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STORY: The Bitch Fight 3: Breeding Bitches Clash

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Offline halhow3

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STORY: The Bitch Fight 3: Breeding Bitches Clash
« on: October 20, 2024, 11:47:45 PM »
Here is the 3rd and final part of "The Bitch Fight" series of stories.

As before the fight is brutal and vicious.  If you didn't like the first 2 parts of the series you won't like this one, so skip it.

If you did like the first story then read on.

The first two stories can be found at:




Offline halhow3

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Re: STORY: The Bitch Fight 3: Breeding Bitches Clash
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2024, 11:52:31 PM »
                                                                                                        By:               halhow3
                                                                                                        Date:  Oct. 20,  2024

          ...An Untimely Event...

After Josh dealt with Earl Pitts, stud to stud, the Emmett clan settled into a long period of pastoral bliss.  The farm was running well.  Crops were plentiful.  The rains dependable and steady.  Josh got  two more kids on Millie, bringing their brood up to eight.  Millie was now in her early 40s but still a fine looking woman, vigorous and healthy.  The hard working life of a farm woman kept her in good shape.

Rural life often follows long patterns and this situation might have continued until their oldest sons were ready to take over the farm.  That may well have come to pass if not for the unfortunate and untimely demise of Ned Dewberry.  The Dewberry farm lay just to the east of the Emmett place.  The farm houses were close, their fields fanning outward like the spokes on a wheel.

Ned Dewberry was a good man, quiet but smart and ruggedly handsome.  His wife, Alice, was a husky and attractive woman, mother to seven kids herself.

Ned's life came to an untimely end as it often does to a farmer, working out in one of his fields.  Ned had been trying to pull a stump with his old Ford 9N tractor.  A notoriously dangerous machine, but a common piece of farm equipment still used by many in this remote and isolated rural community.

The stump didn't pull and the tractor reared up, tossing Ned off the back then falling over on him.  When Ned didn't show for supper, Alice send her oldest son, Otis, to look for him.  By the time Otis found him it was too late.  The coroner said the tractor stove Ned's chest in.  He didn't last a minute.

There was a time of mourning.  All the women folk came over to help out Alice the best they could.  There was a funeral and everyone attended then the local men folk set down and proceeded to split up the chores, planning to help keep the Dewberry place running until Alice and her kin could get back on their feet.

No one was quite sure what Alice would do once she got her head right.  Some thought she might move back east.  Others thought she would take the farm on by herself.  But most figured she would get herself another man pretty quick.  No one thought this would be  hard.  Though in her forties and a mom of seven, Alice was sturdy and attractive.  Proven to be a useful wife and good breeder.  As farm folk reckoned, most figured this mare had one to three more calves in her.  Alice was proven breeding stock.

Of course Alice knew her options too, better than anyone else.  She already had a good idea where to find the man she needed to replace Ned and she didn't mean to look further than the Emmett farmstead.

          ...Plowing and Seeding...

It was after harvest time and there was plenty to do before winter set in.  The local men split up the chores and so it was that one or two went over everyday to the Dewberry farm to do what had to be done.  Josh of course took his turns and this led him to the Dewberry farmstead about once a week.  Millie didn't think much about this.  After all, all the men were doing their part.  It was just that she didn't know the 'chores' Alice was planning for her man Josh to handle.

Josh would go over mostly on Wednesdays and right at sunup.  Most days, the kids were out of the house, sent off to visit friends or set to chores around the farm.  Alice would be waiting for him in one of her nicest dresses and she would insist he eat breakfast before beginning work, even though he always protested he had eaten at home.

As they sat at the kitchen table, Alice would sit close to Josh and talk about how much she missed Ned.  How lonesome she was and needing a man's touch.  She would ask him in a low teasing voice, “What is a woman to do?” 

Every time Josh looked her way, she would staring longingly into his eyes and give him a coy smile.  Often she would lean a little closer so her dress revealed more of her ample cleavage.  It seemed the top few buttons of her dress were always coming undone.

Josh was a grown man and not quite as naive as he when Millie and Ana were flirting with him and competing.  He didn't need a weather report to guess where the winds were blowing with Alice.  It was obvious what she wanted, what she was offering.  Many people raised in the city would say he should have just stayed away and been true to his wife.  But that is not how farm folk see such things.

To him Alice was another brood mare in heat, fertile and ready.  What self-respecting stallion would turn down plowing her furrows?  Just because he had one mare in the barn didn't mean another should be neglected.  Alice was healthy and ample, a field waiting to be planted.  Josh was a farmer and this field needed Seeding.  It just called to his nature to do what needed Done.

It weren't too long before Alice had Josh in her bed.  Their naked bodies entangled, grunting and moaning, connected Cock in Vagina and ...pumping ...pumping... pumping.  Josh found Alice an exciting and aggressive lover, much like his wife Millie herself. 

Pretty soon, every Wednesday Josh found himself in Alice's bed.  Just one more chore on the farm.  A  task to finish after breakfast but before working the fields.

Josh was a simple but pragmatic man.  He gave little thought to the fact he was doing two mares.  In his mind this wasn't really about him.  It was more about Alice challenging Millie for studding Rights.  He figured it would work itself out in time one way or another.  And on that he was dead Right!

          ...Word Gets Around...

In a small community like this, secrets have a way of getting around.  It wasn't too long before word got back to Millie, that Josh was doing more for Alice than patching the barn roof and fixing fences.

To say Millie was angry about this doesn't touch it.  She was nothing short of insane with jealousy and hate.  But she was not surprised.  Truth to tell she and Alice Dewberry had never gotten along.  That it hadn't come to serious trouble before now, was due to their busy lives, their kids, and their men.  Ned and Josh had been good at heading off any serious feuding.  Everyone knows you can't keep two Queen bees in the same hive.

