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Louisiana Slamma: an OPW main event

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Louisiana Slamma: an OPW main event
« on: January 10, 2011, 06:50:00 PM »
“She’s a good fighter, you know girl? And you’ve been getting your ass handed to you a lot lately…”

“Fuck you Hood…” Gemma growled as she taped up her knuckles “It… it’s not like that… those Youtube video’s everyone’s seen… well… it’s not what it seems…”

“So you tellin me you ain’t been getting your ass beaten to a pulp time and time again?” Hood pressed

“No… I got beat… it… it’s just not how it seems…” The English girl replied, her posh accent contrasting heavily with the body it comes out of… tattoo’s adorn her chest and arms, various face and body parts pierced, her dark & foreboding make up all add up to create this tough girl, rock chick image… then it’s lost as this formal, lilting accent fills the air

“So it’s true… you were losin on purpose…” Hood adds and Gemma flies into a rage, rising up from the wooden bench and getting right in her face

“WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW? Did Rachel talk to you? You don’t know SHIT! YOU HEAR ME???” She roars pushing Hood back with to hard palms to her shoulders, a heavy metallic clash fills the air as Hoods back hit’s the lockers…

“Hey now girl… you be needing to calm the fuck down… I’m a friend, you remember what those are right?” Hood fires back, her hands held out, palms down to placate the warring English girl

“A friend who talks to much…” Gemma scowls before sitting back down on the locker room bench

“You forget where I came from girl… I’ma street fighter! It’s how I made my name. I know all those bitches who beat you down so bad, and some of them were talking like you didn’t have shit… Kelly Gomez was going around telling everyone she just dropped you like a bad fucking penny! Said you never landed a single hit! She just kicked you in the guts and DDT’d yo ass right onto the concrete, split your head wide open, blood be pourin every fuckin where… then she kicked your shoulder to shit while you were down and put you in a cross face crippler…”

Gemma stayed silent… what was there to say, all that happened after all…

“But here’s the thing… she said you never quit… you just took all that pain and all that abuse… she put you in hold after hold after hold until your body just couldn’t take no more and passed out. Said there was so much blood on the floor she thought she killed you and got the fuck outta there… and I got to thinking…”

“Oh pray tell what the great Hood has thought…” Gemma fires back bitterly, reliving that beat down in her head…

“Well smart ass, I got to thinking that Kelly Gomez ain’t shit! I like the girl an all… but the bitch never landed more than a couple o’ weak ass jabs in both fights I had with her… and for Gemma Rox to get her body rocked by that weak ass bitch means one thing…”

Gemma looked up, staring Hood dead in the eyes… willing her not to say what she knows she’s going to say…

“You weren’t even tryin to win… were you girl?” she asked. The rhetorical question hung in the air and suffocated Gemma. She dropped her head and carried on wrapping her knuckles

“Like I said… it’s not what it seems…” Gemma finished.

“Well ain’t this fuckin great! We got a fine ass bitch, a Semi-fuckin-Finalist of the Ultimate Catfighter no less… and she’s gone and found a death wish… and to make matters worse, she’s up against a bitch who has the potential to fulfil that wish! Well fuck me… looks like I spent 3 fuckin months training wit you for nothin!”

“I don’t have a death wish dumb arse… and if I did, don’t you think I could come up with a far less painful ways to go?”

Hood looked at Gemma… saw the sparkle in her eyes and the faintest hint of a smile…

“ooohhh…. Ooohhh no… YOU SICK IN THE HEAD, GIRL!!!” Hood cried out in shock “You… you been looking for the pain ain’t you? SHIT GIRL! Just stub your fuckin toe on the coffee table or something!” she cries out exasperated, then the realisation of tonight hit her… and the light brown skinned beauty went a little pale… “oh man… your signed up for a fucking submission match!!!” Hood rasps startled and a little afraid for her friend but Gemma just smiles bitterly…

“That’s right… and you said so yourself… I... Don’t... Quit...” the silence that hung in the air was heavy and awful. Hood was, for once in her life, at a loss for words.

Gemma was the first to speak.

“Just answer me one thing…” Gemma asked and hood nodded, still shocked and scared for her friends well being

“Dropped you like a bad penny? When the fuck did you start using that?”

“Well… Guess all this time we be hanging… you be rubbing off on me…” Gemma smiled “…used to think that was a good thing………” they looked at each other for the briefest of moments before they both burst into laughter

Five Minute Alone by Pantera blasts out over the arena and a small figure walks out onto the top of the runway, shrouded in darkness with a cut off, black & blood red hoodie that reaches down just past her breasts and exposes her mid section. The hood is up and her head is down covering her face… as the drums and heavy bass kick in the red pyrotechnics behind her explode and she throws her head and fists up to the heavens to a wave of cheers but some boos… the Louisiana crowd struggling to decide what they make of her… she’s doing well in the ultimate catfighter series, but she’s been seen all over the world getting destroyed over and over again on Youtube… the crowd love a winner, and right now… Gemma Rox certainly isn’t that.

The outfit is familiar, the blood red boots, blood red hot pants and blood red lycra sports top a little more refined and styled. She remembers Siena telling her she can’t show up to a major venue in “that smelly ass gym shit” and gave her the name of a custom tailor… she did good… the outfit is trimmed with black streaks and little tears, revealing small slithers of flesh and on her right boot are the letters KO. Her makeup is dark and brooding, black lipstick and nail varnish with thick eye liner and dark eye shadow to contrast with her pale complexion. She feels good right now… in front of all these people and faced with a night of violence… she feels normal for the first time in a long while.

The theatrics of her entrance helps to win some fans around though. As she stomps her way down the ramp to the heavy thumping metal track, the air seems to fill with the promise of violence and war… Her face is a mask of focussed rage as thinks about the task at hand… In her mind the stadium is empty… there’s just one woman in her world right now and that woman is about to make her way to the ring…

Soldier of Love by Sade comes on in a complete contrast the heavy pounding tempo of Gemma’s entrance. Sage steps out and the crowd roar as she saunters down the ramp to the military drums and the smooth rhythm. The 5’7” dark tan skinned beauty holds the crowd in the palms of her hand… With her Jessica Alba-esque looks and long wavy black hair, it’s as if the thousands upon thousands of fans here bow and worship her. Being the younger sister of two of the greatest fighters ever to step in the ring - Rachel Apache and Lady Jasmine, the crowd hold a certain expectation of Sage… but her aura exhumes confidence… her walk down to the ring slow and calm, bristling with pent up energy and confidence, it’s clear that she’s not either of her sisters… she’s her own woman.

Her outfit is striking! A deep blue two piece, her skin tight shorts having white trim like her matching top. Her boots share the colour and are adorned with white lightning strikes. Her arms are outstretched and high fiving the adoring crowd but her eyes never leaves the hooded figure shadow boxing in the ring… as she makes her way down her mind is thrown back to a conversation she had earlier in the night…

Rachel: If that’s how you feel, prepare to lose. And lose badly.
Sage: How can you say that? I thought she was your friend?
Rachel: She’s… an acquaintance. And yes she intrigues me. But it’s not about that. She’s a warrior and she’s in a dark place right now. A place I hope you never see… and if you want to win, you’ll do what I say.
Sage: But Jazz always says you should never intentionally hurt your opponent?
Rachel: And you won’t. This is a submission match and if you get your hold locked in, you don’t let go, no matter what.
Sage: But…
Rachel: NO MATTER WHAT! If she’s injured it’s on her, not you. A true warrior knows when she’s beat. She doesn’t. And that means her defeat will be all the worse because she may well ruin her chance at winning the Ultimate Catfighting tournament because of it. But you do what I say Sage… no matter how much she screams… no matter how much she cries… no matter how sick to the pit of your stomach it makes you… don’t let go!

That conversation surely worried her… Rachel made it seem like Gemma was some kind of unstoppable monster… but as she walked to the ring she didn’t see a monster, she just saw a girl. A girl who gave up 4” of height and 15lbs of weight… no… at that point she convinced herself that it’s all Rachel’s protective instincts, she just doesn’t want to see her sister hurt so she’s trying to get the most fierce fight out of her. No… Gemma Rox is just a girl. A girl she’s about to put down.

As she gets to the ring she casually slips between the ropes and turns throwing her arms up to the roar of the fans. As her music stops she starts to bounce on her toes, limbering up and throwing a few punches through the air as she sees Gemma in the opposite corner do the same then take off her hoodie… The announcer whips the crowd into a frenzy! Building the tension and drama as the crowds roar erupts into a crescendo of frenzied cries… but Sage and Gemma never heard a single word coming out of his mouth… eye’s were locked and faces stern. Both knew that there was two ways out of this ring… you either torture the other until she submits and walk away triumphantly… or you suffer her wrath and scream out your own surrender and take the walk of shame…

The bell rings and both fighters gingerly approach the dead centre of the ring. Sage stands upright, her height advantage allowing her to tower over Gemma and she offers her had out. Gemma doesn’t hesitate to take it and nods to Sage wishing her opponent Good luck. Then they back off… circling now the civility is done with… time for the brutality…

Gemma steps in quick, locking up with Sage in a collar and elbow struggle as the two women fight for positioning, then with a mighty heave Sage launches Gemma back and the smaller girl is sent stumbling a few meters. Gemma’s eyes narrow as she takes the measure of her opponents strength and stays on her toes as the two continue to circle one another. Gemma breaks the posturing by launching in again but as Sage raises her arms to lock up the smaller English girl ducks to her left und under sages right arm, dragging it behind her and synching in a tight hammerlock!

“UUUUGGGHHHH…” Sage growls more out of annoyance than pain,  although her triceps and shoulder are hurting badly as Gemma rams her arm as high up as possible… Gemma sees another mistake from the younger fighter… her head is held high as she plots an escape. Gemma quickly wraps her left arm around Sage’s throat in a rear naked choke and drops backwards locking in a scissor hold as Sage gasps and curses her lack of focus!

Her right arm still forced brutally up her back, her ribs getting crushed by Gemma’s legs and slowly getting choked to unconsciousness, Sage thinks fast, her move comes like instinct SLAMMING left elbow after brutal left elbow into Gemma’s now aching ribs. After 10 shots Gemma has no choice and has to drop the hammerlock and choke hold, opting instead to cover up from Sages punishing elbows and cranking up the pressure on the scissor hold. This was Gemma’s first mistake as Sage easily grips her ankles and wrenches Gemma’s leg up breaking the scissor and putting ridiculous pressure on her right ankle!

“FUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!” Gemma screams as she pounds the canvas with her fists! A lot of the OPW fighters try their best to hide their pain, letting out little more than a grunt or growl when they’re in pain but not Gemma… she screams bloody murder and rages against the pain… like the pain focuses her mind, and right now the pain shooting through her ankle makes her want to attack!

She SLAMS down elbow after elbow onto Sage’s shoulder until the Prodigy is forced to break the hold and roll away. Both women get to their feet at the same time, eyeing each other with caution. Both warriors are sizing up each other now, eyes narrowed and faces stern, not one of them taking the other lightly. Sage rotates her right shoulder a few times while Gemma shakes off her right foot… then, without a word uttered between them they fly!

Coming together in a blur of aggression they clash in the centre of the ring, exchanging blows and reaping terrible damage! Gemma comes in low and forces 3 quick grunts from her taller foe with some hard shots to her belly and Sage is quick to counter slamming a hard right that rocks the English girls jaw. As Gemma stumbles back Sage grips the back of her head in a Muai Thai clinch and slams in knee after knee to her belly! Each impact lifting Gemma off her feet.

“OOMMPPFF!!!… UUGGHHH!!!… OOONNGGGHH!!!…” Gemma groans but before she can counter she finds herself whipped across the ring! Sage grabbing her arm and sling shoting her away. She bounces off the ropes, the crowd just a blur to her as she sprints with such speed, but coming the other way in a lightning fast dash is Sage, extending her arm out and smashing a clothesline into Gemma and spinning her a full 360 degrees until she smashes down on her back with an agonised “OOOOMMMMPPPFFFFF!!!!”

The crowd roar their appreciation as Sage lets the raw power tell on that move but she doesn’t rest for a second. She kneels above Gemma’s head and extending Gemma’s right arm, she slams three hard knees into her shoulder, each one forcing a scream to escape her lips! Gemma knows Sage’s finishing move is the crippler cross face and her mind acts fast, she knows she can ill afford Sage to damage her shoulder or neck so she throws a right foot up smashing against Sages forehead and freeing herself.

Rolling she turns only to find Sage wasn’t as stunned as she thought and gets a spinning right kick to her face as she turns!

“UUuugghhhh…” she groans, stumbling into the corner dazed. Sage runs in and drops a vicious double handed smash down on Gemma’s shoulder! “NNNOOOOOOOOOO…. FUUUUUCK!!!!” She cries as she drops down to her knees clutching her shoulder but Sage is focused and determined now, like a shark that smells blood in the water she grabs Gemma’s hair, using it to pull the Brit out of the corner and to her feet.

