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The Amazon Stadium Jenn Peccavi v Nicole Daniels Round 1

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Offline peccavi

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The Amazon Stadium Jenn Peccavi v Nicole Daniels Round 1
« on: January 23, 2011, 06:02:53 AM »
“Now look Jenn, this is the third week in a row you haven’t come up to quota with your repossessions, The boys are not happy, and I am not happy either.”
I looked at my guy “But Will if there’s no one around what am I supposed to do, break in, steal? I thought there were limits to the job.
“Yeah but the boys are not happy and there’s no money for you or me”
And that means we’re skint again doesn’t it?” I shook my head I couldn’t work out where the money went sometimes. I tried to budget, I know how much we spent for rent and food and all that but I had no idea where the rest went.  Of course Will spent too much on his damn bike. He claimed that the gang  gave him –and me- the chance to earn more money- like the reposession jobs- but I just knew that was just an excuse and I was almost certain that we never made enough from the extras like the repo jobs to cover the biker expenses.
 And it was a problem- a scary problem- when Will said the boys were not happy. I knew what that meant.
Will went on, "Ok we need some cash. There’s one opening you can fight again."
I shook my head. "But Will" my voice tailed off as I saw his eyes. Never had I seen him look more coldly at me. The thought that he might actually like to see me punished flashed across my mind. "Hell” I wondered silently, “ had he heard what I got up to on the beach that morning with that Alonzo guy?"
“Jenn, why not, you trashed Arka’s bitch, you won your last fight at Amazon,  why not fight again? And I didn't see you take out Polly, I want to see you win again"

“It is taking too much out of me, and there’s all the gym fees.”

“Why pay them if you don’t want to fight, give up the gym give up fighting and we will have more money. But if you want to train to fight then fight. It makes no sense otherwise.”
“He’s got you there” my dark side told me. “You want to fight, you love seeing the bitch lying beneath you. Stop pretending, you can’t wait to get back in that ring. You’re two faced.”
“And I know, seriously, that you love it, you are so hot, sex is so good after you fight! You’re hot all the time, you’re good in bed. Always. You’re always wanting it, always wanting your pleasure, always getting it too. and always making me happy.” He smiled, “but when you fight you’re even better- and,” he half smiled, “you are so eager you don’t wait till bed.”
He was right, the last time I’d fought in the ring-when I fought that bitch Polly Will was caught at work. He got home a few moments before I did, he had just got his boots off. I was giving him a blow job while he got the rest of his gear off and then another go in the shower.

“It’s pathetic, you’re an animal with an animal’s lust! You fight, you have sex, you can’t call it making love. There is no love in what you do.” My dark side sneered. “You’re always aggressive, always domineering; always wanton- with Will, with other guys, with your subbies.”

Then he said "you’d be fighting Michelle Daniels. She’s in some deep shit too.” I knew about that; she blamed me for it. She was half right too- she had needed taking down after the fight in the bar. I set her up but it was her own foolishness that got her into the shit. Will went on.” It would be the two of you. I know you wanted to fight her, I know she wants to fight you.”
I bristled, that slut had been bad mouthing me all over the stadium, calling me a coward, she had made trouble for me with the captains of Will’s biker gang, the Deerhunters. It hadn’t got very far, in fact it boomeranged – she just got deeper into the crap. Served her right-she dug her own grave. But she needed to be put in her place.

" Two tough women. Purse of two grand  for the winner. Top of the bill too"

 So there I was in the ring, Will and Cassie standing on the side next to my corner, Daniels and her bunch opposite. We met for the obligatory, stupid hand shake. She hissed, “Having trouble with the outfit?"

I bit back my response. She knew the guys were onto Will and me. How I didn’t know but I could guess- she was probably fucking every gang captain she could. After all she had to try to get out of her own mess. And she lived with her legs permanently spread open.

“Yeah and so do you!” my dark side snapped.