As for the how rumors got started, no word of this dropped from Josh's lips.  As to whether Josh felt guilty for doing two mares no one could say.  Josh was not the kind of man to speak on the subject.  But he was practical enough to let sleeping dogs ...or sleeping bitches... lie.

But if Alice Dewberry wanted to wear Josh's ring, she had to call Millie Emmett out.  She reckoned the best way to get that started was to drop a few hints to her friends over tea that she and Josh were now an item.  That news spread as fast as a wildfire before a strong wind.  From the smile on Alice's lips to the words whispered in Millie's ears, it didn't take three full days.

A city girl might have rushed right out then.  Had a huge quarrel with her man.  Confronted the other woman.  But farm folk are more practical than that.  Last thing Millie Emmett was going to do was push her man away when another bitch was sniffing around for his cock.  Millie knew this was serious business and had to be handled in a serious way.

While Millie had had her struggle with Ana, there were rumors that the path to Alice's marriage with Ned had not been all smooth and full of grace.  In his younger years, Ned Dewberry was quite the fancy man and more than one young woman had doe eyes for him.  One, a girl named Hannah Brumfield from a few farms over, had made it plain she was to have him.

But Hannah turned up suddenly missing one day.  There was much searching then a few days later a hunter found what was left of her in the woods.  It seemed some animal had gotten to her, though from the condition of the body it was hard to tell just which one.  The best guess was a mountain lion, though no one had seen a mountain lion in Jefferson County in three generations.

As  for Alice she was laid up a while.  Seems she was riding a horse and took an unfortunate spill into some barbed wire.  Many of the scratches were very deep.  Some of the gouges looked like bite marks but of course that was just speculation.

But in time, Alice healed up and was soon Ned Dewberry's wife.  The gossip talk faded but the other women, like Millie, remembered what was said all those years ago.  Remembered it good and well.  Alice Dewberry was not a bitch to be crossed lightly.  If you were going to go after Alice you had to be ready for the worst.

          ...A Talk With Josh...

So it came to pass one night, with the children set to their bed, Millie and Josh were sitting at the kitchen table.  Josh was looking over some paper work.  Forms from the bank.  Seed quotes.  Estimates for fertilizer.  Millie was sitting back in her chair, one leg crossed over the other, her eyes steady on her man.

In a soft voice she said, “So?  What I hear is you been keeping time in Alice Dewberry's bed?”

If this announcement startled Josh he didn't show it.  He didn't jump.  He didn't look up.  He sat there and shuffled some papers keeping his head down.   After a moment, he glanced at her and their eyes met.  He nodded briefly then looked back down, turned a page on a bank form, scribbled on it with his pen.

Millie continued to stare, her nipples starting to stiff, pushing out the front of her faded farm dress.

“I just want to say”, she continued quietly.  “That I don't hold you to blame.  I know how a woman can be and when it comes to some things, God made men of clay.”

Josh turned another page, glanced up at Millie then looked down again.

“Oh there is Blame to be laid”, Millie whispered, “But it don't come to you.  I know where it goes and will sort this out on my own.  What I want from you is your promise to stay of of the way and let me do what must be done.”

Millie stared at Josh a long time and finally he looked up and nodded once. 

Millie rose from her chair and came around the table, resting her hands gently on his strong shoulders.   Leaning down, she pressed her lips to his ear.  The scent of her was strong about him and he could feel her breasts pressing on the back of his shoulders.  “Don't stay up too late.  Come to bed.”

Straightening up, she climbed the stairs to their bedroom and he joined her shortly there after.  They made Love long into the night, but the next morning was a Wednesday and found him humping and thrusting, his cock stiff between Alice Dewberry's thighs, plowing her 'field'.

          ...A Talk At The Fence...

On a Thursday morning, breakfast was done and Millie set her girls to cleaning up the kitchen and doing the dishes.  They didn't complain.  On the farm everyone did their part.  She sent the older boys off to chores and left her youngest to play in the front room.

Taking out her phone, Millie sent Alice a text.  “We should have a talk soon” and hit SEND.

When her phone beeped, Alice glanced at it.  She wasn't surprised when she read the message.  She had been expecting it actually.  She knew Millie was going to reach out.  She brushed her hair back and glanced around her kitchen then texted back, “When and where?”

Millie read the reply and thought a moment then texted back, “2 PM?  Out at the fence where our cornfield meets your cow pasture?”

Alice replied, “Reckon it will do.  See you then.”

Both women knew a confrontation was coming, but their days were too busy to brood on it much.  Chores got done.  Millie worked up lunch up for a family of ten.  Alice was cooking for herself, seven youngsters and Tom Beatty who was helping out that day.

Once lunch was over and cleanup done, Millie went upstairs and changed out of her work clothes and into a simple blue cotton dress.  Coming back downstairs, she saw to it everyone was busy then walked out the back kitchen door and across the farm yard.  She headed east and was soon walking across what was left of the cornfield.  It had been harvested a month back and all that was left were dead stalks waiting for the tractor to turn them under.

Millie went barefoot.  Shoes were mostly for church on Sunday and the winter months.

The fence between the Emmett's cornfield and the Dewberry pasture was wooden with three split rails.  It served most of the time.  The cows would nibble anything they could reach, but that was fair.  Sometimes the fence would give and then Josh would have to call Ned and tell him to, “Get your damned cows out of my cornfield.”  Millie missed Ned he was a kindly man.

