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Vacation Story

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Vacation Story
« on: November 14, 2024, 12:00:06 AM »
Vacation Story

We had traveled to a lovely Caribbean island with an extended group of couples who were long time friends. With some distance from our every day lives and libations flowing freely, conversations ran easily and there was much laughter but little clothing as we soaked in the sun escaping from the harsh Winter cold. It wasn’t long until we encountered a similar group of people traveling to celebrate a milestone birthday of one of the husbands. They shared a similar sense of fun and the groups quickly hit it off and got acquainted. It was during this time that Brian, the husband of honor saw an opportunity. He had long desired to see his lovely wife Laura wrestle with another wife. It was a kink that ached at him throughout his formative years, transferring between girlfriends and flings until he settled down with Laura ending the storied bachelor career as someone as handsome and successful as he was. As fatherhood beckoned, he sensed any opportunity of realized this dream encounter slipping away from him, but this chance encounter with a friendly group of relatively attractive couples instantly got his motor running. In his many discussions with Laura, where she entertained his thoughts and prompts, they had agreed that it was impractical to do with a friend, and potentially dangerous to do with a stranger so it never got to the planning stages. But with these women, they were largely neither, and one of them instantly caught his fancy, but he knew to start slowly and that’s why he introduced the possibility suggestively as they showered after making love between the beach and dinner that night.

Laura and Brian had these conversations enough of these conversations during playful moments that she wasn’t caught off guard by the request, and Brian had a way of being persuasive without sounding the least bit pushy, and it WAS a milestone birthday and she at least hoped that a new chapter in their lives would start soon. Also by chance, she had been reflective lately of her own missed opportunities in her sexual prime. Brian had been her first and only. Her complaints weren’t with him, he was a catch and she was eager to hold on to him, but if everything went to plan her sexual experiences would be limited to one favorite flavor, and seeing one of the men in that other group of couples had fanned her own flames. He was hardly her type if her type was isolated to Brian. Brian was long dark and lean with a great set of hair. Matt was thicker, with a head neatly shaved and a nice beard. Muscular in a way Brian was not, but also someone who you could tell enthusiastically took his kids out for ice cream with little reason. There were also big kind eyes and a smile and laugh that made you feel like with him fun was always around the corner. That all being said, it stunned her when she responded, “ok but if I do it there’s something I want and it’s going to sound crazy….but it’s non negotiable”

The words were out there now, a high bar to clear? Of course! But it felt like now or maybe never and the trip had Laura feeling adventurous. Brian felt a warmness go through his body, had he heard correctly? This was the very first time she hadn’t laughed politely with a playful roll of her eyes. It was all right in front of him, and that wife from the pool…the one who reminded him of one of the sexy teachers from prep school. Cute and clearly intelligent, with a modesty that almost definitely hinted at a sexiness that no one deserved to see, but she like her husband was also playful and warm, especially with each other, there was no lack of physical affection. Understated rather than in your face, but she wasn’t cold like some of the others. Then his senses came back to him briefly, condition? “What’s the condition?” “As you know, you’re my only, and that’s wonderful, but your friends never neglect to talk about your exploits, and I’d like one of my own. So if I do this, and I win, I want to fuck the other husband. Not make love, that’s for you, but I want to fuck someone’s brains out for the sake of it. You want your dream match? That’s my title belt and I want to wear him with pride”

With those words from Laura, Brian’s mind began to swirl. The thing he wanted so badly was right there in front of him, but it was coming at a nearly unthinkable cost. Could he live with the sight of the woman who finally got him to settle down fucking another man in front of him? She seemed determined, would it be an inevitability? Laura was fairly petite, she kept herself in good shape, she was younger than the women in the group they had befriended, and yet when his mind had drifted upon laying his eyes on Kat, something about the older woman made him think she’d know how to wrangle Laura, eventually controlling her and deeeep breaths Brian…dominate her? It was just a feeling born out of fantasizing so many matches like this one, so many where Laura…..lost. Before he could let his logical side interfere, he made his counter proposal. “I agree babe, but if you lose, I want your opponent to wear a title belt of her own…me”

Vacation Story Part 2

Laura realized she had left an opening for just such a counter, but she was feeling confident, and Brian had slept with as she was reminded by his friends, several women before their time together, one more on what was turning out to be a once in a lifetime game of sexy truth or dare, wasn’t going to amount to much. On the other hand, if she won, she’d double her number of partners and find out if Brian really was the be all end all on all things sexy time, it would allow her to feel more of his equal and with that thought, she shook his once again erect penis to confirm the deal, if they could find a willing opponent the contest was on. But in that presented perhaps the hardest part of all. It was no secret that many men were into catfights and oil wrestling, but those women were usually compensated. Would asking around kill the vibes, how could she discreetly find someone willing and suitable and….beatable. She waited until after dinner when the couples had reconvened near one of the resorts bars. It was loud and festive, there were scantily clad dancers positioned strategically throughout and moving seductively to the Latin music, Laura was buzzed trying to tame her nerves when she spotted Matt with a couple of his friends nearby, they had also clearly been well served and they were laughing and enjoying their night. Her delivery of what she said next was clumsy, but she had banked that if it didn’t land it was one of those silly comments that no one would remember the next morning. “Those dancers are wearing so little it almost feels like a strip club, I’m surprised they aren’t going to stage an oil wrestling tournament later”. The bait was out there, and though the group of men laughed and hooted at her comment, one of the men took it, and it was her prized trophy fish of a dilf, whose smile went from silly and gregarious to more flirty and suggestive in an instant.

