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Ice Bath Match: S. Hayek vs S. Sweeney

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Ice Bath Match: S. Hayek vs S. Sweeney
« on: October 14, 2024, 10:06:56 AM »






The bell rings and the two women waste no time going at each other. They collide in the center of the ring, their bodies slamming together in a fierce embrace.
Salma and Sydney grapple on the mat, each trying to gain the upper hand. They roll and writhe, their toned muscles straining as they struggle for dominance.
Blows are exchanged, hair is pulled, and bodies are twisted in ways they were never meant to be. The crowd roars in approval, caught up in the intensity of the battle.

The women’s bountiful breasts heave and jiggle as they tussle on the mat, their skimpy bikini tops barely containing their enormous assets.
Salma Hayek's tanned mounds of flesh strain against the thin fabric, threatening to burst free at any moment. Her deep cleavage is on full display, an irresistible invitation to her opponent.
Sydney Sweeney’s perky, round breasts bounce and sway as she twists and turns, the thin straps of her bikini doing little to hold them in place.

Sydney Sweeney wraps her toned legs around Salma Hayek’s head, cinching them tight in a vicious headlock. Salma's face is pressed into her voluptuous cleavage, smothered by her own soft, warm flesh.
Salma gasps for breath, her cheeks turning a deep shade of crimson as she struggles to break free. Her arms flail helplessly, searching for any leverage she can find.
But Sydney’s grip is like iron, her thighs squeezing tighter and tighter as she maintains the devastating hold.

Keeping the headlock tight, Sydney Sweeney reaches down with her free hand and grabs the thin strap of Salma’s bikini bottoms. With a quick, powerful jerk, she yanks them up Salma’s firm ass, wedging them deep between her cheeks.
Salma lets out a muffled yelp of surprise and pain as her sensitive flesh is stretched and pulled. Her buttocks clench involuntarily, the tight fabric digging even deeper into her crack.
Sydney grins wickedly, savoring the feeling of power and control as she tortures her opponent.

With ruthless efficiency, Sydney Sweeney drags Salma Hayek by her luxurious hair towards the inflatable pool filled with dry ice outside the ring. Salma fights back, thrashing her body and kicking her legs, desperate to escape the brutal hold.
The crowd goes wild as the action spills outside the ring, their cheers and jeers spurring the two women on.
Sydney maintains her grip, refusing to let Salma go as they approach the pool. Salma’s eyes widen in terror as she realizes what Sydney has in store for her.

In the frenzied struggle, Salma Hayek manages to keep herself from being pushed over the top rope into the inflatable pool of dry ice. But in her desperate defense, her bikini top slips underneath her massive breasts, exposing her pert nipples to the world.
The crowd goes wild at the sight, their cheers and catcalls ringing out as Salma's breasts jiggle free. Salma's face burns with embarrassment, but she refuses to let it distract her from the fight.
Sydney, seeing her opportunity, lunges forward, trying to capitalize on Salma's momentary distraction.

With a mighty heave, Sydney manages to get Salma over the top rope and onto the apron. But Salma, determined not to go down alone, grabs Sydney’s arm and pulls her over the rope.
The two women grapple on the apron, their bodies slick with sweat as they fight for dominance. They stumble and twist, their movements becoming more reckless as the struggle intensifies.
With each frantic lunge, they come perilously close to tumbling into the pool together, the dry ice threatening to engulf them both.

In a desperate move, Sydney Sweeney lands a devastating blow to Salma’s ribs, sending her tumbling off the apron and onto the floor. Salma lands with a heavy thud, just inches from the inflatable pool of dry ice.
Sydney leans over the top rope, triumphant, the crowd roaring with approval as she stares at her fallen opponent.
But Salma is far from done. With a feral growl, she pushes herself to her feet, her body aching with pain but her determination burning brighter than ever.

Sydney launches herself off the apron, aiming to knock Salma into the pool with a flying tackle. But Salma, quick as lightning, catches her mid-air and uses her momentum to spin her around, throwing Sydney into the cold depths of the dry ice pool.
Sydney’s scream is cut off as she hits the ice, her body quickly going numb as the cold seeps into her bones.
Salma stands above her, panting and sweating, but victorious. The crowd cheers, their bloodlust finally sated.

Salma Hayek savors the moment, watching Sydney Sweeney’s desperate struggle to escape the pool of dry ice. Sydney slips and slides on the frozen surface; her body is covered in ice and frost. Her muscles spasm and convulse from the extreme cold, her teeth chattering uncontrollably.
But Salma knows better than to underestimate her opponent. Sydney is a fighter, and she won’t go down easily.

