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School Spirit

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School Spirit
« on: Yesterday at 06:59:05 PM »

It was the day after her 18th birthday, and the first day of school. For the first time in a long time, Paige awoke and dared to hope things would change for the better.  She was good-looking, in that girl next door fashion…with a nice body with a nice chest although thinking about her body causes her to blush, just a little. She was not a natural beauty, the kind of cute best friend and sidekick, except she didn’t have any friends since her neighbor Jonesy moved away.  As far back as anyone could remember she was painfully shy.  Throughout all her time in grade school, she was the last one picked for kickball, the last one to raise her hand to give an answer, never attended a school dance or any other after school activity.  If you looked up word wallflower in the dictionary, you’d most likely find her picture on the page.  But now she was officially an adult and a proud member of the senior class at East Willow Creek High School. Things just must get better, she thought while getting ready for school, don’t they? 
Later that morning, she rode the bus to school, arrived at the high school and entered through the main doors.  As she walked through the hallway, she didn’t notice anybody treating her any different.  No one said hello or asked how she was, or how was her birthday.  She moved past the Guidance office, and no one greeted her or even noticed she was there.  She thought, “I’m a senior now, darn it! Things to have to change.”

She trudged slowly towards homeroom, suddenly feeling as useless as ever.  Since she was walking with her head down, she almost missed it. There it was, taped to her locker …a large pink envelope taped just above the combination lock.   At first, she assumed it was just mistake, somebody taped it to the wrong locker.  Then she noticed her name splashed across the front of the envelope. Had somebody remembered her birthday?  But no, she thought, how can that be since I don’t have any friends.
With just a bit of trepidation, she pulled the envelope off the locker and opened it up.  Expecting a birthday card or some other greeting, but no!  There was a simple pink card, with a simple message, an invitation of sorts.  “Congratulations!  Meeting in room 103 at 3pm.  You are expected to attend” and it signed by “Special Spirit Team” printed in block letters with the same red ink as the envelope. She was curious but elated that someone noticed her.  She made up her mind to go and see what it was about.
She spent English class during 1st period wondering more about her impending meeting, not giving a rat’s ass about the Shakespeare reading assignment.  Next was a senior elective class followed by gym, so for the first time in her life she cut classes…and it felt strangely exhilarated by it, and just a little afraid of getting caught.   Period 5 was lunch, and she sat at the table by herself, as usual, but too nervous to eat her sandwich and chips.  She spent Health class making a secret list of the reasons she might have been invited to the meeting of a club she never heard of.  What was the Special Spirit Team?  And why her?

Finally, the dismissal bell rang, and classes were over for the day.  Paige still had 45 minutes until the meeting, and she fought the urge to go directly to the meeting room.  She didn’t want to appear too anxious.  Instead, she went to the library to see if she could find more about the SST.  She spent nearly the whole time in the library going through old yearbooks trying to find any clues about the Special Spirit Team, but there was nothing.

Paige hurried to room 103 still curious and nervous about the mysterious meeting but glad she was finally about to find out what it was about.  When she entered the room, she saw the desks had been pushed to the side of the room against the windows.  In front of the piled-up desks, there was a table and 3 chairs. Next to the table was an old-fashioned wooden coat rack with what looked like old blue rags hanging on it.  Facing the table were empty two chairs.  Amber Gould was standing next to the chair on the right.  She was a bit ditzy, had shoulder length mostly blonde hair, with a sprinkling of red, blue, green, and purple streaks.  She was considered voluptuous, perhaps 5 or 10 pounds past it.  She was well endowed, and most of her blouses were a half size too small to emphasize her ample breasts.   And she had a reputation for paying too much attention to other girls’ boyfriends.  Amber sat down in her chair, barely acknowledging Paige.