“Why? Are you planning on taking part? That’s something I’d be sure not to miss.” Matt teased. Before he could go much further Laura needed to get him away from his friends to probe further without arousing suspicion. She asked Matt if she would come with him to look for Brian, not wanting to walk alone through the busy resort late at night but as soon as they were out of sight she pulled a confused Matt into a booth in a dark area and asked him if he was serious about the oil wrestling. At first he seemed a bit confused and apprehensive and she was afraid she had already spooked him, but he relaxed, “oh certainly, I’ve been into that since like forever, and you seem like you’d be good at it. Kat actually did it in college, not that I got to see it” and with those words Laura sensed she had an opportunity. “Would she do it again….for you?” Matt looked back whimsically. “There’s no way of knowing, it’s never been a hard no but more of a, that’s really impractical opponent, location, especially with kids, all really difficult to make happen” “what about against me and here on vacation?” Matt gave her a similar look that Brian had earlier. “You’d be game for that??!?!?” “I would, with some requirements…..”

But before I get into those requirements” Laura said with a curious look on her face, “May I ask how she did with her previous oil wrestling experience?” Laura wasn’t a fool, and she had caught her husband eyeing the pretty brunette, and Laura herself had paid special attention to Kat’s very strong looking thighs, creamy but firm, and was wary of walking into something she wasn’t physically built to deal with. “Honestly, she didn’t remember much about it despite my pressing her for details semi frequently and on every birthday since I found out she did it. But as she describes it, her opponents sort of pushed her around and then sat on top of her. Kat’s a sweetheart more than a fighter.” Laura grinned like a cat. “And is that what you think I would do to her?” Matt was savvier than he let on, took a long sip of bourbon and responded “I think you’d put on a tremendous show for anyone lucky enough to watch you. Now what were those requirements you mentioned” When Laura seductively told Matt what those were, his next sip of bourbon nearly choked him. Laura giggled, his naivety was sexy. “And I’m that person if you win?!?!?” As if it hadn’t occurred to him this was remotely possible despite his own wife being incredibly attractive herself. “I’m surprised you’re reacting to that and not the part if she wins” what Laura heard next floored her a bit. “Oh that doesn’t bother me at all, everyone should want to fuck Kat, the hard part is going to be getting her to agree”

Laura held a pensive look on her face. Matt was absolutely correct on that point. She knew how much convincing it had taken to get her to agree to this, and that was even before extra marital relations were involved. Matt’s involvement had made her even more determined to do her best to see it through. She was allowing herself the opportunity to fantasize a bit about him. His modest reaction to her proposal made her feel a sense of confidence. He was clearly intrigued by her as shown by his suggestion that he’d like to see her take part before she even mentioned the possibility. The thing that really blew her mind though was how confidently he processed the possibility that a victorious Kat might have sex with another man in front of him. This was a man who understood he was in no danger of losing his clearly beloved wife, and something about that was so fucking sexy.
    Laura suggested that she and Brian would pay for her opponent’s hotel suite for the long weekend, even get them a nice upgrade. But Matt quickly stopped that line of thinking before Laura could offer up more. “No, that’s very generous, but that would backfire very quickly.” Matt continued as though he was delicately trying to solve a riddle “If Kat feels as though she’s something that can be bought or sold, she’ll get the icks, and I’d imagine the conversation would end there.” Matt knew that once Kat went cold there was no retuning. “Do you think she’s into Brian enough that she’d be intrigued by playing for him?” Again, Matt shook his head, though he could see Laura was hoping for a more enthusiastic response to this question. “I’m sure she thinks he’s attractive, all her friends have been talking about him though it’s not really her style to join in. But Kat craves connection and I’m not sure I’ve seen that with them so far.”
 Laura was beginning to get frustrated. “ So she’s not into money or hot guys, what then do you suggest for someone so hard to please” Matt laughed, though it was obvious Laura wasn’t intending the comment to be a joke. “What’s so funny?” “You may have solved your own riddle, Kat is a people pleaser at heart. It’s easy to tell me no because we’re on a journey together and to do that journey properly you need to be able to say no when uncomfortable” Matt took another long sip and nodded, “You need to make her feel two things, the first is that she is not just the first choice to do this, but the only choice. I actually believe that’s true” Laura understood what Matt was getting at and smiled sheepishly. “And the second?” “The second thing is that you and Brian need to make it feel like she’s doing you the biggest favor in the world, something life and marriage fulfilling. I think that will work. I can’t be there. She can come get my permission later, you already have it, but it works better if she doesn’t suspect my involvement” Laura’s heart was racing, it felt like she could see the finish line. “Looks like Brian and I need to get moving! Oh and one last question….because the next time I see you, you might not be able to answer honestly” Matt looked at Laura very curiously. “Sure, and that is?” “Based on the stakes, would you like me to win?”

