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please vote-1 day only interactive story-Wife-foxy boxer/Mistress Jean

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Some of you might remember Head Mistress Jean viciously spanked little Robert's ass in summer camp, & then had a fist fight with Robert's mother.,2905.0.html

Robert has sent me another request. It seems that he has been obsessed about thinking of what would happen if his young wife were to get into a fight with Head Mistress Jean. He hasn't seen Head Mistress Jean since the day she beat up his mom Becky & totally humiliated her in front of a crowd at summer camp when he was young. He says that this was the most horrifying experience of his life. He pictures Jean exactly as she was on the day she beat up his mom, & he describes his wife Margo as 6'1", 160lbs, 34DD-23-34, short to medium length dark brown hair & a milky white complexion. Margo is a tough  23 years old Irish woman who worked her way through college by being a foxy boxer, & Robert says she is the toughest of all the foxy boxing woman during the four years she did it.

Robert has actually found some pictures on the internet from the summer camp & I have seen a few pictures of Head Mistress Jean who is much prettier & sexier than I had imagined she was. I also noted that Jean wore big rings on almost all of her fingers & I wouldn't want to get punched in the face with all of those big, heavy rings. Head Mistress Jean is 48 years old, she has medium long red hair, 6', 200lbs. 38DD-32-38 and after she beat Robert's mother up, she took Roberts mother over her knee & spanked her ass in front of all the kids & their parents on visitors day at summer camp.

I have also seen pictures of Margo. As much as his early experience might have effected his life, he has been blessed with a wife who is drop dead gorgeous, & so sexy I couldn't stop looking at her pictures. Margo wrote to me & she says that she would like nothing more than to beat Jean up over & over again until she is a crying bloody mess, & then she would terrorize her & humiliate her over & over again for days.

So I find Head Mistress Jean for you, & during the spring, fall & winter she is an S&M Mistress in a big city only 45 minutes from where you live Robert. I called Mistress Jean & I tell her the story of how many years ago you went to her summer camp & misbehaved, & how she spanked you severely & that when your mom came the next day she beat your mom up & spanked her ass too. Jean laughed & although she remembered the exact story, she told me that this was not a one time event, she had many mothers who thought that they would avenge their childrens punishment & she was forced to fight them. She laughed & said that she gets off on taking control of woman that think that they are tough, & that she would look for the children who's mother was really pretty & sexy, & had that attitude.

Jean had this sadistic laugh & I could tell that she was serious when she said that she remembered Robert's mother Becky because she was tougher than most of the woman she has had fights with & she actually gave her a fight. She also revealed that she was so turned on by Becky that she had orgasm after orgasm just spanking her ass & taking complete control of her, & that she had fantasized being able to keep the tough little bitch as her pet, & her sex slave. She told me how she gets woman who don't believe that they can be dominated, & she gets wives that want to beat her up because their husbands are her slaves, & she admitted that her favorite fantasies are of an extremely angry, hot, beautiful, sexy woman that thinks she is tough wants to fight her.

She laughed & told me that the humiliation that Robert's mother was very mild & pails in comparison of what she gets off on doing & that in her alternative world of S&M she would have had Becky licking & sucking & worshiping every inch of her body with her tongue. She laughed viciously again when she said "& just wait until you see what I will do to her with my huge dildo. Oh yes, you will get quite a show." I sent Mistress Jean the pictures of Margo, & I told her about her foxy boxing, & how she was the toughest of 24 foxy boxers, but Mistress Jean laughed & told me that she Margo's pictures have her dripping wet, & it doesn't matter how tough Margo thinks she is, & that she would take great pleasure in taking complete control of Margo & making Margo her sex slave. When I told Robert & Margo what Mistress Jean said, Margo laughed & said she couldn't wait to get her hands on this fat cow. I called Mistress Jean up to set up the fight & Mistress Jean suggested that I bring Robert over to her dungeon so that she could meet him & talk to him. Margo wasn't very happy about it, but Robert & I talked her into it.

 It had been over 15 years since Head Mistress Jean had viciously spanked his ass bloody & black & blue, & beat the shit out of his mother Becky & spanked her ass bloody & black & blue. Robert is now taller than Mistress Jean at 6'2", & he is a grown man, & he has been waiting for years to see his super sexy wife Margo beat the shit out of Mistress Jean and the thought of Margo humiliating tough Mistress Jean over & over again gets his cock hard as a rock. Margo was quite confident that she can kick Jean's ass & she made Robert promise to call right away so she could come over & kick the fat cow's ass.