Paige slinked into the other seat wondering why in the world she was sitting in a room next to Amber, and after a whole school day of being hopeful, she was feeling nervous again.  Just then the door burst open, and three girls entered and sat at the table.  Paige recognized Janet the captain of the cheerleaders, although she didn’t remember her last name.  Janet was 5’3” with auburn hair and very well built.  One of the local department stores used her as a swimsuit model for their spring ad.  On the other side of the table was Pammy Jo Samois.   Pammy Jo was 5’8” and rather good looking in an exotic way with spikey black hair and a rather smallish chest.  She made a name for herself two years ago as a Junior by getting into 5 fights (some say 7) with girls she caught talking to her boyfriend.   She was also a senior, but this was her second attempt at graduating as she skipped too many classes last year, instead, smoking in the girl’s room.  So, she was short a dozen credits or so and had to retake her Senior year.  In the center chair, April Dahley…the undisputed queen of East Willow Creek. She was nearly 6’ tall and built like Wonder Woman with long wavy blonde hair.  She was in the running for class valedictorian, the star hitter on the district champion volleyball team…and joined the gymnastic team just to wear a leotard that showed to off her shapely ass and legs.  The three were practically the goddesses of the senior class, and not the kind of girls you said no to.  April stood up and announced the start of the meeting. 

Just then, the door opened again, and Millie Erwin slinked in.  She mumbled what sounded like an apology for being late and moved a chair from over by the windows next to Paige.  Millie was nearly as quiet and shy as Paige, in fact, other than her long light brown locks she could have passed as Paige’s twin.  Paige wondered if the reason she and Millie were here because April tried, unsuccessfully, to get them to fight each other in 9th grade.  April asked Millie why she was there, and Millie mumbled something about over hearing about a special meeting and wanted know what it was about.  April then asked if she was 18, and Millie said she would be in November.  “Sorry, you need to be 18 today to be here.  You’ll have to leave.”, April demanded.

 When Millie left Pammy Jo checked to make sure no one was listening behind the door when she was gone. “Are we all here now?” April asked.  “Good.  Did either of you 2 tell anyone about today?” Both Paige and Amber, didn’t speak but shook their heads to answer no.
 ‘The first meeting of this year’s Special Spirit Team will come to order.”  April announced, “Congratulations!  Out of the entire senior class, you are the only 2 that meet the criteria!”
Paige raised her hand and asked April, “I tried to look up information about the Special Spirit Team and couldn’t find anything.  What is it?  Why all the secrecy? Is it something illegal?’
 April moved to the coatrack removed the rags and holding them up to show the girls and said, “This is what the SST is about.”
“We’re doing laundry?” Amber asked.  But April ignored her and continued telling the story.
“In 1966, a second high school was opened in the district.  The existing building, this one, was renamed East Willow Creek.  The other, West Willow Creek.  In October that year, both schools had a Homecoming Weekend, although being West’s first year it was kind of ridiculous to have Homecoming.  A girl named Frannie Hurst was all set to go to East Willow Creek’s Homecoming dance with a boy named Butch.  Another girl, Debbie Harkey, was ready to go to the West Willow Creek dance with a boy named Bubba.”

“Great Story.  Is there a point?”, Amber asked.

  April continued, “On the night of the dance, though both girls were dressed and ready neither of their dates showed up to take them to the dance.  Long story short, the boys had a history of bad behavior towards each other, got into a fight that afternoon and were arrested and taken to jail for disorderly conduct.  Frannie blamed Debbie for the boy’s fight, and Debbie blamed Frannie for dating the thug that started the fight.  That night, word got back to Debbie what Frannie said, and Frannie heard what Debbie said, and still dressed in her formal gown she went looking for her to let her know exactly what she thought of her.  The girls found each other in a park between both schools, and Frannie tripped and stumbled into Debbie as they approached each other.  Debbie assumed Frannie attacked her, and a hair pulling, dress ripping fight ensued.  Neither girl had been in a fight before, but they were quickly learning how best to hurt each other.  After a few minutes, Frannie sat upon her opponent’s chest and slapped the fight out of Debbie.  As a final triumphant move, Frannie ripped off what was left of Debbie’s dress and took it with her.”