She throws in a quick kick to Gemma’s stomach, doubling the girl over as the air whooshes painfully out. She then tucks Gemma’s head between her toned, strong thighs. She leans over, her hands sliding down Gemma’s back and around her waist until they meet and lock near Gemma’s navel. The crowd are on their feet now, they know what’s coming… Sages patented shoulder buster…

Sage lifts the smaller Gemma with relative ease, barely a grunt escaping her lips as she holds her opponent perfectly straight and upside down… with a light jump she spring into the air and drops to her right knee, her left leg extending as she SMASHES Gemma’s right shoulder across her toned, unforgiving thigh… “FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!” Gemma screams. Her cry holds such anguish it’s enough to chill the blood but her ordeal is just beginning… the second part of Sages move now coming to fruition as she stands up again then leaps backwards landing on her arse and Pile Driving Gemma’s head hard into the canvas with a resounding and spine crunching thud!

Gemma lands in a stupor, face down with her head between Sage’s parted thighs, her shoulder in agony and her neck throbbing painfully pile driver. Sage rolls and slides across her opponent resting her upper body high on Gemma’s back and scissors her right arm between her legs tightly, and then slides her hands under Gemma’s chin and interlocks then wrenches Gemma’s head back brutally, completing her devastating finisher… The Crippler Crossface.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!” Gemma screams! Her neck, shoulder and bicep getting torn and pulled all the wrong way! Her tattooed arm trapped as her head is pulled skywards. She tries to get to her knees but Sage’s bodyweight pressing on her back traps her. Her free left hand claws ineffectively at Sage’s vice like grip on her jaw before she stars clawing at the canvas in a futile attempt to scramble free…

“Gemma! Do you give?!” the Ref asks over and over… each time Gemma spits her bitter, stubborn yet pain filled reply

“NNNNGGGAAAAGGHH!!!.. NOOOO!! FUCK YOU!!!!!!” You may be thinking that the referee hasn’t done anything to warrant such a harsh response but with her body torn up and her eyes watering through the sheer agony inflicted, she’d swear at a Nun right now…

The hold seems to last forever, both women perspiring as they strain against each other… Sage straining to break her opponents will and Gemma straining to survive. Minutes pass and Sages face grows worried as she remembers her sisters words…

“Gemma! DAMN IT!!! Give up!!!” She roars out, frustrated and concerned she could be doing some serious damage to the smaller girl now…

“AAAAGGHHHH!!!!… FUCK YOU!!!... FUCKING MAKE ME!!!” Gemma screams back, her shoulder feels like it’s on fire now… her right hand and forearm has gone pale and numb through Sage’s scissor hold on it and her bicep and shoulder flash bright red, the muscles tensed and strained to breaking point…

“Damn it, girl!!! You have to fight Seka in a week!!! This match doesn’t mean anything!!!… uughh… just submit already! You’re going to hurt yourself!” Sage tries to reason but Gemma’s powers of reasoning have never made it as far as the ring… her mind is lost now, awash in pain and rebellion… all she knows to do is to rage back. Stubbornness proving to be a great weapon and at this moment, a devastating weakness…

UUUUuuuuggghhhh…… If… aagghhh… if you think you can finish me then DO IT!!! I’m not quitting until you make me!!! And you don’t have what it TAKES!!!” Gemma cries… and Sage pulls harder… forcing louder screams from her…

Sage relives that conversation with Rachel again and again… “you do what I say Sage… no matter how much she screams… no matter how much she cries… no matter how sick to the pit of your stomach it makes you… don’t let go!”… those words ring out in her head but they’re hard to swallow… she’s not her sister. She knows if this carries on Gemma’s shoulder could be ruined, that’s assuming it isn’t already…

She drops the hold. Gemma clutches her devastated shoulder and rolls on the mat, tears in her eyes as the referee looks on stunned…

“But… But she didn’t submit… I can’t end the match yet Sage!” he says, stupefied and at a loss over what to do.

Sage gets up and in his face raging… “THIS IS SICK!!! Just call the match! Everyone here knows I had her beat except her! You want me to injure her? Is that it?” She rages and their argument flies, Sage questioning the ref’s judgement and the Ref stating the letter of the rules back…

None of them saw Gemma slowly get to her feet… she tested her shoulder… it felt awful… like she was being stabbed with red hot pokers every time she moved it… but she could move it and that was the important thing… she steps up behind Sage and as her arms wrap around her dark tan skinned belly, Sage’s eyes widened as she realises just how big a mistake she’s made…

Gemma arches her back quickly! Throwing Sage backwards and smashing the back of her head and shoulders onto the canvas and jarring her spine painfully in a perfect Belly to back suplex! What she doesn’t do though is lets go… her hands are clamped together still as her arms crush Sage’s midriff in a bear hug. She turns over… pulling sage to her feet again still behind her then *BAM!!!* she nails another suplex! Then rolling up again she gets up, her arms still crushing Sage and she nails her with a third!

The crowd are roaring now, the three power moves in quick succession helping to work them into a frenzied blood lust. Gemma can’t help but muse at just how fickle the world is… while she was trapped and in agony, in so much pain it felt like her arm was getting torn off, the crowd did nothing but scream on encouragement to Sage… “PULL HER HARDER!…… MAKE HER SCREAM!…… BREAK THAT BITCH!” and now, a mere two minutes later they’re all screaming for her to break Sage… “GET HER AGAIN!…… WORK HER BACK!…… USE THE GEMMASAULT!” she doesn’t pay any heed to them though. She doesn’t fight for the crowds appreciation, she fights for much darker reasons… because no matter how hard she tries, she can’t stop.

Gemma grips Sages long dark wavy hair and rips her to her feet and slammed a hard left into Sages Tummy!

“OOOOOLLLFFFFFFF…..” Sage gasped and Gemma was surprised at just how much give there was… Sage was an athlete, she had a beautiful body but she hated working her abs… she would belly dance for fun and play sports, her lifestyle meant she naturally burnt through the calories but she just hated working abs… that’s led to a flat tummy but not a toned tummy, which when you’re fighting a body boxer like Gemma Rox, is a very dangerous thing…

Gemma was quick to slam a right into sages Navel and she gasped and coughed again… both fighters winced in fact, Sage lamenting her aching tummy and Gemma nursing that right shoulder… Gemma decided to stick to lefts and knees and pounded away at Sage! The taller girl had no answer, she’d try and strike back but with no air in her lungs and he relentless assault from Gemma she just couldn’t right herself… fist after fist then knees and kicks, Gemma assaulted Sages stomach until the girl looked dead on her feet.

That’s when Gemma decided to take her off her feet, scooping her up in her arms and holding her up. Gemma dropped suddenly, extending her right leg and slams Sages back across her thigh! A vicious back breaker that forces a scream from her aching opponent… Sage knows she’s in a bad way, those Suplexes left her dazed and shocked and now her back is in agony… She saw that brutal Boston crab Gemma put Dawn through in the Ultimate Catfighter Quarterfinals and she knows she doesn’t want any piece of that. But hurting like she is, and her head still swimming, she’s finding it hard to get back into this fight and Gemma’s attacks are fast and relentless…

Standing sage up she throws her face first into the corner, her arms draped over the ropes as she hangs there trying to get to her senses until she hears light footsteps pelting across the ring…

“AAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!” She screams, unable to hold onto the pained outburst as Gemma spears her back, ramming her left shoulder into Sages lower back and sending a horrendous bolt through her spine!

Gemma doesn’t let up for a second… slamming knee after knee after knee into her back as she loses herself to the violence… she throws in the occasional elbow to the side of Sages head to keep the bigger girl dazed and shocked. This is what Gemma loves to do… shock and awe… when she gets the momentum, never letting up for a second! Just unleashing blow after blow, slam after slam and hold after hold. It’s a whole two minutes before Gemma finally relents and wavers in her attack.

Both women are drenched in sweat now but Gemma knows it’s going to take something big to finish Sage… She’s the sister of two of the greatest fighters of all time after all so after delivering three heavy elbows to her head she pulls her opponent out of the corner. Sages legs are rubbery and her eyes are glazed from the beating she took in the corner and it’s easy work for Gemma to grab her head and push it down between her thighs.

Gemma stands there and raises her taped right fist up to the heavens and the crowd roars… As much as she knows the crowd couldn’t give a fuck who wins or loses, she still can’t resist a bit of drama… her right shoulder still burns as she lifts it but that’s not going to stop her now. She wraps her arms under Sage’s waist and hoists her up high in the air… spinning her opponent until she’s sat on Gemma’s shoulders… but she doesn’t keep her up there for long… pulling down with her hands and dropping to her arse in a seated position, Gemma hurls sage down at tremendous speed in a back busting power bomb, the impact of which echoes throughout the arena as Sage bounces a full foot into the air before landing back down again and rolling on the mat, clutching her devastated back.

Gemma doesn’t even give her opponent time to lament her injures as she tucks Sage’s legs under her arms and spins over, wrenching her back in a brutal looking Boston Crab! “NOOOOO!!!!” She screams as her legs are pulled back the wrong way, pushing her head and chest into the canvas as her back is arched mercilessly…

“GIVE UP!!!!” Gemma roars, waiting no time at all to demand Sage’s surrender.

“NOOOO!!!… NO!!!” Sage screams back, pounding the canvas with her right fist.

The crowd were on their feet now, the blood lust in Gemma’s eye’s, the screams coming from Sage, the sheer brutality of the hold, it all helps whip the fickle crowd into a state of frenzy, their hunger for more proving insatiable. Sages back starts to pop and crack, the ligaments and tendons wrentched into positions they were never meant to be in as Gemma starts to bounce, forcing cries and screams from the dark skined beauty.

“Say it Sage!!! don’t make me do this!!!” Gemma growls as the sweat runs down her body but Sage grits her teeth and carries on pounding her fist against the canvas stubbornly… her hands switch from pounding the mat to clawing at it to sinking her fingers in her own hair as she tosses her head back and forth trying to block the pain out…

“Nnnggghhhh… NOOO! NO WAY!!!” Sage cries out, feeling for some reason that she needs to match her opponents earlier stubbornness…

“Fine Sage… have it your way!” Gemma roars out as she pulls back with all her might! Sage is arched back so much, gemma’s head is touching the canvas in front of her and her feet are almost touching her shoulders!

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! OK!!!!!!! OK!!!!!!!!! I GIVE!!!!!!!I GIIIIIIIVVVVVVEEEEE!!!!!” She screams out and Gemma drops the hold immediately. As she gets up the referee raises her right arm high and she winces, her shoulder still hurting but the crowd roar for their victor. The boos and half hearted cheers she got when she entered eradicated from their memory. They look up to the ring and see a winner now. And everyone loves a winner… Gemma rues bitterly

She kneels down beside Sage who at this point has rolled onto her back and is panting hard

“Are you alright honey?” Gemma asks, concerned.

“You’re sick in the head.” Sage replies angrily

“And you lack focus. But you’re a hell of a fighter, Sage… better than me if I’m honest” Gemma retorts. Sage looks at her puzzled, she was expecting maybe to get her face rubbed in her loss… not to be told she’s a better fighter.

“So how come you won? “ She asks tentatively and Gemma grins back rubbing her aching right shoulder

“I didn’t win honey, I just lost a little better… that‘s all” Gemma chuckles with a warm smile and offers her opponent a hand up…

Back in Rachel Apache’s dressing room

The TV screen smashes apart as the 5’8” 150 lb girl called Love, hurls it into the wall. She stands there with her perfect hourglass figure complimented with large breasts, large butt and strong legs, her body tensed and angry. Love‘s round face has her long light blonde hair pulled over her right eye showing only her left deep blue eye but there’s a scowl on that pretty face…

“THAT FUCKING BITCH!!! Sage had that match sown up!!! It should have been called!!! Why should she suffer because that slut Gemma’s too fucking DUMB to quit?!!!”

“Angelo dear, could you get another Television from one of the unused dressing rooms?” Rachel cooed and her husband nodded, thankful of the chance to get out of Love’s warpath. As the door closes Rachel turns to address Love

“You don't have to use that language to make your point.” Rachel starts, dressing down her former pupil

“I'm sorry… I'm just not... it was hard to watch that.” Love lamented

“I know… I didn't enjoy it either, but get control of yourself. She lost because she lacked heart, and you shouldn’t be encouraging her if you hate to see her suffer so much.” Rachel continued

“Don’t you put that on me. You know Sage has her own mind just like you do, and you can’t pick and choose who idolises you. Sage want’s to live up to the family name, you can’t stop that, but you could have stopped this match being a Submission match at least” Love argues back

“If I went to Siena and asked for a reduced match, Sage would have ended up in a cage match. Siena hates me and you know it. I told Sage not to let go of that hold and she didn’t listen. THAT is why she lost.”

