Suzy is now on top of Melisa and both struggle hard to gain leverage. SMACK! Suzy slams a backhanded slap across Melisa's face. Melisa's lower lip starts bleeding. Suzy now starts to choke her rival with both her hands. Melisa struggles hard to push her away but Suzy is able to keep her pinned thanks to her weight. Melisa now tries to grab Suzy's throat but Suzy fends her off with her elbows. Melisa is grunting in pain as Suzy's hold becomes more stronger. Melisa's eyes start watering and suddenly Melisa's hand reaches over Suzy's breast and she grabs and twists it with all her power. Suzy is completely taken by surprise and shrieks out in pain letting go of Melisa's throat. Melisa grabs Suzy's hair and throws her off her. Both of them are lying on the carpet their eyes still on each other. They get on their knees, their breathing is hard and fast. Neither of them wants to give an inch. However they both look tired. Suzy is sweating more and breathing harder. They both lunge at the same time, grabbing each others biceps. Melisa is able shove Suzy down and get on top of her. Melisa grabs Suzy's hair with both her hands and starts pounding it on the soft carpet. Suzy struggles desperately to throw Melisa off but is unable to. Suzy's head is throbbing in pain as it hits the floor again and again. Despite the carpet the pain is unbearable. Melisa slaps Suzy 3-4 times on the face. Suzy's nose starts bleeding. Melisa is now sitting on Suzy's breasts and has her completely pinned. She again slaps her in the face. It seems that Suzy is too tired and is unable to throw off her opponent.
Melisa grabs Suzy by her long hair and drags her around then she kicks her in the abdomen and throws her face first on the carpet. Clumps of Suzy's hair get stuck in Melisa's fingers and she blows them off. Suzy is sobbing but tries to get up. Melisa jumps on her back and twists her right hand back as in a hammerlock. She twists Suzy's hand more and Suzy yells in pain. Melisa taunts her "well bitch, who deserves him now? eh!" Suzy is humiliated and angry. Melisa is on top of Suzy, pulling back Suzy's right hand with her right. Melisa shifts her body further and grabs Suzy in a headlock with her left hand. Suzy is in immense pain and shouts out in agony. Melisa asks her " Do you give up bitch?" Suzy only cries out in pain. I step in and ask Suzy if she wanted to give up.
"NO!!!" yells Suzy. Melisa is surprised but she does not let up. After two more minutes of dishing out pain Suzy yells "let go, you are breaking my arm." Melisa lets go of her headlock and sits on her back slapping the back of her rivals head.
I had never imagined that my girlfriend and my best friend would fight like this. I had a huge erection.
Melisa walks over to me and feels my erection she takes my cock in her hand and is fondling it. Suzy was is quietly sobbing in pain. She looks at us and sees this. I can still sense fight in her. The look of pure hatred is on her face. She slowly gets up rubbing her right arm which is all red and her nose still bleeding. She steps towards us. Melisa notices my expression and turns around. She says "Hope you are satisfied with the beating you got."
"Its not over" Suzy spits.
Melisa is erupts in anger when she realizes that Suzy still wants to fight. I step in between and tell them to take a break for 15 minutes. I give them hot towels so they can clean up their faces. After the break, Melisa says "This time I will finish you off"
Suzy replies " Its my turn to dish out the punishment bitch!"
Melisa stretches her hands with open fingers challenging Suzy to a test of strength. Suzy clasps her fingers into Melisa's and the test begins. Suzy is already in pain due to the hammerlock and Melisa is quickly able to push her rival back into the wall. The moment Melisa has Suzy pinned against the wall she slams her knee into Suzy's stomach. She repeats it 7-8 times. Suzy is completely out of breath and doubles over. Melisa lifts Suzy by her bra straps and POW! lands a hard backslap on her breasts. Suzy shouts in agony tears start forming in her eyes. Melisa pushes away Suzie's hands covering her breasts and lands another strong backhanded slap on the tender skin. Suzie is in unbearable pain and runs away from Melisa. Melisa quickly grabs her from behind swivels her and throws her on the floor. Suzy lies there in featal position. Melisa comes over to my side and kises me for a long time.
My girlfriend then taunts Suzy "do you give up now fat cow." Getting no response, she walks towards her rival and jumps on her. Suzy is playing possum and lifts her knees up and Melisa lands on them hard. Melisa gets the wind knocked out of her and she lies on the floor wincing in pain. Seizing her opportunity, Suzy grabs both of Melisa's hands and pulls them back. Melisa is on her knees and cannot do anything to get out of this position. Suzy continues to apply pressure and pull them back. Melisa shouts in pain. Suzy then puts her foot in the middle of Melisa's back and pulls at her hands. Tears of pain roll down from Melisa's eyes. Suzy says triumphantly "Do YOU give up, you skanky bitch! Or do do I have to break your back?". Melisa breathes in deeply and uses all her strength to straighten her arms and pull Suzy towards her. Suzy kicks Melisa in the abdomen and lets go of the hold. Suzy grabs Melisa by her hair and is about to slap her when Melisa catches Suzy's arm and twists it around. With her other hand Melisa grabs Suzy's hair and pushes her right into the wall. Suzy is dazed and a gash appears on her forehead. Melisa drops her to the floor and tears out her bra and starts mauling her breasts with both her hands. Suzy starts crying and bursts out " are hurting me..please stop"
Melisa grins and says "do you give up"
Suzy replies " yes (sob) i do...i do..pls let me go"
In front of Suzie we make love like never before. The whole weekend we had the best sex ever with best friend watching and vouching for it.