 April paused for a moment, and Amber asked, “Is that what is left of Debbie’s dress?”

“Not Debbie’s but let me finish.” April continued.  “Both Frannie and Debbie had sisters who were still in school.  Frannie’s sister Ellie and Debbie’s sister Darcy, both who also had never been in a fight.  So, the next October, both schools were still talking about the Great Homecoming Catfight, Ellie brought the tatters of the loser’s dress to school and bragged if she ever ran into Darcy, she would beat her bloody and take her dress, too.   Darcy, meanwhile, told anyone who listen she would get the dress back and leave Ellie crying and bleeding on the ground.  So of course, that got back to Ellie, and she said Darcy could try anytime.  They almost got into it at the football game between their schools, and finally agreed to meet up on the next night during the dance at the same park where their sisters fought.  Again, two girls who were inexperienced fighters fought to exhaustion.  This time Darcy ripped off the rest of Ellie’s tattered blouse and took it home with her.  And a tradition was born.   In every year since, there was a fight between 1 girl from each rival school; provided they hadn’t fought before, on Homecoming Weekend.

  April continued.  In 1974, during the Homecoming Football game fights broke out during the game between players, cheerleaders, even both schools’ bands and spectators in the stands. School officials stepped in to deal with the mess. Suspensions were handed out; the rest of the football season was cancelled…they even cancelled the Soccer and Gymnastic seasons for good measure.  And the traditional Homecoming fight was forced to move underground.  Frannie, one of the original fighters, was still living in the area, and heard about the attempt to put a stop to the fight.  So, she let the fights continue in an abandoned barn on her property near the original site. She even turns on the power, so we have lights.   In 1977, it was decided that the girls should fight as the original fighters did in prom dresses.  So, the SST raises money, buys a dress, and enables the tradition to continue in secret.”  She picked up the tattered rag to show the girls assembled, “And this is what’s left of last year’s West Willow Creek’s bitch.”

As April paused again, Amber asked, “Great, some bitches beat on each other for their schools.  So why are we here?”

April spoke again, “You two represent who we need for this year’s event. We checked out all 67 girls in the senior class.”

“How?”, asked Paige, “I’m not a fighter!  I’ve never even had an argument before!”

Amber spoke up, “I’ve never been in a fight either.  But I’ve wanted to fight that stupid skank Becky Mills since 8th grade.”

Paige sat in stunned silence, not believing what she was hearing.  She was thinking, “This is nuts.  Girls don’t fight!”  Then she remembered witnessing dozens of girls tangling in the bathrooms and after school behind the gym.

“So, what happens now? We face off with each other to see who gets to fight the bitch from West? “, Amber asked, looking smugly at the smaller Paige, who sank a little lower in her chair.

Pammy Jo spoke next. “Haven’t you been listening?  If this were just a Fight Club, I’d just kick both your asses..  No, we need a girl who’s 18 and who’s never fought before.."

“I don’t think I can fight anyone, for any reason.” Paige finally spoke up after a moment’s silence.

“Before you make up your mind, let me finish.” April moved around in front of the table and continued.  “The reason we’re meeting in a classroom, one of our teachers was one of the fighters when she was a senior here.  Everyone in this room, whether you’re selected to fight, is sworn to secrecy.  But for being part of this team, you’ll get an “A” in the Community Service elective class.  You’ll also be allowed to leave campus for lunch, we can get you a pass to  cut any class you want for any reason, and by being associated with Janet, Pammy Jo, and me it will only improve your status.  We’ll send your pics and measurements to the sluts at the other school, and they’ll send us theirs and together we’ll figure out who matches up best. OK, that’s all for now.  We’ll here meet again in 2 weeks to see who gets picked.  And remember, don’t talk about it to anyone.” said April, dismissing them. 