Reaching the fence, Millie leaned on it with her forearms, her left foot up and resting on the bottom rail.  She looked out across the Dewberry's cow pasture, but she didn't have to wait long.  Soon she saw Alice Dewberry coming her way across the short green grass, occasionally stepping around a cow paddy.  Alice was dressed in a light yellow summer dress and barefoot.

Stopping a couple of feet short of the fence Alice said, “Afternoon Millie.  I don't suppose I have to reckon what you want to talk about?”

Staring at Alice over the fence, eyes holding eyes, Millie responded, “No I don't reckon you do.”

For a long moment the two women looked each other over, there was no sense of urgency to this.  Nothing was going to be resolved today, but they had come to say what they had to say.

“Seems  you been fucking my man Alice”, Millie whispered.  “You know you crossed a line.”

“Reckon I have”, Alice replied.  “But I need a man and we both know there ain't another one better than Josh.  Not around these parts anyway.  I don't mean to settle for second best.”

Millie's eyes held Alice's gaze  like a snake sizing up a mouse.  “If you figured I am going to bundle up my kids and split, you got that wrong.  Dead wrong.  It will come to a Fight.”

At this Alice shifted from one bare foot to the other.  She glanced down and then back up and said, “Oh I didn't take you to be the type of woman to run off Millie Emmett.  Knew it would be us against each other.  Figured I would have to take him from you.”

“Oh  you got that right”, Millie replied.  “Got that just right.”  Her voice sounding dangerous and low.

There was a long silence then Alice lifted her head and looked around, seeing no one else in sight.  Glancing back at Millie she said, “Maybe you want to come over here?  Get a little closer?”

Reaching up, Alice pulled at her dress, shifted and wiggled then pull her dress down and off.  She was wearing nothing under it.  In the sight of the afternoon sun, Alice Dewberry stood in the cow pasture bare and naked.

Millie looked her up and down, devouring her rival  with her eyes.

“Reckon that is a good idea”, Millie replied.   

Straightening up, she squirmed out of her own dress and let to fall down around her bare feet.  Naked, she stepped to the fence and ducked down, slipping under the top rail and stepping over the middle.   The motion was smooth and practiced as common to all farm folk.

Straightening up, she stepped closer to Alice, two bare cows facing off.


The two cows circled each other a moment in the short grass.  The afternoon sun bright on bare skin.  It was this reflection that caught Josh's attention.  He was driving the tractor from the west field to the north pasture.  The flash of sunlight on bare skin caught his gaze.  He stopped the tractor and watched as his naked wife and naked mistress ...circled... and ...circled... in the nearby pasture.  He sat and watched but remembered his promise and made no move to interfere.  This was between Cow and Cow.

Looking her rival up and down Alice Dewberry suddenly threw her arms out like she was asking Millie for a hug.  But what she was offering was a clench.  Millie didn't have to be asked twice and stepped into Alice's arms at once, wrapping her own arms around Alice's bare body.  The two breeding bitches clenched and naked breasts met and pressed on naked breasts.  Nipples already stiff. 

The two women went cheek to cheek, chins on shoulders, faces in hair.  Millie squeezed Alice's body into her own, feeling each time Alice took a breath, feeling Alice's heart beat against her own.  Alice was hot and soft in Millie's arms.  Millie was warm in Alice's grip.

“You're not good enough for him, never were”, Millie whispered then she pushed her bare vagina right into Alice's bare twat.

“He ain't got no complaints”, Alice replied as her hips matched Millie's, shifting around to get slit into slit.  cxnt rubbed and pushed on cxnt, both females clutching each other, breath coming fast and rough.

“Reckon I can give him two  or three more sons”, Alice panted, pussy pushing pussy, pressing tight and rubbing flesh into flesh.

“I done give him eight kids already and can give him more”, Millie replied, her vagina in full confrontation with Alice's vagina as they stood in the pasture, the afternoon sun beating down on them both.
Josh  watched at the two females clenched and feuded.  His own breath coming fast.  Part of him felt responsible, being at the center of this.  But the farmer in him understood this was Nature's way.  Nothing uncommon about two ripe females of breeding age competing for a mate.

Millie gave Alice's left ear a nip then whispered, “Now ain't the time,  but when that time comes, I mean to tear you apart Alice Jennifer Dewberry.  You fucked my man and you gonna Die for that!”  Millie started rubbing her pussy faster and faster into Alice's wet twat, one bitch clearly trying to force the other over the Edge.

Alice squeezed Millie closer, udders rubbing and pushing on udders, vaginas grinding and rubbing it out, wet and slick.  “Oh I mean to kill you  Millie Susan Emmett.  We ain't never been friends.  You ain't good enough for Josh's cock and I am taking him to be mine.”  Dipping her head slightly Alice bit Millie lightly on top of her left shoulder.

Holding each other tight like long lost cousins Millie whispered, “Going to be a bitch fight. I dare you to do this right.  I dare you to dog fight me, bitch to bitch.”

Hips were churning now, vaginas sloppy wet.   Pussy pushed pussy ...again ...and... again ...and ..again.  Rival trying to overcome rival in direct sexual Contact.  Breathing was getting ragged, there were grunts and moans.

Breathing hard, Alice rubbed her udders hard into Millie's bare breasts and said, “Just how you see that happening?”

Millie nipped Alice's left cheek and panted “We get Josh to tape our ankles to our thighs, legs doubled up.  That way we stay on all fours.   Tape our fingers together so there is no gripping or holding on.”

Reaching up, Millie gave Alice's  hair a tug with her left hand.  She said,  “Let's skip the dog collars.  Bitch as bold as you shouldn't be afraid to bare her neck.”  Millie pushed her nude body tighter into Alice's body as she said, “Then it's you and me, teeth against teeth.”

