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Halloween "Catfight"

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Offline Janine_G

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Halloween "Catfight"
« on: October 12, 2024, 04:17:41 PM »
Donna giggled as her friend Michelle finished the body paint for her big night.  Donna wasn't the "giggling type" but she loved Michelle and the body brushes tickled as they applied the paint under her large breasts.  It was an absurd thing that Donna was about to do, the type of thing that only the idle rich engage in, but it was, nonetheless, something that she wanted to finish. 

Across town, in an equally opulent home, Kelsi sat quietly as the professional make up artist she had hired put the finishing touches on her own body paint.  Kelsi was in her mid 20s like Donna, stunningly gorgeous and absurdly wealthy as well.  She and Donna had been in an escalating feud over the past year or so and had come to blows in and outside of clubs three times, none of which had ever been significant.  With Halloween upon them, they had taken to social media to escalate their feud and someone had suggested that they "catfight" and settle their issue, part of which was that both wanted to fuck the same guy.  Or actually, both were fucking the same guy, currently.

And so, as only the idle rich could do, the two women took it to an extreme and decided to both become "cats" for a planned "pre-halloween" fight.  Both planned on being something different for their ACTUAL halloween costumes, but for this event, they would be cats.  Donna would be a "leopard" and Kelsi would be a tigress.

Kelsi, standing now as the finishing touches were applied, turned to her best friend Janine and said, "I can't wait to rip that bitch's tits off..."

Janine snickered, sipping her champagne, "I can't wait to watch, but she is definitely a tough bitch, and I heard she hired a personal trainer to prep for this."

Kelsi shrugged, "whatever, Jackson and I have been working out for years."  Jackson was Kelsi's personal trainer.

Across town, Donna looked at Michelle as she marveled over the finished product.  "You are a remarkable talent, Mickey.  Now, will this be the first time a leopard ever defeats a tiger?"  She laughed as Michelle shrugged, "don't know," her friend said, "but I'm going to record you tearing that asshole up for posterity regardless...."

And the two got into the car and drove to the massive gym that the women had rented for the event. 

As Kelsi walked into the gym, with the cage in the middle, she greeted dozens of her friends who had come to watch her kick Donna's ass.

On the other side of the gym, Donna was doing the same.  both had little tiny bikinis on covering their most private areas, but neither thought that they would not lose their clothes during the fight.

They had agreed to a few rules--no attacks to the face and no biting.  Otherwise, they would fight in the cage until one was the winner. 

No one wasted anytime.  Donna threw back a shot of Patron and Kelsi guzzled a glass of champagne.  Both women had filed their nails to points, which was not only stylish, but could cause damage.  They went into the cage and stared at each other.  Fury flooded into both of their big chests as they looked at ringside and saw the man.  A mutual friend named Lynne agreed to be the timekeeper and ref, she was standing in the ring in a striped shirt and hot pants. 

She asked each of them if they were ready and both acknowledged that they were with a simple nod.

"GO!" she yelled, awkwardly.

And the two women ran towards each other and got into awkward crouches as they circled and put their claws up. 

If the guy at ringside could have jerked off right that second, he would have.  This was the hottest thing he had ever witnessed.  All of the men and several of the women in the crowd, many of whom were already drunk, felt the same way.  It only intensified when the two women gathered enough courage to engage with one another.  They both grabbed each other by the hair and a tit and started to yank each other about.  Donna quickly realized that Kelsi's claws were sharp and painful as her tit was on fire.  Both women recognized quickly that while they were very evenly matched in size, Donna was seemingly stronger. 

The two women awkwardly tried to gain an advantage. Despite being stronger, Donna was tugged off balance and tackled by Kelsi, who shifted tactics and took the hand from Donna's hair and grabbed her crotch, digging in her nails viciously.  Donna couldn't help but yelp in pain as she took her hand from Kelsi's hair and pressed it into her chin, pushing her head back.

Kelsi growled, "Tiger always beats leopard's that pussy feel?" and she jammed her nails in harder.

Donna winced and yelped, but twisted Kelsi's tit violently as she replied, ""  and then she bucked and rolled on top of Kelsi, moving her hand from her chin to both tits as Kelsi relentlessly assaulted her sensitive pussy.

Very quickly, the crowd and both women realized that this was not a regular fight.  The two women hated each other and were just trying to hurt each other's most sensitive areas to humiliate their opponent.

Both women's tits were out of their tops already and Donna's bottom was almost off.  She quickly grabbed Kelsi's bottom and yanked up aggressively giving Kelsi the most painful wedgie of her life.  Kelsi growled in pain as the flimsy fabric cut deep into the sensitive flesh of her pussy. 

The two women rolled apart, as if by mutual agreement and got on all fours, breathing hard, their big chests heaving with each breath.  Their once perfectly coiffed hair was in disarray and their faces were intense masks of hatred and pain.


