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(Best read after looking at the story)- Cyber catfight suggestions

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Offline marlowe

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I hope that anyone reading this post has looked at the story, didn't want to place it elsewhere just to avoid spoilers. Anyway, I know that some people have in the past offered suggestions for types of fights and I suppose in a bid to inspire me I am doing the same. I intend to do the Lara vs Lara fight at some point but if any gaming fans out there have suggestions for other matchups which I could then write up I would certainly welcome them...and give them a spin.
Or maybe people would prefer something from one of Lachatte's other 'evenings'. Any ideas would be appreciated although I guess it's all down to whether people prefer the somewhat drawn out style or not.
Anyway, all the best.



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Re: (Best read after looking at the story)- Cyber catfight suggestions
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2008, 11:20:12 PM »

I have no idea what ur talking about...but I luv ur writing...


Offline marlowe

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Re: (Best read after looking at the story)- Cyber catfight suggestions
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2008, 11:52:09 PM »
Thanks Clouseau...yes, I know it's probably a bit too geeky, idiosyncratic and specific but hey, as you know yourself, when inspiration comes you've got to go with it. If nothing comes out of this then what the hey at least there's one fight that's going to take place.
All the best



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Re: (Best read after looking at the story)- Cyber catfight suggestions
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2008, 09:47:02 AM »
Well, off the top of my head I can think of Kasumi vs Ayane (both Dead or Alive), Mai Shiranui vs Chuin Li (SNK and Street Fighter respectively) and then Yuka Takeuchi vs Elena Goldsmith (both Variable Geo - yeah, that just shows how geeky I can be...). THose are just the gaming matchups I can think of.