Grinding fuck slit into fuck slit, Alice replied, “Oh a real dog fight?  Dog bitch to dog bitch?  I like that.  When and where you want to do this?  Josh should be there to watch us.  Be there when I rip you all up female to female.”  Alice shivered excited and furious, rubbing hole  to hole with her enemy and rival.

Millie pushed pussy into pussy, arching her back to force her udders deeper into Alice's ample  dugs.  “I  offered the fight.  You pick the time and the place.”  Millie finished with a  breathless moan, close to the edge of orgasm.

Alice thought a moment then said, “Dog fight should be in a pit.  I'll meet you in the sand on all fours.  Get Josh to dig one with the backhoe right here in this field.  Won't need to be too deep.  Winner gets the man.  Loser gets buried.”

Breath catching as vagina pushed vagina, Alice whispered, I say Saturday night.  I can send my kids off to visit with friends.  How about you?”

Rubbing body to body with her enemy, Millie whispered, “Sounds right to me.  Only right Josh watch us.  I'll talk to him about the pit this evening.  Get  him to go digging it tomorrow.  I can send my kids to visit their cousin in town.  They can stay overnight and catch a movie.”
Then talk was over as Millie and Alice came at nearly the same time.  Groaning and gasping, bodies shivering with forced Pleasure.  Grunting as their feminine juices ran down their thighs and smeared over each others cxnts.

Alice released Millie's hair and starting pushing at her shoulders, whispering, “Not here.  Not here.  Someone will see us.”

Releasing Alice, Millie pushed her away and stepped back.

Pointing one  finger at Alice, Millie whispered, “I will see you in the pit bitch and down on all  fours.”

Millie slipped  through the fence and both women pulled their dresses back on.  As Millie started to turn away Alice called out.  She said, “Promise me one thing Millie Emmett.  If you win this bitch fight, promise me you will take care of my kids like they were your own.”

Millie glanced back and replied, “I will.  Your kids are a treasure.  You are the one I hate.  Have no fear.  After I am done with you, I will see they are raised right.”

Lifting her chin Millie continued, “Now you promise me the same Alice Dewberry.”

Alice replied, “Oh I will take care of your kids just fine.  I love Josh and they're half his blood.  I will treat them good like a mother should.”

After exchanging final glares they turned and walked away.  Meanwhile Josh sat on the seat of his tractor ...pulling …pulling ...pulling... at his stiff cock.  He could never remember being so Hard, then he exploded.


When Josh got home that evening, Millie took him aside and told him what was to be done.  He wasn't shocked of course.  He knew something like this was coming, just surprised it had  come so fast.  He agreed to dig the hole Saturday morning then he and Millie went upstairs and made Love.

The next day he was back over at the Dewberry farm where his first 'chore' after breakfast was to fuck Alice long and hard.  That evening he was in bed with Millie again.  To Josh the two women seemed sexual insatiable now that they had agreed to fight over him for studding Rights.

That afternoon he took the backhoe  out into the spent cornfield and used it to dig a hole about 20 feet from the fence.  He piled the dirt up in a mound on one side of the hole.  Then he backed the backhoe up onto the dirt so it's headlights should  shine down into the pit to provide illumination for that night.

The rest of the day pasted in tense silence.  Millie sent the kids off to visit their cousin in town with instructions to stay overnight.  The cousin assumed Millie  wanted some alone time with Josh.  Millie was certainly not going to tell her, she was planning to get into a dog fight with Alice.

Alice had sent her kids off to visit with an old friend that lived out of town.  All that was left now was to wait for the sun to go down.  Josh was increasingly nervous.  He tried to work but couldn't  keep his mind on it.  He mostly stayed away from the two women.  He was in the kitchen briefly for lunch and when Millie noticed him watching her, she turned and calmly said, “I'm going to kill that bitch tonight.”

Josh made no effort to talk the two women out of this and if he had tried it would have done him no good.  Like two freight trains running down the same track, the two women were on a course for collision.  A collision they both wanted and that could not be stopped.

          ...Night Fall...

Evening came and Josh found himself standing out in the field by the backhoe.  He has the engine turning over and the headlights shining into and around the fresh hole in the ground.  If things went as he reckoned he would be burying someone there tonight.   He wasn't sure what time the two women were due to come down, but he figured they wouldn't wait long after dark.

He saw Millie first, walking across the field from the direction of their farmhouse.  She was completely naked and carrying something in her left hand.

Josh watched for a moment shocked then turned his head and saw Alice coming across the pasture toward the fence, naked as the day she was born.   Alice reached the fence and bend down, slipping over and through it then straightening up again.   She walked to the side of the pit, threw Josh a brooding glance then let her right hand rest on her bare hip.

Millie reached the other side of the pit a minute later, looked down into it then back up and at her rival on the other side.  The women's eyes seemed to look right through each other.  Josh took a deep breath then started taking off his clothes.

Leaving his clothes on the backhoe, he walked over to Millie, his cock already half stiff.  As he walked up, she glanced at him then handed him a roll of white tape, the kind they use for medical work.   Her eyes fixed on Alice again she slipped down to the dirt and rolled partly onto her left hip. 

Leaning on a stiff left arm, she used her right hand to grip her bare foot and then pull her leg back.  Her calf was doubled up against her thigh.  “Tape it”, she whispered to Josh.

Remembering what she had said before,  Josh knelt down and wrapped the tape around her ankle and upper  thigh three times, binding her leg up double.  She then shifted to her right hip and they repeated the process for her left leg.

“I don't trust that bitch”, Millie whispered.  “Go do her legs then come back and we can tape up my hands.”

Rising, Josh took the tape and walked around to the other side of the pit where Alice was waiting for him.

