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Catpin Anthology

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Offline Kiva

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Re: Catpin Anthology
« Reply #15 on: July 16, 2023, 02:01:58 PM »
I like  how you’re developing your core group of characters. Homeless single parent Sarah is a tough survivor who desperately wants to fight again. When she finally gets her chance, it should be an intense fight (no pressure)  :)

Tara is the real brains behind the operation and keeps the owner in the dark half the time. I like how the owner has a heart and soul and feels mixed, partly excited and partly worried about risks and safety of the fighters. He lets his female employees run the fights, but blocked it when they booked a mismatch. Nice.

Do I presume Steph will be regular character? It will be nice to have another nurse in another part of the catpin universe.

I hope you don’t mind. I haven’t written in a while, and felt the urge to warm up. I couldn’t resist a little nurse to nurse conversation with Steph.

“Kiva Sheppard!” the excited voice squealed, “or are you still going by Kiva Raines? Hey, I’m sorry about your breakup. How’s your little girl? After our text, I just had to call you. I’m so glad you’re coming out this way to visit. I haven’t seen you in so long. When are you coming out here?”

“I’m not sure yet, Steph. I’m spending a few days with my parents, then up to Boston and New Haven to see my old mentor. She wants me to interview for a job there, then down to Philly to see relatives. Then, I thought I’d rent a car and get on the Pennsylvania Turnpike and go out your way. I’m excited about catching up.”

“That’d be GREAT!” We can stay up all night, drinking and talking. Just like in college.” Steph was always a free spirit and one of my closest friends in college. “Why don’t you apply for a job out here?” she asked.

“I just don’t know what I’m going to do yet, Steph. Do I stay in Texas or start all over again somewhere else?”

“Stay strong, girl,” Steph answered. “You’ll be fine. Don’t let life keep you in a Boston crab. Get back out there and fire your left hook and …”

What the f-, I thought. Is this a coincidence? What does Steph know about me? No way can she know about my fight history. I remember she was a bit of a fight fan. That must be it - a coincidence.

“I’ll show you Central Pennsylvania,” Steph continued. “I’ll take you to Hershey Park. We’ll spend a day in Lancaster County Amish country. We’ll have fun. And then…there’s another place I want you to see…”

“Go on”

“Well, I got a new moonlighting job. I want to take you there to see it.”

“Is it an ER or an urgent care clinic.”

“Nope, but it is a nursing job. And you’ll love the owner. He’s really chill and he really cares about the women”

“Owner of WHAT? What women? Steph, what are you up to?”

“You’ll see. Kiva, you’ll love this place. It’s a lot better than that other place you’ve been dealing with.”


“Oh, and Kiva? When you come out here…, bring an extra bikini.”
« Last Edit: July 16, 2023, 02:04:03 PM by Kiva »
Don’t bother walking a mile in my shoes. That would be boring. Spend thirty seconds in my head. That’ll freak you right out.


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Re: Catpin Anthology
« Reply #16 on: July 17, 2023, 01:15:26 AM »
Glad your enjoying the story, trying to keep the balance of fight and non-fight story going. Sarah will be back, once she's heals up, I'm sure she'll have ups and downs and work through them.

Yeah Tara is the brains, as boss I hire good people and let them do there jobs. I'll only step in when needed.

Yes Steph is going to be a regular character, Sarah and Tara, bartender Gwen, and the two waitress's Wendy and Cass will round out main cast, there will be several other recurring characters.

I love you and Steph talking and any time you want to come to the club and I'm sure Tara will be able to work you into the cards.



Offline bigfan877

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Re: Catpin Anthology
« Reply #17 on: July 24, 2023, 10:07:13 PM »
Chapter 3: The CatBar: Catterday Night 2

The week flies by, Monday at noon Tara puts the tickets for Saturday’s show on sale, by one pm we were sold out both in the club and on the patio for viewings. Tuesday both the gloves and medical kits and supplies arrive. Wednesday the bar is closed, I spent most of the day on the Catpin website trying to learn as much as I can. Thursday Sarah started working, but with her broken arm, I ended up carrying all of her trays to the tables.

Friday I was surprised to find some of the women fighting tomorrow, where in the crowd tonight. Some I found out had made long drives and wanted to get in early to be able to rest up for tomorrow night. Irene is a Chinese woman that looks to be barely five foot tall, and very petite. Her husband is well over six feet tall and not small, they appear a real odd couple. Irene is actually from China, and they met while he was in China working for an American company and Irene worked for the same company.

Irene was excited to do the fight, she had more than a dozen so far, but had trouble finding opponents of her stature. After talking to Wendy, who was waiting on them, Irene was nearly giddy with the idea of making an entrance tomorrow night, and Wendy took her to show Irene the “Locker Room”.

I was in the back when Steph arrived with two other women, Steph introduced her two companions, “Hey Boss, this is Krista,” she motions towards a small white girl with long straight brunette hair.

The new girl waves saying, “Hi”

I nod, “Hello, Krista.”

Steph continues, “And this is X-ray girl.” 

X-ray Girl is a young Asian woman, she’s very similar in height and build to Tara or Gwen, she extends her hand, “I’m an X-ray tech now, but I worked as a paramedic for a few years. I can handle anything we’ll see here.”

I took the hand, I figured this was the rest of my medical staff. X-ray Girl must think it’s some kind of interview. “Nice to meet you, um X-ray Girl?”

The Asian girl smiles, “It’s my Catpin name, I’d rather not give my real name, if that’s okay?”

I chuckle, “Sure, so you guys are the medical team? Is there anything you guys need?”

Steph shakes her head, “Tara has hooked us up, got even more stuff than I told her to get. I’m going to show them around. Tara even set up a couple of examination areas for us.”

I laugh, “Yeah, I had to go pick up the examination tables. You know where they are?”

Steph nods, “I was over yesterday, Tara showed me everything. Krista and X-ray are going to cover this week since I’m fighting. They will be fighting too, but we’ll make sure one of us is always available to work as the nurse.” ‘

I give the trio a small bow, “Nice to meet you two, let me know if you need anything.”

Steph waves as she walks away, “Tara has go Tit.”

Looking back I wonder if Steph just said what she did. Heading back out into the club the place is still crowded, and I see a large pack of women standing together, at the bar. Gwen and Sarah are bartenders tonight, Sarah being able to pour beers with her good hand and that free’s Gwen to make the mixed drinks. The women I realize are some that fought last week and others that will fight this week.

Gwen said, “I didn’t expect the rush of the entrance. I was crazy hearing everyone cheer when I came out and just walked to the cage. I could kind of hear them during the fight too, but there were times I couldn’t hear anything, except her moans and groans.”

Gwen had probably had the most dominant win the first week, so she was only bragging a little.

Wendy jumps in, “I got chills, I’ve been in a lot of fights, and that made it feel like my first.”

Before I can listen any more to the Catpin conversation going on Cass comes up with a young woman standing close to her. Cass keeping her voice down but making sure I can hear her says, “This girl just ordered a Bus Ride.”

I look over and signal to Brett, something that Tara thought of or brought to me when she was still a waitress. There is a sign in the ladies room stalls that let women know if they ever need us to get them out of any situation with a guy. All they have to do is go to one of the staff and order a Bus Ride.

I look at the young woman, she seems calm, I ask Cass, “How does she want it?”

We have 3 code words for the Bus Ride. NEAT: The lady only wants an escort to her car. STRAIGHT UP: She needs a ride. And ON THE ROCKS: Call the cops. Cass answers, “Neat”

The girl, an attractive blonde, says, “It's the first date, and he’s pushing for me to sign up to fight here.”

I just nod and ask Cass, “You know the guy.”

She nods that she does, Brett now standing beside us asks, “What’s up?”

I look at the girl. “Take,” She fills in her name, “Alice”

“Take Alice out to her car, make sure she gets off safely.”

Brett tilts his chin, not the first time he’s played escort. I turn to Cass and she leads me over to the young man, He’s just sitting at one of the tables, I see him glance towards the restrooms a couple times. He looks confused when he sees me standing across the table from him, “Alice has left, I suggest you finish your beer and then leave. For the future, only women that want to get into the cage will ever be allowed to fight here. No one will ever be coerced into the cage.”

He starts to say something, but it’s Cass that cuts him off, “Listen asshole! Dicks like you aren’t going to ruin this for us. Pay your bill and get out.”

This catches the dude off guard and he just stands and starts for the door, but Cass yells, “Pay your bill!”

He turns around and takes the slip Cass holds out now, and gives Cass the money. She snarls, “I’m keeping the change right?”

He just turns and walks for the door. The other bouncers hold him up until Brett re-enters the club and gives the okay for the guy to leave.

