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Offline howardcosell

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« on: December 03, 2011, 01:00:27 AM »
This is a story from way back before the board crashed. I think I did this one in 2006, during a time when there was a block on cursing on the site while it was changing servers. Anyway, while I'm winding everything down, I may as well start emptying the archives a bit. to avoid typing the word "bitch" and seeing it changed to "pregnant dog," I used the strategy of putting periods in the curse words, so you'll see that here.


“F.uck you, you f.uckin motherf.uckers!!” I shout as I run up the stairs and out of the tunnel.

“Keep running” one of the bit.ches says, “We enjoy chasing you; surrender and we’ll consider giving you amnesty… of course by amnesty we mean a quick death.”

“I told you I don’t have the f.uckin papers!” I scream at them, but those b.itches, they won’t listen

“Then you have a problem,” the blonde replies, “You already killed enough of us; the papers and your life will be ours, Troy Douglas.”

They’re not gonna catch me… and she’s not gonna catch me. I lost Viper a hour ago; left her standin there holdin the head of one of my star talent. I still can’t believe SHE sent Viper after me… I’m really f.ucked. No I’m not; I’ll kill that b.itch. Just have to get to my boat. She killed five of them; I saw her do it myself. She came into my home and first was Janet, Janet came at her with a roundhouse kick, Viper sidestepped it, grabbed her by her c.unt and squeezed until I heard a popping sound. Then she took her head and snapped it back. Then Erica tried her; God I loved Erica. Viper did a forward somersault, kicked her in the stomach and punched her in the heart. Erica was only twenty, but she went into cardiac arrest for two seconds then died. Ethel was next; she never even got up before the fork hit her in the throat. Then Celeste, Viper pulled her shoulder blades out and she bled to death right on my bear skin rug. Tonya, my most faithful servant, Viper chopped her on either side of her neck and her head dangled in the black haired b.itch’s hands; the only thing keeping it on was the skin, ’cause the neck was broken. She killed them for no reason at all because they had nothing to do with this. That bitch, she’s gonna die for this as soon as I get to my boat. They’re all gonna pay. I’m gonna get on my boat and get the f.uck out of here, and then revenge for all those f.ucks.

Choices… life is really about choices. You know, there are three types of people in this world, people who suck up, people who suck it up, and people who just plain suck. You make the choice about which one you want to be. But sometimes, you can’t help what you become. And sometimes, when you become something, you don’t ever wanna let go of what you are, no matter how bad it is. I’m runnin for my life right now; trying to escape the something that eventually, we all have no choice in stopping. But I don’t feel like dying tonight.

Her name was Dorothy. I remember the first time I saw her, standing there fooling with the combination on her locker. I remember her face, round and friendly, but with an aura of energy about it. Her face was like the sun; I was drawn to look at it, but I feared the power of her beauty. I remember her skin, like buttermilk, ever-flowing, ever-pure. If you touched her, you’d feel cleansed and maybe you’d feel like you weren’t worthy of touching her. I remember her smell, vanilla lotion… still haunting me, still all over me. She was my love; she was the very center of my being. People are gonna say what they want, but I really loved her and I don’t have to prove it to anybody. I met her when we were in high school; she was tall and slim, but with a face so round and her big blue eyes like a doe. Her long brown hair and her slender waist; she was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. She was a senior and I was a freshman, but she fell in love with me anyway. Dorothy was unique, at school, she was so quiet and so smart, but outside of school, she was something else. Dorothy was a wrestler; she wore a mask in the ring and she fought girls who were much bigger and much older. I had never been to one of those places where the wrestling took place and the idea of females wrestling was foreign to me. You know how things were in the 60s when we were coming up, Civil Rights Movement, Vietnam, riots and riots and riots. But I would sneak in and watch her; God, she was so good at it. The way she moved around the ring, she was like an acrobat and an ice skater all in one. She seemed to glide on the sweat and spit stained mat in the stinky gym for all those creeps and perverts who came to watch her wrestle. For some reason, as worried as I was about her doing it, it was a huge turn on to watch her beat the crap out of some ugly broad. And she always won; no one could touch her. Sometimes, we’d be alone and we’d have our own private wrestling matches. I never understood why she did it and I never asked. Dorothy was a free spirit who was imprisoned in a school uniform. At school, she was so subdued, but once that bell rang at the end of school and that other bell rang in the gym, she became the freest bird in the sky.

 As soon as I graduated, I got drafted. Dorothy was working during the daytime as a hair dresser; her parents couldn’t afford to send her to college just yet. Things were a lot different back then; I wanted to get married to her and I couldn’t. Her damn parents, they didn’t like the idea of a black man and a white woman together. Back then, they’d probably try to lynch me for looking at her in public; but she was the only woman I’d ever loved. I’d get so many threats and get into so many fights; we had to come up with a place to meet to talk to each other and to see each other. But no matter… I was off to Vietnam. Dorothy gave me a cloth with her scent on it… that sexy vanilla smell. My drill sergeants mocked me about it, but they never took it from me. Every night I spent in that jungle, I thought of her. Every ambush, every shootout, every time one of my crew was killed by Charlie or by another member of our crew, my mind was on Dorothy. I was a pretty innocent guy until I got to Vietnam; I saw so many innocent guys turn into killers and I met so many killers who turned into mass killers. It changed me so much. The, the drinking the killin and killin and killin all changed me. I became a hate machine, but Dorothy was the one thing that kept me from going over the edge. The whole two years I was there, I didn’t sleep with anyone; whenever I got that urge when all those women were coming up to us showin us their v.d. cards (cards prostitutes would carry to show that they don‘t have any venereal diseases), I just smelled the cloth and it brought me back down. I’m not gonna talk a lot about Vietnam, but I never understood why I was there. I took shell fragments on a mission in the hills and they sent me home. I was there exactly two years, two months, three days, and thirteen hours.

When I got back home, all I thought about was Dorothy. Hell, Dorothy was the only thing I had thought about when I was in the war. Her body, her face, her big blue eyes… that’s all I wanted to see one more time and for all eternity. You know that feeling you get in your stomach when you know you’ve only got ten minutes left in detention? That’s how I was feeling when I was approaching her house. I had thought of her and how graceful she was in the ring; when I was in Nam, I would tell the guys all about her matches between them talking about how great Muhammad Ali is. I really had developed a spot in my heart for women’s wrestling; the underground popularity of it was fitting in perfectly with the women’s rights movement that we were experiencing in the early seventies. With the underground female wrestling league being formed, I figured Dorothy was there beating some of those girls and doing her patented windmill and tornado kicks and flying head scissors. The woman was an artist in the ring. I told the guys that when I got home, I was gonna be a promoter and manage Dorothy. I was gonna make it big in the business of female wrestling and Dorothy and I would live happily ever after. When I met her parents, for some reason, they were nicer to me than before. It was strange. But then they told me that Dorothy had gotten married… to some drug abusing and physically abusive hippie. Then they asked me if I knew she had been wrestling. Then they told me that during a match, she broke her neck and now she lay in a neck brace. I wanted to see her, so they took me up to her room. Her husband had flown the coop with his mistress; it’s funny, because they wanted her to be with this guy. He showed up all dressed up and faking it, they pretty much forced him on her and he turned out to be a big sorry loser. All this time I spent thinking about her, she had stopped loving me the moment I got on that bus. But I had to see her. When I finally did, she was a mess. She couldn’t talk and the effects of all the drugs that she had taken and all the drugs she was given for her neck had turned her into a mentally ill invalid. It really pissed me off. This was what I had fell in love with? This was what I spent all that time dreaming of? If I was never drafted, this would never have happened. Or maybe it would have, but seeing her like that, it just tore me up inside. My Dorothy… I told her parents that I would make things right. I told them that I would save her life and bring her back to normal… they laughed at me. Then they kicked me out. They thought my wanting to break into the business was funny; they didn’t think I could find a way to save Dorothy, well, I was gonna show them.