So I came out wanting to score the first shot, I attacked hard when the bell rang aiming a hard punch at her chin. As if expecting that attack- perhaps she thought her insult would inflame me-, Daniels side stepped the punch. She threw her elbow up, slamming my cheek. It would have hit my nose or even my eye had I not swung my head at the last moment. The elbow hurt, I grunted. Swinging my head put me off my aim as she sidestepped; my follow up punch aimed for her belly instead glanced on her side.
I followed her, aiming right fist punches at her ribs, keeping my left close to my body to parry hers. She did the same, we circled, some of my blows hit the target some she deflected. Some of hers hit, some I deflected. But mine hit harder, I had a weight advantage. After less than a minute she was wheezing.
I caught her in a clinch. Holding her with my left hand I powered my right into her tummy, twice. Each hit, and with each hit there was that oh so satisfying whoosh of air from her lungs. I was bringing my fist back for the third punch when the slut gouged at my left eye with her right thumb, her fingers raking my cheeks.
I groaned, pushing my hand up to protect my face, my vision blurred from the injury to my eye, my cheek bleeding. I kicked out, trying mainly to put some distance between us. It did, for a moment. The bitch kept to my left side, sending punches which I couldn’t parry well- hell i could hardly see them. I kept backing off. I sent a few punches but she danced away and they did me no good.
In a minute or less I’d run out of room, Daniels had shepherded me against the ropes. But my vision was starting to recover, sure I couldn’t see as well as I’d want but at least I could focus. She came within my reach, aiming for a knock out blow. I kicked hard, hitting her thigh. She grunted and stepped back.
I closed on her, grabbing her about the waist, wrestling her, using my weight advantage, turning her round. I wanted to slam her into the turnbuckle, she struggled, she pushed, I got her into the ropes but that was all. I tried to force her head back, I wanted to get her head under one of the ropes. I saw her hand reaching for my face again, I backed off.
Again we circled each other. Again we traded punches. Again mine- when they hit did more damage. But the difference between the start of the fight and then was that I still couldnt see too well out of my left eye,, Daniels was using this, she stayed on my left side, sending punches in hard and often. This time it was me grunting and gasping, her punches came fast, furious, sharp and hard. I couldn’t see well enough to block them. She was punishing me. All because of that damn eye gouge.
“Don’t say you don’t fight dirty, you clawed Cheylynne’s pussy” my dark side told me
“She would have  put me out with her scissors otherwise” I tried to defend myself. “Daniels did it early in the fight.”
“You know the rule ‘do to them what you know they  can do to you only do it first’” The dark side wasn’t buying.
I pushed forward , grabbing Daniels in a headlock, wrestling the bitch to her knees. She got her hands round my waist and pulled me down; we collapsed in a heap on the mat; rolling, slapping, kicking, pummeling each other as we fought to get on top. For a moment I succeeded, I pushed up, my hands pinning her shoulders as I rose, I almost  straddled her, till she brought her knees up into my back pounding it three times. Each time she pushed and clawed at my chin.
We each scrambled to our feet. I attacked, aiming to keep my right side nearest her, I kicked my right foot high, it hit her gut as she got up. It sent her back against the ropes, she rebounded. She escaped my attempt to grab her. Again we circled warily. Again we traded punches, this time we kicked as well.  I was worn, I was hurting bad, I still couldn’t focus and as before each of her shots did damage, and her shots hit home more than mine did.  I caught her foot, I raised it high but she punched my gut and I had to let go.
I closed on her, I body slammed her into the turnbuckle. She moaned. I tried a second slam. She grabbed two clumps of my hair. She pulled my face hard as she swung her head back then forward. I turned my head just in time to avoid the full force of her head butt. It would have broken my nose. As it was it hurt, it almost stunned me. I dropped back breathing heavily.
She attacked, but foolishly she closed on me. If she had kept her distance as she had before she would have finished me off. Closing was risky; it let me use my weight. I slammed two hard punches into her tummy. She groaned with each. She grabbed my shoulders; I just knew she would have fallen to her knees if she didn’t hold on to me. I sent my knee up into her belly.
She crumbled to her knees, her hands clutching my butt for support. Oh yes, a bit more and I will have the slut!
She slid her hands up as if to grasp my sides for support to stand. She slammed her head forward, straight into my tummy. Her head sank in deep, almost winding me.  Her hands held me tightly. She sent another head butt in. I moaned in pain. She let go. I staggered back, my arms wind milling, till I was stopped by the ropes. I lent back against them fighting for breath.
Daniels advanced, I scurried away. She kept me close to the ropes, shepherding me towards the turnbuckle. If she got me there I was done for! I punched, it surprised her, it hit her boobs. She gasped. I punched again, again it hit,  I stepped forward, hoping to escape her trap.
Instead I slumped to my knees. The bitch had kicked me in the cxnt. Groaning in pain I clutched my wounded pussy.  I wanted to barf. “No, no” I groveled as Daniels came closer. Yeah me groveling. The bitch had used such a low cheap shot.

