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Tournament championship match: Poppy vs Sarah

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Offline WS2003

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Tournament championship match: Poppy vs Sarah
« on: January 15, 2025, 05:56:47 AM »
Tournament championship match. Poppy vs Sarah

By: WS2003

This is part 120 in a series of wrestling stories.  The first story was done in 2003.  If you need access to any of my other stories, please email me at the email listed at the end of this story. 

This is the final match of the tournament, to crown a new champion.  It will be a cage match, Poppy vs Sarah.  The first girl to leave the cage is the winner and new champion.  No outside interference is allowed.

Sarah is the first to head toward the cage.  She is wearing her green and blue bikini and black high heeled boots.  The crowd cheers the #2 babyface as she gives high fives on her way to the cage.  Amanda's boyfriend is sitting front row to cheer on his girlfriend's partner.  Sarah enters the cage and climbs the stairs and enters the ring.  Poppy is next to emerge.  Poppy is wearing a black bra, black mini skirt and black high-heeled boots, which she stole back from Amanda.  Poppy gets a strong mix of boos and cheers, she is turning out to be the top heel and clearly has the crowd divided.  Poppy enters the cage and climbs the stairs and enters the ring.  The ring bell is rung to start the match...

Sarah rushes toward Poppy.  Poppy sees her coming and raises her leg, sending a boot into Sarah's belly.  The blonde quickly drops to her knees as she holds her sore belly.  Poppy moves behind her and wraps her arm around Sarah's neck, choking her.  Sarah gasps for air as she tries to pry Poppy's arm away.  Poppy holds tight, hoping that a good long choke will weaken the babyface.  Sarah does not have much leverage as she fights for air.  Poppy continues with the choke as Sarah is getting weaker.  Finally Poppy releases the hold.  As Sarah holds her neck and gasps for air, Poppy sends a kick to Sarah's back, knocking the blonde to the mat...

As Sarah lies face down on the mat, Poppy runs toward the ropes and throws herself off.  She bounces back toward Sarah and she jumps in the the air and delivers a huge splash to Sarah's body.  Sarah groans in pain as the larger Poppy lands on her back.  Poppy leaves her weight on Sarah for a moment, before pushing herself up.  She reaches down and grabs Sarah's long hair and pulls the sexy blonde to her feet.  She then throws Sarah through the ropes.  Sarah flies through the ropes and falls to the arena floor outside of the ring.  Poppy slides out of the ring after her.  She grabs Sarah by the hair again, pulling her up.  She leads her over to the cage and slams her forehead into the cage wall.  As Sarah moans, Poppy pulls her head back and drives it into the cage wall again.  Poppy pulls Sarah's head back and smashes it into the cage again.  Sarah drops to her knees and we see a small gash in forehead.  Poppy has drawn first blood...

Poppy reaches down and grabs Sarah's bikini top and strips it off.  The crowd cheers at Sarah's large breasts.  Poppy grabs Sarah and pulls her to her feet and pushes her back against the cage.  Poppy grabs Sarah's right arm and sticks it through a hole in the cage.  She does the same with Sarah's left arm.  Sarah is now trapped.  Poppy takes Sarah's bikini top and wraps it around her throat and one of the cage bars to help hold her up.  Poppy drives a hard punch to Sarah's belly.  Sarah moans in pain.  Poppy smiles, knowing Sarah is trapped and cannot defend herself.  Poppy starts pounding on Sarah's belly, driving her fists in deep.  Sarah moans with each punch, unable to block any of the hits.  Sarah is getting weaker with each of Poppy's punches.  Poppy has already given her 10 punches but is not letting up...

Sarah's head starts to droop forward as she continues to moan with each punch.  Once Poppy gets to 20 punches, she stops.  Sarah's exhausted body hangs from the cage as she tries to suck in air.  Poppy takes two steps back. She then launches a hard kick into Sarah's pussy with her boot.  Sarah cries out in pain from the kick.  Poppy sends another kick between Sarah's legs.  Sarah lets out another pain filled scream.  Sarah is still trapped and in pain.  Poppy drives her boot into Sarah's pussy a third time.  Poppy pulls her leg back and sends a 4th kick into Sarah's injured pussy.  Poppy moves back closer to Sarah, who is whimpering in pain.  Poppy says, "You are no match for me little girl.  You were lucky to beat Michelle."  Poppy resumes her punches to Sarah's belly, driving lefts and rights into Sarah's midsection...

Sarah is getting really weak from Poppy's attacks.  Poppy stops her attack on Sarah's belly.  She then launches an upper cut to Sarah's left breast.  Sarah's head tilts back against the cage as she lets out a shriek.  Poppy sends an uppercut to Sarah's right breast.  Sarah is in agony, unable to stop Poppy.  Poppy continues with the uppercuts, alternating between Sarah's right and left breasts.  Sarah's knees have given out as she hangs from the cage.  Poppy delivers a couple more uppercuts to Sarah's breasts.  She then pulls unwraps the bikini top from Sarah's neck and pulls her arms out of the cage.  Sarah's body crumples to the floor.  Poppy could easily exit the cage and win the tournament championship...

Poppy reaches down and grabs Sarah by the hair and forces her to stand up.  Poppy grabs Sarah and lifts her up, hoisting her up over her head.  Sarah is facing down as Poppy holds her high.  Poppy then drops her, and as she does, she extends her right leg.  Sarah's belly comes crashing down on Poppy's leg...a devastating gut buster!  Sarah moans, "UUUUGGGHHHHHHH!!!!" as her belly hits.  Poppy lets Sarah slide off her leg to the floor.  Sarah wraps her arms around her sore midsection as she lies on the floor in pain...