Alice gave Josh a playful smile  and said, “Good night for a bitch fight Lover.”

Josh said nothing but shivered.

Alice could see his cock standing straight out and teasingly traced her lips with the tip of her tongue.  “Don't you worry Honey I will take care of that for you, just after I take care of her.”

Alice's gaze returned to Millie on the far side of the pit.  Turning onto one hip, Alice pulled her leg up tight and Josh knelt  down and taped ankle to thigh, then Alice shifted and he did the same to her other leg.

Rising up he muttered, “Be back in a  minute”, his voice thick with passion and excitement.

He walked back to Millie and she lifted both hands, fingers together, hands held flat.  He took some tape and tapped around each hand, wrapping the tape from wrists to fingertips.

When he was done he said, “Are you sure..?”

But Millie cut him off by saying, “Go tape her hands and do it good.”

Josh walked back over to Alice who already had both of her hands raised.   He taped her hands from wrists to fingertips then backed away.

As soon as Millie saw Josh back up, she crawled to the edge of the pit.  Twisting around, she slipped her legs then hips over the edge, hung on her elbows a second then dropped into the pit and vanished from sight.

Alice saw this and didn't waste a second.  She didn't want Millie ready and waiting before she could slip into the pit.   Laying on her side, she rolled over three times and right over the edge of the pit and down.

Dropping the tape, Josh stepped to the side of the pit and looked in.  By the time he got there, both women were up on all fours and facing each other, hair hanging down, eyes gone wild!  The pit was roughly five feet deep and ten across.  With their legs bound up they could not stand.  Climbing out of the pit was impossible, they were trapped there together.  Woman to woman.

As Josh watched the two women begin to ...edge... closer and closer...  It was going to be a dog fight, bitch to bitch.  Shivering and breathing hard, Josh settled down on the edge of the pit to watch.  To wait and see which bitch Killed the other.

          ...Dog Fight...

Dirt was still sprinkling down on Millie from the edge of the pit as she rolled to her hands and knees.  The dirt in the bottom of the pit was soft and felt slightly moist.   As she got to all fours she saw Alice fall into the pit.  She hoped the bitch would break a leg but the soft dirt in the bottom of the pit cushioned Alice's fall. In a few seconds, Alice was up on all fours.  Facing Millie from just a few feet away.

It was night in the middle of a old cornfield, there was no sound at all.   Both women knew that Josh was watching them, but they had eyes only for each other.  Naked, their udders hanging down, the two dominant breeding bitches sized each other up.  Between them they had fifteen pups and their often stretched tummies drooped slightly as they braced on all fours.

Millie whispered softly,  “I always hated you Alice Dewberry.  I'm glad its come to this.”

Alice replied, “Always hated you too Millie Emmett.  You aren't good enough for Josh and tonight I take him.”

At this, the conversation was over and the two bitches begin to edge closer, eyeing each other up.  Millie was cautious to start.  This was no catfight.  With their legs doubled and taped you could get your thighs around the other woman, but you couldn't really wrap her up with your legs.  With their fingers taped, you couldn't grab or pull hair.  This was a dog fight and Millie knew she had to fight like a dog bitch, if she wanted to win this night.

Alice inched closer and tried  slipping a little to her right, trying to circle.  Udders hanging down and nipples stiff, Alice knew that Millie was a dangerous opponent.  She had heard all the old stories and knew that both she and Milled had killed a rival in the past.  Millie was fighting for her mate, her pups and her life tonight and would be dangerous in the pit.

They circled a moment but it was clear to Millie there would be no getting around behind a bitch like Alice.  She closed the distance between them, crawling forward on all fours, her udders dangling and jiggling.  Alice saw her coming and reared up.  Millie reared up as well.  Reaching out, they wrapped their arms around each other and came together on their knees, chest to chest and bosom on bosom.

Laying on his side, nude and looking down into the pit, Josh saw the two females come together and he felt his breath catch.  A small part of him felt bad about it all.  Blamed himself.  But Alice had come after him.  It was only natural after the death of Ned that she seek a new mate.  She knew the day she took him to her bed, she would have to face Millie.  For the most part, Josh saw this as a natural thing, one female challenging another for breeding rights.  There was no stopping it.  They wanted to Fight.

The two fighters were finally bitch on bitch at last.  Millie  could feel Alice's warm soft body squirming in her arms.  Alice's hanging mom breasts pushed firmly on Millie's own.  When Millie fought Ana both had bit at once, but Millie was now a more mature and seasoned bitch.  What she wanted right now was position on Alice.

Clutching at Alice, Millie's left arm slipped upwards, her hand naturally trying to grab hair.  But with tape covering her fingers this was impossible.  Millie reminded herself this was a dog fight and pushed her left arm up to the bicep under Alice's armpit.  She then reached over the back of Alice's shoulder, pushing her forearm and wrist against Alice's forehead, trying to force her head back and prevent Alice from biting.

Millie leaned heavily into Alice, both bitches clutching, struggling for position.  Millie wanted to put Alice on her back.  But Alice was a husky and active farm woman and would not be rolled over so easily.

Clutching at Millie's nude warm body, Alice was trying to adjust to dog fighting as well.  When Millie had suggested this Alice had not been surprised.  The idea was not new with Millie.  Stories of such in the region went back many long years. 

Alice could remember hearing about dog fights between white women taken captive in the settler days and squaws that didn't want a white woman in their brave's bed.  Of course in those times the bindings had been strips of leather and not  tape.  But a bitch to bitch dog fight is a dog fight all the same.

