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Finish Her!

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #2475 on: February 23, 2025, 08:53:09 PM »
Kiernan Shipka vs Dafne Keen


The luxurious penthouse high above Manhattan had played host to many battles, but few as intense as this one.  Although both still relative newcomers to catfighting, Kiernan and Dafne had demonstrated remarkable skill, fueled by an almost savage ferocity.  The elite gathering of spectators sat in rapt attention as both beauties pummeled one another in a contest that was largely a least until now.

It's hard to say just how Shipka managed to gain control of the fight.  Perhaps her endurance was proving superior, maybe Keen made some small tactical error that was imperceptible to the onlookers, but had not been missed by the eye of her adversary.  Or possibly the cosmic goddesses of warfare had simply decided to tilt the advantage to blonde.  But whatever the case, Kiernan was mercilessly slapping, kneeing, punching, slamming and stomping Dafne, rendering the quivering brunette all but hapless.

All that was left for Shipka was to finish off her rival.  But then she paused, as if she was pondering a sudden new idea.

Without a word, Kiernan grabbed Dafne by her damp and tangled dark mane and hauled her up to her feet, then dragged her stumbling over to the sliding doors which overlooked the penthouse's spacious balcony.  Throwing open the door, a blast of wintry night air blew into the room, and the blonde pulled the battered brunette outside.  They halted in front of a seven foot tall stainless steel statue sitting in the center of the patio, a replica of the famed "Valkyrie" piece.


The skimpy bikinis of the two combatants offered scant protection from the bitter air as it whipped around them, their skin already reddening from the cold.  But while Dafne was shivering, a Nordic warrior queen...paid the winter no mind.  Using her foot, she pushed at the back of each of her rival's knees, forcing her to kneel in the snow before the statue.  Then, a malicious glint in her eye, her golden hair billowing in the breeze, Shipka threw a kick to her rival's kidneys, making Keen shriek in pain.  And at that same moment, the blonde pushed her victim's face forward, Dafne's tongue touching the metal statue.

And with that, the brunette's saliva instantly froze to the steel, trapping her there in an eternal kiss of the Valkyrie's foot.  Beaming with satisfaction, Kiernan turned and walked back into the penthouse, where one guest quickly threw his suit jacket over her to warm her.  Other guests rushed out to the balcony with a cup of warm tea, carefully pouring it over the mewling Dafne's tongue to gently melt the ice that fastened her to the statue.  That achieved, she was likewise brought back inside, where a hot shower could at least warm her up, if not wash away the emotional grime of defeat.  Shortly thereafter the loser was escorted back to her Midtown hotel, where she cried until the dawn.

As for Shipka, as the winner, she was granted complete use of the penthouse for a week, and the first thing she did was settle into a hot bubble bath in the sunken tub, sipping a glass of bourbon to warm her insides, and to bask in her triumph.
