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Feast of St John's 2024 bout

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Offline sinclairfan

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Feast of St John's 2024 bout
« on: December 19, 2024, 03:18:35 AM »
Alumna, Benefactors, and Friends;

We know this announcement comes later than is typical for our Feast of St John's annual fundraiser.  But be assured that our Organizing Committee has been hard at work all year pulling together an event for your holiday season viewing pleasure.

Since December 27 this year falls on a Friday, our esteemed Committee decided they would turn back the clock with a 'Friday Night Fights' theme night:  two lovely topless school mothers trading bare fists to the face until one is unable to continue.

In the left corner, we present the long-haired, tattoo'd beauty Patricia, Mom to one of our scholarship sophomores. 

In the right corner, we present the blonde bombshell Jacqueline, Mom to a senior at our school.

To up the ante, both school Mom's have agreed to put at risk their own share of the fight purse.  That's right, fight fans.  This is winner take all.

Interested yet?

If not, check out the rules the two ladies have agreed to.
<> Topless.
<> Hair down.
<> No mouth piece.
<> No gloves.
<> No clinching.
<> No ref (wow!)
<> No rounds
<> No clock
<> Fight continues until one woman is down and cannot get up

December 27.  See you there.  Give generously.


Offline Vengeance

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Re: Feast of St John's 2024 bout
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2024, 11:17:30 AM »
“two lovely topless school mothers trading bare fists to the face until one is unable to continue.“

Is a hell of a sentence!
“I battle with men, I battle women, I battle within. Fuck talking let the battle begin!“


Offline sidekick

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Re: Feast of St John's 2024 bout
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2024, 06:32:40 PM »
Ummmm, I love this. ????


Offline finglock

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Re: Feast of St John's 2024 bout
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2024, 07:32:10 PM »
Why no clinching  :'( :'(


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Feast of St John's 2024 bout
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2024, 04:56:16 PM »
Suzi Kolber interview with Patricia.
Fourth Sunday of Advent, 2024.

SK: Good Sunday morning, fight fans.  Hard to believe Fight Night is just 5 days away... where did 2024 go?  I'm here with one of our brave combatants, the lovely Patricia.  Patricia .... I must say .... we got to chat a bit preparing for the interview ... I'll try and get you out of your shell.  Chin up, face the camera .... give all of our fans a big Hello.

P:  [Blushing] I know .... I'm sorry, it's not you..... I've always been camera shy..... Hello, everyone ..... Good morning, kids....

SK:  ....And, I'm glad you 'went there' first,...... let's get that out of the way, as, it's the most fascinating things about you to many of Friday's viewers.... since your one of our school mom's, everyone knew you had at least one daughter.... but some may be surprised by .... exactly how many .... you have.  Did you want to expand on that?  .... Chin up.

P:  [blushing, again] .... well, ok, I need to explain.... I do have 6 kids....

SK: .....Six!!!......

P: .....but, ok, it's a blended family ..... this is my second marriage, ok.....Mine are combined the the kids my husband brought into our marriage.....And, ok, I know not many women my ago feel that was anymore .... but I always a big family, ok?.... I grew up on a farm, and that was how we kept the farm going.  So, well I guess I don't want to be known as the weird lady within kids, ok?

SK:  Thank you, and ...... I must say .... I don't think I heard or read anyone describing it as weird .... this IS a CATHOLIC school after all.... large families BUILT this school ..... and many of the viewers Friday were member of .... or headed, even, .... families even larger than yours.  Patricia, tell us more about you as a fighter. ..... and more precisely, as a fist-fighter.

P:  Well, like I said .... I grew up in a large family.... and that means lots of sisters.... And we all know what childhood and teenage sisters mean.....

SK:  Adult sisters, too....for the record.....
P:..... Yes, adult sisters, too.... it means lots of scraps over bathroom waits and borrowed clothes and boys and just because you're having a bad day.....I love my sister's, don't get me wrong.  But we went toe-to-toe countless times.  I know how to handle myself.

SK:  You bring up 'toe to toe'....some viewers have queried the "No clinching" rule you and Jackie have agreed to for Friday.  Why was that important to each of you.

P:  Both of us have long hair, and are frustrated by getting it pulled in fights.  We want the winner to be the better woman with her firsts, not with her throws or grabs or whatever.  Just a long fight with knuckles and arm strength.  To see what happens.

SK:  You've seen Jackie.  Any predictions of what WILL happen.

P:  Well, I sense she can take it.... that's for sure.  Viewers are in for a long fight, if I had to guess.  Neither of us are gonna give based on getting hit in the face.  It'll be a war.

SK: ....Which you seem ok with?

P:  More than ok.  I welcome it.  Bring it, bitch.

SK:  Thank you Patricia.  Up next .... Jackie.

To be continued....


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Feast of St John's 2024 bout
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2024, 06:21:59 PM »
Suzi Kolber interview with Jackie.
(Optional) Memorial of St John of Kanty

SK:  Happy Monday, fight fans!  The blonde bombshell sitting across from me is none other than our second Friday Night Fighter,.... Jackie!  Hello, Jackie.  You and I just watched my interview from yesterday with your opponent and rival, Patricia.  Your thoughts?

J:  Hello, Suzi ..... [aside] big fan of yours from your ESPN days......

SK:  Why, thank you.  Flattery will get you everywhere.....

J:  .....anyways....Patricia got one thing right....if she wants a war from me Friday night, she'll sure as hell get's what she underestimates with me.....and where her "sister fights" won't do her much good ..... Suzi, we've all been-there-done-that with a sister, right?  Sometimes, with a brother or cousin, or whatever, ok?....all good preparation for a fight, for getting hit, whatever..... but Suzi.....Patricia needs to brush up on Friday's rules....  this is a Fight....To....The....Finish.....till one woman can't get up....Suzi, tell me:  how many sister fights are until someone can't get up????....and one last thing, then I'll be quiet....