Robert is really nervous on the way to Mistress Jean's dungeon, & it didn't take long once inside for Jean to take notice just how nervous he is. She made a comment & when Robert said "no, I'm not nervous," Mistress Jean grabbed Robert's ear roughly, & Robert screamed as Mistress Jean forced him to the floor on his hands & knee's. Jean is laughing as she said, "so your tough wife thinks she's going to come to my dungeon & beat the shit out of me." Robert tried to pull away crying out, "cut it out, you're hurting me," but Jean had a firm grip on his ear & she twisted it even harder screaming, "you disobedient moron, you are to answer the Mistress when she speaks to you, do you understand me." Robert again tries to pull away crying out, get off of me you stupid bitch, don't make me hurt you."

Mistress Jean was infuriated & she walked around behind Robert & she grabbed his other ear too. She was twisting both of Robert's ears as she pushed him over onto his stomach on the ground. Then Mistress Jean sat down right on his back & she was laughing as she twisted his ears saying, "you have the nerve to call your Mistress a stupid bitch, & to threaten to hurt me. I'll hurt you & I'll make you my stupid bitch. I guess the spanking I gave you years ago didn't teach you anything, but now I'm going to teach you to respect your Mistress. I'll teach you to be obedient. Robert was trying to raise up, but Mistress Jean outweighs Robert by 25 lbs. & she's sitting right on his back & he can't get her off.

Robert Called out "Johnny help me, get this crazy bitch off of me." Mistress Jean looked up at me & said, "you are just here to speculate, but if you want to get involved I'll knock the shit out of you & make you sorry you ever started fuckin trouble, you got it." Jean let go of Roberts ears & she grabbed the back of his short fuckin hair & she started "bang, bang, bang." smacking his face over & over again against the cement floor of the dungeon. Robert was screaming, "trying to raise up & crying out, "get off, get off of me you fuckin cow, you're hurting me." Jean raised up over him & grabbed his shoulders & pulled him right over onto his back. Jean really didn't care, she balled her right fist up hard & tight & Mistress Jean had on all of these big, heavy rings & she smashes them "bang," right into Robert's nose, & you could hear Jean's big rings crack against the bone of his nose & blood started rolling from his nose.

Robert's face turned beet red & I could tell he didn't know whether to cry or to try & get Mistress Jean off of him as tears welled in his eyes & she tried to buck & kick & shove Mistress Jean off of him. Jean bashes Robert's nose "bang," again with those rings & now blood was really rolling from his nose. Then Jean grabbed his arms & she held them easily down to the ground & then she raises up over him pinning his arms with her knee's. She renders Robert totally helpless. Tears start to roll from Robert's eyes & he cry's out, "please stop, I'm begging you." Mistress Jean grabs Roberts hair with her right hand & she yanks his head up off of the ground so that she is looking right into his eyes & she screams, "alright Robert, you want me to stop beating you up, then tell me that you're my slave, tell me that you are going to be obedient & do whatever I tell you to do, & from now on you are to address me as Mistress when you want to speak to me." Robert is crying & pathetically he cry's out, "I"m your slave Mistress. I'm your fuckin slave Mistress. I'll do whatever you tell me to do Mistress."

Jean is laughing & she says, "now slave, you better apologize for calling your Mistress a stupid bitch, & you better apologize for threatening to hurt me." Mistress jean was in complete control of Robert & submissively Robert cry's out, "I'm sorry for calling you a stupid bitch Mistress. I'm sorry for threatening to hurt you Mistress."  Mistress Jean gets up off of Robert & she walks over to her chair & she sits down & she crosses her legs. Mistress Jean laughs as she screams, "alright slave, now you're going to crawl over on your hands & knee's & lick & suck my feet, now get over here bitch." Robert is pathetic, he's totally submissive to Mistress Jean now, & he doesn't hesitate as slowly he gets up onto his hands & knee's & he crawls right over to where Jean is sitting & Mistress Jean takes her right high heel off & screams, suck my toes whore."