The rest of the night is less eventful, though towards the end of the night the guys show up to set up the cage, which gets a big cheer from those still in the club. Tara gathers some of the fighters that will be going against each other and gets them to pose for pre-fight photos. I see Irene matched up with a Blonde I went to school with Misty. Misty is a pretty blonde, the two are opposites in many ways, and identical in many.

There are a pair of bigger women that stand glaring at each other, before the picture is taken they are pressing breast to breast. I worry the fight might start now, but when Tara tells them she has the photo they back off, but neither seems freindly. A few more pairs get photos, Tara has a plan to post them on the website to drive interest.

Then it’s time for the last call, most start heading for the door. I’m a little worried as some of the husbands/boyfriends of the ladies are getting loud and just a little rowdy. Before anything can happen though, Brett and his team are there and convince them to wait for tomorrow night.

The crew start cleaning and Tara and I head to the office, Tara on the computer runs the numbers for tonight. I sit thinking for a moment, “Tara, tomorrow before the show I want you to make an announcement, a warning for the husbands and boyfriends to behave basically. Any one that causes an issue will be banned and so will their fighter.”

Tara leans back from the computer, “That’s a bit harsh, I mean I don’t want any trouble either, but people are going to get excited. The women won’t be able to control them, since they’ll be in the back until their fight and until one of the nurses clears them to come back out. That’s a long time for the guy to be left out in the crowd alone.”

I try not to be insulted, “Are you saying us guys can’t control ourselves?”

Tara shrugs, “Not all of you, they are going to get fired up. I was thinking at some point we’d have couples matches and maybe guys. That might help keep them in line.”

This was something I thought might come up, and it’s only been a week since I even learned about the Catpin, but I’ve made my mind up on this already. It’s not often I order Tara about anything but this I want to make clear, “No Men’s fights ever. As long as we do this here we’re a Catpin bar, women only.”

Tara catches on, but still she asks, “Some will complain, why don’t you want guys to fight here?”

No beating around the bush I answer, “Because, I’m not into that. Since seeing you and the blonde for that brief instant, I’ve been hooked on Catpin. So as long as I own the bar, women only in the cage.”

Tara pauses for a bit, finally she just says, “Okay, sure. I can live with that.”

Tara turns the computer, showing me as she says, “Great night, imagine if we would have had fights tonight.”

I chuckle, I can give her this one, “Okay, announce tomorrow that we’ll be going to Friday and Saturday fights starting next week.”

Tara smiles, she got a win to lessen the loss she felt. The brunette asks, “Ready to see my tits again?”

I laugh, “This time I’ll be prepared, by the way, if you can get that blonde to come back, I’d like to see you kick her ass.”

Tara smiles, “I’ll see what I can do.”

The day is here, Catterday. Fights start at 6pm, we’re opening at three so I get there around one to make sure everything is set. After taking care of the bar stuff, Tara and I sit down to go over the Catpin stuff. I ask, “You have your announcements ready?”

Tara tilts her head, “Yeah, going to look over it one more time, but it’s ready. You’ll have to run everything on the Catpin site, You cool with that.”

It’s not too hard, the fights are already loaded in, I just have to enter the winner, then load the fight video up. Each fight does have its own stipulations and conditions accepted by the fighters. Irene and Misty are fighting in bikinis, and agreed the winner gets the losers bikini, but it will be given over backstage. While others are fighting topless with bottoms going to the winner, in the cage.

At least there aren’t any sexfights, though a few do allow sexual KO’s. The rest of the staff start showing up about an hour before opening, Brett brings his girlfriend Shelly. Shelly is a cute, large chested sandy blonde, Brett didn’t know his girlfriend had been fighting for two years now and had a dozen fights under her belt.

Customers start rolling in as we open, the fighters for tonight are some of the first in the door. Tara takes them to the backstage dressing area. Passing out the MMA gloves, several of them already have pairs of their own. More and more people start showing up, when a loud female voice rings out, “THE QUEEN BITCHES ARE HERE!”

The raven haired woman wearing a skin tight tank top over her DD cups raises her arms, yelling, “Might as well just give us the winners shares now!”

The blonde behind her has long curly hair, she’s more of an athletic build and several inches taller than her louder friend. The brunette continues, “Who’s ass am I kicking tonight?”

If this woman wanted to get under everyone’s skin, she succeeded. I cut off Tara and a few others. Not going to let it escalate, they can deal with her in the cage later. The brunette changes her demeanor as I approach, and oh shit, she starts flirting.

“So are you the one here that needs fucked to get ahead?” She says directly.

I try to keep my face from turning red, “No, I’m the club owner. Are you and your friend scheduled for tonight?”

The blonde steps up putting an arm around the brunette’s shoulders, thankfully cutting off whatever her next comment would be. In a more civil manner she says, “I’m Nancy Saktich, my username is NastyNancyS, and this it Lori Carper, LethalLoriC is her username.”

Checking the sheet, “Yep, Nancy you are our fifth fight, and Lori you're in fight eleventh.”

Lori still looking me up and down, “You know its a law that the owner and clubs best fighter have to fuck, right?”

For a moment I thought some of my staff are going to step in, but quickly I shut Lori down, “This isn’t that kind of club. You’ll get fair fights here, and if you aren’t a problem you’ll get to come back.”

Lori gives me a pouty lip, Nancy pulling her friend along towards the back area says, “That’s great, thanks.”

Tara, Gwen, Wendy and even Sarah are glaring at me, “WHAT!?!”

Tara shakes her head, “It’s not you, it’s her.”

Sarah chimes in, “I want to kick her ass, cast or not.”

Gwen corrects, “We all want to kick her ass.”

“Just make sure it’s in the cage, No drama in the bar. If things become a problem, I will shut down the fights.” I look over the staff.

I get a half-hearted, “Fine” from all of them.

The time is getting close, the bar is full. I walk out on the patio area and it’s full. I see Tara has gone ahead and added a section out in the grass beyond that has an extra hundred or so people in it. We’ve talked about extending the patio, I guess that’s going to have to happen sooner rather than later.

In addition to the new section, Tara found and hired four new waitresses. Brett had brought in a few more members of the Football team to work the show too. It’s time and I head back in. I make my way near the bar where we have the computer setup and other things I’ll need to run both the bar and show tonight.

The first women are both new Catpin owners, each having had only three fights each. AnimeMira is a brunette about five and half feet tall, around one hundred and fifty pounds. Her opponent is about the same size and had shoulder length straight hair, that is about six different colors, Catpin name is RainbowRassling23. The two have agreed to fight in two piece outfits.

It's a lot of hair pulling and slapping at first, a few punches as they move around the cage. The crowd is getting into it, cheers rising with the action. The pair go to the mats and catball for several moments, the skill levels are clearly different with these two. The fans are having no less fun though, I’m sure Tara and the others didn’t look as polished when they had only three fights.

Mira comes up on top, and unleashes a pair of right hands to stun Rainbow. Sliding up the girls on the bottom body Mira grabs a handful of multi-colored hair and hammers a fist into the woman’s forehead demanding her surrender. The trapped fighter agrees, and the crowd roars. Mira gets to her feet, arms raised and plants her foot on Rainbow’s chest, making sure her husband/boyfriend gets a picture before she heads out of the cage.

Xray girl and Krista start towards the cage, but Rainbow is up, she has a busted lip from what I can see, but that’s the only outward sign. The multi-colored haired woman walks on her own to the back where the two nurses check her out.

The next 3 matches are shorter, not that they aren’t exciting. They all finish in less than ten minutes. Tara and Steph are sitting with me as they don’t fight until later, I ask, “What do you think, can we send out one of the backup fights?”

Tara looks at the computer, “Yeah, we’re ahead, and thirty minutes of fighting is a lot. I’m not sure how many can go that long.”

Steph agrees, “Yes, I’d say most fights will be shorter. Especially with everyone throwing hands the way they are, and I haven’t seen anyone yet pace themselves. They’re going all out from word go.”

The added fight is a good one, two bigger women that wrestle more than brawl. It turns out to be the longest match so far tonight, but around fifteen minutes into the fight, a rear naked choke brings the fight to an end.

Next up is Nancy, the tall curly haired blonde friend of the brunette the Staff have started calling Loudmouth Lori. This is the first time tonight the fight is topless, Nancy has perky b-cups with pink small ovals. Her opponent drove in from Virginia, she’s a college basketball player, a little taller than the five foot nine Nancy. She has light brown hair cut in a pixie cut, she’s more slender than the blonde with slightly smaller breasts. Her username is SlamdunkFighta, she does something I haven’t seen yet, she puts in a mouth piece.

