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4-Way Catfight: Daddario, Coleman, Gomez, Olsen

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Offline The Syndicate

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4-Way Catfight: Daddario, Coleman, Gomez, Olsen
« on: February 27, 2025, 10:58:08 PM »
4-Way Catfight: Daddario, Coleman, Gomez, Olsen
Part 1


It was a bold idea. Get four insanely famous women in a room and let them have at each other until one of them stands victorious. There would be contracts to sign, revenue to share, and of course streaming rights to work out. Yet somehow it all came together one oddly rainy evening in Los Angeles. The four women who had agreed to this outlandish idea each had similar feelings of apprehension and excitement. Just the thought of besting their peers titillated the senses. When they all actually stood in the cleared-out penthouse living space together none of them spoke. Instead they simply waited. They waited for the sound that would signal their battle. All the while rain tapped on the gargantuan windows. In the distance they got a view of the city, ugly and flat for the most part until the hills rolled up on each other in the distance. But nobody was looking at the city. No, all four women were carefully looking over one another. Perhaps they studied each other’s mannerisms, the way each of them stood could give away the first moves of the fight. This would be crucial. As all four women looked around, three of them agreed on one thing… they needed to pick their opponent carefully.

Zendaya Coleman, all 5’10” 130lbs of her, had her sights set on Elizabeth Olsen. It wasn’t that she thought Elizabeth was a poor fighter. Rather, she thought that her size and weight could cause trouble for the Sherman Oaks native. She watched Elizabeth’s face, which had remained stoic and calm. She wasn’t giving anything away. Zendaya did look around the room at the other two women, though. Selena stood smirking, her head tilted slightly as she stared down who she had chosen to try to take out first: Alexandra Daddario. Of the four women, Selena seemed the most willing to get things rolling. Her fingers twitched. Her eyes locked on the big brunette standing across from her. Zendaya considered trying to take Selena off guard. Perhaps that was the play. She moved her attention over to Alexandra, whose eyes were darting between all three. The two of them locked eyes for a minute. Perhaps Alex was trying to communicate with her without opening her mouth. Daddario’s bright blue eyes stared into Zendaya’s glossy brown irises then darted over to Elizabeth. Was she trying to tell Zendaya who to go after or was she warning Zendaya to steer clear because Olsen was hers? She couldn’t tell. So Zendaya shifted her focus back to Elizabeth, who had now closed her eyes and was calmly letting out long, low, consistent breaths. Then she darted her eyes to Selena, who still stared down Alex. Then to Alex, who seemed to have settled on Selena. She could take one of them off guard. But she wanted Elizabeth. Her mind raced through the options when suddenly the signal blared. It pierced Zendaya’s ear drums for a moment. It had begun. Zendaya picked her target and moved for her, determined to be the last woman standing…


Elizabeth Olsen tried to clear her mind. She knew the next few minutes would induce utter chaos. Four women attacking each other all at the same time? Yeah, things were going to get messy. So she tried to remain calm. Even as her heart tried to leap out of her chest, she told herself to just relax. Things were going to move quickly. The most important thing was to not get overwhelmed. There were four of them. That meant most likely they would pair off, at least to start. If she had her choice, Elizabeth would go after Selena. Not for any reason in particular other than they were the two closest in size. But as she walked into the penthouse she noticed Selena’s gaze fixed on Alexandra Daddario. If she wanted the big brunette, she could have her. Lizzy had formed a plan of attack for all four of her opponents. She had done her research, studied their fighting histories, and came up with measures for each of them. But again, she knew that chaos would greet her. The best she could do was remain calm and try to stick to her plan. As the signal reverberated deep within her body, Elizabeth’s eyes shot open. She moved herself towards her target, briskly shifting her 5’6” 123lbs body forward. Here came the chaos. All she had to do was stick to her plans and remain confident. She could do this. She could do this. She could do this.


Alexandra Daddario checked the betting lines furiously that morning. All the way up until their phones were taken away from them, Alex had wanted to see who was favored. She had remained on top, though the odds fluctuated throughout the day. She was the first to enter the penthouse. She took note of its mix of grandiose size playing off its chic simplicity. Big windows with rain splashing against it… odd, she didn’t know it was supposed to rain today. She pushed it out of her mind that that could be an omen. Nope, it was simply a coincidence. She walked around the penthouse for a few seconds, looking out the windows, tracing her hands across the cold glass. Then she turned back and saw the other three women stationary. They had taken their spots. Alex blushed for a moment and then took a few strides onto her de facto waiting spot, completing the square formation in the middle of the room. Her eyes drifted towards Elizabeth first, who had for some reason decided to close hers. Alex thought this a curious tactic and wondered for a moment what it meant. Then she moved her attention over to Zendaya, who was nervously looking around at everyone else. She looked nervous. Alex hoped she didn’t look that way. Turning away from Zendaya, she finally saw Selena. And Selena surely saw her. With an intense glare, Selena looked right through Alexandra. She could feel her eyes burning a hole into her. The 5’8” 134lbs brunette understood. Ms. Gomez was gunning for her. She moved her attention back to Zendaya, who caught her eye for a second. With her eyes, she tried to tell Zendaya to go for Elizabeth. If Selena had wanted her, she was going to get her. Before the signal echoed across the room, Alexandra moved her head towards who she wanted to take on first. She rolled her shoulders. Loosened her neck. And then the signal started. A small smirk stretched across Alex’s face. It was time for some fun.