Matt looked deeply at Laura, for someone who was usually so quick witted, his response was thoroughly considered. Especially as even in that particular moment, he felt an unsteadiness in his normally steadfast loyalty. That it had been nearly 20 years since it was required of him to parry any kind of advance and it had caught him at a time when a highly interested party had hit him in the once place Kat herself was vulnerable. This unease caused him to stand, before turning back to Laura, who seemed determined to hold time until she got an answer. “All I can say, is that I couldn’t possibly wish you more luck in the rest of this journey. No matter how this goes, this has already been a very memorable night, and I will be unlikely to forget it.” His default playful expression returned to his face. “I’m going to make myself scarce for a little while. I’m pretty sure I need a cold shower. You’ll find Kat dancing with a couple of the other wives. Better get to it, time is running low!”
   Laura quickly found Brian and was able to finesse him away from his friends who certainly knew how to make a night of things. If convincing Kat was the tallest order facing them, getting Brian solo wasn’t far off. She should have set up a safe word for him, it might have saved them a few precious minutes. When she got him alone and gave him a debrief of her conversation with Matt, Brian’s mind swirled. At the very same time, they had managed to find an interested party, but not just any interested party, it was one that potentially brought with the object of his attention, and perhaps most remarkably, he was not just okay with the proposed stakes, he seemed to think they made total fucking sense, even in the face of what that meant if Kat won. “So what do we do next?”. “We find Kat and we turn on the charm, your friends always brag about how easy that is for you! So here’s your chance to make it really count. We need to make her feel like she’s the sexiest person at this resort and that she’s the only person capable of fulfilling a lifetime dream for us. Our dream girl so to speak” Brian took a long pull of his drink and bemused thought to himself dream girl anyway….but he held back those feelings for the time being, he could be nothing less than completely supportive of Laura, even as Kat slid next to Laura in their booth near the dance club, her short dress revealing the same thighs he hoped would subdue his petite blonde wife, leaving helpless and at Kat’s mercy, of which he hoped none would be offered. Wait….they had already been talking, he was staring and now blushing….

Laura shot Brian a look that told him she had a pretty good idea of why his mind had wandered off, and he tried to regain his bearings in a conversation that would unlikely to be like any other he had before or since. “Ooooh a favor, what kind of favor?!?!?” Was the next sentence he heard and now he understood what had been initiated and what Laura had meant regarding getting Kat invested in the journey. But instead of leaning on his best leading man charm, he talked about how he had always had this one thing, one absurd thing that he wanted to experience, that it was something that both thrilled and haunted him, but how it had also perplexed Laura because being the great wife she was, it was a difficult thing to fulfill properly without the help of others. He also described that until this weekend, it was largely an abstract fantasy, that he could never place anyone BESIDES Laura in this match, until he observed Kat and how she was both so at ease with herself at play but also a natural physical contrast with Laura.  “I’m embarrassed to admit, there’s a good chance you might be having matches in my fantasies with Laura for a very long time, but we don’t think there’s any one better to have this experience with in reality, so this is likely our only chance. You’d be doing our marriage a huge favor”
You could see Laura steeling herself during this part of the conversation because some of these revelations were new to her. He was admitting that where once she’d been alone there was now another, even if just in his mind, and she hung with the phrase physical contrast and wondered how much of it mean “ways she’s hotter than me”. Laura was very pretty, she was lean like Brian, and carried a naturally tan complexion on her short frame. It wasn’t frequent that people pointed out contrasts to petite pretty tan blonde women. But he had, and now it was all she could see. Kat had a fair creamy skin tone. She was somewhere in the best middle of lean and curvy. Kat’s breasts and thighs were fuller, though despite being a decade older, the latter looked flawless, and Brian had clearly been ogling them when Kat sat down. She’d heard the phrase “thick thighs save lives” before but in that moment she wondered if those thighs might upend hers despite the cheery personality they came attached with.