The woman was honest enough to tell Nancy before the fight, she had recently had dental work done, and asked if it was ok. Nancy agreed.

Maybe it's just because they are more athletic than the women so far, but this fight is clearly a step up in the action. Slamdunk is quick and not just throwing slaps, she’s jabbing and throwing hooks to the body. Nancy though is even better with her fists, snapping off punches that sneak past the basketball players guard. After the first exchange of fists, they break and circle, again Nancy gets the better of the next exchange.

Slamdunk breaks off again, but throws a kick out catching Nancy in the side. The blonde winces a hand going to her lower ribs, leaving her open to the diving tackle that takes her to the ground. The two catball around the cage, slowly Nancy works to spend more time on top and the brown haired woman has to break free and get some space to recover.

They’ve been going for nearly ten minutes now, and neither woman is breathing very heavily. Both are sweaty and showing marks in their skin, but it looks like they both have a lot left in them. This time it’s Nancy that rushes in, the basketball player loops an overhand right up over the blonde’s guard nailing her above the left eye. Instantly Nancy’s eyebrow is bleeding and swollen, she stumbles back hands up looking hurt.

The Virginian rushes forward, right into an uppercut that snaps her head back and sends the mouthpiece flying. Before the younger woman can recover Nancy throws four or five shots into her face and Slamdunk collapses to the canvas. The referee, Tara’s Mom, steps in and counts to ten.

Nancy raises her arms, a trickle of blood running down her cheek from the cut on the corner of her eyebrow. She goes over and stands over Slamdunk with her hands on hips. The crowd cheers her as she claims the basketball player’s bottoms and heads to the back. Nurse Krista meets her at the curtain and she pulls the blonde into the examination area against Nancy’s protests that she’s fine.

Slamdunk needs help from the cage, Xray Girl and Tara’s Mom support her as she makes her way nude to the back to be checked out.

Next up is Steph, our head Nurse is making her debut.

When Steph comes out, the pop is louder as all the Staff goes wild for one of their own. I love that my employees feel like a team. Steph is of Asian descent, but she has more of a Pacific Islander look. She just made it to the cage when Tara comes over and taps my shoulder, “We got a problem.”

My first thought is, “Shit, what now?”

Tara leads me to the kitchen, and explains, “We’re running out of food. The kitchen says they need chicken, hamburg, and a bunch of veggies.”

The cook Casey is busy; he has 3 helpers and the 2 busboys running back and forth, not to mention all the waitresses coming in and out. Casey yells, “We’re running out of everything!”

Looking at Tara I ask, “Didn’t we order extra this week?”

The dark hair manager shrugs, “We did, but we got hit hard last night too. I’ll just have to up the order again this week.”

Well, we need to keep things going. I start for the office, but before going I tell Tara, “Have Brett send a couple of guys back here.” And to Casey, “Make a list of what you need.”

Reaching the office I go to the safe behind my desk and pull out cash. I can hear the cheers of the crowd, I feel bad missing Steph’s fight, but I should be back out there shortly. I rush back out to the kitchen, but instead of finding two of my bouncers there, Sarah is standing next to Tara talking.

“Where are the guys?” I ask

Sarah pipes in, “Changing kegs, we’re out of Blue Moon, Coors Light, and Sam Adams. Gwen sent me back to get help.”

“Great, Casey, you have the list?” The cook hands me a slip of paper with a long list.

Tara takes the list and money, she cuts me off, “Send the guys to Wal-mart. We’ll go over this week's order tomorrow.”

“I guess we’re having a good night.” giving the manager a grin.

I head back out to see what’s going on in the cage. Steph has her opponent in a headscissors, both of them are laying on their sides, the blonde woman Steph is fighting is clearly in trouble, her face pulled in tight between Steph’s thighs and her face pressing against Steph’s business. The Nurse has a hammer lock on the blonde’s top arm and pulls on the blonde’s trunks, giving her a deep front wedgie.

Steph is covered in sweat and I can see as she turns a bit of blood trickling from her nose and mouth, but her smile is broad, looking like she’s having the time of her life. The blonde’s struggles are slowing, Steph adds a few shots to her tummy, but the blonde still doesn’t submit. The crowd is split between those yelling for the blonde to tap and others encouraging her not to.

Finally the blonde goes slack and must submit, because Tara’s Mom waves her arms and a big cheer goes up. Steph untangles herself and gets up beaming, her small perky breasts gleaming with sweat. The nurse does the honors of taking the blonde’s bottoms, and stands with a foot on the defeated woman’s chest for a moment before she bounces out of the cage, and trots to the back.
Gwen comes over, “Damn, that was a hell of a fight. I didn’t think Steph was going to pull it out.”

I look over, “Shouldn’t you be bartending?”

The busty blonde hands a slip of paper to me, “We need refills on those bottles of beer.”

Tara shows up and snatches the paper out of my hand, “I’ll get the guys on it. This is a bigger success than I ever thought it would be. We’re going to have to look at everything for next weekend.”

The brunette’s eyes light up as she takes a look at the computer with the Catpin app pulled up. She pats me on the back, “Steph just made you a ton of money. The stupid money always bets on boobs when they don’t know the fighters.”

It takes me a bit to catch on, as usual, but the online better had been heavily on the blonde. When those “upsets” happen the clubs make a big chunk of money, and Steph just brought us in a lot.

The next two fights are “Plus” sized ladies, they put on good shows. The crowd love it all. Lots of the women that fought earlier are hanging out and are swarmed by fans. By the time the next two fights are over, the guys are back from Walmart and the crisis has been averted. Food orders have slowed down, except for the women fighting that all finally eat after their fights. The bouncers do find a few of them entangled with husbands or boyfriends in any out of the way space they can.

After the eighth couple was found, not that it didn’t happen before, but this is a bit much. Next weekend I’ll have Tara remind them to head home or to the hotel.

The next fight matches the two smallest women on the card, Misty a cute blonde and Irene the Chinese woman, both are barely five foot tall and just over one hundred pounds. Misty had been in school with me and was one of those girls everyone wanted to date, but few ever did.

They have agreed to a full bikini fight, Misty is wearing an orange one with white piping. Irene is wearing a light blue set, with bright green lace ties at the hips and between her small breasts.

The two of them look so small in the cage, together they don’t weigh what either Anna or Rose weigh, who tested the cage for us. That is until they start fighting, They go at each other with fists, Irene hits Misty with a couple of knees to the belly. The blonde comes back taking the Asian woman down and controls her for a bit, but Irene is squirmy the entire time and breaks free and gets back to her feet.

Misty nails Irene with a punch that lands on her jaw, and the black haired beauty retreats, but the blonde stays on her trying to pin her against the cage wall. Irene keeps moving and brings her knee up into Misty’s stomach again, the blonde grunts doubling over. Irene is now the one chasing the blonde, Misty just trying to stay away while she recovers. The Chinese woman forces Misty into one of the corners and connects with another knee lift, this one catching the blonde at the bikini line.

The crowd roaring for the tiny Titans in the cage, Misty leaning in the corner reaches out to grab the cage to hold herself up. Irene squares up and fires fists into the blonde’s stomach, Misty finally just collapses in the corner trying to cover up. Misty doesn’t submit though and Irene grabs her sweaty blonde hair and pulls her out away from the cage wall. Irene gives the blonde another kneelift to the gut and Misty drops to her knees, she looks like she might throw up.

Misty drops to her knees, she’s dry heaving as Irene kneels beside her and hooks her arms behind her back. Irene drives another fist into Misty’s abused abs, the blonde now in tears. Irene rubs her hand over the blonde’s belly asking, “You Give?”

Misty can only nod as she gags again, but nothing comes out.

The crowd goes wild, they have been loud all night. Size, state of dress, style, they have been into it all.

Looking at the clock it’s not 11:30 pm yet, which gives us two and a half hours to finish the last three matches. It looks good to get all fifteen fights in. The Kitchen is closed so the food made it through the night.

Cass is up next, our waitress. My jaw almost drops as she comes out of the back, a black thong and MMA gloves only. Cass has dark black hair, loose that hangs about her shoulders, her breasts are full with pink ovals. I had never noticed how fit she was, until now. Thankfully she doesn’t look my way as she heads to the cage.

Her opponent is a taller and skinnier blonde, she’s cute, but her slighter build makes me think Cass will make short work of her. The blonde’s Catpin name is CandyCaines, she looks confident stopping to flirt with several guys on the way to the cage.

The fight goes as I expected, Cass pounding away on the blonde, Candy trying to be catty, pulling hair, grabbing boobs, even scratching Cass. The waitress is too much for the blonde, Cass hammering her, but then Candy grabs Cass by the kitty and clearly thinks she’s got the win as she squeezes.

