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First Time

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Re: First Time
« Reply #30 on: March 04, 2025, 10:29:37 AM »
"Oh you clever, clever girl." laughed Claire Frobisher over the phone when Grace had explained to her what she had in mind.

"What can I say, I am my mother's daughter!" laughed Grace.

"I'll have a lot of fun writing that letter! It will be quite different to the one that Ted drafted but I must say I'm most impressed with what he put together, given that he had no cards in his hand. Finishing law school this year did you say, has he applied to us?" Claire said.

"No, he's not applying to any of the private firms. He says his grades aren't good enough, doesn't want to waste anyone's time." said Grace holding her breath.

"Why is that?" asked Claire "He seems very able."

"Bingo!" thought Grace "Well he held down a full time job to put himself through law school and he used to fall asleep studying. He was burning the candle at both ends basically." said Grace.

"That's quite extraordinary. Haven't heard of anybody doing that for a while but... you're sure he studied full time not part time?" said Claire.

"Yes, he's only 23 and graduating." said Grace.

"What job did he do?" asked Claire curiously.

"Hard graft - construction." said Grace "With overtime when he could get it."

"That would have been tough. Law school is enough on its' own. I'll be most interested to meet this young man when we all get together." Claire said then after a pause she added "In the meantime you can leave Madison to me."

Claire was smiling, even though there was nobody there to see it.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2025, 01:22:04 PM by de Vire »


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Re: First Time
« Reply #31 on: March 04, 2025, 12:29:42 PM »
With gym bag in hand Claire asked for Madison at the reception desk. Madison started when she laid eyes on Claire "You must be Grace's mother, Mrs Frobisher?"

"Claire, please." the woman said smiling and extending her hand.

"Madison." Madison replied in return, feeling a thrill as their hands met in a firm grip and their eyes locked.

"I was wondering if we could talk?" Claire said.

"Of course, just come through to my office." said Madison "Can I get you anything Claire? Coffee? Water?"

"Water would be lovely" said Claire.

When she was seated across from Madison with a bottle of cold water in front of her Claire said "I wanted to ask you, Madison, if it bothers you that our daughters had a catfight the other day?"

"Strong opening" thought Madison "She obviously knows, as Bronwyn suspected." Then she stared straight into Claire's eyes and said aloud "Not in the slightest, Claire. I think it's healthy for women to fight. I'm proud of both of them for having the guts to do it. Why do you ask, does it bother you?"

Claire smiled "Not in the slightest, Madison. I'm absolutely thrilled that Grace has started fighting and that she found such a beautiful opponent in Bronwyn...and that it has brought them together as lovers, as it often does."

Madison relaxed and smiled "That sounds like the voice of experience, Claire?"

"I think we might both be experienced, Madison." smiled Claire.

"Indeed!" said Madison "But tell me Clare, why did you come here today?" although she was pretty sure she already knew the answer.

"Because the idea of fighting the mother of the girl my daughter is fighting is really turning me on and I'm hoping you feel the same way." said Claire staring into her eyes.

"Oh indeed I do, Claire and even more so after seeing you in the flesh, so to speak, but how are we going to handle this with the girls? I hope you don't want them to watch or anything like that?" said Madison staring back and feeling her nipples get hard and her pussy wet at the thought of a catfight with this goddess.

"Oh no, not at all, in fact they can never know anything about it - you see I had to make a promise to my husband years ago. He's always loved watching me catfight, in fact I fought my former best friend over him before we got married but he was squeamish about the thought of his daughters catfighting. So, I promised never to tell them anything about my catfights or do anything to encourage them to go down the same path." said Claire, her breathing starting to get laboured.

Madison nodded "I understand Claire. I have some rules of my own. I'm very open with my kids but their friends are their friends and mine are mine. I would never tolerate one of my friends getting it on with one of my daughters and needless to say I would never fight or fuck one of my daughters friends."

"Oh absolutely Madison, surely nobody would do that?" said Claire horrified.

"You'd be surprised." sighed Madison "So do you want your husband to watch us go at it? I certainly don't have a problem with that."

"Oh, thank you Madison but no. He doesn't always get to watch and I feel that this is one of those times that I'd really like it to be more intimate, just the two of us. Also, with the girls being so close it might be potentially a bit ah...tricky to involve him." said Claire.