Sydney claws and crawls up the ramp, desperate for a respite from the cold. But Salma Hayek isn’t about to let her escape that easily. She grabs a handful of Sydney’s hair, yanking her back towards the pool with a vicious tug. Sydney howls in pain, but Salma’s face remains cold and impassive.

“Ready for another swim, darling?” Salma taunts, her voice dripping with venom.

Salma tries to hurl Sydney into the pool, but Sydney manages to halt her momentum and swing her around, hoisting Salma onto her shoulder. With a snarl, Sydney prepares to dump Salma into the icy depths.
But Salma isn’t about to go quietly. She writhes and struggles, her legs flailing as she fights to break free. With a final, desperate effort, Salma twists out of Sydney’s grip and lands with a heavy thud on the floor.
Sydney curses under her breath, thwarted once again.

Sydney spies a nearby bag of ice, left over from the ice bath in the pool. She grabs it, hefting it in her hands.
When Salma finally looks up, dazed, Sydney doesn’t hesitate. She swings the bag with all her might, smashing it against Salma’s face.
Salma’s head snaps back, her scream drowned out by the crowd. She crumples to the floor like a ragdoll, her body quivering with the force of the impact.
Every curve and contour of her thick, voluptuous body jiggles and shakes with the force of the blow. Her breasts bounce against her chest, her thighs and buttocks quiver, and her face contorts.
Sydney, still clutching the now-burst bag of ice, looks down at her fallen foe with a mix of triumph and disgust. She wastes no time capitalizing on her advantage. She reaches down, grabs a fistful of Salma’s long, luxurious hair, and hauls her to her feet.
 She swings Salma towards the pool, hurling her into the icy depths with a bone-chilling splash.
Salma disappears beneath the surface, her screams and splutters muffled by the icy water.
Sydney leans against the pool’s edge, watching Salma’s desperate struggle with a cold, detached smirk.

Salma emerges from the depths, her body covered in a thick layer of ice and frost. Her skin, lips, and fingers were numb and tinged with frostbite.
She crawls onto the pool’s edge, screaming in agony as she tries to drag herself out. With each movement, chunks of ice crack and fall from her body, revealing patches of raw, red skin beneath; Her ass cheeks are frosted over and covered in a layer of ice crystals.

Sydney wastes no time adding to Salma’s torment. She strides over to the frozen woman, seizing her bikini bottoms in one fluid motion.
With a single tug, she rips them free, leaving Salma’s lower half bare and exposed to the cold. She fills the bikini bottoms with handfuls of ice from the pool, cramming them full until they are swollen and heavy; she lowers them over Salma’s head, pressing them down over her face.

Salma’s scream echoes off the walls of the arena. The ice-cold material presses against her face, sending waves of freezing pain through her body. Her muscles contract and spasm, her body rigid. She collapses to the floor, her limbs jerking and twitching uncontrollably. Her eyes roll back in her head, her mouth frozen open in a silent scream.

Sydney watches impassively. She strides over to Salma’s prone, ice-covered form, grabbing her under the arms and hoisting her over her shoulder.

Salma’s body is limp and unresponsive, the cold having robbed her of all strength.

Sydney carries her to the pool, her muscles straining. With one final, powerful heave, she tosses Salma’s body back into the icy water. She turns to the referee, her eyes hard and unyielding.

“Start the count."

Salma floats motionless, her dark hair spreading like a halo and her skin white. Her nipples are rock hard, pushing against the thin fabric of her bikini top like tiny daggers.
The referee begins the count, her voice echoing through the arena. “One...two...three...four...”
At the sound of the fourth count, Salma’s body twitches, a faint flicker of life stirring within her.

As Salma begins to stir, Sydney realizes that her opponent may recover. She strides towards the pool, reaching out to grab Salma.
But Salma is not done yet. She scoops a handful of dry ice from the pool and hurls it at Sydney’s face.
The frozen substance explodes against Sydney’s skin, sending shards of ice scattering across her cheeks and forehead. She reels backward, her hands flying to her face; She stumbles around the pool, blind and disoriented.

“You bitch. I’ll kill you for that!”
She lurches towards Salma, arms outstretched, her movements wild and uncoordinated.

Salma snatches a bottle of water from the cooler dousing her hand in the freezing liquid. She closes the distance between them, raising her icy hand like a claw. The slap echoes through the arena like a gunshot, the force of the blow stunning both women. Sydney’s head snaps to the side, the skin on her cheek turning an angry red.

Salma staggers back, her arm numb and throbbing from the impact of the slap. But the pain is a distant memory as she watches Sydney sway on her feet. She seizes Sydney by the hair, yanking her head back.

Sydney’s knees buckle, and she collapses to the mat, her body convulsing as the numbness spreads.

“You should have stayed down, Sydney,”

Salma’s fingers work feverishly at the ties of Sydney’s bikini, ripping it from her body.