Cass is clearly in pain, but her face is mixed with anger. The brunette twists her hips and swings her arm down across Candy’s breaking the hold. The taller blonde laughs and wiggles her clawing fingers at a guy outside the cage, she should have been paying attention to Cass though. Cass throws a haymaker that connects with the blonde’s left cheek just below her eye.

A loud, “WWHHOOOA!” cry comes from the crowd.

Candy is out as she falls, Tara’s Mom gives the blonde a ten count, but that’s just a formality and allows Cass to walk around with arms raised.

Cass, still upset with the crotch grab goes to Candy ripping her bottoms off, the blonde is starting to stir, the lump under her eye is going to take days to go down. Cass peels her bottoms off long legs, then gives the blonde a wicked slap to her lady bit, Candy’s body shakes as she cries out. Cass points down at her and says something I can’t hear.

Strolling back Cass nods and waves to the cheering crowd, Nurse Krista has to give Candy a few whiffs of smelling salts to get her up and helps the naked woman back to check her out further.
Tara has been playing with the card a bit, she worked in the standby matches and moved Loud Mouth Lori against Brett’s girlfriend Shelly to this next to last spot. They are nearly equal in size Lori has a bit more experience, she’s also a couple years older. Both have impressive records Shelly is 10-2 while Lori is 18-5.

They are fighting topless, it’s the first time I’ve seen the SKO abbreviation on one of the fights, thanks to Tara’s Catpin for Dummies class she ran me through, I know it’s sexual KO. As with most of the Catpin, I find myself fascinated and panicked by what’s about to happen.

As the fighters head to the cage I see Nancy, Loud Mouth Lori’s friend coming over towards me. The blonde has a loose t-shirt and jeans on now and comes around to stand beside me, she says, “Um…This is probably going to be bad for your girl.”

Not sure what she’s talking about, I see the two topless women standing across the cage from each other, they look similar in size, Lori is clearly the sexier of the two. She looks like she’s modeling, posing as she waits for the fight to start. Not sure what’s going on, my standard state for the last few weeks, I ask, “Why’s that?

Nancy looks around, “Lori’s been my best friend since kindergarten, after we graduated she packed up and moved to California. She was convinced she was going to be an actress, or model, just super famous. She just came home recently, when she found out I was doing Catpin.”

I’m thinking “Okay, but where is this story going?”

But the fight has started and Loud Mouth Lori has Shelly twisted up in a head scissors, and is removing her bottoms already. Shelly looks dismayed and to be honest a little helpless. Nancy, still talking continues, “She got work as a booth babe and some modeling, but she supported herself as a session fighter.”

Great something else I have no club about, Nancy says, “I just thought you should know.”

The blonde walks off without another word. What’s a session fighter? Is it some MMA thing?

Shelly broke free, she’s naked now, her face red and sweaty, and she’s breathing heavy. Lori looks the same as when she stepped in the cage. The black haired beauty launches an attack that Shelly just can’t defend against as the college woman is battered, this has become the most one sided fight of the night. I shot to the ribs drops Shelly to one knee, pain etched on her face.

Some in the crowd for the first time tonight start booing, but still the majority are cheering on the black haired Lori as she runs Shelly, face and tits first into the cage wall. Leading the drained looking College student around Lori repeats the cage slam on all four sides. Shelly would fall if not held up. Then Lori presses in behind Shelly forcing the cage to dig deeper into her breasts and Loud Mouth Lori then removes her left MMA glove.


This brings the loudest roar of the night from the crowd, Lori grins like the Cheshire Cat as she works Shelly. Lori pulls Shelly’s head to the side by the brown hair and clamps her mouth down on the trapped girl’s neck Vampire style. Shelly’s moans are barely heard over the crowd, Lori finally comes up for air, a wicked grin on her face, and a huge sucker bite on Shelly’s neck. Shelly groans as juices roll down her thighs and splash on the cage floor a short time later.

Tara’s Mom orders Lori to let go of Shelly, the club's new heel wipes her hand in Shelly’s hair before letting her collapse to the mat. Lori walks over picking up Shelly’s bottoms and holds them up, as she yells at the crowd, “BOW TO YOUR NEW QUEEN!”

Lori turns and struts to a man standing near her and clearly grabs his junk and gives him a big kiss. The redhead beside him takes offense and shoves the brunette, but a couple of bouncers are there quickly and Lori smiles and winks at the guy and points at the red head, “Feel free to be next in the cage.”

Nancy gathers her friend and leads her to the back.

Well, even after that non-dust up, and the food issue, tonight has gone great. There is more than an hour to finish the last match. Tara verses a woman with the Catpin username Portuguese Princess Anna. Tara comes out first wearing a two tone blue and red bikini bottoms, seeing her semi naked again reminds me how sexy she is, her tits bounce slightly with each step, and she looks powerful.

When her opponent comes out, she’s half naked as well, but the first thing noticed is the face paint she’s wearing. Around her eyes she has a pink makeup that goes from her forehead down to her cheeks and an inch outside both eyes and across her nose like a mask. On top of the pink base she has done spiderweb patterns in a glittering purple and white. Then I notice the black spider drawn on her left cheek hanging by a thread to the web.  Anna is wearing solid pink bikini bottoms, she’s a bit curvier than Tara, not as athletic. Anna’s hair is dark, but fades down to blonde the last few inches of her long hair.

Tara’s Mom has been replaced as the referee, the woman is an older blonde, but huge boobs and a thicker frame to support them. Tara had mentioned that she had another referee that would be watching most of the fights tonight, so it makes sense not to have her mom ref her fight.

Even after the long night of excitement the crowd is ready for more and loud as the two beauties collide. Punches, hair pulling, a standing cat ball where they roll along the cage wall grinding bodies and throwing hooks into each other's flanks. Both busty enough their boobs bulge and roll as they slide over each other and compress together, almost as a separate fight.

Not sure if it’s Tara or Anna that trips the pair to the mat, the catball is now taking place on the floor, legs even more tangled. They trade top position over and over, Tara works her body up and drops her tits into Anna’s face. Moments later Anna is dragging her boobs across Tara’s features. Still hair pulling, short punches, knees digging into thighs and a few times crotches.

Still more catballing, until Tara ends up with her back to the cage, seated with legs out in front of her. Anna straddling the manager’s legs drives a shoulder into Tara’s tits, and fires some punches into her body. Tara, wincing in pain, tries to hook Anna’s head and turn her, but the face painted brunette holds on by grabbing on to Tara’s right breast.

I check, none of my other staff seem worried, but they all watch intensely. Tara reaches down Anna’s back and grabs the back of Anna’s bottoms and pulls them up her back giving the artist a wedgie. Anna gets both hands on Tara and shoves back breaking free, but her bikini has disappeared between her butt cheeks. Both brunettes scramble to their feet.

They have been fighting for about twenty minutes already, both look disheveled, most of Anna’s face paint is now on Tara’s tits, tummy and arms. Anna fishes her bottoms out from between her cheeks and snaps the suit back into place. Sweat and marks cover their bodies as Anna and Tara move back together and trade punches. Tara catches Anna with a shot to the chin and the brunette with blonde tips tries to clinch up with my manager.

Tara shows some wrestling skills under hooking Anna’s arm and shoots the other around her waist, with a twist of her hips she flips the Portuguese Princess slamming her to the mat. Tara works to get Anna on her side, both of her arms trapped behind her back and Tara drives a knee into Anna’s belly three times. Tara switches legs and gives Anna’s tits a hard ramming with her other knee.

Tara pushes Anna to her back and works up her body until she can plant her tits on Anna’s face. The Artist’s legs kick wildly, Tara wraps her arms around Anna’s head keeping her trapped in the boobsweaty darkness. It takes a while, but Anna’s thrashing slows and then comes to an end. The new referee waves her arms and taps Tara’s shoulder. Tired and sore Tara rolls off Anna and the two lay there for several moments.

The crowd is cheering, some do head for the door, probably to beat the rush, or get to a hotel room. Tara gets up first and walks around the cage with arms raised, her tits still have much of Anna’s face paint smeared on them, her nipples sticking out stiff. She walks back to Anna and places a foot on Anna’s right tit, giving it a small grind. Tara allows/demands Anna to remove her bottoms and hand them over. The cage is opened and Tara heads out, as she’s walking to the back area she winks, the grin growing on her face as she passes the curtain.

The fight ends just before the last call, by the time we do announce the last call almost half the crowd is gone. I head back to the office, pulling out the envelopes for all the fighters, I add the winner’s portion to those that earned it. Tara comes in, now wearing an oversized t-shirt as a dress, she smiles, “You enjoy the show?”