Poppy reaches down and grabs Sarah by the hair.  She pulls the sexy blonde to her feet and then whips her face first into the cage wall.  Sarah hits the cage hard and moans in pain.  Poppy moves in and grabs Sarah's hair, pulls her head back and rams it into the cage wall.  As Sarah groans, Poppy slams her forehead into the cage again...and again...and again.  A big gash has opened up on Sarah's forehead as blood flows more freely now.  Sarah's knees get weak and Poppy has to hold her up.  Poppy presses her weight into Sarah's body, pushing Sarah's large breasts into the cage wall.  Poppy keeps up the pressure for a bit longer, then moves back.  She still has a hold of Sarah and now starts to drag Sarah, tits first, across the cage wall.  Sarah shrieks in pain as her bare breasts are dragged across the rough cage...

Poppy gets to the corner and we see scratches and trickles of blood on Sarah's breasts.  At the corner, Poppy smashes Sarah's forehead into the corner of the cage.  Sarah lets out a shallow groan and drops to her knees and then crumples to the floor.  Sarah is hurting and just lies on the floor.  Poppy leans down and as she scoops Sarah up she says, "I am not done with you yet, bitch."  She carries Sarah over to the ring and rolls her in.  Poppy slides in after her.  She yanks Sarah to her feet and then whips her into the nearest corner.  Sarah crashes chest first into the corner.  Poppy rushes her and jumps in the air, throwing her full body weight into Sarah.  Sarah is crushed against the turnbuckle and she moans in pain...

Sarah grabs the ropes to hold her up and Poppy reaches down and grabs Sarah's boots around the ankle.  Poppy backs up, lifting Sarah's legs and body off the mat.  Poppy pulls her leg back and launches the toe of her boot into Sarah's pussy.  Sarah cries out in pain and Poppy sends one more kick to Sarah's pussy.  She then drops her legs and Sarah releases the ropes and crashes to the mat.  She slides her hands between her legs to massage her crotch.  Poppy parades around the ring, enjoying her dominance over the #2 babyface.  Sarah rolls over and she raises her head and looks at the cage, seeing the cage door not far away.  She starts to crawl toward the ropes and the cage door.  Poppy sees her moving and comes over and stomps on her back with her boot, knocking the blonde beauty back to the mat...

Poppy rolls Sarah over and stomps her boot right down on Sarah's already bloody forehead.  Poppy grabs Sarah by the hair and pulls her to her feet.  Poppy then lifts Sarah up and brings her to the corner.  She places Sarah so she is sitting on the top turnbuckle facing outside of the ring.  Poppy grabs Sarah's legs and hooks them in the corner.  Poppy hits Sarah in the back and her body falls backward.  Sarah is in the tree of woe, hanging upside down with her legs hooked in the corner.  Poppy launches a kick to Sarah's belly with her boot.  Sarah moans.  Poppy delivers another kick, driving her heel deep into Sarah's belly.  Sarah hangs there, helpless to defend herself as Poppy sends three more kicks into Sarah's belly...

Poppy then climbs up the ropes.  She stands on the second rope and raises her boot and drives it down in between Sarah's legs.  Sarah cries out in agony.  Poppy raises her boot and stomps on Sarah's pussy again.  Poppy grinds her heel in as Sarah screams in pain.  Poppy raises her boot and delivers another stomp.  This time, Sarah's legs come loose and she falls to the mat.  She massages her crotch once again.  Poppy jumps down from the ropes.  Poppy gives Sarah a couple kicks, sending her under the bottom rope and out of the ring.  Sarah lands hard on the floor, only a few feet away from the cage door.  Even with Sarah this close to the door, I think she is too weak to get out of the cage before Poppy...

Poppy slides out of the ring after Sarah.  She grabs Sarah by the hair and yanks her up.  She then whips her into the cage wall.  Sarah hits back first and before she can move, Poppy ruses in and drives her knee into Sarah's belly.  Sarah doubles over and Poppy grabs her, not letting her fall.  Poppy straightens her back up and turns her around and slams her head into the cage wall.  Sarah lets out a shallow moan, her arms dangling at her side.  More blood flows from the wound on her head.  Poppy slams Sarah's head into the cage two more times. Sarah's legs give out and Poppy grabs her before she falls, scooping her up in her arms.  She looks out at the crowd and raises Sarah up.  Poppy then drops her and extends her leg.  Sarah's body crashes down, bending over Poppy's leg in a perfect backbreaker...

Sarah hangs limply over Poppy's leg, blood from her forehead flowing into her blonde hair.  Poppy raises her fists up high, clasps them together, and slams them down into Sarah's belly.  Sarah mumbles a soft moan, she is almost out of it.  Poppy raises her arms and starts reigning blows down as the crowd counts with each blow, "2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10!"  Poppy stops and looks down at Sarah, still bent over her leg.  Sarah is completely out of it now.  Poppy shoves her off her leg and stands up, raising her hands to the crowd.  She is met with a mix of boos and cheers.  She steps on Sarah's belly as she heads toward the cage door.  Sarah is not moving as she lies there spread eagle...

Poppy exits the cage and the ring bell is rung.  Poppy is the winner and new champion! She is handed the championship belt and puts it around her waist as she parades around the cage.  Amanda's boyfriend comes out of the crowd and rushes into the cage.  He scoops up Sarah's lifeless body and carries her to the back to get some medical attention.

The End.