Robert is crying like a little school boy as he reaches up & he grabs Mistress Jean's right foot & he holds it right up to his mouth & he starts rubbing it back & forth across his lips & kissing her foot. Jeans face turns beet red, & she stands up abruptly & she steps right into her high heel. Then she takes the sharp point of her sharp high heel & she kicks Robert "boom," right in his ribs. Robert moans "aaaahhh," as he puts his hands to his side & he starts rubbing the pain. Mistress Jean grabs Roberts short hair with her right hand & Robert is crying pathetically & screaming from the pain of having his hair ripped right out of his head as Mistress Jean drags him up onto his wobbly legs screaming, "now take your pants off slave."

Robert had no idea of what Mistress Jean was going to do to him as slowly Robert lowered his pants. Mistress Jean said "now take off your underwear." Robert lowered his under pants as Jean sat down of her chair again screaming, "Now slave, lay down across my lap. Its quite apparent that the last spanking I gave you didn't teach you a thing, but this time slave, you will learn to be submissive to me. You will learn how to be a very obedient slave, do you understand me." Robert is scared, he's so scared he's shaking in fear, & he's crying like a baby, but he doesn't
move an inch. Jean gets up & as she does she reaches forward & she grabs Robert by the top of his shirt with her left hand & she pulls him forward as she sends her right fist plowing full force "bang," right into Robert's chin." You can hear Roberts teeth bang together & chatter in his head & Robert is knocked silly, his eyes start swimming around in his fuckin head, & his legs got all wobbly.

Jean is holding Robert up on his wobbly, rubbery legs. Jean is crazed & she starts jerking Robert forward into her fist. She hammering it "bang, bang, bang," right into Robert's nose, & Robert, his head is swinging back & forth & back & forth like a floppy doll under Jean's hard punches. Jean is crazy & she's knocking Robert's nose in. She's bashing his fuckin face in with her big heavy rings & you can hear the fuckin bone of his nose break under her rings & blood is gushing from Robert's nose. Robert is crying hysterically & his knee's just buckle under him & Robert falls over submissively on his hands & knee's & he leans forward & starts feverishly licking Mistress Jeans foot, Pathetically looking up for a second crying out, "please Mistress, I'll do whatever you tell me to do. I'm begging you Mistress, I'm your slave, please don't beat me up any more."

Mistress Jean pulls her foot away & she walks right over to her chair again & she sits down & crosses her legs screaming, "you better lay down across my lap right now you pathetic slut, or I'll really knock the fuckin shit out of you." Robert bends over & lays down right across Mistress' Jeans lap. Jean is laughing as she uses her right hand to hold Robert's head down & she takes the open palm of her right hand & "bam," she smacks the right side Robert's ass. Then "boom," she slaps the left cheek of his ass. She starts "bam, bam, bam, bam, spanking Robert's ass, first one cheek, then the other, "bam, bam, bam, bam," screaming, "I've waited a long time now to make you my slave. I've waited a long time to teach you obedience you whore.." She just keeps on "bam, bam, bam, bam," smacking his ass & Robert's ass first starts turning pink, & then swelling up & turning red, & Mistress Jean is leaving huge bloody red welt marks on Robert's ass.

Is this how it felt the last time Robert. Your fantasy is finally coming true again. She's "bam, bam, bam, bam," spanking his ass again & again & now Robert's ass is really swollen & black & blue & purple, & her ass is all covered in blood. Mistress Jean screamed, "alright Johnny, get Robert's tough wife on the phone." Then Jean said "give me that phone," & Jean laughs as she hears Margo pick up the phone. Jean says, "this must be Margo. This is Mistress Jean, listen to this." Jean holds the phone down right near Robert's ass as she starts "bam, bam, bam, bam," smacking the shit out of Robert's ass again. She's "bam, bam, bam, bam," spanking Robert's bloody, blue & purple ass like spanking a baby, & Mistress Jean holds the phone back up to her head & she's laughing as she screams, "that is the sound of my hand spanking your wimpy husbands ass bloody." Then she holds the phone up near Robert's face as he's crying like a little girl, "stop, please I'm begging you" but

Mistress Jean is crazy & she's really getting off on this. She stops spanking Robert & she screams, "tell your wife what I did to you slave." Robert is crying & whimpering pathetically & desperately he starts crying out, "help me Margo, she beats me up. She knocked the shit out of me. Help me, please, I'm bleeding, I think she broke my nose." Mistress Jean holds the phone up to her ear again & she's laughing as she said, your husband is such a wimp." Margo is infuriated & I can hear her threatening & cursing at Mistress Jean." Mistress Jean said, "why don't you just come over here you stupid bitch. I hear that you think your so fuckin tough. I'm going to knock the shit out of you you fuckin big mouth, & then I'll make you my slave, you're going to do whatever I tell you to do, just like your pathetic, slave husband. I've seen your picture & I'm very turned on, & I just can't wait to have such a hot sexy woman like you eat my pussy clean. I'll take great pleasure teaching you how to be my very obedient slave." Margo was screaming, "what's your address, tell me where you are."