Paige wanted to quit right then, but she was more afraid of April, Janet, and Peggy Jo if she quit, than of fighting someone as girlie as her.

In the next two weeks, Paige was a little less invisible.  She was still nervous about possibly fighting a stranger, but she was sure they’d pick Amber.  Amber seemed much more receptive for fighting another girl.  April and Janet said hello to her a couple times, and she and Pammy Jo even became lab partners in science class, although Paige did all the classwork.  She hadn’t tried to leave for lunch, yet, but things were really getting better!

Finally, the day of the second meeting arrived.  Paige went to her classes and pretended to pay attention.  When it was time for the meeting, she went to room 103, but was alone with Janet, Pammy Jo, and April.

“Where’s Amber? “April asked.  Just as she asked the question, Amber strode through the door, sporting a brand-new black eye, and a badly torn, faded Aerosmith t-shirt just barely covering her ample bosoms.

“Sorry, but that stupid pussy bitch Becky sucker punched me after the last bell.” Amber angrily spat the words out, “I got a few shots in before some dumb jocks broke us up.”
“How could you, Amber.  That means you can’t fight for the team this year. One of their prospects was a perfect match up for you.” April said, “but you’ll still come to meetings to help get our fighter ready, if you want.  If you stay with us, you’ll still get your “A.”  But you still must keep the secret.’  Sounding just a bit disappointed, “Congratulations, your it, Paige."

Suddenly, Paige thought she was going to throw up.  “I can’t do this!  I’ve never even swatted a fly!  I’m no fighter!”

“Then you shouldn’t have come to the meetings!”  said Pammy Jo raising her voice, “You shouldn’t have accepted the “A” grade and our good will.  And you DON’ T want to go back being just a NOBODY!”
Janet stood in front of Paige, their noses practically touching, “You’ll be worse than a nobody, if you don’t do this.  In the 57 years of this tradition no school has failed to send a girl to fight, and our school won’t be the first!  I’ll give you a choice: fight their bitch on Homecoming weekend or fight me right now!”
“C-C-Can I think about it?” Paige stammered.
“Yeah, you’ve got 10 seconds to think about it.  Fight that West Creek bitch at Homecoming or Janet kicks your ass right now…and if there’s anything left of you Pammy Jo and I get a turn! 1-2-3…”Paige considered her options.  April continued the countdown 4-5-6-7…But there was no option, really.  These weren’t the kind of girls you said no to…
8-9…“Okay, I’ll do it!  I’ll fight Homecoming weekend!”  Paige practically screamed out.  She figured that a certain painful defeat right now being worse than the alternative
“Great, I’ll get started on fitting your dress.  Janet will work on your stamina, and Pammy Jo will teach you how to punch!”

Paige wondered how she got herself into this.   She always wanted to be popular and have friends, but sometimes that really sucks!  But she had a little more than two weeks to find a way out of it. 

Her preparation began the next day with a 2-mile jog, then sneaking into the boxing gym to learn how to punch.  Amber tried to help, too, but her input was limited to describing her fight with Becky and how girls always pull hair.  Amber’s instruction really didn’t soothe her anxiety about the fight, but Paige thought it was better not to say anything.  She did notice, after a week or so it was easier jogging 2 miles, and she went from looking ridiculous throwing a punch to not that bad.

 As her training and preparations continued, her anxiety about the upcoming bout was noticed by her mother.  Paige tried to dismiss it by explaining she was worried about school and graduation.  Her mother, Patricia, kept pressing her for what was wrong, but despite Paige’s protestations, she continued to pry.    One night after dinner, about a week before Homecoming, Patricia asked if she had a date for the dance.  Paige answered that she was hanging out with her new friends for the dance.  What friends? Is Jonesy back? Rather than answer, Paige just said she was tired and went to her room.  That’s when Patricia put the pieces together, went to Paige’s room, and asked point blank if she was chosen for the Homecoming fight with West Willow Creek.  Paige had no idea how her Patricia knew about the secret bout, and despite the denials, her mother was convinced she was right.  Paige was afraid Patricia would try and stop her…but to her surprise her mother hugged her and told her she was proud of her.  Paige was puzzled, but when her Patricia told her she was East Willow Creek’s choice to fight 24 years ago.   And she was probably picked because she was just as girlie girl as Paige is now, and just as afraid to fight that night.  Suddenly, Paige was less nervous, but only a little.