Finishing the envelopes by sliding in Tara’s winnings, I nod, “No one broke anything tonight so that’s better.”

She takes her envelope as I hand it to her, Tara says, “I was going to say, I think we need to up the entry and winners money, I have to run final numbers but we’re really making out with the fights.”

“I agree, I was thinking maybe doubling both, even with the more fights. They are earning the raise.” I head for the door to go pay all the other fighters, as I pass Tara I say, “Congrats on your win.”

I go to hand out the envelopes, Loud Mouth Lori, grumbles a bit, but the rest are nice and happy as they head out. I get Xray girl and Krista giving them envelopes as well for their work tonight, I ask, “Any injuries of concern.”

Both shake their heads no, Xray girl answers,  “Steph needed a butterfly stitch, lots of bumps and bruises. Nothing serious.”

By the time I get done handing out prizes to the fighters the crowd is gone, my staff is finishing up the clean up, I check with Brett to make sure there were no issues, He laughs, “You should add a few rooms for rent, the final count was thirteen couples we broke up.”

I smile, “That’s something to think about.”

Tara and I are going over the numbers, it’s clear we can increase the pay for getting into the cage and winner’s purse. Tara suggests a scale for the number of fights they have on Catpin, so more experienced fighters make a bit more, but the winner’s purse would be flat for all fights. It’s then I remember Nancy talking about Lori, I ask Tara, “What’s a session fighter?”

Tara looks quizzically at me, “Where did you hear about that?” 

I tell her the bit of Nancy coming up during Lori’s fight.Tara a thoughtful look on her face before answering, “Session fighters will get paid for a few different types of scenarios, it could be roll around with rich guy’s wife. Make her look good, or beat her up without beating her up. They might do real fights against another Session fighter for high rollers paying for private matches.”

Tara shrugs, “Other than having more fights than what it says on Catpin, I don’t think it means much.”

Steph comes over, she has a butterfly stitch on her brow, I laugh, someone has drawn on the stitch making it look like a real butterfly, pointing at it I say, “Nice, didn’t know they came in art work.”

Steph smiles, touching it gently, “Anna did it. Before Tara beat her butt.”

Steph takes a seat, “I have a favor to ask.”

“Ok, shoot.” I say.

Steph looks over, “It’s probably more a Tara question.”

Tara smiles, “Sure”

“I have a friend coming up for a visit, she is on Catpin, but she doesn’t know that I know, that she’s fighting, and she doesn’t know I’m fighting. Anyways, once I know when for sure, I want to make sure we can get her in the cage. Kiva is great, she’s my bestie from college. I’m trying to get her to come up here. Dallas hasn’t been great for her. The club she’s been fighting at is run by a scumbag that keeps trying to screw her over.” Steph blurts out in one breath.

Thinking, I’m supposed to be running the club now, but Tara answers, “Yeah, let me know.”

Gwen, Cass, and the two other nurses come over joining us. They talk about the night, the future and make fun of me for over an hour before we close up and tomorrow we can start getting ready for the two nights coming up when the fights resume.


Offline Kiva

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Re: Catpin Anthology
« Reply #18 on: July 28, 2023, 01:24:50 AM »
Kudos for a brilliant, well written chapter. I like how the details of managing a bar adds an air of realism to the backdrop of the story. You did an excellent job of building up anticipation to the big fight night, then delivered with a stunning card with a variety of different fighters and styles. The narrative of each fight was concise and allowed mental visualization by readers. Well done!

And your medical staff rocks!
Don’t bother walking a mile in my shoes. That would be boring. Spend thirty seconds in my head. That’ll freak you right out.


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Re: Catpin Anthology
« Reply #19 on: July 29, 2023, 05:19:22 AM »
Thank you Kiva,

 Tara will make sure we have a spot for you, and if you ever want to join the medical staff they'll be happy to have you.

 For anyone else that might want to come get in the cage, shoot me a message and I'll check with Tara. She has the final say. :)


Offline FyreCracka

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Re: Catpin Anthology
« Reply #20 on: August 23, 2023, 10:58:31 PM »
Excellent job Bigfan!
  I'm really enjoying how you're covering all of the different aspects of (somewhat reluctantly) running a fight club in the Catpin world. You've got a great cast of characters created and they are all realistic and likeable- and developing nicely as the series grows. This is definitely a "must read" for me
Fyre: a 5' 5 1/2", 130lbs, 39 years old, blonde hair and brown eyed brawler.

If you're interested in being in a story feel free to contact us.

We are now on Trillian: Fyrecracka


Offline bigfan877

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Re: Catpin Anthology
« Reply #21 on: August 25, 2023, 05:09:22 AM »
Chapter 4: The first Friday Night Fights.

After the last show, there is big excitement for the two night event. Both nights sold out quickly, the buys for the internet views are triple of the last weekend. We hired more staff this week for the shows, some of them fighters that want just to be around more. Tara and I started planning to cover both the patio and what they started calling the Cat Yard. The area out back with tables, chairs and TVs so more can watch the fights.

The card Friday night has 10 fights planned, with a handful of stand by fights if we have the time. To keep people from complaining only Nurse Krista and Gwen have matches from the staff. Gwen being the first woman to have a second fight in the cage.

I come in on Friday around noon, some of the staff are there already. The Security staff are around two tables, Brett had found a few girls from the swim teams and track and field teams to add to the bouncers, so the guys don’t have to get physical with a female customer if the need arises.

The women bouncers agreed not to fight on the shows, but we will work out a deal with them using it during off hours if they want to. All of them have catpins, but because they play sports at the university they don’t do many fights because of the risk of injury.

Tara is already working, she’s still handling the matchmaking and all the requests from fighters to get on the show. Along with updating the Catpin site with the upcoming show, another advantage is with the Catpin betting tool, as soon as we confirm a match bets start rolling in.

We have five or six times the number of people buying the video on demand from Catpin as we’ll have at the show. I may have had concerns about introducing the Catpin to the Club, but I can’t argue about success. Tara points out, “Valkyrie's Palace does way more video buys for their shows. They do five shows a week too, and get a lot more bets on their fights.”

“Good for them, all I’m saying is we’re doing good. This will really help the bar, which I can pass on to you guys. We double the pay for getting into the cage and the winner’s share.” I point out.

Sarah, standing at the bar, arm still in the cast and sling, joins in the conversation, “Now I really want to get back. Only four more weeks.”

Sarah asks Tara, “Who are you lining up for my comeback.”

Tara doesn’t even look up from the computer, “I haven’t even thought about it. And just because the Doctor says so, doesn’t mean you get to fight. Steph has to clear you to get in the cage.”

Sarah looks shocked, “WHAT!?! Why? When did that happen?”

Tara just points a finger my way, I look at Sarah who looks down trodden now, “The Doctor doesn’t know what you plan on doing once he releases you. So I talked to Steph and she agreed that anyone hurt in the cage should have to get her go ahead before getting back in the cage.”

Sarah gives me the sad puppy eyes looking under her bangs, “But, what if she says no?”
I feel for the egger girl, I answer, “Sarah, you're still a month away from the Doctor giving you the ok, see how you heal up and Steph will let you fight when you’re ready.”

I ask just because it changes the subject, “Where is Lil’bit?”

Sarah grumbles, “I gave her the remote and a microwave burrito.”

I might be slow on the Catpin, but I know Sarah is being petulant now, “Sarah, come on now.”

Sarah is still moping, “My sister told my parents she was staying over at a friends, so she’s watching her while I work tonight and tomorrow.”

Gwen leaning over the bar asks, “Won’t your parents get pissed at your sister if they find out?”

Sarah shrugs, “Probably, but they go camping most weekends, usually my sister goes with them, but she’ll be a junior this year, so they let her out of it now and then.”

Tara clears her throat, and when I look over tilts her head towards the office. I just turn and head that way, Tara follows. Once we’re in the office and the door closes Tara says, “Someone just bet hundred thousand dollars against Gwen tonight.”

I’ve learned that the Catpin pays out a percentage of the winning bets placed, so when it’s lopsided betting if the underdog, I mean Cat, wins we make much more. Usually our fights don’t get too lopsided, Steph had the largest so far, I ask, “How much is against her?”

Tara says, “Over two hundred thousand now. It’s the biggest amount so far bet on any of our fights.”

“People just bet blind like that?” I ask

Tara shrugs, “They use a bunch of things that are really meaningless, boob size, which one they would want to have sex with, hair color, and skin color. Gwen has two things against her in their mind, she’s blonde and white, if they knew anything Gwen is probably a slight favor, if they did any research they would see Gwen and Juanita have four common opponents Gwen is four and oh against them Juanita is two and two.”

