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RQT 1st round Singles Tourney Match: JLO vs J. Ortega

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RQT 1st round Singles Tourney Match: JLO vs J. Ortega
« on: October 01, 2024, 12:08:43 AM »
In one corner, we have the beautiful and talented JLO, her toned body glistening in the sun, her hair pulled back in a ponytail. She's wearing a skimpy red bikini, her bare feet digging into the sand.
In the other corner, we have the up-and-coming star Jenna Ortega. Her dark hair cascades down her back, and her blue bikini hugs her curves. Her bare feet are poised, ready for action.
The referee stands in the middle of the ring, ready to start the match. The bell rings, and the crowd erupts in cheers. JLO and Jenna circle each other, sizing each other up.

JLO and Jenna stand toe-to-toe in the middle of the ring, their intense gazes locked. Jenna, with a smirk, starts hurling insults at JLO.
"You're past your prime, old lady. Time to step aside and let the new generation take over," Jenna taunts, her voice dripping with condescension.
JLO's eyes narrow, her jaw clenched. She's used to being underestimated, and she's not about to let this young upstart get the best of her.
"Age is just a number, honey. And I'm about to show you that experience trumps youth any day," JLO responds, her voice calm and controlled.

The tension between JLO and Jenna reaches a boiling point as Jenna continues to hurl insults at the veteran wrestler.

"You're a flabby grandma, JLO. You don't belong in this ring," Jenna sneers, a smug look on her face.

JLO's had enough. In a lightning-fast move, she delivers a powerful slap across Jenna's cheek, sending the younger wrestler flying off her feet. The crowd gasps in shock as Jenna hits the ground hard.

Jenna's eyes widen in surprise and pain as she scrambles back to her feet, rubbing her cheek. She glares at JLO, her anger now mixed with a hint of fear.
JLO stands tall, a smirk on her face. "That's just a taste of what's to come, little girl. You're about to learn a lesson in respect."

Jenna, fueled by anger and embarrassment, charges at JLO with all her might. But JLO is ready, sidestepping at the last moment and using Jenna's momentum to take her down to the mat.

The fight explodes into a frenzy of movement as the two wrestlers roll around the ring, their limbs tangled together in a blur of hair, arms, legs, and fists. Their screams of rage echo through the arena as they each try to gain the upper hand.
Jenna lands a hard punch to JLO's stomach, but JLO responds with a kick to Jenna's side. Jenna grabs a handful of JLO's hair, yanking her head back, but JLO retaliates by scratching Jenna's face with her nails.

The crowd is on their feet, cheering and screaming as the two women continue to pummel each other. It's a chaotic scene, with neither wrestler showing any signs of slowing down.

As the fight rages on, JLO and Jenna find themselves rolling towards the edge of the ring. They crash into the ropes, their bodies becoming entangled in the thick strands.
In their struggle to break free, they end up grabbing at each other's bikini tops, squeezing and twisting the fabric in an effort to inflict pain. JLO's nails dig into Jenna's breast, while Jenna retaliates by grabbing JLO's top and pulling it down, exposing her chest to the roaring crowd.
The two women scream in pain and frustration as they continue to grapple with each other, their bodies pressed together in a desperate struggle for dominance. The referee tries to intervene, but a flailing limb knocks him aside as the fight shows no signs of slowing down.

Finally, JLO manages to free herself from the ropes, and she uses the opportunity to grab Jenna's hair and slam her face-first into the mat. Jenna groans in pain, but she's not giving up yet.

Despite the pain and exhaustion, JLO and Jenna continue to brawl as they stumble onto the ring apron. They're both drenched in sweat, their hair wild and disheveled.
Somehow, they manage to pull each other up to their feet without falling off the apron, their bodies pressed against the ropes as they struggle to maintain their balance.