Her name was Marie. But you, well, you know her as Ms. Flex, the strongest woman in the world. She was a very popular female wrestler and was rumored to have gotten her start during World War Two, but that wasn’t her, that was her mother. Marie was 6’4” tall, more than 200 lbs and all muscle, boobs and butt for a girl of only twenty years old. I’d never seen a woman like her; she had very curly pumpkin colored hair and green eyes. The first time I saw her wrestling, she was fighting three women at once, and believe it or not, she was juggling them. She had a smile on her face and she was a pure powerhouse. The circus tent was packed with men coming to watch this woman do her thing; she’d challenge anyone with the guts enough to try her and no one would want to face her. No man who came with his wife was willing to fight this big beautiful woman. By this time, I had made some money and gotten a few girls under my wing. I was starting up my own promotion, but it was a lot harder than I thought. First of all, most of the promoters were men, and this was a time when women didn’t trust men, but I was trying to do things the honest way. Secondly, you can’t just say you’re starting up a promotion without having to pay off some people. This was the biggest problem of all; these sorts of fights were illegal unless they were regulated and sanctioned by some made up committee. I went into the projects and the slums and I had girls fight each other for a small amount of money; since I put it together, I got most of it. Oh sure, if nobody asked me how much I took home, I didn’t tell since I was taking most of it. That’s where I was making my money, where no one would look and where I’d get the most money back and have the cheapest wrestlers. I’d be damned if I was going to let those pansies just come in and make me pay on something that I was doing out of love for Dorothy.

Ms. Flex was a different type of wrestler, though, she was mainstream. Everybody knew who she was and she had a reputation for drawing crowds. Her strength was freakish; if she wasn’t so damn beautiful and spoke with a light voice, you’d think she was a man the way she easily lifted people up. Flex would talk to the kids after her matches and tell them to stay off drugs and work hard every day and all that stuff that Hulk Hogan would start saying ten years later. I needed a star like Ms. Flex to help me get into the business; she was established and I followed her from city to city, watching her win and encourage women to stand up for themselves and train hard. She was always saying positive things after her matches, she was coming to any school to give motivational speeches, if the school would have her… she was the symbol of the sport and of the era. You know, I finally got the stones to go up to Ms. Flex at a show in San Francisco and I talked to her, but her people wouldn’t let me near her. She didn’t even look at me as I tried to court her for my little promotion, which wasn’t even a promotion; she just prepared for her match. That night changed everything for me, and for Ms. Flex. She made her way to the ring; her opponent was a big black woman named Gertrude Gideon. Flex entered the ring and the crowd was going wild, the few people who were there. Flex made a speech to them about family values, women’s rights, and how men should stop their oppression of women. Gertrude was a very big woman, but Flex’s speed caught her off guard. A crack to the face, a knee to the gut, the big black girl was breathing hard and we weren’t even a minute into the match. Then Ms. Flex lifted the large woman and gave her a spiked piledriver… I heard Gertrude’s neck snap the moment she hit the mat. Now, like I said, I fought in Vietnam, so when I tell you that Gertrude was dead the moment her neck snapped, then you must believe me. I know when something is dead. Ms. Flex pinned her like it was nothing and celebrated. Nobody knew what had happened. Gertrude’s eyes were open and everyone assumed she was just in awe of what had happened. Some men came down and carried her out of the ring.

“You did it again?” the short white guy with the weasel looking features said, “How many fu.ckin times do I have to tell you NOT to fu.ckin kill the f.uckin talent?! Do you think that cocky big girls grow on f.uckin trees?”

I was watching from the shadows, listening to this little give her the business. Ms. Flex stood there, but because her back was to me, I couldn’t see her facial expression. This was my chance.

“Don’t talk to her like that, you little piece of!” I said as I came from the shadows. I towered over him

“Who the f.uck are you?” he replied, “This is an A-B conversation… C your way out. Why don’t ya go find yourself a liquor store to rob?”

He landed on his back and looked around like he didn’t know I had hit him. F.uckin fool. Ms. Flex looked at me and smiled; it was too easy.

“My name is Troy Douglas and I’ll be representing Ms. Flex from this point on,” I said, “You can go f.uck yourself.”

“You don’t know what you just got yourself into, you stupid f.uckin moron,” he said, and then I stomped the out of him. You have to understand; life is pimping. You take what you want because this is the f.uckin jungle. I can drop my proper English ways from earlier because I had changed, and now I want to just keep it real. I mean, I was just some kid in love trying to get into a business that I didn’t even know would be fucki.n successful, and now I’ve got the most popular female wrestler in the f.uckin states. And all I had to do was claim her. Life is pimping; back in these times, people went where they wanted to. This was before all that contractual crap, these were the blood money days, the either you got it or you don’t days. She was about to get fired anyway, so I took her. I told her I had a promotion I was starting up and she told me all sorts of stuff. She seemed like a real lady to me, you know. Strong as she was, she was a real down to earth type with me. And hell, with this white girl, I didn’t have to worry about her parents. The night I brought her to my house, we must’ve fu.cked about five or six times. That’s right, I was sleeping with a legendary wrestler, ME. Now she’s considered a legend, but back then, she was just Marie. I was on that heroin shi.t and that made me cry and come clean with her. I didn’t have a real promotion; I didn’t really know where to begin; she just made a stupid mistake getting with someone she didn’t even know. But Marie/Ms. Flex, she was down with me, she had my back and she said she was going to help me, but I had to help her. It was perfect; Ms. Flex knew other wrestlers and other promoters, she said we could steal talent and steal the mock licenses that these underground shows were based on. Like I said, this stuff was illegal and there wasn’t anything stopping these girls from coming with us. We started small, in the projects, in the trailer parks; we would have tournaments and Ms. Flex would put in an appearance for a fee. She would fight the local girls and beat the shit out of them. Nobody could outwrestle this woman; sometimes I would dream of a match between her and my Dorothy. Believe me, I was thinking about Dorothy the more I was using the heroin. It was a habit I picked up during the war; I had dropped it when I got out, but after seeing Dorothy, I picked it right back up again. The more money we made, the more popular we became on the underground, which was becoming a bigger circuit.

Things were going good, but I kept thinking about Dorothy. Ms. Flex and I were going to get married at some Wiccan church; I didn’t know, so don’t ask me. I kept wondering what favor she needed from me, since she had helped me become a success. We were on the rise and we were moving figures. I had my own set of bookies now; I had a stable of girls under me… oh, how did I get them. Remember that weasel that I beat up? With no contracts, we just came and took his papers, his fighters, all that. Nobody was running the deal because the little had got himself killed during a drug deal gone bad. F.uck him, life is pimping. San Francisco was slowly becoming mine. Flex took me with her somewhere; she said she had to buy some groceries. We went to the store and she got out and got some supplies, but then I saw her go around back. I wondered what the hell was going on; I wondered what the hell she was doing, so naturally, you know this is my fiance out of convenience, I go see what’s going on.

“That’ll be five hundred dollars,” the fat curly haired latino said

“That’s not the price you had for me last week,” Marie told him

“Yes, well, you have been wrestling at the underground shows,” he said back, “You have been breaking these girls’ necks and showing off this super strength of yours. I’ve had a lot of offers on this shi.t after you broke Mary Moore’s back last week.”