April selected a dress and drove Paige to the dress shop for a fitting.  The dress was beautiful.  April picked out a black Glitter V-neck High Slit Sequin Shoulder Strapless dress that with the alterations, expertly applied makeup, and beautifully styled medium brown hair transformed Paige into a fairy tale princess.  She was ready, or at least as ready as she could be. On Wednesday, Janet took a picture of the East Willow Creek champion, and texted it to the West team’s reps.  After an hour or so, they texted back a picture of their choice.  She was a medium built like Paige, with sandy blonde hair that hung down past her shoulders.  Her dress was a long, red, one shoulder sleeveless dress, and her makeup just as flawless.  Pammy Jo looked at both pictures, and muttered, “It’s a shame those dresses are just going to be a couple of pile of rags after Saturday night.”

Thursday and Friday were just a blur to Paige, and Friday night she was so nervous she couldn’t sleep.  She forced herself to get up at 7 o’clock and spent an extra 20 minutes in the shower, delaying as much as she could before she toweled off, dressed, and left for April’s place without breakfast.  Janet and Pammy Jo were at April’s house when she got there, and Amber showed up an hour later.  Pammy Jo and Amber talked about fight tactics, and Janet told her stories about fights she had, usually with other school’s cheerleaders. As time ticked by, and they talked about fights they had, and how once you get started your fear was replaced by anger.  When that happened, all you thought about was hurting and humiliating the other girl.  After they were talked out, they got Paige ready for the evening’s main event.

All five girls piled into April’s car when it was time to go.  It was a cool night, and the moon was starting to rise over the hills north of town. They arrived at ten minutes before 9, and let the minutes tick down until it was time to start.  They got out of the car, and entered the barn from the southside door, found the light switch and went to work touching up Paige’s hair and makeup.  Paige noticed across the way that there were 4 girls, plus The West Willow Creek fighter, named Rose, was being readied the same way, and her red one shoulder dress was every bit as impressive as was Paige’s black glitter V neck dress. Also, two attractive women in their late twenties or early thirties entered the barn.  Paige recognized one as Mrs. Breck, her sophomore year math teacher.  She must be the teacher April talked about at the first meeting, come to watch the results of her team’s work. Both girls wore their hair up, knowing that it was just a temporary thing.  According to the tradition, it was imperative the girls looked perfect… before they began trading blows, pulling hair and ripping dresses.
Pammy Jo and Janet took turns trying to calm Paige down, telling her to turn that nervous energy into adrenaline.  April checked out the barn, found the fighting area and approved the “ring” with her counterpart, Meg, from West Willow Creek.  The barn was open in the middle with plenty of room for the girls to fight.  There were empty animal stalls to one side, but April and Meg judged the stalls to be too small to settle their business.

It was time to get started.

April took Paige by the arm and walked her to the center of the barn, reminded her that the west bitch was just as nervous as she was, and asked her if she was ready.  Paige said she didn’t think she would ever be ready, and April reminded her that she was here to fight and once it started, the other bitch was her worst enemy, her fear would become anger, and she’d do fine.  Meg whispered a last-minute pep talk to Rose as they walked to the center.  The fighters stood about 6 feet apart, looking ready for school dance not a battle, already starting to breathe heavily.  Paige stared into Rose’s eyes trying not to look as scared as she felt.  Rose stared back, trying in vain to look intimidating, but failing.  Paige realized that Rose was just as nervous as she was and hoped April and the girls were right about that fear to anger thing.

