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The Next Step

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Offline Jonica

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The Next Step
« on: July 28, 2010, 08:28:34 PM »
I never imagined this could happen.  The very thought keeps me up at night.  I have tried everything I can think of to get it off my mind but nothing works.  I think about it almost every waking hour....then I dream about it when I do sleep.  What is wrong with me?  What can I do to forget about this?  I think I know the answer

This has been the worst Christmas season of my life.  Ever since I had a strange encounter with one of my students...which led to her threatening me and then us having a wrestling match...I can't get the memory out of my head.  My family finds me distracted all the time.  My husband doesn't believe me when I tell him nothing is wrong.  But how do I explain to him what happened?  What will he think?  I know I'm not bi-curious, but I can't forget about the encounter that she and I had.  My God!  I enjoyed it!  What a rush!  I think I would have enjoyed the sensation just as much had my student won.  Now I can't clear the images out of my head.  I want to do it again...but I can't just walk up and challenge my student.  That could cost me my job.  I can't think of any of my friends who would be willing to try it.  I can't just print up fliers and post them all over town....I'd be labeled as a nutcase.  But I have to do something or my distraction will wreck the Christmas season for my family.  There is one place I can try.....

God bless the internet and Google!  After a short search, I may have found what I was looking for.  A search yielded several sites and message boards where I could find other women who share the same fantasies I do.  But I thought I'd never find a woman in my immediate area who would be willing to wrestle me.  I'd never be able to travel to New York or Chicago.  It seems this search will be for naught.  Dejectedly I start to give up my search.  Then I see an advertisement that gets my attention.  A woman is seeking an opponent for submission wrestling or rules catfighting.  Nothing new there...that is what 90% of the other posters want.  But this woman lives about 100 miles from me.  That isn't too far...that's a day's shopping trip!  There's no picture with the ad; only an email address.  She is probably a guy posing as a woman...or some crazy redneck Cajun girl who'll kill...then  But my desire for another opportunity is stronger than my fear.  I send her an email.  Then I go shopping.

After a long boring day at the mall...another one spent daydreaming about my brief wrestling stint...I return home and check my email.  I find a reply to my inquiry but it is very brief.  She wants a description and a photo of me.  It seems she gets many replies to her ad, and most come from men and crazy redneck Cajun girls who want to kill and eat her.  Her request seems plausible.  I respond with a brief description of myself:  "I'm 29 years old, 5'2" approximately 120 lbs.  I have short brunette hair cut into layers, green eyes, and I love the outdoors so I try to keep a healthy tan.  I am also athletic.  I briefly tried kickboxing while in college, but I gave it up to teach college English.  I try to run and workout with weights at least four days per week."  I attached a photo...and I decided to go for the jugular.  The picture I sent was taken on a vacation trip to Hawaii just before the last fall semester began.  I was wearing a black string bikini with the deep blue Pacific behind me.

After sending her a return email I surfed a few more websites.  I wasn't expecting a reply tonight but to my surprise I got one.  She too sent a brief description of herself:  "I'm a 47 year old housewife.  My husband does extremely well financially so I get to enjoy a leisurely life.  I'm 5'5" 120 lbs and I have very short blond hair and blue eyes.  I keep in shape by playing golf, tennis, swimming and beating up younger women like you who look great in bikinis."

I was shocked by the "beating up younger women" comment!  There was an attachment with her reply.  When I opened it I found myself staring at a beautiful blond with an incredible figure!  It was obvious she takes great pride in her appearance.  And it looks like she has had little or no cosmetic enhancement.  She was a natural beauty.  And she was very intimidating...even though she is 18 years my senior.  

A few minutes later I received another email.  This one asked if I was game...or just another sniveling little coward.  I couldn't turn this down!  It may be my only chance!  My reply was simple:  "Where, when, and how?"  Her reply to that was very interesting:  "What are you looking for?  Submission wrestling or a rules catfight?  I will gladly do either.  It all depends on how badly you want to be beaten up before I send you home."  Again I was shocked by her terse reply.  After a few minutes thought, I replied that a submission wrestling contest would probably be best since I was just a beginner.  She answered rather quickly again and said she is a little disappointed that I didn't want to catfight, but that she will still enjoy destroying me in a wrestling match.  She said that since I got to choose what type of match and she was providing the accommodations, that she gets to choose the rules.  She said she needed some time to think of what the rules will be and that she would email me again in the morning.