“That wasn’t me,” she said

“You wear a mask, like I don’t know what your body looks like,” he laughed, “Tell me, Ms. Flex, or shall I call you Marie, how do you find the strength to do so many shows?”

I couldn’t believe it. My girl was double-dipping. Not only was she wrestling for me, but she was making more money wrestling on the side.

“I’ll tell you how,” he continued, “With these pills. You want this stuff, you want your Ms. Flex strength and your incredible stamina, you have to take these. That’s why you’re here, isn’t it?”

“ you!” she said. That was the first time I’d ever heard her curse, and the first time I’d ever heard about the pills. I stood in the shadows at the mouth of the alley.

“What I don’t fuc.king understand,” he said, “You can’t stop, can you? The police keep finding women in dumpsters with their necks broken and they think it’s some serial killer when it’s you and your fu.cking obsession with violence. I shouldn’t sell you these pills.”

He had to be f.uckin joking. Marie told me what happened that night with Gertrude was an accident, and this fat f.uck was trying to pin the Bay Neckbreaker’s killings on Ms. Flex. What a jackass.

“If you don’t give me those fu.ckin pills,” she said angrily, “You’re fat ass neck will be next!”

“ you, you fu.ckin c--” was all he got out before she grabbed him and snapped his neck with her gloved hands. Her strength was amazing. He was dead, like I said, I would know.

“Marie!!” I cried out, “What the f.uck? What the f.uck is all this about?”

“Troy! Oh f.uck!” she said, “come here, help me put him in the dumpster.”

If I wasn’t on that, maybe I would’ve thought about all this, but no, I’m stupid. I put the fat ass in the dumpster after we robbed him. Marie got her Flex pills; she told me that they not only gave her strength, increased her stamina, but they also made her smarter. Now, I don’t know about the last one, but I believed her back then. We cleaned that fat ass out; we took his clothes and burned them. Guy had thousands of dollars on him; that was enough money to get us some sites for our matches. It wasn’t the nicest way to get ahead, but we had moved up. Marie Flex told me that she had some things to take care of in Jamaica with a supplier of those pills, so I let her go while I ran things in our promotion. Now, at this time, a lot of these underground women’s fight clubs were staging the; I didn’t do that in the beginning, but now it’s 1977 and because so many of our girls were getting hurt and hospital bills cost more than we were pulling in, I had to start staging the stuff. To be honest, I didn’t really know these girls; they came in cause Marie told them to. Marie was gone a few weeks, but we spoke long distance when I moved into a bigger house. This no contracts hustle was going too well for us. The demand for Ms. Flex was high, but we didn’t give a shit about that. But while she was gone, I got to wondering about those pills. I mean, I didn’t get into this business for her, I got in it to pay tribute to Dorothy. I started thinking about Dorothy, and all those memories came back, you know. What the f.uck had I become? Everything was a big ass lie; Ms. Flex never trained a day in her f.uckin life; we were making our money off of fake contracts that we didn’t even honor in an illegal sport. My mind was all fu.cked up; I had to make it right somehow. But then, I started laughing… f.uck it. I’ve got money, I’ve got women, I’m building an empire and I’m untraceable because Marie Flex is the one in the forefront of all this. But Dorothy, wouldn’t she be proud of me or would she hate me? Maybe if I gave her one of these fu.ckin pills that Flex takes, she could get better, get smarter. I had found the fu.ckin miracle drug and I was gonna show her parents that I could save her. As soon as I got back from Los Angeles.

Her name was Ambrosia, but she wanted me to call her Snow. Little blonde girl with pale skin, hair nearly white, and eyes a deep dark blue. Oh what a beauty she was, 5’ 100 lbs, but she said she was a wrestler. Okay, little girl, we’ll see what you can do. Sitting there in her little shack with all these other girls, most of them Mexican, she had so much white powder on her glass table and all over her face… but it just blended in with her skin. She was so beautiful; she was like a real life pixie the way she snorted up that stuff… such a lady, such a f.uckin professional.

“If your gonna do this,” she said in that airy Marilyn Monroe voice, every two seconds making this sniffing sound, “Then you’ve got to supply us with coke. We do great work in the ring, but we need that coke to make us go. You’re a heroin guy, so you don’t appreciate this stuff. You couldn’t be a wrestler, an artist, because everything would move too slow for you. Me, I like to go fast.”

“Really fast?” I said with a grin

“I don’t even think you could handle this speed,” was her reply, “Keep the cocaine coming, and we’re all yours. You won’t be disappointed with us. No one ever is.”

The business was changing; Marie had told me that they were trying to legitimize it. This fat Ebert started a promotion A- something something, she had talked to him and he said he was just waiting to find his centerpiece. Fuck him, if he showed his fat ass in San Francisco, I’d take him and his f.uckin promotion. Life is pimping and Ms. Flex and I were the only show in California that counted. Now that Snow White was on board, I invited coke dealers to distribute at our shows; it improved our business. These cocaine and heroin freaks had to pay to get in so that they could buy that; the dealers liked it because it kept them out of the cops’ sight. Money money money. Dorothy would be so proud…

"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


Offline howardcosell

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Re: Indifference
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2011, 04:48:19 AM »
Thank you so much, Pete! I'm going to post the next part very soon.
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


Offline howardcosell

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Re: Indifference
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2011, 12:33:16 AM »

I stood over her body, I couldn’t believe what I was looking at. My heart was pumping at a rapid fuckin rate, but it felt like it was pumping in slow painful throbs. This was Christmas Eve, 1979 in a hospital in Brooklyn, New York. Dorothy, my love, what have I done? This was all for you, sweetheart, but I went and fucked it up. I’m gonna make it right though, I’m gonna fuckin save you and you know I will. I came to that hospital after tracking Dorothy down because I needed to feel good. The business was fucking up; some of the small promotions had succeeded in legitimization. This was not good for me; it meant no more fake contracts, no more hustles, no more scams… fuck them, life is pimping and I am still scamming ha ha ha. This piece of shit fat ass Ebert and his fuck APW promotion; they were one of the first to become legitimate, to go legal. This guy was a banker turned promoter and he has a bunch of fuckin girls and he finally got his fuckin centerpiece… some bitch named Alicia Christmas. Here she is a day after Reagan wins the election, and she’s trying to be Ms. Flex, trying to get all political. Fuck her. I read a magazine that Marie had shown me with Ebert giving an interview saying that all the promotions should legitimize and be taxed. He said there were a lot of illegal things going on. That fat suck up fuck, he was ruining my game.

Before I went to see Dorothy, Marie had gotten pregnant and I told her to retire from wrestling so that we could raise our child… for some reason, she didn’t agree. Now she’s had four fuckin miscarriages since I’ve been with her; if I wasn’t on that shit, maybe I’d be a bit more concerned, but she ain’t Dorothy. See, I’m not fuckin stupid; Marie would make trips to the islands and come back with all these pills. We had a lot of money, but we didn’t have enough money to afford all that stuff; she had to be fuckin these dealers… she had to be. So, chances are if she had the fuckin child, it wouldn’t be mine. But you know, I married this woman and I had a feeling that this child she was carrying was mine. I told her to stop takin those pills and stop wrestling. She had broken another girl’s neck and I had sent her to Australia to get away because the cops were investigating. I told her to come up with a different finishing maneuver other than a spiked piledriver and she didn’t listen. Hell, she fuckin went in the ring and tried to break these girls’ necks. Marie, I mean, I loved her probably, but she really was starting to get on my nerves when I thought about her too much. But when I thought about the money, Marie Flex was the queen of the fuckin world. To be honest, I was hoping that I could forget about Dorothy and stay with Marie, but she kept fucking up. Marie was money, and hell, I wasn’t faithful to her either. I started fuckin Snow; there was something about that little girl, something mystical about the way she snuffed that cocaine and her soft body. We had moved her into our house and she was just all over the place coming on to me. Her voice reminded me of Dorothy; I couldn’t resist any longer, I had to fuck that girl. I had never been unfaithful to Flex, but she was being unfaithful to me… I just didn’t know how unfaithful. I came home one night, and she was standing there, butt ass naked, and her muscles were rippling.