Selena Gomez thought one thing over and over in her head… “I’m going to ruin this bitch.” She made no attempts to hide it. Deception had no place in her plans today. She wanted Alexandra Daddario. A fool’s errand some might say. At 5’5” 128lbs, Selena knew she was giving up plenty of size. She simply didn’t care. See, just like Alexandra, Selena had also been keeping an eye on the odds for this fight. She was the longshot. Behind even fucking Zendaya Coleman, that bindle of twigs. And Elizabeth Olsen? What had she ever done? Selena had rivalries with women these bitches would never go near. But the worst was Alexandra Daddario. Selena had seen her lose time after time. Upton. Godwin. Ratchford. Utgaard. Hell, even her close personal friend Taylor Swift had beaten her before. In Selena’s mind there was only one word to describe Alexandra Daddario: OVERRATED. Overrated body. Overrated tits. Overrated fighter. So as she twitched her fingers, staring down the ditzy bitch across from her, she imagined exactly how she would take her down. How she would leave her screaming as her tits flattened her over-inflated pair. She only had eyes for Alex. The other two would keep. With her claws at the ready, hair pulled back, and body eager for the fight, Selena heard the signal and charged forward. This bitch was going down.


The cameras captured the entire thing. Selena charging at Alexandra. Alexandra charging at Selena. It seemed those two were a pair of heat-seeking missiles aimed right for each other. Until…

Out of nowhere, a flash of red launched at Alexandra Daddario. With her shoulders down, Zendaya had checked the big brunette, thumping her with her entire bodyweight and causing her to crash to the floor. Alex didn’t know what hit her. Turned out it was Zendaya Coleman who hit her. And as Zendaya stumbled to the floor and pounced on her prey she hit her again. And again. And again. Alex’s face flew from side to side as Zendaya’s palm cracked against her cheek followed by a swift backhand. Selena stood there, dumbfounded. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go.

“You stupid bitch!” cried Selena. “Get off of her, she’s mi-eieeeeeeneeeeee!!!!”

Yanked backwards by her ponytail, Selena fell to the floor. She had forgotten about Elizabeth Olsen, who had stayed back and let the chaos she predicted unfold in front of her. When she saw the opportunity to strike, she took it. And with Selena on her back, she dropped her knee down into the gut of the busty Latina beauty, knocking all of the wind out of her in one fail swoop. Hands then went in hair. Selena, pinned as she tried to gasp for air. Elizabeth, riding her thrashing victim flawlessly while using her hair to maintain her grip. With squealing emanating from the lips of her rival, the woman on top grinned while her thighs pressed down. Cutting off even more air, Elizabeth’s crotch clamped down on Selena’s throat.

“You’re screwed,” Elizabeth said.

Meanwhile, Zendaya continued to slap the hell out of Alexandra. Large, strong, tan hands clasped against reddening cheeks, sending a loud clapping sound throughout the penthouse. Zendaya took her left hand and grabbed the base of Alex’s ponytail, lifting her head up for an even better angle as the punishment continued. Her legs straddled the waistline of the faltering brunette. With her butt sinking into the lower abdomen of Alexandra, Zendaya took complete control. And it felt GREAT. She looked down at the helpless Alexandra with contempt. It excited her. All over she felt her body tingling. Her heart raced even faster. Her pupils dilated. She almost couldn’t contain herself.

"Damn Alex," Zendaya said. "Kicking your ass is EASY!"

Or so she thought.

The ocean-eyed beauty ate slap after slap. She let Zendaya pin her down, controlling the action. But in reality, Daddario was simply lying in wait. Despite the ringing in her ears and the water in her eyes, there was no way this was happening without cause. No, she simply wanted to let Zendaya get confident. Too confident. With each slap her enemy’s confidence inched closer to cockiness. Arrogance would be the path which Alexandra took to victory. She continued to play possum, even letting her body relax to give off the impression that she had gone slack. The performance convinced Zendaya, who ceased her slaps and slid her ass up the smooth athletic body of Alexandra Daddario. Her pink sports bra rolled up, causing the bottom of her mountainous breasts to peak out from under their cover. When Zendaya finally rested on her chest, that’s when Alexandra struck. She took hold of Zendaya’s waistband, gripping it tightly. Then, whilst simultaneously lifting upward and bridging her body, she sent the “challenger” flying over her head. Without warning Zendaya had gone from straddling a weakened, pathetic husk of a woman to falling flat on her face, her entire body spread eagle.