"I understand and I absolutely love the idea of an intimate fight with you, Claire." Madison said taking a deep breath. "So - ha ha - Mums the word - this stays strictly between the two of us. I agree that's best. So, how do you want to do this Claire?" said Madison crossing her legs under her desk and suppressing the urge to groan.

"Well, we're both women of business so we don't want our faces marked." said Claire, enjoying the wetness in her pussy as she talked calmly to this sexy woman about fighting her.

Madison laughed "I like the way you put that Claire 'women of business' I mean, you own a famous law firm and I manage a gym. I think we're going to be friends!"

"I think so too." smiled Claire "So standard rules, just slapping, hairpulling and holds above the shoulder but otherwise totally no holds barred?"

"My favourite" smiled Madison "So what's in your gym bag Claire? What do you want to fight in?"

Claire laughed and held up her bag "There's nothing in the bag because that's what I prefer to fight in, especially with a woman as hot as you, Madison."

"Right back at you babe, me too. And it's no doubt occurred to you that there might be a suitable room here?" Madison raised her eyebrows.

"Yes Darling, which brings us to the important matter of stakes. I like the loser to be totally humiliated and offer submission sex to the winner."

"You really are my kind of woman Claire." Madison stood up "Let's get it on."
« Last Edit: March 04, 2025, 01:35:13 PM by de Vire »


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Re: First Time
« Reply #32 on: March 05, 2025, 02:22:16 AM »
Madison locked the door and they faced each other in a 30' square internal room with no windows and thick mats on the floor and up the walls to prevent injury.

"We use this room for all sorts of classes and I use it for my private matches." explained Madison.

"It's perfect. I know some women who would love to hire it from you for their private matches, including me." said Claire smiling.

"Just let me know." smiled Madison as they both began to undress. They did it slowly, sensuously and their eyes didn't leave each other.

"This is like unwrapping a Christmas present." said Claire as their eyes feasted on their luscious opponent.

What Claire saw was 43 year old Madison, 5'5" tall 145 pounds 36C 28 38, well built and toned with muscles rippling under her tanned olive skin with her beautiful face set off by her warm brown eyes and shoulder length brown hair which she shook out to be loose for the fight - and her unshaven pussy hair that Claire longed to pull and twist. Claire noted with approval her firm natural breasts and rock hard brown nipples. Also her strong, broad, sexy feet and red painted finger and toe nails.

What Madison saw was 50 year old Claire, 5'7" tall 143 pounds 36D 26 38, statuesque, commanding, sculpted and toned with her classically beautiful face, unlined pale white skin, blue eyes and shoulder length blond hair also shaken out for the fight and a neat unshaven pussy. Claires breasts were undoubtedly all her own, without enhancement, even if they seemed impossibly firm. Madison couldn't wait to bite Claire's hard pink nipples. Claire's feet were very elegant, being long and slender with pink painted nails. Madison particularly wanted to suck her long, sexy toes.

They were each looking at an older version of their opponent's daughter, which knowing their daughters had faced each other like this only recently, was really turning them on. Claire also wrongly believed that her daughter Grace had lost her catfight to Bronwyn and this only added to her determination to win. Madison of course knew that her daughter Bronwyn had lost and while this didn't bother her in the slightest, she felt she should even the score.

They looked at each other, admiring their opponent's beauty and physical perfection. They both thought the other was the most beautiful opponent they had ever faced. Their arousal was unbearable...

Madison spoke "Claire, I'm about to cum just looking at you, what's your policy on pre-match sex?"

A smiling Claire came to her and kissed her. It was long, deep and beautiful as their hands grasped each other strongly and they felt the thrill of their bodies coming together for the first time.

When they eventually broke this kiss Claire said quietly "I like a lot of sex before, during and after a match, so come at me!"

And Madison did. For over an hour. They worked through the full repertoire of lesbian sex like the virtuosos they both were, revelling in the beauty of each other's bodies and driving each other to heights they had never scaled before. When they finally rolled apart and rose to give battle they both knew this encounter would be something apart from all their previous catfights..


