailey raise their arms in triumph, basking in the adulation of the crowd as the tournament comes to a close, the Ring Queen Tag Team Championship now theirs.


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Re: RQT TAG FINALS: The Berrys vs M. Cotillard & E. Green
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2024, 04:58:23 PM »