They continue to roll around on the apron, trading blows and kicks as the crowd watches in awe. It's a dangerous game they're playing, with the risk of falling off the apron and onto the hard floor below.
Finally, Jenna manages to gain the upper hand, grabbing JLO's hair and slamming her head into the ring post. As JLO begins to lose her balance on the apron, she quickly reaches out and grabs onto the strings of Jenna's bikini top, desperate for something to hold onto. With a quick tug, she snaps the strings, causing Jenna's top to fall away, exposing her chest to the crowd.
Jenna lets out a cry of surprise and embarrassment, but there's no time to react as they both tumble off the apron and hit the floor with a thud.
The impact knocks the wind out of both women, and they lie on the ground for a moment, gasping for breath. But their competitive spirit won't let them stay down for long.
Jenna is the first to get to her feet, her bare chest heaving as she glares down at JLO. "You'll pay for that, bitch," she growls, before launching herself at JLO once again.

Jenna pounces on JLO like a wild animal, her fists raining down on JLO's face with a ferocity that's both terrifying and impressive. It's as if she's unleashing all of her pent-up anger and frustration on her opponent, with each blow landing with a sickening thud.
JLO tries to defend herself, but Jenna is too quick and too strong. She rips off JLO's bikini top and bottoms, leaving her completely exposed to the cheering crowd.
Jenna's eyes are wild with rage as she continues to pummel JLO, her face twisted in a snarl. "You're nothing but a washed-up has-been," she spits. "I'm going to humiliate you in front of everyone."
She tries to push Jenna off, but her strength is fading fast. It's clear that Jenna has the upper hand, and unless JLO can find a way to turn the tables, she's in for a world of hurt.

Jenna, fueled by her anger and desire to humiliate JLO, grabs her by the hair and drags her over to the crowd barrier. The crowd cheers wildly as Jenna lifts JLO up and throws her tits-first into the barrier, causing her to cry out in pain.
Jenna smirks as she watches JLO slump to the ground, her chest pressed against the cold metal. "How does it feel to be a laughingstock, JLO?" she taunts. "You should have stayed in your lane and let the young talent take over."
JLO groans in pain, her body bruised and battered. She knows she can't let Jenna win like this, but she's struggling to find the strength to fight back.
Just as Jenna is about to deliver another blow, JLO sees her opportunity. She grabs onto Jenna's ankle and pulls her down to the ground, catching her off guard.

As Jenna starts to fall, she quickly realizes that she's losing her balance and is about to land in a split. She tries to brace herself for the impact, but it's too late.
Her legs spread wide apart as she hits the ground, causing an intense stretch that radiates all the way up to her pussy.

JLO, seeing Jenna's vulnerability, quickly crawls over to her and starts to attack. She grabs Jenna's hair and pulls her head back, exposing her neck to a flurry of punches. Jenna tries to fight back, but she's still in the split position and unable to...

JLO, feeling emboldened by her sudden advantage, decides to increase the pain for Jenna. She digs her claws deep into Jenna's firm and young tits, causing her to scream in agony.
Jenna tries to push JLO off, but her arms are flailing wildly, unable to find purchase. JLO only digs her claws in deeper, a sadistic grin on her face as she watches Jenna squirm in pain.
"Not so tough now, are you?" JLO taunts, twisting her claws and causing Jenna's nipples to harden in response. "Maybe you'll think twice before underestimating me again."
Jenna's face is contorted in pain, her body trembling as she tries to endure the assault. She knows that she needs to find a way to escape JLO's clutches if she wants to have any chance of winning this match.

 JLO drags Jenna around the corner by her tits, ignoring the younger wrestler's cries of pain. She climbs up onto the announcer's table, pulling Jenna up with her by her sore and tender tits.
Jenna is barely able to stand, her legs wobbling as JLO positions her on the table. JLO straddles Jenna, pinning her down and towering over her with a look of triumph in her eyes.
"You should have known better than to mess with me, Jenna," JLO says, her voice dripping with malice. "Now you're going to pay the price for your arrogance."
Jenna tries to buck JLO off, but her strength is fading fast. She knows that she's in serious trouble, and that JLO is determined to make her suffer.
As the crowd cheers and chants JLO's name, she leans in close to Jenna's ear and whispers, "I hope you're ready for what comes next."
Jenna's mind races as she lies pinned beneath JLO on the announcer's table. She knows that she can't just give up, that she has to find a way to fight back and regain control of the match.
But right now, she's terrified. JLO has her completely at her mercy, and Jenna can feel the pain radiating through her body from the vicious assault on her tits.
She tries to calm her breathing, to think clearly and strategize her next move. But it's hard to focus when she's in so much pain and JLO is looming over her with a look of pure malice.
Jenna knows that she has to endure, that she has to find a way to weather this storm and come out on top. But as JLO's hands start to wander down her body, Jenna can't help but feel a sense of dread wash over her.