SK:  No,'re good....I'm getting aroused here.....

J: .....Ok, thank I'm the one who's flattered....Suzi, if Patricia thinks I'm hitting just her face, she's in for a surprise.....Suzi, we're topless on Friday because our viewers expect us to go after each others breasts, ok?....which I'm going to do...

SK:  You think Patricia's not ready for that?

J:  I'll say THIS.... I think if that's the kind of fight she was getting ready for, there would have been less emphasis on fights with sisters....This....

SK:  .....'This' is on Friday?

J:  That's right.... Friday's fight, me versus Patricia, will be 2 women trying to break each other....physically, emotionally, socially, psychologically.....I'm ready for that kind of fight....I don't think Patricia is.

SK:  Phew!....Jackie.....You are one of a kind, aren't you?

J:  I like to think so.  And I'll prove it on Friday.


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Feast of St John's 2024 bout
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2024, 03:25:05 PM »
Feast of Saint John's recap, Suzi Kolber and Miesha Tate
Memorial of the Holy Innocents, Dec 28

SK:  Welcome, fight fans, I'm here with the lovely Miesha Tate.  Miesha, give us your take on the wild street fight we witnessed last night.

MT:  Hello, Suzi.  And yes, it was a wild scrap, ....between 2 genuine warriors.....but I do want to give the women some credit, both the winner, Patricia, and even her opponent Jackie ..... Notice, I'm not going to call her a loser.... nor am I going to [air quotes] 'pile on' Jackie for breaking some of the pre-agreed on rules.....

SK:  Let me interject.....for those who didn't tune in live, or haven't checked your Facebook feed.... Jackie appeared to intententalky kick Patricia several times, as well as attempt to mount her when both women were on the ground.

MT:  Well, that, and I've heard some criticism of her unorthodox form....but I'm going to chalk that up to her just being unable to control her adrenaline, her nerves....Suzi, she seemed to underestimate how exposed being topless in public....and being recorded....would maker feel.  Patricia was clearly more Stoic in the moment, with the whole atmosphere.  Jackie gave her back to Patricia several times, but I don't think she was afraid of getting hit....I just think her balance and sense of direction....even up and down....was disoriented...

SK:  By??.....

MT:  By everything....the movie-intensity lighting....again, the topless attire....and, he'll, it was a fight.  And a knockout fight at that.

SK:  And bare knuckles!!

MT:  Damn straight! Bare knuckles hurt!! They're like fighting with weapons.

SK: As evidenced by both women's post-fight faces.  Miesha, check out the cuts and welts on even the winner.

MT:  That's right.  And those are gonna be there into the New Year.

SK:  And....if you'd like to hear what the New Year holds for each fighter....tune in tomorrow for my Holy Family Sunday interview with Jackie....then with Patricia.

To be continued....


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Feast of St John's 2024 bout
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2024, 07:41:37 PM »
Suzi Kolber interview with Jackie
Holy Family Sunday

SK:  Happy Sunday, fight fans!  I'm here with Jackie, ...., on the mend, I'll say.... Jackie, no need to hide your face with your hands....those are badges on honor.....and as we'll see shortly, you're actually looking no worse than your opponent, Patricia....

J:  Kind words, Suzi.

SK:  Kind words from me, and even kinder words yesterday from Miesha Tate, .... I don't know if you've had a chance to see her comments....

J:  I did, Suzi, I love Miesha and I did appreciate what she had to say...By way of explanation for all the women watching this, I just wanted to say.....Suzi, I've watched replays of Friday's fight ..... which, by the way, for the record.... I acknowledge Patricia won fair and square.....congratulations to Patricia.... but, Suzi, I need to just say this....for any woman who's never been in a planned fight like that....where YOU agreed to the rules....Suzi, the energy level is just so high.....especially at the start, when you look each other in the eye....and you size each other up, looking for any hint of fear....praying for any hint of fear.....and you start questioning if the rules you agreed to favor you or the other woman...

SK: ....I'm taking notes here, we'll circle back to that I hope.....

J: .....well, I'm rambling here....but my point is....I know it looks like I'm running away from Patricia....just at the start, mind you.....the rest of the fight was pure toe to toe....but Suzi, all that was going thru my head was that I needed to hurt her early in the fight....that the longer the fight lasted the more stamina she would have....but there's an old Foxy Boxing move from the 80s where you turn your back on the other girl to lure her in.....then WHAM!!!! you 180 and backhand her.....I was trying to get her out of her stance....which, by the way, she never did get out of the whole fight....well, anyways....combined with my adrenaline, it looks like I'm running....I hope that explains it.

SK:  Well, no explanation evidenced by Miesha's words of support for you....but I want to circle back to the rules.....DO you have remorse for the rules?

J:  No rounds is one.  With the age difference, that's gonna favor the younger woman.  I work out constantly, but younger women will always have more endurance.  I think any of my punches stand up to what Patricia threw at me....but her patience to wait me out on the cardio....lots of discipline by was just kinda demoralizing for me.  If there's rounds, I get to regroup, get my head organized.  It was just a war in every way,.... physically, psychologically, ..... I feel like I made her earn it.  But get me and her alone in a room, ..... well, she getting that hair of hers pulled.  Things play out different then.

SK:  Should Patricia take that as a challenge?

J:  She can take it any way she wants, Suzi.

SK:  Up next.... Patricia.