Sage walks through the door with a frown rubbing her back “you talking about me?” she groans before “OUGH!!” she’s taken by surprise by a huge hug from Love

“You did great out there! You really did!” Love beams, trying to brighten up Sage’s mood

“UGHK!… Back!… Hurts!” Sage groans and Love releases her hug apologetically “I lost… just couldn’t make her tap…” Sage finished down hearted

“That’s not your fault! Gemma Rox is sick in the head… and so is Siena for making that a Submission match up!” Love protested

“No, you are wrong.” Rachel states flatly “If you did what I said, you would have won.”

As Love opens her mouth to argue Rachel’s opinion down they’re all surprised by a tapping on the door as it creaks open. A posh English voice meekly calls out

“he… Hello? Sage? You hear? Oh! good, I just wanted to say you had a good.. UUUGGKK!!!!” She squeals, cut off as Love lifts Gemma off her feet and pins her to the wall by her throat and hisses

“You’ve got some fucking nerve coming in her, psycho!!!”

“Psycho?! AGK!… you… you’re the one choking me!!!” Gemma rasps through her compacted windpipe!

“LOVE! Let her go and settle down.” Rachel commands. Love drops Gemma who falls 6” back to the ground and doubles over coughing and spluttering

“I… *cough*… I just wanted to *gasp*… tell Sage she fought well! What the fuck! Nice seeing you again too, Love…” Gemma rasps

“You too know each other?” Sage asks puzzled

“Yeah… I know her…” Love answers back, remembering the dirty, seedy underground fight club she rescued Gemma from a few weeks ago… the memory of that place and what she saw there did nothing to calm her mood. She bends down to whisper in Gemma’s ear “I’m going to make you pay for tonight… everything you did to her I’ll do to you tenfold… Someone like you has no business in the ring with a real fighter…” then she stands Gemma up straight and says “I’m sorry for the choke…”

“What the fuck Love?! It was a wrestling match, not a tickling contest! Get over it already!” Gemma squeals back incredulously “look… Sage… I just wanted to say you fought a great fight out there, I got lucky. Real lucky. You’re one hell of a fighter!”

“Yes, she is. She comes from a long line of great fighters… But she lost.” Rachel states with a voice devoid of emotion “She should have held onto you until either you tapped or you passed out through injury. Instead she showed you mercy in an environment that has none.”

“Oh come on, Rachel! Can’t you find anything nice to say?” Gemma fires back unimpressed

“What else is there? It pains me to say it, she’s my sister and I love her but the truth is unavoidable. Any other fighter would have worked you until they won. She didn’t.” Rachel turns to Sage with a look of concern “I think tonight proved something Sage, you can’t show your opponent mercy out there. You were lucky today but against a more fierce opponent, you could have been seriously injured… Would you at least please consider going back to college?” She asks. From the second Sage told her she wanted to become a fighter, Rachel was upset… she hates to see her little sister in the ring. She knows she can fight but Rachel has a lot of enemies and punishing her younger sister would be a big feather in their caps.

“I like you Rachel… I really do… it just pisses me off that I have to like you despite your personality, not because of it…” Gemma growls back “don’t listen to her Sage, You didn’t lose because you lacked heart or the killer instinct…” Gemma carries on but Love cut’s her off

“So why did she lose? Huh? Come on Gemma, tell us all about your fucked up head. You’re SICK!” She growls… normally Love is a calm, collected girl, but she’s fiercely defensive of Sage and right now all she can think of is Gemma in that club, getting beat on… needing the pain and the suffering… she was never going to submit to Sage, and that just makes her more angry…

“I… I don’t know what you mean… fuck you Love…” Gemma mumbles, holding her head low and ashamed

“I think you do know Gemma. You won because you want the pain, don’t you? You need it. You couldn’t have submitted even if you wanted to, could you? You have a sickness Gemma. You need help. You’re lucky my sister has compassion, anyone else would have torn up your shoulder and left you in that ring in pieces” Rachel retorts, Sage looks on stunned, as if Gemma was some kind of circus freak, horrified at what she’s hearing.

“It’s not like that! You… both of you don’t know shit about me! I can submit… You submitted me! Right after I pinned you for the three count if I remember rightly?” Gemma fires back, throwing her one lucky pin back in Rachel’s face

“Bull shit. You never pinned Rachel!” Love laughs but the laughter stops as she looks at the stern look and Rachel’s face… “Did… did she?”

“I… I’m sorry, that was wrong of me to bring up… especially with a fight coming up. I shouldn’t have come here, I’m sorry…” Gemma mutters low as she turns to leave “I just wanted to say that… Sage, despite what these idiots think, you fought a great fight out there, they can sit back and judge but it was just us two in that ring, and I’m proud I got to be in that ring with you…”

As Gemma leaves Love follows her into the corridor “I know more about you than you know… you think you’re special? Touched by the devil? I saw the same thing with my father… he had to fight. I mean HAD to… he just couldn’t retire and it eventually cost him his life… you got a problem Gemma and that’s ok… but don’t stand there and look me in the eye and tell me you’re fine! It’s not right you being here Gemma. Good women like Sage shouldn’t have to suffer because of you!

“It was a wrestling match!!! What was I supposed to do?” Gemma answers back

“YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO QUIT!!!” Love screams! “Any other fighter would have known she was beaten! But you? You just laid there and suffered! Because Sage has a noble heart, she let you go… she pitied you! She didn’t want to see you get hurt, and what did you do? You smacked her around and put her in a fucking Boston Crab!”

They both stand in silence… the seconds tick by and feel like an eternity until Love finally speaks up again.

“Look… I’m sorry… I really am. But you need help. If you get past this and face Sage again, in another match I’ll respect you, even congratulate you… but if you don’t get help and you end up hurting Sage again… I’ll find you Gemma… and I’ll give you more pain than you can handle…”

Meanwhile, Backstage…

“This is bull shit!!! Why the fuck does that slut get to fight on a major card!!!” Dawn growls while hobbling down a corridor nursing a back injury which erupted sometime after the fight she had with Gemma.

“because she’s a semi-finalist” Shinobi answers plainly, in a matter of fact way. “I’m still carrying an injury, Athena is visiting her family and Seka… she’s just focussed on Gemma right now. You should know that” she adds as she helps the hurting Dawn down the corridor. Shinobi’s ribs are still hurting but she’s a noble warrior through and through, When Dawn asked for help, she couldn’t refuse her.

“Yeah… well, maybe… But Jonica??? That little bitch got knocked out in the first round!!!” Dawn protests some more

“She’s from Louisiana so it is a natural fit. The crowd like a local girl and Siena wants to sell tickets.” The flat, straight to the point tone started to irritate Dawn, sometimes a girl just needs someone to bitch too. They got to the Ultimate Catfighters locker-room and it was, of course, empty. All the girls were in the audience, dressed like stars and signing autographs. They were told to start living the life of a fighter and they were loving it.

“look… can’t you just for once side with me? I need to vent my fucking anger!!! You damn fucking robot!” Dawn hisses as the door closes

“I’m hear to help you to the dressing room as you asked. That’s done.” Shinobi states. She turns to leave and as she does she drops to her right knee, clutching her ribs in silence… Shinobi, you see, doesn’t groan or curse… you can pound her and beat her but you’ll never get more than a wince… and When Dawn got up, dropping her pretence of an injured back, and fired a vicious kick into her ribs, she winced… hearing the crack and knowing in an instant she’s been set up…

“You are right though… Seka is so focussed on Gemma, she’s put you to the back of her mind… but I haven’t…” Dawn growls throwing another heavy right kick, the top of her foot crashing into Shinobi’s ribs, robbing the smaller girl of oxygen.

“The way you left Seka bloody and out cold in that cage… no… I haven’t forgotten… and now it’s time to make sure that doesn’t happen again! Tee Hee!”…

Meanwhile, in Kayla’s locker room

A relentless pounding fills the room, boom after boom resonates from the distressed canvas bag. every time it suffers another thunderous blow it swings back making a rattling noise from the chains that strain to hold it aloft.

 “Stop working the bag so hard!” Heather pleads, Kayla’s beating the punch bag like it stole something…

“It’s fine, Look at me! I’m in the best shape of my life honey! I’m not out of breath… I’m not even sweating that much! I’m ready for this… I’m so ready I can taste it!” Kayla beams before slamming an 8 punch combination into the bag with lightning speed and deadly force.

“DAMN IT!!! LIDTEN TO ME!!!” Heather screams and Kayla stops, stunned at the sudden outburst. They stand in the room in silence for a moment, just the rattle of the chains from the swinging bag filling the room…

“Look… you might not be nervous but I am… you’ve been training so hard for this and for so long that it’s consumed you. But the closer to the fight we’ve got, the more you seem to lose focus. I mean, look at you! Slamming that bag like it’s just another day in the gym… you have to fight probably the most deadly fighter on the planet! And you go throwing your energy away now?” Heather protests

“You’re nervous? You don’t think I can do this?” Kayla asks back, a hurt look on her face

“No… that’s not what I meant… it just feels like your two different people right now… in one moment all of your thought’s are on the match, then the next you look like your trying to forget about it, losing your self in mindless tasks and activities. You can beat her, Kayla. I know you can. But stop burning energy… keep your focus.”

“I know it too! I can beat her. You think I’ve lost focus? You couldn’t be more wrong. Every punch I land on this bag I see her face contorted and suffering… I’m going to put her through hell… and yeah… I know she’s going to get her shots in and when she does, it’s going to hurt bad, but look at me! Have you ever seen me so fit? So ready? So hungry?” Kayla boasts confidently

“I want that belt back… but make no mistake, that’s not even on my mind… my mind is set on proving something tonight. Not to the fans or to myself, but to Rachel. Even if she does win… and as a fighter I have to accept that possibility… even if she does, she’ll know she’s been in a fight. She’ll hurt and she’ll lay awake in bed remembering that the girl she discredited and disrespected all those years hurt her! You see? I can’t lose! If I win, I pull of the upset nobody but me saw coming! I become the champion and I dethrone what some journalists who’ve never set foot in the cage call the greatest fighter of all time! But if I lose? So what? There’s no pressure, they expect me to lose! But Rachel’s got it all on her shoulders… and judging by the press conferences and the media frenzy around her refusal to fight Allison Payne, I’d say her shoulders are feeling pretty heavy at the moment. This is it heather… this is my chance to be the straw that broke the camels back. I can take her tonight… I will take her…”

Back at ring side

“Gemma… This is dumb girl… I mean… dumb even for you! You need to get that shoulder looked at!” Hood protests as she follows Gemma, fresh out of a shower, hair still wet and dressed in baggy jeans and a Machine Head hockey style jersey, buys two beers (both for her), and makes her way through the crowd towards ringside…

“Careful Hood, you’re in public, you need to keep that street persona up! Try saying… ‘Dat shit is whack gurl!’ or something like that!” Gemma laughs, winding up her friend. Hood you see, is far more than the sum of her parts… you break her down and what do you see? You see someone who’s made her name as a street fighter, a modern day rogue, beating the crap out off all who’d face her, with her video’s all over the internet, portraying this gritty, urban, underground image of a tough woman of the people, a street girl who’s seen her share of shit in this world… but truth be know, she’s smart… fiercely so. She’s a business woman and an entrepreneur who’s made money selling an image. Yes she can fight, and yes she has survived the worst street life had to throw at her, but she can also do your taxes, raise your PR and probably get you a spot on Oprah if she put her mind to it.

As Gemma approaches the front of the crowd, someone barges her hard and her aching right shoulder flairs up while one of her beers tumbles towards the floor, splashing the feet of the crowd who are so hyped up for more fights, they’re oblivious to it. Gemma stares down, lamenting her loss… then stares up and sees all 5’8” & 140lbs of Justine Credible smiling at her, her lemon blonde hair tied back as she’s dressed in blue jeans, a black tank top and cowboy boots

“Oops… so sorry about that” she giggles

“Well, well, well… She’s not just Ugly! She’s not just Pathetic! She’s Justine Tolerable!!!” Gemma chuckles back and the smile drops from Justine’s face as she hears her name get mocked “I should have know Samantha would have her little lap dog around, but I thought you’d be kneeling down on a leash, getting pulled down the ramp behind her like a good little bitch?”

“Hey you watch your mother fucking mouth when you talk to me BITCH! So you won a nothing fight against a nothing fighter? I’ve won every GOD DAMN BELT in this business!!!” She roars back angrily

“Yeah… I heard that… I even saw some of your fights! I was really impressed” Gemma admits openly

“Damn right you should be impressed!” Justine beams, clearly not seeing where this is going…

“Yeah, I saw an old match you had against Sage when I was training for tonight’s fight… The way she made you tap out like a little bitch was really impressive!” Gemma laughs and Hood can’t help but burst out laughing behind her.