Next, came the teachers from both schools, as part of the tradition included a formal proclamation, as if they were fighting in front of huge crowd instead of a small group.  Mrs. Breck and teacher from the other school, stood between Paige and Rose and Mrs. Breck spoke first, explaining this would be the 58th annual Homecoming fight.  The other woman continued, like the first fight in 1966, both girls fighting having never fought before agreeing to meet up to fight for the honor of their school (although the teacher didn’t mention it was really to settle a personal grudge).  Mrs. Breck then announced that the fight is no holds barred, and that kicking, punching, biting, breast and pussy grabbing whatever you need to do to beat your opponent.  The final instructions, given by the women from the west team, the fight is over when one girl submits or can no longer continue. If that happens, April and Meg will pull the winner off the loser.  Other than that, we can’t interfere.

“Wait a minute,” Paige exclaimed, “No holds barred? No one mentioned that before. You mean she can fight dirty? “Paige thought she noticed a slight smile from Rose, but she hoped that the part about no holds barred unnerved her opponent as much as it did her. Meg asked Rose if she was ready, and she nodded tentatively.  April asked Paige if she was ready, and she nodded, though she felt like throwing up. Meg and April stepped out of the middle, and both announced, “Fight!

Both girls raised their fists in front of them and began to circle, like Paige had seen the Pro Wrestlers do on TV.  She had no idea how to start fighting, and she hoped Rose would make the first move, so she had an idea what to do.   Rose threw a couple of weak jabs that didn’t connect, and Paige kept circling.  They kept circling without any real action for what seemed like an hour…but it was only 30 seconds.  Both Paige and Rose were in the middle of an old barn expected to tear each other up, with not a clue to do so.  April and the girls were shouting their encouragement to her, but Paige really couldn’t bring herself to start.   April, Meg, and the teachers thought they would have to push one of the girls into the other to spark the fight to start.  But they decided to give it a little more time. 

Paige’s mind was racing trying to figure out how she got mixed up in all this.  Then she thought about how her mother found out she was fighting and was so proud of her.  April, Janet, and Pammy Jo were cheering and urging her on…and she let her guard drop just for a second.  Rose stepped forward giving Paige a two-handed shove, which snapped her back to attention. Rose delivered another two-handed shove, and then Paige found her courage, stepped forward and took a wild swing at Rose.  She was off-balance, missed the punch as she stumbled forward and received a hard slap across the face.  Hey, that hurt!  A little grin crossed Rose’s face…perhaps this was going to be easier than she thought.  The brunette returned that slap with one of her own to the blonde’s left cheek.  For the first time in her life, she got hit by another girl… and she hit her back, and it felt good!  As the intensity started to ramp up, the girls alternated delivering faces laps, until Rose balled up her right fist and swung wildly at Paige.  The brunette ducked, stepped up to deliver her right hand to the blonde’s face and stumbled forward inadvertently driving her shoulder into Rose’s breasts instead, knocking her to the ground.  As the fighters tumbled to the ground, Paige rolled on top of her, unsure of her next move while Rose retaliated for what she thought was a breast attack by grabbing her opponent’s breast.  The brunette sat on the blonde’s stomach repeatedly slapping her face, first the right side then the left, demanding “Give up, slut!” Paige had never called anyone a slut before, and felt a little ashamed, but still proud of herself.  Rose answered by reaching up and grabbing two fistfuls of Paige’s hair and yanking her to the right and off her stomach.  Paige grabbed a handful of Rose’s hair and closed her hand into a fist punching her breasts from underneath her opponent.  Rose moved up to sit on Paige’s chest, but she leaned too far forward, and Paige was able to pull her off by the hair. Paige and Rose rolled away from each to regroup.  The girls were right, Paige wasn’t afraid anymore; all she could think about was hurting that blonde bitch.

