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Coven - A Witches Halloween Catfight

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Online Amy J

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Re: Coven - A Witches Halloween Catfight
« Reply #45 on: Today at 02:41:25 PM »
Lynx batters me against the obelisks and stone angels as she staggers. I lock my legs around her ribs and tighten the stranglehold around her neck.  I am forbidden tonight from a death grip….. but I will send you to the very edge of joining your Welsh sisters, Lynx. I feel your body shudder as the rain pours over us both. I reach over your shoulder and find again with my claw your sway breast. 

Sleep, Lynx…..sleep.


Offline lexibabe

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Re: Coven - A Witches Halloween Catfight
« Reply #46 on: Today at 02:59:11 PM »
i hear someone  approaching,   my vision adjustingto the   dim light,i see  a form coming closer,but can't make it out,

then  that voice,the  unmistakable  voice of  Alix,  i tense watching as she comes closer still.

she taunts  me,with a challenge, that's  all it takes,i  walk closer,able to now see the sleek   form of her body

the confident smirk on her face,  sliping off my  shoes  we start to circle,the tension building

then  we go for it  and lunge,our bodies  splat togather, owww i groan feling her claws bury in my hair

i sink my claws  in her stringy mop,,givin her empty hea  a shake side  to side
the prez tramp


Offline Lauren Vanessa (Tatt Cat)

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Re: Coven - A Witches Halloween Catfight
« Reply #47 on: Today at 03:47:23 PM »
I growl and hiss as Amy wraps her fingers around my throat ... I'm on top of her and my fingers are tangled in her black rain soaked hair. I lift her head up and slam it down into the squishy mud once ... twice ... The heavy downpour of rain drenching us both has made my skin slick and wet and allows me to grab her wrist with my other hand to pull her clawing fingers from my neck. I reach for a broken chunk of tombstone lying near us wanting so much to smash it into her snarling face and finish her off once and for all ...

But a piercing voice sears through my brain commanding me to enter the old church ... It's not Kate's voice. ... but another. With one final slam of Amy's head into the mud I get up off her ... give her a final quick kick in the ribs for good measure. As I move away I see Lynx returning to continue her fight with Amy but that's no concern of mine for now. Instead I glide across the glistening wet grass to the stone steps and the church entrance and the rest of my Sisters and the Voice beckoning me ...
« Last Edit: Today at 04:21:52 PM by Lauren Vanessa (Tatt Cat) »
I'm a blonde blazing comet! Yeah, I know, comets crash and burn out. But, ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, we give a LOVELY light!


Offline Dicey_Kate

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Re: Coven - A Witches Halloween Catfight
« Reply #48 on: Today at 04:31:41 PM »
Alone in the dead lands my body is being pummelled not by my wretched sisters but by the rain. The spirits of my victims look vexed, as do I. Am I really the only member of the Thirteen who is brave enough to face the terror of the dead lands or perhaps it is me that sends a chill down their yellow spines. This is no dance, there is no permission to give or rules to follow - my invitation is clear - come and fight me!

It is at that moment of peak frustration my Dark Lord appears before me, he taunts me yet he too is vexed by my sisters actions…

“Witch…your night is rather unimpressive so far. The only blood you have shed has been your own. Do your sisters hate you so much that they won’t accept your challenge or is it perhaps they all do fear you? Mmm vexing…most vexing indeed!”

I fall to my knees and before my Dark Lord, I plea:

“Oh my lord, My sisters fear me…I besiege you, release me from this infernal bond of sisterhood. Grant me the freedom to murder and slay my wretched sisters…”

“Enough Witch! You may get what you want…I’m inclined to grant you this boon. Besides who needs witches when we have social media to destroy the soul of humanity? However let’s see what your sisters will do…maybe one of them will find her courage and join you in the dead lands or maybe you’re so pathetic and hated, they don’t see you as being worth fighting? Either way…stand your ground witch - stand!”

And with that my Dark Lord disappeared from sight and I rose up to my feet and glared in the direction of St. Mary’s and my sisters.


Offline Lauren Vanessa (Tatt Cat)

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Re: Coven - A Witches Halloween Catfight
« Reply #49 on: Today at 04:53:43 PM »
As I lift my bare foot up onto the first gravelly stone step to the church door I suddenly stop and turn my head. Through the sound of the whistling wind and pelting rain I hear a voice in the distance ... I know that voice ... beseeching "Come and fight me!"

"As you wish, 'dear' sister ... as you wish ... "

I turn and retrace my steps ... once more gliding across the cemetery grass out to the forbidding deadlands where I see a solitary figure standing there ... waiting ... for someone ... for me ...