“Didn’t I tell you to stop takin those pills?” I said

“You don’t TELL me anything,” she said coldly, “You try to act like you’re so fuckin special.”

“I don’t have time for this shit, Marie,” I said, “It’s storming outside and I don’t have time for this shit.”

“What the fuck is this still doing here?” she held up a picture of Dorothy and I, “Didn’t I TELL you to get rid of this? I’m your fuckin WIFE! And don’t call me Marie; my name is Ms. Flex and I’ll fuckin retire when I fuckin feel like retiring!!”

“You’re on that shit; you mixed cocaine with those fuckin pills,” I said, “How many did you take? You tryin to kill our fuckin child?”

“Ebert called and he offered me a fuckin contract,” she said, “Me, Ms Flex, the strongest fucking woman in the fucking world. What the fuck am I doing here with your sorry ass? I could be out making more fuckin money and winning a fuckin title, but you want me to retire.”

“You’re pregnant, act like you got some fuckin sense”

“I got sense. Sense enough to know that having your child isn’t gonna make me any fuckin more popular.”

She was getting older. Her in ring skills weren’t quite what they used to be, even with the pills. All she had left was her power, and sometimes she’d overuse it and hurt one of the girls. But this shit she was saying to me, she was like a whole nother person. This wasn’t the Marie I knew; she wasn’t calm and cool, she was all lit up and mad at me. As she came into the light, I could see that the syringe was still in her arm. She took a combination of heroin, cocaine, and those fuckin pills.

“You got me pregnant,” she yelled, “pregnant AGAIN, do you know how hard it’s going to be to kill this one?”

“Kill what?”

“You’re fucking seed, that’s WHAT!! I was fuckin born to fight, not to have your fucking children… fuck you!! You‘re ruining my fuckin career! I gotta get back on top, you dumb ass jive ass weak ass motherfucker!”

She came at me and caught me completely off guard; she hit me in the face and I went down. It felt like a sledgehammer, and then I felt her hands around my neck.

“You fuckin motherfuckin piece of shit, I’m gonna KILL YOU!!” she yelled and I knew my life was over, but I felt her body fall over me and saw Snow standing behind her with a candleholder. I got up and Marie was down and bleeding from the back of her head. Everything was quiet and Snow was looking at me with a little smile on her little face.

“We gotta get rid of her body,” she said, and then Ms. Flex jumped up and double clotheslined both of us. She was growling and snarling and she lifted Snow up and I knew she was gonna break that little girl in half, so I kicked her with all my might in her stomach, and she doubled over and let go. Snow crawled behind me and Marie Flex stood up and kicked me right in the chest; I was sent flying and I landed right by the door. I got up and I got the fuck out of there and slammed that door into her head right when she came charging. That night after she calmed down, I brought her to a hospital and the doctor said she had a miscarriage. Fuck. I slipped him a hundred dollar bill, showed him my gun and asked him what was really going on. He said she was never pregnant to begin with. Fuck. Maybe all those times, she never was in the past either. She wasn't trying to kill anything because nothing was in her, that bitch. I left her ass right there on that bed in San Francisco and went back to the house. Snow was there and she had a black eye and cuts on her lips.

“You didn’t help me,” she said to me with that airy sexy voice

“I don’t give a fuck,” I said, “so right now, leave me the fuck alone.”

“You know,” she said, her voice changing, getting more light hearted, “She is really strong, but I can tell she loves me. You know how? She fucked me; I wouldn’t call it rape, but she beat me up and fucked me right after you closed that door. That’s why my body is bleeding where my pussy is; she tried to tear it. But she loves me; everybody who fucks me loves me… that’s how I know you love me. A woman doesn’t want to be ignored. God gave me this body to use it; when a man or a woman doesn’t take an interest in using my body, then she doesn’t care about me. All my life, people have been ignoring me; I’ve been so lonely, me and the girls. Until we met you, we really didn’t have anything; we couldn’t go back to Hearst, he’d kill us. You took us in and you made us feel loved. You can never truly appreciate what it is to be loved like that. To experience that sort of pleasure, the invasion of your body by something that shakes you up. You don’t feel like it’s good for you, but it really is and you take it and you feel it and it’s good. I love you, Troy. Marie, she loves me and you love me to. I really like it here. You wanna fuck?”

The little pixie, she sure could play the strings. But I don’t think I loved Snow. There was only one woman I could love… Dorothy. I found out where she was and I got on a plane to go see her. Snow came with me and for the most part, she slept at the hotel while I went to the hospital. I didn’t need her there and I didn’t want her there, but she insisted on coming. I remember seeing this commercial for wrestling at some ballroom in the Bronx, with a match featuring a female wrestler. She was tall, she had long brown hair, those dreamy eyes and she was really really smart. She had on red white and blue and she was carrying a little gold belt with AWW on it… could she have been my Dorothy?

“When I take on Scorpia tonight at the Buck St. Pierre Ballroom, you’ll see women’s wrestling at it’s absolute best. We know that we aren’t as popular as men’s wrestling, but we want to inspire young women to rise above it all and be the best they can be. That’s why half of our revenue from this event will go to Freedom Foster’s House, a New York based home for orphan girls. I have pledged my life to helping improve society for all people and I will make sure to provide you with a truly unforgettable experience and I will retain my AWW World Championship belt. There are a lot of promotions that are not doing business the way they should be, and we want this small sport to grow, but we need your help to get it fully regulated and legitimized. On behalf of AWW and APW, we thank everyone for supporting us and allowing us to be on this spectacular card of men’s wrestling. I promise to fight with all my heart. And don’t forget, APW champion Alicia Christmas will be here also taking on Bronco Betty. It’ll be a night to remember.”

Dorothy? Is that you? It’s unreal… my Dorothy. She was still doing what she said she would do and she was doing it well… she was wrestling and winning and she was a fuckin champion. I started crying looking at her. And then it all went to hell when I heard the person giving the interview thank her, he called her something that started with a D, and I thought he called her Dorothy, but he didn’t.

“Thanks, Dina. Dina Majors, ladies and gentleman, a fine nineteen year old lady with a very promising future. Make sure you come out and support these two all female promotions because they are doing a lot for the community here in the Big Apple.”

This wasn’t my Dorothy; it was some woman trying to fuck up my game with all that legitimization talk. I just couldn’t stand the direction the business was going in. These little promotions were screwing everything up for me; now they were gonna demand contracts from us… real fuckin contracts. But I couldn’t think about that, I went to the hospital to see my love… see my Dorothy. New York is so special around Christmas time; I tell people they have to see it at least once before they die. I finally got to see Dorothy; I didn’t have to sign in or anything. She was there on a bed among the druggies and loons and it warmed my heart and broke it all at once. Here was my love, but the name at the foot of the bed wasn’t hers. But this was my Dorothy; I knew this was my Dorothy for sure. I see her with brown eyes for the first time. My entire existence is a lie.