  The two girls approached each other this time with the prefight jitters completely gone, replaced with hatred.  Paige reached up and grabbed a handful of blonde hair with her left hand and punching her face and breasts with the other.  Rose mirrored her opponent’s tactics, with both fighters with a yanking each other around the barn by the hair while continuing to punch with the other fist.  Rose tried to wrestle Paige to the ground, but Paige pulled away, grabbing at the blonde’s dress, tearing away the only strap on her dress, pulling down the front of the garment.   For a few seconds, Rose stopped fighting, screamed, and crossed her arms in front of chest in an ill-timed display of modesty.  April and the girls yelled “punch her!”, so Paige took advantage of the blonde’s hesitation to delivering a spear that drove both near the nearby empty stalls.  Rose tried to cover up, so Paige grabbed the blonde’s pink strapless bra, trying unsuccessfully to rip it off blonde’s chest: but managed to pull it down to her waist, revealing a pair of pale C cup breasts.  Rose was desperate now to get away from the brunette’s attack, fighting wildly trying to throw Paige off her, while trying pull the rest of her dress to cover up.  They struggled back to standing up, trying to smack their heads off the wall.  Unable to pull the dress remains over her chest or her bra back into place, Rose decided to humiliate Paige by attacking her breasts and see how well she fought half naked.  She reached up and grabbed two handfuls of Paige’s dress and pulled with all the strength she could muster, screaming, “Take that cxnt!”   The dress material didn’t rip, but it stretched the front of the dress out of shape, exposing a light blue strapless bra.  Rose screamed in frustration, reached underneath the bra cups and dug her nails into the brunette’s 34C boobs, pulling the fleshy lobes out from under the cups, leaving her bra hooked up but no longer providing cover.  The blonde pushed the brunette off her, diving on top of her rival and renewing the breast attack.  Paige, too, went after the blonde’s chest as the girls were locked together in a rolling catfight.  They rolled together until the wall of one of the empty stall walls blocked their way, and Rose was on top mauling Paige’s left breast and throwing left hands to her face.  A desperate Paige bucked and kicked, finally getting Rose off her.  Rose stood up ready to pounce on Paige, when she kicked out her right foot to the blonde’s stomach.  Rose fell back into one of the stalls, gasping for breath, giving Paige the chance to get to her feet.  The girls met in the stall in a hairpulling wrestling match which both girls dishing out punishment with neither gaining an advantage. While still yanking the blonde’s hair, Paige landed three successive body shots the rocked her and she let go of the brunette’s hair.  Then Rose grabbed both Paige’s dress straps, but they wouldn’t rip…the though the top continued to stretch out.  So, Rose swung her foe around by her stretched out dress, letting go to send her crashing against the wall.  Paige was stunned for a few seconds and Rose wasted no time.
  She threw a roundhouse right that landed above Paige’s nose, and another Paige saw coming, and at the last second tried to move out of the way, but the punch glanced off her temple.  Paige’s stretched out black dress hung so low off her, she was afraid she would trip.  So, she decided modesty be damned and stepped out of the tattered remains of her dress.  Then she went to work on what was left of Rose’s red dress, and both girls were topless as they continued the battle in their panties.  Rose took a wild swing and lost her balance, stumbling face first into the stall.  Paige stood over the blonde, grabbed two handfuls of hair and dragged her back to the middle of the barn.  The spectators surrounded the battlers, urging their fighters to continue, shouting “Kick her ass, Paige!”  “You got this, Rosie!”, as both girls continued their violent clash.  Paige was sure Rose was beaten, but too stubborn to give up.  Suddenly, the blonde thrust her hand beneath the brunette’s panties and started clawing at her vagina.  Paige screamed “You fucking bitch” and used both hands to try and pull rose’s hand away.  Rose began pulling out pubic hair while also clawing at her pussy with both hands.   Paige couldn’t dislodge the blonde’s hand, so she started sending punches to her face.  One of her punches landed flush on the nose, starting a flow of blood, but the blonde still hung on.  