That night I slept very little.  I couldn't wait to see what she would come up with.  With my luck...she'd probably mention strap-ons and leather whips.  I couldn't sleep, so I got up very early and went for a morning run to clear my head.  When I got home, I showered and ate a quick breakfast.  Then I checked my email.  She had sent the rules:  "The match will be best of three falls with each fall ending in submission.  There will be no time limit.  All holds (including hair pulling) will be legal.  Open hand slaps are legal but closed fist punches and kicks are forbidden.  You will wear the same bikini you wore in the pic you sent, if your fat ass can still fit in it.  Bring your husband, if you want.  My husband loves watching me dismantle sluts like you!  I'm sure your husband would love watching me in action as well."  She also included a date and time.

I replied that the rules were acceptable as were the date and time.  I would be there.  But I wouldn't bring my husband.  I'm not ready for that, yet.

I found myself more and more anxious as the time for my match arrived.  Luckily, my husband was going out of town that morning to go on a holiday golf trip with his father and brother.  My mother agreed to babysit while I went on a weekend "shopping spree with friends."  

As I drove the 87 miles to my opponent's home, I became increasingly nervous the closer I got.  When I drove into the large circular driveway in front of her palatial estate I began to wonder why I had agreed to this.  The butterflies were about to jump out of my belly, and I thought I was going to vomit as I walked up to the front door.  But I managed to ring the doorbell without passing out.  I was greeted by a young girl in a maid's uniform and escorted to an upstairs bedroom.  The girl told me to take a shower and change into the attire her mistress requested and that she would be back to get me in forty five minutes.  So I did as requested.  I am relatively secure financially, but these people were obviously rich.  The guest bathroom I showered in was larger than my bedroom!  After showering, I put on the black string bikini...which still fit to perfection...and waited.  

Exactly forty five minutes after she left; the maid returned and asked me to follow her.  We quietly walked down a set of stairs in the back of the house.  Apparently these were the service stairs.  They were no where near as opulent as the set in front.  She led me past the landing which had to be ground level and we stopped at a door that lead into the basement.  She opened the door and we walked down a hallway and into a large warmly lit room.  The room was thickly carpeted with soft white shag and it had no furniture except for one comfortable leather arm chair next to the only other door into the room.  The maid said for me to wait and that she would return shortly.  

The armchair was occupied by a distinguished looking man of about 65.  He was short and heavyset, but he carried an air of command about him.  He didn't say a word, he just looked at me and smiled a warm, kind smile.  After a few awkward moments, the door next to the man's chair opened and the young maid led my opponent into the room.  I was totally in awe of her appearance!  She was just as she described....and more!  She was an absolutely gorgeous woman!  She was wearing a crimson bikini which was obviously tailored for her perfect body.  If you saw her on the beach, you'd swear she couldn't be a day over 35.  But her eyes told a different story.  They were hard, ice blue.  They had a wizened look which came from experience.  She had a very intimidating countenance, and she knew I was a little scared now.  She could read my face!  

The maid walked to the center of the room.  She beckoned us both to join her, facing each other.  The maid said the rules have already been agreed upon and she would be there to keep score and ensure that the rules were strictly followed.  The maid gave me a look that said don't get cute...and I believed she would hurt me if given the chance.  The maid then asked us one at a time if we were ready.  Both of us said we were...although I think my voice broke a little when I said it because both of them smiled a little.  The maid then walked over to the open doorway she led me through and said, "Ladies, you may begin."

The older lady and I faced each other for a moment then we crouched and began circling.  We made contact by clasping hands and testing the our strength.  We stalemated for a moment but she then began taking advantage.  She muscled me backwards until I was up against the back wall.  Then she released her grip, smiled, and backed away.  I couldn't believe it!  She was toying with me!  She just wanted to prove she was stronger....and she did!  

I couldn't let her embarrass me!  I had to do I lunged at her, slipped around to her back, wrapped my arms around her in a reverse bearhug, and tried to pitch her to the ground.  But it seems she read my move!  She simply widened her stance and bent over, reached between her legs, grabbed my ankles, and thrust her body backwards.  My feet went out from under me and I found myself sitting on my butt with my opponent sitting on top of me!  When we fell, she came down butt first into my belly and knocked the wind out of me.  

The older lady quickly rolled off me and pressed her advantage.  She snapped on a side headlock and forced me onto my side.  She wrenched and yanked my neck savagely.  I struggled to get out of this brutal hold, but she just tightened her grip and used her shoulder to mash my face into the carpet.  Then she started talking trash!  She said, "I thought you'd be a challenge, but damn I was wrong!  I'm kicking your ass little girl!  Good thing you didn't bring your husband.  He'd be very embarrassed for you right now!  You gonna give up, bitch?  You gonna cry?  You little tramp!  I'm gonna stomp your ass, strip you, and shove that black bikini down your fucking throat!"  I was beginning to feel so humiliated that I did want to cry.  But I knew I couldn't give her that satisfaction.  I had to do something.  But what?  She was obviously better at this stuff.