Dorothy wore blue contacts and she wasn’t even white. She came to New York from Puerto Rico and then traveled to San Francisco from there when she was a child. All the things about Dorothy I loved, I loved those fuckin eyes more than anything physical. But they weren’t blue, they were brown. Dorothy wasn’t even her real fuckin name. Everything was fuckin fake; now I understood why her parents didn’t want her to be with me… with a black man. They were tryin to put their daughter in a position to succeed by making her pass as white; they fucked it up though with the hippie. We fucked it all up and now she was laying, back in the Big Apple on that fuckin bed in that fuckin hospital. She was staring at the ceiling with this blank look on her face and this buckling in her lips; I forced eye contact with her and she didn’t even recognize me. That’s okay, my love. I got these pills, they’re magic pills, they give my fake ass wife Marie Flex her super powers and they can make you fly. You wanna fly, Dorothy? You wanna fly with me outta this fuckin hospital back to California where we can be together forever like we were supposed to? I haven’t seen you fly in so long; Dorothy, I am gonna get you out of this fuckin place and take you home. I can’t believe your parents left you here to go back to California, but they weren’t your real fuckin parents; they adopted you and tried to color you up like one of them. Fuck them for their indifference!

I picked her up and I carried her out of that room. We took the service elevator and I put her on the subway and brought her to the hotel. I had to carry her the whole way. Life is pimping; I don’t know what came over me, but she was mine again. Snow was there and I told her to shut up before she even started asking me questions. But the little pixie asked me if Dorothy was an angel. I had to laugh and then I started crying. She was an angel, she was MY angel. Snow was able to con us a wheelchair and we got Dorothy a plane ticket. I took her back to San Francisco and brought her home. I didn’t think about my wife; as it turned out, she wasn’t even there. She had joined APW and she had arrived in New York the day I left. I searched all over my house for my stashes of cash, but she took them all… except one. And I was smart enough to keep a private bank account that she wasn’t aware of. She tried to fuck me and run off with all my money; ain’t that just like a bitch? I got some of the other girls to move in with me and I decided to have them watch my house.

I didn’t trust Marie, and I didn’t know what kind of people she was fooling around with. She may come back and bring them to take me down; hell, I was paranoid. But the pixie Snow, she said that Marie loved me and that she should be welcome to return. Dorothy slept in my room in my bed under a gigantic painting of Ms. Flex, but I was right next to her. Snow was in the room and would serve us breakfast; Dorothy would eat if I mashed it up and fed it to her like she was a baby. She never spoke. I was crying a lot; Snow would try to touch me and I didn’t want her putting her little fuckin hands on me, not with Dorothy here. My love, that’s all I cared about, but I won’t lie, I cried in Snow’s little arms a few times. My baby was home and I got a doctor, a female, moved her in. She wasn’t a real doctor in the medical sense; but she had performed some miracles, or at least that was what I’d heard. I needed a miracle.

Marie’s run in APW was so fuckin short lived. I watched Alicia Christmas run rings around her and make her look so old. It was humiliating and sometimes, I think it was staged, but Alicia pins her after a couple of blows. Shit, the match HAD to have been staged, but Marie probably wouldn’t have been able to beat Alicia anyway. Ebert, the fat fuck, he didn’t want his girl getting hurt and he knew Flex’s new reputation for hurting opponents, so he had to pay her to throw the match to Alicia. Alicia probably didn’t even know it, the fuckin delusional moron. She was gonna get a rude awakening one day; I could feel it. This bitch never knew what it was like to struggle. She had naturally blonde hair, naturally blue eyes, and she was born wealthy but had a fat ass promoter making every good fighter around her bow down. When they say that somebody thinks her shit don’t stink, I think of Alicia Christmas.

Dorothy had to fake it to fit in to this fucked up ass world, and look how my baby suffered. But that’s okay, we’re gonna get you better, Dorothy. The next few weeks would test me more than any period in my life. I took care of Dorothy, I gave her food, I gave her medicine; I did everything from bathing her in holy water to getting witch doctors to pray over her, and she just looked more and more like a living corpse to me. I gave her one of Marie’s pills every day. Sometimes, she would smile, and that fuckin smile just hurt me more. It was like she was mocking me; like she was telling me how foolish I was to try and save her. My Dorothy, who were you Dorothy? Why did you let them do this to you? Marie… she returns to my house trying to get in.

“You know I love you,” she said from right on the front steps. I stood right outside the front door, with Snow behind me.

“You left me, and you took my money,” I said, “You fuckin juiced me.”

“No,” she said, “You fuckin juiced me! I am a fighter and all I have is my legacy, I can’t have you fucking that up because then, we both lose out. This is who I am, Troy; love me for who I am and I am Ms. Flex.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” I asked, “All you have is your legacy? You did so well with that with Alicia, didn’t you? You let Ebert’s fat ass juice you into laying down for Alicia, that’s what you fuckin did! Your legacy, huh? Your legacy is your children, but you don’t have any ‘cause you can't get pregnant and you kept fucking lying to me about it!”

“I can get pregnant, you dumb fuck!!! I am your fucking wife and you let me in this fuckin house!” she started getting testy but I could tell something was different about her. It wasn’t that hard to figure out.

“What’s wrong, Marie?” I asked, “You ran out of your magic pills, didn’t you? What happened to Jamaica? What happened to all those dealers you were fuckin around with? Face it, Marie. You‘re finished. Your too old and your career is fuckin over.”

“Fuck you, Troy,” she said, “I can be on top again. I’ve got a match set up with some girl. It’s an underground fight in Los Angeles. All I need are my pills; give me my FUCKING pills or I’m gonna rip your fucking motherfucking throat out and choke you with your own fucking tongue!”

“You’re gonna have to come over us first,” Janet said. Life is pimping; I said I moved some of the girls in the house for this purpose. I called them the Fab Five; Janet, Ethel, Celeste, Erica and Tonya were some girls with special credentials that I needed on my side and I paid them well. Janet was a tall Brit; she had short blonde hair and long ass legs. She was great at using them to squeeze the energy out of her opponents and kick the shit out of them. Janet was a kickboxing champion over in England and she had won several titles in Germany. Then there was Ethel; Ethel was a bit older, but Ethel was a member of The Shining Star Cult; she was trained in hand to hand combat and weapons skills by ex-green berets gone mad. Tonya was a big breasted blonde with a crazy face and a killer body, but she used so much cocaine, she’s go plum mad if she needed to with her strength and she spent most of her childhood in juvenile detention centers for trying to kill her family with homemade bombs.

Erica was a third degree black belt in several disciplines; this sexy black haired Brazilian also was a winner of plenty of beauty contests. And Celeste, my silver fox with the crystal blue eyes was a sniper in Iran and a hired assassin who was trying to go straight. Some luck she had, huh? These were my girls; Ms. Flex could go fuck herself. How’d I get a hold of them? Snow knew all the connections; why would I keep her around? Pussy? Snow was special; she could get me anything I wanted as long as I kept her safe from some fat child-molesting fuck named Hearst. From what Snow told me, Hearst ran several traveling camps of girls who were being sold into combat and prostitution. I had to fuckin laugh, because I didn’t believe it. It sounded like the silliest shit, but Snow was so fuckin scared. She said that the only person who could save her was me, and she could help me because she had a connection. When I met this little girl, she was poor and she didn’t have shit but a craving for cocaine, now she was acting like this fuckin genius. If I wasn’t on that shit, I would’ve thought about this. But I had Marie on my fuckin doorstep. I went inside, I got two pills for her.

“This is all you fuckin have for me!!” Marie said

“Go fuck yourself, Ms. Flex” I replied as my girls stood behind me, “Go fuck yourself, find yourself another fuckin dealer to fuck over and get yourself some more pills!”