Paige kicked out with her knee aiming for Rose’s vagina, but she missed high.  Even though her kick missed the intended target, it was hard enough to cause the blonde to let go and double over.  Paige threw her to the ground, jumped on her back and inadvertently drove her knee into the small of Rose’s back.  She the grabbed a fistful of long blonde hair and yanked as hard as she could bending her body backward as far as it would go.  She screamed for Rose to give up, and Rose replied, “Fuck you!”.  Paige sensing the end was near, pulled harder and bending her foe’s back even more.  Again, Paige demanded the blond bitch give it up, and again the blond answered, ‘fuck you”, though this time noticeably weaker. Paige kept yanking Rose’s hair with her right hand and added sending punches to the side of her face with the left.  Rose tried to reach back and claw at Paige’s legs and panties trying to get her brunette foe to release her hair, and then tried to use her hands to block the barrage of punches.  After 11 or 12 punches, Rose stopped fighting, and April stepped in and pulled Paige off her unconscious foe. Not realizing the fight was over and she’d won, she struggled to get away from April to continue her continue the assault on Rose.  It took a couple of seconds for her victory it to sink in.   Paige sat on the ground looking over at her beaten foe, and not sure what she felt.  She hurt worse than she ever had in her whole 18 years. She felt proud, and at the same time wanted to cry, but feared to effort would cause too much additional pain. Paige had a mouse under her eye, a small cut on the bridge of her nose, and a whole bunch of scratches and bruises on her face, breasts and stomach and her vagina was sore and throbbing, making sitting a bit uncomfortable.   April helped Paige off the floor and steered het towards one of the hay bales pushed to one side of the barn.  “Wait, there’s one more thing” and Paige staggered over to where the west girls were comforting the beaten loser.  She stopped short of the group, bent over, almost losing her balance, and scooped the tatters of both dresses. “These are mine, bitch,” and spat into the loser’s direction she then let April help her back to the hay bale.  Rose was starting to regain consciousness, babbling nonsensically about not giving up and being OK to continue.  Her face was swollen, particularly on the left side. She was bleeding from the mouth and nose, she had two black eyes, and her bra was hanging off her breasts covered with cuts, bruises, and scratches.
The East girls helped Paige get up, and Amber wrapped her coat around their champion’s battered and nearly naked body. The girls helped her get into April’s car, and they drove her .  Peggy back to her mother’s house.  Patricia was shocked to see her daughter’s condition as the three other girls helped her up the steps, and started crying when Paige mumbled, “I won”. Patricia hugged her daughter, despite Paige’s groans, and had the other girls help Paige into a warm bath, and. soaked for about an hour.

On Monday morning, the alarm went off, and Paige struggled to get out of bed still hurting all over her body.  She gave up trying to wear a bra, the remaining scratches refused to be covered without causing pain.  After several attempts, she decided if she could fight another girl topless, she could go to school without a bra, but she pulled on a sweater over her blouse just to be safe.  When she got to school, April and Janet met her at the door and walked her to the gym.  Peggy Jo and Amber opened the doors, and they all went inside.  The entire Senior class girls were sitting in the bleachers, and after a few seconds pause burst into thunderous cheering and applause.  Seems like Paige made a few new friends.


Offline maturepair

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Re: School Spirit
« Reply #1 on: Yesterday at 07:42:32 PM »
I absolutely love this story
Mature people trying to keep the fun alive.


Offline MikeHales67

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Re: School Spirit
« Reply #2 on: Yesterday at 08:32:43 PM »
Glad to see your story back, copy and pasted.

Good setup, good fight and nice characters.

An excellent first effort. I hope to see many more.
Consciously Imcompetant.


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: School Spirit
« Reply #3 on: Yesterday at 11:21:52 PM »
Technical question on the "never fought before" criterion:

If your only fight was against your own sister/s in your own house, does that count as a fight?