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Re: First Time
« Reply #33 on: March 05, 2025, 02:30:10 PM »
They approached each other cautiously, reflecting the respect they felt for their opponent, starting with tentative attacks to feel each other out. Their exchanges slowly increased in intensity, Madison scored first with a heavy breast punch that broke through Claire's defence and sent her reeling but as she attempted to follow up she got tagged with a punch to the gut that knocked the wind out of her. This set the pattern for further furious exchanges where flurries of punches were thrown, hits were exchanged but they were too evenly matched for either to follow up effectively and gain a decisive advantage. Both were strong on defence and counter punching. The punches were mixed up with slaps to the face, trying to turn the head to set up a kick or a knee to the pussy. Kicks landed on shins, knees and thighs but none of the many knees thrown found their target, the pussy, in the last resort being deliberately taken on the thighs by turning.

After 10 minutes of intense albeit indecisive combat however the cumulative damage was considerable and was starting to tell on both women, who were slowing and breathing hard. Claire started to use her height and reach advantage to score with her powerful right hook - particularly one to Madison's ribs under her armpit that Claire felt go home, and which clearly caused Madison distress.

At the 15 minute mark, both of them were really slowing down, although Claire seemed to have found the range and was now consistently outscoring Madison with telling punches to the body and kicks to Madison's legs. Madison started to look for opportunities to take Claire to the mats and succeeded in one melee by falling back as she defended then diving forward at Claire's feet and taking her legs out from under her. Madison managed to control Claire's legs and stop her from kicking her chest or scissoring her waist while scrambling forward to mount her but getting her breasts raked by Claire's nails in the process. Claire then gripped  Madison's breasts with her claws and crushed them, getting the satisfaction of a whimper out of Madison even as she sank her claws into Claire's breasts and crushed them. Both their faces contorted with agony and exertion as they both poured the effort into crushing each other's breasts. Sobs were stifled as both grimly continued this contest within a contest, Claire making no effort to buck Madison off, choosing to put all her strength into the breast maul instead. 

After they had been struggling like this for about 5 minutes, Claire savagely raked her embedded nails down Madison's breasts eliciting the first scream of the match, before reaching up to grab Madison's hair in both hands and jerking her head from side to side. Madison raked her nails down Claires breasts in retaliation but it didn't seem to be as effective as Claires attack. Claire pulled Madison down on top of her by the hair and Madison grabbed Claire's hair with both hands in return, which allowed her to counter the leverage that Claire was using to jerk Madison's head painfully from side to side. Claire succeeded in scissoring one of Madison's legs with her own, which seemed to entrench a bit of a stalemate as it denied Claire the leverage she needed to buck Madison off. Claire however seemed quite content fighting with her back on the mats and Madison on top of her. Certainly it was easier for her to violently jerk Madison's head from side to side by the hair than it was for Madison with Claires head resting on the mats. It also seemed that both of them were enjoying being locked into this breast to breast duel.

Madison made a lightning move for Claire's breasts with both hands which caused her to cry out but it also caused the unbundling of their stalemated position with Claire releasing Madison's trapped leg and throwing herself sideways. She didn't get far enough to roll Madison off but she gained enough separation to grip Madison's pussy hard with one of her claws. Madison's scream was earth shattering but rather than surrender she responded immediately by gripping Claire's wrist  and driving her thumbnail into the soft underside, forcing Claire to release her death grip on her pussy.

Claire still had one hand in Madison's hair and made another attempt to roll Madison over as Madison went to dig her free hand into her breast. This attempt resulted in Madison's torso rearing up and Claire thrust her head up and her teeth closed around Madison's nipple. Madison screamed but tried to respond: under standard rules you were allowed to use your thumbs to pull opponent's mouth apart to break this hold but Claire intercepted both her hands with her own, leaving Madison with no alternative, after screaming for a few more agonising seconds, than to scream "Surrender!"

Claire immediately released the nipple bite and Madison's hands and she rolled onto her back and lay there sobbing heavily.

Claire rolled over onto her side and moulded her body into Madison's, gently rubbing her stomach and cooing to her as her sobs slowly subsided.

"Are you ok Darling" Claire asked solicitously.

"I feel fantastic!" said Madison hollowly "I think you're the best I've ever fought. Fuck, you just went through me like I wasn't there!"