Mistress Jean handed me the phone & told me to tell Margo where we are. I told Margo that I wouldn't come over if I were her, but she was infuriated & she couldn't wait to come over. Mistress Jean grabbed the phone out of my hand & now I can see she has Robert bent over a chair and this huge erect rubber dildo strapped onto herself. Jean laughed as she said, "you better hurry up Margo, your weak, pathetic husband is a real wimp. He's a fuckin cry baby, but while your on your way over here, I want you to think about how I'm going to kick your ass just like I beat the shit out of your pathetic wimp husband. I'll make you my slave, you're going to do whatever I tell you to do. I'll strap on my dildo & fuck you right up your ass with it, & then I'll shove it right into your fuckin mouth & force you to suck it clean. Now listen to this bitch," Mistress Jean grabs Robert by his hair & she leans over & she sticks that big rubber cock deep into Robert's ass, & Robert was pathetic as his eyes almost bulged right out of his head, & he let out a bloodcurdling scream, he was screaming like a wounded animal "aaaaahhhhh, aaaaahhhhhh.

There is a pounding at the door, "knock, knock, knock, knock, then it stopped for a second & then "bang, bang, bang, bang,' knocking harder. Margo is inpatient

What do you think will happen when Margo walks in?
Anyone want to write the story?

Mistress Jean opens the door & Margo storms past her screaming, "where is Robert." She walks right into the large dungeon room & she see's her husband on a cross attached to the wall, suspended like Jesus Christ, totally naked with a ball gag in his mouth. Margo turns around to face Mistress Jean and she puts her hands on her hips screaming, "I'v been waiting a long time for this you bitch." Mistress Jean puts her hands on her hips screaming, "Robert told me how tough you think you are. I just love breaking & controlling sluts that think they are tough. I will make you my whore. I will make you beg me to be my slave and I will make you sorry you ever came here to start trouble with me."

Margo put her fists up screaming, "alright cow, put your fists up & fight me." Jean walked toward Margo with her hands held up in front of herself to grab Margo's hair, but Margo pounded her left fist "bang," into Jean's chin swinging her head back & forth. The punch wasn't hard enough to do much damage, but it was enough to stop Jean in her tracks. Then with her right fist she hits her. Margo sends her right fist plowing full force "bang," right into Jeans' nose, swinging her head back, & when Jean's head came forward again, a little blood was trickling from her nose. Jean grew visibly angry & she held her hands up lunging at Margo, trying to grab her hair again. Margo stepped sideways & she pounded her left fist "bam," right into Jean's right eye, & then Margo came swinging around & she sent her right fist plowing into Jean's nose again. Jeans head snapping her head back from the full force of the hard punch, & Jean stumbled backwards a couple of steps on her high heels with blood rolling from her nose.

Jean puts her hand to her nose & seeing her own blood Jean becomes infuriated and her face starts turning red as she screams "you're going to be quite sorry you did that bitch." Jean raised her fists up screaming, "alright, you wanna fight, you really wanna fight, I'll fuckin fight you Margo. I'm going to knock you unconscious you stupid bitch, & then I'm going to make you my bitch." Margo raises her fist up too & the two woman just stand there, both of them with their fists raised like men ready to fist fight, each woman wants to knock the shit out of the other woman, & you can just tell that this is going to be a really good fist fight. They start to circle each other, checking each other out. Margo raises up onto her toes & she starts dancing around Jean faking lefts & rights at her face, while Mistress Jean is standing there flat footed as she keeps turning around facing Margo.

Margo goes after Jean. She sends her right fist right at Jean's face again, but this time Jean is ready for her. Jean manages to raise her left hand up & she blocks Margo's punch, & with her own right fist she sends it plowing full force, "bang," right into Margo's chin. Margo is seeing stars as her head snaps back & Margo goes stumbling backwards on her high heels & she almost falls over. Jean goes right after Margo & she grabs Margo's