“Troy, if you fuck me, you’re making a big fuckin mistake,” she said, “I know people; I know really powerful people and things have changed and you don’t have any fuckin idea who you’re fuckin with. Gimmee those fuckin pills!!”

“If you know so many powerful people, then where the fuck are they?” I smiled and my ladies laughed, “Get the fuck out of here, Marie. And don’t ever fuckin come back.”

She got in her tan Camaro and sped off. Snow ran right into me as I turned around to go back inside. She looked like she had seen a ghost; what the fuck was up with this shit?

“Troy,” she said, “Come upstairs. There’s something you need to see.”

I walked up the stairs to my bedroom and I wasn’t in any kind of mood for this bullshit. Then I saw something that melted my heart and froze me… moments like these, you never want to forget, because in a moment like this, you never know what comes after. I wanted to be frozen in this moment when I looked into her eyes as she stood their in that white nightgown, looking at me with those shiny eyes. I wanted to be there forever because in those eyes, nothing else matters.


“It’s okay, Troy,” she said with a smile, her long brown hair flowing in the wind from the balcony, “Everything is fine now. We are one forever and I am alive.”

Life is pimping, and miracles can happen and dreams can come true. I said I was gonna save Dorothy, and there she was, alive and well right before my eyes. I thought I was in a dream land, but I touched her and she was real. Nothing can stop us now; I am gonna take my love and I am gonna take over this business and set things back to right. But first, I’m gonna kill Ms. Flex. Nothing is ever gonna take my Dorothy away from me again.

« Last Edit: December 04, 2011, 05:55:04 PM by howardcosell »
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


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Re: Indifference
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2011, 06:38:42 PM »
She lay there; her neck was obviously broken because her head was turned completely around and her neck had ridges on it like a screw. This was some brutal shit; I was back in Nam all over again with this. Dead bodies everywhere, and the crazy bitch standin next to me can’t stop fuckin laughin… and what the fuck was I doing here? What the fuck was I fighting for? I came all the way out here for one fuckin purpose, and now I’m caught up in all of this other bullshit…

Dorothy was alive. I grabbed her and pulled her in my arms and I never wanted to let go. I didn’t kiss her yet; sometimes, it’s better to be held. And all I wanted for years and years was for Dorothy to hold me, love me Dorothy. Let me hide inside your heart, let me forget about all the shit that’s going on around me and forget about tomorrow. All I want is this moment and in this moment, I can die. Dorothy’s grip was weak and her body was fragile and thin as the white gown hung off of her. She was so brittle, but she was all mine and she was just as beautiful as the day I first saw her. Don’t worry Dorothy. I brought you back to life like I said I would, and I’m gonna bring you back to your full figure again too.

“Food,” I told Snow, the pixie was still mesmerized and I saw tears rolling down her cheeks, “She needs food!”

“Troy,” my love said softly, “where am I?”

“You’re home, Dorothy,” I said, “I made it. I practically own San Francisco’s wrestling scene, and I’m gonna be takin over LA too. I told your parents I would and I did it all for you.”

“But that ring on your finger,” she said, “And all these pictures? Troy, you are married.”

“Yeah well,” I said with a smile, “Believe me, Dorothy, I’ll be getting a divorce shortly. But you rest now. Eat and then rest.”

I stayed in that room with her not all day, not all night, but for what seemed like an eternity. You get colors that go with your feelings, you know what I mean? Dorothy had that light blue, that sky just fuckin wanna sleep but enjoy the day at the same time feeling. I stayed up there for months and let Snow and the girls run the business. Fuck the business because I need to absorb this woman; I need her to fuckin love me. I need that sky blue to wash over me. Oh sure, I came down, but I didn’t leave that house. Fuck it, I had money, I had the business, I had honest women around me and one inspiration like none other. Let that fat fuck Ebert and Misty fuck each other because I need my strength. And Marie, well, her dealers were being dealt with… they were mine now. And some of them weren’t very cooperative, but the fab five took care of it and those jackasses disappeared. Life is pimping; you don’t want to work for me, but you want to make money off my drug using bitch ass wife Ms. Marie I Can‘t Stop Breaking Women‘s Necks Flex? Fuck her, she won’t live much longer and neither will you… and that’s the way it went down.

The phone was ringing; it was one of my contacts out in LA. Marie Flex had killed three girls on the underground circuit and the promoter was approving of it because of her popularity and because the crowds loved it. That bitch, I couldn’t wait to see her again and collect the money she stole from me. Dorothy’s awakening really made my outlook on the business improve. This woman was the reason I did all this, and now, she could see for herself how far I had come. But there were some obstacles in my way. We were pulling in a lot of money from our shows, but the legitimization movement was spreading and I hated the way Ebert and that Misty woman were causing trouble for me. There was even a female wrestling organization called The Basement and they were legit… all these bitches were fuckin up my game. If it ain’t broke, then don’t fix it. When those dumb fucks legitimized, they put limitations and rules on something that was so fuckin flexible. After Vietnam, after being fucked and fucked over by Marie Flex, I decided that I wasn’t doing anything legit anymore. People will fuck you over for NOTHING, just because they can. That’s called determinism, free fuckin will, and man’s will is to fuck or be fucked. See, my only allegiance is to the people who help me; that’s better than the way most people do it. That fat ass fuck Ebert and that swimsuit model turned promoter Misty had to be in somebody’s pocket to be pushing it like that. Ebert was probably a closet fag; he sat his fat ass up in San Francisco and now he tries to take my turf… I don’t think so. Dorothy was the only thing that kept me stable and those “girls” were lucky that she woke up when she did.

“You know what it’s like?” Dorothy told me one night, “It’s like I’ve been having the same dream over and over again… and every time I force myself to wake up, but I find out I’m still asleep. That’s what it’s been like, Troy; I’ve been trying to wake up, but it’s nothing but dreams.”

“That’s okay, Dorothy,” I said, “You’re awake now… nobody’s gonna harm you and nobody’s gonna take you away from me again.”

She was gaining weight; she was getting her figure back and the pigment was coming back to her skin. She was so pure and so beautiful and you just couldn’t help but love her… she was the essence of a woman. See, sluts and whores are for fucking and women like Marie are just bitches trying to be men, but Dorothy, she was all woman. I didn’t kiss her, I didn’t make love to her… I was gonna divorce Marie and probably kill Marie too, then I was gonna marry Dorothy. Don’t worry my love, we’ll be together. I woke up one day, Dorothy had made me breakfast and it was 1981 already. Sometimes, the blue will do it to you. All that fuckin cocaine, I didn’t know which end was up; Snow and I had been using it together and I went to bed with Dorothy… it was just like all the shit was coming to me in patches for a while. Before I knew it, Dorothy was full and beautiful and every bit the goddess she was when I met her. My life was complete… time to get out of the bed and finish the game.

“I know somebody,” Snow said with a smile, “We’re not pulling in as much as we used to because we’re not legit. But I know somebody.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” I said

“About Ms. Flex killing our girls,” she said and I kinda laughed. This had to be bullshit.

“Ms. Flex has been killing our girls for weeks now; didn’t you read the letter I wrote you and slid under the door?” she asked, “She’s been underground and our girls have been trying to make extra by fighting underground, but Flex books herself in matches with them and kills them.”

“What do you mean, she books herself?” I said

“She’s a promoter now,” Snow said, “I wrote you a letter, but you were always in that room sleeping and you told us not to bother you. I wonder where she got the money from.”

“She fuckin STOLE IT FROM ME!!” I said

“Why are you yelling at me?” the tears were welling up in my little pixie’s eyes. Sorry sweetheart, the world ain’t so fuckin sky blue after all.