"I beg to differ Darling, you were most definitely there for the 30 minutes we were fighting and I certainly didn't feel like I was going through you, in fact you were like a brick wall! It takes two to make a great catfight and fuck, that was next level!" said Claire, rolling over to kiss her. Claire's hand strayed to Madison's pussy and they made love slowly and gently but with unbelievable intensity.

When they were spent, Claire stroked Madison's hair and said "I love the contrast between the violence of the fight and the gentleness of the lovemaking afterwards." said Claire.

"Me too. Just give me a minute and I'll suck your toes or whatever you want." said Madison.

Clare kissed her tenderly "Let's do that another time Darling, we're both exhausted. I'd rather just lie here quietly for a while and talk to you."

Madison said "Would you like me to tell you what I know about Grace's fight with Bronwyn?"

"Rather!" Claire responded enthusiastically.

"Well, it was Grace's first fight and Bronwyn's...oh I don't know, I've lost count she's had so many...but to Bronwyn's astonishment and delight, Grace managed to beat her!" said Madison.

"What?" said Claire "I just assumed that Bronwyn would have beaten Grace in her first fight, your gorgeous daughter certainly carries herself like a girl who has won a lot of catfights!"

"She has!" said Madison with an understandable note of pride "but here's where it gets really interesting, Bronwyn thinks Grace is just a natural with enormous potential and having just had my arse kicked by you I can see where she gets it from."

"Not just from me" said Claire thoughtfully "From my mother as well, she was a ferocious catfighter in her day. For all I know, the crazy old bitch still is!" she laughed.

"It's in the blood" said Madison.

"You might think so but my other two daughters are total wimps. Massive disappointments to me. But I always had hopes for Grace, she's the most like me." said Claire.

"Well chew on this" said Madison "From what Bronwyn told me about the detail of their fight and what I just experienced from you, Grace even fights like you. Yet you've never discharged your solemn duty as a mother to teach her."   

"You have no idea how much I have regretted making that promise to James over the years. Can you imagine how hard it was for me to see my two older girls going bad like that, no interest in catfighting whatsoever? Maybe I could have helped them." said Claire bitterly.

Madison smiled "For a woman like you it must have been agony but at least you now have Grace to take pride in! Oh and by the way, an item of late news: Bronwyn has since fought Grace's former best friend Sarah over her and won!" said Madison.

"Good!" laughed Claire "I hope she kicked the living shit out of her."

"She did apparently, in front of a small crowd." said Madison.

"It's not the kid's fault to be fair, it's her toxic parents. Total fuckwits who think their money entitles them to be arseholes to people they consider their social inferiors. I was so angry I was going to fuck up the mother once but didn't she back down in a hurry." said Claire.

"Well you'll be pleased to hear that Sarah pissed both the girls off by picking on this poor girl who lives in a trailer park. Grace is fighting Sarah next and Bronwyn thinks she'll wipe the floor with her." said Madison.

"You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you say that." sighed Claire "Well I know who else is coming to dinner - and who isn't - when you come over. Speaking of which,  we've been in here for ages and I'm famished. I have a room booked in a hotel with a spa bath for post catfight recovery but it's always better with company, what say you join me and we get room service and fuck all night?"

Madison laughed "I'd love to Claire, I'd really love to." she sighed.

So that's exactly what they did. They drank far too much champagne in the spa bath, ordered hamburgers from room service and had post catfight sex in the huge hotel bed with its crisp white sheets. Unusually for both of them they didn't set their alarms and woke up mid morning in each other's arms. Rather than rushing off they made love in a leisurely fashion and then ordered breakfast.

Claire said casually "Grace mentioned a legal problem you're having with some arseholes. Will you let me help you Darling?"

Madison looked at her shrewdly. Obviously what had happened between them was primarily due to deep desire. Madison wanted Claire in her life as her friend and lover. Friends do things for each other. She had tasted the raw power in this incredible woman and she desperately wanted to be close to her."

"Thank you" Madison said "but I insist on paying you."

"I think it will only take one letter, it would cost me more to put you on the billing system than I'll be able to charge you" said Claire placing a document in front of Madison, who looked at her dubiously but signed where indicated.

A few days later Madison received an email apologising for the mistake that had been made due to a systems error.

« Last Edit: March 05, 2025, 03:48:58 PM by de Vire »