“Hey!… That was… OH FUCK YOU!!!” Justine growls and storms off leaving Gemma and Hood to take their seats at the front. As they sat down Hood stopped chuckling and her face turned serious again

“Seriously girl… you need to get to a physiotherapist, you could have some bad shit on that shoulder” Hood pleaded, the worry was written all over her face

“After tonight’s done! I want to cheer on Jonica…” Gemma answered taking a heavy swig of her one remaining beer

“Then maybe you should see a psychiatrist while you’re at it… I thought you hated that scatty bitch?” Hood fires back perplexed

“It’s… it’s not as easy as all that…” Gemma responds, her face scrunched up at the awkward question

“It’s pretty fuckin’ clear to me!… Well? You hate her or not?” Hood presses…

“Just get me another two beers will you?” Gemma growls back, making no attempt to hide the fact that she doesn’t want to answer that question

“Two more beers? You got one in your…” hood was cut off mid flow by the sight of Gemma downing her beer in one and letting off a loud belch followed by a smug grin as she hands the drained plastic cup to hood.

“You really do put the ‘fun’ into functioning alcoholic…” Hood moaned as she made her way back through the crowd. Gemma sat there and wondered why the hell she cares about Jonica so much… she does hate her after all! But there’s something else there too…

3 Hours ago backstage…

Gemma was sat focussed in her locker room… truth be told it was hard to remain focussed… this locker room was nicer than her flat back in Cardiff! But slowly she puts all that out of her head and tries to empty her mind… Until Jonica bumbles through the door…

“I… I’m sorry… I just walked into the wrong locker room… This… this place is so big…” Jonica mumbled, a look of fear and doubt written all over her place

Gemma turns to Jonica… as soon as she lays eyes on her, she knows what’s wrong instantly… “come in… sit down… get it off your chest honey” Gemma says softly… she could stick the boot in, really kick her while she’s down, but for some reason, right now it doesn’t feel right.

Jonica sits on the opposite bench, she knows she shouldn’t be bothering Gemma with this, but after some further probing and persuasion, she opens up anyway…

“What am I doing here Gemma? I’m not a fighter! I could get killed out there! Samantha’s going to tear me apart! Have you heard some of the stuff she’s been saying?” Joni blurts out in her cute southern drawl, her breathing is shallow and fast, it looks like she’s about to go into an all out panic attack…

“Hey now… what’s this crap? You’re no fighter? Do you remember the beat down you took against Supes? And you wanted more! You took out Marie B in an underground tag match… all on your own! Marie and Samantha are 2-2... So if anything, you’re ahead of that bitch!”

Jonica’s breathing starts to level out as the two women chat… two women who hate each other with such reckless abandon get all mushy and pally… You see Jonica is the reason Gemma started fighting in the first place… and Gemma hates her for that. She went through hell and back in the short time she’s known Jonica… but she can’t pull herself away from her either. She’s like a drug.

“Look… Samantha is a great fighter… and yes, she talks more than anyone I’ve ever known… apart from you! What’s this timid shit! You should be out there hurling insults back!!!” Gemma beams, trying her best to impart some confidence

“And when the talking stops? What then?” Jonica asks meekly. She really see’s no way of winning this…

“This is you we’re talking about? When has the talking ever stopped? You‘re the loudest piece of trash I ever had the displeasure of meeting!” Gemma fires back

“Hey! Fuck you!” Jonica growls back

“No FUCK YOU!!!” Gemma scowls standing up and squaring off…

“YOU WANT A FUCKING PIECE, BITCH? I’LL SHOW YOU TRASH!!! I’LL DROP YOUR KNOCKED OUT ASS IN THE DUMPSTER!!!!” Jonica roars, standing and raising her fists… but Gemma just smiles and puts her hands out palms first…

“You see? Look at you now! All fire and brimstone! That’s what you need to beat this bitch! She’s expecting nothing… she’s expecting a weak little girl with no skill and no heart. Lord knows that’s what she saw at the press conference! She thinks she’ll eat you alive! But that’s a good thing… look… I heard from Siena that she’s planning on leaving the IQ’s out of her entrance… she’s going to come down the ramp with a microphone in hand and start slamming you again, in front of everyone…”

Jonica’s face looked a bit down trodden… it was embarrassing enough at the press conference… now in front of thousands and thousands of fans?

“Hey… don’t you dare get down…” Gemma pulls something out of her bag and hands it to Jonica… The Cajun grins from ear to ear as she holds the small canister in her hand… “Here’s what you’re going to do…”

back to the present, at ringside…

Born on the Bayou by Creedence Clearwater Revival plays out and the crowd switches from hushed chatter to a frenzied scream in a heart beat! The Louisiana faithful all chanting and roaring for one of their own… “JO-NI-CA!!! JO-NI-CA!!! JO-NI-CA!!!” is all that can be heard and the 5’2” whitish blonde haired Cajun comes out to a standing ovation… She’s looking good. The black lycra halter top with gold trim and the gold arse hugging hot pants with black trim clearly designed to work the saints heavy crowd up some more. Her butt cheeks are even adorned with the Fleur-de-lis and there’s a gold number 9 over her heat.

She’s looking nervous but the warmth radiating from the fans starts to fill her with confidence… she puts on that quirky smile of hers and makes her way to the ring, slapping palms with the fans lucky enough to be by the runway… sliding into the ring the 120lbs scrapper doesn’t test the ropes… she doesn’t bounce on the canvas… she just kind of stands in her corner, a bit at a loss at what to do next… It’s clear to see that she’s a million miles away from her comfort zone…

Gemma looks on concerned but sees her go to the corner and pick up a brown paper bag and hold it behind her… “come on Jonica… you can do this…” She whispers under her breath.

Indipendent Women by Destiny’s Child plays out and the crowd start their boos… the 5’9” 144 lb Honey skinned redheaded 2007 Queen of the Ring Samantha steps out  and stands motionless onto of the entrance ramp. Her aqua green eyes scanning the countless shadowed faces in the darkened arena… Her face is held in a look of aristocratic nonchalance with a hint of casual disdain. As she looks out at the darkened rafters her eyes are naturally drawn to the illuminated ring and the small, timid girl inside it… ‘this is a god damn joke…’ she thinks to herself before raising the Microphone to her lips…

"For my girls Justine Credible and Vixxxen, New Orleans, Louisiana... IQs in the Motherfuckin' Houssssssse!!!!!" She screams out and the crowd meet her with a collective boo… she smiles and takes it all in… then her smile drops…

“CUT THE GOD DAMN MUSIC!!!” She roars and the sound track screeches to a halt…

She’s stood there in a red collared armless top with black, red and gold fire designs with black bell bottoms that share the same designs. Her matching boots finish the menacing look.

“I’m not wasting a good intro song on that fucking piece of trash!!!” she growls into the mic “I shouldn’t even BE HERE!!! This bitch is so far below me the only way she’d win is if I slipped on her burrito stinking, trailer park trawling, rug munching, cock sucking, greasy ass and knocked myself out! This is a fucking insult! YOU HEAR ME SIENA??? I’M THE FUCKING QUEEN BITCH!!! Do you ignorant fucks know the list of fighters I’ve beaten? Let me educate you slack jawed fucks! I’ve beat…”


The deafening boom drowned out Samantha, cutting her words off until she stood, looking in rage and disbelief at the mischievous smile of the 5’2” Cajun, stood in the ring holding her own mic and a fog horn…


“HOOOOOONK HONK HONK HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONK!!!!!!!! Jonica blasted out again and Samantha was seething… She’s used to being disliked… hell… even hated! It’s the character she created, this persona that acts as the perfect cloak and dagger, luring her opponents into a false sense before her true skills kick in and she ends them. So yeah… she’s used to being hated… but the crowd… they were laughing at her now… laughing as a nobody, a tiny new blood, on her first ever major card makes her look the fool… She drops her hands to her sides with her fists clenched so tight the cheap microphone casing starts to crack.

“Well… do my eyes deceive me? Or is that Samantha Angelica ’bury me in a Y shaped coffin’ Pritchard!!!!” Jonica throws out in a heavy Louisiana drawl. Her accent isn’t always as heavy but she really want’s the crowd to know she’s their girl.

“You always talk about who you’ve beaten! Change the fucking record, slut! How about we put on another little number? Like… I don’t know… what about all the girls who’ve beat YOUR skank ass down? Huh? Do you want to hear THAT record New Orleans?” the roar is deafening as the ring becomes the epicentre of a tidal wave of noise.
“MEEKA!!! RACHEL C!!! DEBBIE CHAN!!! KAYLA!!! MARIE B!!! RACHEL APPACHE!!! MISTY STORM!!! ALLISON PAYNE!!!” Upon the last name the crowd roars even louder, the floor trembles as they stomp and pound and clap and scream. Whipped into a fevered state by the home town girl.

“And let me play another record New Orleans! Do you know who she hasn’t beaten?! YOU HAVEN’T BEAT ME, BITCH!!!” Jonica screams and the crowd chant again!

“JO-NI-CA!!! JO-NI-CA!!!”

“You can talk about beating me all you want! And we ALL know you can fucking talk! I guess all those times you spent on your knees in Miami helped that fucking lung capacity, you over hyped, over paid, over rated cxnt!!! GET YOUR SKANK ASS OVER HERE AND LETS DO THIS!!!!!!” She roar and Samantha, with her blood boiling and her temper raging, threw down her microphone and sprinted as fast as she could to the ring!

As she approached she slides under the bottom rope and to her feet but Jonica’s already jumped out of the ring on the opposite side mumbling… “That might have been a mistake…” as she sees her larger foe swathed in burning fury. Samantha sprints across the ring as Jonica flees and baseball slides out in hot pursuit!

“YOU’RE GONNA DIE BITCH!!!” She roars as she rounds the corner, just a few feet from her scampering foe now! As she sprints round the next ring post Jonica’s size 6 boot smashes into her face! With her forward momentum her feet and body fly up into the air as her head is rocked backwards from a perfect super kick to the jaw and she lands on the floor with a resounding thud! Lamenting the fact that the mats out here are so thin…

“There you go talking again bitch!!!” Jonica screams stomping on her fallen aggressor with vigour and zeal. “You like that slut? Huh? Don’t feel like talking right now bitch?” she continues, Samantha tries to roll away but Jonica’s feet are crashing down faster than bolts of lightning, her legs pumping like pistons…

A stomp to the gut, another, the ribs, her back, her left leg, her back again, three stomps to her head… Samantha lays face down, suffering and gasping from the relentless assault her smaller foe is dishing out.

Jonica takes a quick breather sensing that her opponent isn’t in much states to take advantage and turns to the crowd pumping her right fist in the air as they roar back! But soon after stops for a moment, her jaw drops in awe, wonder and a little longing…

Drew Brees was sat right in the front row… the world seemed to slow down for Jonica as his smile dazzled and shone like the stars… she stares at him long and deep, the want in her growing and lusting…

“Looking good there Jonica!” he calls out and she blushes… turning away slightly with a girlish giggly and stomps down on Samantha’s back again, hard!


“Hehehe! Thanks Drew…” she coo’s and gets a look in her eye… kind of like the look a poodle get’s before it starts humping your leg… But soon it’s back to work as she hears Samantha groan…

“You say something bitch?” Jonica growls and after a few more stomps she drags Sam up by the hair and whips her hard into the steel barriers!

“AAAGGGHHH!!!” Samantha cries out as her lower back smashes against the hard steel making a loud clang, but she doesn’t get a moments rest as Jonica charges into her with a flying dropkick! Her feet smash Samantha right in the face and sends her tumbling over the barricade, wrenching her back further before she crashes onto her stomach, the cold, beer stained concrete offering no respite from the pain.

The referee was shouting for both fighters to return to the ring but a stern look from Siena Blaze who’s sat at ringside in a smart pinstripe suit, soon quietened him down… she knows what sells tickets and the bloodier this event is, the faster the next event sells… of course… it doesn’t hurt that she has no love loss for Samantha either…

Jonica grabs the barrier which is quite tall when compared to the diminutive Cajun, and flicks her legs up into a vault, before swinging them both back and landing on the back of Samantha’s head in a vicious leg drop! Her full weight drives Sam’s face into the concrete and a little blood starts trickling down her nose. Jonica gets up, dragging Samantha up with her by her long red hair.

“Come on dog, time for walkies” Jonica chuckles as she positions the stunned and somewhat overwhelmed Samantha stomach first to the barrier before taking a few steps back as the crowd make way for their home girl. She smiles a cute yet malicious grin and charges forward leaping the barrier in one impressive bound, grabbing Sam’s head as she passes and lands, butt first, ramming Samantha’s face into her right shoulder in a Stone Cold Stunner!