There were rumors out of Cumberland county that there were farmers who kept kennels of women bred only to fight on all fours in the pit.  The rumors said the women had been altered.  Fingers removed, legs shortened, teeth filed to points.  But the rumors were just rumors no one could  say 'yes' or 'no' to that.

Alice could feel Millie leaning hard into her, pushing at her head with one arm.  She quickly slipped her left arm upward and got her forearm under Millie's chin, trying to push her head back.  Bare udders rubbing and pushing on bare udders, the two females starting circling slowly on their hind legs.  Locked up and fighting down in the pit as above stud they both wanted looked on.

Wrestling body to body the two breeding bitches WRESTLED, swaying side to side and clutching at each other body to body.  After a few minutes, Alice managed to inch higher, rising up straighter on her knees and leaning into her rival.  Gaining leverage, she took Millie over and onto her back.

Millie landed on her back in the soft dirt and Alice quickly toppled over on top of her, slipping forward a bit and bringing her udders dangerously close to Millie's head.  Millie stretched her neck and tried to bite the top of Alice's left breast, but Alice dropped her left shoulder, slipping her boob just out of reach of Millie' teeth. 

Slightly heavier than her rival, Alice quickly tried to spread her weight on top of Millie to keep the other fighting bitch down.  Bringing her right arm up and over she pressed it to Millie's forehead to hold the back of Millie's head in the dirt.  Each tried to get her doubled up legs around the other.  Thighs crossed thighs and soon each bitch was vagina to vagina with her enemy.

The sensation of her enemy's cxnt on top of her own drove Millie wild.  She bucked and squirmed but was unable to push with her legs doubled up and taped.  Alice continued to ride her, breasts on breasts, tummy on tummy and mound on mound.

Josh watched from the edge of the pit, his own breathing ragged.   He could see his two mates, naked and dog fighting, bitch on bitch.  Millie's naked body under Alice's nude body, squirming and struggling.  Josh's cock ached.

Getting her right elbow in the dirt, Millie pushed hard.   She clutched at Alice  with both thighs as Millie tried to roll to her left.  Slowly she twisted Alice over and dropped Alice on her right side.  Millie rolled to her left and pushed up on one elbow, trying to mount her enemy.

Alice struggled in the soft dirt and got her left knee up and pushed on Millie's hip holding her off.  The two women glared at each other.  Millie leaned in and tried to bite Alice's face.  Alice jerked her head back just out of reach.  Udders flopped and sagged, bare cxnt pushed and rubbed on bare cxnt.  Each female was enraged at the sensations of contact with her rival.

There was no pretense of shyness at the body to body contact.  No attempt to pull back.  Teeth were bared.  This was female against female and body against body.  No matter what it takes.  The fight to the Death was ON!

Watching from above Josh could hear the panting, the grunts of effort, the snarls.  He knew they were exactly where they wanted to be.  It was going to be a long night but there was no stopping this.  It was only over when one bitch Killed the other.  Reaching down with his right hand, Josh began to jerk on himself and soon Came.  His semen spraying into the pit splattering on the two fighters, who noticed it not at all.  As they were hot after each other.

          ...Bitch On Bitch...

Pushing with her left knee,  Alice was able to SHOVE Millie  away.  Millie flopped onto her back but had no intention  of remaining there and quickly rolled onto her right side.  Her back  was to Alice  and Millie pushed up on her right elbow and then surged up onto all fours.  She turned her head to glance back at Alice and found the bitch RIGHT there.

Alice saw her chance and come off the ground fast, hoping to get on Millie's back but was a bit too late.  Nevertheless she was shoulder to shoulder with her and hip to hip as Millie looked back at her. 

Alice  immediately leaned her head down and bit Millie on her right shoulder.  Millie gasped and slipped to her left but Alice moved with her, hips pushing and rubbing hips, side to side.  Alice  hung on to her bite and suddenly Millie's left hip and shoulder were against the dirt side of the pit.

Trapped against the side of the pit and being bitten, she leaned over and tried to bite at Alice's head.  But the back of Alice's  head was protected by her long thick hair and Millie could not get a good bite. Struggling against the side of the pit, caught between it and Alice's body, Millie got her right thigh up and over the small of Alice's back.

Alice hung onto Millie's  right shoulder growling.

Pushing with a straight left arm, Millie slipped up and onto Alice's  back.

Alice lost her bite and could now feel her rival's naked body on top of her, udders pressing into the backs of her shoulders, Millie's warm moist cxnt pushing into the small of her back.  Millie had both thighs around Alice's hips as she leaned down and bit at the right side of Alice's neck.  Pushing her face into Alice's hair as she tried to work her teeth deeper. 

Alice  groaned and spun around to her left, trying to toss the bitch off but Millie rode  her.  She leaned forward suddenly, going to her elbows but Millie was a  mature and experienced bitch and expected this.  She tightened her thighs around Alice's waist and held on, while continuing to bite at Alice's neck and shoulder.

Looking down, Josh could see the two bitches getting to it now.  One of the other's back, biting and clutching, trying to hang on and bite.  As they turned and turned, he was getting flashes of tits, ass and pussy.  The desperate panting, snarls and moans exciting him much.

Straightening suddenly, Alice threw herself to her right, falling heavily on her side but knocking Millie off.  Had Millie's legs not been bound, she might have curled them around Alice's waist and held on.  But this was a dog fight and with her legs doubled up, Millie couldn't hold on.  Both women were down in the dirt on their right sides, Alice with her back to Millie.

Alice quickly twisted  to her belly and pushed up on both elbows.  Millie leaned in and bit the outside of Alice's right arm.  Alice groaned but leaned over Millie, biting Millie's forehead just above her right eye.  Blood  ran down into Millie's face and she curled up, got both knees on Alice's hip and PUSHED Alice away.