“Oh yes slut, that was for Cherylynne” Daniels hissed. “This,” she grabbed my hair, dragging me to the turnbuckle, “is for me!” She slammed my head against the unyielding post.

I groaned, I clutched the turnbuckle to stop sinking completely to the mat. “Look Will Chartwell, look at your slut now!” Daniels hissed. “She can’t fight!”

I closed my eyes; I didn’t want to see Will right in front of me. Daniels pulled one of my hands from the turnbuckle, she dragged me half round. She kneed me in the tummy. “No, no, please no more.” I begged.

“Louder” Daniels insisted. “Chartwell, I hope you see how pathetic she is!” She dragged me by the hair to the next turnbuckle. Cassie was standing below it. “So slut, see just how pathetic your mistress is. She can’t save you, she can’t help you.” She slammed me into that turnbuckle as well. I was punchdrunk I could hardly see, I was dazed. In some fog of pain and rage- rage at the cheap shot that had put me in this – I was dragged round to the other two turnbuckles. She slammed me in each. Then she dragged me back to the first again. She slammed me into it. Twice. The second was too much. I blacked out.

I knew no more until cold water splashed over my face reviving me.
Cassie- yes Cassie- helped me out of the ring and up to the change rooms. She had me checked out by the stadium doctor who gave me some pain killers but said I’d be fit to fight in a week or so. That was the last thing on my mind. I didn’t want to fight, I couldn’t , I was so weak, so destroyed as to rely on Cassie. I told Cassie “I’ll be ok pet, thanks for helping me.” I had some pride, there was just no way I wanted a subbie like her looking after me. And I knew Cassie would gossip about it, she would keep reminding me of this, the vindictive mean bitch.

I pushed the door to my change room open. The blood drained from my face. I clutched the wall for support. Daniels was on her knees blowing Will. She turned, his shaft slid out of her mouth. She hissed, “Loser, you lost, now I’m giving your guy what he needs, what you don’t give him enough!”
“Will” I gasped. I walked over, without even getting up to her feet, Daniels punched me in the pussy again. I crumpled to the floor sobbing in rage, humiliation and pain.
“She just came in while I was waiting for you, knelt, pulled my shorts down and blew me. What am I supposed to do?”
\My dark side told me I was pathetic, I was a loser. As if I didn’t know that.

Daniels guided Will’s cock back into her mouth and blew him till he came. She stood up, she walked over to where I was, still weeping, and spat his cum on my face. “Loser!” she walked out.
Will stepped over. I tried to slap his face. “How dare you!”

He intercepted my arm, twisting it, holding it away from him. He kneed me in the gut. “Don’t ever try to hit me again bitch!”

“Will you’re drunk.” His breath reeked of beer.

“Shut it and listen. I put money on you, I expected you to win, I put the outfit’s money on you. And you lost. And now what the fuck are we going to do. I’ve lost it. How do I explain it. “

I felt even worse. He went on, but switched, as so many drunks do from being aggressive to being maudlin. “Jenn I’ve been gambling, that’s why we have no money. I will have to give it up. Or the boys will do something – you know what they are like. You’ll end up floating on your face in the Lake. And Daniels knows all this. Yeah the bitch set me up. She knew I’d drunk too much, she knew the boys saw me in the fight, she guessed I’d put the boys’ money on the match. She didn’t give me head to make me feel good, she did it to show who is in charge.

“Jenn what are we going to do?”

I didn’t have any answer to that. What could I do except hang in with Will; two timing bastard though he was.
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Offline peccavi

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Re: The Amazon Stadium Jenn Peccavi v Nicole Daniels Round 1
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2011, 06:04:26 AM »
My thanks to the original of Daniels- who was on this site a while back but seems to have disappeared for the ideas, and to the Scribbler for his editing and his ideas too. Thank you both you and my other editors are more collaberators who help me write better stories.
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Offline Jonica

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Re: The Amazon Stadium Jenn Peccavi v Nicole Daniels Round 1
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2011, 06:41:04 PM »
I really, really, really, hope you start writing more.....