In what was becoming endemic to this part of the resort, it was Kat’s turn to have her mind swirled. She liked Laura and Brian, but she hardly knew them, and they were making this seemingly life altering request of her, but at the same time it hit with this other feeling. The only person who could fulfill it? It was quite possible this was bullshit, but the way Brian looked at her as he described it told her otherwise. And bizarrely, the request was one she was intimately familiar with from her own fantastical conversations with Matt, so the initial aversion to having a couple come on to her out of the blue was muted. What made her curious was Matt’s lack of participation in this conversation. When the topic of wrestling came up, she was sure he was at the center, but he was nowhere to be found and the couple in front of her seemed to be genuinely enthralled by her and the idea of Kat being the center of attention in a wrestling match. She was naturally skeptical, so much could go wrong, become awkward, she didn’t think Laura looked physically imposing but she could get hurt. But then all of those thoughts gave way. The pitch made her feel special, like she had only otherwise felt around Matt, and this was a way for her to give him something back for encouraging her to be more open minded. He’d be there to protect her if things went sideways, with him she felt safe. “What do you have in mind?”.
  Brian’s eyes widened, they were so close, it was like a vivid dream when you had no alarm set, and Laura was well positioned to reel Kat in. But it was here that things really got interesting. When Laura established the locale (their VIP suite had a massive bed and two comfy chairs for the attendees of honor) and the rules (they’d wrestle with no striking until one of them was pinned or gave up) seemed like the pudding wrestling she did in college, just cleaner and with a smaller less Latina opponent. So she agreed to those and then the topic turned to attire. She had athletic wear though it usually went unused on vacation. They’d roll around, try not to be too silly so the boys would think it was real, one would pretend to be pinned good clean fun. So when Laura said “you should wear something sexy if you have anything” Kat heard a long pause before ….if you have anything. She kept her calm and just nodded though the dark nightclub masked her face reddening. At that point Kat saw the proposal for something potentially different. Did Laura only ask her because she thought Kat was someone who would roll over for her and not put up a fight? She argued against herself. They still hardly knew her. Then Laura continued. There’s one last thing….

Before Laura detailed what the stakes of the contest were for Kat she asked Brian to excuse herself, she was feeling herself now as an operator and having gotten matchup to nearly the finish line on mostly her own charms she wanted the opportunity to see it through in the way she best saw fit. For this last piece, her instincts told her it would need to be woman to woman. She carefully laid out why she had insisted on that piece to Brian, why it was something she felt she needed, and why she was willing to risk being on the wrong end of things to give herself a chance at it. She hoped that her potential opponent would understand, and embrace the opportunity to be adventurous….She was mistaken. Kat had no interest in sharing Matt under those circumstances or any other that immediately came to mind. Her brow furrowed, she definitely gave off a vibe of disagreement and Laura sensed this. She desperately needed to rescue everything, so she reached, “It wouldn’t be a big deal, Matt hasn’t had sex with another woman in 20 years, I doubt he’d last very long anyway and the whole thing would be over quickly. Again Kat’s face reddened, but unwittingly Laura’s tactic worked and Kat’s face softened, but it didn’t work because Kat no longer felt it was a big deal, it worked because Kat was tired of being seen as a pushover and she was going to teach Laura a lesson. “You know what? I think that part adds just the right amount of spice to things, and who knows the other wives have been drooling over Brian all weekend so it would be a fun thing to hold over them if it works out that way. I’ll run the whole thing by Matt, and if he’s into it we’ll see you tomorrow night in your suite around this time. Sound good?” Laura was overjoyed, cheered and gave Kat a huge hug. Kat subtly held her grip a moment longer. Just to size the petite blonde up. “Oh it sounds REAL good

Vacation Story Part 3

As they parted ways Laura was giddy with excitement, she returned to Brian and their friends and began a long night of drinking and dancing and fun. The other wives noticed Laura going extra hard but assumed it was vacation high, and carried on into the wee hours. Kat on the other hand told Matt she was turning in as she wanted to get a full…day in tomorrow, and though she too was excited, she eventually fell asleep watching some of the wrestling videos Matt had shown her in the past. So when she arose refreshed and ready to go, she flopped on top of her groggy husband and pinned his arms above his head. He wasn’t quite sure what to make of this rowdy version of his topless wife but he wasn’t going to complain. It couldn’t be a coincidence that after all of the wrestling top the night before she was now play wrestling with him, but she wasn’t letting anything on other than playfully chiding him to “let’s see your moves”. Matt possibly weighed 100lbs more than Laura but Kat kept him off balance by continuously moving quickly and applying some of the holds she paid attention to the night before on her sleepy bear of a spouse. The session was fun and ended with some enjoyable sex and a shower. After which Kat threw on her bathing suit and headed to the pool. If Matt knew she was going to make him sweat, and if he didn’t he had quite the surprise coming, because contrary to what Laura suggested. She wasn’t going to tell him anything until the match and she felt like she knew him well enough that even the big surprise wouldn’t be something that would faze him. For both couples the last full day of vacation what would normally fly by went incredibly slowly, a nice unintended change of pace. The four involved parties orbited each other with a very palpable nervous sexual energy that would have been obvious to those around them were the alcohol not flowing again. Kat herself was not much of a drinker, though she wasn’t letting on that, particularly to Laura and Brian. Laura on the other hand had an anxious energy to her, and was imbibing to keep the edge off and continued to enjoy herself. For the men the day swirled, a wild tantalizing mix of emotions. They read each others faces trying to decipher if it was on or off, would they see the ultimate encounter, and could they hide what would have been really obvious physical responses to that desire? The sun, alcohol and nerves left them a bit exhausted as well, a good exhaustion to be sure but they were thankful they weren’t competing, and oh boy did they play those matches out in their mind and the stakes!!! Each salivated over how their sexy wife might be physically displayed in front of them, a worthy opponent primally taking him as her prize. It was such a mind bending kink to have. But it was ever present and so close to being quenched. Soon the hour was there, the couples returned to their rooms, again the wives showering. When Kat made her way into the sitting area with her robe on and said to Matt simply “Let’s go” it was like falling from the incredibly height of a roller coaster, thrilling……terrifying?