“Who has a hundred K to throw on a fight between two women in a bar in central PA?” shaking my head that this is even happening.

Tara only shrugs, “Pro Athletes, Actors, Singers, I don’t know. We are getting more action on the announced fights. We could really roll up big bucks if we set up fights to our advantage.”

That sounds too shady to me, “Nah, I don’t want to try and do anything even near shady. We’ll just keep trying to do things as fair as we can for the fighters and not worry what the gamblers are doing.”

The brunette looks unhappy, “You’re such a Boy Scout. How did you ever come to own a bar?”

I know Tara is just messing with me, she knows just after the first two events we’ve already brought the Bar out of the red. If this weekend is just as successful as the first two had been, I’ll be able to do all of the extras Tara has suggested, or atleast get them started. Growing would be good, thus adding the second night, but not necessary. I’ve raised the fighters' pay, and gave raises to my staff, even the new hires.

Another topic pops in my mind to check with Tara, so I ask, “Is your Mom and the other woman good working both nights?”

Tara smiles, “Yeah, Mom is loving it, and Gwen’s mom really liked reffing. We got another woman too. She’s an older school teacher, she used to fight a lot, but doesn’t want to get in the cage for a fight, but she’s willing to help as a referee.”

It hits me, “The blonde that did your fight was Gwen’s Mom?”

The manager laughs, “Yeah, it seems apples don’t fall far from trees.”

I smile, but remind Tara, “I know you haven’t, but only you and I see the betting numbers. I don’t want them to influence anyone into thinking they need to do something.”

Tara agrees, “I don’t think anyone would do anything, but they don’t need it running in their heads while trying to fight.”

Heading back out, the place has started to fill. Tara goes to make sure all the fighters have arrived, I head up towards the doors to check on the security team. We now have double the numbers, but they’ll still be busy all night hopefully just breaking up the guests that become too amorous. Though it is always possible that the fights won’t be just in the cage.

As I approach I see Brett talking to the blonde Tara who fought last week, Anna The Portuguese Princess. The woman has a large tote bag over her shoulder, she looks a little flustered, I hear her saying, “I’m here to work!”

I come up, trying to defuse what looks to be an escalating situation, “Hey Brett, What’s up?”

Brett turns to me answering, “She doesn’t have a ticket.”

Anna gives a loud sigh, “I told you, I’m here to do face paint for some of the girls. They loved my look last week, and want to have their own looks tonight.”
I ask, “Did you think to tell us? Does Tara know?”

Anna shrugs, “I didn’t think it would be this big of a deal.”

What the hell, is my first thought, if the ladies want to paint up before the fights, it doesn’t really matter. Giving Brett a look and he heads off to the next issue, I tell Anna, “Nothing crazy, and next time give us a heads up.”

She gives a salute, “YES SIR!”

I watch her go, and notice Anna and Tara are on a collision course as the manager comes out from the back. They have a short exchange, and part. I guess there are no hard feelings between the two.

The night is about to begin, when Sarah comes running over and ducks down in front of me, she’s exasperated, “I need the night off.”

She peeks around me as I look back over my shoulder at the direction Sarah is looking and ask her, “Why, what’s up.”

Sarah in a loud whisper says, “My Parents are here!”

I think I should have known this would happen. I lead Sarah towards the kitchen, offering her, “Why don’t you work back here tonight, stay out of sight.”

Sarah nods, I show her where stuff is, and have her put the sling back on and just tell her to get things for Casey and the other cook staff as they need. Sarah apologizes, “I’m sorry, I would never have thought they would come here.”

“No worries, maybe they’re just here to eat.” I say trying to help.

Sarah realizes the flaw in my statement, “They had to buy a ticket, they have to know what they are doing here.”

Shit she’s right, and they probably feel safe that neither of their underage daughters would be here. Sarah starts helping out the cooks. I have to head out to work the videos and Catpin site as matches are about to start.

I’ve known tons of religious people that enjoyed, less than pious fun. Really though there aren’t a lot of night out type events in the area for an adult couple, so they may be just curious. Wendy is their waitress, so when I get a chance I pull her over and ask her to do a little spying.

Then it’s time for the fights, up first is two young Moms. First out is a light brown haired woman, she’s about 5’6” 150 pounds, her Catpin name is KamiKakes. For the first time the fighters have chosen to fight in one piece swimsuits. Kami is very busty; her light blue suit is stretched up top, showing a lot of jiggling cleavage. Her opponent is a blonde about the same height and weight, but she’s more pear shaped, much smaller breasts with wider hips and thicker thighs. Her Catpin username is Aubreywrestler, she is wearing a gray swimsuit. The outfits don’t lessen the thrill of the crowd as they yell for both women.

They square off in the cage, they are wrestling more than fighting. They may be dressed more modestly in their one piece suits, but they aren’t shy about grabbing each other by the crotch while battling for position. They do a good bit of boob grabbing while, Aubrey yanks on Kami’s shoulder strap trying to pull her down at one point and Kami’s big boob pops out, and the crowd roars. To her credit Kami keeps going and reverses Aubrey, the blonde on all fours and Kami grips Aubrey’s kitty and tries rolling her over.

After about ten minutes of hard wrestling, sweat is soaking their swimsuits, dark haired Kami still has her right tit hanging out of her top, blonde Aubrey taking advantage of that to squeeze and pull the bare breast to get better positions. Kami rolls the blonde to her back laying across Aubrey’s chest, and gets a little revenge grabbing the other mom’s suit by the leg hole and yanking up giving Aubrey a wicked front wedgie.

Kami then turns and slides her body up Aubrey’s body until her bare boob covers the blonde’s face. Aubrey squirms trying to break free, but Kami, still holding the blonde’s suit works her hand until her fingers can grip the edge of the other leg hole and digs the suit into Aubrey’s womanhood again. The blonde might as well be bottomless now as her suit is inside her, and with her air cut off as well she taps out.

The next match is two college girls that just got their Catpins. They fight in bottoms only, the problem is, the fight only lasts about two minutes. The one girl gets a rear naked choke on the other, and the tap out comes rather quickly. Tara comes over and lets me know she’s going to send one of the backup matches out next. Unfortunately this fight doesn’t go much longer, the winner hits the other woman with a big haymaker a few minutes into the fight and it ends with a ten count.

Tara comes back out, “God! I hope all the fights don’t go this way.”

I shrug, “We should suspect that this is more possible than all the fights going to or pass the limits. You want to send out another backup fight?”

Tara shakes her head, “No we’ll move on with the scheduled matches, maybe they’ll go longer.”

“Ok, let's see how things go, but if we have to use all five of the back up fights tonight, you can book some more for tomorrow.” I says as Tara starts back towards the “Dressing Room”

Tara just shouts back, “Yeah, if it comes to that. I’m sure I can find a few more backups by tomorrow.”

The next fighter out is SamuraiGeishia, she’s only about five foot tall, but she’s solid. She bounds out from the back, she has the right side of her head mostly shave, but for a Japanese symbol she has a facepaint on, across her eyes is a red mask with symbols on the corner of her eyes in silver, she has a black strip that runs from under her nose down under her chin and another blue symbol on her left cheek. She’s one of the smaller breasted women, but they are perky and jiggle slightly as she runs into the cage.

Her opponent is nearly half a foot taller, MicaCatfighter is her username, her page says she weighs 135 pounds about 20 more than the Asian woman. Mica is African American, her skin on the lighter side, she’s solid with an athletic build and modest breasts. She’s not wearing face paint, but she has pink eye shadow and pink lipstick. She stops and waves to the crowd smiling as they cheer for her as she makes her way to the cage.

Someone in the crowd waits until things are quite right before the start of the fight and yells, “GET HER ERIKA!”

The short Asian beaming turns raising her arms and pumps her fists towards the fan. Just as the fight is about to start I hear a voice from near the entrance, “All Hail the Queen of this Dump!”

Loud Mouth Lori is back, the dark haired beauty strolls in looking like a model. Here friend Nancy trails behind as Lori shouts again, “Sorry, you’ll have to watch losers this weekend. They weren’t smart enough to book me.”

They make their way to a table with a few guys sitting there and the guy's attention leaves the cage and focuses on Lori as she clearly loves being the center of attention. Nancy is less interested in the attention and turns watching the fight. Lori laughing along with the guys draws a few more into the circle around her as holds court.

The crowd roars bringing my attention back to the fight, the much shorter Erika has Mica trapped up against the cage wall bringing knees up into black woman’s abs. Mica shoves the smaller Asian off, and when Erika steps back she stumbles and she cries out in pain as her ankle rolls.   