"Kate, I see you standing there ... standing your ground ... where you shall fall!"
« Last Edit: Today at 04:54:41 PM by Lauren Vanessa (Tatt Cat) »
I'm a blonde blazing comet! Yeah, I know, comets crash and burn out. But, ah, my foes, and oh, my friends, we give a LOVELY light!


Online Amy J

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Re: Coven - A Witches Halloween Catfight
« Reply #50 on: Today at 04:56:07 PM »
As Lynx sinks to her knees, I see Kate also on her knees in prayer to the Dark Lord.  She seeks his Favor...but I am a jealous servant of His.  Leaving the Welsh witch dazed and gasping for air, I shed the last of my ebony gown, my breasts fully bared to the night and my Sisters.

"You are hated, Kate.  Know that deep in your black heart.  But I answer your call and challenge.  Fear you?  Far from it, my dear!"

I charge into Kate, headlong, my breasts smashing into hers with savage force.   She stands her ground and the vicious impact ripples through us both, a deep disturbance in the ether.  We lock together, woman to woman, and I rip her dress down her back like tearing the veil between reality and the otherworld....

And I hear Lauren Vanessa ..... join us in combat, Wanderer.......


Offline Dicey_Kate

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Re: Coven - A Witches Halloween Catfight
« Reply #51 on: Today at 06:47:55 PM »
How much time has passed is unknown to me, I am alone in the dead lands. I’m a solitary figure of evil, this my domain - I claim it as mine. As I will one day claim dominion over hell itself. Why have a Dark Lord when you can have a Dark Queen!!! But as I drunk on power slip further into my insanity, I at last see a figure appear from the gloom. It’s Lauren the painted bitch; myself and Lauren crossed paths numerous times over the centuries. But each time that accursed pact of sisterhood saved her from my wrath.

I feel my nails twitch with excitement, the spirits who surround me begin to moan as well. Oh how they crave to see my defeat and oh how I crave to disappoint them and prolong their tormented existence. But as I get ready to embrace Lauren’s face with my nails…Amy the demented speeds past her. The last time I saw Amy run that fast she was running from a pious nun of all things, the wretched servant of god threatened my sister with soap! Amazing how one of the thirteen can be defeated with soap…but this is Amy, he don’t call her a dirty bitch for nothing.

Eventually Amy’s body collides into mine and I shudder at the intensity of the impact. Our breasts crush into each other’s and at last I feel pain, delicious pain. We lock together tightly and I rake my nails down her back, as Amy begins to tear my dress.


The sound of my own dress ripping excites me and I snake my right leg between Amy’s and hook her left calf as I hurl us both into the cold wet mud of the dead lands. But before we tumble, I hear you shout for Lauren to join us…I too call out to Lauren.

“Lauren you painted hag…come let me scar you, my nails hunger for your face as much as they hunger for Amy’s”

Then with a smile on my face, I sink my teeth into that foul bitch Amy’s right shoulder and with one final twist of my hips, we both finally tumble screaming at each other into the cold embrace of the dead lands.
« Last Edit: Today at 06:50:24 PM by Dicey_Kate »


Online Amy J

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Re: Coven - A Witches Halloween Catfight
« Reply #52 on: Today at 07:01:58 PM »
An embrace it is; one of loathing and contempt, of hatred and pride. Your low taunts are meaningless - the croak of a frog or the caw of a raven.  Empty.  But your body is a boon, for my claws!   I slash further down your back to the taut muscle of your ass.  Your teeth tear my bare shoulder.  We squelch into the damp ground, the home of worms and decay, the grasping recipient of corpses.

I break your bite with my thumb in your eye, Kate, rolling to mount you at the same time, burying you in the mud beneath me, forcing your face sideways into it until your heaving breath bubbles in the fetid water.  I scream in fierce glee and drop my hungry mouth to the bulge of your modest breast, little sister… good bite deserves another. 

On His Throne, the Dark Lords claps and roars with delight….


Offline Alix_Fights

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Re: Coven - A Witches Halloween Catfight
« Reply #53 on: Today at 07:30:12 PM »
I see my nemesis for the moment, the bitch Lexi, return my glare as she starts to approach, closing the distance between us.  We start to circle, announcing her acceptance of my challenge, and my eagerness to fight her.  She lunges at me, and I at her, our toned bodies mashing together in hatred as our hands fly into each others hair.  She shakes my head side to side by my hair, my scalp already aching, and I curl my fingers in her wind blown locks, twisting them back and forth to put pressure on her roots as my nails dig into her scalp, both of us howling in anger.