Samantha’s left hanging over the railings in a stupor, the cold, metal barrier digging into her belly and golf ball sized outie navel as she tries to clear her head… she wasn’t expecting this… to be honest she wasn’t expecting anything! The only tapes available to her to study were of Jonica’s appearance on Ultimate Catfighter and although she showed a lot of heart and a mean right hand, she certainly didn’t have any technical skill… and now she’s executing pro moves like she was born to do this… Clearly her training camp fucked up, Jonica’s more than a brawler and now she’s being made to look like a fool…

Jonica rises and chuckles as she sees Samantha sprawled over the barricade, face down and ass up. “Oh honey… none of these fine people want a piece of that nasty pussy! Put it away, girl!” She giggles as she walks up and places Sam’s head between her legs in a standing head scissors. Then raising her arms high above her head she interlocks her fingers and SLAMS a double axe handle smash on her opponents back!

“AAAAGGGGGHH!!!!!” Samantha cries but the pain in her back is only half her troubles as the smash crushes her stomach even harder against the barricade, hurting her sensitive navel even more… Jonica raises her interlocked hands up again and the crowd start to chant with every brutal smash!
“TEN!!!!!!” Smashes fall in total and after the tenth Jonica wraps her arms around Samantha’s waist and with a loud grunt she pulls her opponent off the barrier, holding her upside down for a few moments until she drops down to her arse, ramming Sam’s head into the thin mat with a Piledriver!

The crowd are roaring and cheering, almost every single one of the home crowd wanted Jonica to win but nobody really thought it was possible and now she has the former champ in pain and looking in trouble… all those long ours working in her basement sparing alternate rounds with Katora and Christina Munoz for hours on end set her up perfectly to take out a brawler but Jonica hasn’t thrown a single straight punch and it looks like she has no intention of standing toe to toe with Samantha.

Jonica pulls Samantha up by her hair again and walks to the ring apron, before she rolls her opponent into the ring she takes a moment to slam her head into the canvas a few times and Gemma, sat in the crowd in silence but with a grin on her face, thinks to herself ‘that’s my girl… keep her dazed…’ Jonica rolls in after her and drags Samantha to the centre of the ring before stomping on her a few more times and running to the corner. She’s on the tope turn buckle in a flash! Her speed and dexterity taking everyone by surprise. She raises her arms to the crowd who reward her with a wall of pure noise and adulation before she leaps in a high and majestic arc, Her trajectory is deadly accurate as she backflips into the perfectly executed moonsault.

The entire stadium are on their feet as they scream and yell, watching the moment that the underdog takes out one of the biggest guns in the game, the sound is electrifying…

“YYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH… UUUUOOOOOHHHHH…..”  they groan in a collective gasp as they almost feel the pain Jonica’s in as Samantha raises her knees at the last second leaving Joni to slam down, soft tummy meeting hard bone in a contest that was only ever going to have one winner…

“FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!” Jonica cries as she rolls around on the canvas clutching her devastated abs. Samantha is far to smart to get up… she uses this time to stay down and clear her head, she knows Jonica’s going to be virtually paralysed for at least 20 seconds after a blow like that and 20 seconds is more than enough time for Queen Samantha to get her head on straight.

And true to form Samantha was the first to get up, followed a few seconds later by a coughing, wheezing Jonica. Sam saw Joni doubled over as she got off her knees and sprinted forward slamming a hard knee so deep into her opponents gut that Jonica came a clear 6” off the canvas!

“UUUUUGGGHHHHH!!!!” She groaned but Sam’s blood was up now, the momentum had shifted and Samantha was determined to keep it! She stepped to Jonica’s side so her right hip was pressing against Jonica’s right set of ribs and gripped  her smaller foe around the waist before lifting her high and spinning her head over heels until she came crashing down in a Gut Wrench Suplex!

“AAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!” Jonica cried as her lower back slammed against the canvas, the pain shooting up through her body and knocking her cross eyed as she sits up for a moment, stunned, before falling back down flat on her back. She lay there panting and spread eagle as the boos from the fans reinvigorated Samantha… “THIS IS HOW THE QUEEN ROLLS!” she roars with a wide smile. She grips Jonica’s white/blonde hair and drags her to her feet, forcing a muted “ouchie!” from her, before gripping her right arm and using her entire bodyweight to whip Jonica full force into the corner!

As Samantha pulled and released the tiny Cajun, she was flung with such a pace that she SLAMMED face first into the corner causing the fans to gasp a loud “oooohhhhh……” she didn’t drop… but Samantha would soon make her wish she did. Jonica, dazed and bemused, bounced out of the corner on wobbly legs with her eyes glazed and half closed. She turned to face the centre of the ring, not out of strategy but sheer punch drunkenness staggering into Samantha who by this point was poised and  crouched down in waiting…

 Samantha wrapped her arms around Joni’s thighs and lifted her high, Jonica’s natural reaction was to grab on, fearing falling back down on her arse with a bump, so she wrapped her legs round Samantha’s waist, Just as Samantha had wanted her too… Sam turned quickly and didn’t just fall, but instead THREW herself forward! She SLAMMED Jonica’s back and head into the ground and as her spine impacted the canvas there was a resounding boom followed by a muted whimper from the devastated Cajun as Samantha’s full 144lbs landed on top of her!

Sam scrambled forward quickly to mount her downed adversary and started shouting in her face “How’s THAT feel bitch! You know what, slut? I liked that spine buster slam so much I’m gonna re-name it after you! I think I’ll call it… Taking out the trash!”

But to Samantha’s surprise, Jonica starts to chuckle!

“Bitch? You lost your damn mind?” Samantha growl

“Nah… you‘re fat, over used cootch is tickling me!” Jonica giggles defiantly, although the pain she’s in is written all over her face

“You gator eating, track suit wearing, Jerry Springer starring, cousin marrying piece of TRASH!!! I’m gonna rip you up like the cops rip up your trailer park every Saturday night, BITCH!!!” as she finishes she starts to rain down heavy right hands into Jonica’s face. Punch after punch lands bouncing Jonica’s head off the floor and leaving her left eye puffy and bruised badly.

Sam get’s up, pulling Jonica with her and sends in a weighty right hook that cracks against Jonica’s jaw… but the Cajun doesn’t fall… the crowd start roaring as she clenches her fist and throws a right hook right back!

“Uuugghhh…” Samantha groans, surprised her foe is still standing let alone fighting back! So she stubbornly throws in another jaw trembling hook at Jonica! And Jonica fires back! They stand toe to toe in the ring, slugging it out in a brutal exchange, Samantha desperately trying to figure out how a girl who gives up 7 inches of height and 24 pounds of weight can do this!

Christina Munoz, Samantha’s sparing partner and unconfirmed lover is up on her feet in the crowd screaming now “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!!! DON’T FUCKING EXCHANGE!!! STICK AND MOVE!!! STICK AND MOVE!!!!!”

But Sam was drawn in… she knew deep down inside that she HAS to be able to out gun this little runt! And that’s Just what Jonica was hoping for… back and forth… about 5 punches from each fighter were thrown with the crowd cheering Jonica on with every blow! Suddenly, a new energy surging through her Joni unleashed with three huge unanswered rights and a kick to Samantha’s crotch!

“OOOOoohhhhhh…” Sam groaned at the unexpected attack and as she doubled over, Jonica grabs her head, tucks it under her right arm while flinging her right leg back high before throwing it forward and sending herself crashing backwards, slamming Samantha’s head down in a vicious spike DDT!

“How’s that fucking head now! You Maudit Galette!!!” Jonica curses, her Cajun coming through as her anger rises. As Sam starts to slowly get up Jonica sprints away to come springing off the ropes at breakneck speeds lining up a clothesline! Sam sees it coming and ducks quickly as Jonica, building up even more speed bounces off the far ropes and comes right back at Samantha!

As she sprints forward she leaps sideways! Hoping to knock Samantha down with a cross body splash, but the larger Sam catches her in mid air! Jonica’s legs are kicking frantically as she tries to unsteady her opponent and Samantha can’t help but stumble backwards towards the ropes. The crowd are standing with mouths agape as Samantha tries with all her might to stay upright… they cry out in joy as she starts to topple backwards but soon their cries turn to a collective NO! as Samantha, using the momentum of her backwards fall, throws Jonica over her head and over the ropes!

The diminutive Cajun sails through the air only to come crashing cruelly down to terra firma with a spine tingling crunch! Sam is already sprinting backwards and bounces off the far ropes as Jonica starts to rise… Running back towards Jonica, Sam hurls herself into the air in her own death defying cross body splash! Leaping the ropes in one impressive bound but she hit’s nothing but unforgiving mat! Jonica rolling away at the last second and saving her skin!

The noise is deafening now, both fighters down and tired on the mat outside the ring, their friends in the front roar screaming encouragement, but mere feet away, they still can’t be heard over the roar of the worked up masses. Jonica scrambles under the ring and pulls something from underneath… it’s a banjo! She holds it like a baseball bat ready to take Samantha’s head off. As Samantha slowly get’s to her feet and turns around Jonica aims for the cheap seats and swings with everything she’s got!!! The banjo cuts through the air like a knife but whizzes over Sam who ducks at the last second and smashes a kick into the Cajuns stomach!

Sam grabs the Banjo angrily from Jonica’s hand as she’s doubled over and lifts it high above her head before bringing it down with a thunderous clash over the back of her adversaries head! The wood shatters into a thousand pieces of kindling as an almost comical twang of the broken strings rings out.

Jonica’s left face down with a bad cut on her head… Samantha, breathing heavy throws the destroyed Banjo down with contempt and gasps out in an amused roar “SQUEAL LITTLE PIGGY!!!” She grips Jonica by her hair, a large patch on the right side is now bright red from her blood and rolls her back into the ring and follows up behind.

“Time to end this bitch…” Samantha growls and rips Jonica up by her blood soaked hair… She reaches down with her right arm and lifts her opponents left leg up high with her right arm, so Jonica is almost doing a standing splits while her left arm wraps around the back of Jonica’s neck… The crowd know what this hold is… the Sexyplex… this could all be over soon and the thousands upon thousands of fans here ready their camera’s to capture the moment for all time… but the suplex never comes… Instead… Samantha thinks to herself that she needs to put Jonica away for good… she’s already been shown up by this new comer… she needs a statement…

She turns and lifts Jonica up high into the air… but then she steps forward and plants Jonica in a seated position on the top turn buckle… the crowd instantly start roaring… forgetting that it’s their girl in peril and instead looking forward to seeing Samantha prove why she’s the queen. She climbs up the ropes and drives a hard right hand into Jonica’s already puffed up left cheek, stunning the girl some more for good measure… then, precariously, she stands up on the ropes, bringing Jonica up with her…

She hooks in the sexyplex, and braces herself… in her mind the crowd have gone silent… all she can hear is her own breathing, in… out… in… out… while she readies the move and braces for impact… She puts on a little show, gyrating and dry humping Jonica while her legs are parted “Time to end this bitch!” she growls, then with a mighty heave she lifts Jonica high into the air! Stood on top of the corner, she arches her back tossing the smaller girl head over heals over the top of her! For the briefest of moments while Jonica flies through the air the dark arena suddenly flashes and pops with thousands upon thousands of camera flashes, blinding yet beautiful as they flash up then die out in the blink of an eye… then the decent… Jonica’s body is flying through the air as Samantha releases her towards the floor back first from close to ten feet in the air! The boom was like thunder! Their combined weight of 264lbs slamming down onto the canvas in agonising unison… Jonica bounced a full foot in the air before crashing down again… her body spasmed upon impact but she didn’t cry out or scream…just a low “uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh……..” could be heard as she faded into unconsciousness, the pain knocking her out cold.

For the briefest moment Samantha was down too… she still had Jonica’s right leg hooked but that move took it’s toll on her too… after 5 seconds and with a pained grunt and dogged determination, she arches her back in a pin and the referee drops to his knees and starts slapping the Canvas


The bell rings and Samantha rises to a lot of boos but some cheers as certain members of the crowd show their appreciation for the stunning show.  her music plays out as she leaves the ring and strides back to the locker rooms… she gets to the top of the ramp and feels the overwhelming urge to turn around… she sees Jonica slowly getting up and brushing away the assistance of the paramedics, shouting out “Get off me! I’m fine!!!” the two lock eyes… it’s a long and deep stare, across the distance they almost seem to be speaking to each other… Samantha can’t help but feel a grudging respect for the Cajun and all she put her through… but it wouldn’t do her image any good to portray that so she gives Jonica the finger and leaves.

The Interim…

The crowd are being entertained by highlight reels and build up on the main screen, lord knows that over the last 5 years there’s been enough bitterness between Rachel Apache and Kayla to fill a weeks forth of TV schedules… but the highlights serve perfectly to give everyone a break and allow the Stadium some time to sell more food, drinks and souvenirs in the interim. Back stage however there’s talk of a different kind…

‘Supergirl’ Kara - I just don’t get it? I mean… I beat Jonica and if it wasn’t for that cut I would have beaten Athena too! I… I just don’t understand why she was chosen for a main event over me… Am I doing something wrong?