“Is she legit?” I asked in as serious a tone as I could muster

“No,” Snow said, looking at me like I’m supposed to slap her for that, but I’ve never slapped her and I’m not doing it now.

“Then she’s as good as dead,” I said

“I know somebody,” Snow said, “We don’t have many girls; a lot of them went legit or Ms. Flex killed them. But I know somebody who can get us some more girls.”

“Right now,” I said, “I want my fuckin money back. I’m gonna take that bitch out; I’m taking her fuckin promotion and I’m taking everybody down.”

“She left a message for you on the front gate,” Tonya told me, “It says LIFE IS PIMPING.”

That ignorant bitch. She thinks she can use my fuckin money and out-fuck me? She trying to play me like I’m some little bitch… she’s askin for it and I’m giving it to her.

“But Troy,” Snow said, giving me the puppy dog eyes and the little frown on her little mouth, “You keep ignoring me. I know somebody who can get us more girls, and you won’t talk to me.”

“Okay girl, who is he?”

“He’s a she, and her name is Betsy Madrox…”

Betsy stood over me as I sat in the little chair in her dark ass office. The black haired woman with her curvy figure and her big eyeglasses was really a looker, but I wasn’t here for that.

“So you want more girls, huh?” she said, “And why should I give you anything? I’ve heard how you do business, Mr. Troy; I know your kind! You‘ve robbed people! You‘ve killed people!! You‘ve--”

“Look woman, I don’t have time for this shit,” I said, “Snow told me you could get me some more fuckin girls and that’s what I came here for; you can save that other drama for your momma. I came here for more girls, not for your hypocritical bullshit.”

“Snow? You took in Snow? Oh, that poor little girl. Fine. Have you ever heard of Amazon Island?” she said. She had this fuckin hesitation in her voice like the name of this place was taboo or something.

“I’d heard about it, but I don’t think it exists,” I said, “Just some bullshit.”

“Well, start believing because that’s where you can get your girls,” she said, “I have been housing escapees from Amazon Island for months now. I am from the island, and I wish to see it one day liberated.”

“Oh god, another soap box derby!” I said, “Could you just give me what I came here for?”

“I will give you access to the ladies and their personals. BUT I want them to be treated fairly and paid fairly. This is the only life they know, as killers on that island; I want them to become legitimate and to earn an honest living, not the corruption that you and your drug using wife have brought to the business of female combative sports.”

“You don’t want a cut for yourself?”

“I want these women to have a shot at success,” she said, her voice getting more and more testy, “I am not like you, Troy. I am in this business for other people, not for myself. Here are the contracts and you can make contact with the girls. You will find that they are talented fighters and credible women, unlike the Alicia Christmas girl. These are warriors and mothers and true intellectuals. They have been stripped of their heritage, stripped of their identity. You had better treat them right, Troy, or else--URKK!!”

The blade struck her right where the neck and the bottom of the mouth meet. I ducked low when the lights went out. For a few seconds, she was standing there, trying to talk and I’d never seen a strong woman look so weak. I pulled out my gun and got in the shadows, shoving the contracts in my pocket. I could see the broken glass and the hole in the glass door. In came a girl with pale skin, and light red hair. She had knives in her hands and she wore a tan trench coat. Why the fuck didn’t I bring the fab five with me? She immediately began cutting the Betsy’s head off her body with about as much calm as I’ve ever seen. This woman was a fuckin assassin; I hate assassins because they’re fuckin cowards.

“Let me show you how it’s really done,” another woman said. They were twins and then I recognized them… Ina and Ana Razzi, the Blood Sisters. These are female assassins for the Torselli mob, an all female gang trying to cut in on mafia action. Once the head was off, one of them stuck her hand up the neck and acted like the head was a puppet.

“Gee, I really fucked up trying to smuggle women out of Amazon Island knowing full well that Tina Torselli was in on the slave trade down there. I guess I just lost my head, HA HA HA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!”

“What’s wrong, Viper?” the other one said, “You not in the mood for fun tonight?”

I stayed as still as I could in the darkness, clutching my .45 as this green eyed woman with extremely long straight black hair walked into the room. Or maybe she was already there; it was like she only was seen when she wanted to be.

“I’m never in the mood for this when I‘m not by myself,” the black haired girl said, “You two talk too much. You‘ve been talking too much; no one‘s ever told you how bad it is to talk about what we do.”

“That’s not very nice, Viper” one of the twins said, moving in on her, “We’re made women in one of the first female gangs. You should be proud of us. After all, it was your boss who hired us to do this job. We don‘t know why she insisted that a sourpuss like you come with us. We‘re the Blood Sisters; we‘re independent women.”

“And you work with a boss who gets a cut of profits from a female slave trade,” Viper said with almost no emotion and with a hint of a yawn, “So what?”

Viper chopped the first twin in the side of the head, her hand cracked the girl’s head at the eye and cut across the eyeball on through the bridge of the nose. Blood shot everywhere and I thought about pulling my piece and ending this; she kicked the other twin in the gut so hard, she broke the girl’s spine and when she fell, her butt and breasts were facing the same direction.

“Such ignorance,” Viper said, “I don’t like competition… not that you two were competition. But we couldn’t have anyone knowing about this operation. Troy, you can come out of the shadows. And don‘t point that gun at me.”

Oh shit. She was looking right at me, so I stepped out pointing my gun right at her.

“Who the fuck are you?!” I said. Oh yeah, I heard her name, but fuck her. I wanted out of this shit.

“I told you not to point that gun at me,” she said, “You don’t need to know who I am.”

“Can you catch a bullet?” I said, “I got you at point blank range and I don’t know what the fuck is going on here and I should kill you.”

“I don’t honestly know if I can catch a bullet,” she said, “And I still won’t know because I’ll kill you before you pull the trigger, now PUT the gun down.”

“I think I’ll keep my gun on you. Now, what the fuck is going on here?”

“Troy,” she said with a grin, “you can keep your contracts, and you can leave. But this is our little secret.”

“How do you know my name?” I was shaking like crazy; I could barely keep the fuckin gun pointed at her, “And the fuck do I know that you weren’t sent here to kill me to?”

“If you have to ask,” she said, that damn smile still on her face, “You’ll never know. My employer could use a man of your… skills. I would love for you to come and see us sometime. We have a job coming up that would take care of all your problems with recruitment of fighters and it would net you a great deal of income.”

“Fuck you,” I said, “I got all I want and I’ll get even more without all this foolishness.”

“I tell you what,” she said with a laugh, “I’ll let you think about it.”

I went back to my Dorothy. Things are not fuckin right in this world people live in. When Viper told me I could leave, I didn’t think I would make it out of there without killing her. Or maybe she would’ve killed me… I don’t fuckin know. But I took a shower and got in my bed with my love. Nobody can fuckin touch us, Dorothy. You and me against the world.

Snow and I had watched the entire card of action for Ms. Flex’s underground promotion, Flex Productions. The bitch had come back to San Francisco and I was glad because I didn’t want to track her down. As usual, the fans got what they paid for when the crazy bitch gave another girl the spiked piledriver and broke her neck. What bothered me most about this shit is there were kids in the audience… fuckin KIDS. What kind of sick fucks exist in this world that would bring kids to watch this sort of stuff. They fuckin knew she would kill somebody, and they bring their kids to watch… but there were probably kids at the Crucifixion. We went backstage, Snow and I, and I saw Marie. The big bitch was standing over some frail blonde girl in a teddy who was counting her money.