Kat and Matt made their way to the top floor, easily the longest elevator ride of their lives. Matt gently rubbed his wife’s back over her robe, still unsure of what to say or do, so he remained silent for possibly the first time in his middle aged life. When they arrived at the door to the suite and knocked Brian answered with a broad shit eating grin on his face, it was on, and there was no turning back at this moment. He invited them in and showed them the massive suite they were staying in. The kind where two couples could easily stay and rarely come into contact with each other if they so chose. Brian was already savoring a drink and Matt accepted one when offered hoping to calm his raging nerves. A lifetime sports fan he found himself feeling something altogether different and more palpable than anything involving his favorite teams. Brian led the way to the suite where the match took place and courteously guided Kat onto the bed while pointing Matt to his chair. He let the couple know that he would be getting Laura and Kat waited… When Laura entered the room in her hotel issued robe she exchanged glances with Kat and then gave Matt a lingering hug, it was a friendly welcome in intention but it was strike 3 on things setting Kat off. Laura hopped up on the bed smiling a huge sorority smile and seductively led her robe drop to the floor. Her match lingerie was red, like the swimsuit that had caught Matt’s attention, largely sheer with roses covering her areola and nipples. It was certainly attention grabbing and she adored having the gaze of multiple men, and even briefly allowed herself to dream of Matt sliding her out of it. Her attention was quickly snapped back however when her older brunette opponent let her own robe slide down revealing a strappy black satin and animal print number that Kat basically spilled out of and the panties revealed how well Kat had maintained her ass and thighs over the years. It’s said that you can’t win a match before it begins, but you can certainly lose it, and when Laura saw the desperately longing look on Brian’s face she was coming precariously close to doing just that.

Kat like her namesake and fitting of the print on her panties saw the hesitation on Laura’s face and closed her off to the corner of the huge bed where Laura could retreat no further and lunged forward, Laura meekly getting her arms between the two but offering little resistance as Kat got her arm behind Laura’s neck and dragged her petite opponent down to the bed where the side of her chest pressed against Laura’s cheek. Laura thrashed and kicked ineffectively, her thin tan legs moving about and already causing her red panties to ride into places she hadn’t expected, generally before things were this physical in her sex life they would have come off. The limitations of Laura’s costume choices were well appreciated however as her cute little ass was pointing directly at Matt with lighter skin demonstrating nicely how much more she was revealing than earlier that afternoon. Kat pressed her advantage tightening her hold on Laura’s face and neck as she had practiced on Matt, moving the rest of her body out of harms way so Laura’s potential opportunities for reversal would be minimized. Almost as on schedule Kat would pump her body and wrench Laura’s neck to remind her opponent of just how much she had underestimated her determined opponent. When Kat felt that she had applied enough pressure and had begun to wear her opponent down she maneuvered them both so she was standing on the bed, carrying her smaller foe to a bent forward position and making a small circle so both Brian and Matt could get a good look at Laura’s predicament but also being mindful that they were putting on a show. She took a step backward so they were at the head of the bed when Kat took a couple steps forward and jumped, landing on her ass but causing her tan blonde plaything to land flat on the mattress with an “ooof”, the fit on Kat’s bralette causing her to bounce similarly to the way she did when she lured Matt in for good like a black widow so many years back.
Brian was thrilled at the moment of how the match had gone , he had initial concerns that Kat would be more sweet than spicy and while it would be sexy to see a match with any outcome he feared that a determined confident Laura would force her way to a victory and the embrace of another husband. This was trending towards something very different, Kat had shown herself to be just the best kind of assertive in action and her wardrobe choice blew his mind, even in a room where his own wife had outdone herself. He was hoping the match would last long enough to create a sufficient core memory, but its current pace led him to believe Laura wouldn’t be the only one in their partnership that Kat would get physical with. He then watched in awe as Kat lifted Laura’s shoulders up but then slid her legs down and around Laura’s front and began to squeeze, a move that he realized could be a signal that Kat was ready to put her opponent away early, and he was almost convinced that Laura might submit earlier than expected rather than endure a painful ordeal that would all be for nothing.