The referee steps in checking on Erika as she hobbles around the cage, but the short Asian refuses to submit because of it. Mica to her credit waits until the referee allows the match to continue, but she’s on her smaller opponent quickly. Erika is sadly a sitting target now and Mica isn’t taking it easy on her. Mica after throws a barrage of punches at Erika hitting most, she dives in at Erika’s good leg and lifts it up. Erika screams in pain, collapsing to the mat instantly and Mica covers her up going to work from the top position.

Erika works her way on top, but Mica is able to turn her much easier than the Asian had to work. Mica works Erika over onto her stomach and crosses her ankles putting a shin across them to pin her legs down. Mica then cups the Asian’s chin in both hands pulling her up off the mat trapping her in a modified camel clutch. Her injured ankle has most of Mica’s weight on top of it and the hold would be painful under normal circumstances, Erika’s hand begins tapping the mat.

The crowd cheer as Mica rises and forgoes the usual post match show, Steph and Xray Girl are in the cage quickly and help Erika up and Erika puts an arm across each nurse's shoulders as they help her to the back. Mica walks along the cheer clapping politely much like any other sports event where someone is hurt.

It takes a bit longer for the limping Erika to back it to the back, even with the two nurses helping her. Sarah comes from the kitchen and staying low comes up to my side asking, “What are they doing?”

It takes me a moment then I remember her parents, looking over they are sitting side by side in a booth. They each have a drink and talk a little while waiting for the next match. So I answer, “Looks like they are having a good time.”

Sarah slaps my leg with her good hand, “Why are they here!”

“Sarah, we all have to accept that sometimes parents are just people too. They probably heard about this from someone, it sounds like a fun night so they came out. There are a lot of people here tonight that will be in church on Sunday. Just stay in the back and out of sight.”

Sarah continues hiding behind me and the station I’m sitting at, she asks, “Who’s waiting on them?”

Looking around, to check it out, “Wendy should be their waitress.”

Sarah nods and heads back to the kitchen without another word.

The next fight is two older ladies, both look to be in the early forties. They agreed to one piece swimsuits for their fight. Their usernames on the app are Udderbeater and KimmyKat7. They are about to start when Tara comes from the back and lets me know Steph wants me back there. Turning the station over to Tara I head back to the “Locker Room”.

Erika is on one of the exam tables, a towel covering her breasts now. Her foot is raised with a pack of ice on it as Steph and Xray Girl talk, Erika demanding, “I’m fine, just give me some morphine and I’ll be good.”

“You’re not giving her morphine.” I interject sternly.

Steph rolls her eyes, “Of Course not, we don’t have any and if we did she wouldn’t get it.”

Erika sighs, “Doesn’t anyone have a sense of humor?”

Steph says, “Erika has a pretty bad sprain, Xray girl would like her to get an Xray to be sure.”

Xray girl adds, “Just as a precaution, we could get one here so we don’t have to send anyone to the ER.”

I’m a little stunned that I’m now being asked to buy an Xray Machine, “How much would that cost? What about the power, do we need to run special wiring?”

Xray Girl shrugs, “We can probably get a used portable one for about $15,000, and I think they just run off normal power, it charges then we can move it when needed.”

Steph adds, “Accidents will happen, in the long run it will save money and questions.”

“Do I need to get one of the guys to drive Erika to the hospital?” I ask, unsure what they need at this moment.

Steph and Xray Girl both shake their heads, “We’re going to keep her foot elevated and iced for a bit, we’re sure she didn’t break anything, but she’s going to be sore for a while. She might need help getting to her car later.” Steph answers.

Xray Girl does give Erika a couple of extra strength Tylenol, and hands her a bottle of water. Erika takes them and asks, “Can one of you go get me a shirt?”

Steph heads back to the dressing area of the locker room, and since I’m pretty useless here I head back out to the club main, the two older women are heading back this way, their fight having completed. Both still have their suits on, the one with the username KimmyKat7 is first to reach the back so I assume she was the winner.

The next two fighters are standing nearby one of them asking, “Do we go out now?”

Not sure I look around, UdderBeater is still in the cage getting to her feet, so I say, “Hang on Tara will be back in a moment.”

 I get out to the bar where we have the computer set up. Tara already has the last match in and the next match pulled up, but before I can take over the manager says, “You need to go up front, Brett has an issue.”

Heading up to the front, the crowd cheer as the next fight is about to begin. I pass Sarah’s parents, she leans on him, and he has an arm around her, nothing crazy, but they do seem to be enjoying the action. I get up to the front door security station, where the security chief sits with a towel pressed to the side of his head, blood soaking through. I ask, “What the hell happened?”

“We found a couple fucking at one of the tables out on the patio, we asked them to leave. They started to go, they were bitching, I had my eyes on the guys and the crazy bitch hit me with a beer bottle.” Brett accounts the events and removes the towel showing a nice gash in the side of his head.

I help him up, and laugh, “Well at least you picked a night we have medical support here. Come on, let's see if Steph can take care of this.”

We pass through the raucous crowd as the fight is going on, when we get to the back Steph and Xray Girl grab Brett and guide him to the empty examination table. Erika sitting on the other now with an Ozzy Osbourne T-shirt on. Steph asks what happened and Brett retells the story. Steph goes to the large medic bag and starts pulling out several things, so I ask, “You have everything you need?”

Steph nods, “Yeah.”

Looking at Brett she says, “Good thing you have that military haircut, I’m going to have to shave around the wound.”

I watch for a bit, then not being needed here, I head back to the station and check in with Tara. The manager asks, “Where they hell have you been, there are only two fights left. Krista is getting her first fight, then Gwen will be the finale.”

Tara turns the computer back over to me, I start filling out the form for the Catpin site and see something I haven’t before. The stakes are the loser's panites, and “Kiss the Kitty” I turn to look at Tara, she just grins, “It is what it sounds like.”

Tara must see the nervousness I’m feeling at such a stipulation taking place in the club, she says, “Hey I know women that put their husbands up as prizes, or even more sexual stakes. It will be quick and very hard to see from outside the cage.”

The manager leaves me as Krista, her username is NastyNurseK is only about five foot tall and weighs just over hundred pounds. Krista comes out wearing bright pink bikini bottoms, her long dark hair loose and perky jiggling B-cups free. She gets one of the bigger cheers of the night, the staff adding their voices to her support.

Krista’s opponent’s username is Nerdsfighttoo, she’s a little taller and heavier, just a few pounds. Both are very fair skinned, not goth vampire like, but it looks like neither ever tans. Unlike many of the other fighters in the first few shows, there don’t appear to be the normal bikini tan lines on these two.

At least now I’m getting to the point where I can enjoy the fights between two sexy women, without worrying about their safety too much. I now expect those getting in the cage to be aware of the risks, and see it more as a sport than just violence. Krista and Ginny are really quick from what I can see, they strike with the MMA gloves, they lock up and go to the match several times, and throw in catty elements too, pulling hair, a tit grab, rubbing their boobs in each other’s faces when they can.

Early in the fight they trade insults, mostly calling each other names, or pointing out red marks appearing on pale skin. As the fight goes on though getting oxygen back into depleted lungs grows more important than taunts and verbal barbs. From my limited experience this is a very close fight, Ginny barely escaped a head scissors, by grabbing Krista’s crotch. Then Krista landed an elbow to Ginny’s breast as the green hair girl tried to apply a choke hold.

The crowd is really into this fight, to be fair they are into all of the fights. It’s good to see people just enjoying the show, other than the problem with Brett tonight has gone well. In the cage the night isn’t going so well for Krista as she’s flat on her stomach with Ginny on her back and an arm across her throat. Our Nurse is really in trouble when the green haired Ginny pulls her into a version of a camel clutch. Krista’s face is turning red as she taps on the mat.

Ginny releases the hold as soon as the referee signals her she’s the winner. She jumps to her feet and raises her arms soaking up the cheers of the crowd. Ginny goes back to Krista and uses her foot to nudge the brunette Nurse to her back and plants a foot on her breast demanding, “Take them off!”

Krista takes a moment, but then lifts her hips and hooks her fingers on the edge of her bikini bottoms and starts to wiggle out of them. Once off Krista hands them over to Ginny who takes them and hooks them on her own bikini at the hip. The green haired victor then steps over the brunette straddling her and says, “And finally, pucker up.”

Ginny lowers herself down on to Krista’s perky tits and wiggles her ass on them for a moment before sliding forward and bumping her crotch against the Nurse’s chin. Some in the crowd start chanting, “Kiss the Kitty.”