“You can put it in a bag and hand it the fuck over, Marie,” I said. She turned around like she was expecting me.

“Hello Troy,” she said; she sounded like she was between laughing and crying, “I knew you’d come and see me, you fucking piece of shit. You want your money? Well, it’s not your fucking money. I AM YOUR WIFE… fuck you!!”

“No bitch,” I said, “FUCK YOU!!”

I grabbed her around the neck and started to choke her. The pale girl ran off, while my pale girl, Snow, she started putting the money in the bag.

“All these fuckin years I’ve been with you, the way you fuckin stole from me, you druggie bitch!!” I was squeezing her throat, trying to make that face of her turn from pink to blue and from blue to black. Die bitch die!! This is for all the shit you stole from me; this is for the pain you’ve fucking caused me. All I want is Dorothy… no more Marie Flex, no more bitch.

I feel the worst pain I’ve ever felt and I fall. I can’t breath and everything from the waist down is dead. The bitch kicked me in the fuckin balls. I can’t do anything about that. I had my eyes closed so tight, she started kicking me while I was on the ground. I tried to get up, but the kick to the nuts was fuckin paralyzing.

“Guess what, Troy?’ she said, still in that half laughing half crying tone, “I got some morrrre magic pills, you fuckin bastard! And I heard your fuckin zombie has come back to life. Maybe I’ll pay her a visit and break her fuckin NECK!!”

“Marie, Ms. Flex, stop it,” Snow said. Snow, you just had to love that girl. She was so small, but she had heart. “Stop it; this doesn’t solve anything. We just want to make peace.”

Marie grabbed my little pixie and hoisted her upside down. Then she drove her down headfirst into the cement floor. I heard Snow’s neck crack and I knew she was dead. She was an innocent thing; she just wanted to live and she died trying to save my life. That was it. This bitch had to die too. I didn’t feel the kicks anymore; I got up and cold clocked her, right in her big ass mouth. She went down hard and I stood over her, but I felt the bullet whiz by my ear and I saw the two bitches in uniform approaching.

“These are my bodyguards,” she said, “Sugar and Spice. Fuck you, Troy. Get the fuck out of here before I kill you. And tell Dorothy I said hi.”

Now, I don’t run from fights. I was in Vietnam… but this was one that I had to leave. I didn’t bring my gun because I wanted the joy of killing this bitch with my own two hands, and now I had to go. I saw Snow, lying on the ground looking up with the tears still running from her eyes even though she was dead. I went home and I went straight to Dorothy. I’d never cried so much in my life. She wanted to know what was going on; she wanted to know why I kept leaving while she was asleep. And I hated to tell her, but I had to leave again. I wanted my FUCKIN MONEY. And that bitch couldn’t just take over my business, my territory. No… fuck that cxnt, Marie Flex. I went to sleep and I couldn’t get Snow’s dead open teary eyes out of my mind. They found her in a dumpster the next day. I gave Dorothy a hug and the first kiss we’d shared in many years. Then I set off.

“Troy Daniels,” the tall silver haired girl said, “Welcome to Eden’s Grove. We make wine here.”

She couldn’t bullshit me; she knew that I knew the difference between a wine stained floor and a blood stained floor. I could feel the earth open up and the room get so hot… I felt like I was going to pass out. Then I saw a tall blonde, maybe six feet even, she had massive breasts and a fine ass with a baby face and baby blue eyes. She was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen outside of Dorothy. But there was something about her, it was like she had this nasty stinky flame around her… I just didn’t know what the fuck to think except that this woman was evil.

“Troy,” she said, her voice low and barely audible, “How would you like to have everything you’ve ever wanted? How would like to rule the entire empire of… female combative sports? I can make all this very possible.”

“Who are you?” I really wanted to know, the second I saw her, despite the demons hovering around her, I wanted to fuck this girl badly. I couldn’t think. I felt the presence of others around me. I saw Viper, I saw another girl with reddish hair and an all green outfit on, I saw them all.

“All you have to do,” she said, still whispering, “Is go to Amazon Island with your five friends and do a few things for me.”

“What do you want me to do?” I said

“I want you to meet Mr. Hearst. He is like you; he wants to make a trade in the business and he is having some… difficulty doing so.”

Snow told me about a guy named Hearst; some freak who had a traveling slave camp of illegal immigrants and selling them to the shark promoters. This must have been him. He was really big, much taller than me and looked like he weighed about five hundred pounds. He looked like a real dumb ass.

“Mr. Hearst will be going to Amazon Island,” the blonde said, “He has some things he will be doing for me as well.”

“You still never told me who you are,” I said

“My name is Lucy Satane,” she said with a laugh, “There are problems on the island, Troy. The women are killing the men; they’re chopping off their penises and using them for sperm and such. The ruler is trying to keep the women oppressed, while the few remaining men on the island are being picked off and slaughtered. It’s a war zone there, but that has nothing to do with why you are there. But it is why you’ll need your five experts to go with you… for your protection. You and Hearst will meet a contact there, and she will tell you what to do.”

“What’s in it for me?” I asked, I couldn’t take my eyes off her

“Everything you’ve ever wanted,” she said, “All the girls for your promotion, all the wealth you could imagine, Ms. Flex will be dealt with as soon as you complete your task… and Dorothy, oh your sweet Dorothy… you will finally be able to sleep with her without being worried about hurting her.”

“How the fuck did you know about--” was all I could get out.

“There will be a car waiting for you when you get back to San Francisco. Then you and yours will be flown to the island.” 

“How will we know what to do and who to look for?” I said

“Viper will accompany you there. Take care of them, Viper.”

I went home and Dorothy was sleeping. No sign of Marie Flex and her bitch ass cronies. I will make it right, Dorothy. I know I’ve fucked up; I know I’ve done some really shitty things before you woke up, but I’ve got to do one more shitty thing, and then, it’ll all be over.

When we got to the island, we were greeted by three women. Viper looked at the three dark haired girls and smiled. The one in the middle wore a gold necklace.

“I am Alda,” she said, “I am a freedom fighter and a leader of the resistance. I am more than pleased that you have come to aid us in the overthrow of the hateful male regime.”

“Where is the map?” Viper said with no emotion in her voice

The dark haired girl reached into her pocket and gave Viper a piece of tattered paper. “You will find them at the x,” she said, “Are these our soldiers?”

“Somewhat,” Viper said, and then, she jump kicked the two women standing on either side of Alda. Their necks snapped upward and they fell to the ground lifeless. Alda pulled her knife and stepped forward. My fab five closed in on me as I backed up; they faced Viper and Alda and protected me, waiting to strike on whoever tried me as that fat ass coward Hearst, disappeared in the jungle. Viper grabbed Alda’s wrist and twisted it upward, forcing the woman to stab herself in the neck. Then Viper took both hands on either side of her head and twisted her head like a can. It was disgusting and I guess I made a funny face to her, because she looked at me and laughed.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I said, “Wasn’t that our contact? What the fuck am I doing here???”

Viper looked at me with that cold smile and looked down at the three dead bodies in front of her.

“We’re going to overthrow an empire,” she said

"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


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Re: Indifference
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2011, 05:01:05 PM »
I just want to say that I'm happy to be finishing the "Trilogy of Sadness" stories that started with "Dina Majors' Story" continue here with "Indifference" and wraps up with "The Last Queen and The First Lady." I think most of you who care enough to read this will agree that you have to be in a certain mood to read a type of story and a certain mood to write it as well. These dark stories can be very easy, and they can be very hard, because a lot of them hit close to home. I'm thankful for all of you who've cared enough to read them and found some enjoyment in them.  :)
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."