Bad (Bad) Blood (Blood)
The bitch is in her smile.
The lie is on her lips,
Such an evil child.


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Re: The Amazon Stadium Jenn Peccavi v Nicole Daniels Round 1
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2011, 04:07:14 PM »
I loved both of these Amazon Stadium stories! inparticular the way the character of Jenn is portrayed so drastically different than in 'Cassie's Revenge' yet remains at all times the same character. In Cassie's story Jenn is this force of nature, powerful, commanding, a true pillar of strength as you're seeing her through the eyes of a submissive pet... yet in Jenn's tales, she's riddled with self doubt and conflicting emotions, she holds this daemon inside of her that weakens her, she's almost as far away from the dominearing force as possible, yet still the core make up of the character is firmly Jenn! you never question the fact that it's the same character, you just revel in the cunning use of perciption and slant running through your tales

great work Jenn :) always a pleasure to read your stuff!

x G x
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Re: The Amazon Stadium Jenn Peccavi v Nicole Daniels Round 1
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2011, 06:29:43 PM »
Adverse circumstances always seem to bring out the best in you, Jenn.

But not this time!



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Re: The Amazon Stadium Jenn Peccavi v Nicole Daniels Round 1
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2011, 08:43:03 PM »
Thank you all.
Joniica I am trying to write more but as I've said much gets in the way at times.

Gemma thank you for your character comments, that is what I am trying to do- different people see things differently and so it is with my characters.

There will be a series of stories recounting Jenn's battles with Daniels. Look at the timeline for some and see the rest as they come.
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Re: The Amazon Stadium Jenn Peccavi v Nicole Daniels Round 1
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2011, 06:04:27 AM »
One word comes to mind to describe what I thing of that story...

R-I-V-E-T-I-N-G ! *

* As in, from line to line, I just could not wait to get the the next one !

VERY descriptive (just how I like my catfight stories) and very "deep", as far the characters motivations, feelings ect...

... the fact that the fight itself was very well rendered and even (i.e. momentum chnaging back and worth) also helps (LOL)

The lone negative point I might make about this story is that it... puts me to shame as a (so called) catfight story writter... but, what the h..., at least it gave me some very fun reading !


Offline peccavi

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Re: The Amazon Stadium Jenn Peccavi v Nicole Daniels Round 1
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2011, 06:11:32 AM »
dear Pat, you suffer from acute negative thoughts. Your stories are so good. I modelled one of mine on yours (remember your story airline story where one girl after another kept coming into the fight- it gave me a lot of help with my last Cassie story posted).

I know what they are like - I too have them. People tell me that I worry too much, perhaps that is so; I know it is so for you.

Thanks for the kind words.

Your friend

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Re: The Amazon Stadium Jenn Peccavi v Nicole Daniels Round 1
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2011, 05:14:33 AM »
dear Pat, you suffer from acute negative thoughts. Your stories are so good. I modelled one of mine on yours (remember your story airline story where one girl after another kept coming into the fight- it gave me a lot of help with my last Cassie story posted).

I know what they are like - I too have them. People tell me that I worry too much, perhaps that is so; I know it is so for you.

Thanks for the kind words.

Your friend


Merci... (now, where do you click for the "blushing" smilie ? LOL)


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Re: The Amazon Stadium Jenn Peccavi v Nicole Daniels Round 1
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2011, 06:52:00 AM »
Tch, tch, sorry Jenn for your loss! This time!  ::) Am sure we're in for a treat as you battle others in this promising new series!  :P :D :-* ;)

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


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Re: The Amazon Stadium Jenn Peccavi v Nicole Daniels Round 1
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2011, 07:11:13 AM »
Ms. Jenn,

Your stories always come to life, they jump off the page right in the mind & imagination of the reader. It's like we're living it instead of just reading it. Every action, every emotion, every inner thought are so perfectly related ... I always look forward to the next Ms. Jenn epic!   :) :-*


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We don't get old, we just get younger
When we're flying down the highway
Riding in our Indian Cars