JLO's hands make quick work of Jenna's bikini bottoms, shredding them into tiny scraps and tossing them in Jenna's face. Jenna tries to swat them away, but her arms feel like lead weights.
JLO smirks as she pulls Jenna's legs up, exposing her vulnerable pussy to the crowd. The cheers grow louder as JLO leans in close, her mouth inches away from Jenna's pubic hair.
With a savage growl, JLO bites down hard, ripping the hair off Jenna's mound with her teeth. Jenna screams in agony, her body convulsing as the pain courses through her.
She tries to push JLO away, but her strength is gone. JLO laughs as she spits out the hair, her eyes glinting with sadistic pleasure.
Jenna is completely at JLO's mercy, her body battered and bruised. She can feel the tears stinging her eyes as she wonders how much more she can endure.

JLO wastes no time in capitalizing on her advantage, hoisting Jenna up into a power bomb position. But instead of executing the move immediately, she bounces on her feet, causing Jenna's bent-over ass cheeks to jiggle together on the arena monitor.
The crowd erupts in cheers as they watch the humiliating scene play out on the big screen. JLO smirks, reveling in the power she holds over her opponent.
Jenna can feel her face burning with shame as her exposed ass is displayed for all to see. She tries to squirm out of JLO's grip, but her efforts are futile.
gasping for breath and clutching her aching back.

JLO, high on her recent success, attempts a power bomb on Jenna. But in her arrogance, she fails to notice Jenna reaching for a nearby computer monitor.
As JLO hoists her up, Jenna swings the monitor with all her remaining strength, smashing it against JLO's head. The impact sends JLO reeling, her grip on Jenna loosening.
Jenna takes advantage of the opening, collapsing onto the announcer's table and rolling off to safety. JLO, meanwhile, falls like a tree, her body hitting the ground with a sickening thud.
The crowd gasps in shock as they watch the unexpected turn of events unfold. Jenna lies on the ground, panting and clutching her aching body. But there's a glimmer of hope in her eyes as she realizes that she's still in the fight.
JLO stirs on the ground, groaning in pain as she tries to gather her wits. It's clear that Jenna's attack has taken a toll on her, and she'll need to recover quickly if she wants to maintain her advantage.
The scene is surreal - two of the most stunning women in the world, naked, sweaty, and in excruciating pain, sprawled on the floor. The hatred between them is palpable, their competitive spirit driving them to push their bodies to the limit.
Jenna and JLO lie there for a moment, each taking stock of their injuries and assessing their next move. They're both covered in bruises and scratches, their hair a tangled mess.
But despite the pain, they know that they can't give up. This match is too important, and neither woman is willing to accept defeat.
Slowly, they begin to rise to their feet, their eyes locked on each other. The crowd holds its breath, waiting to see what will happen next.
Jenna and JLO circle each other, their bodies tense and ready to strike. They know that this fight is far from over, and that they'll have to dig deep if they want to emerge victorious.

The hatred between Jenna and JLO boils over once again as they launch into another brutal cat fight. Their movements are slower now, but no less lethal - each attack is calculated to inflict maximum damage.
They tumble over the crowd barrier, their bodies crashing into chairs and scattering spectators like bowling pins. People jump out of their seats, scrambling to get out of the way of the two women who seem intent on destroying each other.
Jenna and JLO grab chairs, breaking them over each other's backs and heads. They punch and kick, their blows landing with sickening thuds.
The crowd watches in awe and horror as the two women tear each other apart, their grunts and groans echoing throughout the arena. It's clear that they're no longer fighting for the win - they're fighting for survival.
As the battle rages on, Jenna and JLO become increasingly desperate, willing to do anything to gain the upper hand. It's a vicious cycle of violence, with no end in sight.

