
PRODUCERS & OTHER FORUMS SITES: Please note - you MUST HAVE A RECIPROCAL LINK back to this site is you wish to ADVERTISE your site on this forum. If you do not have a link back to us, we will remove your posts with immiediate effect - 25th April 2010

POLL Rules - Please read BEFORE creating a poll in this section

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POLL Rules - Please read BEFORE creating a poll in this section
« on: October 17, 2010, 08:35:33 PM »
Before you post a poll or story, please take a moment to read the rules and ensure you abide by them.

If a Poll falls foul of the rules, it will be deleted without warning.

#1 - When creating a poll, ensure you set a time limit (at least 1 full day) so members know how long a poll will run for.
#2 - Ensure that if you poll features members of this forum, they have been informed and have given their consent
#3 - Your poll should be in line with the general forum rules
#4 - Only ONE active poll per user. Lock or close your active poll BEFORE you create another
#5 - Also, please ensure any of your current polls are closed BEFORE you begin a thread on another
#6 - No BUMPING of polls
#7 - If you are linking to pictures in your poll, please ensure the links work. Invalid pic links (red x in the pic field) will lead to a poll being deleted
#8 - Polls must be run using the poll system on this site. Please do not link to off site polls.
#9 - Please finish your posting on member's polls in a timely matter. While we realize you may need a day or so to wrap the fight up after the results are in, longer than that denies active polls a chance to shine.

I have recently made a thread in the producers section regarding the bumping of threads. I am completely against the bumping of a thread simply for the sake of jumping back to the top of the message board..

There are a large number of members who participate in the Polls and all Poll posters should get a fair and equal amount of air time.

If you are unclear of what does / doesn't constitute bumping, please take a look at my thread in the producers section.

Bumping a post is when a user bumps the post / poll back to the top of the board by simply posting a random comment that adds no value to the debate. It is percieved as simply a post to get the thread or debate back to the top of the list.

If Polls are persistently bumped, they will be removed without notice

New Rule - Several users have flagged up the abuse of poll posts with one user posting several polls right after each other. This then leads to polls dropping off the first page whilst the multiple polls polls take front page. Going forwards, we will ONLY ALLOW ONE ACTIVE POLL PER USER. That way, everyone gets a fair bite at the cherry :-)

If you have more than ne active poll going, I will simply delete any other active / unlocked polls that user has.


« Last Edit: June 08, 2021, 10:58:53 PM by NotMegan »


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Please DO NOT Bump your polls
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2010, 07:41:47 AM »
Wish I had known about this before one of my threads just got dumped.

I usually try to play off what the ladies add to it. Then at end announce who wins, and when story is posted.

If this is to be fair.. then should it also go for people that slam poll with 7 to 9 seperate polls same theme??
I have seen where someone just posts, then another ads 7 to 9 same theme posts, different ladies maybe, knocking others half way down the page in minutes.
Also at times same person, has 14 to 18 up on the first 2 pages, almost wiping everyone else out.
Fresh polls, yet one person has almost a full page worth just their new posts.

I am not trying to start problems or issues yet one seems as bad as the other. Especially when your not supposed to bump, yet yours gets dropped from view by single poster.


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Re: Please DO NOT Bump your polls
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2010, 11:18:46 PM »

I don't believe I've ever posted a poll myself but I an curious about just what you consider "bumping" a poll.  I understand your point on this and I have a feeling I know what you are talking about but could you please be a little more specific about what is allowed and not allowed?


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Re: Please DO NOT Bump your polls
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2010, 01:28:34 AM »
I'm with John on this one. I also believe the bullying of Polish people is just plain wrong.



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Re: Please DO NOT Bump your polls
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2010, 10:23:43 AM »
then should it also go for people that slam poll with 7 to 9 seperate polls same theme??
I have seen where someone just posts, then another ads 7 to 9 same theme posts, different ladies maybe, knocking others half way down the page in minutes.
Also at times same person, has 14 to 18 up on the first 2 pages, almost wiping everyone else out.
Fresh polls, yet one person has almost a full page worth just their new posts.

Agreed. Only one active poll at a time sounds right I think. Everyone agree?


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Please DO NOT Bump your polls
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2010, 07:05:29 AM »
That would be with in reason .. hope you don't plan to just go through and hack off everyone that already has polls running or partway through .. as this is just being discussed now...

As the others finish off maybe a limit to NEW polls starting. With in set amount of days.
I have one main active with the FINISH to one needing to begin tomorrow ....
Again something that was already begun .. so with a few running. Maybe limit it to only maybe something like three starts with in a certain amount of time.
ONE finishes you can start another.
Yet you can't just begin like a dozen within a weeks time.

What about something like that?? Trying to give few ideas to make it sound sensible, while allowing some play as well.



Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Please DO NOT Bump your polls
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2010, 04:18:42 PM »
Okay honest just trying to work with things going....

NOT bumping but you CAN reply if others still commenting on finished poll...

LIMIT maybe to the amount of NEW ones you can start with in like a weeks time??
That way you don't just have someone dumping a ton on a single day, drowning everyone else out.

Hope this is making sense....




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Re: DO NOT Bump your polls + ONLY ONE Active poll per user + additional
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2010, 09:10:34 PM »
Poll creators can now lock their own polls -,11774.0.html
« Last Edit: December 23, 2010, 12:23:33 AM by FEMMEFIGHT »