Laura found herself in a world of hurt as the creamy thighs of her opponent worked like a constrictor just under her red bra, causing her an immense amount of discomfort that she was immediately aware of but also a less obvious outcome was that it was making it difficult for her to relax and breathe, which might impact a chance at a recovery later in the match. She pawed and pried at Kat’s legs , desperately tying to create some space to move, when she felt a hand reach across her chin and pull her face backwards so she was looking directly at her rival who looked deeply into her eyes and growled that she should give in the match now before she wound up getting hurt. Matt was in awe of what he had seen to that point as it was, his normally mild mannered wife was not in the mood for playing around and kind gestures, which had surprised and impressed him, but the way she commanded her opponent with her words was something that he was totally taken aback by, and it had changed how he was viewing the encounter, still very highly aroused but also now with a curiosity of what Kat might do next. So when Laura denied the invitation to submit the match, Kat released her hold, moving to her knees with a hand snugly clasped into Laura’s now sweaty blonde mane so her face was tight against Kat’s thigh and rose to her feet with Laura on all fours and Kat began to walk her down the mattress giving the audience another great view of Laura’s cute ass as she prepared her next move. Kat decided to add more pressure to Laura, by placing her head directly between her strong full legs while she was on her knees and began to squeeze again, giving Laura what she believed in the moment to be one of the worst headaches of her life and making the mattress below her appear to spin. Her breathing had begun to get frantic and she had no way of anticipating that this match could have gotten away from her sooo quickly. From across the room Brian’s arousal was reaching a critical mass in such a short period of time as his dream opponent was playing the role of experienced domme to perfection, he was reaching the point where he could see all he needed to and was longing for Kat to polish the blonde off with style so they could get down to business and it appeared as though Kat was on the same wavelength as she dropped to her knees and forced Laura facedown to the mattress with an audible thud.

When her face hit the mattress and Kat’s ass drove it down further time slowed way down for Laura. She would have expected such an impact to cause her to dull or lose her senses but instead she could feel the sweaty softness of Kat’s inner thigh against the side of her face, the satiny bottom Kat’s panties resting on the nape of her neck, her blonde hair all asunder. She could smell the combination of sweat, perfume and detergent on the bed linens, and she could hear the amazed “ohhhhhhhhh my god” reaction that was unmistakably Brian’s to the move that had most likely finished her off.
Her ass was humiliatingly in the air, legs under her, a position she would likely be quite pleased to be in on vacation with Brian in the room, but at this moment it was a humiliating spot to be in, she could offer no resistance when Kat dismissively pushed her ass sideways to the mattress and rolled her to her back. Kat was very obviously going to pin her for a decisive win when she looked over at Brian saw the look of sheer lust on his face, she couldn’t bare it, but she needed something quickly so as Kat turned back towards her to make a cover, Laura reached between the same thighs that had this far tormented her and squeezed with every ounce of strength she could muster, she wasn’t sure it would be effective but at the very least she might put a damper on Brian’s after party.

In a flash Kat felt a blinding pain as her satin covered pussy was being squeezed harder than she would have imagined her nearly vanquished foe was capable of in that moment, which caused her to react by placing her hands at the source of the pain ather than respond by parrying the offending hand. Laura got a deep breath and gathered herself enough to pull Kat off of her and down to the mattress by the hair which in it of itself was quite painful to Kat, leaving her using each hand to try to remove the offending grasp and allowing Laura to apply more pressure and tighten her progressively more solid control of Kat’s womanhood. Matt edged forward in his seat as he knew this could be a sensitive area for Kat, and he could feel himself pulling for her to escape the hold. It was a strange place for him to be in after all these years upon reflection, of which he had no time for at the moment as Laura was beginning to literally squeeze her way back into the contest. “Looks like we found a weak spot on the mighty Kat” Laura grunted as she twisted her hand making Kat howl and roll to her back, trying to close her leg on Laura’s hand. The pretty blonde then rose to her knees and used one to pry Kat’s legs further apart, a move Matt had playfully applied to her that morning under wildly different circumstances. Kat thought she had a reprieve when Laura moved her hand briefly, but Laura only did so to lunge her weight forward and let her upper thigh crash into the freshly squeezed spot she had started to weaken, which elicited a hearty growl from Kat that progressed all the way down to a soft weak moan when it was repeated for the 5th and final time. The entire room lay stunned at the turn of events, Laura preened to the room, no one in attendance being more stunned than Brian who had started to turn white as his wife coldly asked how she should “finish this bitch off”