Alice fell onto your left side but was up again fast.  Millie rolled away and came up on all fours waiting for her. 

Millie bared her teeth and snarled.  Alice showed her teeth and answered.  The two females started inching closer to each other again, both bloodied but ready to continue.  Watching from above Josh felt  himself getting hard again.  The fight in the pit was so primal.  It was female against female, bitch against bitch.   There were no rules to this, just kill your Rival.

Each was a dominant breeding bitch.  They were fighting over a mate, the right to raise their pups, fighting for their Lives.  Alice snarled and came at Millie.  Millie growled and went low, ducking her head down as she tried for Alice's bouncing right udder with her teeth.

She missed  and Alice bite the back of Millie's right shoulder again.  Millie slipped to Alice's right and wrapped both arms around her, pushing in from her right side, trying to shove her over.  As they struggled, Millie bit Alice's right shoulder  and Alice snarled with jealous hate.

Josh moaned his cock standing straight out again.  The two bitches were trying to kill each other,  fighting naked.  Down in the pit there was no escape.  He panted like a stud dog in heat and watched with glittering eyes as bitch went after bitch, their naked bodies glistening with sweat, marked with blood.  He knew they wouldn't stop.

          ...Breeders In Battle...

Millie had both arms around Alice's body, one arm across her back and the other just under Alice's hanging, swaying breasts.  Alice kept trying to turn into her, but Millie just kept turning to her left as she bit at Alice's right shoulder again and again. 

The damage wasn't disabling but the biting infuriated Alice.  Around and around they moved in the soft dirt, the two bitches in a clench.  As they turned, Josh saw flashes of their bare cxnts and the smell of sweat, blood and vaginal musk began to rise up to his nostrils.

The scents of the two fighting females, excited Josh even more.  His breathing ragged, his eyes fixed on them as they struggled.  In a normal catfight, Alice could reach back and pull Millie off with a handful of hair.  But with their fingers tapped, she couldn't get a grip.

They turned on all fours, thighs wide apart, knees planted.  Alice began to edge to her right, finally pushing Millie up against the wall of the pit.  Fixing her in place.  Dropping to her left side, Alice was able to turn into Millie, get her  right knee up on Millie's hip.

Millie seeing Alice down on her side, released her bite and moved forward to get off Alice's raised knee.  She quickly threw her left leg over Alice's waist and straddled Alice's right side.

Alice apparently was waiting for this as she rolled quickly to her back and wrapped her doubled-up thighs around Millie's left leg and hip.  Alice continued to turn, rolling onto her right side and pulling Millie over the top of her and dropping Millie onto her  left side in the dirt.

The two fighting bitches quickly wrapped their arms around each other and pulled each other in tight.  Breasts flattened and spread on breasts, thighs curled around hips.  They are udders to udders and fuck slit to fuck slit.  Alice rolled on top of Millie but was immediately rolled off.  Soon they were a squirming, struggling mass of naked flesh in the dirt.  It was clear to Josh's gaze both bitches were still eager for the fight.

Naked and body to body they struggled in each others arms.  No words  were spoken just grunts of effort and moans of pain.  Udders rubbing, the women's eyes were wild.  The two woman were ...totally focused... each on the other. 

From time to time, hips would press tight, each wanting the other female to feel her vagina.   To make the other know she could Fuck the male.  Bear his  young.  Pleasure him!

Locked up front to front, the biting started face to face.  As they rolled again, Josh could see that Alice had her teeth around the left side of Millie's jaw.  Millie shook her head to break the bite and then turned and snapped at Alice's nose.  Alice turned her head away but Millie's teeth found her left cheek.

Alice gasped and thrust the top of her head into Millie's face then turned and bit Millie's upper lip.

As they bit at each other, they struggled bitterly in each others arms.  Pushing and squirming, twisting around, trying to gain a position of advantage.  Their thighs were around each other and as they fought hole rubbed constantly into rival hole.  Josh could see their  hips deliberately pushing and rocking, each bitch taunting the other with her sex.

Josh saw Millie's  right hand sweep down Alice's sweaty bare back.  An instinctive attempt to scratch but the tape on their hands dulled the use of their nails.  Prepped as they were, it was bitch against bitch and teeth against teeth, to the bitter end.  A true bitch to bitch dog fight.

In the pit Millie could feel Alice's  hot, sweating body on her own.  Both of them were panting, their breathing ragged from both effort and pure Hate.   Alice's stiff nipples were poking deep into Millie's soft breasts.   Millie's hard nipples were deep in Alice's boobs, as tummies slapped and mounds rubbed.

They wrestled naked in the dirt, each bitch trying to get the other on her back.  The air at the bottom of the pit was thick with the odor of sweat and the thick musky scent of their swollen, wet vaginas.

Alice was on the top for the moment ...working ...working.. her hips, rubbing her fuck slit deep into Millie's fuck slit, wanting Millie to feel her and KNOW that she wanted Josh's cock.  Sitting above them Josh could see this, see Alice's hips humping and thrusting, bitch fucking Millie as she lay on her back.  Josh knew that Alice was trying to assert Dominance over Millie.  Humiliate her by fucking her in front of her Mate.

Millie was answering from the bottom with deliberate THRUSTS of her own.  While erotic sensations tinged their minds, this was not a sex fight but a fight FOR sex and someone had to Die.

As Millie matched Alice pussy to pussy, there was no one in this world she wanted to ...Hurt ...Maim... Kill.. more than Alice Jennifer Dewberry.  And as Alice lay atop Millie there was no one Alice wanted to do to Death more than Millie Susan Emmett.