Karin - Oh change the damn record! PLEASE!!! Jonica’s a home grown girl and I’m sure Siena just saw a cash cow! Crazy bitch just want’s to sell Jonica bobble heads so the fans get to go back to their trailers and have something to knock about other than their wives!

Katora - Watch your mouth girl… not everyone here lives in a damn trailer you ignorant bitch

Karin - no of course not dumb ass! I‘m from New Orleans and I live in a damn mansion! But that trash Jonica? She’s as gutter as they come… and don’t tell me to watch my mouth!!! Where the fuck are we going anyway? The dressing rooms are the other way!

‘Supergirl’ Kara - Yeah, I saw Seka heading that way.. You want to go and say hi? I think she likes you…

Katora and Kara giggle to each other a little

Karin - Hey fuck you both! That bitch is fucking crazy!!! If I didn’t quit the slut would have fucking raped me in that cage!

‘Supergirl’ Kara - but where are we going Kat?

Katora - Gonna see my girl Samantha and congratulate her.

Karin - Oh fuck that! Last thing I need right now is listening to that loudmouth bitch going on about how great she is! I’m going back to the ring and get myself a beer, catch you losers later

Katora - well Fuck you too… guess it’s just you and me Supes

Kara had a look in her eye… Siena didn’t want to put her in a main event… she just knew it, I mean, Gemma got to fight… Jonica got to fight… word on the street is Katora might even go up against Allison Payne in the next event… but she keeps getting looked over… She thinks back to that match against Athena… if it wasn’t for that cut! She wouldn’t have been threatened with a stoppage and would have never have rushed into that choke hold…

She’s been cursing her luck ever since then… in her own mind she’s convinced herself that she’s blown her shot and looking at all the other girls get picked for main events just makes it worse. But now… she gets to meet Samantha… maybe… maybe it’s time she makes her own luck…

The Ultimate Catfighters dressing room

“YOU FUCKING BITCH!!!! Why won’t you scream!!!!” Dawn roars as she has a beaten and broken Shinobi in an abdominal stretch pounding at the ribs she re-broke a few moments ago…

“You fucking freak! I’ll end you!!! You won’t be getting anywhere near Seka again!” She growls continuing her assault and as Seka’s name is mentioned, the woman herself walks into the room

“What?… WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING???!!!” She roars as she witnesses the brutality in front of her… Dawn looks stunned, and maybe a little hurt as Seka rages against her

“I… I’m helping you! What does it look like? She won’t be in any shape to make the final now!” Dawn replied, confused

“LET HER GO!!!!” Seka shrieked and Dawn throws Shinobi down to the floor in anger. Shinobi hit’s the hard tiled floor and curls up in a ball instantly, clutching her broken ribs and shutting her eyes tight as she tries and fails to block out the pain.

“I’m doing you a fucking favour here! Who do you think you are? She beat you, you fucking idiot!” Dawn shouts back, hurt at Seka’s unappreciative manner “You’re welcome, Bitch!” she finishes

“You’re doing me a favour? A FAVOUR??? I wanted to fight her!!! She’s the only woman to ever beat me… EVER!!! You took away my fucking revenge!”

“Revenge? WHATABOUT MY REVENGE?!” Dawn screams back “You’ve spent so much time watching tapes of this fucking bitch… you fight Gemma THIS WEEK!!! I thought you were going to get ME some vengeance?! You already forgot what she did to me?!” Dawn whines back, her voice getting louder and higher the longer the argument plays out.

“Forgot?… of… of course I haven’t…” Seka answers softly, hurt that Dawn seems to have already forgotten the nights Seka spent crying and comforting her as she recovered. “I’ve been focussed on Gemma… SO focused! So I’ve watched tapes of Shinobi! So what? I WILL beat Gemma down… I’ll put her through so much pain, she’ll regret the day she ever laid eyes on you… I’ll end her, Dawn… I’ll fucking end her… But you need to know  that I’m in this to win… I wanted her in the final so I could wipe out that shame… and you took that from me…”

“oh come on… you’ll get your chance to fight her again! Stop being so dramatic.” Dawn replies with a dismissive tut

“Dawn… stop being so fucking selfish!!!” Seka growls back, her fists clenching.

“Oh stop it, grumpy boots. What’s done is done! You Can’t change it now so how about we go back to the house and you can fuck me while you tell me how you’re gonna break Gemma? Tee Hee!”

Samantha’s Locker Room

Katora - There’s my girl!

Samantha - Well if it isn’t ‘THE Cure!’ you never told me she was a high impact fighter…

Katora - Yeah… urm… sorry about that… But lets be honest, we’re in a cage fighting competition, We don’t do that shit. Besides, you got her, chill out.

Samantha - yeah… I got her, Bitch gave me a damn good run though. She’s good… real good…

Kara - not as good as me though

Samantha - And who the fuck are you, bitch?

Kara - my name is Kara, and I was…

Samantha - I know what your fucking name is slut!!! What I said was who the FUCK are you?! What the fuck have you done that makes you think you can come into the Queens room and start talking like you’re all that! I saw you all bloodied up crying like a little bitch when Athena kicked the shit out of you! And you come up in here with your super girl looks and your super girl tits and you super girl strut and your shit eating super girl grin!!! FUCK YOU!!!”

Katora - Hey now… you’re in quite the mood aren’t you? Jonica got you THAT worked up?

Samantha - no, THIS bitch did!

Sam squares up to ‘Supergirl’ Kara, staring her right in the eye with a scowl and two clenched fists

Samantha - Jonica actually proved something to the world tonight, I like that loud mouthed bitch… she put her ass on the line and delivered. As good as it felt sexyplexing her off the top rope, I can’t help but admire her… and what the fuck have YOU done? Huh? What the fuck have YOU achieved? You think that because you can fight, that makes you a fighter? Is that it? You know how many bitches come up to me wanting to prove themselves? Looking to make a name by taking me out? And you know why? Because that’s all they can do… run their fucking mouths! If you were any good, you wouldn’t need to piss me off to make a name you dumb bitch!

Kara - Hey! That’s out of order! It’s not my fault I’m getting passed up?

Samantha - WAAAA… WAAAA… WAAAA!!! It’s her fault!!! It’s his fault!!! It’s not my fault!!! Grow up, bitch! You think because you’re big and bad that makes you worth MY time?

Kara - you know what?

Samantha - What, bitch? Why don’t you grow a spine and tell me?

Kara - thank you

Katora and Samantha look at each other with puzzled faces

Kara - I’m going to be honest with you… I was starting to doubt myself. I saw all these other girls get fights… get taken up to the main event and I started to doubt myself. And yeah, you had me right, I was looking to pick a fight and get my chance through you. But I’m not going to do that now. I was low, and I lost my direction… but I’ve found it now. I have all the motivation I need.

Samantha - Motivation huh? And prey tell, what’s that?

Kara - I’m going to make the show… I’ll do what I have to. I’ll get my shot and I’ll take it. I’ll smash the living shit out of anyone who tries to stop me. And when I make it… I’m going to destroy you.

Samantha - Oooooohhh… you see me shaking? Please stop! If you threaten me again I might piss my panties!

Kara - I’ll see you around Samantha… Kat, catch you later honey

Kara walks out, closing the door courteously behind her and Samantha turns to Katora after she leaves

Samantha - To be honest, I am pissing myself a little bit… bitch is HUGE!

Katora - You never can keep that mouth shut, can you?

Samantha - well, I’d hardly sell any tickets if I did that now, would I?…

Back at Ringside… The Main Event

Simpley the Best by Tina Turner comes on and the crowd are on their feet as the South African Sexpot known as Kayla steps out of the curtain. The pyrotechnics fire off in an impressive display, showering the ramp in white sparks. The crowd love her and rightly so, they always know it’s going to be a show when Kayla rolls into town! Rachel might treat Kayla’s unorthodox and sometimes downright dirty tactics and low blows with disgust but the crowd love her for it. She’s a fighter through and through and she’ll do whatever it takes to beat her opponent.

The 5’9” 140 lb black haired green eyed beauty pauses and looks at the fans filling the Louisiana Superdome and smiles. Rachel should be the fan favourite coming into this fight, Her record in near flawless and she was the clear favourite to wipe the floor with Kayla… but in the last few months the media frenzy surrounding Rachel’s unwillingness to sign up to face Allison Payne has led to the fans support wavering. Journalists have started to question Rachel’s heart and ignorant fan’s, eager to appear in the know and well informed took their word as fact. All that was helped by General Cutter - Allison Payne’s adoptive father and trainer, orchestrating the barrage of bad press against Rachel.

It’s got so bad for Rachel that the fans have started to believe that Kayla can do this… more than that, Kayla knows she can do this, and a confident Kayla is not an opponent to be taken lightly. She’s a natural athlete and former Champion. She’s been involved in some of the hardest wars the squared circle has ever seen and more often than not comes out the winner. Her ability to recover quickly and come flying right back is a testament to her raw, physical presence.

As she walks down to the ring, the fans chant her name. She’s wearing a black string bikini with black wrestling boots and as she struts down the ramp purposefully she bumps fists and slaps palms with her adoring public. She longs for the OPW Championship belt to be around her waist again. She enters the ring and gives her traditional wave and blows a kiss to the fans then the entire arena goes black… pitch black. Some fans cheer but a large portion of the masses start to boo as Louisiana is Allison Payne’s home ground. Many thousands here are angry that their prodigal daughter is being passed up by Rachel.

You Know My Name by Chris Cornell blasts out at a deafening volume and the crowd all look stunned... Even Kayla raises a quizzical eyebrow at the song. A hushed chatter is barely audible over the pounding guitar riffs. The commentators can be heard questioning the turn of events… “Is someone else coming out first? Nobody made mention to a guest referee or anything?” Rachel steps out in all her glory in a wave of fireworks and drama. Gemma Rox sits at ringside with her mouth wide open in a shocked stupor…

Hood - what’s wrong? Why’s everyone so surprised?
Gemma - This song… it… it’s not her song…
Hood - That’s it? So what if she changed her song? What’s the big deal?

Gemma stares at Hood in disbelief as she shows her naivety

Gemma - Haven’t you ever seen a Rachel Apache fight?
Hood - yeah… I mean… one or two, but I don’t go looking for them. She’d never fight me, I’m not even in her orbit girl, I spend my time studying people I might actually face one day
Gemma - Well I do study them… I’ve watched every single match that was ever televised she’s been in… took me months to find them all… and every fight… I mean EVERY fight, she walks out to Enigma’s Silence… this is weird… I don’t know… I think she’s sending a message…
Hood - you’ve seen EVERY fight of hers? Why?
Gemma - well… urm… I want to fight her…
Hood - Oh wake up girl! Allison Payne can’t even get a fight with her! What the hell makes you think you stand a chance? And a message? A message to who?

Gemma turns and looks across the front row to Allison Payne who’s staring with a deep intensity as she analyses Rachel’s every move…

Gemma - Oh I have an idea…

Rachel stands on top of the ramp in her Purple sports bra and high waist banded purple shorts, that come just up to her peculiar navel which sticks neither in or out. The shorts are pulled up to hide the small layer of puppy fat just under her incredibly toned 6-pack. She strides down in her white, custom made Nike wrestling shoes with her long, lustrous, wavy hair tied up tight in a pony tail. Her face is stern as the 5’11” 150lbs woman with the wonder woman figure, midnight blue eyes and the World Championship belt sends a dirty look at Siena Blaze who is sat at ring side paying Rachel an equally discourteous gesture with her right hand. Yet another small exchange in a feud going back almost 15 years….

Rachel looks focused as she makes her ring walk, climbing the small metal steps and entering the ring. She immediately walks and stands in the centre of the ring with her arms folded, staring at Kayla with her unflinching expression. Angelo, her husband, trainer and life long friend watches nervously backstage… he’s happy the change in music stunted the boo’s in the crowd but as much as the camera’s captured Rachel, they were all over Allison too, catching her reaction as Rachel entered. As much as his analytic brain tries to break her down, he just can’t get a read on Payne

Back in ringside, as the bell rings Kayla flies out of her corner with an attempted clothesline that Rachel ducks with ease before running the opposite direction. Both fighters bounce off the ropes and face each other in a full sprint! As the both of them reach the centre of the ring, they throw out their right knees in unison, both smashing the other low in the stomach with such force that most of the crowd wince as they feel the blow…

Remarkably, Kayla, despite giving up the size and height advantage, seems to have gotten the better of that exchange as she gets to her feet while Rachel only manages to get to her knees… She dashes across the small distance and throws her feet out in front of her drop kicking Rachel in the face as sending her sprawling backwards onto her back, her feet still trapped under her as her shoulders rest on the mat and her hips, resting on her feet, stick up in the air. The prospect is far to inviting for Kayla to pass up, so she gets to her knees and SLAMS a brutal straight right into Rachel’s crotch!