Whereas Kat had been intent and relentless in advantage, Laura was savoring her advantage. With the implications of what a win would bring with it, and how eager Brian had seemed to view her defeat, Laura was going to use the opportunity to make him squirm, so see him have to grapple with a similar type of knowledge that she had so many times, that he would no longer be alone in carnal knowledge of his queen. Laura took a page from Kat’s earlier book and pulled the weary brunette to her hands and knees by the hair. She swatted Kat’s hands away easily as she ineffectively tried to defend her bralette straps as she set Kat’s breasts free. Keeping a strong grip on Kat’s hair she roughly fondled and squeezed them, “ooooooh Brian I bet you would have loved these. Such a shame! Laura roughly pushed Kat facedown on the mattress and turned towards her feet and straddled her opponents back. She playfully slid a finger under the animal print panty line covering each of Kat’s creamy soft ass cheeks, sliding it inward before grabbing the material and yanking upward creating a makeshift thong and bringing a soft muffled squeal from her increasingly helpless opponent. Matt was finding himself more and more conflicted as Laura’s demonstration continued. She was no doubt sexy in command, a very attractive woman who seemed to effortlessly work her way around his wife’s body.’ And what a body! Laura was displaying Kat in a way that made her increasingly sexy. But his mind was caught, he found himself further rooting for Kat to turn things around, when Laura lifted her own ass up and let it crash down on Kat’s lower back he winced. He wasn’t able to enjoy it when Laura mocked “look how my tight ass makes hers jiggle”. He badly wanted Kat to turn things around, weirdly leaving both members of the audience aroused but currently disappointed. But she was running out of time….

Laura seemed to read Matt’s mind and decided it was time to accelerate Kat’s downfall. She grabbed the back of her opponent’s panties and pulled up like a harness and just kept bouncing, softening up the lower back of the whimpering Kat, if there was an option to throw in the towel, Matt would have thrown it in at that point. He’d put an end to Kat’s suffering, and give final decisive confirmation that Laura had been very much the better woman on the night, but since that option wasn’t there for him, he had to sit and wonder what fate lay ahead for Kat if she continued to not submit to a very aggressive onslaught by what started the evening as a seemingly sweet little blonde woman. Laura stopped her jockeying and then spanked each of Kat’s ass cheeks hard, a red handprint a souvenir of what had happened. “Well whether she knows it or not, she’s done, so let’s make this official” Knowing that a pin would end the match without Kat needing to relent, Laura rolled Kat onto her back, the men paying close attention to the subtle sway of Kat’s chest. Laura again straddled the torso of her opponent and hooked each of her thighs pulling them forward, which caused Kat’s completely wedgied ass to lift in the air. “Tried to cosplay as a jungle cat but turned out to be a real pussy” Laura snarked and then smiled at Matt, ignoring Brian “Ready stud? Let’s count her out together”

Laura rocked her ass backwards giving Kat a little bump “ahhhhhhh oneeeeeeee”, she repeated the move again savoring the conclusion to what had been a really impressive performance, “annnnnnnnnndddddd a twwwooooooooooo”, Kat turned her face and looked at Matt, fearing that the man she adored would be looking on lustfully, dreading the thought that the same ass that had been tormenting her would be all over her husband in ways she didn’t dare imagine but was finding it hard not too. But when she saw him, he clapped his hands together with a “come onnnnn Kat!” The first words of encouragement that had come out of either husband on the evening, and with that encouragement she searched for all the strength she could muster, creating tension in her thighs and forcing them upwards against the thin arms of her tormenter. Laura’s delayed and nonchalant cover allowed Kat to not only force Laura off of her but also sending her upper half over the side of the bed where she frantically tried to catch herself from going off the bed completely and headfirst onto the floor below. Laura’s momentum only stopped when Kat, sore and exhausted Kat her by the ankles. “Yessssssss Kat!” Matt actively cheered surprising even himself, obvious to the reactions of those around him. Kat was sure that she only had a short window to get back into the match so she acted quickly even if her body wasn’t quite as quick as her mind. She shoved a bare foot up against Laura’s damp red panty and pulled up on het ankles, bringing a howl from the dangling blonde. “You like pussy attacks do you?” Snarled Kat using that word for the first time in their entire relationship and drawing an amused smile from her husband, as she ground and worked her way, leaving Laura largely helpless while she caught her breath. When she felt that both her energy level had returned and Laura’s struggling had slowed, she waited for the pretty blonde to start to pull away one last time and let go letting Laura clatter to the bedroom floor below her.

Kat seemed to grow stronger by the moment buoyed by the realization that Matt was behind her 100% when every expectation she had going in was that the combination of what got him going with his kink and the potential to have consensual sex with a beautiful woman as the outcome would force him to desire the opposite. Instead the look on his face was one of pride and when she briefly looked his way he mouthed “you got her beautiful!!!” She wasted no time in grasping Laura under the chin and pulling her torso onto the bed, letting her short legs dangle over the side. She deftly freed Laura’s perky tits from their sheer rosy red prison, and then curled her thigh in front of Laura’s throat and used the other one to pull it in tight. Her victim was secure and the color had returned to Brian’s tan face. Brian gasped a long wowwwww and Matt though he was starting to feel a little bad for Laura among Brian’s reactions cheered “yes Kat! Lock her up!” When Kat squeezed her legs and pulled up, Laura panicked and struggled mightily. It was exactly what Kat wanted, she could feel herself becoming aroused from how helpless Laura felt in her grasp, her would be rival wasn’t going anywhere and she was quickly forfeiting whatever energy she might have had to perform a counter. Kat pumped her body, as it bounced in all its glory, and it wasn’t long before Laura’s twisting, slapping at Kat’s thighs, and prying dwindled to very little motion, followed by no motion. The woman who moments earlier was jockeying her way to a decisive sensual victory had gone completely limp.