Sydney’s massive, glacier-like breasts spill free, their size and weight almost inhuman. The icy water has hardened and crystallized around them, transforming them into dazzling, diamond-like sculptures.
Salma sneers down at Sydney’s prone form.

 “Pathetic,” she snarls, running her hands over Sydney’s frozen breasts.

 She drags Sydney’s naked, shivering body to the edge of the pool. She hoists Sydney to her feet, steadying her until she stands on shaky, numb legs. With a single, well-placed shove, she
 sends Sydney toppling backward into the icy depths; Sydney plunges into the frozen water. Salma watches with satisfaction as Sydney’s body sinks into the depths, her blue-tinged flesh disappearing beneath the surface.

Salma, covered in a thick layer of frost and ice, sinks to her knees, shivering. Her long, dark hair is frozen solid, fused to her bikini top and face. She looks like a half-frozen statue, her skin pale and glistening with ice crystals.

“Count...start...count,” she says, her body convulsing with the cold.

As the referee counts to five, a spark of hope ignites in Salma’s frozen eyes. Could Sydney be down for the count?

But that hope is snuffed out in an instant; Salma’s face crumples in disbelief, her numbed body unable to move as Sydney begins to rise. She watches in horror as Sydney Sweeney struggles to drag herself from the pool.

Every inch of Sydney’s skin is covered in a thick layer of frost, her body so cold it burns. She moans and writhes on the mat, unable to control the violent shivers that course through her. As she tries to push herself up, her hands slip and slide on the slick surface of the mat. The shivering is so intense that her body jerks and convulses, making it impossible for her to find any purchase.

Salma crawls across the floor, her frozen body leaving a trail of ice in her wake.

Sydney’s voluptuous figure is face down on the mat, her ass sticking up in the air. Ice crystals glitter in her frozen pubic hair, and frost has formed on the surface of her skin. She is so cold that her body has become a living, breathing ice sculpture.

Salma’s body trembles and shudders against Sydney’s frozen skin, her limbs locked in a battle between cold and heat. Desperately, She tries to peel Sydney off the floor, but her breasts are stuck fast. Sydney’s body is so frozen and heavy that Salma can’t lift her, and she collapses on top of Sydney with a whimper. She beats against Sydney’s back with weak, ineffective slaps, as if trying to dislodge the icy block that Sydney’s body has become.

“Get up, you bitch!” Salma screams, tears streaming down her frozen face. “You’re not done yet, you fucking cxnt!”

Salma, her body weak and shivering, pulls herself across the mat towards the pool, dragging Sydney’s frozen body behind her. She claws at the icy floor, inch by inch, her muscles burning and trembling from the effort.
Her bikini top snaps under the strain, the frozen material falling away to reveal her frostbitten breasts. The top lies frozen on the entrance ramp, a testament to the brutal punishment that Salma has endured.
With one final, agonizing pull, Salma reaches the e pool, her breath coming in ragged gasps.

Sydney Sweeney, despite being on the brink of unconsciousness, musters the last of her strength to strike back. She seizes a shard of ice from the broken bag and forces it between Salma’s lips.
Salma’s eyes widen in shock as Sydney’s hand clamps over her mouth, preventing her from spitting out the ice. Her throat constricts around the icy shard, her eyes bulging as she gags and sputters. She tries to kick and struggle, but Sydney holds her in place, forcing her head beneath the icy water.

Salma’s body shakes and quivers, her breasts jiggling and her buttocks bouncing against the icy surface of the pool. The only part of her that doesn’t move is her frozen ass crack, welded together by the intense cold.

Sydney fights through the pain, her own body weak and trembling from the effects of the cold. She strains to hold Salma under the water, her grip faltering as her strength fades.
Finally, Salma goes limp, her last bit of resistance giving way. Sydney hauls her out of the water, her fingers digging into Salma’s frozen ass crack, tearing it apart. She shoves a handful of ice up Salma’s ass, plunging her back into the icy depths with a harsh splash.

“Count," Sydney rasps, her voice barely above a whisper. She collapses to the floor, her body racked with pain and exhaustion.
Salma remains motionless in the icy water,
The referee starts the count. “”
The seconds drag on, each one an eternity for Sydney.

Salma lies motionless in the icy pool, her frozen body shimmering in the dim light of the arena. The referee finishes the count, her voice ringing out in the stillness.
The bell rings, signaling the end of the match. 

Sydney lies on the cold floor, too exhausted to move. But the referee raises her hand in victory, declaring her the winner.

« Last Edit: October 14, 2024, 03:55:25 PM by whatever. »


Offline whatever.

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Re: Ice Bath Match: S. Hayek vs S. Sweeney
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2024, 03:10:26 PM »