“Uuuuggnnn….” Rachel grunts out as she turns onto her side and quickly tries to get up but as soon as she’s on her hands and knees, Kayla grabs the waistband of her shorts with her right hand and her hair in her left and runs, dragging Rachel and hurling her through the gap between the second and third ropes and smashes Rachel right shoulder first, into the steel ring post!

“Come on bitch! Is this it?! I can see why you’ve waited 5 years to fight me now, you don’t have shit!” Kayla growls pulling Rachel out by her hair and slamming her back first into the corner. Kayla fires of punch after punch into her opponents mid section, each blow striking Rachel’s rock hard abs and gaining little more than a grunt here and a growl there. Her abs feel so hard! They do almost no damage at all to the Persian. But when Kayla slams a knee in low she feels a softness her abs were hiding… unlike the solid abdominal muscles, the soft fat under her navel gives way and Rachel’s eyes widen as she doubles over and her cheeks puff up with an “OOOMMPPPFFFF!!!”

Kayla doesn’t stand on ceremony, gripping Rachel’s hair while she’s bent over and slamming a knee into the champ’s face, luckily Rachel saw it coming in time to twist her head and escape getting her nose smashed open. But still… the blow left her head ringing as she wobbled slightly into the centre of the ring. Kayla sprints past her and bounces hard off the ropes, propelling her back towards a dazed Rachel. Kayla’s quick to extend her left arm to slam her foe down with a clothesline but she’s caught off guard…

Rachel’s already throwing herself backwards as Kayla comes in, taking the full force of the impact from her attack. Rachel wraps her own left arm around Kayla’s throat as she falls and trips the South African hellcat, puling her down in her own modified face buster! A move she’s come to call the Downward Spiral. With the full momentum of her sprint, Kayla trips on Rachel and SLAMS face first into the canvas! Worse still is the choking pain in her throat as it crashes against Rachel’s outstretched bicep!

Kayla rolls away, clutching her face while coughing and spluttering violently. Rachel takes the moment to gather her breath and right herself, Kayla had a flying start and Rachel knows her opponent well enough to know she won’t be down long. She forces herself back to her feet and walks over to Kayla with aims of taking the fight to her now. As Kayla gets to her hands and knees Rachel slams a hard kick into her right side, causing her ribs to ache and throb as she curses through gritted teeth.

Rachel steps over Kayla and jumps high into the air, landing in a squatted position and slamming the small of Kayla’s back with her toned bottom, flattening the South African out onto her stomach with a pained groan. Rachel stands back up and starts to stomp on Kayla’s lower back hard! Boot after boot punishes her as Rachel let’s off some steam… until she looks up and see’s General Cutter and Allison Payne whispering and pointing at her… Rachel’s thoughts start to drift… ‘are they pointing out a weakness? Do they know I’m softening her up for the sharp shooter? How much about me do they know?’ all this and more runs through her head until Kayla’s boot connects with her crotch!

“UUuuugggnnnnn…” she groans, doubling over slightly as Kayla buys herself enough time to roll away and get to her feet. “Come on bitch! Show me what you got!” Kayla growls as she charges in swinging. Her fists are flying fast and true, striking forward like coiled pythons then snapping back quickly to block Rachel’s counters, her stand up game is remarkable! She’s landing blow after blow against the woman widely believed to be the greatest fighter to have ever lived! For every punch Rachel lands, Kayla lands 3 just as hard.

Rachel finds herself on the back foot and is soon being beaten at will in the corner, Kayla rocks her head with a slicing right hook that leaves Rachel with a cut just above and to the side of her left eye then suddenly Rachel’s world turns upside down as a thunderous underhand punch slams deep into her navel! Her cheeks puff out again as she struggles to breath… “ooohhh… hit a soft spot there, didn’t I? well who would have guest the great Rachel Apache isn’t perfect? Tee Hee!” Kayla giggles as she sends another thunderous right uppercut in low to Rachel’s navel.

“OOOMMMPPFFFF!!!” Rachel gasps and Kayla is surprised to look into her midnight blue eyes and see they’re dull… hazy, maybe a little glassy… so she keeps pounding and pounding the same spot until Rachel finds the will power to fight through the pain and raise her left leg to protect her belly. Kayla wraps her right hand around Rachel’s leg and her left around her waist. As quick as a flash she twists! Arching her back as she does sending Rachel flying through the air in a capture suplex! She lands on her head and neck heavy, a loud ‘OOOooooohhhh…’ emanating from the crowd as she rolls on the floor, dazed.

Rachel is out on her back as Kayla climbs to the top turnbuckle quickly, she raises her arms up high, the crowd screaming in appreciation before she launches herself through the air and brings a leg drop crashing down over Rachel’s head! Kayla, her right leg still on Rachel’s face, leans over and hooks her opponents left leg in a pin



Rachel kicks out! Dazed though she is, that fighting spirit prevails as she kicks up her right leg and raises a shoulder. Kayla stands up and takes a firm grip of Rachel’s hair, lifting her off the ground with it before jumping and SLAMMING the back of Rachel’s head into the canvas! “Uuuugghhh…” is the only sound Rachel makes as her head bounces painfully. Kayla will not relent though, standing again, and with her grip on Rachel’s hair still intact, she pulls her opponent up standing behind her then SLAMS a knee into Rachel’s back!

Rachel arches backwards, a roar breaking from her lips as she’s looking at the rafters… that is until Kayla’s arm tucks her head in a reverse head lock. Rachel, still bent violently backwards has her neck wrenched in Kayla’s lock as the South African chokes her opponent out. The hold doesn’t last long though as Kayla throws her body backwards! Bending Rachel’s back viciously and driving the back of her skull into the mat in a reverse DDT!!! Kayla leans over Rachel hooking her leg again for the pin…



She kicks out again! The Champion showing great resilience as she gets thrown around the ring with ease by Kayla. Everyone watching seems to think it’s just a matter of time until the pin hits three, Kayla is all over her now. Both fighters are sweating but Rachel is hurting… Kayla, her confidence bolstered by her fast start and almost constant control of the match rolls Rachel onto her stomach and squats down on her lower back. Grabbing Rachel’s arms she lifts them onto her toned, athletic thighs then grips Rachels chin with both hands and pulls the champ back in a spine wrenching Camel Clutch!

“COME ON!!!” Kayla cries “Let me hear you scream bitch!!!” she seems totally driven by rage now, all the snubs and digs, being told she’s an honourless fighter by Rachel time and time again has just built and built and built into this ball of gut wrenching rage and bile that she’s unleashing back on her scornful rival! Kayla’s screams and roars seem to last forever as Rachel is made to suffer in the hold, for long minutes she remains trapped and bent, her back arched in a brutal fashion, but the truth is… throughout the hold, she barely hears a word Kayla screams, or the multiple requests for a submission the Referee asks out…

In her direct line if vision is Allison Payne and General Cutter… all the while they talk and whisper and plot into each others ears… Rachel’s mind is tearing at her now. She feels as if they can see into her very core, that they can see all that she is and all that she isn’t… is Allison Payne a step to far? Is she the girl who will end Rachel’s legacy? Then after long minutes of torture something happens… they share a laugh… Payne and Cutter giggle, only momentarily but this sends Rachel into a furious state… her mind focusing…. She’s always at her most deadly when she’s angry, it’s as if the world slows down and she see’s everything so clearly. In that split second a plan formulates.. Kayla isn’t even in her mind anymore, just a tool to use for her will… Payne and Cutter seem to watch and judge and plan on what they see… but what if all they see was not to be? What if she could cast doubt into their minds, level the playing field…

She starts to whimper and moan… louder and louder and the crowd roar!!! Will they finally get to see Rachel Apache Submit? Kayla pulls with all her might now and Rachel stutter’s out “Pu…Please!!! Oh… nnn… no… lord!… my back!!! I can’t take it!!!” she’s staring at Payne and Cutter with a pitiful look… like she’s about to cry and they both raise an eyebrow in unison and start chattering back and forth, taking mental notes at this new turn… they’ve seen Rachel get destroyed tonight… ‘now’ Rachel tells herself ‘it’s time to turn their world upside down…’

Her pathetic look turns instantly to a smile. It doesn’t promote mirth or joy, but instead instils a little fear and trepidation as she grins evilly at Payne. With a Herculean feat of strength she pushes her legs up… slowly lifting Kayla until Rachel in now on her knees, Kayla’s camel clutch now a chin lock… She starts to straighten her back, freeing her arms, the crowd look on stunned as is Kayla who is now standing behind her, desperate to enforce her will back into the match. Kayla changes up, fearing Rachel getting free she wraps her arms around the Persian’s throat in a rear naked choke and wraps her legs tightly around her waist to bring her down to the ground… But Rachel doesn’t fall down… she’s still smiling that eerie smile at Payne as she Get’s to her feet, the crowd roaring now at this immense display of power and grit. Rachel reaches down gripping Kayla’s legs bellow her knee and Instantly the Kayla realises her mistake! Rachel leaps high into the air, tilting backwards until she SLAMS down hard!!! Kayla’s back smashing against the canvas with Rachel’s full 150lbs crushing the air from her!

Rachel spins fast, getting a full mount on Kayla, a move you’d normally see in an octagon not a wrestling ring. Rachel starts raining down brutal punches, faster and faster… harder and harder… Kayla has no defence, she throws one or two back but they do nothing to break the Champs focus as she beats Kayla senseless in the ring! In a cage fight the referee would stop it once Kayla couldn’t defend herself, but in a wrestling match, Rachel gets to work out all her rage…

She stops suddenly, lifting Kayla off the mat and hooking her in a suplex position, She lifts her 140lb opponent in a vertical hold! The crowd chanting “BRAIN BUSTER!!! BRAIN BUSTER!!!” as they await one of Rachel’s most impressive and high impact moves! Rather than fall backwards in a traditional Suplex and smash Kayla’s back against the floor she drops suddenly, driving Kayla’s head into the canvas brutally!

Kayla’s laying flat out, her arms outstretched and her eyes almost rolled into the back of her head. Rachel mounts her again and starts to throw heavy fist after fist into Kayla! The girl is unconscious… her cheek bones bruised and puffy, her eyes swollen and nasty cuts on her brows but the punches don’t stop! She’s sending a message and signing it in Kayla’s blood. And that message? Allison Payne… you thought I was done for… you thought I was beaten… and now you’re watching me administer one of the most brutal beatings this ring has seen!

Rachel gets up and grabs Kayla’s legs, twisting them around her own before she turns Kayla into the Sharpshooter! Rachel’s spine twisting finisher! It was pain that Knocked Kayla unconscious and now it’s pain that’s bringing her screaming back to the waking world…

“FUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!” Kayla screams and Rachel sits back harder! Bending her legs and spine viciously, all the will smiling that same vicious smile towards Allison Payne…

“Do you give?” The Referee asks but Kayla shakes her head… of course she does. Even with her face black and blue and with her body stretched in agony she’s still got the heart of a lion. But you need more than a strong heart to survive an angry Rachel Apache… the minutes tick on and all the while they’re filled with Kayla’s screams… Rachel just stares at Allison, who in turn meets her gaze with a concerned look.

Another lean back and Rachel’s considerable strength finally breaks Kayla’s will…

“I GIVE!!! I GIVE!!! GET THIS BITCH OFF ME!!!” She screams and the Referee signals for the bell… Allison can be seen standing to her feet and applauding the impressive turn around. Despite how much she wants to face Rachel, she loves her. She’s the inspiration Payne needed to get her life in gear and she adores her idol.

But Rachel doesn’t let go… the ring turns into Chaos now as the Referee tries in vein to free Kayla but Rachel has it locked on tight. “PLEASE!!! GET THIS FUCKING cxnt OFF ME!!!!” she screeches as she claws at the canvas… The masses roar as Sage jumps out of the crowd to talk her sister down but with a dismissive shove, Rachel sends her flying across the ring onto her butt. Rachel looks across realising who it was she just sent flying and drops the hold… Sage stares angrily at her sister and escorts the injured Kayla out of the ring.

Rachel pay’s no heed to her sisters dark stare, she’ll apologise for that later… but right now she want’s to send a message. She signals to a camera man and as her approached the ring she tears the camera out of his hand staring directly into the lens as she holds the heavy gear up to her face. In her current angry state you're probably expecting a roar... a scream... a blood chilling war cry... but none of that. She speaks with an icy cold fury now... she's in control of her emotions... and she's pissed...