When Kat was certain Laura was no longer a threat she released her headscissor hold and Laura flopped to the hotel floor once further, leaving her folded ass up once again, Kat looked around and said to no one in particular, “well she didn’t submit, what do I do?” Brian was far too busy ogling the woman who was about to claim him so Matt chimed in, “it might be a while before she submits and I doubt she can take more punishment, so you’ll just have to pin her”. Kat grinned from ear to ear at her hubby, “ I think I can arrange that, and I have a surprise for you”. Matt blushed, he hadn’t seen his wife this way and she really did never cease to amaze him. Kat easily picked up Laura under one arm and with a handful of red panties tossed her back on to bed. “Oh look, her tight ass jiggles like anyone else’s I guess” Kat made a show of slowly rolling Laura onto her back and spread her limbs wide. She made sure that Laura’s body was perfectly displayed towards her hubby and then as he had described in so many role play stories with her before she lowered her still thonged ass onto Laura’s face. With each of the next three words she held up another finger as she slowly and sexually ground her animal print panties on her new rival’s face. “She……….is………….done.” Kat winked at Matt and then lifted herself off of Laura, whose mouth was still wide open and breathing heavily. Kat still refused to take her gaze away from her hubby and when she started to peel her match panties off his eyebrow raised. He thought to himself, oh wow she really wants to fuck this guy, good for her, she earned him. But when she leaned over and whispered something into Laura’s ear that she likely never heard but it would forever turn him on to know Kat said it “nighty night, I did you a favor by not letting you see this” and she gently balled them into Laura’s mouth

Brian stood up to try to meet Kat in an embrace, but she cooly pushed him back down to the chair and undid his robe, when she did she could see that her domination of Laura had a pronounced impact on him, she slid his boxers over his already throbbing cock firmly and dispassionately and when they were at his knees she turned and lowered herself onto it. She was still feeling the effects of Laura’s targeted attacks from earlier but she was careful not to grimace and give any indication that his size was anything she wasn’t already used to. Then she looked directly at Matt lustfully and never took his eyes off of him as she grinded back and forth exactly like she had done on top of Brian’s face. Initially Brian held her hips down as he tried to get as deep inside the queen victor as possible to prove his worth but once his hands went to her full bouncing breasts he groaned and relented, “oh my god Kat you’re a goddess” he sputtered clumsily, as though he was having sex for the first time. Kat instantly slid herself off of Brian and noticed that Laura had started to come to again. She picked up her robe and placed it on gracefully, striding towards Matt and tenderly reaching for his hand, to lead him away as she looked back at the other couple, “and you were a disappointment, I’ll just have to have someone who knows what they’re doing take care of me the way a champion deserves” and with that the victorious duo made a beeline for their room where they would make love and relive their adventure well into the wee hours of the morning where they would collapse, exhausted, satisfied, and forever fulfilled.


Offline roadie

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Re: Vacation Story
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2024, 04:10:30 AM »
That was HOT! I loved the scenario; the build up and the match. It is so hot when couples get together for some hot wrestling fun. I was pulling for the young  blonde but was betting on the brunette. Really hot.


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Re: Vacation Story
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2024, 04:16:06 AM »
Ooooh you were pulling for the young blonde eh? Interesting!


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Re: Vacation Story
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2024, 02:18:25 AM »
I'm just hoping that news of the event gets around to the other couples. Then, maybe, the other couples give the "wive's wrestling" a try!
Life is boring without adventure.


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Re: Vacation Story
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2024, 11:40:31 AM »
    Great story!! I absolutely loved it!!


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Re: Vacation Story
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2024, 04:04:39 PM »
That is a fantastic idea aventerer has. A wives tournament at the resort with their husbands/ bf  managing and encouraging them. Let's see; what could the prize be??????


Offline Bumbercatch

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Re: Vacation Story
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2024, 08:06:20 PM »
I'm just hoping that news of the event gets around to the other couples. Then, maybe, the other couples give the "wive's wrestling" a try!

This is a very sexy thought!


Offline roadie

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Re: Vacation Story
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2024, 03:50:39 PM »
I would like to enter Melissa into that tournament. Where do we sign up?


Offline YH5050

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Re: Vacation Story
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2025, 07:41:17 AM »
Wow! Absolutely loves it! Can't wait to read more of your stuff!


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Re: Vacation Story
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2025, 02:26:10 PM »
Oh my god.    Hot and well written
A few months from retiring!!   Yay. Love all types of cyber.  I’m 66 and fading fast so no more irl.  And yes, I have done it.   Love trash talk during a match.   Respect your elders!!!