I guess my tormentor grew bored with her headlock, so she raised up and pulled me to my knees...grabbed my hair to control me and keep me on my knees...and put me in a front face lock.  Her forearm slid down over my windpipe, and she began choking me.  I gasped, gagged, and struggled but to no avail.  A few minutes later, my opponent decided to show me another new hold, so she rolled me over onto my back.  She kept the face lock on but rolled over onto her belly while sliding her arms behind my head.  My head was trapped under her chest and she forced my face between her cleavage and lowered all her weight on me!  I couldn't believe it!  I had a mouthful of boob and eyes full of boob sweat!  I couldn't breath!  I struggled to find a way out, but there was nothing I could do.  I was totally at her mercy!  And I was beginning to blackout!  I could feel my strength running out of my muscles.  I knew I had to save something for the next two rounds or I was in for a long afternoon.  I most likely was seems she is really enjoying dominating me.  I did the only thing I could do.  I stopped struggling and tapped her on the back.  She immediately got off me and walked to the corner by her husband's chair.  

The maid walked over to me and checked to see if I was still alive.  She waited with me until I had regained my composure and she led me to a chair she had brought in from the hallway.  Next she handed me a bottle of water.  She said that I wasn't going to beat her mistress trying to match strength with strength.  She said I was much quicker.  That I had to take advantage of my speed.  She said I could have made things much harder for her mistress when I tried the reverse bearhug, but my mistake was leaving her on her feet too long.  She said for me to use my speed to keep her mistress off balance.  I looked over at my opponent and she was sitting across her husband's lap drinking a similar bottle of water.  They were laughing and joking like I wasn't even there.  

A few minutes passed and the maid asked if I was ready to continue.  I reluctantly said that I was.  She led me back to the middle of the room where I found myself face to face with the older lady once again.  My opponent had a confident look on her face as if to say that this is a minor formality, the match will soon be ever.  The maid announced that the score was one submission to none in favor of her mistress.  She then asked of we were ready.  Both of us said we were and she walked back to her spot and told us to begin round two.

I took the maid's advice and immediately charged my foe.  Wrapped my arms around her midsection and rolled to the side, dragging her down with me.  I quickly slipped around her and got my arms around her neck.  I pulled with all my might!  Let's see how she likes not being able to breath!  As I pulled my forearm against her windpipe, I dropped and wrapped my legs around her torso.  I choked her with my arms and squeezed my legs with all my might!  I looked at my opponent's face and saw that it was turning purple!  She was struggling and gasping for air.  Her hands were desperately clawing at my forearm one moment then pushing at my crossed ankles the next!  Over the course of a few minutes it seemed her struggling got weaker and weaker.  Then she did something that just sent my heart through my chest!  She tapped my forearm in an admission of surrender!  I had won the second fall!  I released the hold and went to my corner...only I didn't walk, I floated!  The maid went to check on her mistress.

This break was a little different from the last.  The maid brought me another bottle of water and whispered, "Atta girl!"  I was ecstatic!  I really began thinking I could win!  I looked over at my opponent and saw that she was again sitting across her husband's chair and to my surprise they were laughing and joking once again!  Like I wasn't even there!  The maid came back and announced that it was time for the final round.  She led me back to the center of the room where my opponent was already waiting.  She had the same confident look on her face that she had the previous round.

We faced each other while the maid announced that the match was now tied at one fall each and that this would be the deciding fall.  We both agreed we were ready and the maid went to her spot then said to begin.  Since it worked the last time, I launched myself at my foe.  but this time I went for her legs instead of her midsection.  Big mistake.  The wily old veteran just stepped back, pushed me to the ground face first, then dropped all her weight...knees first...onto my back.  The air exploded from my lungs like I'd been hit by a bus.  Pain shot up my spine and into the deep recesses of my brain.  She raised up and dropped her weight...knees first...onto my back twice more.  I knew then that I was inevitably going to lose.  She was too good for me.  She straddled my back, reached under my head and grasped my chin.  She lifted my head off the ground and draped my arms over her knees.  She started pulling my chin upwards and bending my back at the same time!  I felt like I was going to split in two at my belly!  The pain was intense!  I had never hurt so bad in my entire life!  

