Suzi Kolber interview with Jackie.
(Optional) Memorial of St John of Kanty
SK: Happy Monday, fight fans! The blonde bombshell sitting across from me is none other than our second Friday Night Fighter,.... Jackie! Hello, Jackie. You and I just watched my interview from yesterday with your opponent and rival, Patricia. Your thoughts?
J: Hello, Suzi ..... [aside] big fan of yours from your ESPN days......
SK: Why, thank you. Flattery will get you everywhere.....
J: .....anyways....Patricia got one thing right....if she wants a war from me Friday night, she'll sure as hell get's what she underestimates with me.....and where her "sister fights" won't do her much good ..... Suzi, we've all been-there-done-that with a sister, right? Sometimes, with a brother or cousin, or whatever, ok?....all good preparation for a fight, for getting hit, whatever..... but Suzi.....Patricia needs to brush up on Friday's rules.... this is a Fight....To....The....Finish.....till one woman can't get up....Suzi, tell me: how many sister fights are until someone can't get up?

....and one last thing, then I'll be quiet....
SK: No,'re good....I'm getting aroused here.....
J: .....Ok, thank I'm the one who's flattered....Suzi, if Patricia thinks I'm hitting just her face, she's in for a surprise.....Suzi, we're topless on Friday because our viewers expect us to go after each others breasts, ok?....which I'm going to do...
SK: You think Patricia's not ready for that?
J: I'll say THIS.... I think if that's the kind of fight she was getting ready for, there would have been less emphasis on fights with sisters....This....
SK: .....'This' is on Friday?
J: That's right.... Friday's fight, me versus Patricia, will be 2 women trying to break each other....physically, emotionally, socially, psychologically.....I'm ready for that kind of fight....I don't think Patricia is.
SK: Phew!....Jackie.....You are one of a kind, aren't you?
J: I like to think so. And I'll prove it on Friday.