"Allison Payne..." the name she hasn’t even so much as uttered in a single press conference "You stupid little girl... you got your wish..." cool calm and collected, with a will of steel and a voice unfaltering she delivers what the crowd wanted to hear for many long years… Some would think it a mistake to accept a challenge from Allison Payne but she's focussed right now, and a focussed Rachel is a smart Rachel and a smart Rachel does not make mistakes.

"You want to know why I've rejected your calls all these years? As a fighter, you're competent… maybe even good… but the disrespect… the name calling… the press releases… the whining and crying like a spoilt little girl who didn’t get her pony for Christmas… and cornering me in front of my child! MY LITTLE GIRL!!! THAT’S the reason you never got to fight me. Now I’d expect those stunts from Cutter, it’s his job to do what needs to be done and he thought all that drama would give you the shot you so desperately wanted… but it didn’t did it? All you had to do was hold yourself with some honour you would have got your shot years ago…” Rachel pauses to let that sink in a moment.

“now like I said… I expected all that nonsense from Cutter, but YOU?! I thought you had some pride! Some dignity! Some decency! You might say it was all cutters doing to help you sleep at night but ask yourself who stood by silently while their management team went about slandering me, calling me out, insulting me through all those honourless stunts and pathetically hollow schemes? YOU ALLISON PAYNE! You stand there and applaud me when I win! You talk about me with a girlish smile and fondness in your interviews then you sit back and do nothing while your own team tear me apart in the public eye! While they try their hardest to destroy the legacy I created and you claim to idolise!”

Rachel strides across the ring addressing the camera while Allison shifts and squirms uncomfortably  thinking ‘why the camera… why doesn’t she address me directly…’ Rachel’s tone changes… low and cold, no more emotion, just cool, calm almost sinister in it’s direction

“You're to blame for being placed beneath my radar... You’re the reason your dream has gone unfulfilled. You wanted to fight me in the ring, with honour and pride on the line. like two warriors should. Well tough. You're not a warrior, you're a coward who hides behind a PR team… who clings on desperately to her trainers and coaches like a scared little girl. What are you without them? You’re NOTHING! So you can throw a punch? So you can make a girl tap out? You think that impresses me? You’ve come at me for so long, obsessed with creating a legacy that will never be… you’ve failed utterly… Because when we meet, it won’t be noble, it won’t be righteous, it will be hell. I’m going to end you Allison Payne. You’re fighting on my terms now…”

She drops the camera outside the ring which smashes into pieces. But her proud stance is quickly ended as Christina Munoz, her opponent in a few weeks time creeps up behind her and SLAMS a steel chair across her head! Christina doesn’t need much reason to beat on Rachel and sure enough as she stands above the downed fighter she starts to go to town, stomping and kicking with righteous glee! Christina lifts Rachel and places her throat across the bottom rope and steps on the back of her neck, choking her

“I’m gonna choke you out, bitch!” Christina growls as she steps down harder but a sudden spear tackle from Gemma who came charging in, freeing Rachel and knocking the wind out of Christina! Almost as soon as Gemma climbed into the ring Samantha, who many suspect is Christina’s unconfirmed lover… was seen running quickly to ring side but as she slides into the ring, Gemma was already there to great her with a boot to the face!

“BITCH! Stay the fuck out of this fight!” the English girl growls at the downed Samantha before… “AAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!” Gemma screams in agony as Justine Credible, launches herself off the top rope slamming a drop kick into Gemma’s still aching right shoulder! Justine stands giving the curled up and hurting Gemma both middle fingers

“That wasn’t just the coolest! That wasn’t just the best! That was… UUUuugghhh…” She grunts as Hood smashes her across the back of her head in a wheel kick! “Bitch, you talk to much!” Hood growls the irony that she’s maybe one of the loudest mouths in the ring lost on her… the wheel kick isn’t something Hood would normally do but training with Gemma seems to be increasing her range somewhat. Hood was always concerned she’d struggle switching from street fights to ring fights but stood here in the middle of the ring as the fans roar, she feels invincible!

Or at least she did until Justine’s girlfriend Vixxxen sneaks up behind her before dropping to her knees and slamming her forearm up into Hood’s crotch! Dropping the light brown skinned beauty with a vicious low blow! Hood groans as Vixxxen get’s to work stomping on Hood while Gemma mounts Justine and they start trading blows and curses at each other!

Gemma was starting to get the best of Justine until Samantha rose up behind her and trapped her in a Full Nelson! “AAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!” Gemma screamed as her right shoulder got torn some more! Justine smiles mischievously, with her arms pinned back, Gemma was defenceless as Justine fired of shot after shot into Gemma’s abs breasts and face!

The ring is a site of utter chaos now as stars of the Ultimate Catfighters show and heavy hitters of the OPW roster knock hell out of each other and ignite new rivalries. Christina recovered fast and went back to work pounding on the dazed Rachel who was still suffering from that steel chair shot.

The crowd roared in delight as Samantha was stood, leaning over Gemma, making the girl hurt, for a second she thought they were roaring for her… what she should have realised is that Jonica just climbed to the top turnbuckle and launched herself off nailing Samantha with a drop kick to her back!

With a loud “OMPF!” Samantha flies forward, releasing Gemma as they both lay on top of a gasping Justine, crushing the girl! Jonica screams “PILE ON!!!” and stands on Samantha’s back forcing groans of pain and gasps of precious little air from all three fighters beneath her as she jumps up and down!

Suddenly the crowd roar again but a lot of them boo as Metallica‘s Seek & Destroy blasts out over the speakers and Glory sprints to the ring! The 6’2” 170lb Rosario Dawson looking fighting machine slid under the ropes and soon made everyone in that ring regret ever being there…

Glory cleared house with bodies flying everywhere as she Clotheslined, Choke slammed and Stomped girl after girl! As Jonica bounced on the bodies Glory shoved the diminutive Cajun so hard she flew over the top rope, coming crashing down hard on the floor outside! There was a fire in glories eyes as the carnage played out… Samantha was dumped out next, as she leant on the ropes gasping for breath, the oxygen she so desperately craved was cruelly stolen from her by an epic clothesline that smashed across her chest and flipped her 360 over the ropes and down on to the concrete floor.

The violence was epic… but the strangest thing was that the bodies were flying so quickly… she took a second to turn around she saw the 6’1” 150lbs blonde figure known as ‘Supergirl’ Kara doing an equally violent job of smashing skulls… a sinister smile came across Glory’s face as they locked eyes and  she stood back and watched as the new blood went on her own rampage.

Kara picked up Hood, and despite hood only being 10lbs lighter, Kara showed just why she’s known as Supergirl and pressed the street fighter up high above her before dropping her the long way down… Gemma saw that and charged at Kara, but Kara saw it coming and hip tossed the English girl right over the ropes!

The IQ’s, Justine and Vixxxen were up now and double teamed Kara, fists and kicks flying everywhere! She’s taking a heavy beating now as the two fighters knock her back and forth. In unison both girls launch a kick to Kara’s stomach which doubles her over and they wrap her up for a suplex… they heave their backs hard! Trying with all their considerable strength to lift the blonde but Kara doesn’t move… she’s widened her stance and blocked it!

Kara breaks the hold with a roar and as Justine and Vixxxen stagger upright, Kara grips both their throats! Justine in her right hand and Vixxxen in her left! With an unholy scream she lifts BOTH fighters off the ground and SLAMS them both down in a choke slam!!! The crowd go crazy as Kara stands holding her arms outstretched and roaring in a low, guttural, almost Amazonian cry! Justine and Vixxxen soon decide discretion is the better part of valour and roll out of the ring licking their wounds.

As Kara turns she jumps a little to see Glory stood there smiling broadly, The two powerhouses were stood in the centre of the ring and the crowd were screaming as the air turned electric! Glory was the first to act, offering a had to Kara who dutifully took it… this could be the start of a painful friendship… with a nod Kara left Glory to finish the job and left the ring. Christina was so focused on putting the hurt on Rachel she never saw the large boot slam her face and knocker her clean through the ropes in a heap.

It was just Rachel and Glory in the ring now… both were fierce rivals and had no love loss but Glory stood back and allowed Rachel to stand as she gave the Persian her sinister smile. As Rachel gets to her feet unsteady from the sneak attack Christine laid on her, Glory grips her tight! Twisting as she Rock Bottom’s Rachel in the centre of the ring! She gets up looking at her hurting rival and walks over to the corner, grabbing the OPW World Title Belt and hoists it in the air before dropping it across the downed Rachel. Her message was clear… Glory is coming for that belt… As she leaves the ring her music blasts out again as her and Allison share a foul look…

“What the fuck was all that about?” Hood pants as she gathers her wits sat on the floor…

“It was a message…” Gemma answers back ominously

“What the hell? Just give me a strait answer bitch! I just got my ass kicked helping you!” she cries back fatigued and hurting

“Well… Glory’s sending a message to both Rachel and Allison… heavy is the head that wears the crown… she want’s that belt back… and she’ll go through fire to get it… and Rachel…” Gemma pauses

“What about Rachel?” Hood asks

“Rachel’s little camera ploy had a clear intention from the start to the finish… her fans have wavered… she knows that, and she wanted to make a statement. Rachel’s back! But more than that… the change in music, the way in which we all thought she was done for before she just smiled then destroyed Kayla, the way she just tore Allison apart verbally… that may just seem like an angry speech… but every word was chosen with a cold, calm cunning. Designed to unrest Allison’s mind, to plant doubt and insecurity there… to be called out like that, to be told by the woman you idolised how you’ve failed as a fighter, as a woman, as a human being… She wants to hurt Allison’s confidence. And if that seed takes root… if that uncertainty takes hold… Allison Payne is doomed…”
« Last Edit: January 10, 2011, 07:29:14 PM by Gemma Rox »
I'm paranoid and needy. So I think people are talking about me, but not as much as I'd like.


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Re: Louisiana Slamma: an OPW main event
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2011, 10:16:40 PM »
Awesomw, absolutely fucking awesome
Looking for cyber wrestling, pro mainly but open to anything, will wrestle female and male opponents, any age or size. Also into real pro meets, have experience and willing to share it


Offline howardcosell

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Re: Louisiana Slamma: an OPW main event
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2011, 01:03:57 AM »
Okay....  :) what can I say publicly that I haven't already told you privately? When you told me that you wanted to do this card, I was flat out honored that a writer and creative mind of your level would take an interest in this little world of mine. We both know it wasn't easy, but you made it look so easy and you're always excellent in every story, every post, every message, everything that you do. Don't ever doubt it, not for a second. You're the type of friend so many of us wish we had in our "real" lives and you give honest, caring feedback and you've got a big heart here, so you must have a huge one outside of this.

I can't thank you enough for this; I know you wanted to do it and I know how modest you are, but you should take a bow because this was beyond superb and I hope to repay you repeatedly. Bravo, Gemma, Bravo!! :)
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


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Re: Louisiana Slamma: an OPW main event
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2011, 04:11:00 AM »
“Hehehe! Thanks Drew…” she coo’s and gets a look in her eye… kind of like the look a poodle get’s before it starts humping your leg… But soon it’s back to work as she hears Samantha groan…


Great work Gem!  You never cease to amaze me with your incredible imagination!



PS....I'd never miss swinging a banjo....
Bad (Bad) Blood (Blood)
The bitch is in her smile.
The lie is on her lips,
Such an evil child.


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Re: Louisiana Slamma: an OPW main event
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2011, 07:49:09 AM »
Wow! That was amazing with so much action. Gee. And almost managed to upset Rachel - so close with her kicking out twice! But she's one tough bitch, I'll give her that! Now I need loads of TLC with Heather - LOL!  :D :-* :P

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


Offline howardcosell

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Re: Louisiana Slamma: an OPW main event
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2011, 11:00:27 PM »
yes, thanks to Gemma Who Rox, the Kayla/Rachel match that I should've done years ago has happened, and she did waaaaaay better than I ever could have.  :)
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


Offline howardcosell

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Re: Louisiana Slamma: an OPW main event
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2011, 12:08:52 AM »
Now that I finished Ultimate Catfighter, I have to give Gemma another nod for this excellent story she did. Gemma, you can play in my world anytime and you are an amazing person with a huge heart. Don't ever doubt it  :)
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


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Re: Louisiana Slamma: an OPW main event
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2011, 12:15:18 AM »
you are an amazing person with a huge heart. Don't ever doubt it  :)

I never do! hehehe! ;D

I'm just glad people enjoyed it! Kayla & Jessika - I'm so glad you liked it! inparticular Kayla, it's always fun writing with you honey :) you naughty, naughty thing! Jonica, I'm sure you and your Banjo will return to the ring someday ;) A shout out to Marie B who PM'd me with very kind words on it and of course Howard... you're a brave man to let a scatty bitch like me loose in your world! but I'm glad you did, it was a challenging write but so rewarding!

thank you all!

x G x
I'm paranoid and needy. So I think people are talking about me, but not as much as I'd like.