As she pulled my chin, the older woman began whispering in my ear.  She repeated that she was gonna strip me and shove my bikini  down my throat.  Said that if I didn't give up she was gonna break my back and send me home to my husband in a cardboard box.  The pain became to much and I regret to say that I started crying and sobbing.  I said that I give up, but she kept the hold in place and demanded that I admit she is a better woman.  When I said that she was indeed the better woman, she released her hold and stood up.  I lay face down on the carpet sobbing.  Then I felt her hands on my and she rolled me over.  She then stripped my bikini from me.  She placed her bare foot on my naked chest and raised each half of my black bikini above her head in a victory pose.  The maid used a small camera to take several pictures of her pose.  The victor tossed my bikini onto my belly, walked over and kissed her husband then left the room.  Her husband got up and followed.

The maid waited with me until I composed myself.  After a few minutes, she led me back upstairs to the bedroom I had changed in.  She said to take a shower then dress.  Once again she said she would be back for me in forty five minutes and dinner would be served in the main dining room.  She left me alone, and I thought, "Dinner?"  What?  They were gonna make me celebrate my own defeat?  I showered and changed.  Forty five minutes later the maid returned and led me to the dining room.  I found the older lady and her husband already there.  They both rose and treated me like an old friend.  The older lady explained that what happens in the basement stays in the basement.  She said I fought gallantly.  The trash talking was all part of the game....she didn't mean any of it.  She said she hoped I didn't have any hard feelings.  She told me that this has been one of the things which has kept excitement in their marriage for over 20 years.  She also said that there is a network of women in the area who do this for sport.  She welcomed me to join them.  As bad a my defeat hurt, I found myself looking forward to the next encounter.  She she said there were younger women...perfect matches for me in the group.  I was intrigued.

We chatted until late that night.  I slept over in the bedroom I had changed in.  The next morning they treated me like an old friend once again as we enjoyed breakfast.  Then we parted as friends.  We still keep in touch, and I'm looking forward to having her arrange some meetings with the other girls in her group.  I am also thinking about telling my husband about this new hobby.  Maybe we can add a little more spice into our lives....

That night I slept like a baby.          

« Last Edit: July 29, 2010, 02:36:37 PM by Jonica »
Bad (Bad) Blood (Blood)
The bitch is in her smile.
The lie is on her lips,
Such an evil child.


Offline Kayla

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Re: The Next Step
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2010, 02:51:39 PM »
You really write SWELL!  :D
Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


Offline Jonica

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Re: The Next Step
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2010, 09:37:48 PM »
Justina,  this story is a follow to an earlier one called "The Threat". The teacher from the first story is exploring her newly found passion for discreet one on one encounters.  I also wrote another follow up to "The Threat" called "Breaking Free". It follows the exploits of the student from the first story.  I plan on using the teacher and the student for reoccurring scenarios.


Thank you so much for the very kind comments!

« Last Edit: August 05, 2010, 09:39:20 PM by Jonica »
Bad (Bad) Blood (Blood)
The bitch is in her smile.
The lie is on her lips,
Such an evil child.


Offline howardcosell

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Re: The Next Step
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2011, 03:30:41 AM »
I love it!!! Great story! Glad I saw this
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


Offline peccavi

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Re: The Next Step
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2011, 06:35:08 AM »
Excellent story, glad you are building on your characters by creating new stories. Well done.
Blondes are cool Brunettes are Hot!!


Offline koolswan

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Re: The Next Step
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2011, 07:48:40 AM »
Liked the story a lot and the idea of using recurring characters is great. Can turn into an epic catfight saga with the teacher-student having various catfight adventures and their characters developing more. The finale could be a epic battle between them. Sorry I don't mean to step into your creative zone but i just love this track. Keep it up.
 Hope to see the teacher face off against a similar younger opponent.


Offline Marie B.

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Re: The Next Step
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2011, 07:55:03 PM »


Offline Jonica

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Bad (Bad) Blood (Blood)
The bitch is in her smile.
The lie is on her lips,
Such an evil child.


Offline howardcosell

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Re: The Next Step
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2011, 11:33:23 PM »
That was really cute, Marie.
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


Offline Laurie Breeze

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Re: The Next Step
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2011, 09:55:05 PM »
Awesome story, Joni!!! You so have to write more!


:-* ;) :) :-*
We're on a circuit of an Indian dream
We don't get old, we just get younger
When we're flying down the highway
Riding in our Indian Cars


Offline ROYALS22262

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Re: The Next Step
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2011, 01:32:04 PM »
What a fantastic story.  Deep, passionate, and so believable.  You capture the essence of the characters so well, and the action is so well described.  I of course would just prefer that her sexy bare foot was placed flush on her face, for a while, instead of her chest, but that is just me!  I think that adds a more humiliating touch to an otherwise brilliant story!


Offline Marie B.

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Re: The Next Step
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2011, 12:12:25 AM »
This story has staying power, doesn't it? It was written last July, when Jonica was still an innocent girl.

What's that?

She was never innocent?

Oh well, my mistake. :-[