Offline Janine_G

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Re: Halloween "Catfight"
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2024, 05:14:37 PM »
The two women scrambled towards one another and they clawed and scratched at each other.  Kelsi whimpered as she struggled to dig her nails into all of the fleshy areas of Donna's body that she could get to but was assaulted by Donna's sharp claws and Donna huffed and moaned as Kelsi did her damage.  They struggled with one another but Donna was stronger and overpowered Kelsi, pinned her down, and successfully straddled her.  Donna began to maul and twist Kelsi's tits cruelly as Kelsi attacked back from the disadvantaged position, pinned down by her foe, who kept knocking her hands away from her tits as she tried to retaliate and defend herself against Donna.  Donna's claws broke the flesh on Kelsi's self-described "perfect tits" and blood began to trickle from some of the claw tracks.

Kelsi, a mean bitch, changed tactics and grabbed Donna's pussy, digging her claws in harshly.

"You slutty bitch..." Donna growled as her face contorted in pain, "Two can play at that game." and she reached around and grabbed Kelsi's pussy, pulling the fabric from between her labia and allowing it to fall away from her body.

For several seconds the two women assaulted one another.  Neither could see it because of the heavy make up, but both began to tear up and cry silently.  They had never suffered this type of pain before and things had become nasty.  Donna was winning, though only Kelsi knew it.  The pain in her tits and pussy were too much and she wasn't sure she could take it much longer.  She was in trouble and she didn't want to lose in front of all of these people, especially to the arrogant bitch straddling her at that moment.

Donna was hurting but she felt like she was doing some good damage.  She wasn't ready to give up yet, but the bitch she was fighting was definitely hurting her.  She looked over at Michelle who was cheering her on.

Seeing Michelle's enthusiastic cheering motivated Donna and she more vigorously began to maul Kelsi's damaged tit and her pussy.  Kelsi winced and whimpered, beginning to squirm in discomfort as she suffered at Donna's assault.  She couldn't take much more of the bitch's claws. 

Kelsi's body became drenched in sweat, the pain was beginning to overwhelm her as she frantically tried to escape from beneath her foe.  Donna turned up the intensity of her attack and Kelsi almost let out a sob.  She was about to give up, when a desperate idea crossed her mind.  She was mean and nasty and arrogant, and didn't want to lose to the bitch who was on top of her.

She moved her hand from Donna's labia, and Donna let out a sigh of relief, but it was short-lived as Kelsi shoved her index and middle finger up inside of Donna.  Donna's eyes went wide and she gasped, instinctively releasing her grip on both Kelsi's tit and pussy and grabbing at the wrist of the hand that was violating her.

"What the fuck?" gasped the dominant woman, "What the--" but her second exclamation was cut off as Kelsi completed the move, jamming her thick, sharp, thumbnail straight into Donna's clit. 

The scream silenced the crowd as Kelsi simultaneously yanked up on her fingers violating Donna's pussy.  Donna immediately rolled away and scrambled a few feet away from Kelsi, laying on her stomach, holding a hand on her clit and moaning repeatedly, "oh god, oh my fucking god..." and crying right in front of the guy. 

Kelsi wasted no time as Michelle shook the cage and began screaming that "the dirty cxnt cheated"...

Kelsi scrambled over and slid her body on top of Donna's prone body, shoved her hand again between Donna's legs and slid another under her torso grabbing one of her big tits and began another assault focused mostly on Donna's damaged pussy.  Donna wailed and kicked as Kelsi tactfully went back after her clit while violating her again.

Donna screeched in anguish as she wounded emotionally and physically.  Michelle was screaming frantically, climbing up on the ring apron as Janine came around the ring to pull her down.

Kelsi hissed at Donna, "Give up, bitch before I ruin you permanently.  I know you can't take this, your pussy is quivering..."

Donna sobbed out her surrender, begging for Kelsi to let go, which she did, immediately leaping up and raising her arms in victory just as Janine and Michelle tumbled to the ground in fight outside of the cage. 

Michelle and Janine only fought for about 90 seconds, but Janine kicked the shit out of Michelle and as she was dragged off of her, she got a solid kick to Michelle's crotch to finish it off. 

As the night would end, Janine and Kelsi would be able to celebrate their dual victories together.


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Halloween "Catfight"
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2024, 07:06:45 PM »
If there's no biting, it's not really a tigress fight.


Offline snw

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Re: Halloween "Catfight"
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2024, 04:35:21 AM »
Awesome story.
Surely Kelsi  was doing some vicious taunting once in control. I was expecting Kelsi who was mounted on Donna’s back to lift Donna’s head up by her hair so she could see the boy’s excitement . Forcing Donna to admit defeat to him herself while giving him a smirk and licking her lips. Donna’s an alpha no doubt normally made to admit her inferiority to Kelsi, looking at the prize she’d lost. Which that probably wasn’t as bad to her as the fact after losing in such a fashion while all those watching. Her status wounded badly until or when she would need to ask for a rematch. The only way she could right the damage along with the authority she’d enjoyed over most watching her humiliated by her most hated rival.


Offline JT Edson

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Re: Halloween "Catfight"
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2024, 11:37:07 PM »
This was just a stand up great story.