As Jenna and JLO make their way back to the ring, they're both in bad shape - barely able to stand, let alone fight. But the sight of a bag in the ring gives them renewed determination.
Jenna manages to kick JLO in the face, knocking her away from the apron and giving herself enough time to crawl into the ring. She reaches for the bag, hoping that it contains something that will give her an edge in the fight.
JLO follows her into the ring, her face a bloody mess. She lunges for the bag, but Jenna is too quick, grabbing it and backing away.
As Jenna opens the bag, she sees that it's filled with thumbtacks. She smiles wickedly, knowing that she can use them to inflict even more pain on JLO.
JLO's eyes widen as she realizes what's in the bag. She tries to retreat, but Jenna is already dumping the thumbtacks onto the mat.
The crowd erupts into deafening cheers as the glittering pile of thumbtacks sparkles menacingly in the ring. Jenna seems to feed off their energy, pulling a begging and crying JLO back towards the pile.
JLO pleads for mercy, but Jenna is relentless. She yanks JLO to her feet, her face twisted in rage. But in a last-ditch effort, JLO spits in Jenna's face, momentarily distracting her.
JLO uses the opportunity to execute a devastating DDT, driving Jenna's head straight onto the thumbtacks. The crowd winces in sympathy as Jenna lets out a blood-curdling scream, the tacks digging into her scalp.
JLO rolls Jenna over and hooks her leg, going for the cover. The referee counts to three, and the bell rings, signaling the end of the match.
JLO collapses onto the mat, her body covered in sweat and blood. She's victorious, but at what cost? Jenna lies motionless, her face a mask of agony. It's a brutal reminder that in the world of wrestling, even the most beautiful women can be reduced to broken shells.

JLO's body aches with exhaustion as she lies on the mat, struggling to comprehend the announcement of her victory. The cheers from the crowd are distant as if they're coming from another world.
But in the back of her mind, she knows that her victory is only temporary. There's still one more match to go - the RQT singles final match against Adrienne Palicki. And the stakes couldn't be higher.
The winner takes all. It's a simple yet powerful phrase that echoes through JLO's mind. She knows that she'll have to dig deep and summon all her strength if she wants to emerge victorious.
As she slowly gets to her feet, she can't help but feel a sense of dread. Adrienne is a formidable opponent, and JLO knows that she'll have to give it her all if she wants to come out on top.
But she's determined to do whatever it takes to win.


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Re: RQT 1st round Singles Tourney Match: JLO vs J. Ortega
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2024, 12:09:18 AM »


Offline tr0tz

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Re: RQT 1st round Singles Tourney Match: JLO vs J. Ortega
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2024, 11:06:49 AM »
what a rough brawl! JLO's experienced proved to be superior, but Jenna did well! She'll get more wins in the future. And JLO's big bum deserves more beatings.

Love that scene on the announcer's table!

More thumbertacks, more foreign objects please :)


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Re: RQT 1st round Singles Tourney Match: JLO vs J. Ortega
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2024, 01:39:41 PM »
What did you think of my idea of using a fake knife to hurt an opponent?


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Re: RQT 1st round Singles Tourney Match: JLO vs J. Ortega
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2024, 02:10:11 PM »
What did you think of my idea of using a fake knife to hurt an opponent?

Personally, I am not a fan of fake knifes. Too much of a children toy. But generally, I like all twists and tools you introduce to you stories.

In the line of thumb-tacks, a stapler/stapling gun could also be used.


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Re: RQT 1st round Singles Tourney Match: JLO vs J. Ortega
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2024, 03:22:59 PM »
alright, fair enough  ;D


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Re: RQT 1st round Singles Tourney Match: JLO vs J. Ortega
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2024, 05:19:09 PM »
This was superb. Great match up and nice to see Jenna Ortega there


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Re: RQT 1st round Singles Tourney Match: JLO vs J. Ortega
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2024, 08:53:15 PM »
Thank you very much :)
« Last Edit: October 10, 2024, 11:07:35 PM by whatever. »