“Well, now that that’s over with…” cooed Alexandra as she rubbed her cheek. “It’s time to show you who you’re fucking with.”

Selena Gomez decided against playing possum. In fact, she fought like hell underneath clamped thighs. Lips pursed and cheeks squished, she took in all the air she could as she wildly thrashed about. Her hands snatched the back of Elizabeth’s neon-yellow top, which she used as leverage to forcefully teeter her tormentor to the side whilst her body bucked like crazy. Elizabeth’s ankles locked together just as her shoulder hit the floor, but Selena popped her head loose just in time. Now it was Gomez’s time to strike. And strike she did.

With nails flashing through air, Selena’s hands blotted the light out of Elizabeth’s wide-open eyes. They dug into the movie star’s cheek, leaving behind a trail of hate-fueled agony, a reminder of just how dangerous a scorned hellcat can be. Then came the hair pulling. Selena’s fingers soon became entrenched in Elizabeth’s brunette locks. Back and forth. Back and forth. All the while squeals emitted from the tortured woman’s pursed lips. While the scratch across the face got Selena back into the fight, she had to take advantage of her spot. Pouncing on her downed foe, she let her bodyweight and gravity do the work as she splashed herself down onto Elizabeth’s torso. Their chests collided, with Selena’s heavier set hitting Elizabeth’s rack with authority. Olsen gulped. She felt as though she had a lump deep in her throat. Soon Selena’s fingers interlaced with hers. Then her legs with her legs. Soon Selena Gomez’s sweaty cleavage pressed down on her face, capping any flow of oxygen. Selena’s black sports bra already stained with perspiration, she wiggled her shoulders side to side letting her boobs gently knock Elizabeth’s face around before leaning in deeper.

“Who’s screwed now, bitch?” asked Selena.

To be continued...
« Last Edit: February 27, 2025, 11:03:03 PM by The Syndicate »


Offline The Syndicate

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Re: 4-Way Catfight: Daddario, Coleman, Gomez, Olsen
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2025, 06:53:39 PM »
After what seemed to be pretty blatant poll manipulation on the last poll, I won't be finishing this series. In fact, I won't be running polls on this site from now on and am almost considering no longer posting stories on here as a result.


Offline Nicole S

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Re: 4-Way Catfight: Daddario, Coleman, Gomez, Olsen
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2025, 09:42:49 PM »
Polls are a mixed bag for me. I love the thought of them allowing the audience a chance to interact and influence the story, but on the other hand manipulation and other malicious ways people can abuse that system has turned me off creating them recently myself. I do hope you'll continue to post your work on here at the very least, Syndicate, because your celeb fights are some of the best I've read on here. I especially love those short one-offs you post sometimes, such as the stuff from Millie's Birthday Bash. I'm sorry about this.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2025, 07:25:59 AM by Nicole S »


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Re: 4-Way Catfight: Daddario, Coleman, Gomez, Olsen
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2025, 10:15:25 PM »
Is the discord still open?


Offline The Syndicate

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Re: 4-Way Catfight: Daddario, Coleman, Gomez, Olsen
« Reply #4 on: Yesterday at 12:31:50 AM »


Offline Nutmeg

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Re: 4-Way Catfight: Daddario, Coleman, Gomez, Olsen
« Reply #5 on: Yesterday at 01:48:09 AM »
I say do what you want but I also never understood why so many here place so much stock in the polls here. Personally I would get rid of them in a heartbeat. The poll culture here features people who are shitty writers  doing polls against themselves (two alts) and using their other ids and politicking to make their poll a tie so they have to endlessly fight themselves. And when we have tried to put a stop to it I personally can say i got  some pretty toxic pushback. People here are very OK with poll manipulation and using multiple ids when it is someone they like who wins. And if you dare interfere with someone they like doing poll manipulation you are overreaching your bounds. Real world applications may apply here.

if you aren't being paid or doing a favor, I could not see letting anyone else tell you how your story should go. I would take a poll here as a suggestion not a legally binding contract. If someone wants to bust your balls over you not following the letter of the law with a poll result in your story then they aren't a fan of your writing. They just want to see whatever their almighty celeb is win. used to post stuff there. You will have to log into goggle to see it

The biggest fakes here are those posing as humans.

Death will not be a tragedy but an inconvenience for others.


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Re: 4-Way Catfight: Daddario, Coleman, Gomez, Olsen
« Reply #6 on: Yesterday at 12:41:41 PM »
You are a great writer. Do not let others affect what you do. Especially what happens in the polls. Write what you want to write, not what others want you to write.

Can I discord.