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Red hair student Eva vs. Brunette sales woman Nadine

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Offline JimmyBondi

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Red hair student Eva vs. Brunette sales woman Nadine
« on: February 18, 2011, 07:54:19 PM »
Eva:           Weight: 135 lbs. (61 kg),  Height: 5'5"   (1.68 m)

Nadine:       Weight: 155 lbs. (71 kg),  Height: 5'9"  (1.74 m)



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Re: Red hair student Eva vs. Brunette sales woman Nadine
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2011, 01:02:12 AM »
Nadine needed her samples, how can she sell anything without her samples, perhaps she won't be a sales rep for too long. She knew the only one who could have stolen them would be Eva the read head school girl that lives next door. Nadine grew more & more angry as the day went by. This wasn't the first time something was missing, a couple of months ago Nadine's watch disappeared and once again, the only person it could have been was Eva. All day Eva kept thinking Eva needs to have the shit slapped out of her, she needs a good spanking & to be taught to be obedient. By 6 pm Nadine couldn't control her anger any more & she decided to go next door & confront that stupid little bitch.

Nadine rings the bell a couple of times, and Nadine is impatient so she pounds on the door. It takes a couple of minutes for Eva to get to the door & by now Nadine is fuming. Eva swings the door wide open, & Eva is dressed in a slinky low cut black minidress, high heels & stockings, but it wasn't her clothes that Nadine was focusing on, it was the gold watch on Eva's wrist, Nadine's gold watch. Nadine loses her temper & she grabs Eva's dress & she hoists her up in the air, holding Eva up, so that Eva's feet are practically dangling in mid air, & she screams right in Eva's shocked face. "I knew you have been stealing from me you stupid little bitch. You are going to give me my samples & my watch. I aught to knock the shit out of you. I should take you right across my knee & spank you until you learn to be respectful of other people's property.

Eve's face turns beet red & now Eva loses her temper & she balls her right fist up hard & tight & she starts "bang, bang, bang, bang," hammering Nadine's face. She smashing Nadine's nose over & over again with short jackhammer blows, & Nadine, her head is swinging back & forth & back & forth until blood is gushing from Nadine's nose, & Nadine lets go of Eva's dress & she puts her hands to her nose as she starts backing away from Eva. Nadine pulls her hands away from her nose & she see's all the blood, & she almost starts crying right then & there as she cry's out, "look at what you did to me you bitch, you fuckin thief, I'm bleeding. How fuckin dare you make me bleed."

Nadine loses her temper & she runs right at Eva, & this time Eva isn't ready for her. Eva throws a weak punch at Nadine, but Eva's punch seems to have no effect on Nadine as Nadine just goes plowing into Eva, full force. She grabs Eva's already torn dress & she shoves her back hard. Eva's dress rips right off of her body in Nadine's hands as Eva stumbles backwards on her high heels until "boom," her body hits the wall hard, & "bang," her head does too. Nadine is infuriated & she walks right up to Eva, wrapping her hands right through Eve's fuckin hair & she starts "bang, bang, bang, bang," hammering Eva's head against the wall. For a moment Eva is seeing stars, fuckin stars, but then Nadine lets go of Eva's hair with her right hand & she balls her right fist up hard & tight & she punches Eva's "bam," right in her left eye, Then she punches her "bam," right in her right eye. Instantly Eva's eyes start to turn pink & get all puffy. Nadine screams, "now I'm going to blacken your eyes you stupid, pathetic little bitch.

Nadine starts "bam, bam, bam, bam," pounding Eva's eyes with her fist. Then she stops & she grabs Eva's hair with her right hand too, & she shoves Eva's head back into the wall again screaming, "I'm going to knock some fuckin sense into you now you stupid little bitch, & then I'll take you over my knee & teach you some fuckin manners." Eva raises her right knee up right in between Nadine's legs. Her knee smashes right into Nadine's cxnt & Nadine groans & her eyes almost bulge out of her head as she lets go of Eva & she puts her hands to her aching cxnt, & Nadine backs away from Eva holding her pain. Eva pushed herself away from the wall, & now Eva is just as infuriated as Nadine. She grabs Nadine's hair with her left hand, & she holds her head up, & with her right fist she starts "bang, bang, bang," throttling Nadine's nose again with her fist. She's knocking Nadine's face in, fuckin bashing Nadine's nose in, & blood is dripping from Nadine's nose & Nadine is scared, she's fuckin terrorized & tears well up in her eyes as she starts crying out, "stop, enough, please stop, you broke my nose, I'm bleeding, you bashed my face in please stop." 

Eva stands there admiring her work. Blood is gushing out of both of Nadine's nostrils, & her eyes are all swollen & black & blue, & she has bloody red welt marks on her cheeks, under her eyes
Nadine is weak & she's punched silly, her eyes are swimming in her fuckin  head Eva is clearly winning at this point, Nadine wasn't prepared for how good Eva fist fights, & Eva has already knocked the shit out of Nadine, but Eva is vicious & she's far from finished with Nadine yet. She grabs Nadine's dress & she shoves her back hard, so hard that Nadine's dress rips right off her body in Eva's hands as Nadine stumbles backwards on her high heels until "boom" her body hits the wall & "bang," her head does too. Nadine is starting to realize that she wasn't prepared for how crazy the young red headed student is, & she holds her hands out in front of herself begging Eva to stop." Stop, you broke my nose, enough please," but Eva is starting to get off on how tough Nadine thought that she was & how beat up & pathetic she is not, & Eva wants to teach Nadine a fuckin lesson.

Eva grabs Nadine's bra with her left hand & she screams right in Nadine's dazed face, "How dare you tell me when to stop, How fuckin dare you tell me when you had enough. I'll tell you when you had enough. You started this Nadine, you thought you were so fuckin tough. you thought that you were going to come to my house & beat me up and teach me a lesson, well you were fuckin wrong. you're not so fuckin tough. I beat you up Nadine. I knocked the shit out of you, & now I'm going to teach you a fuckin lesson. I'm going to make you very sorry you came over here to start fuckin trouble." Nadine has tears steaming down her face, mixing with her blood & her black eye makeup and she is scared, & feebly pushes Eva back crying out, "you broke my nose, oohh, the blood, I have to go to the hospital," but Eva still has a hold of her bra & she pulls her back. Nadine cries out, "stop, let go,"

Eva sends her right fist plowing "boom," right into Nadine's fat cow stomach. Her fist sinks deep into Nadine's flabby gut, & "ooofff," she punches the air right out of Nadine's stomach, & Nadine grabs her aching belly & she doubles over in pain gasping for air. Eva is laughing as she screams, "stand up & fight you fat cow, come on, I thought you were so fuckin tough." Nadine cry's out, "I'm not so tough, please stop, you broke my nose. I'm begging you please stop." Eva laughs & she says, "You don't have any idea how long I'v been waiting for this opportunity to dominate & control you Nadine. Now tell me that I can take anything you own whenever I want. Nadine cry's out, "yes Eva, you can take anything that I own whenever you want." Eva is laughing & she says, "now tell me this watch is mine & apologize for trying to take it from me." Nadine cry's out, "it's your watch Eva, Its your fuckin watch Eva, I'm sorry I came here & tried taking it from you.'

Eva says, "now I'm going to let you clean the house, clean my house spotlessly or I'll take you over my knee & spank your ass bloody & black & blue." Nadine cried out, "OK, I'll clean your house."