The chant grows as more pick up on it and then Ginny reaches down pulling her bottoms to the side moving higher. Krista swallows her pride and plants a short but firm kiss on Ginny’s private parts, to the raucous cheers of the crowd. With that done Ginny pops to her feet and nearly skips back to the locker room area. Krista drags her arm across her lips before she gets to her feet and takes the “Walk of Shame”.

To be honest while I understand the term, Krista and none of the women that have made the walk have seemed to be ashamed, disappointed yes, but naked she strolls back like it’s nothing.

Checking, we still have an hour and a half before we have to close by law, and we’re at our final match of the night. Gwen, my blonde bartender, is taking on Juanita, a dark skinned beauty, from the number of bets and the amount bet this appears to be the most anticipated match of the night. Since Gwen works here, she agreed to come out first. Her short blonde hair is loose, her skin is pale, except for the two pink ovals on her breast, I find myself watching bounce as she walks to the cage. I guess not viewing my employees as sexy is no longer an option.
She wears dark blue bikini bottoms and a pair of black MMA gloves, the crowd giving her a big cheer, probably because she’s been getting most of them drunk all night.

Her opponent is nearly the same size and build as Gwen, Juanita is African American, her hair straight and hanging just past her shoulders. She wears a yellow pair of bikini bottoms, and black MMA gloves. The introductions start, Gwen is 5’7” 140 pounds, Juanita is 5’8” 140 pounds. Then I notice Brett standing next to me, a lollipop in his mouth, pointing at the candy. I ask, “What’s up with that?”

Brett grins, “Steph gave it to me for being a brave boy while she stitched me up.”

He looks so proud of himself, I just go along with it, “You okay to work?”

Just as he starts to nod, on queue a commotion starts at a table in the middle of the club. Brett pops the lollipop in his mouth and heads right in, I follow as I hear two female voices screaming “Bitch, cxnt” and other slurs back and forth.

I have to push through the circle that’s formed around my waitress Wendy, now being held by Brett. The other instigator is Loud Mouth Lori, being held by her friend Nancy. I tell Brett to take Wendy back to the office and wait for me.

Loud Mouth Lori screams, “I’ll kill you in the cage cxnt!”

The beautiful brunette isn’t really struggling against her friend, so I ask Nancy, “What happened?”

The other bouncers have the crowd back in their seats, and Gwen and Juanita are going at it in the cage, taking the attention from this situation. Nancy guides Lori to a chair and stands over her with hands on the brunette’s shoulders, then answers, “This guy was trying to hit on Lori. He was getting a bit handsy, and your waitress came over and grabbed Lori by the hair and they both started screaming.”

Lori snarls, “I want her in the cage!”

I shake my head no, “This is the last fight tonight. We have to close once it’s done.”

The fact that I still have several security people around me helps keep things from blowing up. Lori looks like she would try fighting all of us, but Nancy is calm and keeps Lori under control. I ask Nancy, “Where is this guy? Who is he?”

Nancy looks around and with a shrug, “I don’t see him, he came over at the start of the green haired girls fight. I didn’t hear his name.”

A loud cheer goes up, but looking around quickly I release it’s for the fight in the cage. Gwen and Juanita are trading shots to the boobs that excite the crowd. Lance, one of the security team, comes up with an iPad, “Yeah, Wendy jumped her.”

I nod, and ask, “You know the guy?”

Lance, shaking his head no, says, “I’ve seen him before I think, but I don’t know who he is.”

Turning back to Nancy I say, “As long as she doesn’t get in any more trouble you two can stay, I’ll have Lance here nearby so no one messes with you two.”

Nancy takes a seat, “Cool, this is the fight I wanted to see.”

Lori just grumbles under her breath. I look over at Lance, he shrugs, he knows what to do so I don’t think there will be any more problems. I turn to head back to the office to deal with Wendy. I see Gwen and Juanita are in what I’ve learned is called a Catball when the two women are locked up together rolling back and forth on the mat.

A little disappointed, because I wanted to see how Gwen did too, I headed to my office. Inside Brett leans against one wall, while Wendy sits in a chair still fuming, her hair messed up from the quick catfight with Lori. I just walk up beside Wendy, “You want to tell me what happened and why I shouldn’t end this shit now?”

Wendy looks shocked by my question, Good, and stammers, “What…Why…What do you mean?”

Keeping the poker face on, I calmly said, “I told all of you no drama, and you all agreed. If this Catpin stuff is going to cause problems, I’ll just get out now.”

Wendy stands to plead her case, “Don’t, she was making out with Bob, ban the Bitch.”

I still need more information, “You attacked her, why should I ban her and not you, or shut down the whole thing? And who is Bob?”

Wendy answers in reverse, “Bob is Gwen’s boyfriend. Come on Boss, Gwen was going to the cage, and seeing that Loud Mouth cxnt making out with her guy, I just lost it. IT won’t happen again.”

Really I’m not even thinking about ending the Catpin fights, but it helps make my point that they are on the line. I finally let Wendy off the hook, “Okay, make sure it doesn’t. Go help them close down the kitchen, stay off the floor until people leave.”

Wendy grins and heads off to the kitchen, mostly to just stay out of sight. Brett follows her to make sure the blonde waitress does stay off the floor. I figure since I’m here I’ll grab the envelopes to hand out to all the fighters, only a couple of them came up early to get their pay so they could leave.

Heading back I can hear the roars of the crowd, something is happening in the cage. Then there is silence for just a brief moment before they erupt in cheers again. I get back to the computer running the site and cameras. Tara sits there, looking in the cage Gwen kneeling has Juanita bent over one leg backbreaker style, one hand wedged between the black woman’s thighs, her other hand mauling breast, and Juanita cries out her surrender.

Damn, I missed all of it, or pretty much all of it. I see it’s been over a half hour, this must have been some fight. Thankfully it’s on my video system.

Tara smiles, “Holy-shit, we just won a ton of money.”

The fans stand and begin clapping as some start to head out without having to be chased out. The staff is closing up, as I go around and hand out pay to the fighters. Most are surprised as they get the betting bonus for their fight. I check with Steph, Erika who sprained her ankle is able to limp around, she shrugs off any offers of help, joking, “I’m the toughest five foot chick around.”

Steph reminds her, “Take it easy the rest of the weekend, keep it elevated and try to ice it down a few times. You’ll be fine in a few days.”

Turns out Brett had the most serious of injuries with his stitches, others just bumps and bruises. With everything wrapped up, my staff sits around a few tables. I walk over to join them as Gwen is saying, “I thought I would be too nervous to fight in front of people, but it’s crazy during the fight I don’t even hear the crowd, and forget I’m topless in front of hundreds of people.”

Steph adds, “It’s like the excitement of starting, when I had my first fights and how it felt those first few times. It's like no other rush,” she looks around at the other fights asking, “Right?”

I see all the other women nodding, I sit down and just listen to the conversation. They all talk about the thrills they receive being part of the Catpin and the differences between finding an opponent just out in the everyday world and coming to the club knowing they have a fight waiting for them.

The talk goes on for a while longer, then Tara reminds everyone we have to come back and do it all again tomorrow. I finally said, “Good Job everyone, see you back later today.”

As they all head out, I go to kill the lights, but Tara follows, I turn asking, “What’s up?”

She starts pulling her shirt up, “I want to Fuck.”
I barely start stammering when she laughs, “Dude, do you always panic when women approach you? No wonder you’re single.”

I just glare at her, “Not Funny. Come on, I want to head home.”

She laughs, enjoying making me uncomfortable, “Wendy said you threaten to stop having fights. I just wanted to check, what’s up?”

I look to make sure no one is hanging around, “I was just making a point to Wendy, I don’t want the drama infesting the club. I’m serious about ending things if it becomes a problem, what happened tonight could have happened even if there were no fights. So I’ll let it slide.”

Tara nods knowingly, “Okay, just wanted to make sure. Because you’re making more money than this club ever could have otherwise. Even with you giving money away like you are.”

I shrug, “Everyone is doing their part to make this a success, they should get something for their work.”

I kill the lights, and set the alarm, which means we only have a minute to get out. Walking quickly Tara and I head out to the parking lot, as usual we are the last two to leave. She’s parked next to me so we head over, I make sure she starts her car and starts off before I climb in the truck and turn up the radio as I head out, I sit an thinking for just a minute, “Damn I’ve lucked the fuck out.”


Offline Thommy1982

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Re: Catpin Anthology
« Reply #22 on: October 10, 2024, 08:28:00 AM »
Great Addition to the catpin universe. Very hot and well writen storys even if i am more into sexfights i enhoy reading your stories very much