Rocking her shoulders side to side, Millie managed to roll Alice over, getting that bitch onto her side.  Neither woman let go and they continue to clutch at each other, grinding bodies as they traded bite for bite. 

Millie nipped Alice's chin then bit her lower lip hard, shredding it.  Alice tried to bite Millie's right eye but Millie jerked back and Alice's teeth took her on the right cheek instead.

Their bodies would JERK in pain, Shiver with sensation.  Tighten in agony again.  But both clung to the other, right where they wanted be.  In all out female battle with their Rival.  The clench was a stalemate,  neither could gain ground.  But they were belly to belly, womb on womb.  A mother of eight versus a mother of seven.  Tummy pressed on tummy, slipped and rubbed.

          ...Done To Death...

To Josh it seemed like the fight continued for hours.  To the two fighting females, time stretched and froze.  From time to time exhaustion would overcome them and they would lay perfectly still, nude bodies entwined, smeared in blood and covered in sweat.  Teeth deep in each others flesh, the only sign of life their bosoms rising and falling as both panted for breath.

Then one would try and twist around on the other, get on top.  The other would start struggling, resisting and the bitch fight would continue again.

Neither tried to escape the clench with the other.  Both were too tired to chase the other around the pit.  As they fought they did terrible things to each other.  Millie lost both ears and her left eye.  Alice got the tip of her nose bitten off, and her left ear ripped away.  She was missing her lower lip, her teeth always bared and covered in blood.

Soon they were curling around each other, going after breasts and nipples.  Alice lost both of her nipples to Millie and her left udder was nearly torn away.  She bit a huge hole in the side of Millie's left udder and removed the nipple from that breast with her teeth. 

Millie was screaming but managed to twist on top.  Millie got her thighs around Alice's head and under Alice's chin.  Millie bend the bitch's head to one side and back.  Alice was STRUGGLING, but was tired and couldn't get Millie off.  Pressing her face deep into Alice's belly, Millie began to chew and tear until Alice's flesh was ripped open.

What followed wasn't pretty but it was Nature's way.  With her enemy trapped at last, Millie feasted on her rival, chewing and ripping her way down to Alice's womb and ovaries.  She tore Alice's uterus out with her teeth then fed on her rival's eggs.  Some where during the brutal mauling Alice Dewberry passed on to the next world and rejoined her husband.

          ...The Cover Up...

After cumming for the third time that night, Josh climbed  down into the pit.  He checked on Millie and finding her alive, lifted her up and out.  He carried her back to the farmhouse and lay her down in a bed then he came back, started up the backhoe and filled in the hole.

After taking the backhoe to the shed, he came back to Millie, cleaned her up the best he could, dressed her and drove her to the hospital in Clarksville.  He told the emergency room staff and later the police it was a pack of wild dogs.  Certainly from the look of the injuries, no one doubted him.

The authorities came out in due course and did find a few stray dogs to shoot.  Overtime, Millie recovered and came home, but of course Alice was missing.

No one ever saw Alice Dewberrry again.  Rumors got around she ran off with a traveling salesman.   It was known to happen from time to time.

The Emmett's took in all seven of the Dewberry kids.  True to her word, Millie brought them up proper and with love.  In time they all came to call her mom.

While most of the men were puzzled by events, more than a few of the women folk had a good idea what had come to be.  But they kept  their silence, except in whispers over teacups.

Millie was missing two ears, but her long hair covered that most of the time.  The doctor's in Clarksville gave her a glass eye.  It was so well done you couldn't tell it from the original.

Millie recovered to be a strong, fetching woman and raised her expanded brood till all were adults themselves.  Josh and Millie never spoke of her bitch fight with Alice.   They were simple farm folk and to them the matter was settled.  But at times it did come to their minds and when it did they always made Love...

                                          -The End


Offline CuriousCombat

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Re: STORY: The Bitch Fight 3: Breeding Bitches Clash
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2024, 01:53:15 AM »
Good to see the follow up stories in the ongoing series so soon.A great trilogy coming to an end.
I really liked the terminology you used in the story. Also love the use of mini titles.
The ending was too brutal but the rest of it very much perfect.

Thanks for writing and posting so frequently these days.


Offline Twinfighters

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Re: STORY: The Bitch Fight 3: Breeding Bitches Clash
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2024, 08:13:21 AM »
Yeahhhhh! That’s what I call battle of the supreme, like the Amazonian tribes. It sometimes just has to come down to this. It’s horrible, but it’s survival of the fittest.


Offline Tangocash1234

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Re: STORY: The Bitch Fight 3: Breeding Bitches Clash
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2024, 06:09:27 PM »
Once again, congratulations on another fierce and super erotic story. I just wish the fight description had gone on a bit longer! Again, the prose conjures up some truely memorable images. Great to see the stud they were fighting for got to witness and enjoy the spectacle in such an uninhibited way - love the sperm splashing over them as they fought.

Look forward to reading whatever you write in the future.


Offline Mauze

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Re: STORY: The Bitch Fight 3: Breeding Bitches Clash
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2024, 11:30:22 AM »
Absolutely love how primal your stories are, the animal-like struggle of two jealous belligerents and the kind of fatalism where everybody accepts the struggle for what it is.

I admit I was rooting for Alice as I thought it would be even hotter to have her take over Millie's house after "retiring" her, stealing her life in every meaning, but Millie proved to be the better pussy.

I really hope to see more fights in this vein from you, particularly this kind of series where there is even more history and context to the fighters :).


Offline DevilsAngel

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Re: STORY: The Bitch Fight 3: Breeding Bitches Clash
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2024, 05:07:40 AM »
I wonder what would happen in one of Millie’s daughters and one of Alice’s daughters discovered the shocking truth, both coming of age and …..